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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Autoimmune limbic encephalitis and pathological role of anti-CASPR2 autoantibodies on synaptic function / Les encéphalites limbiques auto-immunes et le rôle pathologique des auto-anticorps anti-CASPR2 sur la fonction synaptique

Pieters, Alanah 17 October 2019 (has links)
L’encéphalite limbique à auto-anticorps anti-CASPR2 est une atteinte du système nerveux central, caractérisée par la présence des auto-anticorps (autoAcs) dirigé contre CASPR2 dans le sérum et fluide céphalorachidien. La pathologie affecte majoritairement des hommes âgés présentant l’épilepsie comme symptôme prédominant. CASPR2 est une molécule d’adhésion neuronale, connue pour son rôle d’assemblage des canaux Kv1, régulateurs de l’excitabilité neuronale, à la région juxtaparanodale du nœud de Ranvier, une organisation essentielle pour la conduction saltatoire des flux nerveux. Un nombre croissant de données dans la littérature suggère un rôle pour CASPR2 dans des fonctions synaptiques et l’activité neuronale. Ceci pourrait expliquer l’épilepsie, un symptôme neurologique qui trouve son origine dans la perturbation de l’activité neuronale, observée chez les patients avec de l’encéphalite limbique anti-CASPR2. Dans ce travail de thèse, j’ai utilisé des autoAcs de patients comme outil pour investiguer le rôle de CASPR2 dans des neurones normalement développés en culture, permettant aussi d’évaluer l’effet des autoAcs des patients sur les fonctions synaptiques et de révéler des mécanismes physiopathologiques possibles sous-jacents à la maladie. Je me suis d’abord intéressée aux effets des autoAcs des patients sur l’expression et la distribution en surface de CASPR2 et sur l’expression des canaux Kv1.2 dans des neurones hippocampiques matures in vitro. J’ai montré que les neurones inhibiteurs sont positifs pour les canaux Kv1.2 et CASPR2 en surface, et que les autoAcs de patients augmentent l’expression de Kv1.2 et n’induisent pas l’internalisation de CASPR2. Dans un second temps, j’ai analysé les effets des autoAcs de patients sur les synapses excitatrices et inhibitrices dans des neurones hippocampiques immatures et matures in vitro. Dans les neurones immatures, la densité des épines dendritiques et le contenu des récepteurs AMPA sont augmentés, tandis que dans les neurones matures l’altération de la géphyrin suggère une perturbation de la transmission neuronale après traitement avec des autoAcs de patients. Mes résultats permettent de mieux comprendre les fonctions de CASPR2 dans les processus synaptiques et révèlent des mécanismes pathologiques possibles des autoAcs anti-CASPR2 menant à la présentation clinique des patients atteints d’encéphalite limbique anti-CASPR2 / Anti-CASPR2 autoimmune limbic encephalitis is a central nervous system disorder, characterized by the presence of autoantibodies (autoAbs) directed against CASPR2 in the serum and cerebrospinal fluid. Elderly men are mostly affected, with epilepsy being the predominant symptom. CASPR2 is a neuronal cell adhesion molecule, known for its role in gathering Kv1 channels, regulators of neuronal excitability, at the juxtaparanodal region of the node of Ranvier, an essential organization for saltatory conduction of nervous influxes. Increasing sets of data in literature point out a role for CASPR2 in synaptic functions and neuronal activity. This could explain the observed epilepsy, a neurological symptom that finds its origin in disturbed neuronal activity, in patients with anti-CASPR2 autoimmune limbic encephalitis. In this work, I used patients’ autoAbs as a tool to investigate the role of CASPR2 in normally developed cultured neurons which also allowed me to assess the effects of patients’ autoAbs on synaptic functions and reveal possible physiopathological mechanisms underlying the disease. I first assessed the effects of patients’ autoAbs on CASPR2 surface expression and distribution and on Kv1.2 channel expression in mature in vitro hippocampal neurons. I provided evidence that inhibitory neurons are positive for both Kv1.2 channels and surface CASPR2, and that patients’ autoAbs increase Kv1.2 expression and do not induce CASPR2 internalization. Secondly, I analyzed effects of patients’ autoAbs on excitatory and inhibitory synapses in vitro, in immature and mature hippocampal neurons. In immature neurons, dendritic spine densities and AMPA receptor content are increased, while in mature neurons alteration of gephyrin suggests disturbed neuronal transmission after treatment with patients’ autoAbs. My results allow for a better understanding of CASPR2 functions in synaptic processes and unravel possible pathological mechanisms regarding how anti-CASPR2 autoAbs lead to the clinical presentation of patients with anti-CASPR2 autoimmune limbic encephalitis

Der CytoBead-Assay – Eine neue Möglichkeit der multiparametrischen Autoantikörperanalytik bei systemischen Autoimmunerkrankungen

Sowa, Mandy, Großmann, Kai, Scholz, Juliane, Röber, Nadja, Rödiger, Stefan, Schierack, Peter, Conrad, Karsten, Roggenbuck, Dirk, Hiemann, Rico 18 June 2020 (has links)
Bei Verdacht auf Vorliegen einer systemischen Autoimmunerkrankung wird für die serologische Routinediagnostik ein Zwei-Stufen-Verfahren empfohlen. Zuerst werden Autoantikörpern (AAK) mittels sensitiver zellbasierter indirekter Immunfluoreszenz (IIF)-Teste bestimmt. Ein positives Ergebnis muss aufgrund der Möglichkeit von falsch-positiven Ergebnissen mit einem weiteren, spezifischen Test bestätigt werden. Dieses sukzessive Vorgehen ist notwendig, da zurzeit keine Assaytechnik die notwendigen Anforderungen an ein einstufiges Verfahren hinsichtlich Sensitivität und Spezifität erfüllt. Im Sinne einer effektiven AAK-Diagnostik kann heute schon eine simultane Bestimmung von mehreren AAK mittels multiparametrischer Bestätigungstests die Diagnosefindung im Vergleich zu konventionellen, monoparametrischen Tests wesentlich verkürzen. Jedoch erlauben die verfügbaren multiparametrischen AAK-Nachweismethoden nicht die Kombination von Screening- und Bestätigungstesten. Deshalb wurde basierend auf der digitalen Fluoreszenz mit der hier vorgestellten CytoBead Technologie ein neuer Ansatz entwickelt. Ziel war die Kombination der empfohlenen Stufendiagnostik bestehend aus sensitivem Screening und spezifischer Bestätigungsdiagnostik in einer Reaktionsumgebung und darüber hinaus die Möglichkeit der Adaption auf die serologische Diagnostik mehrerer Autoimmunerkrankungen. Durch a) die Nutzung von Standardglasobjektträgern, b) die Kombination von nativen zellulären oder Gewebesubstraten mit antigenbeladenen fluoreszierenden Mikropartikeln (Beads) in einer Reaktionsumgebung, c) die Möglichkeit der manuellen und automatischen Auswertung mittels IIF und d) die Erhebung von quantitativen Fluoreszenzmessergebnissen konnten die Nachteile der bisher bestehenden Testsysteme überwunden werden. Das neue Prinzip ist auf verschiedene multiparametrische AAK-Nachweise wie zum Beispiel die Bestimmung von antinukleären Antikörpern und AAK gegen entsprechende nukleäre und zytoplasmatische autoantigene Zielstrukturen anwendbar. Damit wurde weiterhin die Basis für die simultane AAK-Multiparameterbestimmung für die Serologie der Zöliakie und von ANCA-assoziierten systemischen Vaskulitiden geschaffen.

Tau protein, biomarker Alzheimerovy choroby: in vitro fosforylace a charakterizace tau reaktivních protilátek / Tau protein, a biomarker of Alzheimer's disease: in vitro phosphorylation and tau-reactive antibodies characterization

Hromádková, Lenka January 2018 (has links)
Tau protein, a microtubule-associated protein localized in axonal projections of neurons, is a key molecule in the pathology of Alzheimer's disease (AD), the most common cause of dementia in the elderly population. Tau belongs to the group of natively unfolded proteins without globular structure and is prone to numerous posttranslational modifications (PTMs). Under pathological conditions, abnormal PTMs and misfolding of tau protein occurs and leads to oligomerization and aggregation into paired helical filaments forming neurofibrillary tangles, the histopathological hallmark of AD. Currently available drugs applied in AD treatment can only slow the disease progression and those, which halt the AD-specific neurodegenerative processes, are still missing. Very promising and evolving therapeutic approach is immunotherapy, and even immunomodulation by administration of intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) products, a reservoir of natural antibodies from the plasma of healthy donors, has been already tested. The discovery of naturally occurring antibodies directed to tau (nTau-Abs) in body fluids of both AD and healthy subjects and their presence in IVIG begin the investigation of their therapeutic potential. Considering a wide range of possible modifications of tau and of various tau species (oligomers,...

Toward new criteria for systemic lupus erythematosus: a standpoint

Aringer, M., Dörner, T., Leuchten, N., Johnson, S. R. 27 September 2019 (has links)
While clearly different in their aims and means, classification and diagnosis both try to accurately label the disease patients are suffering from. For systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), this is complicated by the multi-organ nature of the disease and by our incomplete understanding of its pathophysiology. Hallmarks of SLE are the presence of antinuclear antibodies (ANA), and multiple immune-mediated organ symptoms that are largely independent. In an attempt to overcome limitations of the current sets of SLE classification criteria, a new fourphase approach is being developed, which is jointly supported by the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) and the American College of Rheumatology (ACR). This review attempts to delineate the performance of the current sets of criteria, the reasons for the decision for classification, and not diagnostic, criteria, and to provide a background of the current approach taken.

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger: the paradoxical effect of antibodies in epilepsy

Iffland, Philip H., II 15 July 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Steroid-responsive Enzephalopathie bei Autoimmunthyreoiditis als Differentialdiagnose der Creutzfeldt-Jakob-Krankheit / Steroid-responsive encephalopathy in autoimmune thyroiditis as a differential diagnosis of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease

Osmanlioglu, Seyma 23 March 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Étude du rôle régulateur de la lamine B1 dans l’activation plaquettaire : base moléculaire de la thromboprotection chez les patients porteurs d'anticoagulant lupique et d'anti-lamine B1

Christin-Piché, Marie-Soleil 12 1900 (has links)
Les anticorps anti-phospholipides (aPL), tels que les anticoagulants lupiques (LAC), sont associés au développement récurrent de thromboses chez les patients atteints du lupus érythémateux disséminé (LED). Il a été observé que des titres élevés d’auto-anticorps antilamine B1 (anti-LB1), chez des patients porteurs de LAC, diminuent le risque de ces manifestations thrombotiques. Toutefois, la relation existant entre la lamine B1 (LB1), les anti-LB1 et la thromboprotection n’est toujours pas expliquée. Dans cette étude, nous avons donc cherché à comprendre comment la LB1 et les anti-LB1 induisent cette thromboprotection. Nous avons testé les effets d'anti-LB1 purifiés et de LB1 recombinante sur l'activation des cellules endothéliales et des plaquettes. Nous avons été en mesure de déterminer que la LB1, contrairement aux anti-LB1, possède une activité anti-plaquettaire. En effet, la LB1 réduit l’activation et l’agrégation plaquettaires in vitro et in vivo. Cette activité est due à une liaison directe de la LB1 aux plaquettes, suivie par une internalisation rapide dans des vésicules de clathrine. Par co-immunoprécipitation, nous avons découvert que la LB1 interagit avec le récepteur de l’insuline situé sur la membrane plaquettaire. La liaison de la LB1 à ce récepteur entraîne vraisemblablement son internalisation et l'inhibition d'une des cascades de signalisation normalement induite par le récepteur de l’insuline, menant éventuellement à l’inhibition des fonctions plaquettaires. L’ajout d’anti-LB1 purifiés dans nos expériences a permis d'augmenter de façon significative la persistance de la LB1 dans les plaquettes, une observation confirmée par la détection de LB1 uniquement dans les lysats de plaquettes prélevées chez des patients anti-LB1 positifs. iv Nos résultats suggèrent que la LB1 prend part aux mécanismes régulateurs des processus d’hémostase chez des sujets sains et que la présence d’anti-LB1, chez les patients lupiques, prolonge la persistance de cet auto-antigène dans les plaquettes, les empêchant ainsi de s’activer. Ce mécanisme expliquerait la diminution du risque de thrombose chez les patients LAC positifs porteurs d’anti-LB1 circulants. / Anti-phospholipid antibodies such as lupus anticoagulant antibodies (LAC) are associated with recurrent thrombotic events in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients. However, the risk of thrombosis in LAC positive patients is markedly reduced in the presence of high titers of autoantibodies to lamin B1 (anti-LB1). To date, the implication of lamin B1 (LB1) and anti-LB1 in thromboprotection remains unclear. Our objective was to examine the mechanism whereby LB1 and anti-LB1 induced thromboprotection. Functional platelet and endothelial cell activation assays were used to determine the effects of recombinant LB1 and affinity purified anti-LB1 on these two cell types. LB1, contrarily to anti-LB1, was found to possess an intrinsic anti-platelet activity. This protein reduced the activation and aggregation of platelets in vitro and in vivo. This activity was likely due to the direct binding of LB1 to platelets, followed by its rapid internalization within clathrin coated-pits. Coimmunoprecipitation revealed that LB1 interacted with the insulin receptor located within the platelet membrane. The binding of LB1 to this receptor induced its internalization and inhibited at least one of the phosphorylation cascade stimulated by the receptor, which in turn inhibited platelet functions. The addition of affinity-purified anti-LB1 in our model markedly increased the persistence of LB1 within platelets, a finding supported by the detection of LB1 only in platelets from anti-LB1 positive SLE patients. Our results suggest that LB1 regulates haemostasis in normal subjects. The presence of anti-LB1 in SLE patients prolongs the persistence of LB1 within platelets, thus possibly vi preventing further platelet activation. This mechanism likely explains the reduced risk of thrombotic events in LAC positive SLE patients with circulating anti-LB1 autoantibodies.

Altération de la barrière hémato-encéphalique et autoimmunité dans l'épilepsie : rôle des Immunoglobulines G et recherche de biomarqueurs. / Blood-brain barrier impairment and autoimmunity in epilepsy : role of Immunoglobulins G and biomarkers identification.

Michalak, Zuzanna 28 June 2012 (has links)
L'épilepsie est une maladie neurologique chronique caractérisée par des crises spontanées et récurrentes. Les crises sont générées par un déséquilibre dans le fonctionnement des neurotransmetteurs et des canaux ioniques qui contrôlent l'excitabilité. L'épileptogenèse est majoritairement associée à des pertes neuronales, une gliose, une inflammation plus ou moins importants. Un tiers des patients deviennent réfractaires. Récemment, plusieurs équipes ont montré une association entre les épilepsies focales pharmacorésistantes et la rupture de la barrière hémato-encéphalique (BHE). De plus, une implication du système immunitaire ainsi qu'une cause auto-immune de l'épilepsie ont été suggérées. Dans cette thèse, nous avons observé dans le tissu de patients atteints d'épilepsie pharmacorésistante du lobe temporal (ELT), des fuites d'Immunoglobulines G (IgG) dans le parenchyme et leur accumulation dans les neurones présentant des signes de neurodégénérescence. Le récepteur d'IgG de grande affinité FcyRI est surexprimé sur les cellules ayant une morphologie de type microglie/ macrophages, tandis que le récepteur de faible affinité FcyRIII et le récepteur inhibiteur FcγRII sont moins présents. Dans ce même tissu nous avons noté que les protéines du complément C3c et C5b9 sont exprimées. Ensuite, nous avons étudié si le modèle murin d'épilepsie focale induite par injection intra-amygdalienne de kaïnate reproduit la physiopathologie de l'ELT associée à une rupture de la BHE. ZO-1, la principale protéine des jonctions serrées, présente un marquage discontinu indiquant que la BHE a été affectée. Nous avons remarqué des fuites d'IgGs et d'albumine ainsi que leur accumulation dans le parenchyme coïncidant avec la survenue des crises. La présence d‘IgG dans l'épilepsie pourrait également avoir une cause auto-immune. Nous avons utilisé des puces à protéines pour identifier des antigènes qui induisent une réponse immunitaire, dans le plasma des patients atteints d'ELT, Nous avons sélectionné 19 auto-anticorps spécifiques qui peuvent servir de potentiels biomarqueurs diagnostiques L'ensemble de ces résultats suggère que les fuites d'IgG sont associées à une déficience neuronale, conduisant à des changements immunologiques dans le foyer épileptique qui participent à la pathogénèse de l'ELT. Nous pensons qu'une meilleure interprétation des profils de ces auto-anticorps pourrait offrir de nouvelles perspectives thérapeutiques. / Epilepsy is a chronic neurologic disorder characterized by recurrent unprovoked seizures. Seizures are generated by an imbalance in the functioning of neurotransmitters and ion channels that control excitability. Epileptogenesis is mostly associated with neuronal loss, gliosis, and inflammation more or less important. A third of patients become drug refractory. Recently, several teams have shown an association between drug-resistant focal epilepsy and disruption of the blood-brain barrier (BBB). In addition, a possible role of the immune system and an autoimmune nature in epilepsy has been suggested. In this thesis, in the tissue of patients with drug-resistant temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE), leakage of immunoglobulin G (IgG) into the parenchyma and IgG accumulation in neurons with attendant signs of neurodegeneration was observed. In addition, the high affinity IgG receptor, FcγRI was expressed on microglia/macrophage shaped cells. The expression of the low affinity IgG receptor, FcγRIII and the inhibitory IgG receptor, FcγRII was decreased. In the same tissue the complement proteins C3c and C5b9 were present on astrocyte/ microglia and macrophage/ microglia shaped cells respectively. Then, we evaluated whether the mouse model of focal epilepsy induced by intra-amygdala microinjection of kainic acid reproduced a pathophysiology of TLE associated with BBB impairment. ZO-1, the main tight junction protein presented discontinuous staining indicating that BBB was affected. Both IgG and albumin extravasations from blood vessels were noted and its parenchymal accumulation was concomitant with seizure occurrence. Another hypothesis of IgG presence in epilepsy incriminates an auto-immune cause. Protein microarray technology was used for identification in pooled plasma samples, of antigens that bind plasma antibody from TLE patients. 19 potential autoantibodies were identified as potential diagnostic biomarkers. Together, these observations suggest that IgG leakage is associated with neuronal impairment, leading to immunological changes in epileptic focus involved in the pathogenesis of TLE. A better interpretation of the profiles of these autoantibodies could offer new therapeutic and diagnostic perspectives.

Características clínicas e laboratoriais de pacientes afro-brasileiros com esclerose sistêmica / Clinical and laboratory features of African-Brazilian patients with systemic sclerosis

Silva, Cristiane Mendes da 20 March 2019 (has links)
Introdução: Os afro-brasileiros compreendem um grupo de negros e pardos com uma ancestralidade diversa. Como as diferenças raciais podem estar associadas a apresentações distintas, torna-se relevante realizar uma análise de associações clínicas e sorológicas de pacientes afro-brasileiros com esclerose sistêmica (ES). Objetivos: Analisar a apresentação clínica e laboratorial, características demográficas e sobrevida dos afro-brasileiros com ES. Métodos: Foram avaliados soros de 260 pacientes adultos com ES (57 afro-brasileiros e 203 brancos). Pacientes com síndromes de sobreposição foram excluídos. Dados clínicos e demográficos foram obtidos de um banco de dados de registros eletrônicos. A análise laboratorial incluiu anti-CENP-A/ CENP-B, Scl70, RNA polimerase III, Ku, fibrilarina, Th/To, PM/Scl75 e PM/Scl100 por line imunoblotting e anticorpos antinucleares por imunofluorescência indireta em células HEp-2. Resultados: Em relação aos brancos, os pacientes afro-brasileiros com ES apresentaram menor tempo de doença (9,0±5,4 anos vs. 11,3±7,5 anos, P=0,001), maior frequência do padrão nucleolar (28% vs. 13%, P=0,008) e menores frequências do padrão centromérico (14% vs. 29%, P=0,026) e CENP-B (18% vs. 34%, P=0,017). Comparações adicionais entre grupos étnicos de acordo com a forma clínica revelaram que pacientes afro-brasileiros com ES difusa apresentaram maior frequência de hipertensão pulmonar (P=0,017), envolvimento cardíaco (P=0,037), padrão nucleolar (P=0,036) e anticorpos antifibrilarina (P=0,037). De maneira diferente foi observado para a forma limitada apenas uma menor frequência de envolvimento esofágico (P=0,050) e padrão centromérico (P=0,049). A análise de sobrevida mostrou que os afro-brasileiros apresentaram maior mortalidade quando ajustados para sexo e forma clínica (risco relativo 3,65; intervalo de confiança de 95% 1,05-12,62, P=0,041). Conclusão: Os pacientes afro-brasileiros com ES, apesar de sua forte impressão de ancestralidade europeia, apresentam características distintas de acordo com a forma clínica e uma doença mais grave do que os brancos, com um padrão muito semelhante ao descrito para negros de outros países / Introduction: African-Brazilians comprise a group of blacks and \"pardos\" with a diverse ancestry. As racial differences can be associated with distinct presentations, it becomes relevant to assess the clinical and serological associations of African-Brazilians with systemic sclerosis (SSc). Objectives: To analyze clinical and laboratory presentation, demographic features and survival of Afro-Brazilians with SSc. Methods: Sera from 260 adult SSc patients (57 African-Brazilians and 203 whites) were evaluated. Patients with overlap syndromes were excluded. Clinical and demographic data were obtained from an electronic register database. Laboratory analysis included: anti-CENPA/CENP-B, Scl70, RNA polymerase III, Ku, fibrillarin, Th/To, PM/Scl75 and PM/Scl100 by line immunoassay and antinuclear antibodies by indirect immunofluorescence on HEp-2 cells. Results: In relation to whites, African-Brazilian patients with SSc presented shorter disease duration (9.0±5.4 years vs. 11.3±7.5 years, P=0.001), higher frequency of nucleolar pattern (28% vs. 13%, P=0.008) and lower frequencies of centromeric pattern (14% vs. 29%, P=0.026) and CENP-B (18% vs. 34%, P=0.017). Further comparison of ethnic groups according to subsets revealed that African-Brazilian patients with diffuse SSc presented higher frequency of pulmonary hypertension (P=0.017), heart involvement (P=0.037), nucleolar pattern (P=0.036) and anti-fibrillarin antibodies (P=0.037). A different pattern was observed for the limited subset with solely a lower frequency of esophageal involvement (P=0.050) and centromeric pattern (P=0.049). Survival analysis showed that African-Brazilians had a higher mortality, when adjusted for gender and clinical subset (relative risk 3.65, confidence interval 95% 1.05-12.62, P=0.041). Conclusion: African-Brazilian patients with SSc, despite their strong imprint of European ancestry, have distinct characteristics according to clinical subset and an overall more severe disease than whites, with a pattern very similar to the described for blacks from other countries

Estudo da região promotora do gene da interleucina (IL-21) e do poliformismo do gene tirosina fosfatase, tipo não receptor 22 (PTPN22): associação com auto-anticorpos em pacientes portadores de diabetes mellitos tipo 1A / Allelic variant in IL21 promoter region, C1858T PTPN22 frequency and autoantibodies in Brazilian type 1A diabetes patients

Novo, Debora Teixeira de Oliveira Mainardi 11 August 2011 (has links)
As citocinas têm papel importante como mediadores através das respostas imunológicas. A Interleucina-21, importante regulador dos linfócitos T e B, é produzida por linfócitos CD4 ativados, e está implicada na patogênese do diabetes autoimune em modelo animal, o NOD. A região promotora da IL-21, que contempla sítios de controle da expressão gênica em camundongos, o NFATc2, T-bet e c-MAF, foi estudada pela primeira vez em humanos portadores de diabetes tipo 1A, neste trabalho. Foi analisado também a freqüência do polimorfismo C1858T do gene PTPN22, que tem sido associado em estudos recentes como fator de risco importante para diabetes tipo1A e outras doenças autoimunes. Associou-se ainda, autoanticorpos pancreáticos e não-pancreáticos em diabéticos e grupo controle normal, e estes resultados foram analisados com ambos os genes. Foram estudados 612 DM1A e 792 indivíduos do grupo controle. Após extração de DNA genômico, a região 5proximal da região promotora do gene da Il-21, -448+83pb, foi seqüenciada em 309 brasileiros diabéticos tipo 1A e 189 indivíduos do grupo controle. A genotipagem do polimorfismo C1858T do gene PTPN22, por RFLP, foi realizada em 434 diabéticos e 689 controles, bem como os alelos HLA-DRB1. Foi encontrada uma variação alélica, em heterozigoze, na posição g.-241 T>A, em apenas uma paciente, que apresentou idade de diagnóstico aos 30 anos de idade. Esta variante alélica não foi encontrada nos 497 indivíduos (308 DM1A e 189 grupo controle). A freqüência dos alelos polimórficos (CT/TT) foi maior nos diabéticos (18.7%) que no grupo controle (10.6%), OR 1,94 e p<0,001. O polimorfismo C1858T do gene PTPN22 associou-se à maior freqüência dos autoanticorpos pancreático anti-GAD65 (p=0,002) e não-pancreático anti-TG (p=0,001), quando avaliados os dois grupos juntos, DM1A e grupo controle. Os diabéticos apresentaram maior freüência dos autoanticorpos como segue: autoanticorpos pancreáticos: anti-GAD65: 225 /482 (46.7%) vs 13/786 (1.7%), p<0.001; anti-IA2 : 204/469 (43.5%) vs 15/786 (1.9%), p<0.001. Autoanticorpos não-pancreáticos: FAN: 60/234 (25.6%) vs 13/239 (5.4%), p<0.001; anti-TPO: 64/279 (22.9%) vs 34/495 (6.9%), p<0.001; anti-TG : 65/278 (23.4%) vs 44/489 (9%), p<0.001; TRAb: 14/187 (7.5%) vs 1/327 (0.3%), p<0.001; anti-21-OH : 8/154 (5,2%) vs 1/160 (0,6%), p< 0,001. Os autoanticorpos a seguir foram realizados apenas nos pacientes diabéticos: anti-tTG 5/73% (6.8%), anti-Endom 10/176 (5.7%). Com exceção do anti-GAD65 e anti-TG, nenhum outro autoanticorpo associou-se ao polimorfismo do gene PTPN22. Os alelos HLA-DR3/DR$ predominaram nos diabéticos (p<0,001). Concluimos então que o polimorfismo C1858T do gene PTPN22 e os alelos HLA-DR3/DR4 estão associados ao risco de DM1A. Variantes alélicas na região 5 proximal do gene da IL-21 parece não ser predisponente à suscetibilidade ao DM1A e outras doenças autoimunes. Autoanticorpos órgão-específicos são mais freqüentes em diabéticos, principalmente nas glândulas adrenal e tireóide. O polimorfismo C1858T do gene PTPN22 está associado à maior freqüência dos autoanticorpos anti-GAD65 e antitireoglobulina / Objective: Cytokines are central mediators of inflammation through innate and adaptive immune responses. IL-21, a critical regulator of T and B cell function, is produced by various subsets of CD4+ T cells, and it has been implicated in the pathogenesis of non obese diabetes mouse. The proximal promoter of IL-21, which controls its Th-cell-subset-specific expression through the action of NFATc2, T-bet and c-MAF in animal models, was evaluated in type 1A diabetes (T1AD) patients for the first time. This study also analyzed the 1858T PTPN22 polymorphism, which has recently emerged as an important risk factor for T1AD and other autoimmune diseases. Moreover, islet and other organ-specific autoantibodies were quantified in T1AD patients and healthy controls and the results were correlated with both genes. Research design and methods: The case series comprised 612 T1AD patients and 792 healthy control (HC) individuals. Genomic DNA extraction was performed by salting-out in purified blood leukocytes. The region encompassing -448+83 bp of IL-21 gene was amplified and sequenced using genomic DNA from 309 Brazilian T1AD patients and 189 control individuals. RFLP genotyping of C1858T PTPN22 was performed in 689 controls and 434 T1D patients. HLA DR3/DR4 alleles were also evaluated. Results: A heterozygous allelic variant (g.-241 T>A) was found in only one patient, who was 30 years old at the onset of disease. This allelic variant was not found in 497 individuals (308 T1AD patients and 189 healthy controls). The PTPN22 1858T allele frequency was greater in patients (18.7%) than in controls (10.6%): odds ratio of 1.94; p<0.001. An association was found between C1858T polymorphism and higher frequency of GAD65 Ab (p=0.002) and TG Ab (p=0.011), among both T1AD and HC. Type 1 diabetes patients presented higher frequency of the following autoantibodies, compared with HC (p<0.001): GAD65 Ab (46.7% vs 1.7%); IA2 Ab (43.5% vs 1.9%); ANA (25.6% vs 5.4%); TPO Ab (22.9% vs 6.9%); TG Ab (23.4% vs 9.0%); TRAb (7.5% vs 0.3%); 21-OH Ab (5,2% vs 0,6%). The following antibodies were evaluated only in T1AD: tTG Ab (6.8%) anti-Endom (5.7%). Except by GAD65 Ab and TG Ab, no association was found between C1858T polymorphism and these autoantibodies.HLA-DR3/DR4 alleles predominated in T1D patients (p<0.001) Conclusions: C1858T PTPN22 polymorphism and the HLA-DR3 and/or DR4 alleles were associated with proneness to T1AD. Allelic variants at the 5\' proximal region of the IL-21 gene do not seem to predispose to susceptibility to T1AD and other autoimmune endocrine diseases. Autoantibodies specific to other organs and tissues are frequent in T1AD carriers, mainly to the thyroid glands. The 1858T PTPN22 polymorphism was associated with higher frequency of GAD65A and TGA.

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