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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Molecular screening of lactic acid bacteria enzymes and their regulation under oenological conditions

Mtshali, Phillip Senzo 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: During winemaking, a number of biochemical changes occur as a result of the metabolic activity of wine lactic acid bacteria (LAB) associated with malolactic fermentation (MLF). The latter process, which occurs mostly after alcoholic fermentation by wine yeasts, involves the conversion of L-malate to L-lactate and CO2, thus resulting to wine acidity reduction, microbiological stabilization and alterations of wine organoleptic quality. Although Oenococcus oeni is predominantly the most preferred species suitable for carrying out MLF in wine owing to its desirable oenological properties, Lactobacillus plantarum has also been considered as a potential candidate for MLF induction. Other species in the genera of Lactobacillus and Pediococcus are often associated with wine spoilage. These microorganisms induce wine spoilage by producing off-flavours derived from their metabolic activity. It is therefore of paramount importance to understand the mechanism by which wine microbiota cause spoilage. The purpose of this study was to investigate the presence of genes encoding enzymes of oenological relevance in wine-associated LAB strains. In order to achieve this, different sets of specific primers were designed and employed for a wide-scale genetic screening of wine LAB isolates for the presence of genes encoding enzymes involved in various metabolic pathways, such as citrate metabolism, amino acid metabolism, hydrolysis of glycosides, degradation of phenolic acids as well as proteolysis and peptidolysis. PCR detection results showed that the majority of the tested strains possessed most of the genes tested for. It was also noted that, among the O. oeni strains tested for the presence of the pad gene encoding a phenolic acid decarboxylase, only two strains possessed this gene. None of the O. oeni strains has previously been shown to possess the pad gene, and this study was the first to report on the presence of this gene in O. oeni strains. In an attempt to genetically characterize this putative gene, DNA fragments from the two positive O. oeni strains were sequenced. The newly determined sequences were compared to other closely related species. Surprisingly, no match was found when these sequences were compared to the published genomes of three O. oeni strains (PSU-1, ATCC BAA-1163 and AWRI B429). This reinforced a speculation that the pad gene in these two strains might have been acquired via the horizontal gene transfer. In addition, it remains to be further determined if the presence of this gene translates to volatile phenol production in wine. In this study, a novel strain isolated from South African grape and wine samples was also identified and characterized. The identification of this strain was performed through the 16S rDNA sequence analysis, which indicated that this strain belongs to Lactobacillus florum (99.9% sequence identity). A novel PCR assay using a species-specific primer for the rapid detection and identification of Lb. florum strains was also established. For further characterization, this strain was also investigated for the presence of genes encoding enzymes of oenological relevance. PCR detection results indicated that the Lb. florum strain also possess some of the genes tested for. In addition to genetic screening of wine LAB isolates for the presence of different genes, this study was also aimed at evaluating the regulation of the mleA gene encoding malate decarboxylase in three oenological strains of O. oeni. The regulation of this gene was tested in a synthetic wine medium under various conditions of pH and ethanol. From the expression analysis, it was observed that the mleA gene expression was negatively affected by high ethanol content in the medium. On the other hand, low pH of the medium seemed to favour the expression of this gene as the mleA gene expression was more pronounced at pH 3.2 than at pH 3.8. The findings from this study have shed more light on the distribution of a wide array of enzyme-encoding genes in LAB strains associated with winemaking. However, it remains unknown if the enzymes encoded by these genes are functional under oenological conditions, given that wine is such a hostile environment encompassing a multitude of unfavourable conditions for the enzymes to work on. Evaluating the expression of these genes will also help give more insights on the regulation of the genes under winemaking conditions. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Gedurende wynmaak, sal 'n aantal biochemiese veranderinge plaasvind as gevolg van die metaboliese aktiwiteit van wyn melksuurbakterieë (MSB) wat betrokke is by appelmelksuurgisting (AMG). Die laasgenoemde proses, wat meestal na alkoholiese fermentasie deur wyngiste plaasvind, behels die omskepping van L-malaat na L-laktaat en CO2, om sodoende die wyn se suur te verminder, mikrobiologiese stabiliteit en verandering van wyn organoleptiese kwaliteit. Alhoewel Oenococcus oeni hoofsaaklik die mees gewenste spesies is wat geskik is vir die uitvoering van AMG in wyn weens sy geskikte wynkundige eienskappe, Lactobacillus plantarum word ook beskou as 'n potensiële kandidaat vir AMG induksie. Ander spesies in die genera Lactobacillus en Pediococcus word dikwels geassosieer met wynbederf. Hierdie mikro-organismes veroorsaak wynbederf deur die produksie van wangeure as gevolg van hul metaboliese aktiwiteite. Dit is dus van kardinale belang dat die meganisme van die wynbederf verstaan word. Die doel van hierdie studie was om die teenwoordigheid van koderend ensieme gene van wynkundige belang in wynverwante MSB stamme te ondersoek. Ten einde dit te bereik, was verskillende stelle van spesifieke peilers ontwerp en toegepas vir 'n groot skaal se genetiese toetsing van wyn MSB isolate vir die teenwoordigheid van ensiemkoderende gene betrokke by verskeie metaboliese paaie, soos sitraat metabolisme, aminosuur metabolisme, hidrolise van glikosiede, agteruitgang van fenoliese sure sowel as proteolise en peptidolise. PKR opsporings resultate het getoon dat die meerderheid van die stamme getoets, die meeste van die gene getoets voor besit. Dit is ook opgemerk dat, onder die O. oeni stamme getoets vir die teenwoordigheid van die pad geen, slegs twee stamme hierdie geen besit. Geen O. oeni stamme het voorheen gewys dat hul die pad geen besit, en hierdie studie was die eerste bewys oor die teenwoordigheid van hierdie geen in O. oeni stamme. In 'n poging om die geen geneties te karakteriseer, is DNA-fragmente van die twee positiewe O. oeni stamme se sekwens volgorde bepaal. Die DNA volgorde is vergelyk met ander nouverwante spesies. Verrassend, was geen passende DNA volgorde gevind met die gepubliseerde genome van drie O. oeni stamme (PSU-1, ATCC BAA-1163 en AWRI B429) nie. Dit versterk die spekulasie dat die pad geen in hierdie twee stamme via die horisontale geen-oordrag verkry is. Verder moet dit nog bepaal word of die teenwoordigheid van hierdie geen lei na vlugtige fenol produksie in wyn. In hierdie studie, is ongeïdentifiseerde stam geïsoleerd van Suid-Afrikaanse druiwe en wyn monsters ook geïdentifiseer en karakteriseer. Die identifisering van hierdie stam is uitgevoer deur middel van die 16S rDNA volgorde analise, wat aangedui het dat hierdie stam behoort aan Lactobacillus florum (99.9% volgorde identiteit). PKR toetse met behulp van die spesie-spesifieke peiler vir die vinnige opsporing en identifikasie van Lb. florum stamme is ook ontwikkel. Vir verdere karakterisering, was hierdie stam ook ondersoek vir die teenwoordigheid van koderende ensiem gene van wynkundige belang. PKR opsporings resultate het aangedui dat die Lb. florum stam ook oor 'n paar van die gene getoets voor besit. Bykomend tot genetiese toetsing van wyn MSB isolate vir die teenwoordigheid van verskillende gene, het die studie ook die evaluering van die regulering van die mleA geen, kodering malaatdekarboksilase in drie wyn stamme van O. oeni. Die regulering van hierdie geen was getoets in die sintetiese wynmedium onder verskillende pH en etanol kondisies. Van die uitdrukkingsresultate, is daar waargeneem dat die mleA geenuitdrukking is negatief geraak deur hoë etanol-inhoud in die medium. Aan die ander kant, in die lae pH medium was die uitdrukking van hierdie geen bevoordeel by pH 3.2 as by pH 3.8. Die bevindinge van hierdie studie het meer lig gewerp op die verspreiding van die wye verskeidenheid van ensiem-koderende gene in MSB stamme wat verband hou met wynmaak. Dit bly egter steeds onbekend of die ensieme gekodeer deur hierdie gene funksioneel is onder wynkondisies, gegewe dat wyn so 'n vyandige omgewing is menigte ongunstige toestande vir die werking van ensieme. Evaluering van die uitdrukking van hierdie gene sal ook help om meer insigte gee oor die regulering van die gene onder wynmaak toestande.

The selection and characterisation of lactic acid bacteria to be used as a mixed starter culture for malolactic fermentation

Lerm, Elda 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric (Viticulture and Oenology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The quality of wine is influenced and determined by various factors, one of which includes the process of malolactic fermentation (MLF). MLF plays an integral role in the flavour and sensory profile of most red wines as well as some white wines like Chardonnay. This process is conducted by lactic acid bacteria (LAB), specifically of the genera Oenococcus, Lactobacillus, Pediococcus and Leuconostoc. Of these, Oenococcus oeni is best adapted to survive in the harsh wine environment. MLF is defined as the conversion of L-malic acid to L-lactic acid and carbon dioxide. The conversion of the dicarboxylic malic acid to the monocarboxylic lactic acid results in a decrease in acidity and an increase in pH, to give a softer mouthfeel and more favourable flavour profile. A further reason for conducting MLF in wine includes the improvement of microbial stability due to the removal of malic acid as a possible substrate for microorganisms. Recently, research focus has shifted to the ability of MLF and LAB to alter the aroma profile of wine via the production and/or modification of certain aroma compounds. In order for wine LAB to conduct MLF, they need to be able to survive the harsh and challenging wine environment. Conditions in South African wines are particularly challenging due to the long, hot ripening seasons resulting in high sugar concentrations which give high ethanol concentrations. Some LAB also struggle to adapt to an environment with high pH and low malic acid concentrations. These factors, combined with the use of sulphur dioxide, cause LAB to struggle in conducting and completing successful MLF. Many of the commercial starter cultures that are currently available contain LAB that have not been isolated from South African wine and are therefore not optimal for use under these challenging wine conditions. Oenococcus oeni is also the single LAB culture present in all commercially available starter cultures. The overriding goal of this study was to create a MLF starter culture containing a mixture of LAB cultures, namely O. oeni and Lactobacillus plantarum, which can successfully convert malic acid to lactic acid, ensure microbial stability, but also make a positive contribution to the wine aroma profile. Lactobacillus plantarum has previously been considered for possible use in a commercial starter culture. The LAB isolates used in this study were selected from the Institute for Wine Biotechnology culture collection as well as isolated from spontaneous MLF. The first objective was to characterise these LAB strains for important traits and for possible use as a MLF starter culture. A total of 23 strains were identified as O. oeni and 19 strains as Lb. plantarum. The identified strains were screened in a synthetic wine medium for their ability to convert malic acid to lactic acid. Based on the LAB strain performance in the synthetic wine medium, seven strains of both O. oeni and Lb. plantarum were selected. These 14 strains were screened for the presence of genes encoding for enzymes responsible for biogenic amine production and were found to contain none of the genes associated with the formation of histamine, tyramine or putrescine. The LAB strains were genetically screened for enzymes associated with aroma modification by LAB during MLF. The enzymes of interest that were screened for included β-glucosidase, esterase, protease and phenolic acid decarboxylase (PAD). The Lb. plantarum strains were found to possess more diverse enzymatic profiles related to aroma than O. oeni. The biggest differences were observed for the presence of β-glucosidase and PAD. The second objective was to perform small-scale fermentations with the individual LAB isolates. The individual isolates were evaluated in Pinotage and based on these results; three strains of each O. oeni and Lb. plantarum were selected for evaluation in mixed culture fermentations. The mixed cultures were evaluated in Pinotage, Shiraz and Cabernet Sauvignon in the 2008 vintage. As a third objective, the wines were also analytically and sensorially evaluated to investigate the changes in the aroma profile that could be attributed to the presence of the mixed LAB isolates. Based on the fermentation data as well as data pertaining to the aroma modification, three mixed cultures were selected for evaluation in the 2009 vintage in Pinotage, Cabernet Sauvignon and Chardonnay. The mixed cultures were able to successfully complete MLF in fermentation periods comparable to that of a commercial culture used as control. The different LAB cultures had distinct and diverse effects on the wine aroma profile. The O. oeni strain played a larger role in the ester concentration present after MLF, while the Lb. plantarum strain had a larger effect on the higher alcohol and volatile fatty acid concentration upon completion of MLF. The results generated by this novel study clearly indicate the potential of a mixed LAB starter culture for conducting MLF. The mixed cultures successfully completed MLF and made a positive contribution to the wine aroma profile. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die kwaliteit van wyn word beïnvloed en bepaal deur verskeie faktore en wynbereidings prosesse, wat die proses van appelmelksuurgisting (AMG) insluit. AMG speel ’n integrale rol in die sensoriese profiel van meeste rooiwyne, sowel as sommige witwyne soos Chardonnay. AMG word gedefinieër as die omskakeling van L-appelsuur na L-melksuur en koolstofdioksied. Hierdie omskakeling kan toegeskryf word aan die teenwoordigheid van melksuurbakterieë (MSB), spesifiek spesies van die genera Oenococcus, Lactobacillus, Pediococcus en Leuconostoc. Vanuit hierdie wyn MSB, is Oenococcus oeni die spesies wat die beste aanpas en oorleef onder stresvolle wyn kondisies. Die omskakeling van appelsuur, ’n dikarboksielsuur, na melksuur, ’n monokarboksielsuur, lei tot ‘n vermindering in suurheid en ’n verhoging in pH. Hierdie vermindering in suurheid gee ’n sagter en meer geronde mondgevoel aan die wyn en dra by tot ‘n meer aangename geurprofiel. ’n Verdere rede vir AMG in wyn is om mikrobiese stabiliteit te verseker deurdat appelsuur verwyder word as ’n moontlike koolstof substraat vir mikroörganismes. Onlangs het navorsing begin fokus op AMG en die vermoë van MSB om die aroma profiel van wyn te beïnvloed deur die produksie/modifisering van sekere aroma komponente. Vir MSB om AMG te kan deurvoer, moet hulle kan oorleef in die stresvolle wynomgewing. Wyntoestande in Suid-Afrika is veral uitdagend vir die oorlewing van mikroörganismes as gevolg van lang, warm somers wat lei tot ’n matriks met ’n hoë suikerkonsentrasie en wyn met ’n hoë etanolkonsentrasie. ‘n Omgewing met ‘n hoë pH en lae appelsuur konsentrasie, kan ook bydrae tot stresvolle kondisies vir MSB. Hierdie parameters, tesame met die gebruik van swaweldioksied, maak dit moeilik vir MSB om AMG te inisieer en te voltooi. Sommige van die kommersiële aanvangskulture wat tans beskikbaar is, bevat nie MSB wat onder Suid-Afrikaanse wyntoestande geïsoleer is nie en daarom is dit nie altyd optimaal vir gebruik nie. Oenococcus oeni is ook die enkele MSB kultuur wat in alle kommersiële kulture gebruik word. Die hoofdoelwit van hierdie studie was om ’n potensiële kommersiële aanvangskultuur te ontwikkel wat ‘n mengsel van MSB bevat. Hierdie aanvangskultuur moet AMG suksesvol kan voltooi, mikrobiologiese stabiliteit bevorder en steeds die wynaroma positief kan beïnvloed. Bakterierasse van O. oeni en Lb. plantarum is geselekteer vir gebruik in hierdie studie. Lactobacillus plantarum het reeds in vorige studies potensiaal getoon as ‘n moontlike aanvangskultuur. Die MSB isolate vir hierdie studie is geselekteer uit die Instituut vir Wynbiotegnologie se kultuurversameling en geïsoleer uit spontane AMG fermentasies. Die eerste doelwit was om hierdie MSB isolate te karakteriseer vir belangrike eienskappe en die moontlike gebruik as ’n kommersiële AMG aanvangskultuur. ‘n Totaal van 23 O. oeni en 19 Lb. plantarum isolate is geïdentifiseer. Hierdie isolate is in ’n sintetiese wynmedium geëvalueer vir hul vermoë om appelsuur na melksuur om te skakel. Op grond van hul reaksie in die sintetiese wynmedium, is sewe isolate van elk van die O. oeni en Lb. plantarum geselekteer. Hierdie 14 isolate is ondersoek vir die teenwoordigheid van die gene wat kodeer vir biogeenamien produksie en daar is gevind dat geen van die isolate enige van die biogeenamien gene wat ondersoek is, naamlik histamien, tiramien en putresien besit nie. Die MSB isolate is geneties ondersoek vir die teenwoordigheid van dié gene wat kodeer vir ensieme wat die aromaprofiel tydens AMG beïnvloed. Dié ensieme sluit β-glukosidase, esterase, protease, fenoliese suurdekarboksilase en sitraatliase in. Daar is gevind dat die Lb. plantarum isolate meer diverse ensiemprofiele as O. oeni besit. Die grootste verskille in die ensiemprofiele kan toegeskryf word aan die teenwoordigheid van β-glukosidase en fenoliese suurdekarboksilase. Die tweede doelwit was om kleinskaalse AMG fermentasies met die individuele MSB isolate uit te voer. Die individuele isolate is in Pinotage geëvalueer. Volgens hierdie resultate is drie isolate van elk van die O. oeni en Lb. plantarum geselekteer om in gemengde kulture getoets te word. Die gemengde kulture is in Pinotage, Shiraz en Cabernet Sauvignon in 2008 geëvalueer. As ’n derde doelwit is hierdie wyne ook analities en sensories geëvalueer om die veranderinge in die aromaprofiele as gevolg van die teenwoordigheid van die MSB te ondersoek. Op grond van die fermentasiedata, sowel as die data oor die aromaveranderinge, is drie gemengde kulture geselekteer vir evaluering in Pinotage, Cabernet Sauvignon en Chardonnay in 2009. Die gemengde kulture kon AMG suksesvol voltooi met fermentasietempo’s wat vergelykbaar was met dié van ‘n kommersiële AMG kultuur wat as kontrole gebruik is. Die verskillende MSB kulture het spesifieke en uiteenlopende uitwerkings op die wynaroma gehad. Die O. oeni isolaat in die gemengde kultuur blyk ‘n belangriker rol te speel in die esterkonsentrasie na AMG, terwyl die Lb. plantarum isolaat ’n groter effek het op die hoër alkohol en vlugtige vetsuurinhoud na AMG. Die resultate wat deur hierdie unieke studie gegenereer is, gee ’n aanduiding van die potensiaal van ’n gemengde MSB aanvangskultuur vir AMG. Die gemengde kulture kon AMG suksesvol voltooi en ‘n positiewe bydrae tot die aromaprofiel van die wyn lewer.

Expression of genes encoding bacteriocin ST4SA as well as stress proteins by Enterococcus mundtii ST4SA exposed to gastro-intestinal conditions, as recorded by real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR)

Granger, Monique 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The tolerance of Enterococcus mundtii ST4SA to stressful gastro-intestinal conditions in humans and animals is vital to its success as a probiotic. The need for new effective probiotics with stronger inhibitory (bacteriocin) activity has arisen due to the increasing number of antibiotic resistant pathogens. Enterococci are used in the fermentation of sausages and olives, cheese making and as probiotics. Their role as opportunistic pathogens in humans makes them a controversial probiotic (Moreno et al., 2005). Enterococci occur naturally in the gastro-intestinal tract which renders them intrinsic acid and bile resistance characteristics. E. mundtii ST4SA produces a 3950 Da broad-spectrum antibacterial peptide active against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, and viruses. The bacteria include Enterococcus faecalis, Streptococcus spp., Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Streptococcus pneumoniae and Staphylococcus aureus. E. mundtii ST4SA inactivates the herpes simplex viruses HSV-1 (strain F) and HSV-2 (strain G), a measles virus (strain MV/BRAZIL/001/91, an attenuated strain of MV), and a polio virus (PV3, strain Sabin). This study focuses on the genetic stability of E. mundtii ST4SA genes when exposed to stress factors in the human and animal gastrointestinal tract. Based on results obtained by real-time PCR, the expression of genes encoding bacST4SA, RecA, GroES and 23S rRNA by E. mundtii ST4SA were not affected when the cells were exposed to acid, bile and pancreatic juice. This suggests that these genes of E. mundtii ST4SA will remain stable in the intestine. This could indicate that other genes of E. mundtii ST4SA could remain stable in the host. Further studies on the stability of genes encoding antibiotic resistance and virulence factors should be conducted to determine their stability and expression in the host in stress conditions. Concluded from this study, E. mundtii ST4SA is an excellent probiotic strain. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Enterococcus mundtii ST4SA se weerstandsvermoë teen stresvolle gastrointestinale kondisies is essensieel vir die sukses van hierdie organisme as ‘n probiotikum. Die aanvraag vir nuwe, meer effektiewe probiotika met sterker inhibitoriese (bakteriosien) aktiwiteit is as gevolg van die toename in antibiotikum weerstandbiedende patogene. Enterococci word algemeen gebruik as probiotika, sowel as in die fermentasie van worse, olywe en kaas. Hulle rol as oppertunistiese patogene in mense veroorsaak kontroversie as gevolg van hul toenemende gebruik as probiotika. Enterococci is deel van die natuurlike mikroflora in die gastrointestinale weg van mense en diere. Dit verleen aan hierdie spesies ‘n natuurlike weerstandsvermoë teen maagsure, galsoute en pankreatiese afskeidings. E. mundtii ST4SA produseer ‘n 3950 Da wye spektrum anti-bakteriese peptied, aktief teen Gram positiewe en Gram negatiewe bakterieë sowel as virusse. Hierdie bakterieë sluit Enterococcus faecalis, Streptococcus spp., Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Streptococcus pneumoniae en Staphylococcus aureus in. E. mundtii ST4SA inaktiveer die herpes simpleks virus HSV-1 en HSV-2, ‘n masels virus (MV/BRAZIL/001/91), en ‘n polio virus (PV3, stam Sabin). Hierdie studie fokus op die genetiese stabiliteit van E. mundtii ST4SA gene, wanneer hulle blootgestel word aan stress faktore in die mens en dier gastrointestinale weg. “Intydse” PKR data gebasseer op die uitdrukking van die bacST4SA, RecA, GroES en 23S rRNA gene in stresvolle kondisies dui aan dat E. mundtii ST4SA nie geaffekteer word wanneer die sel blootgestel word aan suur, gal en pankreatiese vloeistowwe nie. Hierdie resultate dui aan dat hierdie gene van E. mundtii ST4SA stabiel sal bly in die intestinale weg van die mens en dier. Dit kan aandui dat ander gene van E. mundtii ST4SA soos die wat kodeer vir virulensie faktore en antibiotikum se weerstandsvermoë stabiel mag bly in die gasheer. Verdere studies wat fokus op die stabiliteit van gene wat kodeer vir antibiotikum weerstandbiedendheid en virulensie faktore moet uitgevoer word om hulle stabiliteit en uitdrukking in die gasheer te bepaal. Bevindings van hierdie studie dui aan dat E. mundtii ST4SA goeie potensiaal het as ‘n probiotikum.

Production d'acide lactique par Lactobacillus casei subsp. rhamnosus sur jus de datte : cinétique et optimisation en cultures discontinues, semi-continues et continues / Production of lactic acid by Lactobacillus casei subsp. rhamnosus on date juice : kinetic and optimisation during batch, fed-batch and continuous cultures

Nancib, Ayacha 24 October 2007 (has links)
L’objectif de ce travail a été de développer un procédé performant de production d’acide lactique par Lactobacillus casei subsp. rhamnosus sur jus de datte. Dans une première partie, des cultures en mode discontinu ont été réalisées afin d’étudier les besoins nutritionnels de la souche. Ces études ont pour but de décrire les effets des sources carbonées, azotées et les vitamines sur la production d’acide lactique. Nous avons montré que le sulfate d’ammonium est une bonne alternative économique et nous avons pu déterminer la faisabilité de minimiser l’ajout de l’extrait de levure par l’utilisation partielle de l’extrait de levure combinée avec du sulfate d’ammonium plus l’ajout de vitamines du groupe B. Des cultures pures et mixtes de Lactobacillus casei et Lactococcus lactis ont été réalisées. Le système de culture mixte donne de meilleurs résultats concernant la production d’acide lactique et l’utilisation des sucres comparés à ceux obtenus en cultures pures de Lactobacillus casei ou Lactococcus lactis. L’effet des sucres purs (glucose et fructose) et mixtes (glucose/fructose) sur la production d’acide lactique a été étudié. La production d’acide lactique est plus importante avec un mélange de sucres qu’avec des sucres non mélangés ce qui explique les performances de fermentation sur jus de datte. Dans une seconde partie, une stratégie d’alimentation du réacteur en culture semi-continue a été mise en œuvre, permettant d’améliorer les performances de la fermentation. Les deux facteurs influençant le bon fonctionnement sont le débit et la concentration du milieu d’alimentation. Dans une troisième partie, une étude cinétique a été développée en réacteurs continus. Nous avons étudié l’influence du taux de dilution sur la croissance, l’utilisation du substrat et la production d’acide lactique. La productivité du procédé continu a été considérablement augmentée en comparaison avec le procédé discontinu. Enfin, dans une dernière partie, un modèle a été établi. Ce modèle, bien qu’imparfait, permet apparemment de simuler la croissance, la consommation des sucres de jus de datte et la production d’acide lactique en culture discontinue / The aim of this work was to develop an efficient process of lactic acid production by Lactobacillus casei subsp. rhamnosus on date juice In a first part, the batch cultures were realized to carry out the nutritional requirement of the strain. These studies allowed us to describe the effects of carbon substrates, nitrogen substrates and vitamins on the lactic acid production. We showed that ammonium sulphate is a satisfying economic alternative and we have determined feasibility of minimizing the addition of the yeast extract by the partial use of yeast extract combined with the ammonium sulphate plus the addition of vitamins of the group B. Pure and mixed cultures of Lactobacillus casei and Lactococcus lactis were carried out. The mixed system gives better results concerning the lactic acid production and the use of the sugars compared with those obtained in pure cultures of Lactobacillus casei or Lactococcus lactis. The effect of pure sugars (glucose and fructose) and mixed sugars (glucose/fructose) on the lactic acid production was studied. The lactic acid production is more important on mixed sugars than on pure sugars what explains the performances of fermentation on date juice. In a second part, a mode of fed batch operations was defined to improve the performances of the fermentation. The two factors influencing the process are the feeding rate and the concentration of the feeding medium. In a third part, kinetic study in continuous culture was developed. We studied the influence of dilution rate on growth, substrate utilization and lactic acid production. The productivity of the continuous process was considerably increased in comparison with the batch process. Finally, a tentative model has been established for the fermentation process. The corresponding model, although not perfect, is apparently able to simulate growth rate, substrates uptake and lactic acid production in batch culture

Priprema i karakterizacija nanokompozita polimlečne kiseline i silicijum (IV) oksida namenjenog za pakovanje hrane / Preparation and characterization of nanocomposites based on polylactic acid and silica nanoparticles for food packaging application

Radusin Tanja 13 July 2015 (has links)
<p>Poli(mlečna kiselina) (PLA) predstavlja jedan od najpopularnijih komercijalnih biorazgradivih polimera. Iako može da zameni neke od najče&scaron;će kori&scaron;ćenih sintetskih polimera, neka njegova svojstva (lo&scaron;a barijerna, termička i mehanička) jo&scaron; uvek predstavljaju prepreku u &scaron;iroj primeni, posebno za pakovanje hrane. Jedan od najsavremenijih načina prevazilaženja nedostataka u svojstvima biopolimera predstavljaju nanotehnologije.<br />U ovom radu ispitan je uticaj dodatka različitih koncentracija hidrofobnih nanočestica silicijum (IV) oksida (od 0.2 mas.% do 5 mas.%) pripremom uzoraka u rastvoru, i rastopu na toplotna, mehanička, i barijerna svojstva PLA. Morfolo&scaron;ke karakteristike uzoraka nanokompozita snimljene su pomoću skenirajuće elektronske mikroskopije (SEM). Ostvarena je izuzetno dobra disperzija i distribucija hidrofobnih čestica silicijum (IV) oksida koje su u malim udelima dodavane u poli(mlečnu kiselinu). Dobra disperzija i distribucija hidrofobnih čestica silicijum (IV) oksida ostvarena je kako pripremom nanokompozita metodom u rastvoru, tako i metodom u rastopu.<br />Toplotna svojstva PLA i pripremljenih nanokompozita proučavana su primenom diferencijalnog skenirajućeg kalorimetra (DSC), dok je stepen kristalnosti određen rasipanjem X zraka pod &scaron;irokim uglom(WAXD). Mehanička svojstva su ispitivana da bi se odredio uticaj dodatka nanočestica SiO2 na prekidnu čvrstoću i izduženje čistog PLA. Iako su prilikom pripreme materijala metodom u rastvoru, pobolj&scaron;anja mehaničkih i barijernih svojstava postignuta pri udelima silicijum (IV) oksida u rasponu od 0,2 do 5 mas.%, najznačajnija pobolj&scaron;anja postignuta su za najmanje udele nanočestica (0,2 mas.% i 0,5 mas.%). Pobolj&scaron;anja mehaničkih i barijernih svojstava nanokompozita, primenjenih metodom u rastopu, su registrovana i za udele silicijum (IV) oksida od 0,2 do 3 mas.%.<br />Takođe je ispitana mogućnost primene pripremljenog nanokompozita na osnovu poli(mlečne kiseline) i silicijum (IV) oksida za pakovanje prehrambenih proizvoda na primeru pakovanja svežeg svinjskog mesa (M. longissimus thoracis et lumborum). Ispitivanjem uticaja materijala za pakovanje svežeg mesa u vakuumu, na parametre tehnolo&scaron;kog (pH, boja), senzorskog, i mikrobiolo&scaron;kog kvaliteta mesa, utvrđeno je da su PLA kao i nanokompoziti na osnovu PLA sa različitim udelima silicijum (IV) oksida, pogodni za vakuum pakovanje i skladi&scaron;tenje svežeg svinjskog mesa.</p> / <p>Poly(lactic acid) presents one of the most popular bio-polymers for diverse applications. However, the use of PLA as food packaging material is limited due to poor barrier and mechanical properties. These properties could be improved by incorporation of nanoparticles into polymer matrix.<br />In this work neat PLA films and PLA films with different percentage of hydrophobic fumed silica nanoparticles (0,2 wt.% to 5 wt.%) were prepared by solution casting and melt blending methods. Several procedures were used to characterize the influence of different silica content on dispersion (SEM), crystalline behavior (WAXD), thermal stability (DSC, TGA), mechanical and barrier properties. It is shown that the applied techniques and selection of specific hydrophobic spherical nanofiller provide a good dispersion and distribution of silica nanoparticles in poly(lactic acid) for both film preparation methods.<br />Characteristics of films prepared by solution casting method showed improvements in mechanical and barrier properties for all loadings of nanofiller but the most significant improvements were achieved for lowest silica content (0,2 wt.% and 0,5 wt.%) The improvements in material characteristics (mechanical and barrier) for melt blending method were also achieved (for concentrations from 0,2 wt.% to 3 wt.%).<br />After film preparation, selected cuts of M. longissimus thoracis et lumborum were packed in prepred films of polymer nanocomposites, and the shelf-life characterisation was conducted on technological, sensory and microbiological paramethers of quality. After shelf-life characterisation it can be concluded that polymer nanocomposites based on PLA and silica nanoparticles could be used for packaging od fresh pork meat in vacuum.</p>

Transformation du glycérol par catalyse hétérogène : aspects théoriques et expérimentaux / Chemical transformation of glycerol by heterogeneous catalysis : theoretical and experimental aspects

Auneau, Florian 17 October 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse s’intéresse à la conversion du glycérol en acide lactique (AL) et 1,2-propanediol (1,2-PDO) par catalyse hétérogène. Le mécanisme de la réaction fait débat, particulièrement au sujet de la première étape, qui peut être une déshydratation ou une déshydrogénation. Il est attendu que ces étapes élémentaires soient influencées par le pH et la nature de l’atmosphère. Ces paramètres ont donc été étudiés expérimentalement, en présence d’un catalyseur au rhodium supporté sur charbon. D’autre part, il y avait un manque de connaissances sur le comportement du glycérol à la surface métallique du catalyseur. Une approche théorique sur une surface modèle a donc été mise en oeuvre dans le champ de la théorie de la fonctionnelle de la densité (DFT), pour examiner les étapes élémentaires et calculer les états de transition correspondants. La combinaison de ces études a montré que la déshydrogénation du glycérol en glycéraldéhyde est la première étape de la réaction sur le catalyseur Rh/C en milieu basique sous atmosphère d’hélium et d’hydrogène. Cette étude a ensuite été étendue à un catalyseur iridium supporté sur charbon, qui a mené à de meilleurs rendements en 1,2-PDO et AL. L’utilisation de ce métal supporté sur carbonate de calcium a permis d’améliorer le rendement en AL, mais l’activité est plus faible. Cependant, ce catalyseur s’est révélé relativement actif dans l’eau à pH neutre, ce qui pourrait conduire à une synthèse plus verte de l’AL. Enfin, les aspects prédictifs de la chimie théorique ont été examinés, pour voir si la réactivité de ce polyol complexe (du point de vue de la chimie théorique) pouvait être modélisée par celle d’un monoalcool sur la surface. / This thesis reports a study of the heterogeneously catalysed conversion of glycerol into 1,2-propanediol (1,2-PDO) and lactic acid (LA). The mechanism and the first step of the reaction are especially debated, as it can be either dehydration or dehydrogenation. It is expected that these elementary steps can be influenced by pH variations and by the nature of the gas phase. These parameters were consequently investigated experimentally in the presence of a carbon supported rhodium catalyst. On the other hand, there was a lack of knowledge in the behaviour of glycerol at the surface of the metallic catalyst. A theoretical approach on a model Rh(111) surface was thus implemented in the framework of Density Functional Theory (DFT) to look over the alementary reactions and to calculate the corresponding transition states. The combination of experimental and theoretical results has shown that dehydrogenation into lyceraldehyde is the first step of the reaction on the Rh/C catalyst in basic media under He or H2 atmosphere. The study was then extended to carbon supported iridium catalyst that lead to the best 1,2-PDO and LA yields. The use of iridium catalyst supported on calcium carbonate allowed obtaining higher yields in LA, but catalytic performances were lower. This latter catalyst was surprisingly quite active when performing the reaction in neutral water, which provides opportunities for a greener synthesis of LA. Last, the predictive aspects of the theoretical chemistry were investigated to determine whether the reactivity of this polyalcohol can be modelized by the reactivity of a simpler monoalcohol on the surface.

Développement de biocomposites à base de Poly(Acide Lactique) et de balles céréalières : vieillissement des biocomposites et traitement de surface des balles / Development of biocomposites based on Poly(Lactic Acid) and cereals husks : aging of biocomposites and surface treatments of husks

Tran, Thi Phuong Thao 16 July 2013 (has links)
Les balles de céréales, à savoir l'enveloppe autour du grain, ont récemment retenu l'attention des scientifiques afin d'entrer dans la formulation de biocomposites. En effet, ces sous-produits de l'agriculture ont un coût négligeable, sont perpétuellement renouvelables et disponibles en volume important dans le Monde et leur fin de vie est assurée par leur biodégradabilité. Leurs compositions chimiques et leurs propriétés thermiques et mécaniques sont similaires à celles des fibres naturelles.Dans cette thèse, deux types de balles de riz et deux types de balles de Petit Epeautre ont été étudiées à travers leur microstructure, leur composition chimique, leurs propriétés mécaniques et thermiques. Les balles ont été incorporées dans une matrice bio-sourcée et biodégradable, à savoir le poly(acide lactique) (PLA) pour donner des biocomposites dont les propriétés d'usage ont été étudiées. Il apparaît que les balles céréalières peuvent devenir un candidat potentiel intéressant pour le renforcement du PLA moyennant une amélioration de l'adhésion à l'interface entre les balles et le PLA.Afin d'améliorer cette interface, les balles ont été traitées par une solution alcaline (NaOH) et par des agents de couplage de type organosilane (3-aminopropyltriéthoxysilane et 3- glycidoxypropyltrimethoxysilane). Le traitement alcalin a permis de retirer une grande partie des hémicelluloses, de la lignine, de la cire et de la silice présentes dans les balles. La dissolution de ces constituants a provoqué une plus forte hygroscopicité des balles et se traduit par de plus faibles propriétés mécaniques des biocomposites. Le couplage traitement alcalin/traitement silane semble apporter une amélioration des performances plus importantes que le traitement silane seul. Ce traitement de surface a davantage d'impact sur la balle de Petit Epeautre que sur la balle de riz.L'évolution des propriétés d'usage des biocomposites à base de balles de riz au cours de différents vieillissements (thermique, hydro-thermique, cyclages hygro-thermiques, UV) a été étudiée. Les résultats montrent que l'évolution microstructurale induite par les vieillissements influence significativement les propriétés des biocomposites. La dégradation des biocomposites se traduit par une diminution de la masse moléculaire moyenne du PLA. La réorganisation de ces macromolécules augmente sensiblement le taux de cristallinité du matériau. Ceci induit un changement de la couleur, de la stabilité dimensionnelle des pièces et des propriétés mécaniques du PLA et des biocomposites qui dépend essentiellement de la température de vieillissement par rapport à la température de transition vitreuse du PLA. Il apparaît que l'ajout de balles accélère la dégradation du PLA. Dans le cas d'un vieillissement hydro-thermique au-dessus de la température de transition vitreuse du PLA, une réduction de cette dégradation a été mise en évidence par l'utilisation de certains traitements de surface des balles. / The cereal husks, namely the envelope around the grain, have recently attracted the attention of scientists for biocomposites development, because they are low-cost, renewable, biodegradable, and available in abundant volume throughout the world. Their chemical composition and their thermal and mechanical properties are similar to the natural fibers.In this work, two types of rice husk and two types of Einkorn wheat husk were studied through their microstructure, chemical composition, mechanical and thermal properties. The husks have been incorporated into a bio-sourced and biodegradable matrix, namely poly (lactic acid) (PLA) to produce biocomposite which functional properties were studied. It appears that the husks can be good candidates for strengthening the PLA through improved adhesion at the interface between the husks and the PLA.To improve the husks/PLA interface, the husks were treated with an alkaline solution (NaOH) and organosilane coupling agents, such as 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane and 3 - glycidoxypropyltrimethoxysilane. The alkaline treatment has removed much of hemicelluloses, lignin, wax and silica present in the husks. The dissolution of these components resulted in a higher hygroscopicity of husks and lower mechanical properties of biocomposites. The coupling between an alkaline treatment and a silane treatment seems to provide better properties than the silane treatment alone. This surface treatment has a greater impact on the Einkorn wheat husks than on rice husksThe variations of the functional properties of rice husks based biocomposites during different ageings (thermal ageing, hydro-thermal ageing, hygro-thermal cycled ageing, UV ageing) was studied. The results show that the microstructural changes induced by ageing significantly influence the properties of biocomposites. Biocomposites degradation results in a decrease of the average molecular weight of PLA. The reorganization of these macromolecules significantly increases the degree of crystallinity of the material. This causes a change in color, dimensional stability of devices and mechanical properties of PLA and biocomposites which essentially depends on the ageing temperature regards to the glass transition temperature of PLA. It appears that the addition of husks accelerates the degradation of PLA. In the case of a hydro-thermal ageing performed above the glass transition temperature of the PLA, a reduction of this degradation was demonstrated by the use of specific surface treatments of husks.

Étude d'élaboration des mélanges de matériaux bio-sourcés à base d'amidon plastifié et de poly (acide lactique) et de leur compatibilisation / Development of blends of biopolymers based on thermoplastic starch and their compatibilization

Ronasi, Sara 30 November 2012 (has links)
Ces travaux de recherche ont porté sur l'élaboration et la compatibilisation de mélanges de matériaux biosourcés à base d'amidon plastifié et de poly (acide lactique). La transformation de l'amidon natif en amidon plastifié est réalisable par extrusion en utilisant des plastifiants. Dans notre étude, les propriétés finales de l'amidon plastifié ont été contrôlées en faisant varier les conditions du procédé (température, temps de séjour, vitesse de rotation des vis) et du matériau (nature et teneur en plastifiant). La plastification de l'amidon par l'eau, le glycérol, le sorbitol et l'acide citrique a ainsi été étudiée. Les mélanges d'amidon plastifié et le poly (acide lactique)(PLA) ont été préparés et caractérisés dans la deuxième partie du travail. Afin d'améliorer la compatibilité de ces polymères, une voie consiste à incorporer un copolymère dans le mélange.Dans ce travail, le copolymère utilisé est un copolymère (Amylose-g-PLA) constitué d'une dorsale amylose et de greffons poly (acide lactique). Une polymérisation en trois étapes a été utilisée pour la synthèse du copolymère dans le but de contrôler la taille et le nombre de greffons de PLA. Deux types de copolymère ont été préparés : le type 1 contenant un nombre élevé de greffons de faible masse molaire et le type 2 contenant un nombre limité de greffons de haute masse molaire. L'efficacité de l'addition de ces copolymères Amylose-g-PLA dans les mélanges (PLA et amidon plastifié) est étudiée dans la dernière partie de ce travail. Une comparaison entre la morphologie et les propriétés mécaniques des mélanges préparées avec ces différents copolymères révèle l'efficacité plus élevée du copolymère de type 1 / This study dealt with the development and the compatibilization of the blends of plasticized starch and polylactic acid. The transformation of native to plasticized starch is possible by extrusion in the presence of plasticizers. In this work, the final properties of plasticized starch are controlled by changing process parameters (temperature, extrusion time, screw's rotation speed) and nature and quantity of plasticizers. Plasticization of starch by water, glycerol, sorbitol and citric acid is studied. The blends of plasticized starch and poly (lactic acid) (PLA) are prepared and characterized in the second part of this work. To improve the compatibility of the blend, one way is the addition of a copolymer to the mixture to stabilize the dispersed phase in the matrix. The copolymer used in this work (Amylose-g-PLA) is constituted of amylose backbone and poly (lactic acid) (PLA) grafts. The number and the size of the grafted chains of PLA have been controlled by a three step process polymerization. Two copolymer structures have been prepared: type1, containing high numbers of low molar weight PLA grafts and type 2, lower numbers of high molar weight PLA grafts. In the final part, efficiency of these copolymers (Amylose-g-PLA) in these blends is studied. The comparison between morphology and mechanical properties of blends prepared with these copolymers, demonstrate the higher efficiency of type1 copolymer

Développement de nouvelles formulations d'agromatériaux thermoplastiques par mélange en extrudeur bivis de céréales et de polymères issus de ressources renouvelables / Development of new formulations of thermoplastic agromaterials by blending in a twin-screw extruder cereals and biobased polymers

Chabrat, Elodie 05 April 2012 (has links)
Dans ce travail de thèse, nous nous sommes intéressés au mélange de la farine de blé et du poly(acide lactique). La farine de blé, qui est composée principalement d'amidon, a été thermoplastifiée en extrudeur bivis par l'effet conjugué de la chaleur et du cisaillement en présence de plastifiants. Le poly(acide lactique) est, quant à lui, le polyester biodégradable le plus répandu à l'heure actuelle. Le mélange de ces deux phases est thermodynamiquement immiscible et peu compatible, différents leviers sont testés afin d'améliorer la qualité du mélange. Une première partie de ce travail repose sur la recherche de conditions optimales pour la transformation et le mélange des matières premières. L'extrusion bivis est utilisée à la fois pour plastifier l'amidon et pour assurer un bon mélange entre les phases. Le profil de vis et les différents équipements sont donc choisis en conséquence. Différents paramètres classiques de l'extrusion bivis sont étudiés : le profil de vis, le profil de température, le taux de remplissage… L'étude de la formulation, notamment des plastifiants utilisés pour la plastification de l'amidon mais également l'utilisation de compatibilisants pour améliorer l'interface amidon/PLA est traitée en deuxième partie. L'acide citrique est testé à la fois comme plastifiant et comme compatibilisant. Ces investigations nous ont permis de mettre au point différents grades intéressants répondant à des applications industrielles distinctes : injectabilité, souplesse, rigidité… / In this work, we have been interested in blending wheat flour and poly(lactic acid). Wheat flour, which is mainly constituted of starch, has been transformed with plasticizers in a twin-screw extruder with the effect of heat and shear. Poly(lactic acid) is the main biodegradable polyester in the world nowadays. These two phases are thermodynamically immiscible and not very compatible, different ways are tried to improve the blend quality. A first part of this work lies on the search of optimal conditions to transform and blend the raw materials. Twin-screw extrusion is used to pasticize starch and to ensure a good blending between the two phases. Screw design and different equipments have been chosen for this purpose. Classical twin-screw parameters have been studied: screw design, temperature profile, filling ratio… The study of the formulation, more particularly of plasticizers for starch plasticization but also of compatibilizers to improve starch/PLA interphase is tackled in a second part. Citric acid is tested as a plasticizer but also as a compatibilizer. These researches have allowed to develop interesting formulations for industrial applications: possibility of processing by injection-molding, flexibility, rigidity…

Isolamento de bactérias láticas produtoras de bacteriocinas e sua aplicação no controle de Listeria monocytogenes em queijo frescal de leite de cabra / Isolation of bacteriocinogenic lactic acid bacteria and their application in the control of Listeria monocytogenes in fresh goat cheese

Furtado, Danielle Nader 04 March 2010 (has links)
Listeria monocytogenes causa a listeriose, uma doença zoonótica grave que causa infecções do sistema nervoso central (meningite, encefalite e meningoencefalite), bacteremia primária e septicemia. A doença apresenta baixa morbidade e alta mortalidade e acomete, principalmente, grupos de risco, como mulheres grávidas, neonatos, indivíduos imunocomprometidos e idosos. L. monocytogenes tem sido encontrada com freqüência em alimentos in natura e/ou processados, como queijos e outros produtos lácteos. Esse estudo objetivou isolar bactérias lácticas a partir de leite de cabra, capazes de produzir peptídeos antimicrobianos (bacteriocinas), identificar estas cepas, caracterizar as bacteriocinas produzidas e avaliar o seu potencial de aplicação no controle da multiplicação de L. monocytogenes em queijo de cabra durante armazenamento a 8-10°C. Trabalhando-se com leite de cabra cru, foi possível isolar seis cepas produtoras de bacteriocinas (DF2Mi, DF3Mi, DF4Mi, DF5Mi, DF6Mi e DF60Mi). Através de testes fenotípicos apropriados e sequenciamento do 16S rRNA, essas cepas foram identificadas como Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis (DF2Mi, DF3Mi, DF4Mi e DF5Mi), Leuconostoc lactis (DF6Mi) e Lactobacillus paracasei subsp. paracasei (DF60Mi). A caracterização físico-química e biológica das bacteriocinas produzidas pelas cepas DF4Mi, DF6Mi e DF60Mi indicou que eram resistentes ao calor e extremos de pH, mas apresentavam características diferentes em relação ao espectro de ação, sensibilidade a agentes químicos, adsorção à células-alvo e lise das células de L. monocytogenes. O efeito do pH, temperatura e composição do meio de cultura na produção das bacteriocinas foi também cepa-dependente. A cepa DF4Mi apresentou melhor atividade antimicrobiana e foi selecionada para o estudo de inibição de L. monocytogenes em queijos. Para isso, foram preparados lotes de queijo frescal, feito com leite de cabra pasteurizado adicionado e não adicionado da cepa DF4Mi (106 UFC/mL), experimentalmente contaminado com L. monocytogenes (103 UFC/g), além dos controles positivo (queijo adicionado de nisina 12,5 mg/Kg) e negativo (leite adicionado de uma cepa de L. lactis subsp. lactis não bacteriocinogênica). Observou-se que a cepa DF4Mi apresentou efeito bacteriostático no queijo, sendo capaz de inibir a multiplicação do patógeno durante o armazenamento a 8-10°C por 10 dias. No entanto, inibição semelhante foi obtida nos queijos com a bactéria lática não bacteriocinogênica, indicando que a inibição não pode ser creditada às bacteriocinas. Nos queijos-controle com nisina, foi observada uma redução de 2 log na contagem de L. monocytogenes após 10 dias a 8-10°C. Já nos queijos preparados sem nisina e sem nenhuma bactéria lática, as contagens de L. monocytogenes atingiram contagens elevadas (106 UFC/g) após 10 dias de armazenamento a 8-10°C. / Listeria monocytogenes causes listeriosis, a serious zoonotic disease that causes infections in the central nervous system (meningitis, encephalitis and meningoencephalitis), bacteremia and septicemia. The disease presents low morbidity and high mortality and affects mainly those in the risk group, such as pregnant women, neonates, immunocompromised individuals and the elderly. L. monocytogenes has been frequently detected in in natura and processed foods. Like cheeses and other dairy products. This study aimed to isolate lactic acid bacteria capable of producing antimicrobial compounds from goat milk, identify the isolates, characterize the bacteriocins and evaluate their potential application in controlling the growth of L. monocytogenes in goat cheese during storage at 8-10°C. Six bacteriocinogenic strains (DF2Mi, DF3Mi, DF4Mi, DF5Mi, DF6Mi e DF60Mi) were successfully isolated from raw goat milk. Using appropriate phenotypic tests and 16S rRNA sequencing, these strains were identified as Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis (DF2Mi, DF3Mi, DF4Mi e DF5Mi), Leuconostoc lactis (DF6Mi) and Lactobacillus paracasei subsp. paracasei (DF60Mi). The physico-chemical and biological characterization of the bacteriocins produced by the strains DF4Mi, DF6Mi e DF60Mi indicated that they were resistant to heat and pH extremes, but presented different spectrum of activity, sensitivity to chemicals, adsorption to target cells and lysis of L. monocytogenes. The effect of pH, temperature and culture media composition in bacteriocin production was also strain-dependent. The strain DF4Mi presented the best antimicrobial activity and was selected for the studies on inhibition of L. monocytogenes in cheese. Frescal cheese was manufactured with pasteurized goat milk added of a culture of DF4Mi (106 CFU/mL), and experimentally contaminated with L. monocytogenes (103 CFU/g). Control cheeses were also prepared: those added of 12.5 mg/Kg nisin (positive control) and those added of a non-bacteriocinogenic L. lactis subsp. lactis strain. The strain presented a bacteriostatic effect, controlling the growth of the pathogen for 10 days at 8-10°C. However, a similar effect was observed in the cheeses prepared with the non-bacteriocinogenic strain, indicating that the inhibition cannot be credited to bacteriocins. In the cheeses containing nisin, a 2 log reduction in the counts of L. monocytogenes was achieved after 10 days at 8-10°C. In the cheeses with no added nisin or lactic acid bacteria, the counts of L. monocytogenes after 10 days at 8-10°C were high (106 CFU/g).

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