Spelling suggestions: "subject:"lagoon"" "subject:"magoon""
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O impacto de uma lagoa receptora de efluentes industriais contendo boro em um aqüífero raso / Groundwater impact caused by an industrial effluente lagoon with boronTatiana Luiz dos Santos Tavares 18 September 2006 (has links)
O boro ocorre normalmente em baixas concentrações nas águas naturais destinadas ao abastecimento humano e agrícola, variando amplamente nas águas superficiais e subterrâneas. Embora apresente importância à saúde e ao ambiente, estudos detalhados sobre suas concentrações e seu comportamento em aquíferos ainda são restritos no Brasil. Este trabalho tem como objetivos, estudar e avaliar o impacto causado por uma lagoa receptora de efluentes industriais tratados no Aquífero Taubaté, em uma planta automotiva localizada no Município de Taubaté (SP). O estudo abrange um aquífero raso do tipo livre, heterogêneo, com valores de condutividade hidráulica variando de 1,08x10-5m/s a 1,7x10-7m/s. A recarga ocorre em toda a área fabril não impermeabilizada, bem como pela lagoa, sendo as zonas de descarga locais compostas por dois córregos. Os mapas potenciométricos referentes às campanhas de amostragem de julho de 2004 e março e outubro de 2005 apresentam fluxo radial da água subterrânea do lago para o aquífero e deste para as zonas de descarga locais. Os métodos utilizados consistiram na caracterização química e físico-química das águas de 26 poços de monitoramento instalados no entorno do lago, bem como da água superficial do lago, do solo do aquífero, do sedimento de fundo da lagoa e do solo subjacente aos sedimentos, todos amostrados em março e outubro de 2005. As análises dos parâmetros químicos e físico-químicos das águas subterrâneas e superficiais indicaram contaminação da água subterrânea ocasionada pela lagoa receptora de efluentes, com concentrações de boro superiores àquelas permitidas por lei (0,5mg/L). A pluma caracterizada tem maior comprimento de 120m e profundidade de até 10m. O monitoramento ao longo de um ano hidrológico permitiu identificar três ambientes hidroquímicos distintos no aquífero: bicarbonatadas sódicas, cloretadas sódicas e mistas sódicas, com teores variáveis de sulfato. A presença de altas concentrações de sódio, cloreto e sulfato são decorrentes dos lançamentos de efluente na lagoa e à influência desta em relação ao aquífero. Verificou-se que os sedimentos de fundo do lago formam uma barreira hidroquímica retendo as maiores concentrações de boro (211,6 - 257,6mg/L), tornando-se consequentemente uma fonte secundária desse elemento, cujo comportamento está diretamente relacionado com o pH da água do lago. O sistema lago/aquífero quanto ao boro encontra-se em equilíbrio após dois anos e meio do cessar da fonte primária, constituída por óleos solúveis contendo boro, porém, a pluma de boro ainda encontra-se em movimento no sentido do fluxo. / The boron (B) occurs naturally at low concentrations in surface and ground waters used to human supply and irrigation. Although concentration >1mg/L can cause health and environmental problems, detailed studies on transport and fate of B in aquifers are restricted in Brazil. This study investigated the impacts on groundwater quality caused by an industrial (automobile plant) effluent lagoon into a shallow, unconfined sandy clay aquifer (Taubaté Aquifer) in Taubaté (São Paulo, Brazil). This aquifer is heterogeneous with a hydraulic conductivity varying from 1,08x10-5m/s to 1,7x10-7m/s. The recharge occurs in the whole area (except where the surface is impermeable), and associated to the lagoon. The potentiometric maps indicate radial direction flow from the lagoon to the aquifer and then toward the two streams located in the east and west sides of industrial plant. The present study is based on chemical analyses of groundwater (26 shallow monitoring wells - 3 to 15m deep), surface water (effluent lagoon), and soil and sediments from the bottom of the lagoon, aquifer and surface surround the lagoon in different period of the year. Analyses performed for major elements, B, pH, Eh, and electric conductivity showed the existence of a B plume surrounding the lagoon with maximum length of 120m and deep of 10m. The three different hydrochemical environments were identified: sodium bicarbonate, sodium chloride and sodium mixed waters, with variable concentrations of sulfate. The sediment of the bottom of the lagoon acts as a hydrochemical barrier adsorbing the B. This sediment is a secondary source of this contaminant. The adsorption mechanism is controlled by the pH of lagoon water. The lagoon/aquifer system is in relative equilibrium after 2 ½ years since the interruption of the release of B into the lagoon, however, the plume in low concentration is still moving through the aquifer.
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Caracterização espectral das imagens de cor do oceano durante florações de fitoplâncton na Lagoa dos Patos / Spectral characterization of ocean color images during phytoplankton blooms at Lagoa dos PatosDaniel Schaffer Ferreira Jorge 07 October 2013 (has links)
A Lagoa dos Patos (LP) é um dos ambientes oticamente complexos mais bem estudados no Brasil, e sua grande abrangência espacial, permite a união de diferentes medidas in situ com produtos de sensoriamento remoto, sendo possível entender melhor como os componentes óticos da água influenciam na sua cor. Florações de fitoplâncton possuem grande relevância ecológica e econômica, sendo o desenvolvimento de metologias simples para o seu monitoramento de vital importância. O presente trabalho utilizou produtos de coloração do oceano de imagens diárias dos sensores MODIS/Aqua e SeaWiFS durante os anos de 2002-2005, dados de modelos meteorológicos de reanálise para precipitação e velocidade do vento e dados de clorofila-a e salinidade obtidos in situ. Foi identificado que o espectro de reflectância de sensoriamento remoto é controlado pelo regime de El Niño e La Niña, variação intra anual e espacial (p<0.05), sendo a cor da água da LP em geral, característica de ambientes com alta concentração de CDOM/sedimentos ou de domínio misto. Partindo do pressuposto que o fitoplâncton domina o coeficiente de absorção da luz durante florações de fitoplâncton, e que as possíveis florações na LP se restringem a diatomáceas e cianobactérias, foi desenvolvido um modelo de classificação para discriminar a ocorrência desses eventos. O modelo proposto permite a classificação de águas oticamente complexas de acordo com o componente ótico predominante, e é pioneiro na exploração de dados do sensor MODIS/Aqua para detecção de florações de fitoplâncton em um ambiente lagunar / Patos Lagoon (PL) is one of the optical complex environment best studied in Brazil, and it large spatial extent, allows the union of different in situ and remote sensing measures, enabling a better understandment of how the optical components in water can influence its color. Phytoplankton blooms have great ecological and economic relevance, and the development of simple methodologies for your monitoring of vital importance. The present work used ocean color products from daily MODIS/Aqua and SeaWiFS images during the years 2002-2005, meteorological model data for precipitation and wind speed and chlorophyll-a and sailinity data obtained in situ. It was detected that remote sensing reflectance spectra is controlled by the regime of El Niño and La Niña, intra annual and spatial changes (p<0.05), ande the water color from PL in general, characteristic of environments with high CDOM/sediments concentration or with mixed domain. Assuming that the phytoplankton dominate light absorption coefficient during phytoplankton blooms, and that PL possible blooms are restricted to diatom and cyanobacteria, a classification model was developed to discriminate the occurance of those events. The proposed model allows for the classification of optically complex waters according to the predominant optical component, and it is pioneer in the exploration of data from MODIS/Aqua sensor to detect phytoplankton blooms in lagunar environment
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Aspectos limnológicos e sanitários de uma lagoa costeira no litoral leste do Ceará - lagoa do Batoque / Limnological and sanitary aspects of a coastal lagoon in the eastern coast of Ceará lagoa do BatoqueEugênio Cunha Oliveira 08 May 2006 (has links)
As águas da lagoa do Batoque, uma lagoa costeira localizada no litoral leste do Estado do Ceará, foram caracterizadas por meio de coletas mensais realizadas em 4 pontos de amostragem, no período de maio a novembro de 2005 de maneira a obter dados do período seco (mai-jun) e chuvoso (ago-nov). Também foram realizadas duas coletas nictemerais (24h) em 1 ponto de amostragem nos meses de julho e dezembro de maneira a observar as variações diárias das variáveis limnológicas determinadas. Em cada coleta foram realizados perfis de temperatura, condutividade elétrica, turbidez, pH e oxigênio dissolvido e foi avaliada a transparência da água por meio do disco de Secchi. Ademais, foram coletadas amostras de subsuperfície e fundo para a investigação das variáveis: material em suspensão, cor, alcalinidade, compostos nitrogenados, fósforo solúvel reativo (PSR), fósforo total (PT), ferro total, ferro total dissolvido, clorofila a, densidade fitoplanctônica (organismos/mL) e coliformes (totais e termotolerantes). Os resultados demonstram que o sistema estudado apresentou variação sazonal relacionada aos dois períodos hidrológicos distintos. O período chuvoso se caracterizou por um período de precipitações mais intensas e menor insolação enquanto que o seco apresentou maior insolação e maiores velocidades dos ventos, trazendo conseqüências diretas sobre o nível dágua da lagoa estudada, a disponibilidade de nutrientes, o padrão de mistura do sistema, entre outros fatores. A grande variação encontrada no decorrer dos períodos nictemerais demonstrou a forte influência do fotoperíodo sobre a dinâmica do corpo dágua. Em relação à heterogeneidade espacial, foram verificados comportamentos diferenciados entre os diferentes pontos de superfície dágua livre. A coluna dágua não apresentou estratificação (térmica, química) significativa devido principalmente à baixa profundidade do sistema, à forte atuação dos ventos e à elevada transparência da coluna dágua. De acordo com o critério de classificação da OECD, a lagoa do Batoque pode ser considerada um ambiente mesotrófico. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que o sistema apresenta intenso processo de decomposição e regeneração de matéria orgânica, principalmente na região próxima ao sedimento, processo que atua como principal regulador da dinâmica de nutrientes no corpo dágua principalmente durante o período seco, já que durante o período chuvoso o sistema recebe cargas alóctones que dão condições à manutenção da produtividade do mesmo. A comunidade fitoplanctônica foi bastante influenciada pelas características físicas e morfométricas do sistema, como fortes ventos, alta insolação, baixa profundidade e alta transparência da coluna dágua, o que favoreceu o desenvolvimento de organismos fitobentônicos e organismos habituados a sistemas com boas condições de mistura. As baixas concentrações de nutrientes favoreceram o desenvolvimento de organismos de menor tamanho, que aparentemente têm maior facilidade de interação com a comunidade heterotrófica responsável pela ciclagem de nutrientes no sistema. A lagoa do Batoque, apesar de apresentar indícios de contaminação fecal, não está comprometida no que diz respeito à qualidade sanitária de suas águas de acordo com a legislação vigente (CONAMA 274/00 e 357/05). / The water quality of Batoque lagoon, a coastal lagoon located along the eastern shoreline of the state of Ceará, Brazil, was characterized by means of monthly samplings from May to November 2005 to obtain dry-season (May-Jun) and wet-season (Aug-Nov) data. Additionally, two nycthemeral (24hr.) samplings were performed in July and December to observe daily variation of the limnological variables investigated. Temperature, electrical conductivity, turbidity, pH, dissolved oxygen, and an assessment of water transparency (with Secchi disk) were measured in each water column sample. Moreover, subsurface and bottom samples were collected to determine the following variables: suspended material, color, alkalinity, nitrogen compounds ('NH IND.3,4'POT.+', 'NO IND.2'POT.-', 'NO IND.3'POT.-' and total nitrogen), soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP), total phosphorus (TP), total iron, total dissolved iron, chlorophyll a, phytoplankton density (org/mL), and coliforms (fecal and thermo tolerant). The results demonstrate that the system experiences seasonal variations related to the two distinct hydrological seasons. The wet season was characterized by intense rainfall and lower insolation. Whereas the dry season showed higher insolation and wind speeds directly influencing the water level of the lagoon as well as the availability of nutrients and the mixing pattern of the system, among other things. Furthermore, the high degree of variation observed during nycthemeral investigations demonstrated the strong influence of the photoperiod on the dynamics of this body of water. Variation in spatial heterogeneity among different sampling points was identified. The water column showed no significant stratification (thermal, chemical), due primarily to the low depth of the system, strong winds, and high water transparency. According to OECD classification criteria, Batoque lagoon can be considered a mesotrophic environment. The results obtained, suggest that the system is under an intense process of decomposition and regeneration of organic matter (primarily in the region nearest to the sediments). This process acts as the principal regulator of nutrient dynamics in the lagoon mainly during the dry season, since during the wet season the system receives allochthonous loads that contribute to maintaining the systems productivity. The phytoplanktonic community was significantly influenced by the systems physical and morphometrics features such as strong winds, high insolation, low depth, and high transparency of the water column which favor the development of phytobenthic organisms and those habituated to well-mixed environments. Additionally, the low nutrient concentrations favor the development of smaller organisms which apparently have greater ease of interaction with the heterotrophic community that is responsible for cycling nutrients in the system. Although Batoque lagoon presented indices of fecal contamination, it has not been shown to be compromised in relation to the sanitary quality of its waters according to current legislation (CONAMA 274/00 and 357/05).
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Qualidade da água do Canal São Gonçalo - RS/ Brasil: uma avaliação hidroquímica considerando seus usos múltiplos / Water quality of the São Gonçalo ChannelRS/Brazil: an hydrochemical evaluation considering its multiple usesSouza, Mariana Farias de 26 February 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Aline Batista (alinehb.ufpel@gmail.com) on 2016-05-06T19:32:41Z
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QUALIDADE DA ÁGUA DO CANAL SÃO GONÇALO-RS-BRASIL – UMA AVALIAÇÃO HIDROQUÍMICA CONSIDERANDO SEUS USOS MÚLTIPLOS.pdf: 2559551 bytes, checksum: e392f8cb31107f23bfcb83085ef642a1 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Aline Batista (alinehb.ufpel@gmail.com) on 2016-05-09T17:32:25Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2
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QUALIDADE DA ÁGUA DO CANAL SÃO GONÇALO-RS-BRASIL – UMA AVALIAÇÃO HIDROQUÍMICA CONSIDERANDO SEUS USOS MÚLTIPLOS.pdf: 2559551 bytes, checksum: e392f8cb31107f23bfcb83085ef642a1 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Aline Batista (alinehb.ufpel@gmail.com) on 2016-05-09T17:32:52Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2
license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5)
QUALIDADE DA ÁGUA DO CANAL SÃO GONÇALO-RS-BRASIL – UMA AVALIAÇÃO HIDROQUÍMICA CONSIDERANDO SEUS USOS MÚLTIPLOS.pdf: 2559551 bytes, checksum: e392f8cb31107f23bfcb83085ef642a1 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-05-09T17:33:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2
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Previous issue date: 2015-02-26 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul - FAPERGS / O Canal São Gonçalo está situado na Bacia Hidrográfica da Lagoa Mirim e faz a ligação entre a Laguna dos Patos e a Lagoa Mirim. É um manancial hídrico com significativa importância econômica e ambiental para a região sul do Brasil e suas águas são utilizadas para diversos fins, como abastecimento público, pesca, navegação e irrigação. O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar a qualidade físico-química e microbiológica do Canal São Gonçalo, considerando variações espaciais e pluviométricas. Foram realizadas duas campanhas de amostragem, em período de baixa e de alta pluviosidade. Foram coletadas amostras de água em 22 pontos ao longo do canal e determinados 24 parâmetros físico-químicos e microbiológicos, sendo eles: pH, condutividade elétrica, turbidez, oxigênio dissolvido, temperatura, salinidade, sólidos dissolvidos totais, fluoreto, potássio, cálcio, cloreto, nitrato, transparência, coliformes totais, coliformes termotolerantes, cor verdadeira, cor aparente, sulfato, fosfato, amônia, nitrito, ferro, zinco e cromo VI. Os resultados encontrados para cada parâmetro foram comparados com a classe 2 da Resolução CONAMA n° 357/2005. Foi realizada a análise estatística dos dados através da utilização da técnica de Análise de Componentes Principais como forma a determinar quais os principais parâmetros responsáveis pela qualidade da água do canal e identificar quais os tributários mais significativos com aporte de poluentes para o manancial em estudo. Foi verificado que a qualidade da água do Canal São Gonçalo varia tanto espacial quanto temporalmente. A variação espacial da qualidade da água demonstrou estar diretamente relacionada à condição de seus afluentes e verificou-se que muitos destes afluentes contribuem para degradação da qualidade da água do Canal São Gonçalo. Verificou-se que no período de baixa pluviosidade os parâmetros relacionados aos sólidos dissolvidos na água são os que mais contribuem para deterioração da qualidade da água. Já no período de alta pluviosidade há um aumento significativo na parcela de sólidos suspensos, relacionados a diversos outros parâmetros. Conclui-se que a qualidade da água do Canal São Gonçalo está em desacordo com seus atuais usos e que essa é uma situação que vem se agravando ao longo dos anos. Medidas de remediação devem ser tomadas para que os usos múltiplos do canal sejam garantidos. / The São Gonçalo Channel is localized at Mirim Lagoon Watershed and connects two lagoons in southern Brazil, the Mangueira Lagoon and Patos Lagoon. It has a significant importance to southern Brazil and the channel is used to several purposes, such as water supply, fishery, navigation and irrigation. The aim of this research was access the water quality of the São Gonçalo Channel. Water samples were collected in 22 sites in two different periods, in rainy season and in dry season. The water samples were analyzed for 24 different surface water parameters: pH, conductivity, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, temperature, salinity, total dissolved solids, fluoride, potassium, calcium, chloride, nitrate, transparency, total coliforms, fecal coliforms, true color, apparent color, sulfate, phosphate, ammonia, nitrite, iron, zinc and chromium VI. The results were compared with brazilian standards. The principal component analysis techniques also were applied for the results. The analysis showed that the water quality of the São Gonçalo Channel is different to each site and to each season. Different tributaries were identified that pollute the São Gonçalo Channel. The water quality parameters that are related with dissolved solids are the most significant in dry season. In rainy season there are increases in the parameters that are related with suspended solids. From this study it was concluded that the water quality of the São Gonçalo Channel is not according with current uses and the pollution is getting worse over the years. Remediation actions are necessary for maintained the multiple uses of the
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Impact de l'évolution des déchets d'une installation de stockage de déchets non dangereux sur l'environnement - Site d'étude : l'ISDND d'Etueffont (Territoire de Belfort - France) / Environnmental impact assessment of a municipal solid waste landfill : Experimental site : the Etuffont landfill ( Belfort Aera-France)Grisey, Elise 26 June 2013 (has links)
Ce travail a pour objectif d’étudier l’impact d’une installation de stockage de déchets nondangereux sur l’eau souterraine. L’ISDND d’Étueffont (90) dont le mode d’exploitation associedes prétraitements mécanique et biologique (broyage et maturation aérobie) comporte un casiernon sécurisé ainsi qu’un casier étanche. La caractérisation des lixiviats sur 21 ans (1989-2010)montre une dégradation rapide des déchets. Un état de stabilisation est atteint en fin de suivi. Lesprétraitements ont permis d’accélérer la dégradation des déchets et de réduire le potentiel polluantde l’ISDND. Les lixiviats sont traités in situ par lagunage naturel. Bien que cette technique soitpeu répandue pour le traitement des lixiviats, elle offre pourtant des abattements significatifs (75-90 %) de la matière organique, des matières en suspension, de l’azote et du phosphore. Lesprécédentes études ayant démontré une contamination de l’eau souterraine par les lixiviats, unedélimitation du panache de contamination a été entreprise en combinant des prospectionsgéophysiques du secteur (tomographie de résistivité électrique) et des analyses physico-Chimiquesde l’eau. Les résultats montrent une infiltration des lixiviats à la base du casier non sécurisé ainsiqu’au travers de la géomembrane du casier sécurisé. Une légère infiltration des eaux de lagunagea aussi été observée au niveau des lagunes. Le panache a une étendue limitée et se concentreessentiellement sous la base de l’ISDND. L’ensemble des résultats a permis de cibler les zonescontaminées et de définir les paramètres physico-Chimiques à surveiller dans le cadre du suivipost-Exploitation auquel est soumise l’ISDND jusqu’en 2031. / The purpose of this work was to evaluate the impact of a landfill on groundwater quality.Municipal solid waste from the Etueffont landfill (Belfort area, France) was mechanically andbiologically treated (shredding and aerobic composting) before being disposed of in an unlinedarea and in a lined cell. The leachate characterization performed over a 21-Year period (1989-2010) showed a rapid degradation of waste. A steady state was reached at the end of themonitoring. Waste pretreatment enhanced the rate of biodegradation and reduced the pollutionpotential of the landfill. The leachate produced was treated on site in a natural lagooning. Whilelagooning is not a widespread practice for leachate treatment, significant removal (75-90 %) oforganic matter, suspended solids, nitrogen and phosphorus was observed. In previous studies,groundwater contamination was highlighted around the landfill. As a consequence, geophysicalinvestigations of the area by electrical resistivity tomography and physico-Chemical analyses wereconducted in order to delineate the contamination plume. The results showed leachate infiltrationinto the soil below the unlined part of the landfill and leakage through the watertightgeomembrane of the lined cell. Seepage of wastewater into the soil below the lagoons was alsoobserved. The extent of contamination plume was limited and was mostly limited to the landfillboundaries. The results of this work allowed to determine the location of the contaminated areasand helped to choose the appropriate physico-Chemical analytes of the post-Closure groundwatermonitoring program, which will be applied to the landfill until the end of 2031.
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Distribution spatiale des kystes de résistance des Dinoflagellés au niveau du sédiment superficiel de la lagune de Bizerte : cas de l’espèce invasive Alexandrium pacificum R.W. Litaker, 2014 / Resting cyst distribution of Dinoflagellates in the surface sediment of Bizerte lagoon : The case of the invasive species Alexandrium pacificaum R.W, Litaker, 2014Fartouna-Bellakhal, Mouna 15 November 2016 (has links)
Les rejets des eaux de ballast dans le port de Bizerte et les fermes conchylicoles installées au niveau de la lagune de Bizerte peuvent constituer des sources potentielles ayant un impact sur l’introduction des espèces de Dinoflagellés nuisibles, en particulier celles qui sont potentiellement toxiques telles que A. pacificum, A.pseudogonyaulax, A.minutum, A. affine et Polysphaeridium zoharyi, sans pour autant négliger le rôle des courants dans la distribution des kystes. L’étude du trafic maritime sur les 7 années précédant notre prospection a révélé que 14 % de la flotte qui accoste au port de Bizerte est en provenance de la voie maritime d’origine Pacifique. Afin d’identifier les espèces de Dinoflagellés produisant des kystes à l’origine des efflorescences potentiellement toxiques, un échantillonnage à grande échelle spatiale au niveau des sédiments superficiels a été effectué pour relever les densités des kystes en fonction des caractéristiques sédimentaires à savoir la teneur en eau, la matière organique, la granulométrie, l’abondance des formes végétatives ainsi que les facteurs environnementaux. Cette étude a permis l’identification de 48 morphotypes de kystes de Dinoflagellés, principalement dominés par Brigantidinium simplex, Votadinum spinosum, Alexandrium pacificum, Alexandrium pseudogonyaulax, et Lingulodinum machaerophorum. La densité des kystes a varié de 1276 à 20126 kystes g-1 sédiment sec. Des différences significatives portant sur la distribution des kystes ont été enregistrées, ce qui nous a permis de faire la distinction de deux zones dans la lagune de Bizerte. Un intérêt particulier a été porté au complexe Alexandrium tamarense dont fait partie l’espèce A. pacificum connue pour être à l’origine des efflorescences nuisibles (HABs). En outre, l’examen morphologique et le ribotypage des formes végétatives d’A. pacificum en provenance de cultures microalgales obtenues à partir de l’extraction, l’isolement des kystes de résistance en provenance du sédiment, et leur germination ont été réalisés pour l’obtention d’une culture cellulaire monospécifique ABZ1 qui se caractérise par un taux de croissance de µ= 0.33j-1 et un temps de génération T=2.1j. Le profil toxinique obtenu à partir d’un extrait de culture ABZ1, en phase exponentielle a révélé la présence de N-sulfocarbamoyl toxine C1 (9.82 pg toxin cell_1), la GTX6 (3.26 pg toxine cell_1) et la carbamoyl toxine Neo-STX (0.38 pg toxin cell_1), représentant 2,8% du total des toxines de cette souche. Une corrélation entre l’abondance des kystes d’Alexandrium pacificum et le pourcentage en eau ainsi que la matière organique a été relevée. Par ailleurs, la fraction sédimentaire <63µm s’est avérée potentiellement favorable à l’initiation des efflorescences du dinoflagellé Alexandrium pacificum au niveau de la lagune de Bizerte. Une différence significative dans le schéma de la distribution des kystes a été illustrée, mettant en évidence un zonage de la lagune avec une abondance plus importante au niveau des zones conchylicoles. / The ballast water discharges in Bizerte harbor and shellfish aquaculture farms in Bizerte lagoon can be potentials sources with an interest in the introduction of harmful species, especially those that are potentially toxic like A. pacificum, A. pseudogonyaulax, A.minutum, A.affine and Polysphaeridium zoharyi, without neglecting the role of currents in the distribution of cysts. The study of the vessel traffics for 7 years before our prospection in Bizerte harbour have showing that the percentage of vessels coming from the Pacific road is around 14%. In order to identify species of Dinoflagellates producing resting cysts incriminated on potentially toxic blooms, a high spatial resolution sampling of the surface sediment for the identification and counting of resistance cysts was carried out to estimate the cyst density based on sedimentary characteristics, water content, organic matter, granulometry, abundance of vegetative forms and environmental factors. This study allowed the identification of 48 morphotypes of dinoflagellate cysts, mainly dominated by Brigantidinium simplex, Votadinum spinosum, Alexandrium pacificum, Alexandrium pseudogonyaulax and Lingulodinum machaerophorum. The density of cysts ranged from 1276 to 20126 cysts g-1 dry sediment. Significant differences between cyst distributions were recorded, which enabled us to distinguish two areas in the Bizerte lagoon. Particular attention was given to the complex Alexandrium tamarense (HABs). In addition, morphological examination and ribotyping of vegetative cells obtained from microalgal cultures following extraction process, isolation of resistance cysts from sediment, and their germination led to the production of monospecific culture: ABZ1 characterized by a μ (growth rate) = 0.33 day-1 and a generation time T = 2.1 day. These reviews have confirmed the newly identified genus and species in the Mediterranean sea and mentioned specifically in the lagoon of Bizerte: Alexandrium pacificum. The toxin profile obtained from an extract of ABZ1 culture in exponential phase revealed the presence of N-sulfocarbamoyl toxin C1 (9.82 pg toxin Cell-1), the GTX6 (3.26 pg toxin Cell-1), carbamoyl and the Neo-STX toxin (0.38 pg cell toxin-1), representing 2.8% of total toxins of this strain.A correlation between the abundance of cysts of Alexandrium pacificum and water percentage well as organic matter was found. Moreover, sediment fraction <63μm proved potentially favorable to initiate Alexandrium pacificum blooms in Bizerte lagoon. A significant difference in the cyst distribution diagram was shown, highlighting a zoning of the lagoon with a greater abundance in shellfish farm areas.
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Site selection and community participation in the development of Gracilaria Gracilts (stackhouse) steentoft, irvine and farnham mariculture in the Western Cape province, South Africa.Brown, Bernadette January 1999 (has links)
Magister Artium (Development Studies) - MA(DVS) / The seaweed Gracilaria gracilis has been shown in previous studies to have potential for mariculture along the West Coast of South Africa. However, the selection of suitable sites is crucial for the success of a farming enterprise. The variables important in the success or
sustainability of suspended raft culture, and the environmental factors influencing these variables, were identified through a literature review. A suitable site was defined as a site with surface water temperature of between 10 and 17 "C, water depth of between 2 and 10 m below surface, and wave heights of less than 4 m. Data and information about these factors were obtained from sources such as the Sea Fisheries Research Institute, the SADCO database, the CSIR and from volunteers in St Helena Bay. The objectives of this study were to convert
available data into formats that could be used in a Geographical Information System (GIS), and to predict suitable and available sites for suspended cultivation of Gracilaria gracilis in Saldanha Bay, Langebaan Lagoon and St. Helena Bay. Data were converted to digital format
and data layers created. Each data layer represented suitable and unsuitable areas. Areas with existing mariculture, harbours, ship traffic zones and other uses were excluded to determine the real available areas. The Saldanha Bay-Langebaan lagoon system and St Helena Bay, have sites that show potential for suspended cultivation of G. eracilis. The total sizes of the areas selected as suitable are 975.4 ha in Saldanha Bay and 474.8 ha in St. Helena Bay. Some sites predicted as suitable are located in areas known to be subject to conditions not suitable for seaweed mariculture, and led to the conclusion that the accuracy of input data or method of
analysis must be improved.
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The Molluscan Taphofacies of and Influence of Callianassid Shrimp on a Carbonate Lagoon (St. Croix, US Virgin Islands)Lee, Rowan January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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VATTENLEVANDE FÅGLARS PÅVERKAN PÅ VEGETATIONEN I GRUNDA HAVSMILJÖER : FJÄRRANALYS SOM VERKTYG FÖR ATT IDENTIFIERA BETNINGSMÖNSTER / The effect of waterfowl on submerged aquatic vegetation in shallow bays : Remote sensing as a tool to identify grazing patternsGerland Fontana, Vanessa January 2023 (has links)
Submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) is an important source of food for waterfowl. Effects of waterfowl grazing on SAV has foremost been studied in freshwater and agricultural ecosystems. This study used drone-based remote sensing to identify waterfowl grazing patterns and quantify the effect their grazing has on SAV in shallow coastal areas in Västerbotten County. Six subareas containing a total of 27 bays were studied in detail. Grazed areas were delimited by polygons in GIS. Using GIS, layers containing water depth, wave exposure and biotope were added to polygons and mean-values were calculated. Field data containing types of SAV were noted in grazed areas and compiled by number of observations. Data was tested in a regression analysis and a X2-test. Results revealed no connection between water depth and wave exposure in regard to the proportion of grazed area. Grazing was identified in 20 out 27 bays and in 41 out of 126 drone images. Field data containing charophytes often overlapped with polygons for grazed areas, but a more systematic collection of data is needed to conclude whether the presence of charophytes is crucial for the choice of grazing area. Shallow coastal areas can have a great variance in SAV species composition from year to year due to ice scraping during winter and yearly land raise. Continuous studies of these areas are therefore needed in order to conclude if changes in SAV species composition is due to abiotic factors or grazing from waterfowl.
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Field-validated inter-comparison of Sentinel-2 MSI and Sentinel-3 OLCI images to assess waterquality in the Indian River Lagoon, FloridaWoodman, McKenzie Leonard 27 July 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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