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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Employee relations in German multinationals in an Anglo-Saxon setting: Towards a Germanic version of the Anglo-Saxon approach?

McDonald, Frank, Heise, A., Tüselmann, H-J. January 2003 (has links)
No / This study examines whether German multinationals operating in an Anglo-Saxon setting design their employee relations primarily on the German or the Anglo-Saxon model. The authors¿ cross-sectional comparison with UK-owned firms provides no evidence of a transfer of the current German approach but does point to a distinctive Germanic version of the `high-road¿ variant of the Anglo-Saxon approach. Intra-German analysis shows that this is most pronounced among the types of subsidiaries that are particularly significant for disseminating employment relations innovations across the multinational, but that these also have the highest incidence of collective arrangements and the lowest incidence of the `low-road¿ variant of the Anglo-Saxon approach. In the light of recent reforms in the German industrial relations system, the findings point to an emerging new flexible collective approach with a comprehensive direct employee involvement dimension.

Statutory Union Recognition Provisions as Stimulants to Employer Anti-Unionism in Three Anglo-Saxon Countries

Gall, Gregor January 2009 (has links)
No / This article examines why employer opposition is stimulated by the introduction of statutory union recognition provisions in Britain, Ireland and the US. It examines the impact of the provisions for encouraging union organizing, which in turn stimulates employer anti-unionism, which then negates the intention of the provisions.

The diversity and politics of trade unions' responses to minority ethnic and migrant workers: the context of the UK

Lucio, M.M., Perrett, Robert A. January 2009 (has links)
No / The article first argues that there is a range of approaches and models developed in relation to the question of representing ethnic minorities and migrants when it comes to trade union strategies. There is no single model. Instead, there is a variety of approaches and politics, just as there are with a `traditionally established workforce'. Second, this study finds that the understanding of ethnic minority needs varies and the politics of this must be central to any discussion, as one cannot read off assumptions about the issue from formal union strategies, traditional practices and established customs in relation to regulation. In effect, there is a politics of trade union responses and there is diversity in the way the `problem' is read and understood. Third, the article argues that the issue of minority ethnic workers raises questions of trade union identity and purpose. This points to much deeper issues related to the role of regulation and strategies of inclusion — and the extent to which they cohere. It also raises the issue of the configuration of strategies of social inclusion and on occasions how strategies ignore the broader issue of participation of those they seek to represent. To this extent the article is not exclusively about inclusion and exclusion — but about the politics and contradictory dynamics of inclusion.

Labour Relations in the Global Fast-Food Industry

Royle, Tony, Towers, B. January 2002 (has links)
No / The fast-food industry is one of the few industries that can be described as truly global, not least in terms of employment, which is estimated at around ten million people worldwide. This edited volume is the first of its kind, providing an analysis of labour relations in this significant industry focusing on multinational corporations and large national companies in ten countries: the USA, Canada, the UK, the Netherlands, Germany, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, and Russia. The extent to which multinational enterprises impose or adapt their employment practices in differing national industrial relations systems is analysed, Results reveal that the global fast-food industry is typified by trade union exclusion, high labour turnover, unskilled work, paternalistic management regimes and work organization that allows little scope for developing workers' participation in decision-making, let alone advocating widely accepted concepts of social justice and workers' rights.

HR employees' perceptions regarding the changes in section 198B of the Labour Relations Act

Ledwaba, Melton 26 October 2018 (has links)
South Africa’s labour legislation has recently undergone momentous changes, in particular, the changes relating to section 198B of the Labour Relations Act (LRA) 66 of 1995. These amendments have proven to be more contentious than any other changes implemented by government in past years. The purpose of this study is to examine and outline the specific implications that the amendments to legislation regarding fixed-term contracts have on a pension and provident fund company in Gauteng, South Africa. This research will therefore highlight the implications (positive and negative) concerning the changes to section 198B on a pension and provident fund organisation in Gauteng, South Africa. The qualitative investigatory study was conducted with six employees of a pension and provident fund company which makes use of fixed term contract employees, until data saturation was reached. The data was collected by means of individual in depth interviews. The results of the study clearly indicate that the changes to section 198B will have both negative and positive implications. Some of the negative implications are that organisation have had to incur increased employment costs as a result of having to provide equal benefits and conditions of employment to all fixed term contract employees. Organisations now have to review the necessity of deploying fixed term contracts and where required to do away with such contracts. The implication here is that, the employment flexibility which organisations previously had has now been removed. Some of the positive implications are that, a few employees who had been on fixed term contracts were employed on a permanent basis after the changes came into effect. Employees experienced greater job security and were offered much needed benefits such as medical aid, pension and disability benefits. Permanent and fixed term contract employees are now treated equally. Part-time employees have better job security and the enhanced ability to enforce statutory rights in terms of equal treatment in employment by evoking enforcement mechanisms such as the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA), labour courts and bargaining councils with jurisdiction to arbitrate matters. / Business Management / M. Com. (Business Management)

Přechod práv a povinností z pracovněprávních vztahů / Transfer of rights and obligations arising from labour relations

Blaha, Martin January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the institute Transfer of rights and obligations arising from the labour relations under the Czech legal system in comparison with European legislation and namely in the light of the Czech and EU's judicial decisions. The text is divided into three main parts. In the first part there are generally determined the labour relations, their elements and possible change of them. The second part describes the institute, the impact on the concerned employees and all rights and obligations with the transfer related. The third part is about the situations, when the Transfer of undertaking occurs in accordance with special regulations. There are raised the questions in the text, which could occur in this context with the change of the employer, and the author attempts them more or less to answer with the assistance of the decisions of courts.

Ar darbo subjektų lytis gali būti teisėta priežastimi darbo santykiams kurti ar juos nutraukti? / Can gender of labour subjects be a legal cause to establish or terminate the labour relations?

Jasukaitytė, Raimonda 16 June 2014 (has links)
Šiame darbe yra analizuojami darbo teisiniai santykiai ir teisės normos reguliuojančios diskriminacijos dėl lyties draudimą sudarant ar nutraukiant darbo santykius. Siekiant kuo išsamiau atskleisti šią temą pirmiausiai yra nagrinėjamas lygybės principas, iš kurio yra kildinamas diskriminacijos draudimo (nediskriminacinis) principas, kuris yra įtvirtintas tiek Lietuvos, tiek tarptautiniuose teisės aktuose. Lygybės ir diskriminacijos draudimo principais draudžiama taikyti skirtingus įdarbinimo kriterijus, skirtingas darbo sąlygas, atleidimo iš darbo pagrindus, tokius pat santykius vertinti skirtingai dėl aplinkybių, kurios nesusijusios su darbuotojo dalykinėmis savybėmis. Diskriminacija darbo teisinių santykių srityje yra suprantama kaip bet koks lygias darbo ir profesinės veiklos galimybes ir lygiateisius santykius pažeidžiantis arba panaikinantis išskyrimas, apribojimas ar pranašumo teikimas. Kitaip tariant, bet koks skirtingas darbuotojų traktavimas dėl jų lyties, kurio pasekmės – nelygios teisės darbo santykiuose, pvz. : tam tikros darbo sąlygos, paaukštinimas pareigose, kvalifikacijos kėlimas yra laikomas diskriminacija. Toliau aptariami nacionaliniai ir tarptautiniai antidiskriminaciniai įstatymai. Diskriminacijos dėl lyties draudimą Lietuvoje numato 1998 m. gruodžio 1 d. įsigaliojęs Moterų ir vyrų lygių galimybių įstatymas kuris buvo priimtas, siekiant įgyvendinti 2006 m. liepos 5 d. Europos Parlamento ir Tarybos direktyvą 2006/54/EB dėl... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This paper analyzes the legal labour relations and the laws, regulating the prohibition of gender discrimination in establishing or terminating the labour relations. In order to reveal this theme in as more details as possible, first the principle of equality is examined, where the prohibition of discrimination (discriminatory) principle is derived from. The latter is established in both Lithuanian and international law. The principles of equality and non-discrimination allows the application of different employment criteria, different working conditions, bases of dismissal from work, to treat the same relations differently due to the circumstances, unrelated with employee’s professional characteristics. Discrimination in the field of legal labour relations is understood as any exclusion, restriction or superiority, violating or voiding the equal employment and career opportunities, and the equal relations. In other words, any different treatment of employees because of their gender, the consequences of which include unequal rights in labour relations, for example, certain working conditions, promotion, training, is considered as discrimination. The paper also discusses a number of persons, who are subject to protection against gender discrimination, in legal labour relations. It should be noted that it includes all the persons, belonging to the following groups of labour relations category: employees, self-employed persons, persons, who wish to occupy a vacancy... [to full text]

Weder Staat noch Markt

Fehmel, Thilo 29 August 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Ziel des Beitrags ist es, den Blick auf einen Trend sozialstaatlichen Umbaus lenken: die Vertariflichung sozialer Sicherung. Darunter versteht der Verfasser die zunehmende Überantwortung der Wohlfahrtsproduktion an die kollektiven Akteure des Systems der industriellen Beziehungen, also an eine Aushandlungs- und Gestaltungsebene, die sich durch ihre Eigengesetzlichkeiten von Sozialstaatlichkeit ebenso deutlich unterscheidet wie vom Handeln individueller Akteure auf Wohlfahrtsmärkten. Die Beteiligung der Tarifpartner an der Wohlfahrtsproduktion ist für sich genommen nichts Neues. Neu ist, dass die von Tarif- und Betriebsakteuren ausgehandelten Elemente sozialer Sicherung vermehrt substitutiv statt komplementär zu sozialstaatlichen Leistungen fungieren sollen. Einleitend beleuchtet der Autor das Verhältnis von Tarifsystem und staatlicher Sozialpolitik; dabei zeichne ich historische Prozesse der funktionalen Differenzierung beider Systeme ebenso nach wie deren in jüngerer Zeit zu beobachtende partielle Entdifferenzierung (1). Diese Richtungsumkehr wird ausführlicher an zwei sozialpolitisch relevanten Bereichen sichtbar gemacht: an der Gestaltung des Rentenübergangs und an der betrieblichen Altersvorsorge (2). Dann werden die Folgen der Entdifferenzierungsprozesse für die Akteure im System der Industriellen Beziehungen diskutiert (3) und Überlegungen zu den daraus resultierenden wahrscheinlichen Konsequenzen für den Staat angestellt (4). Der Beitrag schließt mit einem Ausblick und mit dem Versuch, die Vertariflichung sozialer Sicherung mit den anderen, oben genannten Entwicklungen in Beziehung zu setzen (5). (ICB2)

Porušení pracovních povinností ze strany zaměstnance a jeho pracovněprávní následky / The breach of employee duties and its employment consequences

Barbaričová, Martina January 2014 (has links)
DIPLOMA THESIS ABSTRACT The breach of employee duties and its employment consequences This thesis deals with the breach of employee duties and its employment consequences. Primarily the basic of employment relationship which underlies duties is characterized. This characteristic is divided into five parts, in the first the employment relationship is defined, the second part deals with the identification of the subjects of the employment relationship, the third approximates the content of the employment relationship, and the fourth allocates duties to the employee only and the fifth part explains the concept of work discipline. The second chapter of the thesis deals with the sources of law. Besides the basic sources such as the constitutional law or Labour Code are, mainly the internal regulation of employer are described. It identifies internal regulation, as a unilateral act of the employer which entail an duty or grant the capacity of a person in a subordinate position. This internal regulation serves as an employee's duties concretization tool. The thesis also mentions the contract of employment and work direction. In connection with the determination of duties also the supervision of compliance with these duties and the possible use of control is analyzed. In the third chapter the breach is defined, as...

"The impact of the Labour Relations Act, 1995 (ACT 66 of 1995) on the transformation of the public service delivery at Mokopane Hospital in Limpopo"

Tsebe, Mogaba Daniel January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (MPA. (Public Administration) -University of Limpopo, 2008 / Today, in South Africa, as we grapple with challenges brought by our new democracy, its appropriate to have practical guide that guide that can be used not primarily on issues of labour relations but also on issues of service delivery improvements. This study comes at the most opportune time, when all involved have to help shaping the public service and to come to grips with the implications of Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act 66 of 1996). The study’s main objective is to find out the major labour related conflicts that are prominent at Mokopane Provincial Hospital and broadly discuss them in order to find out if they are threats to service delivery. After identifying threats to service delivery, it shall be appropriate to recommend through the application of the Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act 66 of 1995), important areas that will enhance service delivery. In brief, this study is intending to close gaps between labour relations issues and service delivery.

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