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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Interactions between the Indian River Lagoon blue crab fishery and the bottlenose dolphin Tursiops truncatus

Noke, Wendy D. 01 January 1999 (has links)
No description available.

The Ecological Dynamics of a Coastal Lagoon: A Study of the Morphodynamics, Land Use Change, Community Participation, and Spatial Planning of the Segara Anakan Lagoon in Indonesia

Nandi, Nandi 04 February 2015 (has links)
A coastal lagoon is a landform that is influenced by natural processes and human activities. All human activities at the upstream, particularly agriculture and cultivation bring soil, waste, and other materials to the downstream area through the river drains into the lagoon. Even though its position is inland of water bodies, the lagoon is still affected by waves and winds from the sea. Additionally, coastal lagoon will be the depository place for sedimentation from the upland area. Segara Anakan (SA), which is located in Indonesia, is an example of a coastal lagoon area, which has a unique biophysical characteristic. The region has a great natural ability to ensure the sustainability of the interrelationships between terrestrial, estuarine and marine ecosystems in harmony and balance as a habitat for flora and fauna. The region is an area of migration of various types of protected animals and it is a place of breeding for diverse species of the shrimp and fish, which have a highly economical value. Segara Anakan lagoon (SAL), currently experiencing acceleration narrowed on its area due to a very intensive sedimentation from the mainland. The research aims to answer the question of how ecological dynamic occurs in the SAL area due to sedimentation. Achieving the objectives of this study required examining the morphology and land use changes with multitemporal remote sensing approaches. While, to assess the role of community participation and planning management strategies is using qualitative descriptive methods and SWOT analyze. The using of multitemporal remote sensing Landsat images is possible to analyze the morphological and land use changes with different time and sensors. These Landsat has image accuracy about 92.66%. It can be used for image interpretations resulting 13 classes of land use. The morphodynamics of SAL indicated by the changes of area of lagoon and accreted land and also the distance of coastlines during the periods 1979-2013. In addition, the land use or land cover also changes during that time. The bigger portions of land use changes are in the tropical and mangrove\''s forests. There are distinctive forms of participation in conservation efforts. The upstream community involvement in conservation tends to be different participating in the way of ideas, money, materials, properties, skills and expertise or social activities. In addition, the community at downstream area has a sufficiently high level of participation in environmental conservation. There are also strong relationships between the level of education and level of income and basic knowledge in conservation with the participation of SA conservation. The ecological dynamics of the SAL area are described with a historical time line. It is divided into three time periods: the 1970s - 1980s, the 1990s and from 2000 onwards. Each of these has occurrences that can lead to changes in the environment. The implementation of appropriate conservation technique can reduce the sedimentation rate. Hence, the synergic coordination measures between upstream and downstream regions are necessary in the future. Increasing community awareness and participation in the conservation by improving educational sector, providing information, and applying sustainable development land use are the ways to match human activities with the temporal and spatial dynamics of the coastal resources.

Méthodes d’analyse fonctionnelle et multivariée appliquées à l’étude du fonctionnement écologique des assemblages phytoplanctoniques de l’étang de Berre

Malkassian, Anthony 03 December 2012 (has links)
L'étude de la relation entre les variations d'abondance du phytoplancton et les facteurs environnementaux (naturels ou anthropiques) dans les zones saumâtres peu profondes est essentielle à la compréhension et à la gestion de cet écosystème complexe. Les relations existant entre les variables physico-chimiques (température, salinité et les nutriments) et les assemblages de phytoplancton de l'étang de Berre ont été analysées à partir d'un suivi écologique mensuel de 16 années (1994-2010). A l'aide des données recueillies par cette étude à long terme, des questions en relation avec la gestion de ce milieu ont été abordées grâce à l'application d'analyses statistiques et à la représentation originale des données. Depuis 2004, la nouvelle politique de relargage d'eau douce a provoqué de forts changements dans la salinité globale de la lagune : une diminution de la stratification et une raréfaction des phénomènes d'anoxie dans sa partie la plus profonde. Un changement dans la structure de la communauté phytoplanctonique a également été observé en association avec l'évolution des conditions environnementales. Une augmentation de la richesse spécifique phytoplanctonique, et plus précisément, l'émergence d'espèces à affinité marine a permis de mettre en évidence la première étape d'une marinisation de la lagune. Ces résultats soulignent l'impact significatif d'un nouvelle politique de gestion de cette zone côtière particulière. Nous nous sommes ensuite intéressés à la dynamique du phytoplancton à l'échelle de la journée reflet des variations rapides de l'environnement. / The study of the relationship between variations in phytoplankton abundance and environmental forces (natural or anthropogenic) in shallow brackish areas is essential to both understanding and managing this complex ecosystem. Over a 16 year (1994-2011) monthly monitoring program the relationships between physicochemical variables (temperature, salinity and nutrients) and phytoplankton assemblages of the Berre Lagoon were analyzed. Using data collected from this long-term study, we have addressed environmental management issues through the application of advanced statistical analyses and original data displays. These analyses and data displays can readily be applied to other data sets related to the environment, with the aim of informing both researcher and practitioner. Since 2004, a new policy for freshwater discharge has induced strong changes in the global salinity of the lagoon : a weakened stratification and a rarefaction of anoxia phenomena in its deepest part. A shift in the structure of the phytoplankton community has been observed in association with changes in environmental conditions. An increase of phytoplanktonic species richness, and more precisely, the emergence of species with marine affinity highlights the first step of a marinization of the lagoon. The results underline the significant impact of a new management policy in this specific coastal zone. We then focused on the response of phytoplankton to quick environmental variations. An original approach for automated high frequency analysis of phytoplankton was adopted with the use of an autonomous flow cytometer (CytoSense).

Ecologie du ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi (Agassiz, 1865) dans l'Etang de Berre : Etude des facteurs contrôlant sa population et son impact potentiel sur l'écosystème planctonique / Ecology of the ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi (Agassiz, 1865) in the Berre Lagoon : Study of the factors controlling its population and of its potential impact on the plankton ecosystem

Delpy, Floriane 27 May 2013 (has links)
Depuis sa première signalisation en 2005, le cténophore Mnemiopsis leidyi a été régulièrement observé dans l'Étang de Berre et a profité d'un écosystème planctonique perturbé. En effet, la régulation des apports en eau douce provenant de la centrale hydroélectrique EDF de Saint-Chamas (2006) a entraîné une augmentation de la salinité moyenne de la lagune, ainsi qu'une diversification et une « marinisation » des communautés planctoniques de la lagune. Leurs caractéristiques et la dynamique de la population de M. leidyi ont été étudiées au cours d'un suivi in situ réalisé en 2010-11. Les données obtenues lors de ce suivi, associées à une étude de son métabolisme (i.e. ingestion, respiration, excrétion et croissance), ont permis d'identifier les principaux facteurs contrôlant sa population (i.e. température, salinité, concentration et nature des proies). Son cycle de vie est étroitement lié à la température, les larves cyddipides apparaissant en hiver, suivies par les stades de transition en hiver/printemps et par les adultes du printemps à l'automne. Les conditions saumâtre et eutrophe semblent contribuer à sa présence dans la lagune, avec une salinité optimale pour son développement et une forte concentration en proies (i.e. zooplancton pour les adultes). En raison de la sélection active de proies (i.e. nauplii de copépodes et copépodites) et l'absence de seuil de satiété, M. leidyi a un impact important sur les populations de copépodes entraînant la chute drastique de leur abondance suite à ses proliférations. De nouvelles modifications des conditions hydrologiques (i.e. évolution vers une lagune marine) pourraient continuer à transformer le fonctionnement de la lagune. / The ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi has established a sustainable population in the Berre Lagoon since its first observation in 2005. This invasive species took advantage of a plankton ecosystem disturbed particularly by successive modifications of the hydrohalin conditions of the lagoon. Indeed, regulation of the freshwater inputs through the hydroelectric power plant of Saint-Chamas (2006) leads to an increase of the mean salinity, resulting in a more diversified and a more marine plankton community. Characteristics of the plankton ecosystem and population dynamics of M. leidyi was studied during an in situ survey in 2010-11. Metabolism (ingestion, respiration, excretion and growth) of the ctenophore adult and transition stages were studied in controlled conditions. Temperature influences the life cycle of M. leidyi with cyddipid larvae observed in winter, then transitional stages in winter/spring and adults from spring to autumn. The ctenophore seems to prefer brackish and eutrophic environments linked with its optimal salinity conditions (between 10 and 30) and its need for an important prey concentration (copepods nauplii and copepodites). The active selectivity of prey and the lack of a satiety level can largely explain the drop in copepod abundance following M. leidyi proliferations. New hydrological modifications (evolution towards a marine lagoon) will certainly continue to transform in the future the functioning of the Berre Lagoon.

Dynamique des environnements fluvio-lagunaires du Narbonnais à l'Holocène (Golfe du Lion, France) / Holocene fluvio-lagoonal environments of Narbonne coast (Gulf of Lion, France)

Salel, Tiphaine 13 December 2018 (has links)
Le paysage littoral de la basse vallée de l’Aude est composé d’une mosaïque de milieux laguno-deltaïques mobiles à l’échelle des derniers millénaires. Du fait de cette mobilité et de l’ancienneté de l’occupation humaine, continue depuis le Néolithique, la compréhension des dynamiques environnementales passées constitue une problématique incontournable de la recherche archéologique narbonnaise. Le travail que nous présentons vise à identifier et expliquer les transformations de ce paysage fluvio-lagunaire à l’Holocène, à partir de l’analyse sédimentologique et micropaléontologique des enregistrements sédimentaires datés au radiocarbone. Dans un premier temps, une étude de la répartition spatiale actuelle des ostracodes des lagunes et embouchures fluviales modernes est proposée en vue d’utiliser cette microfaune comme bioindicateur privilégié des conditions environnementales passées dans la zone d’étude. Elle repose sur le prélèvement d’une soixantaine d’échantillons de sédiments de surface provenant de différents complexes paraliques de Méditerranée nord-occidentale. Les assemblages d’ostracodes actuels permettent de caractériser différents stades d’isolement des bassins, des lagunes complètement fermées jusqu’aux baies largement ouvertes sur la mer, ainsi que la variabilité intra-lagunaire des milieux en relation avec la proximité des embouchures et des graus. La base de données présentée peut être utilisée, à titre comparatif, pour reconstituer les dynamiques géomorphologiques littorales holocènes, telles que la mobilité deltaïque et l’évolution des systèmes barrières-lagunes, dans le golfe du Lion. Dans un second temps, l’étude des enregistrements sédimentaires a permis d’appréhender l’évolution du littoral narbonnais à l’Holocène. Elle repose sur neuf sondages carottés répartis sur les deux branches deltaïques, méridionale et orientale, de l’Aude. Les résultats obtenus permettent de proposer un scénario paléogéographique reconstituant la dynamique des environnements de la basse vallée depuis 9500 ans cal. BP, en même temps qu’ils renseignent le contexte local de la remontée du niveau marin holocène dans l’intervalle 9500-6000 ans cal. BP. Plusieurs problématiques sous-jacentes à l’évolution des paléoenvironnements littoraux narbonnais sont discutées. Elles concernent les modalités de la transgression holocène dans les lagunes du golfe du Lion, l’enregistrement d’un événement marin extrême en fond de ria vers 5200-5000 ans cal. BP, et le rythme de progradation accéléré du delta de l’Aude durant le dernier millénaire. L’identification de deux périodes d’enrichissement en plomb cohérentes avec les principaux pics d’exploitation minière connus en Languedoc à la charnière du changement d’ère et au début du Moyen-âge classique suggère un enregistrement de la fluctuation historique des activités métallurgiques. / The present day Aude valley’s coastal landscape is the result of unstable lagoonal and deltaic environments during the last millennia. The understanding of past environmental dynamics is a key issue of the local ar-chaeological research, because since the Neolithic period human beings have settled in this area. This work aims to identify and explain the fluvio-lagoonal landscape’s evolution in the Narbonne region during the Holocene by using sedimentology, micropalaeontology and radiocarbon sediment datations. First, we analysed the present ostracods spatial distribution in modern lagoons and river mouths in order to use this microfauna as a bioindicator of past environmental conditions in the study area. Various aquatic envi-ronments (60) from the NW Mediterranean coastline were studied. The present ostracod assemblages characterize different stages of isolation, from completely closed lagoons to widely open marine bays, as well as intra-lagoonal environmental variability in relation to the inlets and river mouth proximities. The proposed database can be used to reconstruct coastal geomorphologies and dynamics, such as the holocene evolution of delta and barrier-lagoon systems in the Gulf of Lion. Second, sedimentary recording studies have been used to analyse the Narbonne’s coastal evolution. This study is based on nine cores distributed over the southern and eastern deltaic branches of the Aude river. With theses results, it is possible to propose a palaeogeographic scenario associated with the environmental dynamics of the lower valley since 9500 years cal. BP. This same data informs us about the local context of the Holocene sea level rise during the 9500-6000 years cal. BP. Several issues are discussed such as : the Holocene’s transgressions of the Gulf of Lion’s lagoons, the extreme marine event near the bay head delta around 5200-5000 years cal. BP, and the Aude delta’s rapid progradation during the last millennium. Additionally, we identified two periods of lead enrichment; which are consistent with the major mining peaks known in Languedoc (beginning of the first century AD - beginning of the classical Middle ages) and suggest a record of fluctuating metallurgical activity.

De Pero Vaz de Caminha a Menotti Del Picchia: alguns motivos edênicos na literatura de viagens dos séculos XVI e XVII e no modernismo / From Pero Vaz de Caminha to Menotti del Picchia: some of the edenic motives in the 16th and 17th centuries´acounts of travel and in the Modernism

Sturari, Marlene 12 December 2006 (has links)
Este trabalho relaciona alguns dos motivos edênicos que, a partir do mito da Idade de Ouro da humanidade apresentado por dois poetas da Antigüidade Clássica, Virgílio e Ovídio, que vai-se mesclar, na Idade Média, à descrição católica do Jardim do Éden e serão retomados com o descobrimento da América, repercutindo na colonização do Brasil, onde sua chama, ainda que débil, se mantém. Eles ressurgem no século XX, nomeadamente nos romances de Menotti Del Picchia: A filha do Inca e Kalum, o mistério do sertão. Obras de ficção científica, produzidas num período de efervescência do gênero, entremeadas de elementos fantásticos presentes no imaginário do sertão amazônico brasileiro, tais romances de Menotti Del Picchia afirmam a permanência entre nós dos ditos mitos. O Paraíso Terreal existe e está no Novo Mundo, particularmente em terras brasileiras, com suas águas rejuvenecedoras da provável fonte da juventude e com seus tesouros incalculáveis localizados no Eldorado. Tudo isso guardado e defendido por seres fabulosos, ente os quais as Amazonas guerreiras. Como conseqüência, vemos a alusão insistente à fertilidade, abundância e exuberância das terras brasileiras, com a diversidade de sua fauna e flora, à longevidade saudável de seus habitantes, à inocência da nudez dos primitivos moradores deste paraíso, à busca sôfrega pelas riquezas da Lagoa das Esmeraldas, do ouro e da prata no interior do continente e às índias guerreiras que pelejam ao longo de um rio, imediatamente associadas às Amazonas gregas, cuja força de comparação batizou tal rio e a região onde teriam sido vistas pelos primeiros conquistadores. Com os espanhóis, numa coloração mais viva, e mais esmaecida com os portugueses, essas peculiaridades não deixam de ser constantemente mencionadas ao longo dos primeiros séculos da exploração e colonização do novo continente, muitas delas ora alimentadas, ora acrescidas pelo testemunho - que lhes dá maior credibilidade - dos donos e conhecedores das novas terras: os índios americanos. Esses mitos redivivos estarão presentes ainda em nossa cultura no século XX, como comprovam os dois romances de Menotti Del Picchia aqui estudados. / This paper points out some of the edenic motives, which as of the myth of humanity\'s Golden Age described by two poets of the Ancient Classic, Virgill and Ovide, will blend, in the Middle Age, with the catholic description of the Garden of Eden and will be resumed with the discovery of America, echoing on the colonization of Brazil, where its flame, albeit weak, still remains. They reappear in the 20th century, namely in the romances of Menotti Del Picchia: A filha do Inca and Kalum, o mistério do sertão. Scientific fiction works, produced in a bubbling period of the sort, filled with fantastic elements present in the imaginary of the Brazilian Amazonian hinterland, those romances of Menotti Del Picchia affirm the permanence among us of the mentioned myths. The \"Terreal\" Paradise exists and it is in the new World, particularly in Brazilian lands, with its rejuvenating waters of the likely fountain of youth and with its invaluable treasures located in the \"Eldorado\". All of this kept and guarded by fabulous beings, among which the Amazon warriors. As consequence, we see the insistent allusion to the fertility, abundance and exuberance of Brazilian lands, with the diversity of its fauna and flora, to the healthy longevity of its inhabitants, to the innocence of the nudity of the primitive dwellers of this paradise, to the impatient search of the riches of the Lagoon of the Emeralds, of gold and silver in the heartland and the warrior Indians that fight along the river, immediately associated to the Greek Amazons, whose strength of comparison christened that river and the regions where they were allegedly seen by the first conquerors. With the Spanish, in a livelier color, and paler with the Portuguese, these peculiarities are constantly mentioned along the first centuries of exploration and colonization of the new continent, many of them at times nurtured, at times increased by word of mouth - which give them more credibility - of the owners and knowers of the new land: the American Indians. These ressurected myths will still be presented in our 20th century culture, as proven on these two romances of Menotti Del Picchia here studied.

Wave and tidally induced processes on Rocas Atoll: geomorphological implications and future projections / Processos induzidos por ondas e marés no Atol das Rocas: implicações geomorfológicas e projeções futuras

Costa, Mirella Borba Santos Ferreira 07 December 2015 (has links)
Wave and tides are important drivers of circulation, sediment transport and water exchanges between ocean and lagoon in atolls, which in turn, affect the formation and stability of reef islands. Through a combination of field measurements and numerical modelling, this thesis examines the wave- and tidally-induced processes at Rocas Atoll and their implications on sediment dynamics. This comprehends the morphological responses of reef islands, including the effects of sea level rise. Wave, current, tide and topo-bathymetric data were collected during three expeditions to Rocas Atoll, totaling 75 days of in situ measurements. A spectral wave model has been implemented and validated for the Rocas Atoll. Our results demonstrated that the mechanism of circulation and the wave propagation that affects the reef islands morphology are controlled by the interaction of wave climate with the atoll topography. Being under mesotidal setting, there is a strongly tide modulated process in Rocas. The offshore wave climate is dominated by southeast trade wind wave and swell from south and north mid-latitude hemispheres. The swell occurrence has a marked seasonality whereas the southeast wind waves persist during the whole year. Offshore waves are filtered by the reef rim resulting in a more homogenous lagoon wave climate, which is controlled by tide and reef topography. Offshore extreme events are promoted by energetic swells, either from north or south hemispheres. However, extreme events in the lagoon only occur when such offshore events are combined with spring high tide. Wind waves that persistently break on the windward side of the atoll plays an important role on the overall circulation. They pump water into lagoon creating wave- generated currents that flow from the windward to the leeward side of the atoll. A water level threshold exists due to the large tidal oscillation, blocking inflow by wave pumping at lower water levels. This results in periodic variations in the relative importance of tidal controls in lagoon circulation along a tidal cycle interval. Such mechanism described for Rocas Atoll can be extended to other similar mesotidal atolls. The reef islands are located on the leeward of the atoll and present higher morphological changes in response to northern swell. However, no significant net erosion was observed on daily and seasonal time scale, with eroded parts being compensated by accretion on adjacent parts. Conversely, Farol Island had a substantial accretion on a decadal time scale changing from an elongated ridge morphology to horse-shoe shape with three ridges and an intertidal central depression. The changes in the planform configuration were characterized by ocean shoreline erosion and lagoon shoreline progradation, representing net lagoonward migration. Cemitério Island remains stable for the same period, anchored by exposed consolidated sediments on both shores. Results indicate the resilient nature of reef islands and their potential adjustment to changes in boundary conditions. In terms of wave refraction, Rocas Atoll works as a platform reef due to its morphology. Wave vectors converge mainly on the leeward side and an interference zone can be observed from the windward side trough the lagoon. Such refraction pattern controls the location of reef islands and shingle bank on Rocas. Sea level rise displaces the wave convergence zone according to the incident wave incidence climate (swell or wind wave). This indicates that under sea level rise scenarios areas prone to sediment accumulation may become less stable, although not implying in the erosion of reef islands. The results provided an unprecedented dataset for Rocas Atoll, which improves the understanding about the mechanisms that control its reef islands morphodynamics and their ability adapt to changes in boundary conditions. / Os processos induzidos por ondas e marés em atóis são importantes forçantes da circulação, transporte de sedimentos e troca de água entre a laguna e oceano, que por sua vez, afetam a formação e estabilidade das suas ilhas recifais. Através da combinação de modelos numéricos e experimentos de campo, este trabalho teve por objetivo o estudo dos processos induzidos por ondas e marés no Atol das Rocas e suas implicações na dinâmica de sedimentos das ilhas recifais, considerando os efeitos do aumento do nível do mar. Experimentos de campo forneceram séries temporais de ondas, correntes, mares e informações topo-batimétricas ao longo de três expedições ao Atol das Rocas, totalizando 75 dias de levantamentos. Um modelo numérico de propagação de onda foi implementado e validado para a região. Os resultados demonstram que o mecanismo de circulação e de propagação de ondas, que afetam as ilhas recifais, é controlado pela interação do clima de onda com a topografia do atol, sendo fortemente modulados pelas flutuações de meso-maré. O clima de ondas ao largo do atol é dominado por vagas formadas pelos ventos alísios de sudeste e por ondulações geradas em latitude médias de ambos os hemisférios. A incidência das ondulações no atol apresenta uma forte sazonalidade enquanto que a vagas de sudeste persistem ao longo do ano. As ondas ao largo são filtradas pela borda do atol, resultando em um clima de ondas na laguna mais homogêneo e controlado pela maré e topografia do atol. Eventos extremos ao largo são ocasionados por ondulações energéticas tanto do hemisfério sul quanto do hemisfério norte. No entanto, os eventos extremos na laguna só ocorrem quando os eventos energéticos ao largo ocorrem em conjunto com maré alta de sizígia. As vagas que quebram constantemente no lado do atol exposto ao vento são importante forçantes na circulação geral do atol. A partir do processo de quebra, elas são responsáveis por bombear água para a laguna, criando intensas correntes geradas por ondas que fluem do lado exposto para o lado protegido. Este processo, modulado pela maré, resulta em variações periódicas da importância relativa da maré no controle da circulação. Foi também observada a presença de ondas longas dentro da laguna (infragravitacionais) provocada pela quebra do espectro de ondas incidente no recife. Através desses dados, o volume de fluxo de troca de água e o coeficiente de atrito no Barretão foram estimados. O mecanismo descrito para Rocas pode ser aplicado em outros atóis semelhantes sob regime de mesomaré, os quais ainda hoje têm sido pouco estudados. As ilhas recifais estão localizadas no lado protegido do atol e apresentam maiores modificações morfológicas em resposta a incidência de ondulações de norte. No entanto, não foi observado um balanço sedimentar negativo em escala diária e sazonal, com partes erodidas da ilha sendo compensadas por acresção nas partes adjacentes. Em escala decadal, a Ilha do Farol apresentou substancial acréscimo em área (59.6% em 75 anos), modificando sua forma alongada para uma forma de ferradura com formação de uma depressão central. Durante esse processo, o lado da ilha voltado para o oceano foi erodido, enquanto que o lado da laguna foi acrescido, caracterizando uma migração da ilha para a laguna. Não foram observadas modificações significativas na ilha do Cemitério, a qual está estabilizada atualmente pela presença de sedimentos consolidados expostos nos dois lados da ilha. Os resultados indicam que as ilhas são feições resilientes, capazes de se ajustar as mudanças nas condições de contornos. No processo de refração das ondas, devido a sua morfologia, o Atol das Rocas funciona com uma plataforma recifal. Os vetores de ondas convergem no lado protegido e zonas de interferência podem ser observadas no lado exposto e na parte central da laguna. A localização das ilhas e do banco Zulu está relacionada com o padrão de refração, que promovem locais favoráveis à deposição de sedimentos no atol. O aumento do nível do mar promove um deslocamento na posição de convergência das ondas de acordo com o tipo de onda incidente. Isto indica que neste cenário futuro, as áreas deposicionais podem se tornar mais instáveis no atol promovendo o deslocamento das ilhas, mas não necessariamente em uma erosão generalizada. Os resultados obtidos no desenvolvimento deste trabalho forneceram uma série de informações inéditas para o Atol das Rocas permitindo elucidar questões importantes acerca da capacidade de modificações das ilhas recifais em resposta aos processos oceanográficos dominantes no atol.

Bioacumulação de elementos traço e expressão de micronúcleos em Cathorops spixii (biomonitor) como ferramentas de avaliação da influência antrópica em dois setores do complexo estuarino-lagunar de Cananéia-Iguape, São Paulo, Brasil / Bioaccumulation of trace elements and expression of micronuclei in Cathorops spixii (biomonitor) as tools to asses anthropogenic influence in two sectors of Cananéia-Iguape Estuarine-Lagoon Complex, São Paulo, Brazil

Kuniyoshi, Leonardo Shintio 12 September 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a bioconcentração de elementos-traço no músculo e a presença de micronúcleos nos eritrócitos de Cathorops spixii, coletados no Complexo Estuarino-Lagunar de Cananéia-Iguape, nos setores norte e sul, no verão e inverno de 2009, verificando a influência sazonal e antrópica em cada área. As análises dos elementos traços foram realizadas por Ativação Neutrônica e Espectrometria de Absorção Atômica. Em geral, os peixes apresentaram níveis seguros para consumo humano, exceto para o As, sobretudo nos peixes capturados em Cananéia. Recomenda-se a revisão dos índices de As em relação aos produtos marinhos e mais estudos da relação entre salinidade e bioacumulação deste elemento. Pb e Hg apresentaram maiores concentrações nos peixes de Iguape, independentemente da época do ano, enquanto que As e Cr foram mais elevados em Cananéia. As variações sazonais, nas duas regiões, mostraram que o Hg, Cd e Co apresentaram maiores concentrações no verão, enquanto que o As e o Cr foram maiores no inverno. A expressão de micronúcleo foi baixa, sendo ligeiramente maior na região norte, local mais exposto aos contaminantes devido ao aporte de água do Rio Ribeira de Iguape por meio do canal do Valo Grande, que trás consigo resíduos dos municípios localizados no vale do Ribeira. C. spixii mostrou ser um bom biomonitor ambiental, com potencial para integrar programas de monitoramento em ambientes costeiros e estuarinos em nível nacional. / The aim of this work was study the bioaccumulation of trace elements in the muscle and the presence of micronuclei in the erythrocytes of Cathorops spixii, collected in the Cananéia-Iguape Estuarine-Lagoon Complex, in the sectors north and south, in the summer and winter of 2009, in order to verify the anthropogenic and seasonal influences in each area. Trace elements were analyzed by Neutronic Activation and Atomic Absorption Spectrometry techniques. In general, the fishes had levels safe for human consumption, except for As, especially in fish caught in Cananéia. It is recommended the review of the legislation besides the study of the relationship between salinity and bioaccumulation of this element. Pb and Hg showed higher concentrations in the fishes from Iguape, regardless of the season, while As and Cr were higher in those captured in Cananéia. Seasonal variations in both regions showed higher concentrations of Hg, Cd and Co in the summer, while As and Cr were higher in the winter. The expression micronuclei was low, being slightly higher in the northern region, the most exposed to the contaminants due to the inflow of water from Ribeira de Iguape River, through the Valo Grande Channel, which brings with it waste of municipalities located in the Ribeira Valley. C. spixii proved to be a good environmental biomonitor with potential to integrate monitoring programs in coastal and estuarine environments at the national level.


PAULA ELIAS BENEDETTI 11 June 2019 (has links)
[pt] A presente dissertação tem como objetivo realizar um levantamento sobre o relevo de fundo, o tipo de material e a qualidade dos sedimentos quanto a contaminação, da Lagoa de Jacarepaguá, Rio de Janeiro, para auxiliar os programas ambientais de revitalização do Complexo Lagunar da Baixada de Jacarepaguá, que estão sendo desenvolvidos na área, focando as Olimpíadas de 2016. Na primeira etapa realizou-se a batimetria da Lagoa. Foram adquiridas profundidades georreferenciadas em campo e gerados modelos batimétricos em 2 e 3 dimensões, nos quais foram identificadas cavidades e um platô de baixa profundidade no interior da Lagoa. Na segunda etapa foram coletadas amostras de sedimentos da Lagoa, em variadas profundidades, para os ensaios da caracterização geotécnica. Com estes resultados identificou-se a presença predominante de 2 tipos de sedimentos, arenosos localizados no platô raso e siltosos nas cavidades, e alto teor de matéria orgânica e baixa densidade nas amostras siltosas. Complementarmente, foram ensaiadas duas amostras arenosas para determinação dos parâmetros de permeabilidade e de resistência ao cisalhamento, visando gerar dados adicionais para possível aproveitamento deste material como aterro, caso dragado. Na terceira, e última etapa, foi realizada uma nova coleta de sedimentos, para análise química dos metais Bário, Cádmio, Chumbo, Cobre, Cromo, Ferro, Manganês, Mercúrio, Níquel e Zinco e Hidrocarbonetos Policíclicos Aromáticos (HPA’s), cujos resultados indicaram uma acumulação de alguns metais na área de influência de deságüe do Arroio Pavuna. Concatenando os resultados obtidos nas 3 etapas, considerase necessário e emergencial o cessamento das descargas de efluentes, nos rios afluentes à Lagoa, e a dragagem do sedimento arenoso localizado no platô, resultando em um canal central mais profundo, um aumento da coluna d’água que implicará no melhoramento do fluxo de troca de água entre a Lagoa e o mar, acelerando a recuperação do ecossistema lagunar de uma forma geral. / [en] The present dissertation aims at conducting a survey on the bottom morphology, the material type and quality of sediment contamination, in the Jacarepaguá Lagoon, Rio de Janeiro, to assist the environmental programs working on the revitalization the Lagoon area, focusing on the 2016 Olympics. In the first stage the bathymetry of the Lagoon was executed. Georeferenced depth measurements were acquired in the field and bathymetric models in 2 and 3 dimensions were generated, where cavities and a shallow plateau inside the Lagoon were identified. In the second stage, sediment samples of the Lagoon were collected - from varied depths - for the geotechnical characterization tests. Based on the results, the presence of two predominant types of sediments was identified, sandy sediments located on the shallow plateau and silty sediments on the cavities, as well as high content of organic matter and low density in silty samples. In addition, two sandy samples were tested to determine the permeability and shear strength parameters in order to gather additional data for possible use of this material in civil construction (if dredged). In the third and final stage new sediment samples were collected for chemical analysis of the metals Barium, Cadmium, Lead, Copper, Chromium, Iron, Manganese, Mercury, Nickel and Zinc as well as Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH s). The results indicated an accumulation of some metals in the drainage area of the Pavuna Creek. Concatenating the results obtained in these three stages, it is considered necessary and urgent to stop the effluent discharges into the Lagoon s tributary rivers as well as to dredge the sandy sediment located in the plateau, that would result in a deeper central channel, an increase of water column leading to an improved flow of water exchange between the Lagoon and the sea, accelerating the recovery of the Lagoon s ecosystem in general.

Estudo da pesca artesanal em dois setores do complexo estuarino-lagunar de Cananéia-Iguape (SP) considerando relações sócio-ambientais / Study of the artisanal fishery in two sectors of Cananéia-Iguape estuarine-lagoon complex considering socio-environmental factors.

Oliveira, Esther Nespoli de 14 September 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objeto de estudo, a relação entre fatores sócio-ambientais e a pesca artesanal nos setores norte (Iguape) e sul (Cananéia) do Complexo Estuarino-Lagunar de Cananéia-Iguape (SP), considerando as mudanças hidroquímicas provocadas pela água que adentra o sistema através Valo Grande, um canal artificial que drena parte água do Rio Ribeira de Iguape para o Mar Pequeno, junto ao município de Iguape. Os parâmetros hidrológicos abordados foram: penetração de luz, temperatura, salinidade, oxigênio dissolvido, pH, MPS e nutrientes dissolvidos obtidos em diferentes profundidades. Os dados relativos à atividade pesqueira e perfil social dos pescadores foram obtidos por meio de entrevista semi-estruturada, com perguntas fechadas e abertas junto às comunidades caiçaras de Cananéia e Iguape. Os resultados ambientais mostraram diferenças hidrológicas importantes entre os dois setores, com baixa salinidade no setor norte, sob maior influência do canal do Valo Grande, enquanto a porção sul preserva as características estuarinas, porém sinais da interferência do setor norte já estão sendo sinalizados no sul, o que pode ser verificado junto a dados pretéritos do corpo hídrico. As espécies alvo de pesca encontradas nos dois setores do sistema também indicaram as alterações ambientais, mostrando características locais e variações sazonais. Foi verificado que os pescadores adaptaram-se às modificações ambientais, alternando as artes de pesca ao longo do ano e, investindo em embarcações, motores e petrechos de pesca, dando continuidade à atividade. Avaliando-se o perfil dos pescadores urbanos, foram verificadas condições sócio-econômicas que permitem viii que a maioria de suas residências seja de alvenaria, dispondo de abastecimento de água e energia provenientes da rede pública, porém a maioria dos entrevistados interromperam seus estudos. Este estudo evidenciou a dificuldade dos pescadores em ter o sustento somente da atividade pesqueira praticada, comprometendo assim, a sobrevivência desta tradição, e desestimulando o desenvolvimento deste setor. Esta situação também leva ao registro de um perfil diferenciado de caiçara, marcado pelo desempenho de outras atividades além da pesca. Assim, foi possível observar que diante de mudanças, extremas ou não, o comportamento humano estará sempre interligado ao ambiental, os quais estão em constante renovação, caracterizando a cultura de gerações. A economia solidária estabelecida por meio de uma cooperativa, ou de ações apoiadas por políticas públicas, constituem alternativas que contribuem à solução de alguns problemas que afetam as comunidades estudadas. Certamente, ações participativas que insiram o pescador nos projetos gestão e preservação ambiental, permitindo uma maior atuação junto às políticas públicas locais, contribuirão à sustentabilidade ambiental, sócio-cultural e econômica. / This work aims to study the relations between socio-environmental factors and the artisanal fishery in the sectors north (Iguape) and south (Cananéia) of the Cananéia-Iguape Estuarine-Lagoon Complex, considering the hydrochemical changes caused by the water that enters within the system through Valo Grande, an artificial channel that drains part of the Ribeira de Iguape River waters to Mar Pequeno, Iguape. The hydrological parameters studied were: penetration of light, temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, pH, suspended particulate matter and dissolved nutrients obtained in different depths. The data concerning the fishery activities and social profile of the fishermen were obtained through semi-structured interviews, with closed and open questions made with the communities of Cananéia and Iguape. The environmental results showed important hydrological differences between the two sectors, with low salinity in the northern sector, under greater influence of Valo Grande Channel, while the southern sector still preserves estuarine characteristics. However, signals of the north interference are already being noticed in the south, this can be verified by comparing past data of the water body. The fishery target species found in the two sectors of the system also pointed to environmental changes, showing local characteristics and seasonal variations. It was verified that the fishermen adapted to the environmental changes by changing the fishery type throughout the year and investing in boats, engines and fishery equipment, this way continuing with the activity. Socio-economical conditions that allow most of the residences to be made of masonry, having energy and water supplied by the public services, were verified evaluating the fishermen profile. However most of the fishermen had their formal education interrupted. This study shows the difficulty of the fishermen to have their livelihood only by fishing, therefore compromising the survival of this tradition and discouraging the development of this sector. This situation also leads to register a differentiated fishermen profile, marked by the realization of other activities besides fishery. So, it was possible to observe that faced with changes, extremes or not, the human behavior will always be linked to the environment, they are in constant renovation, x characterizing the culture of generations. The solidarity economy established by a cooperative or by actions supported by public politics constitutes alternatives that contribute to the solution of some problems that affect this community. Certainly, participative actions, that insert the fishermen in management and environmental preservation projects, allowing a greater participation in local public policies, will contribute to the environmental, socio-cultural and economic sustainability.

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