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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Apontamentos para o estudo da diplomacia multilateral do Brasil : momentos fundadores e temas políticos nas nações unidas

Fonseca Junior, Gelson January 2014 (has links)
A tese estuda a evolução histórica do atitude multilateral do Brasil. Parte da noção que o multilateralismo é um aspecto significativo da política externa brasileira, desde as primeiras conferências internacionais dos países americanos, que começam ainda no fim do século XIX. Em tempos recentes, na Liga das Nações, mas sobretudo nas Nações Unidas, a importância das instituições multilaterais só fez crescer. O estudo parte, no ângulo teórico, da perspectiva de que o multilateralismo tem uma lógica própria e que, ao aceitá-la, o comportamento diplomático dos Estados deve naturalmente estar em sintonia com o que aquela lógica impõe. A concepção de John Ruggie apóia a parte teórica da tese e sustenta o seu objetivo central, que é o de procura definir o que seriam constantes do comportamento multilateral do Brasil. Procura-se mostrar que suas origens estariam nas reações que a diplomacia brasileira teve ao Pan Americanismo, se fixaram com nossa participação na II Conferência da Haia, quando, com Ruy Barbosa, defendemos que as instituições multilaterais deveriam estar fundadas na igualdade entre os Estados e com a aspiração a uma participação influente nos processos decisórios internacionais, expresso recentemente com a aspiração a um lugar permanente no Conselho de Segurança das Nações. / The thesis studies the evolution of Brazil´s multilateral attitude. It accepts the notion that multilateralism has been a meaningful aspect of Brazilian foreign policy since the first conferences of American States, a series of international gatherings that began at the end of nineteenth century. From them on, after the creation of the League of Nations and, specially, the United Nations, the importance of multilateral institutions for Brazil has grown consistently. From the theoretical perspective, the thesis accepts the idea that multilateralism is defined by a singular logic and States, when working in multilateral institutions, are bound by that logic. John Ruggie´s conception of nultilateralism supoorts that idea and frames the main goal of the thesis, that is, a investigation of the constant patterns of Brazil´s multilateral behavior. The origins of those patterns could be identified in the diplomatic reactions to the challenges of the Pan American conferences. But, the patterns became more evident during our participation in the II Peace Conference (Hague, 1907) when our delegation, headed by Ruy Barbosa, advocated the understanding that necessary foundation of the multilateral institutions is the equality among States. Another constant is the Brazilian wish to have a more influential participation in the decision making process of the international institutions, as today shown in our aspiration to occupy a permanent seat at the Security Council of the United Nations.

Accelerator Mass Spectrometry of 36Cl and 129I : Analytical Aspects and Applications

Alfimov, Vasily January 2004 (has links)
Two long-lived halogen radionuclides (36Cl, T1/2 = 301 kyr, and 129I, T1/2 = 15.7 Myr) have been studied by means of Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) at the Uppsala Tandem Laboratory. The 36Cl measurements in natural samples using a medium-sized tandem accelerator (~1 MeV/amu) have been considered. A gas-filled magnetic spectrometer (GFM) was proposed for the separation of 36Cl from its isobar, 36S. Semi-empirical Monte-Carlo ion optical calculations were conducted to define optimal conditions for separating 36Cl and 36S. A 180° GFM was constructed and installed at the dedicated AMS beam line. 129I has been measured in waters from the Arctic and North Atlantic Oceans. Most of the 129I currently present in the Earth's surface environment can be traced back to liquid and gaseous releases from the nuclear reprocessing facilities at Sellafield (UK) and La Hague (France). The anthropogenic 129I inventory in the central Arctic Ocean was found to increase proportionally to the integrated 129I releases from these reprocessing facilities. The interaction and origin of water masses in the region have been clearly distinguished with the help of 129I labeling. Predictions based on a compartment model calculation showed that the Atlantic Ocean and deep Arctic Ocean are the major sinks for the reprocessed 129I. The variability in 129I concentration measured in seawater along a transect from the Baltic Sea to the North Atlantic suggests strong enrichment in the Skagerrak–Kattegat basin. The 129I inventory in the Baltic and Bothnian Seas is equal to ~0.3% of the total liquid releases from the reprocessing facilities. A lake sediment core sampled in northeastern Ireland was analyzed for 129I to study the history of the Sellafield releases, in particular the nuclear accident of 1957. High 129I concentration was observed corresponding to 1990 and later, while no indication of the accident was found. The results of this thesis research clearly demonstrate the uniqueness and future potential of 129I as a tracer of processes in both marine and continental archives.

The 2005 Hague Choice of Court Agreements Convention : a chance for China to establish a new system on choice of court agreement / Chance for China to establish a new system on choice of court agreement

Yan, Cheng Yan January 2010 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Law

Řešení sporů z mezinárodní kupní smlouvy / International Sales Dispute Resolution

Gavrilova, Iva January 2018 (has links)
INTERNATIONAL SALES DISPUTE RESOLUTION ABSTRACT This dissertation deals with judicial resolution of disputes arising from cross-border commercial relationships, more precisely from international sales contract as their common representative. The introduction defines the term of international sales contract (chapter one) and the process of its formation (chapter two) under the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods ("CISG"). It addresses inter alia the gap filling of the CISG, uniform interpretation or commercial usages. Some comparative notes are also provided. Further, it examines a phenomenon called "battle of forms" that often occurs in practice when dealing with standard terms and conditions. The focal point of the thesis is the rules of jurisdiction set out in the Brussels I Regulation Recast ("Regulation") which are analysed from the perspective of an international commercial relationship. The emphasis is on the prorogation of jurisdiction under the Regulation. The third chapter deals with the territorial, temporal and material scope of application of the Regulation, as well as with its autonomous interpretation. It also discusses the role of the Regulation in arbitration. Chapter four reviews the rules of jurisdiction applicable when there is no valid choice of...

Apontamentos para o estudo da diplomacia multilateral do Brasil : momentos fundadores e temas políticos nas nações unidas

Fonseca Junior, Gelson January 2014 (has links)
A tese estuda a evolução histórica do atitude multilateral do Brasil. Parte da noção que o multilateralismo é um aspecto significativo da política externa brasileira, desde as primeiras conferências internacionais dos países americanos, que começam ainda no fim do século XIX. Em tempos recentes, na Liga das Nações, mas sobretudo nas Nações Unidas, a importância das instituições multilaterais só fez crescer. O estudo parte, no ângulo teórico, da perspectiva de que o multilateralismo tem uma lógica própria e que, ao aceitá-la, o comportamento diplomático dos Estados deve naturalmente estar em sintonia com o que aquela lógica impõe. A concepção de John Ruggie apóia a parte teórica da tese e sustenta o seu objetivo central, que é o de procura definir o que seriam constantes do comportamento multilateral do Brasil. Procura-se mostrar que suas origens estariam nas reações que a diplomacia brasileira teve ao Pan Americanismo, se fixaram com nossa participação na II Conferência da Haia, quando, com Ruy Barbosa, defendemos que as instituições multilaterais deveriam estar fundadas na igualdade entre os Estados e com a aspiração a uma participação influente nos processos decisórios internacionais, expresso recentemente com a aspiração a um lugar permanente no Conselho de Segurança das Nações. / The thesis studies the evolution of Brazil´s multilateral attitude. It accepts the notion that multilateralism has been a meaningful aspect of Brazilian foreign policy since the first conferences of American States, a series of international gatherings that began at the end of nineteenth century. From them on, after the creation of the League of Nations and, specially, the United Nations, the importance of multilateral institutions for Brazil has grown consistently. From the theoretical perspective, the thesis accepts the idea that multilateralism is defined by a singular logic and States, when working in multilateral institutions, are bound by that logic. John Ruggie´s conception of nultilateralism supoorts that idea and frames the main goal of the thesis, that is, a investigation of the constant patterns of Brazil´s multilateral behavior. The origins of those patterns could be identified in the diplomatic reactions to the challenges of the Pan American conferences. But, the patterns became more evident during our participation in the II Peace Conference (Hague, 1907) when our delegation, headed by Ruy Barbosa, advocated the understanding that necessary foundation of the multilateral institutions is the equality among States. Another constant is the Brazilian wish to have a more influential participation in the decision making process of the international institutions, as today shown in our aspiration to occupy a permanent seat at the Security Council of the United Nations.

A proteção dos direitos das crianças e dos adolescentes nos casos de sequestro internacional : uma análise acerca dos julgamentos proferidos pelo Superior Tribunal de Justiça brasileiro entre os anos de 2007 e 2017

Holanda, Gabriela Ferreira Pinto de 28 February 2018 (has links)
The central objective of this study is to analyze if there is an effective protection of children’s and teenager’s rights in cases of international kidnapping. Brazil, one of the signatory countries to the Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction, better known as The Hague Convention (1980), since 2000, through Decree no. 3.413 / 2000, uses the Convention as a basis for cases of child abduction or kidnapping, which occurs when the child is taken to another country without the consent of one of the parents, triggering a subsequent custody dispute. The aforementioned international legislation establishes that, when verifying the actual occurrence of abduction or abduction of minors, they must be returned as quickly as possible to the country where they habitually reside, and the superior interest of the children should be prioritized. However, the great question that arises is whether the Brazilian Superior Court of Justice (STJ), when assessing the demands in question, has prioritized the protection of the rights of these vulnerable beings. For the development of the present work, a theoretical research was carried out, which served as a foundation for the construction of the second stage, of an empirical nature, in which a mapping of the decisions rendered by the Brazilian STJ in the last ten years was developed, in the assessment of the claims in which the subtraction or abduction of minors is discussed with the application of the aforementioned convention. With the studies concluded, it is hoped to find the balance point between the application of The Hague Convention and the effective protection of the rights of children and adolescents in the demands arising from illegal subtraction at the international level. / Analisar a ocorrência da efetiva proteção dos direitos das crianças e dos adolescentes nos casos de sequestro internacional é o objetivo central deste estudo. O Brasil, como um dos países signatários da Convenção sobre os Aspectos Civis do Sequestro Internacional de Crianças, mais conhecida como Convenção de Haia (1980), desde o ano 2000, através do Decreto nº. 3.413/2000, utiliza-a como fundamento para os casos de subtração ou sequestro de crianças ou adolescentes, que ocorre quando o infante é conduzido para outro país sem o consentimento de um dos genitores, desencadeando uma posterior disputa de guarda. A mencionada legislação internacional determina que, ao se verificar a efetiva ocorrência de subtração ou sequestro de menores de idade, estes devem ser devolvidos, com a maior celeridade possível, para o país que residiam habitualmente, devendo-se priorizar o seu superior interesse. Entretanto, o grande questionamento que surge é se o Superior Tribunal de Justiça (STJ) brasileiro, ao apreciar as demandas em apreço, tem primado pela proteção dos direitos desses seres vulneráveis. Para o desenvolvimento do presente trabalho, realizou-se, em princípio, uma pesquisa teórica, que serviu de alicerce para a construção da segunda etapa, de natureza empírica, na qual foi efetuado um mapeamento das decisões proferidas pelo STJ brasileiro nos últimos dez anos, na apreciação das demandas em que se discute a subtração ou sequestro de crianças com a aplicação da aludida convenção. Esperase, com os estudos empreendidos, que seja encontrado um ponto de equilíbrio entre a aplicação da Convenção de Haia e a efetiva proteção dos direitos das crianças e dos adolescentes nas demandas decorrentes da subtração ilegal no âmbito internacional. / São Cristóvão, SE

The development of joint criminal enterprise and command responsibility by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia

Ivanovic, Lidija 29 May 2014 (has links)
LL.M. (International Law) / Please refer to full text to view abstract.

Apontamentos para o estudo da diplomacia multilateral do Brasil : momentos fundadores e temas políticos nas nações unidas

Fonseca Junior, Gelson January 2014 (has links)
A tese estuda a evolução histórica do atitude multilateral do Brasil. Parte da noção que o multilateralismo é um aspecto significativo da política externa brasileira, desde as primeiras conferências internacionais dos países americanos, que começam ainda no fim do século XIX. Em tempos recentes, na Liga das Nações, mas sobretudo nas Nações Unidas, a importância das instituições multilaterais só fez crescer. O estudo parte, no ângulo teórico, da perspectiva de que o multilateralismo tem uma lógica própria e que, ao aceitá-la, o comportamento diplomático dos Estados deve naturalmente estar em sintonia com o que aquela lógica impõe. A concepção de John Ruggie apóia a parte teórica da tese e sustenta o seu objetivo central, que é o de procura definir o que seriam constantes do comportamento multilateral do Brasil. Procura-se mostrar que suas origens estariam nas reações que a diplomacia brasileira teve ao Pan Americanismo, se fixaram com nossa participação na II Conferência da Haia, quando, com Ruy Barbosa, defendemos que as instituições multilaterais deveriam estar fundadas na igualdade entre os Estados e com a aspiração a uma participação influente nos processos decisórios internacionais, expresso recentemente com a aspiração a um lugar permanente no Conselho de Segurança das Nações. / The thesis studies the evolution of Brazil´s multilateral attitude. It accepts the notion that multilateralism has been a meaningful aspect of Brazilian foreign policy since the first conferences of American States, a series of international gatherings that began at the end of nineteenth century. From them on, after the creation of the League of Nations and, specially, the United Nations, the importance of multilateral institutions for Brazil has grown consistently. From the theoretical perspective, the thesis accepts the idea that multilateralism is defined by a singular logic and States, when working in multilateral institutions, are bound by that logic. John Ruggie´s conception of nultilateralism supoorts that idea and frames the main goal of the thesis, that is, a investigation of the constant patterns of Brazil´s multilateral behavior. The origins of those patterns could be identified in the diplomatic reactions to the challenges of the Pan American conferences. But, the patterns became more evident during our participation in the II Peace Conference (Hague, 1907) when our delegation, headed by Ruy Barbosa, advocated the understanding that necessary foundation of the multilateral institutions is the equality among States. Another constant is the Brazilian wish to have a more influential participation in the decision making process of the international institutions, as today shown in our aspiration to occupy a permanent seat at the Security Council of the United Nations.

The New Horizons of Business and Human Rights in International Arbitration : An Analysis of the Hague Rules on Business and Human Rights Arbitration

Palm, Emelie January 2020 (has links)
Arbitration has previously been a dispute resolution method for commercial and investment disputes mostly concerning businesses and states. The recently launched Hague Rules on Business and Human Rights Arbitration (The Hague Rules) are a universal set of rules for business-related human rights disputes in international arbitration, which offer an additional legal remedy for victims of human rights abuse linked to business activities. This thesis discusses if the legal remedies have been improved and reflects on previous legal remedies in order to analyse a potential improvement provided by the Hague Rules. The history of business-related human rights disputes has been strongly affected by the concept of corporate social responsibility which have contributed to a development of several soft law regulations. At the same time, businesses, states and arbitral tribunals have contributed to gradually include human rights aspects in arbitration. Despite this, the development before the Hague Rules was fragmentary and victims of the business-related human rights abuse were not provided a stable access to legal remedy. Corrupted and impartial domestic courts could in turn lead to the result of victims being completely excluded from access to justice. Through the Hague Rules, victims are provided with an opportunity to raise claims in arbitration, a development that have included human rights aspects in arbitration such as public interest, imbalance of power, expert arbitrators and witness protection. Even if the Hague Rules offer an effective legal remedy for the victims of business-related human rights abuse in many regards, imbalance of power between a well-funded corporation and the victims cannot be solved solely by a soft law instrument. Furthermore, domestic laws and domestic courts might raise issues for the Hague Rules which could also potentially decrease important features of the national adjudication process. Even if the Hague Rules could be improved further, they are still an improvement of legal remedies for victims of human rights abuse linked to business activities and have increased the access to justice.

The carrier’s exemption from liability in the Hague, Hamburg and Rotterdam Rules : an examination from the perspectives of fairness and clarity

Li, Boxuan 04 1900 (has links)
Le commerce international est souvent relié au transport maritime. La poursuite des règles uniformes se rapportant à ce dernier avait débuté à la fin du XIXe siècle et a abouti à l’émergence des Règles de La Haye, des Règles de Hambourg et des Règles de Rotterdam. L’exonération du transporteur maritime, qui suscitait des controverses favorisant le développement des règles maritimes internationales, a été réglementée de trois façons différentes dans les trois Règles précitées. La question principale abordée dans la thèse présente est si elles sont suffisamment satisfaisantes. Une autre question, qui se pose s’il est prouvé qu’aucune d’entre elles ne l’est, est quelle serait une meilleure façon. Pour y répondre, deux critères, soit la justice et la clarté, ont été choisis. Les recherches effectuées dans le cadre de la thèse présente visent à donner une évaluation profonde des régimes existants en matière de réglementation de l’exonération du transporteur maritime ainsi que des suggestions d’amélioration à cet égard. / The international trade is usually connected with the carriage of goods by sea. The campaign in pursuit of uniform rules governing such carriage was launched in the late nineteenth century and has led to the emergence of the Hague Rules, the Hamburg Rules and the Rotterdam Rules. The carrier’s entitlement to exemption from liability, which triggered much controversy contributing to the development of the international shipping rules, has been regulated in three different ways in the aforementioned three Rules. The principal question addressed in the present thesis is whether they are sufficiently satisfactory. Another question, which is to be dealt with if none of them proves to be the case, is what a better way could be like. Two criteria, namely fairness and clarity, have been chosen in answer to the aforesaid questions. The research contained in the present thesis aims to give a thorough evaluation of the existing regimes regarding the carrier’s exemption from liability and some improvement suggestions in this respect.

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