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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Controle térmico de alta exatidão e sua aplicação na determinação de propriedades térmicas de materiais

Nascimento, Leonaldo José Lyra do 14 December 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-08T14:59:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 5685009 bytes, checksum: 7c7cec127c61d91393979e6be4ef4ab5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-12-14 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This paper presents a theoretical and experimental study of a PID control-Proportional, Integral and Derivative using PELTIER module that achieves precision of about 0.01oC. It is developed to study the integrated instrumentation and control heat transfer. Based on this we developed a heat signal generator on a flat surface and applied to the measurement of thermal properties, in a system similar to electrical circuit. After several experiments, the results indicates the validity of the proposal. / Neste trabalho apresenta-se um estudo teórico e experimental de um controle P.I.D.- Proporcional, Integral e Derivativo, utilizando módulos Peltier s que alcançam precisão de cerca de 0.01oC. É desenvolvido o estudo da instrumentação e controle integrado à transferência de calor. Baseado neste controle foi desenvolvido um gerador de sinais térmicos em uma superfície plana e aplicado na medida de propriedades térmicas, em um sistema semelhante ao circuito elétrico. Após vários ensaios experimentais usando amostras sólidas, os resultados indicam a validade da proposta.

Sistemas computacionais de apoio à monitoração de estruturas de engenharia civil. / Computational systems to support monitoring of civil engineering structures.

Wayne Santos de Assis 24 May 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de sistemas computacionais de apoio à aquisição, visualização e tratamento de dados provenientes de monitoração de estruturas de Engenharia Civil. Por meio dos sistemas construídos, torna-se possível adquirir, visualizar e filtrar informações com facilidade, ao mesmo tempo em que se permite avaliar a influência da temperatura, da retração e da fluência nos elementos estruturais monitorados. Buscando desenvolver as ferramentas computacionais em uma perspectiva alinhada com necessidades reais do setor, foram monitoradas duas pontes rodoviárias e uma estação metroviária, sendo utilizada instrumentação avançada baseada em sensores e equipamentos ópticos e elétricos, permitindo a medição de grandezas como deformação, temperatura, deslocamento e rotações. A experiência adquirida em campo encontra-se descrita, apresentando-se a estrutura e componentes dos modernos sistemas de monitoração e os principais resultados decorrentes da sua aplicação nas obras monitoradas. Nesse contexto, os sistemas computacionais construídos demonstraram ser úteis ferramentas, auxiliando nas diversas fases da monitoração estrutural, desde a aquisição até a interpretação dos resultados. / This work presents the development of computational systems to support acquisition, visualization, and treatment of data from health monitoring systems of civil structures. With these systems, it is possible to acquire, to visualize, and to filter monitored data. It is also possible to evaluate the influence of temperature, shrinkage and creep in structural elements. The goal is the development of tools to fulfill real needs. For that, two bridges and a subway station were monitored using advanced instrumentation based on optical and electrical sensors. The acquired experience in field is described, presenting the structure and the various components of modern structural health monitoring systems, as well as the main results of application in the monitored structures. In that context, the built computational systems demonstrated to be very useful, aiding in the several phases of the structural monitoring from the acquisition to the interpretation of the results.

Verification techniques in the context of event-trigged soft real-time systems / Verifikationstekniker för event-triggade mjuka realtidssystem

Norberg, Johan January 2007 (has links)
When exploring a verification approach for Komatsu Forest's control system regarding their forest machines (Valmet), the context of soft real-time systems is illuminated. Because of the nature of such context, the verification process is based on empirical corroboration of requirements fulfillment rather than being a formal proving process. After analysis of the literature with respect to the software testing field, two paradigms have been defined in order to highlight important concepts for soft real-time systems. The paradigms are based on an abstract stimuli/response model, which conceptualize a system with inputs and output. Since the system is perceived as a black box, its internal details are hidden and thus focus is placed on a more abstract level. The first paradigm, the “input data paradigm”, is concerned about what data to input to the system. The second paradigm, the “input data mechanism paradigm” is concerned about how the data is sent, i.e. the actual input mechanism is focused. By specifying different dimensions associated with each paradigm, it is possible to define their unique characteristics. The advantage of this kind of theoretical construction is that each paradigm creates an unique sub-field with its own problems and techniques. The problems defined for this thesis is primarily focused on the input data mechanism paradigm, where devised dimensions are applied. New verification techniques are deduced and analyzed based on general software testing principles. Based on the constructed theory, a test system architecture for the control system is developed. Finally, an implementation is constructed based on the architecture and a practical scenario. Its automation capability is then assessed. The practical context for the thesis is a new simulator under development. It is based upon LabVIEW and PXI technology and handles over 200 I/O. Real machine components are connected to the environment, together with artificial components that simulate the engine, hydraulic systems and a forest. Additionally, physical control sticks and buttons are connected to the simulator to enable user testing of the machine being simulated. The results associated with the thesis is first of all that usable verification techniques were deduced. Generally speaking, some of these techniques are scalable and are possible to apply for an entire system, while other techniques may be appropriate for selected subsets that needs extra attention. Secondly, an architecture for an automated test system based on a selection of techniques has been constructed for the control system. Last but not least, as a result of this, an implementation of a general test system has been possible and successful. The implemented test system is based on both C# and LabVIEW. What remains regarding the implementation is primarily to extend the system to include the full scope of features described in the architecture and to enable result analysis. / Då verifikationstekniker för Komatu Forests styrsystem utreds angående Valmet skogsmaskiner, hamnar det mjuka realtidssystemkontextet i fokus. Ett sådant kontext antyder en process där empirisk styrkning av kravuppfyllande står i centrum framför formella bevisföringsprocesser. Efter en genomgång och analys av litteratur för mjukvarutestområdet har två paradigmer definierats med avsikten att belysa viktiga concept för mjuka realtidssystem. Paradigmerna är baserade på en abstrakt stimuli/responsmodell, som beskriver ett system med in- och utdata. Eftersom detta system betraktas som en svart låda är inre detaljer gömda, vilket medför att fokus hamnar på ett mer abstrakt plan. Det första paradigmet benämns som “indata-paradigmet” och inriktar sig på vilket data som skickas in i systemet. Det andra paradigmet går under namnet “indatamekanism-paradigmet” och behandlar hur datat skickas in i systemet, dvs fokus placeras på själva inskickarmekanismen. Genom att definiera olika dimensioner för de två paradigmen, är det möjligt att beskriva deras utmärkande drag. Fördelen med att använda denna teoretiska konstruktion är att ett paradigm skapar ett eget teoriområde med sina egna frågeställningar och tekniker. De problem som definierats för detta arbete är främst fokuserade på indatamekanism-paradigmet, där framtagna dimensioner tillämpas. Nya verifikationstekniker deduceras och analyseras baserat på generella mjukvarutestprinciper. Utifrån den skapade teorin skapas en testsystemarkitektur för kontrollsystemet. Sedan utvecklas ett testsystem baserat på arkitekturen samt ett praktiskt scenario med syftet att utreda systemets automationsgrad. Den praktiska miljön för detta arbete kretsar kring en ny simulator under utveckling. Den är baserad på LabVIEW och PXI-teknik och hanterar över 200 I/O. Verkliga maskinkomponenter ansluts till denna miljö tillsammans med konstgjorda komponenter som simulerar motorn, hydralik samt en skog. Utöver detta, ansluts styrspakar och knappar för att möjliggöra användarstyrning av maskinen som simuleras. Resultatet förknippat med detta arbete är för det första användbara verifikationstekniker. Man kan generellt säga att några av dessa tekniker är skalbara och därmed möjliga att tillämpa för ett helt system. Andra tekniker är ej skalbara, men lämpliga att applicera på en systemdelmängd som behöver testas mer utförligt. För det andra, en arkitektur har konstruerats för kontrollsystemet baserat på ett urval av tekniker. Sist men inte minst, som en följd av ovanstående har en lyckad implementation av ett generellt testsystem utförts. Detta system implementerades med hjälp av C# och LabVIEW. Det som återstår beträffande implementationen är att utöka systemet så att alla funktioner som arkitekturen beskriver är inkluderade samt att införa resultatanalys.

Pracoviště pro měření průtoku a tlaku / Workplace of flow and pressure measurement

Brabenec, Jiří January 2008 (has links)
The thesis deals with formation of a workplace for preparation gaseous mixtures and their future usage. The main goal of the thesis is testing of new materials which have suitable usage as catalysts. Gaseous mixture is prepared by calorimetric mass flow meters with control valve and multiposition microelectric valve actuators. The next part describes measuring of pressure and temperature and controlling of furnace temperature. The thesis deals with specifications of all devices, their circuitry, communication and program controlling. All devices are controlled by computer with program which is programmed in LabVIEW.

Spektrální analýza EEG signálu / Spectral analysis of the EEG signal

Blatný, Michal January 2011 (has links)
Master’s thesis deal about electroencefalography, measurement EEG signals and analysis measuermed signals. Project contains two basis practical parts. Firts part contain two PC’s programs that’s are used to fundamental analysis to frequence-domain and visual display of brain mapping created with Matlab. Second chapter of practical parts includes two PC’s programs created with LabView. First of them is the EEG biofeedback making use for advanced analyses and second program is used to detection segment of stacionarity.

LabVIEW instrument control toolbox / LabVIEW instrument control toolbox

Mazal, Ctibor January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis is containing the description of the LabVIEW Instrument Control Toolbox project. Initial preparations like the development environment choosing process, as well as the instrument driver layer choice are present along with the project requirements. A signal approach to the instrument control is defined and described in detail. This thesis also contains the main project development in The National Instruments LabVIEW and at the end, a detailed description and user guidance for each developed and fully integrated toolbox module.

Návrh zařízení pro testování atmosférických rezistorů / Design of stand for atmospheric resistors testing

Kerek, Milan January 2015 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with the design and manufacture of device for testing and verification of functionality of atmospheric resistors produced by IMI CCI Czech Republic. An atmospheric resistor, also called disk stack, is a stack of disks through which the medium flows and the system of labyrinths in disk stack causing a pressure reduction of medium. This thesis describe design of the mechanical parts of stand for atmospheric resistors, choice pneumatic circuit’s components, data acquisition hardware for measuring flow, inlet and outlet pressure, and temperature. The software was created in LabVIEW programming environment. In the end of this paper was done measurement in order to test functionality of test stand and software.

Metody analýzy vibračních signálů / Methods of analysis of vibration signals

Russ, David January 2016 (has links)
The main target of this master’s thesis is to focus on methods of analysis of vibration signals in electric machines. To get know the basic principles of the diagnostics methods, is important to clarify origin of the vibration signals and the impact they have. The selected methods were tested practically by measurement on electric machines. Measured data were processed in program LabVIEW. In this thesis were created programs which actually can be aplicated for complete vibrodiagnostics of electric machines in particular induction motors. The basic evaluation of vibration are the RMS value, Crest factor, time course and power spectrum. Results of this thesis are used to demonstrate how quickly and effectively can be vibration signals from electric machines evaluated.

Design and construction of a contactless excitation and response measurement system

Westlund, Johan January 2019 (has links)
Manufacturing industry works on Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) to increase the yield and speed of machining. A good knowledge of the machine properties is important to increase the speed while still maintaining stable cutting with low tool usage.To make models of the machine is therefore important and in machining a common way to extract the dynamic properties is frequency response measurement. One way is to use an impact hammer to excite the machine tool and measure the response. The problem is that a hammer can only be used on a non running machine. At Manufacturing and Metrology Systems division at KTH (MMS) a test method for contactless excitation has been developed that uses electromagnets to excite the machine tool. By using contactless testing it can be used on rotating machine tools without real cutting in materials. In this thesis a new test system for the contact less testing method has been designed and constructed to test if it is possible to do test on a bigger variety of rotating cutting machine tools. The results for the prototype is presented and evaluated. / Dagens tillverkningsindustri arbetar för att utrsutningens totala effiktivitet ska höjas genomatt öka hastigheten och minska material- och verktygsanvändningen vid bearbetningen utan att minska kvalitén på slutprodukten. För att öka hastigheten krävs en god kännedom om maskinens egenskaper för att maskinen ska arbeta under stabila förhållanden där också verktygets slitage minskas. Att ta fram modeller över maskinen är därför viktigt och inom skärande bearbetning är frekvensresponsmätning ett sätt att få ut de dynamiska egenskaperna av det skärandeverktyget. En vanlig testmetod är att med en hammare exitera verktyget och mäta responsen. Problemet är dock att hammaren bara kan mäta vid stillastående maskin. Vid MMS har en testmetod för kontaktlös exitering tagits fram där elektromagneter användsför exiteringen. På så sätt kan testet utföras på roterande verktyg utan att man behöver förbruka material. I detta arbete har ett nytt testsystem för denna testmetod designats och konstruerats för att testa om det är möjligt med testning på flera storlekar på maskiner för skärandebearbetning. Resultaten för prototypen presenteras och utvärderas.

Real-time processing of electromyograms in an automated hand-forearm data collection and analysis system

Kuehl, Phillip Anthony January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering / Steven Warren / Handgrip contractions are a useful exercise for assessing muscle fatigue in the forearm musculature. Most conventional hand-forearm ergometer systems require the researcher to manually guide subject activity, collect subject data, and assess subject fatigue after it has occurred. Since post-processing tools are not standardized for this type of experiment, researchers resort to building their own tools. This process can make comparing results between research groups difficult. This thesis presents updates to a hand-forearm ergometer system that automate the control, data-acquisition, and data-analysis mechanisms. The automated system utilizes a LabVIEW virtual instrument as the system centerpiece; it provides the subject/researcher interfaces and coordinates data acquisition from both traditional and new sensors. The system also processes the hand-forearm data within the LabVIEW environment as the data are collected. This allows the researcher to better understand the onset of subject fatigue while an experiment is in progress. System upgrades relative to prior work include the addition of new parameters to the researcher display, a change in the subject display from a binary up-down display to a sliding bar for better control over subject grip state, and a software update from a simple data acquisition and display system to a real-time processing system. The toolset has proven to be a viable support resource for experimental studies performed in the Kansas State University Human Exercise Physiology Laboratory that target muscle fatigue in human forearms. Initial data acquired during these tests indicate the viability of the system to acquire consistent and physiologically meaningful data while providing a useable toolset for follow-on data analyses.

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