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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Strategisk kommunal planering som förhindrar fortsatt bostadssegregation : Utmaningar och möjligheter inom planeringsstrategier

Waller, Emilia January 2022 (has links)
Housing segregation implicates that people with socioeconomic similarities live in the same residential area, which divides the society in a way that creates unequal childhood and living conditions. Research shows that the segregation, despite continued engagement from authorities and other organisations, is increasing. A major part of the efforts against housing segregation has been focusing on individual issues and solutions. Research shows that housing segregation however should be tackled through concurrent working arrangements regarding two concepts,structural barriers and individual preferences. The purpose of this study is to show how municipal planning strategies contribute to counteract housing segregation. The goal is to compare municipal strategy documents to scientific research in the area. In that way the hope is to chart how possibilities and challenges regarding structural barriers as well as individual preferences can be taken into account to optimize the continued work forward.The study is delimited to the two largest municipalities of the Gävleborg county in Sweden. The major method used was a qualitative content analysis of three subjectively chosen municipal strategy documents. The analysis was prepared by producing key concepts based on underlying causes to housing segregation according to scientific research in the field. The key concepts were divided into several key words. The qualitative content analysis was then accomplished by reading the documents and gather all relevant text units according to the key concepts and key words. The second part of the method was about compiling the strategies into SWOT analyses where strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats were summarized. The results showed that strategies by both Sandviken´s and Gävle´s municipalites contain efforts regarding structural barriers as well as individual preferences. In the discussion the strategies were connected to the scientific research in the area. That generated a discussion about how segregation is an issue of complexity making it complicated to concretise both in relation to causes and solutions. Even the most thought out strategy can lead to unexpected results which some of them are only possible to evaluate decades later. Therefore, the conclusion was that there is no complete and full answer to the research question about how municipal planning strategies contribute to counteract housing segregation. However, both municipalities show indication of a decrease of housing segregation, based on today´s research.To further develop this study, interviewing representatives from the municipals could have explored the strategies from another angle. Comparing representative’s approaches to the document´s approaches towards the subject could have enriched the results, but also made it possible to raise the question of the document´s silence.Keywords: Segregation, housing segregation, physical planning, mixed landuse / Bostadssegregation innebär att människor med liknande socioekonomiska egenskaper bor i samma område, vilket delar upp samhället på ett sätt som skapar ojämlika uppväxt- och levnadsvillkor. Forskning visar att segregationen trots ett fortsatt engagemang från såväl myndigheter som andra verksamheter ökar. Stor del av insatserna mot bostadssegregation har å andra sidan fokuserats till enskilda insatser, medan tidigare forskning visar att bostadssegregation bör tacklas genom samverkande åtgärder både gällande samhällsstrukturella orsaker och individuella preferenser. Studiens syfte är att synliggöra hur kommunala planeringsstrategier bidrar till att förhindra bostadssegregation. Målet är att jämföra kommunala strategidokument med forskningsteoretiskt underlag för att kartlägga vilka möjligheter och utmaningar avseende både samhällsstrukturella orsaker och individuella preferenser som kan tas i beaktning för att optimera det fortsatta arbetet framåt. Arbetet avgränsades till region Gävleborgs största kommuner; Gävle och Sandviken. Den huvudsakliga metoden som användes var en kvalitativ innehållsanalys av tre subjektivt valda kommunala strategidokument. Analysen förbereddes genom att framställa nyckelbegrepp som genomgående lyftes som bakomliggande orsaker till bostadssegregation enligt tidigare forskning inom ämnet, och som delades in i ytterligare nyckelord. Därefter genomfördes innehållsanalysen genom att läsa samtliga dokument och plocka ut relevanta textenheter som rörde de förvalda nyckelbegreppen och nyckelorden. Den andra delen av metoden innebar att sammanställa strategierna i SWOT-analyser där styrkor, svagheter, möjligheter och hot sammanfattades. Resultatet visade att strategier av både Sandvikens och Gävle kommun innehåller åtgärder mot både samhällsstrukturella orsaker och individuella preferenser som får en samverkande effekt. I diskussionen drogs kopplingar mellan kommunens strategier och tidigare forskning, vilket genererade en diskussion om hur segregation innefattar en komplexitet som gör att det är svårt att konkretisera både gällande orsaker och lösningar, även genomtänkta strategier mot bostadssegregation riskerar att få oväntade resultat som vissa kan utvärderas först decennier senare. Således drogs slutsatsen att framtida forskning och årens gång krävs för ett komplett svar på frågan om hur de kommunala planeringsstrategierna bidrar till att förhindra fortsatt bostadssegregation som studien syftade till. Däremot har kommunernas strategier potential och goda förutsättningar för att lyckas. För att vidareutveckla arbetet hade intervjuer med kommunerna kunnat undersöka kommunernas strategier från en annan vinkel. Att jämföra dokumentens och kommunrepresentanters förhållningssätt till frågan hade kunnat ge ett ytterligare djup till resultatet men även synliggöra eventuell tystnad i dokumenten.

Biomarqueurs moléculaires d'occupation des sols, du sol au sédiment : exemple du bassin-versant et du lac d'Aydat (Puy-de-Dôme) / Molecular biomarkers of land use, from soil to sediment : example of the catchement and of the lake Eydat (French Massif Central)

Lavrieux, Marlène 08 December 2011 (has links)
Cette étude propose une analyse intégrée de biomarqueurs moléculaires de sols, depuis leur site de production jusqu'à leur archivage sédimentaire lacustre. Un inventaire des lipides neutres est d'abord réalisé sur des sols d'usages contrastés : prairies/pâtures et forêts. Globalement, cette approche permet de distinguer (1) des composés linéaires ubiquistes, et (2) des composés (poly-)cycliques, généralement spécifiques. Parmi ces derniers figurent les acétates de triterpényle et les méthoxyserratènes, respectivement biomarqueurs d'Astéracées et de Pinacées. La persistance de l'empreinte moléculaire d'un ancien usage des sols est aussi démontrée. Ensuite, l'analyse multi-proxy d'une carotte sédimentaire couvrant les 6700 dernières années révèle l'impact prépondérant des activités humaines sur le fonctionnement hydrologique du lac, depuis l'époque gallo-romaine. Les assemblages moléculaires précédemment définis dans les sols sont globalement retrouvés, associés à un nouveau biomarqueur spécifique du chanvre, d'intérêt paléoenvironnemental. Une tentative de reconstitution des anciennes occupations des sols apparaît conforme aux données historiques et paléoenvironnementales antérieures. / This study proposes an integrated analysis of molecular biomarkers of landuse, from their genesis in soils to their archiving in the lacustrine sediment. An inventory of neutral lipids is realized on soils of two contrasted landuses: grassland/pasture and forest. This approach globally allows to distinguish (1) ubiquist linear compounds and (2) (poly-)cyclic compounds, generally specific. Among these ones, triterpenyl acetates and methoxyserratenes are detected and are respectively biomarkers of Asteraceae and Pinaceae. The persistence of a molecular imprint of an ancient landuse is also demonstrated. Then, the multi-proxy analysis of a sedimentary core, covering the last 6700 years, shows the prominent impact of human activities on the hydrologic functioning of the lake since the gallo-roman period. Molecular assemblages previously defined in soils are globally detected in sediments, associated with a new specific biomarker of hemp, of palaeoenvironmental interest. Hypotheses for the reconstitution of past landuses appear to be consistent with previous historical and palaeoenvironmental data.

Infiltration under different landuse types at the Upper Ciliwung watershed of West Java, Indonesia

Rachman, Seaful, n/a January 1992 (has links)
Infiltration, the process of water movement through the soil surface is one of most important hydrological processes to be considered in watershed management. The process depends on rainfall, soil, vegetation and topographic conditions. The last three variables can be influenced by human land-uses. This study is concerned with the influence of landuse types (categories) on infiltration at the upper Ciliwung watershed of West-Java, Indonesia. Sixty six infiltration measurements were carried out in 5 types of land-uses i.e. natural forest, agriculture, settlement, productive (old) tea and new tea plantation areas. The measurements were done using ring infiltrometers. The data obtained were expressed in the form of Philip's equation I = st1I2 + At, where I is cumulative infiltration; S is sorptivity; t is time; A is a parameter which was calculated from saturated hydraulic conductivity (K). Crown cover, slope gradient and soil variables such as soil moisture, organic carbon content, total porosity, bulk density were also analysed from each of the 66 sites. The results of the study shows that land-use types have significant influence on these soil variables and on infiltration. Crown cover and human activities in term of land management are among the most important factors which affect soil condition. These variables mostly influence total porosity of soil which is the most important variable to determine sorptivity and hydraulic conductivity. High percentage of crown cover and less human activity in forest area result in high accumulation of litter and humus and high total porosity of soil. On the other hand, settlement and new tea plantation areas have comparatively low crown cover and more frequent human activity which result in soil compaction. Discriminant function analysis of land-use categories shows that the soil under forest is very distinct from the soils under other land-use types. However, the soils under the remaining land-use types are more similar to each other, especially between the soil of settlement and tea plantations. The rank of infiltration rate from the highest to the lowest magnitude is as follows; natural forest, agriculture, productive tea plantation, new tea plantation and settlement areas. Infiltration rates under natural forest and agriculture are significantly different from each other as well as from those in the last three land- use types. However, there are no significant differences in infiltration rates among the last three land-use types. The result of this study also provides basic information for landuse management and further research in order to solve soil and water conservation and management problems in the watershed.

Identifying Land Use Changes and It's Socio-Economic Impacts : A Case Study of Chacoria Sundarban in Bangladesh

Musa, Khalid Bin January 2008 (has links)
Human intervention and natural phenomenon cause change in land use day by day. Availability of accurate land use information is essential for many applications like natural resource management, planning and monitoring programs. Landuse Change has become a central component in current strategies for managing natural resources and monitoring environmental change. Because of the rapid development in the field of land use mapping, there is an increase in studies of land use change worldwide. Providing an accurate assessment of the extent and health of the world’s forest, grassland and agricultural resources has become an important priority. By printed maps without any statistics or only statistics without any map can not solve this visualization problem. Because printed maps have not attracted as much attention as statistics among the people because of it is limited applications (Himiyama, 2002). Remotely sensed data like aerial photographs and satellite imageries are undoubtedly the most ideal data for extracting land use change information. Satellite images are the most economical way of getting data for different times. The multitude of existing software helps getting information from satellite image also in manipulating the information. The approach used in this study to classify satellite images and change detection based on Satellite images Landsat MSS (1972), Landsat TM (1989) and Landsat ETM (1999) for using supervised classification methods like maximum likelihood (MAXLIKE), MAHALCLASS and time series analysis of CROSSTAB. After performed these hard and soft classifiers the research showed the significant Landuse change in the study area of Chakoria Sundarban mangrove forest. Remote sensing is the modern tools for detecting change pattern and behaviours of coastal environment (Saifuzzaman, 2000). So, those tools are used in the research work for better change analysis of the study area. For analyzing, evaluation and mapping environmental change detection of different years remotely sensed data have been undertaken. The present research provides some suggestions and recommendations as per research findings in order to optimize the utility of coastal resources and to maintain the sustainability of the resources, coastal land use control and there by stabilizing the coastal vulnerable area of chakoria Sundarban.

Identifying Land Use Changes and It's Socio-Economic Impacts : A Case Study of Chacoria Sundarban in Bangladesh

Musa, Khalid Bin January 2008 (has links)
<p>Human intervention and natural phenomenon cause change in land use day by day. Availability of accurate land use information is essential for many applications like natural resource management, planning and monitoring programs. Landuse Change has become a central component in current strategies for managing natural resources and monitoring environmental change. Because of the rapid development in the field of land use mapping, there is an increase in studies of land use change worldwide. Providing an accurate assessment of the extent and health of the world’s forest, grassland and agricultural resources has become an important priority. By printed maps without any statistics or only statistics without any map can not solve this visualization problem. Because printed maps have not attracted as much attention as statistics among the people because of it is limited applications (Himiyama, 2002). Remotely sensed data like aerial photographs and satellite imageries are undoubtedly the most ideal data for extracting land use change information. Satellite images are the most economical way of getting data for different times. The multitude of existing software helps getting information from satellite image also in manipulating the information. The approach used in this study to classify satellite images and change detection based on Satellite images Landsat MSS (1972), Landsat TM (1989) and Landsat ETM (1999) for using supervised classification methods like maximum likelihood (MAXLIKE), MAHALCLASS and time series analysis of CROSSTAB. After performed these hard and soft classifiers the research showed the significant Landuse change in the study area of Chakoria Sundarban mangrove forest. Remote sensing is the modern tools for detecting change pattern and behaviours of coastal environment (Saifuzzaman, 2000). So, those tools are used in the research work for better change analysis of the study area. For analyzing, evaluation and mapping environmental change detection of different years remotely sensed data have been undertaken. The present research provides some suggestions and recommendations as per research findings in order to optimize the utility of coastal resources and to maintain the sustainability of the resources, coastal land use control and there by stabilizing the coastal vulnerable area of chakoria Sundarban.</p><p> </p>

Comparisons of modern pollen deposition with vegetation abundance and landscape pattern in NE-Germany / Comparisons of modern pollen deposition with vegetation abundance and landscape pattern in NE-Germany

Matthias, Isabelle 16 July 2014 (has links)
Seit der Einführung der Pollenanalyse für Rekonstruktionen vergangener Vegetationsbedeckung befassen sich Wissenschaftler mit dem Einfluss von unterschiedlichen Pollenproduktionen der verschiedenen Arten sowie der Fragestellung, wie welches Gebiet in den Pollendaten widergespiegelt und interpretiert werden kann. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es den Zusammenhang zwischen Pollen und Vegetation weiter zu untersuchen. Dazu wurden Pollendaten von Oberflächenproben aus Brandenburger Seesedimenten sowie Pollenakkumulationsraten (PAR) von bleidatierten Sedimentkurzkernen mit Vegetationsdaten aus Waldinventurdaten und Biotopkartierungen verglichen. Zu den wichtigen Ergebnissen der vorliegenden Arbeit gehören die Berechnungen von relativen und absoluten Pollenproduktionsraten (PPE und aPPE). Während die PPEs die verhältnismäßige Pollenproduktion der Arten zu einem Referenztaxon beschreiben, ist unter den aPPEs die Pollenproduktion pro Vegetationseinheit, in diesem Fall pro m³ (Biomasse), zu verstehen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen gleich hohe PPE-Werte für Fagus und Pinus und bestätigen im Allgemeinen die PPE-Werte aus Studien, die für andere Regionen Europas erhoben wurden. Die berechneten aPPE-Werte unterscheiden sich dagegen deutlich von den aPPE-Werten in Finnland, wo die aPPE für Pinus um ein zehnfaches geringer ist als in Brandenburg. Dieser Unterschied lässt sich möglicherweise mit einer höheren Nettoprimärproduktion der gleichen Biomasse in Zentraleuropa erklären. Darüber hinaus wurde der Einfluss von Blühalter und Waldstruktur auf PPE Berechnungen evaluiert. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Berücksichtigung beider Faktoren den größten Einfluss auf die Baumarten hat, die relativ spät den Kronenbereich bzw. ihr Blühalter erreichen, wie z.B. Fagus und Carpinus. Der geringste Einfluss dieser Faktoren zeigt sich für Arten, die bereits nach wenigen Jahren mit der Pollenproduktion beginnen, wie z.B. Betula und Alnus. Für die Berechnung von PPEs und aPPEs muss ein Gebiet um den See (oder das Moor) ermittelt werden, in dem die Pollendaten mit der Vegetation verglichen werden können. Dieses Gebiet für die Berechnung von PPEs wird als „relevant source area of pollen“ (RSAP) bezeichnet. Die RSAP ist definiert als das Gebiet, in dem Pollenprozentdaten und Vegetationsprozentdaten den stärksten Zusammenhang zueinander aufweisen und es zu keiner besseren Korrelation der beiden Variablen in einer weiteren Distanz kommt. Die hier ermittelte RSAP für Brandenburg liegt bei sieben Kilometern und ist damit im Vergleich zu den meisten vorherigen Studien relativ groß. Diese relativ große RSAP lässt sich durch die Quartäre Landschaftsstruktur in Brandenburg erklären, welche durch großräumige Bestände einer Art oder Artenzusammensetzung charakterisiert ist. Des Weiteren zeigen die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit erstmals, dass PAR für die einzelnen Hauptbaumarten in einem linearen Zusammenhang mit der seeumgebenen Biomasse stehen. Im Gegensatz zu der RSAP ist das Gebiet, welches am stärksten die Variationen der PAR erklärt, relativ klein und erstreckt sich von wenigen Metern bis maximal 2,5 Kilometer vom Seeufer. Die Größe dieses Gebiets variiert zwischen den Arten, was mit der Verbreitung des Pollens und der Abundanz der einzelnen Arten erklärt werden kann. Die Beobachtung, dass der Großteil des Pollens von der nahen Vegetation kommt, bestätigt den Einfluss einer „trunk space“-Komponente eines früheren konzeptuellen Pollenverbreitungsmodells. Die heute genutzten mathematischen Pollenverbreitungsmodelle berücksichtigen diese Komponente jedoch nicht. Nach den Erkenntnissen dieser Studie würde die Berücksichtigung dieser Komponente jedoch zu einer Verbesserung der angewandten Pollenverbreitungsmodelle führen. Die oben genannten Datensätze wurden darüber hinaus für Vergleiche von verschiedenen Pollendiversitätsindexen mit Aspekten der Diversität der Landschaft genutzt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Diversität der Pollen zu einem großen Teil mit der Diversität der Landschaft innerhalb eines Kilometers um den See herum erklärt werden kann. Während die nahe Vegetation hauptsächlich die Diversität erklärt, welche sich aus der Anzahl der Arten und deren Abundanz zusammensetzt, ist die „Palynological richness“ von einem größeren Gebiet beeinflusst (sieben Kilometer). Die Gleichverteilung von Pollenkörnen kann somit durch das Verhältnis zwischen der Diversität der Pollen und der „Palynological richness“ beschrieben werden, in dem ein größerer Wert eine größere Gleichverteilung der Arten beschreibt und umgekehrt. Die Ergebnisse dieser Doktorarbeit zeigen, dass die Pollendaten in Abhängigkeit zur Fragestellung ein unterschiedlich großes Einzugsgebiet widerspiegeln. Ein größeres Einzugsgebiet der Pollen wird durch die Komposition der Pollenprozentdaten sowie der Anzahl der Pollentypen beschrieben. Die absolute Abundanz sowie die Diversität der ufernahen Vegetation kann dagegen durch PARs und die Diversität der Pollen interpretiert werden.

Analise dos conflitos : uso e ocupação da terra e fragilidade de aquiferos em Paulinia, SP, Brasil

Bocarde, FLavio 29 August 2003 (has links)
Orientadores: Sueli Yoshinaga Pereira, Ardemirio Barros Silva / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Geociencias / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-03T16:49:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Bocarde_FLavio_M.pdf: 8662772 bytes, checksum: 4232c1895fa2f18afb31e6961445d1ac (MD5) Previous issue date: 2003 / Resumo: Por intermédio da Cartografia Geotécnica, associada à técnicas de Sensoriamento Remoto e à organização de dados através de um Sistema de Informações Geográfica (SIG), obteve-se o mapeamento do Risco Potencial à Contaminação do Solo e das Águas Subterrâneas de uma área ocupada por um Pólo Petroquímico. O procedimento descrito demonstra como reconhecer, a partir de observações indiretas (fotointerpretação) e informações simplificadas (topografia, geologia e parâmetros geotécnicos regionais), os focos onde possíveis eventos contaminantes encontram-se em andamento e suas áreas de influência frente ao fluxo das águas subterrâneas. Técnica genérica e abrangente, a Cartografia do Risco Potencial à Contaminação do Solo e das Águas Subterrâneas aqui descrita se adapta não somente à estudos regionais de levantamento de riscos, como também à organização de informações ambientais pertinentes ao gerenciamento dos recursos naturais e dos riscos envolvidos no uso e ocupação do solo por empreendimento industriais / Abstract: Potential risk of contamination in soils and aquifers ITom a Petrochemical Pole sector was mapped through Geo-technical Cartography and remote Sensing procedures, based on a Geographical Information System. The described method uses qualitative interpretations and simple data. Therefore the spots of contamination and their influence area are related to the groundwater flow. That method is adapted to regional survey in risk assessment, and, the organization of environrnental databases focused to natural resources management and land use for industrial enterprises / Mestrado / Administração e Politica de Recursos Minerais / Mestre em Geociências

Územně promítnutelné indikátory udržitelného rozvoje / Indicators of Spatial Sustainable Development

Maštálka, Martin January 2009 (has links)
The aim of the thesis was to analyse indicators and data sets used in the field of sustainable spatial plannig. On the base of the analyses there were spatial indicators of the sustainable development designed. The basic condition to design new indicators it was the accessibility to the elementary datas. The other condition was to design very simply methodology that could be use also for measuring in very small location. The thesis designed idnicators in three main areas of the spatial planning: • landuse, • accessibility of the services, • inner city/town/village traffic. One of the demands for the new indicators set was it´s efficiency for all kinds of the cities in the Czech Republic. This demand was fullfilled by the 3 level methodolgy – the main indicator was measurable for all kinds of settlemets – small villages, small and middle towns and also for cities. The basic methodology (for small villages) was very simple. Indicators were computed from very easy accesible data sets. And this methodology could also be used for larger settlements without any problems. The second level – for small and middle towns – sometimes needs special surveys or special hardware and software. The top of the pyramid is the methodology for cities. In this level there are used detailed analyses and computing methods. The thesis designes the methodology and also checks the practical application up.

Chemical water quality in Selenge River Basin in Mongolia: spatial-temporal patterns and land use influence

Batbayar, Gunsmaa 09 July 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Estoque e variação de isótopos estáveis de carbono e de nitrogênio em perifíton, material particulado e algas em gradiente de impacto antropogênico no sistema hidrográfico de Guapi-Macacu, RJ. / Isotopic variation of carbon and nitrogen of periphyton, fine particulate organic matter and algae in a land-use gradient in the Guapi-Macacu drainage basin in Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil

Fausto Machado da Silva 17 February 2009 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / O presente trabalho teve o objetivo testar se a composição isotópica de carbono e nitrogênio (&#948;13C e &#948;15N) do perifíton, do material orgânico particulado e das algas filamentosas acompanha o gradiente de impacto antropogênico presente na Bacia Hidrográfica Guapi-Macacu, no estado do Rio de Janeiro. O gradiente de impacto nesta área é formado pelo desmatamento da vegetação ripária, atividades agropecuárias e urbanização. Os valores de &#948;13C dos componentes estudados não acompanharam o impacto presente nas microbacias dos pontos estudados. Apenas o &#948;15N do perifíton e das algas filamentosas acompanharam o impacto. Seus valores aumentam com o aumento do impacto mostrando que assimilam o material proveniente de fontes antropogênicas como esgoto e fertilizantes. O &#948;15N do perifíton mostrou-se muito sensível às mudanças da paisagem do entorno do rio presentes na região. Assim, a composição isotópica do nitrogênio do perifíton pode ser uma importante ferramenta para aplicação de monitoramento e recuperação da integridade de sistemas aquáticos da região / We investigate if isotopic composition of streams system components can respond to anthropogenic alterations in a river landscape. In recent years environmental managers have sought biomonitoring tools that reflect ecosystem functioning as well as correlating sensitively with impacts. Stable isotope ratios of carbon and nitrogen relate to food webs and nutrient cycling as well as to potential sources of pollution. In this study we tested if the stable isotopic composition of carbon and nitrogen (&#948;13C and &#948;15N) of periphyton, fine particulate organic matter and filamentous algae responded to anthropogenic impacts in the Hydrologic Basin of Guapi-Macacu, close to Rio de Janeiro city, Brazil. The anthropogenic impacts were riparian deforestation, agriculture, pasture and urban occupation. We quantified these using satellite imagery and measurement of water chemistry. The &#948;13C values of periphyton, FPOM and algae did not respond to anthropogenic alteration. &#948;15N values of periphyton and of filamentous algae increased with landscape alteration. This is probably because these compnents assimilate enriched anthropogenic inputs such as sewage and fertilizers. &#948;15N of periphyton was very sensitive to small changes in landuse and was linearly related to percent alteration. We suggest that it can be a powerful tool for monitoring and restoration programs of this region.

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