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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La incorporación de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TICs) en bibliotecas populares : el caso de la Biblioteca Popular Bernardino Rivadavia en Bahía Blanca

Colubri, María Cristina 06 March 2014 (has links)
Las bibliotecas populares son organizaciones sin fines de lucro cuya importancia está dada por los servicios que presta y en particular por su misión cultural y educadora. Han sido creadas, en nuestro país, en el siglo XIX con la finalidad de proporcionar a toda la población el acceso a la lectura de libros que posibilitan abrir las puertas a un mundo de conocimiento. Precisamente, con el transcurso del tiempo, las tecnologías de la información y comunicación han facilitado extraordinariamente el acceso a un vasto universo y las organizaciones han desarrollado diversas estrategias para incorporar esas herramientas tecnológicas. Las bibliotecas populares de la ciudad de Bahía Blanca constituyen instituciones que cuentan con el reconocimiento de la comunidad a la que dan sus servicios y tratan de satisfacer las necesidades educativas de todos los segmentos sean niños, jóvenes o mayores. La herramienta informática le permite a estas organizaciones la comunicación interna y externa , la mejora de los sistemas de administración y el acceso a la base de datos de otras bibliotecas. En mi tesis abordo el proceso incorporación de las tecnologías de información y la comunicación en las bibliotecas populares de Bahía Blanca realizando un estudio sobre la Biblioteca Popular Bernardino Rivadavia. En este trabajo se ha investigado cuáles han sido las tecnologías incorporadas, cómo se llevó adelante la capacitación y cuál ha sido la percepción que sobre la misma han tenido los empleados de la biblioteca, durante el período 2004-2010. Luego del análisis de la información recolectada, tanto de documentos como de las expresiones de los entrevistados he llegado a la conclusión general de que la Biblioteca Rivadavia ha desarrollado un estrategia de incorporación de la TICS, con la colaboración de instituciones públicas y privadas. La política de capacitación ha tenido un nivel de aceptación satisfactorio en un gran número de empleados. Puedo afirmar, después de analizar la información obtenida, que una institución de la complejidad de la Biblioteca Rivadavia requiere de un alto grado de compromiso por parte de todos sus miembros para poder cumplir con su misión. / The popular libraries are nonprofit organizations which importance is related to the services that they give and particularly for the its educational and cultural mission. These libraries have been created, in our country,during the XIX century with the purpose of bringing access to read books in order to open the doors to knowledge for all people. Nowadays, the information technologies have been an useful tool that facilitate the access to a wide universe to many organizations. The popular libraries located in the city of Bahia Blanca are institutions which have been acknowledged by the community because of the services they provide to it trying to satisfy the educational needs of either kids or young and old people. The electronic resources let organizations have better internal and external communication. In the same way they may improve the information management and have access to other libraries database. In my thesis, I aproach the process of introduction of the information technologies in the popular libraries of Bahía Blanca, focussing on one of them, the Biblioteca Popular Bernardino Rivadavia. In this research I studied which technologies have been introduced, the way the training was performed and the perception the employees have about this training, along the period 2004-2010. After analisying the information gathered from documents and interviews I have arrived to a general conclusión that the Biblioteca Rivadavia has developed an strategy for introducing the information technologies with the collaboration of prívate and public organizations. The training policy has been well received by the employees. We may say that an organization of such a complexity as Biblioteca Rivadavia has, needs employees with high commitment to accomplish its mission.

Estudio de la movilidad urbana y el modelado de la contaminación atmosférica asociada en la ciudad de Bahía Blanca, Argentina

Grassi, Yamila Soledad 26 March 2024 (has links)
La movilidad urbana puede considerarse como un importante recurso social y articulador de la vida en comunidad. Sin embargo, a medida que la población de los centros urbanos crece, se plantea el desafío de adaptar el desarrollo urbano y las necesidades de movilidad, buscando mecanismos para proteger el medio ambiente y garantizar la inclusión social. En este sentido, resulta importante estudiar tanto la movilidad urbana como las emisiones contaminantes asociadas, que son potencialmente de riesgo para la salud humana y el ambiente. Para ello, es necesario recurrir a diversas herramientas como pueden ser mediciones de nivel de flujo vehicular, encuestas ciudadanas, entre otros en el caso de la movilidad, e inventarios de emisiones, programas de monitoreo y modelos de calidad de aire para analizar la contaminación atmosférica asociada a fuentes móviles. De esta manera se puede generar información útil para la implementación de acciones tendientes a mejorar la calidad del aire y mitigar los problemas de circulación vehicular urbana, generando políticas conscientes y sustentables, confeccionadas en base a evidencia. En este contexto, la presente tesis pretende contribuir con información y análisis relevantes sobre movilidad urbana y la contaminación atmosférica asociada para la toma de decisiones basadas en evidencia en Bahía Blanca. Esta es una ciudad mediana portuaria e industrializada de la Argentina, que no cuenta con monitoreo de tránsito ni calidad de aire en su área urbana, la cual presenta problemas de movilidad que merecen ser atendidos desde una óptica tanto global como específica. De allí la importancia de contar con datos de manera continua, siguiendo metodologías científicas. Tal es así que en cada capítulo de esta tesis se estudian las temáticas planteadas, considerando en primer lugar la confección de un inventario de emisiones gaseosas en base a la flota vehicular carretera y no carretera de la ciudad, registradas para el año 2018. Luego, se presenta la recolección de datos del flujo vehicular, obtenidos mediante observación directa de videos de cámaras de seguridad del municipio durante dos años (2020-2022), y el análisis de su segmentación en puntos del microcentro de la ciudad. Estos datos permiten evaluar diversas tendencias, como ser el impacto que tuvo la pandemia de COVID-19 en el tránsito local, así como también, medir el aumento de la micromovilidad sustentable (bicicletas, monopatines eléctricos, etc.). Cabe mencionar, que estos resultados se transfieren a las autoridades locales, para contribuir con la toma de decisiones. Por otro lado, los datos de flujo vehicular se utilizan como dato de entrada en el modelado de calidad de aire con el fin de conocer los niveles de concentración máximos de los contaminantes atmosféricos que se presentan en el microcentro mayoritariamente (CO y NOx), y comparar los mismos con la legislación vigente. Resulta interesante destacar que se desarrolla una validación inicial de la metodología empleada para el modelado, con resultados alentadores según los valores obtenidos de diversas métricas estadísticas planteadas en la bibliografía disponible. Por último, se estudian escenarios alternativos de tránsito y sus emisiones para evaluar su impacto en el nivel de calidad de aire, considerando un enfoque sustentable. Esta tesis no solo genera datos fidedignos para la toma de decisiones en cuanto a la movilidad de la ciudad de Bahía Blanca y la contaminación atmosférica asociada, sino que también abre las puertas para explorar, en trabajos futuros, diversas herramientas y tópicos sobre la movilidad urbana como ser: estudiar la red de ciclovías; investigar sobre el desarrollo orientado al tránsito, las ciudades lentas y las de 15 minutos; simular el tránsito del micro y macrocentro de la ciudad mediante software específico; entre otros. Por último, la metodología propuesta en este trabajo podría considerarse capaz de ser replicada en otras ciudades latinoamericanas de tamaño medio, sobre todo en aquellas que no cuenten con estaciones de monitoreo de tránsito y/o de calidad de aire, como sucede en Bahía Blanca. / Urban mobility is an important social resource and community-life facilitator. However, as the population of urban centres grows, the challenge becomes to adapt urban development and mobility needs, seeking mechanisms to protect the environment and ensure social inclusion. Studying urban mobility and the associated pollutant emissions is important. These are potentially risky for human health and the environment. To this end, it is necessary to resort to various tools, such as vehicle flow measurements and citizen surveys, among others, in the case of mobility and emission inventories, monitoring programmes and air quality models to analyse air pollution associated with mobile sources. In this way, useful information can be generated to implement actions to improve air quality and mitigate urban vehicular traffic problems, generating conscious, sustainable policies based on evidence. This thesis aims to contribute relevant information and analysis on urban mobility and associated air pollution for evidence-based decision making in Bahía Blanca. This is city a medium-sized port and industrialized city in Argentina, with no traffic or air quality monitoring in its urban area, which presents mobility problems that deserve to be addressed from both global and specific perspectives. Hence, continuous data availability, following scientific methodologies, is essential. Thus, in each chapter of this thesis, the issues raised are studied, considering firstly the preparation of an inventory of gaseous emissions based on both road and non-road vehicle fleet of the city, registered for 2018. Then, the data collection about vehicle flow, obtained through direct observation of videos from the municipality's security cameras during two years (2020-2022), and the analysis of their segmentation at points in the city's microcentre is presented. These data allow us to evaluate various trends, such as the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on local traffic, and to measure the increase in sustainable micro mobility (bicycles, electric scooters, etc.). It is worth mentioning that these results are transferred to local authorities to contribute to decision-making. On the other hand, the vehicle flow data are used as input data in the air quality modelling to know the maximum concentration levels of the atmospheric pollutants mainly present in the microcentre (CO and NOx) and to compare them with the current legislation. It is interesting to note that an initial validation of the methodology used for the modelling is developed, with encouraging results according to the values obtained for various statistical metrics proposed in the available literature. Finally, alternative traffic scenarios and their emissions are studied to assess their impact on air quality, considering a sustainable approach. This thesis generates reliable data for decision-making on mobility in Bahía Blanca and associated air pollution and considers future work. It opens possibilities to explore various tools and topics on urban mobility, such as studying the network of bicycle lanes, researching transit oriented development, slow cities and 15-minute cities, and simulating traffic in the micro- and macro-centre of the city by employing specific software, among others. Finally, the methodology proposed in this work might be replicable in other medium-sized Latin American cities, especially those without traffic and/or air quality monitoring stations, as in Bahía Blanca city.

Glacier change in a basin of the Peruvian Andes and implications for water resources

Burns, Patrick J. (Patrick Joseph) 26 November 2012 (has links)
Declines in glacier area and volume are widespread. These changes will have important hydrologic consequences since glaciers store tremendous amounts of fresh water and buffer seasonally low flows in many densely populated regions. In this thesis I focus on a region that is hydrologically vulnerable to glacier change, namely the Cordillera Blanca, Peru. I present three manuscripts that focus on measuring glacier area change, modeling the effect of this area change on the hydrology of one watershed, and isotopic sampling to elucidate hydrologic processes in this watershed and the entire Cordillera Blanca. In the first manuscript, I describe a methodology for mapping glaciers using satellite imagery. Satellite data, in conjunction with automated glacier mapping methods, are being used more frequently to map changes in glacier size. In contrast to the majority of studies using automated methods, I correct satellite images for atmospheric effects. Mapping glaciers with atmospherically-corrected satellite images resulted in an approximately 5% increase in glacier area, relative to glaciers mapped with non-atmospherically-corrected images. I also applied a consistent threshold that was validated using high-resolution satellite imagery. This helps to reduce error associated with change analysis. For the entire Cordillera Blanca, I calculated a 25% decrease in glacier area from 1987 to 2010. The rate of glacier area loss has increased significantly based on the most recent estimates. In the second manuscript, I use a physically-based, hydrologic model, the Distributed Hydrology Soil Vegetation Model (DHSVM) with a newly-coupled dynamic glacier model to simulate stream discharge and glacier change in the Llanganuco watershed of the Cordillera Blanca. I also examined statistical trends associated with historical records of temperature, precipitation, and discharge. I observed significant positive trends in annual temperature, but no trends in precipitation or discharge despite a 25% reduction in glacier area in this watershed over the same time. The model setup process and the results of sensitivity analyses are described. Of the input parameters I examined, I found that the model was particularly sensitive to changes in albedo and precipitation. Based on established efficiency criteria, the newly-coupled model did a decent job of simulating historical stream discharge and glacier area during 10 year calibration and validation periods. However, due to the lack of additional validation data and an inability to quantify uncertainty associated with model output, the model is not yet ready to be used for predicting future discharge based on different climate projections. In the third manuscript I describe the knowledge gained about hydrologic processes from isotopic sampling in the Llanganuco watershed, as well as other watersheds of the Cordillera Blanca. Thirty water samples from Llanganuco were collected in July 2011 and measured for stable isotopes of water, δ¹⁸O and δ²H. I first calculated the isotopic lapse rate, or the relationship between isotopic values and elevation. Lapse rates from this watershed are slightly more positive than global averages. This observation is best explained by the influence of glaciers. I also calculated the strength of the relationship between isotopic values and percent glacier cover. For Llanganuco, glacier cover is a better predictor of isotopic value than elevation. Based on examination of the same relationships at larger scales in the Cordillera Blanca, this relationship appears to be persistent at a regional scale. Finally, I used a simple two-component mixing model to estimate the relative contributions of glacier meltwater and groundwater in the Llanganuco watershed. Glacier meltwater made up approximately three-fourths of surface water that exited the watershed during this two week period in July, 2011. The importance of glacier meltwater is clearly demonstrated using stable isotopes, but further, more detailed monthly sampling is necessary to accurately determine annual and dry season streamflow contributions from glacier meltwater and groundwater. / Graduation date: 2013

Geomorfologické projevy neotektonické aktivity podél úpatního zlomu pohoří Cordillera Blanca, Peru / Geomorphological evidence of neotectonic activity along Cordillera Blanca fault zone, Peru

Masák, Ondřej January 2012 (has links)
Southwest base of Cordillera Blanca mts. in South American Ands belongs to the most tectonically active fault zones. The core of this thesis was making of a detailed geomorphological map based on remote sensing satellite images for the purpose of analysis of direct and indirect manifestations of neotectonics. The greatest emphasis was placed on morphological manifestations of tectonics movements which are fault scarps facets and vertical fault steps deforming other shapes of relief - e.g. lateral moraines, dejection cones. Vertical steps reach from a few meters to tens of meters (max. 60 m) according to the age of influenced landform. Evaluation of measurements from deformometr from locality Pitec shows main trends of movements - moderate rise of massif, slow opening of fault plane and negligible left-lateral slip. Calculation of mountain-front sinuosity index, whose values were found relatively low, confirms high tectonic activity of fault zone. Analysis of longitudinal stream profiles hasn't showed presence of knick-points in the place of crossing with fault zone. Non-continuous process of lifting movements, whose interval is estimated at 1ka to 3ka (while the very last 2ka has been in relative tectonic calm), could be a possible explanation. Deep erosion of water streams wiped the tectonics...

Desempenho do tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum), de pira-pitinga (Piaractus brachypomum), e do híbrido tambatinga (C. macropomum x P. brachypomum) mantidos em viveiros fertilizados, na fase de engorda. / Performace of tambaqui (Colossoma macropomuma) pira-pitinga (Piaractus brachypomum) and hybrid tambatinga (C. macropomum x P. brachypomum) kept in ponds fertilized

PAULA, Fernanda Gomes de 30 January 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-07-29T15:07:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertacao Fernanda.pdf: 672936 bytes, checksum: 619f232b9c4e9a12bd5d3dcd39725216 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-01-30 / This assessment was performed to evaluate the productive performance, body and fillet yield, chemical composition of the fillet and economic evaluation of tambaqui, pirapitinga and hybrid tambatinga kept in fertilized ponds. The present research was carried out at Setor de Piscicultura da Universidade Federal de Goiás, between January and October the 2008, which lasted 270 days. We used 300 tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) fingerling, 300 pirapitinga (Piaractus brachypomum) fingerling, 300 hybrid tambatinga (female C. macropomum x male P. brachypomum), totalizing 900 fingerling randomly allotted in 12 fertilized ponds. The starter body weight of tambaqui, pirapitinga and hybrid tambatinga, were 6,16±0,34 g, 9,23±0,24 g and 8,93±0,33 g, respectively. The experimental design was composed by a completely randomized with three treatments (T1: tambaqui, T2: pirapitinga and T3: hybrid tambatinga) and four repetitions, totalizing 12 experimental units. The performance data were submitted to the analysis of co-variace, while the body and fillet yield and chemical composition of the fillet were subjected to analysis of variance and all means were compared by T tests (5%). The average survival rate (SR), body weight (BW), final biomass (FB), productivity (PROD), weight gain (WG), weight gain biomass (WGB), weight gain daily (WGD), protein efficiency rate (PER), weight whole fish (WWF), weight gutted fish (WGF), weight of fillet (WF), crude fillet protein (CP) and fillet ash were not significantly different. The tambaqui and pirapitinga had higher (p<0,05) feed intake (FI) in relation to the hybrid. The apparent feed conversion (AFC) of tambatinga was statistically lower than the pirapitinga but both averages were similar (p>0,05) to tambaqui. The specific growth rate (SGR) of tambaqui was higher (p<0,05) than the pirapitinga and hybrid. The tambatinga showed higher (p<0,05) percentage gutted fish (% GF) on pirapitinga, however, the tambaqui was similar (p>0,05) to both. The head percentage (%WH) of tambaqui and tambatinga were higher than pirapitinga (p<0,05). The fillet percentage (% WF) was better in pirapitinga followed by the hybrid and tambaqui (p<0,05). Hepato-somatic index (HIS) was higher in tambaqui and pirapitinga on tambatinga (p<0,05). The viscera-somatic fat index (VSFI) was higher (p<0,05) in pirapitinga on tambaqui and the hybrid. Moisture (MO) of fillet was significantly higher in tambatinga than tambaqui and pirapitinga. The ether extract of the fillet of tambaqui was higher (p <0.05) than the average of the hybrid tambatinga, and both were similar to pirapitinga. The production cost (PC) was higher in pirapitinga followed by tambaqui and hybrid (p<0,05), however, partial net revenue (PNR) was higher in tambaqui followed by pirapitinga and tambatinga. Considering the conditions proposed, it can be concluded that tambaqui was the specie that showed better performance, high yield of gutted fish and greater profitability. The pirapitinga presented the highest yield of fillet, suggesting greater added value to the processing. / Este trabalho foi desenvolvido com o intuito de comparar o desempenho produtivo, rendimentos corporais, composição bromatológica do filé e avaliação econômica do tambaqui, da pirapitinga e do híbrido tambatinga durante a fase de engorda, mantidos em viveiros fertilizados, no período de janeiro a outubro de 2008, com duração de 270 dias. Foram utilizados 300 alevinos de tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum), 300 alevinos de pirapitinga (Piaractus brachypomum) e 300 alevinos do híbrido tambatinga (C. macropomum fêmea x P. brachypomum macho), totalizando 900 alevinos distribuídos aleatoriamente em 12 viveiros fertilizados. O peso médio inicial do tambaqui, da pirapitinga e do híbrido tambatinga, foram de 6,16±0,34 g; 9,23±0,24 g; e 8,93±0,33 g, respectivamente. O delineamento utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado (DIC), com três tratamentos (T1: tambaqui, T2: pirapitinga e T3: híbrido tambatinga) e quatro repetições, totalizando 12 unidades experimentais. Os dados de desempenho produtivo foram submetidos à análise de co-variância, enquanto os rendimentos corporais, índices biométricos e composição bromatológica do filé foram submetidos à análise de variância, e todas as médias foram comparadas pelo teste t (5%). As médias da taxa de sobrevivência, peso médio, biomassa final, produtividade, ganho de peso médio, ganho de peso em biomassa, ganho de peso diário, taxa de eficiência protéica, peso do peixe inteiro, peso do peixe eviscerado, peso do filé, proteína bruta do filé e cinzas do filé não apresentaram diferença significativa. O tambaqui e a pirapitinga apresentaram maior (p<0,05) consumo de ração em relação ao híbrido. A conversão alimentar aparente do tambatinga foi estatisticamente menor que da pirapitinga, porém ambas as médias foram semelhantes (p>0,05) ao tambaqui. A taxa de crescimento específica do tambaqui foi maior (p<0,05) que da pirapitinga e do híbrido. O tambatinga apresentou maior (p<0,05) rendimento de peixe eviscerado em relação à pirapitinga, no entanto, o tambaqui foi semelhante a ambos. O percentual de cabeça foi estatisticamente maior no tambaqui e no tambatinga em relação à pirapitinga. O rendimento de filé foi melhor na pirapitinga seguido do híbrido e do tambaqui (p<0,05). O índice hepato-somático foi superior no tambaqui e na pirapitinga em relação ao tambatinga (p<0,05). O índice de gordura víscero-somática foi maior (p<0,05) na pirapitinga em relação ao tambaqui e ao híbrido. O teor de umidade no filé foi significativamente maior no tambatinga em relação ao tambaqui e à pirapitinga. O extrato etéreo do filé do tambaqui foi maior (p<0,05) que a média do híbrido tambatinga e, ambos foram semelhantes à pirapitinga. O custo de produção foi maior na pirapitinga seguida do tambaqui e do híbrido, no entanto, a receita líquida parcial foi superior no tambaqui seguido da pirapitinga e do tambatinga. Diante das condições propostas, pode-se concluir que o tambaqui foi a espécie que apresentou melhor desempenho produtivo, elevado rendimento de peixe eviscerado e maior lucratividade. A pirapitinga apresentou o maior rendimento de filé, sugerindo maior agregação de valor com o processamento.

Potenciální nebezpečnost vybraných morénami hrazených jezer v pohoří Cordillera Blanca, Peru / Potential hazardousness of selected moraine-dammed lakes in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru

Emmer, Adam January 2013 (has links)
Adam Emmer: Potential hazardousness of selected moraine-dammed lakes in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru ABSTRACT: This work is devided into the two parts. Firs part reviews contemporary methods of assessment of potential hazardousness for moraine-dammed lakes (eight qualitative methods and three quantitative methods). Second part has two main aims: 1) Assessment of potential hazardousness of seven selected moraine-dammed lakes in the Cordillera Blanca, and 2) Analysis of suitability of these methods for use in this region. Required input data for potential hazardousness assessment were gained from analysis of remotely sensed photographs, research papers of INRENA/ANA institute (Huaráz), and from fieldwork realized in 2012. Ten methods of potential hazardousness assessment were applied on seven studied moraine-dammed lakes. There are no significant differences in results obtained in each method. These results showed, that potentially most hazardous lake is that of Arhueycocha, followed by Palcacocha. On the other hand potentially less hazardous lake is that of Rajucolta. Based on analysis of regional specific of causes and mechanisms of glacial lake outburst floods from moraine-dammed lakes in Cordillera Blanca, five groups of characteristics which reflect these regional specifics were merged: A) possibility of...

Analýza zóny recentního ústupu zalednění, Cordillera Blanca, Peru / Analysis of the zone of recent deglaciation, Cordillera Blanca, Peru

Juřicová, Anna January 2016 (has links)
The master thesis is focused on analysis of the zone of recent deglaciation in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru. Geomorphological mapping that had been realized based on interpretation of the satellite data and field reconnaissance was used for interpretation of main geomorphological features and processes of the selected glacial valleys. Glaciofluvial processes and mass movements are the main processes that affected the relief in the recent period. Major differences in landforms presence and distribution have been found between the studied valleys. The main differences are between valleys located on the western side and eastern side of the mountains. Number of different sediments of different types have been identified on the western side, whereas no evidence of such sediments was found on the eastern side. These differences are probably caused by differences in geology and climatic conditions. Finally, a general sediment flux model on the information gained from the geomorfologic analysis has been created and shows space distribution of geomorphological features and processes. The analyses of the satellite data show different visual characteristics of the rocks, which has been confirmed during field works using Schmidt Hammer method. The results suggest that the rocks that have been exposed for longer time due...

Análisis de los principales factores que influyeron en la disminución de importaciones de cocinas a gas en los años 2014 y 2015 / Analysis of the main factors that influenced the decrease of gas cookers imports during 2014 and 2015

Aliaga Salazar, Hans Jared, Yachachin Villavicencio, Ebony Geraldine 16 February 2019 (has links)
La presente tesis analiza los factores que influyeron en la disminución de importaciones de cocinas a gas en los años 2014 y 2015. El primer capítulo brinda información y definiciones de los procesos de importaciones y de la industria de electrodomésticos, se describe como están definidos los productos y cómo están agrupados, por ejemplo: línea blanca, línea marrón. Por otro lado, se explica el panorama mundial del sector de electrodomésticos, el panorama regional de la industria (Latinoamérica) y el panorama nacional de la industria de electrodomésticos; finalmente se analiza los factores planteados para la investigación, los cuales son: nivel de consumo y demanda, producción (principal proveedor), competencia nacional y el boom inmobiliario. En el segundo capítulo, se desarrolla la metodología de investigación de orientación cualitativa, del tipo descriptiva, por la cual, podremos explicar y validar nuestra hipótesis, utilizando herramientas como entrevistas semiestructurada, realizadas a los tres segmentos o grupos de interés identificados: importadores, productores nacionales y principales comercializadores de cocinas. También, se detallarán el proceso de recolección y clasificación de datos. En el tercer capítulo, se analizan los datos recolectados que nos llevaron a obtener los resultados por segmento y categoría. En el cuarto capítulo, se desarrollan los resultados de las entrevistas y la discusión de resultados por segmento y categoría, para identificar los factores que influyeron para la disminución de importaciones de cocinas a gas en los años 2014 y 2015, incluyendo los hallazgos, barreras y brechas de investigación, y, por último, se detalla las conclusiones y recomendaciones. / This thesis reviews the factors that influenced the decrease of gas cookers imports during 2014 and 2015. The first chapter provides the information and definitions of the home appliances industry and the importing processes, it depicts the definition of the products and how they are classified, for instance: white goods and brown goods. On the other hand, it explains the global outlook, the regional outlook (Latin America) and the national outlook of the home appliances industry; finally, it analyzes the factors proposed for investigation: the level of consumption and demand, manufacturing (main supplier), national competition and the real estate boom. The second chapter develops the quality research methodology, descriptive in nature, which will be used to explain and validate the hypothesis, by ways of semi structured interviews performed in the three identified segments or groups of interest: importers, domestic manufacturers and main retailers. The process of data collection and classification will also be detailed in this chapter. The third chapter analyzes the collected data, which led to the segment and category results. The fourth chapter builds on the outcome of the interviews and the debate of the segment and category results in order to identify the factors that influenced the decrease of gas cookers imports during 2014 and 2015, including the findings, obstacles and gaps during the research; and lastly, this chapter elaborates on the conclusions and recommendations. / Tesis

Evolución del flujo turístico ruso y su importancia económica: el caso de la Costa Blanca

Prokopenko, Yulia 16 January 2015 (has links)
No description available.


Heidt, Jack Daniel, 1939- January 1977 (has links)
No description available.

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