Spelling suggestions: "subject:"La solar"" "subject:"La polar""
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Proměnlivost Brewerovy-Dobsonovy cirkulace / Variability of the Brewer-Dobson CirculationKupčihová, Zuzana January 2017 (has links)
The middle atmosphere transport is mostly controlled by a large-scale meridional circulation, namely the Brewer-Dobson circulation. In this thesis, climatology and variability of the Brewer-Dobson circulation and the middle atmosphere has been analysed using the Canadian Middle Atmosphere Model (CMAM30-Ext). A number of key variables are used including the age of air, residual velocities, residual stream function, temperature and zonal wind. The analysis of the climatology of the age of air shows, in particular, that young air gets generated near the tropical tropopause, which then travels poleward. The residual stream function shows that the Brewer-Dobson circulation dominates the winter hemispheres around the solstices and becomes nearly symmetrical, with respect to the equator, around the equinoxes. The empirical orthogonal function analysis is applied to explore the modes of variability in the middle atmosphere. The analysis identifies, in particular, the semi-annual oscillation, the quasi-biennial oscillation with moderate explained variance compared to the variance explained by the annual cycle. In addition, the analysis also reveals the emergence of the solar cycle. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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Vers la combinaison de chimies radicalaire et catalytique pour l'obtention de polybutadiène 1,4-cis polaire / Combination of radical and coordination catalysis polymerizations for the synthesis of polar cis-1,4 polybutadienesVaultier, Florent 22 September 2011 (has links)
Résumé confidentiel / Résumé confidentiel
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Effects of Agrochemicals on Riparian and Aquatic Primary Producers in an Agricultural WatershedDalton, Rebecca L. January 2014 (has links)
In agricultural watersheds, streams are intimately connected with croplands and may be inadvertently exposed to agrochemicals such as fertilizers and herbicides. Riparian plants and aquatic primary producers (aquatic plants, phytoplankton and periphyton) may be particularly affected by agrochemicals due to their taxonomic similarity to the intended targets (crop and weed species). The overall objective of this thesis was to assess the effects of fertilizers and the herbicide atrazine on riparian plants and aquatic primary producers. Effects were assessed across varying scales of observation ranging from empirical field studies at the watershed scale to in-situ experimental manipulations in two temperate streams to a laboratory concentration-response experiment.
Twenty-four stream/river sites located across the South Nation River watershed, Canada ranged in surrounding agricultural land use (6.7-97.4 % annual crops) and in-stream concentrations of reactive phosphate (4-102 μg/L) and nitrate (3-5404 μg/L). A gradient of atrazine contamination spanning two orders of magnitude (56 d time-weighted-average concentrations of 4-412 ng/L) was observed using polar organic chemical integrative samplers (POCIS). A total of 285 riparian and aquatic plant species were identified with species richness ranging from 43-107 species per site. Atrazine and the percentage of surrounding annual crops had no statistically significant effects on community structure. In contrast, an increase in the percentage of non-native species, a decrease in submerged macrophytes and a decrease in overall floristic quality was observed along a gradient of increasing nitrate. Similarly, periphyton biomass increased with increasing nitrate across the watershed and was associated with the Chlorophyta. In contrast, no clear response was observed in periphyton exposed to nutrient enrichment and atrazine contamination in in-situ periphytometer experiments in two streams. Greenhouse concentration-response experiments provided evidence that the sensitivity of duckweed (Lemna minor) to atrazine was lower in populations previously exposed to the herbicide. However, the overall range in biomass 25% inhibition concentrations was small (19-40 μg/L atrazine). A clear gradient in agrochemical contamination was observed at the watershed scale and this research provided evidence of negative effects on riparian and aquatic primary producers. Effects of nutrients, specifically nitrate, superseded observable effects of the herbicide atrazine.
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Spornost fuzzy logických teorií v odvozovacích systémech / Consistency of fuzzy logic theories of inference systemsHavlíček, Petr January 2009 (has links)
This thesis focus on consistency of a specific class of fuzzy logic theories that represent certain inference system. This class of theories is defined as theories containing especially so called special axioms representing rules of modeled inference system and evaluated set of formulas representing case data. Functional approach is used to develop three popular fuzzy calculi: the Gödel logic, Łukasiewicz logic and product logic. As a language it is used the language of first order propositional fuzzy logic with valuation. To check consistency we use the concept of inconsistency degree and in Łukasiewicz logic also the principle of polar index. The concept of consistency degree is also described, but not used. Simple algorithm is developed to check consistency of theory upon the basis of inconsistency degree principle. A method of use of polar index is also described and illustrated. For each fuzzy theory a term of corresponding classical theory is defined. Then consistency of fuzzy theories and their corresponding classical theories are compared. The results of comparison are presented on the example of the ad-hoc created diagnostic inference system MEDSYS II. In the end the relation between consistency of fuzzy theory of inference system and it's corresponding theory is introduced for all three used calculi and both contradiction concepts.
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Rôle du complexe rétromère dans la polarité cellulaire chez Arabidopsis thaliana / Role of the retromer complex in cell polarity in Arabidopsis thalianaPietrozotto, Sara 08 November 2011 (has links)
Le rétromère est un complexe multiprotéique qui régule le trafic intracellulaire et qui est conservé chez les eucaryotes. Chez la levure et les animaux, le complexe rétromère est impliqué dans le recyclage des régulateurs de la polarité cellulaire. Chez Arabidopsis thaliana, les travaux de notre équipe ont démontré que ce complexe est requis pour la localisation polaire des transporteurs d’auxine de la famille PIN. Au cours de mon travail de thèse, j’ai approfondi la caractérisation de la fonction du composant AtVPS29 du rétromère et démontré son rôle dans la régulation de la croissance cellulaire polarisée et dans la polarité planaire chez la plante modèle Arabidopsis thaliana. Les mutants perte de fonction vps29 présentent des défauts de croissance polaire des tubes polliniques et des poils absorbants, et également des défauts de morphogenèse des cellules épidermiques des cotylédons. Les petites GTPases ROP (Rho-Of-Plant) sont les régulateurs majeurs de la polarité cellulaire chez les plantes. ROP1 est requis pour la croissance du tube pollinique, et ROP2 pour la morphogenèse des poils absorbants et des cellules épidermiques des cotylédons. Le travail décrit ici est destiné à comprendre les liens fonctionnels et moléculaires entre AtVPS29 et les protéines ROP. Mes résultats suggèrent que l’activité de ROP2 est dépendante de VPS29. J’ai également établi que VPS29 était nécessaire pour assurer la localisation subcellulaire de ROP1 et de ROP2. Chez les mutants vps29, l’analyse de la voie de signalisation ROP2 suggère que l’activité de ROP2 est fortement dérégulée. Ainsi, nos données montrent que le complexe rétromère de plante régule le trafic membranaire des protéines ROP, assurant la localisation de leur activité dans les bons territoires cellulaires, et in fine, la croissance polaire des cellules. Ces données suggèrent que le complexe rétromère de plante pourrait réguler la formation et/ou le maintien de la polarité chez différents types de cellules végétales. Ils soulignent également l’importance du trafic endocytique dans la régulation de la polarité cellulaire chez les plantes. / The retromer complex is a coat pentameric complex, strongly conserved among eukaryotes and involved in intracellular trafficking. In yeast and animals, the retromer complex participates in the polar targeting of regulators of cell polarity. Our group has previously shown that the retromer is required for the polar localization of auxin carrier proteins of the PIN-FORMED (PIN) family in Arabidopsis thaliana. Here, I demonstrate that the plant retromer component AtVPS29 regulates cell polarity, with a specific focus on polar cell growth and planar cell polarity in the model plant A. thaliana. Null vps29 mutants display defects in both pollen tube and root hair tip growth, as well as in the diffuse polar growth of epidermal pavement cells. Rho-of-plant (ROP) small GTPases are master regulators of cell polarity in plants. ROP1 is required for pollen tube growth, while ROP2 coordinates root hair and pavement cell morphogenesis. The aim of my work was focused on the functional and the molecular links between the AtVPS29 and ROP proteins. My results indicate that ROP2 signaling activity is VPS29-dependent in root hairs and in pavement cells. They also suggest that VPS29 is required for the proper localization of ROP1 and ROP2. The analysis of ROP2 signaling pathway in the vps29 mutant, suggest that ROP2 activity is completely deregulated in the absence of VPS29. Altogether, my data indicate that the plant retromer mediates ROP membrane trafficking to allow the proper localization of its activity, a prerequisite for cell polar growth. These findings suggest that the plant retromer might regulate maintenance and/or establishment of cell polarity in various cell types and further emphasize the importance of endocytic recycling in the regulation of polarity in plants.
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Qualidade do óleo de fritura de mandioca: correlação entre dados analíticos e sensoriais para determinação do ponto de descarte / Quality of cassava frying oil: correlation between analytical and sensory data for determining oil disposal point.Carla Romero Matsuoka 28 August 2009 (has links)
A fritura é um procedimento que confere aos alimentos características sensoriais de cor, aroma, textura e sabor diferentes. Neste processo a matéria graxa é exposta a agentes de deterioração que promovem a quebra dos triglicerídeos, a oxidação e a polimerização em função do tempo de uso, provocando perdas sensoriais e nutricionais nos alimentos fritos e no próprio óleo. A falta de regulamentação no Brasil que defina o ponto de descarte dos óleos de fritura faz com que este seja realizado de forma subjetiva. O presente trabalho teve o objetivo de avaliar óleo de soja em fritura de mandioca em toletes em diferentes períodos e correlacionar resultados de análise sensorial aos analíticos para determinar o ponto de descarte. As operações de fritura com óleo de soja refinado foram realizadas a 170ºC por períodos de 1h06min, 2h, 3h05min, 6h54min e 15h40min. As determinações analíticas realizadas nos óleos foram de ácidos graxos livres (em porcentagem de ácido oléico), teor de compostos polares totais (CPT), absortividade em 232nm e 270nm, período de indução (PI) em Rancimat e composição em ácidos graxos. Nas mandiocas cozidas e fritas foram determinados a umidade e o teor lipídico. Os índices de deterioração indicaram incidência maior de deterioração com o aumento do uso do óleo na fritura. Verificou-se que nos períodos de 1h06min, 2h e 3h05min não houve alterações hidrolíticas, mas sim oxidativas, detectadas pelas análises de CPT e absortividade no UV. Concomitantemente, ocorreu a diminuição da resistência à oxidação, verificado por menores PI´s nos períodos mais longos de fritura. A composição em ácidos graxos dos óleos de fritura não apresentou alteração significativa. A umidade da mandioca apresentou-se cada vez menor com os períodos mais longos de fritura. A análise sensorial foi conduzida em três fases: seleção de provadores, em duas etapas, treinamento e avaliação final para as características de cor, aroma, viscosidade e sabor. Para fins de treinamento e seleção dos provadores, óleo termoxidado foi produzido por aquecimento a 170ºC por 15 e 32 horas. Os resultados da fase de seleção demonstraram que os candidatos a provadores conseguiram diferenciar os óleos com base no CPT dos óleos puro e termoxidado nas duas etapas envolvidas. Já durante o treinamento, o óleo com 15h40min de fritura foi indicado para descarte pela característica aroma. Na fase final, foi a característica de sabor que determinou a indicação de descarte, coincidindo com a indicação analítica de maior estado de deterioração oxidativo do óleo. / Food frying is a procedure which enhances food sensory characteristics of color, texture and flavor. In this process fat is exposed to deterioration agents that promote breakdown of triglycerides, oxidation and polymerization, leading to losses in sensory and nutritional quality of the fried food and in the oil itself. The lack of regulations that determine the extent of frying oil use in Brazil subjects it to a personal judgment. The aim of the present study was to evaluate analytically and sensorially cassava fried in soybean oil for different periods of time and correlate these results in order to determine the point of disposal. Frying operations were conducted with RBD soybean oil at 170 °C for periods of 1h06min, 2h, 3h05min, 6h54min and 15h40min. Oil was analytically characterized by free fatty acids (as percentage of oleic acid), total polar compounds content (TPC), absorptivity at 232nm and 270nm, induction period (IP) from Rancimat and fatty acid composition. Moisture and fat content were determined in the fried and cooked cassava from all periods of heating. Results indicated increase of analytical indexes with longer frying periods. Oils from 1h06min, 2h and 3h05min frying periods showed no hydrolytic changes, however oxidation occurred detected by increases in CPT and UV absorptivity. At the same time, resistance to oxidation decreased as shown from lower IP´s at each increase in oil use. The fatty acid composition was not significantly affected by the periods of frying. Cassava moisture reduced with the longer periods of frying. Sensory analysis was performed in three phases: selection of panelists in two steps, training and final evaluation of color, odor, viscosity and taste characteristics. For these analysis, soybean oil was termoxidized by heating under 170°C for 15 and 32 hours. The results of the selection phase of candidates showed that the panelists were able to differentiate pure from thermoxidized oil based on their TPC. Even during training, panelists indicated the odor of oil from 15h40min to be discarded. In the final phase, taste was the characteristic that led to significant indication of disposal of this same oil, reassuring analytical results of high oxidative status.
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Climate change in the Barents Sea : ice-ocean interactions, water mass formation and variability / Changements climatiques dans la mer de Barents : interactions glace-océan, formation et variabilité de la masse d'eauBarton, Benjamin 10 October 2019 (has links)
L’étendue hivernale de la banquise en mer de Barents n’a cessé de diminuer, et un certain nombre d’études suggèrent que cette diminution pourrait coïncider avec des hivers très froids en Europe et Asie. L’eau Atlantique (AW) transportée vers la mer de Barents, se réchauffe. En mer de Barents, l’AW se transforme en Barents Sea Water (BSW), plus froide et moins salée. Etudier cette dernière nous permet d’en savoir plus sur l’influence de la saisonnalité de la banquise Arctique sur la stratification et la circulation de l’océan.Tout d’abord, nous utilisons des observations satellites pour localiser le Front Polaire (PF) qui matérialise la limite entre la BSW et l’eau Arctique. Nous établissons que l’étendue de la banquise était indépendante du PF jusqu’au milieu des années 2000, jusqu’à ce que le réchauffement de l’AW commence à limiter l’extension de la banquise hivernale au sud du front. Ensuite, en combinant données satellites et in situ, nous montrons que l’on peut surveiller ‘à distance’ les propriétés de la BSW : les variations de la température de surface de l’océan sont ainsi corrélées à celles du contenu en chaleur de la mer de Barents qui, associées à celles de la hauteur stérique, permettent également d’estimer son contenu en eau douce.Pour finir, nous utilisons un modèle à haute résolution pour calculer les bilans de volume, transport et flux des masses d’eau. Le volume de la BSW atteint un minimum en 1990 et 2004 : l’étendue de glace de mer hivernale ayant fondue l’été suivant était alors conséquente, résultant notamment d’une masse d’AW plus froide. L’événement de 2004 a permis une entrée massive d’AW, de plus en plus chaude, dans la mer de Barents. / Winter sea ice has declined in the Barents Sea and there is growing evidence that the low sea ice here coincides with cold, winter surface air temperature in Europe and Asia. Atlantic Water (AW) transported into the Barents Sea is warming and its temperature variability is correlated with variability in sea ice extent. As AW extends into the Barents Sea it is modified into a cooler, fresher water mass called BarentsSea Water (BSW). There are limited observations of BSW despite its importance in the Arctic Ocean system, leading to the question, how does the seasonal sea ice impact ocean stratification and mean flow?First, satellite observations are used to find the Polar Front, a water mass boundary between BSW and fresher Arctic Water to the north. The sea ice extent was found to be independent of the Polar Front until the mid-2000s when warming AW prevented the extension of winter sea ice south of the front.Second, by combining satellite and in situ data, it is shown that sea surface temperature can approximate heat content in the Barents Sea. Using heat content with satellite steric height, freshwater content can also be estimated, showing the potential for remote monitoring of BSW properties.Third, a high-resolution model is used to calculate the volume, transport and flux budgets within the AW and BSW domain south of the Polar Front. The model shows BSW volume minimum years in 1990 and2004. Both events were preceded by extensive winter sea ice and substantial summer sea ice melt, a result of preceding, cool AW. The event in 2004 was more extreme and allowed warming AW a greater volume in the Barents Sea.
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Pístový parní motor / Piston steam engineHrbáček, Jaroslav January 2008 (has links)
Object of this document is possibility of using piston steam engine (later only SE) in steam boiler plant, heating plant and steam reduction station. There is implemented a thermodynamic suggestion of SE for defined parameters of mechanical power 20 kW, frequency 1500 cpm, input steam pressure 1,5 MPa and warmth inside steam condenser 105 °C. There are implemented the main construction segments of SE with a view to steam distribution system. For determine a shape of work diagram SE (p-V diagram), there was created a supportive programme in Excel. The programme serves as the basis of determination of motor stroke volume and basis of determination of main dimensions.
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Konstrukce paralaktické vidlicové montáže astronomického dalekohledu / Construction of Equatorial Fork MountTůma, Jiří January 2010 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with design of equatorial fork mount for astronomical telescope. The issue of space object watching equipment is deeply analysed. The enclosures of analysis are used in design project. Important aspects are accuracy of motion and high resolution of mount. These parameters are compared with series manufactured equatorial mounts.
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Analyse des deux traductions françaises du roman Solstorm d’Åsa LarssonNilsson, Hugo January 2020 (has links)
L’auteure suédoise Åsa Larsson a eu un grand succès en France avec ses polars avec le personnage principal Rebecka Martinsson, contribuant à la compréhension interculturelle entre la France et la Suède pendant les dernières 15 années. La première oeuvre dans la série de Rebecka Martinsson, Solstorm, a été traduite en français pour la première fois en 2006 sous le titre Horreur Boréale, et retraduite en 2020 sous le titre Les nouveaux prophètes. Il y a, grosso modo, deux stratégies de traduction : la traduction imitative (adaptée à la langue traduite) et la traduction fonctionnelle (adaptée à la langue cible). L’hypothèse d’Antoine Berman postule entre autre que les retraductions vont diachroniquement vers un style plus imitatif. Le but de ce mémoire est d’analyser la stratégie de traduction des deux traductions pour vérifier ou rejeter l’hypothèse de Berman. La méthode utilisée était la sélection de 28 extraits du livre Solstorm avec des phénomènes typiquement « suédois » (comme par exemple les jurons, le dialecte et la gastronomie) et l’analyse de leurs traductions respectives. Notre analyse montre qu’une grande majorité des extraits sélectionnés sont traduits d’une façon fonctionnelle, et qu’il n’y a aucune tendance que la deuxième traduction soit traduite d’un style plus imitatif que la première traduction. Donc, l’hypothèse de Berman n’a pas pu être confirmée par cette analyse qui n’a, toutefois, étudié que des extraits de l’oeuvre originale et ses traductions. / Having a major success in France, the Swedish novelist Åsa Larsson has with her crime novels starring Rebecka Martinsson contributed to the intercultural comprehension between Sweden and France over the last 15 years. The first book in the Rebecka Martinsson saga, Solstorm, was translated into French in 2006 under the title Horreur Boréale and retranslated in 2020 under the title Les nouveaux prophètes. There are roughly two possible strategies of translation: foreignization (adaption to the translated language) and domestication (adaption to the target language). The hypothesis of Antione Berman states amongst others that translations move diachronically towards the strategy of foreignization. The aim of this thesis is to analyse the two translations of Solstorm, examining whether the hypothesis of Berman could be confirmed or rejected. The method used was choosing 28 extracts containing typical “Swedish” phenomena (for instance the cursing, the dialect and the Swedish gastronomy) from the original version and analysing their translation, respectively. Our analysis shows that a large majority of extracts are translated in a domesticating style, and no tendency towards an increased use of the foreignizing strategy over time could be observed. The hypothesis of Berman could then not be confirmed through this analysis, but further studies of the original version are needed to confirm the results.
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