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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Capteurs résistifs de dihydrogène H2 à base d’assemblages de nanostructures discontinues organisées / Hydrogen Resistive Sensors based on Organized Nanostructures Assembles

Rajoua, Khalil 18 July 2014 (has links)
Les contextes mondiaux énergétiques, climatiques et économiques actuels évoluent de manières telles que le dihydrogène H2 prend une place de plus en plus importante en tant que combustible et vecteur énergétique. Le dihydrogène est un gaz incolore, inodore et non-toxique donc indécelable par les sens humains, mais il est extrêmement inflammable et explosif. De plus, H2 est caractérisé par un domaine d'explosivité très large, de 4 % à 75 % de H2 dans l'air. L'objet de ce travail de thèse a donc été de préparer des capteurs de sécurité ou de quantification originaux et ayant des performances accrues pour la détection de H2. Les capteurs préparés sont de types résistifs et les métaux sensibles utilisés sont le palladium et le platine. Afin d'améliorer les performances de détection de ces capteurs à dihydrogène, plusieurs morphologies de couches sensibles ont été conçues : des monocouches organisées à 2 dimensions de nanoparticules cœurs-coquilles Pd@Au et Pt@Au formées par la méthode de Langmuir-Blodgett ou immobilisés sur les substrats par un agent de couplage de type silane (mercaptopropyltrimethoxysilane), des dépôts physiques à 2 dimensions et des films de nanoparticules à 3 dimensions. Selon la morphologie de la couche préparée et le type de métal sensible utilisé, divers mécanismes de détection ont été mis en évidence et diverses performances de détection ont été observées (type et amplitude de réponse, gamme de détection, temps de réponse et de retour,...). Les modèles de Fuchs-Sondheimer et Mayadas-Shatzkes d'une part, et un modèle de percolation par la création de chemins de conduction d'autre part, ont permis d'expliquer les variations de résistivité électrique des couches sensibles à base respectivement de platine et de palladium lors de l'exposition à l'hydrogène. / Hydrogen takes is foreseen as a generalized fuel and energy carrier. It is a colorless, odorless and non-toxic gas, and therefore it is undetectable by the human senses. Hydrogen has a severe drawback as it is an extremely flammable and explosive gas. Moreover, H2 has a wide explosive range, from 4 to 75 % H2 in air. Therefore, the aim of this PhD work was to develop safety and concentration sensors with enhanced performances. Resistive sensing layers were designed on several morphologies and sensing materials : 2D Langmuir-Blodgett organized monolayers of core-shell Pd@Au or Pt@Au nanoparticles, immobilized Pd@Au monolayer grafted through a self assembled monolayer, evaporated 2D metal films of Pt or Pd, and 3D platinum nanoparticles arrays. According to the sensing layer morphology and sensing metal, numerous sensing mechanisms and performances were demonstrated (response type and amplitude, sensing range, response and recovery times,…). Fuchs-Sondheimer and Mayadas-Shatzkes models on the one hand, and a percolation model on the other, allowed the origin of electrical resistance changes to be pointed out, respectively for platinum and palladium sensing layers.

Neuartige oligofunktionalisierte Amphiphile als LB-Filmbildner und flotationsaktive Reagenzien durch präorganisierende Strukturbildung

Müller, Petra Ulrike 13 December 2002 (has links)
Gegenstand der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Entwicklung, Synthese und Charakterisierung neuartiger oligofunktionalisierter Amphiphile mit potentiellen Sammler- und LB-Filmbildungseigenschaften. Basierend auf dem entwickelten Konzept der supramolekularen Strukturbildung zum Aufbau präorganisierter und gebündelter Sammleraggregate wurden zwei Typen neuartiger oligofunktioneller Tenside synthetisiert, die sich insbesondere in ihrer konformativen Flexibilität und Hydrophilie-Lipophilie-Balance unterscheiden. Ausgeprägte oberflächenaktive Eigenschaften wurden bei den bi-, tri- und tetrafunktionellen Aminosäure-analogen Zielverbindungen (Typ II) mit linearer, trigonaler und tetragonaler Molekülstruktur gefunden. Diese Verbindungen bilden auch stabile monomolekulare Filme geringer Heterogenität aus. Im mineralischen Flotationsprozess ergeben diese präorganisierten Tenside mit geometrisch kontrollierter Positionierung der lateralen Funktionseinheiten im Vergleich zu konventionellen Sammlern bei spezifischem Verhalten eine bemerkenswerte Steigerung der flotativen Effizienz.

2'-Nukleolipide / Synthese, molekulare Erkennung und ihr Verhalten in Membranen

Kaczmarek, Oliver 07 January 2009 (has links)
Ausgangspunkt dieser vorliegenden Arbeit waren bisherige Untersuchungen unseres Arbeitskreises zum Memb-ranverankerungsverhalten (Phospholipidmembranen, LUV) von Nukleosiden und Oligonukleotiden, welche einen lipophilen Anker an der 5-Position der Pyrimidin- oder an der 8-Position der Purinbase tragen. Diese Nukleolipide ankern gut in der Membran, stehen aber nicht mehr für eine Watson-Crick-Basenpaarung an der Phasengrenzfläche zu Verfügung. Demnach wurde durch die Verwendung unterschiedlicher Reaktionen (Veresterung, Thioetherbildung, Carbamoylverknüpfung oder „Clickreaktion“ zu Triazolen) und verschiedener funktioneller Gruppen (Hydroxy, Thiohydroxy, Azid, Amin) an die 2´-Position der Nukleoside eine Reihe von lipophilen Resten (Alkylketten, Cholesterol, Pyren) eingeführt. Diese Konjugate verankerten ebenfalls gut in den Membranen und es zeigten sich erste Hinweise, dass durch die Einführung eines Spacers zwischen dem Nukleosid und dem lipophilen Anker, eine Basenpaarung an der Phasengrenzfläche möglich ist. Weiterhin zeigte es sich, dass Nukleolipide mit nur einem lipophilen Rest nicht stabil in Membranen verankern, vor allem, wenn dieser nicht verzweigt ist. Bei der Anwendung von Oligonukleotiden zum Ankern in Membranen ist es unbedeu-tend, an welcher Stelle der lipophile Rest am Nukleotid vorkommt, denn zum einen geht das entsprechende Nukleolipid selbst keine Basenpaarung ein und zum anderen erfolgt keine Basenpaarung über dieses hinweg. Für biotechnologische Anwendungen konnte mit Hilfe dieser synthetisierten lipophilen Oligonukleotide gezeigt werden, dass zwei vesikelmembranverankerte Oligonukleotide, welche komplementäre Enden tragen, eine Doppelhelix miteinander bilden und so diese beiden Vesikel auf einen definierten Abstand halten können. Da Nukleolipide einen amphiphilen Charakter aufweisen, sollte unter dem AFM untersucht werden, ob diese supramolekulare Strukturen zeigen. Dies wurde in der Tat auch beobachtet. Ebenso konnten mittels der LB-Technik LB-Schichten aus Nukleolipiden dargestellt werden. / The starting point of this work was found in our previous studies about anchoring behaviour of lipidated nucleo-sides and oligonucleotides in biocompatible phospholipid membranes (LUV). That nucleosides and oligonucleotides bear a lipophilic anchor at the 5-position of pyrimidine or at the 8-position of purinbases. This nucleolipi-des anchor well in such membranes, but were not longer available for a Watson-Crick base pairing at the interface to water. Therefore lipophilic groups (alkyl chain, cholesterol, Pyren etc.) were now connected to the 2''-position of nucleosides by several reactions (esterification, thioether binding, carbamoyl binding or "click reaction") and various functional groups (hydroxy, thiohydroxy, azide, amine) to the 2´-position of nucleosides. These nucleolipides also well anchored in the model membranes, and gave first evidence that by introducing a spacer between the nucleoside and the lipophilic anchor a base pairing at the interface to water is possible. However, only one anchor is not sufficient for a stable anchoring in the phospholipid membranes, especially if they are not branched. It was found out that it is insignifacant for the application of oligonucleotides in membrane anchoring, at which position of nucleotide the lipid is attached, because on the one hand, the corresponding nucleolipid can not form a pair with a corresponding nucleobase and secondly, there is no base pairing in the nucleotides situated between two lipidated positions. For biotechnology applications it might be interesting that two different vesicles each of it furnushed with a complementary lipidated oligonucleotide could be kept together in a defined distance by forming double strand DNA. Since nucleolipide possess amphiphilic character, there abillity to form supramolecular structures was investigated by atomic force microscope (AFM). In addition formation of LB-layers could be achieved by LB-technology.

Cristaux photoniques colloïdaux d'architecture contrôlée

Massé, Pascal 15 June 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Ce manuscrit décrit l'élaboration de cristaux photoniques d'architecture contrôlée par l'assemblage de particules colloïdales. Nous avons présenté tout d'abord les voies de synthèse des particules colloïdales monodisperses minérales et organiques ainsi que les méthodes d'élaboration de cristaux photoniques colloïdaux d'épaisseur homogène. La qualité cristalline des édifices a été caractérisée par microscopie électronique à balayage et leurs propriétés optiques enregistrées par spectroscopie proche infrarouge. Dans le but de moduler l'architecture des matériaux, nous avons aussi fabriqué des hétérostructures en superposant deux cristaux colloïdaux de particules de diamètres différents, ou inséré de façon parfaitement contrôlée au sein des édifices des défauts planaires, matérialisés par des monocouches de particules de diamètres ou de natures différentes. Une étude de la relation structure - réponses optiques des différents matériaux a été systématiquement menée et met en évidence la diversité des propriétés optiques qui peuvent être obtenues en modulant précisément l'architecture des cristaux photoniques élaborés.

Filmes de Langmuir e Langmuir-Blodgett de ligninas / Logmuir and Longmuir-Blodgett films of lignins

Constantino, Carlos José Leopoldo 21 December 1995 (has links)
Filmes de Langmuir e Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) foram fabricados a partir de ligninas de bagaço de cana-de-açúcar e da Pinus caribaea hondurensis, extraídas via processo organossolve. Obteve-se nove tipos de lignina de pinus, sendo que cada uma foi extraída com um sol vente diferente, e seis tipos de lignina de cana, as quais passaram por um fracionamento, diminuindo sua polidispersividade. Os filmes de Langmuir foram fabricados sobre subfases de água ultrapura e caracterizados por medidas de pressão e potencial de superfície. Em todos os casos constatou-se a formação de agregados não monomoleculares quando o filme é comprimido além do ponto de colapso, o que é notado pela grande histerese na isoterma pressãoárea. Para ligninas de baixa massa molecular, estruturas estáveis não monomoleculares são formadas antes do colapso. No caso das ligninas menos polidispersas (cana), a massa molecular aumenta linearmente com a área molecular média da lignina. Monocamadas das ligninas de pinus e cana puderam ser transferidas para substratos de vidro, constituindo-se nos primeiros filmes de Langmuir-Blodgett destes materiais. Através do monitoramento da velocidade de imersão e retirada do substrato da subfase pode-se fabricar diferentes tipos de filmes LB, os quais podem ser do tipo Y com a deposição ocorrendo na imersão e retirada do substrato e também dos tipos X e Z se a deposição ocorre preferencialmente na imersão ou retirada do substrato, respectivamente. Os filmes LB foram caracterizados por medidas do potencial de superfície e elipsometria. O potencial de superfície para os filmes de pinus são positivos, enquanto que para os filmes de cana são negativos. Esta inversão de sinal foi surpreendente, pois para as monocamadas os valores de potencial são sempre positivos, tanto para as ligninas de cana como para as de pinus, embora sejam maiores no caso da pinus. A razão para esta inversão é uma contribuição negativa da interface filme/substrato que suplanta a contribuição positiva dos dipolos do filme de lignina de cana. Os dados elipsométricos revelaram que a lignina apresenta um arranjo tridimensional, com muitos espaços vazios e uma espessura em torno de 60 \'angstrom\' por camada. / Langmuir monolayers and Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films were fabricated from lignins extracted from Pinus caribaea hondurensis and sugar cane bagasse using the organosolv processo Nine types of pinus lignins were obtained by employing different solvents. The lignins of sugar cane bagasse were extracted using only one solvent but the material was fractioned into six fractions according to the molecular sizes. The resulting lignins were then less polydisperse than the pinus lignins. Langmuir monolayers were spread onto ultrapure water subphases and characterized by surface pressure and surface potential measurements. In all cases, non-monomolecular aggregates are formed when the monolayer is compressed beyond the collapse pressure, which is denoted by large hysteresis in pressurearea isotherms. For the low molecular weight lignins, stable multilayer structures are formed even before collapse. In the less polydisperse bagasse lignins, the average area per molecule increases linearly with the molecular weight. Monolayers from both pinus and bagasse lignins could be transferred onto glass substrates, thus forming the first ever reported Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films of these materials. By controlling the dipping speed one can build-up different types of LB film which can be y-type with deposition occurring in both upstrokes and downstrokes and also Z or x-type if transfer occurs only in the upstrokes or downstrokes, respectively. The deposited LB films were characterized by surface potential and ellipsometric measurements. The surface potential of pinus films is positive whereas that of bagasse lignins is negative. This sign inversion was surprising since the monolayer surface potentials were always positive for all materials, even though they were higher for the Pinus lignins. The reason for the inversion is the negative contribution of the film/substrate interface which surpass the small, positive contribution from the dipole moments in the bagasse lignins. The ellipsometric data showed that the lignin molecules assume a three-dimensional arrangement, even within a single layer. The LB film appears to be a highly porous structure, with a thickness of 60 Á per layer.

Estudo das propriedades elétricas e ópticas de dispositivos eletroluminescentes poliméricos. / Study of optical and electrical properties of polymer light emitting diodes.

Olivati, Clarissa de Almeida 13 August 2004 (has links)
Dispositivos eletroluminescentes poliméricos apresentam alto potencial tecnológico, principalmente devido ao fato de ser possível a obtenção de dispositivos flexíveis e de grande área. Apesar disto, ainda existem alguns fatores que limitam a sua aplicação tecnológica, como por exemplo o tempo de vida e a eficiência na emissão dos dispositivos. Alguns métodos têm sido propostos para o aumento destes fatores, entre os quais estão a inserção de camadas transportadoras de elétrons e buracos. Esta tese teve como objetivo principal a busca por métodos que possibilitassem a melhora das propriedades elétricas e/ou ópticas dos dispositivos eletroluminescentes poliméricos (PLEDs). Neste contexto, filmes Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) da camada emissiva e da camada transportadora de elétrons foram aplicados nos PLEDs, devido a reprodutibilidade e ao grau de organização destes filmes, o que possibilita uma emissão polarizada. Além disso, observou-se aumento na injeção eletrônica nos dispositivos com o uso de ionômeros como camada transportadora de elétrons. Por outro lado, a combinação da POMA e ITO como eletrodo transparente no dispositivo com PPV+DBS como camada ativa (ITO/POMA/PPV+DBS/Al) mostrou a diminuição da tensão de operação quando comparado a um dispositivo convencional (lTO/PPV/Al). Os dispositivos foram caracterizados através de medidas elétricas e opto-elétricas. / Polymer electroluminescent devices are promising for a number of applications, in particular due to the possibility of obtaining large area, flexible displays. There are, however, major stumbling blocks associated with the short lifetimes and limited efficiency and brightness of light-emitting diodes (LEDs) fabricated with organic molecules in comparison with the inorganic ones. Severa1 methods have been proposed to increase brightness and eficiency, which include the use of electron and/or hole transporting layers adjacent to the electrodes. ln this thesis, we report the study of severa1 methods to improve the efficiency of the polymer light emitting diodes (PLEDs). In this context, Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films were used in PLEDs, as emitting and electron transport layer, due to the high degree of thickness control, low number of defects, and some degree of organization at the molecular scale. Besides, improvements in electron injection into the emissive layer using ionic polymers (ionomers) as electron-transporting layers were observed. Othenvise, the combination of POMA and ITO as transparent electrode and PPV+DBS as active layer (ITO/POMA/PPV+DBS/A1) leads to a decrease in the operating voltage compared with the conventional PLED, ITO/PPV/Al. The devices were characterized by electrical and opto-electrical measurements.

Filmes de Langmuir e Langmuir-Blodgett de Polianilinas / Langmuir and Langmuir-Blodgett films of polyaniline.

Riul Júnior, Antonio 19 May 1998 (has links)
Explorou-se a caracterização de monocamadas e filmes LB de polianilina (PANi), e um oligômero de polianilina, chamado aqui de 16-mero, com estearato de cádmio (CdSt). A análise dos filmes de Langmuir indicou que possivelmente não há mistura em nível molecular da PANi e do 16-mero com CdSt, ainda que a quantidade adicionada em solução de polímero ou oligômero influencie a estabilidade das monocamadas. Utilizou-se UV-vis, FTIR, difração de raios-X, condutividade elétrica, elipsometria, microscopia óptica e potencial de superficie para caracterização dos filmes LB. Os resultados de UV-vis indicaram uma transferência uniforme e ainda que os filmes recém depositados encontram-se desdopados. A análise de FTIR confirma a presença de CdSt nos filmes LB, e o efeito de desdopagem em subfases neutras, corroborando os resultados de UV-vis. A difração de raios-X indica a presença de domínios separados de PANi (e 16-mero) com CdSt nos filmes LB. Resultados elipsométricos indicaram uma espessura por camada em tomo de 25 &#197. A excelente uniformidade obtida nos filmes LB mistos foi comprovada pelos resultados de microscopia óptica e potencial de superficie. Esses filmes mistos apresentaram valores de condutividade elétrica em tomo de 10-4 a 10-5 S.cm-1 (van der Pauw), tanto para a PANi quanto para o 16-mero. Investigou-se também o efeito da exposição dos filmes mistos PANi/CdSt aos raios-X. Nota-se um deslocamento para a região do vermelho, na região do visível, nos espectros de UVvis, similar à observada pela dopagem através de ácidos inorgânicos. Verificou-se que os efeitos de umidade da atmosfera de medida são predominantes nesse processo de dopagem. É feita uma análise dos resultados de condutividade elétrica, comparando-os com os encontrados na literatura. / A study has been made of composite Langmuir and Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films of polyaniline (PANi), and a polyaniline oligomer (l6-mer polyaniline), with cadmium stearate (CdSt). The monolayers studies pointed to a phase separated system containing the polymer (or the 16-mer) and CdSt, with no mixing at the molecular leveI, although the relative contents of PANi and 16-mer in the solution have a strong influence on the monolayer stability. UV-vis, FTIR, X-ray difIraction (XRD), electrical conductivity, ellipsometry, optical microscopy and surface potential measurements were used in the LB film characterization. UV-vis results have shown a uniform transfer, with the as deposited films in the undoped state. FTIR results confirmed the presence of CdSt and undoped polyaniline (and 16-mer) in the transferred LB films, corroborating the UV-vis results. XRD has shown separated domains of CdSt and PANi (l6-mer also) in the LB films. Ellipsometry data indicated a thickness of 25 &#197 per deposited layer. The high uniformity in these mixed LB films was confirmed by optical microscopy and surface potential measurements. The electrical conductivity was approximately 10-4 to 10-5 S.cm-1 for both PANi and 16-mer. Mixed PANi/CdSt films were also exposed to X-ray irradiation. After a given dose rate there is a red shift in the UV-vis spectra from the 600 nm region to the 800 nm region, similar to the usual acid doping process observed in polyaniline. Humidity effects have a strong influence on the doping process. A comparison is made of the conductivity measurements made here with those reported in the literature.

Filmes de Langmuir e Langmuir-Blodgett de ligninas / Logmuir and Longmuir-Blodgett films of lignins

Carlos José Leopoldo Constantino 21 December 1995 (has links)
Filmes de Langmuir e Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) foram fabricados a partir de ligninas de bagaço de cana-de-açúcar e da Pinus caribaea hondurensis, extraídas via processo organossolve. Obteve-se nove tipos de lignina de pinus, sendo que cada uma foi extraída com um sol vente diferente, e seis tipos de lignina de cana, as quais passaram por um fracionamento, diminuindo sua polidispersividade. Os filmes de Langmuir foram fabricados sobre subfases de água ultrapura e caracterizados por medidas de pressão e potencial de superfície. Em todos os casos constatou-se a formação de agregados não monomoleculares quando o filme é comprimido além do ponto de colapso, o que é notado pela grande histerese na isoterma pressãoárea. Para ligninas de baixa massa molecular, estruturas estáveis não monomoleculares são formadas antes do colapso. No caso das ligninas menos polidispersas (cana), a massa molecular aumenta linearmente com a área molecular média da lignina. Monocamadas das ligninas de pinus e cana puderam ser transferidas para substratos de vidro, constituindo-se nos primeiros filmes de Langmuir-Blodgett destes materiais. Através do monitoramento da velocidade de imersão e retirada do substrato da subfase pode-se fabricar diferentes tipos de filmes LB, os quais podem ser do tipo Y com a deposição ocorrendo na imersão e retirada do substrato e também dos tipos X e Z se a deposição ocorre preferencialmente na imersão ou retirada do substrato, respectivamente. Os filmes LB foram caracterizados por medidas do potencial de superfície e elipsometria. O potencial de superfície para os filmes de pinus são positivos, enquanto que para os filmes de cana são negativos. Esta inversão de sinal foi surpreendente, pois para as monocamadas os valores de potencial são sempre positivos, tanto para as ligninas de cana como para as de pinus, embora sejam maiores no caso da pinus. A razão para esta inversão é uma contribuição negativa da interface filme/substrato que suplanta a contribuição positiva dos dipolos do filme de lignina de cana. Os dados elipsométricos revelaram que a lignina apresenta um arranjo tridimensional, com muitos espaços vazios e uma espessura em torno de 60 \'angstrom\' por camada. / Langmuir monolayers and Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films were fabricated from lignins extracted from Pinus caribaea hondurensis and sugar cane bagasse using the organosolv processo Nine types of pinus lignins were obtained by employing different solvents. The lignins of sugar cane bagasse were extracted using only one solvent but the material was fractioned into six fractions according to the molecular sizes. The resulting lignins were then less polydisperse than the pinus lignins. Langmuir monolayers were spread onto ultrapure water subphases and characterized by surface pressure and surface potential measurements. In all cases, non-monomolecular aggregates are formed when the monolayer is compressed beyond the collapse pressure, which is denoted by large hysteresis in pressurearea isotherms. For the low molecular weight lignins, stable multilayer structures are formed even before collapse. In the less polydisperse bagasse lignins, the average area per molecule increases linearly with the molecular weight. Monolayers from both pinus and bagasse lignins could be transferred onto glass substrates, thus forming the first ever reported Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films of these materials. By controlling the dipping speed one can build-up different types of LB film which can be y-type with deposition occurring in both upstrokes and downstrokes and also Z or x-type if transfer occurs only in the upstrokes or downstrokes, respectively. The deposited LB films were characterized by surface potential and ellipsometric measurements. The surface potential of pinus films is positive whereas that of bagasse lignins is negative. This sign inversion was surprising since the monolayer surface potentials were always positive for all materials, even though they were higher for the Pinus lignins. The reason for the inversion is the negative contribution of the film/substrate interface which surpass the small, positive contribution from the dipole moments in the bagasse lignins. The ellipsometric data showed that the lignin molecules assume a three-dimensional arrangement, even within a single layer. The LB film appears to be a highly porous structure, with a thickness of 60 Á per layer.

Design, Fabrication and Characterization of MIM Diodes and Frequency Selective Thermal Emitters for Solar Energy Harvesting and Detection Devices

Sharma, Saumya 12 January 2015 (has links)
Energy harvesting using rectennas for infrared radiation continues to be a challenge due to the lack of fast switching diodes capable of rectification at THz frequencies. Metal insulator metal diodes which may be used at 30 THz must show adequate nonlinearity for small signal rectification such as 30 mV. In a rectenna assembly, the voltage signal received as an output from a single nanoantenna can be as small as ~30µV. Thus, only a hybrid array of nanoantennas can be sufficient to provide a signal in the ~30mV range for the diode to be able to rectify around 30THz. A metal-insulator-metal diode with highly nonlinear I-V characteristics is required in order for such small signal rectification to be possible. Such diode fabrication was found to be faced with two major fabrication challenges. The first one being the lack of a precisely controlled deposition process to allow a pinhole free insulator deposition less than 3nm in thickness. Another major challenge is the deposition of a top metal contact on the underlying insulating thin film. As a part of this research study, most of the MIM diodes were fabricated using Langmuir Blodgett monolayers deposited on a thin Ni film that was sputter coated on a silicon wafer. UV induced polymerization of the Langmuir Blodgett thin film was used to allow intermolecular crosslinking. A metal top contact was sputtered onto the underlying Langmuir Blodgett film assembly. In addition to material characterization of all the individual films using IR, UV-VIS spectroscopy, electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy, the I-V characteristics, resistance, current density, rectification ratio and responsivity with respect to the bias voltage were also measured for the electrical characterization of these MIM diodes. Further improvement in the diode rectification ratio and responsivity was obtained with Langmuir Blodgett films grown by the use of horizontally oriented organic molecules, due to a smaller tunneling distance that could be achieved in this case. These long chain polymeric molecules exhibit a two-dimensional molecular assembly thereby reducing the tunneling distance between the metal electrodes on either side of the insulating layer. Rectification ratios as high as 450:1 at ±200mV were obtained for an MIM diode configuration of Ni-LB films of Arachidic Acid films-(Au/Pd). The bandwidth of the incident radiation that can be used by this rectenna assembly is limited to 9.5% of 30THz or ±1.5THz from the center frequency based on the antenna designs which were proposed for this research. This bandwidth constraint has led to research in the field of frequency selective emitters capable of providing a narrowband emission around 30THz. Several grating structures were fabricated in the form of Ni-Si periodic arrays, in a cleanroom environment using photolithography, sputtering and deep reactive ion etching. These frequency selective samples were characterized with the help of focusing optics, monochromators and HgCdTe detectors. The results obtained from the emission spectra were utilized to calibrate a simulation model with Computer Simulation Technology (CST) which uses numerous robust solving techniques, such as the finite element method, in order to obtain the optical parameters for the model. Thereafter, a thorough analysis of the different dimensional and material parameters was performed, to understand their dependence on the emissivity of the selective emitter. Further research on the frequency selectivity of the periodic nano-disk or nano-hole array led to the temperature dependence of the simulated spectra, because the material parameters, such as refractive index or drude model collision frequency, vary with temperature. Thus, the design of frequency selective absorbers/emitters was found to be significantly affected with temperature range of operation of these structures.

New techniques for the fabrication of biosensors based on nad (P) + dependent dehydrogenases

Paulov, Valeri 28 January 2005 (has links)
DE LA TESIS EN CASTELLANOAntecedentesUn avance importante en el campo de química analítica se hizo por Clark y Lyons en los años setenta. Ellos propusieron acoplar la especificidad de la enzima glucosa oxidasa con la transducción electroquímica de la señal en "biosensores". En general, los biosensores son artefactos integrados autocontenidos, capazes de proporcionar información analítica, cuantitativa utilizando un elemento biológico de reconocimiento (receptor bioquímico) que se retiene en contacto espacial directo con un elemento de transducción. Posteriormente, los primeros biosensores de glucosa, basados en la detección amperométrica de peróxido de hidrógeno generado por glucosa oxidasa en la presencia de oxígeno fueron introducidos en el mercado por la empresa estadounidense Yellow Spring Instrument Co. (Ohio, EE. UU.) en 1975. La respuesta de biosensores electroquímicos basados en el uso de oxígeno como cosustrato para oxidasas se ve desviada por la presencia de interferencias que pueden contribuir a la corriente. Por lo tanto la superficie de electrodo debe estar protegida por una membrana no permeable por sustancias que pueden interferir con la señal. Para evitar corrientes que perjudican la selectividad de los biosensores, el potencial aplicado puede ser aminorado usando electrocatalizadores difusionales ("mediadores") en lugar de oxígeno, con un potencial redox controlable. Pero la respuesta de estos sensores también depende de la concentración de oxígeno porque este compite con los mediadores, para la reoxidación de las oxidasas. Un inconveniente adicional del uso de mediadores diffusionales artificiales en biosensores es la baja estabilidad de los mismos debida al escape de mediadores desde la superficie del electrodo cuando esto se usa en linea. Se puede aliviar este problema creando enlaces covalentes entre los mediadores y la superficie del electrodo o usando polímeros redox que se adsorben fućrtemente en la superficie del electrodo. Una de las posibles maneras para disminuir la influencia del oxígeno a la corriente de la respuesta de biosensores es el uso de las deshidrogenasas dependientes de la pareja redox NAD+/NADH. El potencial estándar redox de esta pareja es -0.56 V vs. SCE pero para conseguir la oxidación de NADH en la superficie de electrodos de carbono un sobrepotencial de +0.5 V vs. SCE debe aplicarse. Bajo estas condiciones los electrodos tienen tiempo de vida corto debido a la adsorción de los productos de oxidación en su superficie ya que la oxidación de NADH no es reversible químicamente. Por otro lado estos electrodos sufren por la oxidación no especifica de interferencias a estos potenciales de operación. Los electrodos modificados químicamente por mediadores pueden oxidar NADH a potenciales más bajos. Sin embargo, muchos de los mediadores mencionados en la bibliografía no son estables o/y no forman NAD+ enzimaticamente activo. Un problema adicional de los sistemas analíticos basados en deshidrogenasas dependientes de NAD+ es la necesidad de añadir este cofactór, que tiene alto coste y es inestable, en las muestras. Se puede inmovilizar NAD+ en la superficie de electrodos para producir biosensores capaces de funcionar en muestras que no contienen NAD+, biosensores reagentless (sin necesidad de adición de reactivos). Los métodos descritos en la bibliografía para la fabricación de biosensores reagentless se basan en cinco estrategias: (1) la inmovilización en hidrogeles formados in situ; (2) la inmovilización por una membrana; (3) la inmovilización en películas preparadas por electropolimerización; (4) la inmovilización en una pasta de carbono; (5) la inmovilización en monocapas auto ensambladas. Sólo los electrodos preparados con la estrategia (4) son biosensores reagentless con estabilidad operacional relativamente alta. Las demás estrategias no resultan en biosensores con suficiente estabilidad operacional por culpa de la perdida del mediador, de NAD+ o de la deshidrogenasa. Sin embargo la estrategia basada en electrodos de pasta de carbono no permite su aplicación a la producción de microsensores (electrodos con diámetro de menos de 10 m) para su uso in vivo. MetodologíaEl objetivo principal de esta tesis es el desarrollo de nuevas estrategias para la fabricación de biosensores reagentless basados en deshidrogenasas dependientes de NAD+ con características mejoradas respecto a la densidad de la corriente, de la estabilidad operacional y de almacenamiento. Para cumplir el objetivo se han sintetizado dos nuevos mediadores para la oxidación de NADH: un polímero insoluble en agua [Os(1,10-fenantrolina-5,6-diona)2(PVP)4Cl]Cl, (Os-fendiona-PVP) y un complejo amfifílico [Os(1,10-fenantrolina-5,6-diona)24,4'-(n-C18H37NHCO)2bpi)](PF6)2 (Os-fendiona-surfactante). El polímero Os-fendiona-PVP fue producido vía la derivatización de poli(vinilpiridina) (peso molecular 50000) con [Os(1,10-fenantrolina-5,6-diona)2Cl2]. El estudio electroquímico de este polímero redox adsorbido en electrodos de grafito se realizó por voltametría cíclica a distintas velocidades de barrido para evaluar el número de protones y electrones que participan en la reacción redox, la influencia del pH a su potencial estándar formal, y la constante de la transferencia heterogénea del electrónes kS. Bajo bien definidas condiciones hidrodinámicas se realizaron estudios para encontrar la constante de la interacción con NADH k[NADH]=0. Os-fendiona-surfactante fue producido por la complejacion de [Os(1,10-fenantrolina-5,6-diona)2]Cl2 con el ligando hidrófobo octadodecilamida del acido 2,2'-Bipiridina-4,4'-dicarboxilico. Las monocapas de Langmuir-Blorgett de Os-fendiona-surfactante y las de su análogo [Os(bpi)24,4'-(n-C18H37NHCO)2bpi)](PF6)2 fueron estudiados en un equipo de Langmuir-Blodgett. Os-fendiona-surfactante fue aplicado a la construcción de biosensores reagentless del glutamato vía la inmovilización de glucosa deshidrogenasa y de NAD+ entre las bicapas en la fase lamelar formada por Os-fendiona-surfactante y el lípido 1,2-dioleoilo-sn-glicero-3-fosfatidilcolina. Dos métodos adicionales para la fabricación de los biosensores reagentless de glutamato y glucosa basados en deshidrogenasas fueron desarrollados. Los electrodos del grafito fueron modificados con Os-fendiona-PVP y utilizados para (a) la inmovilización de deshidrogenasa y de NAD+ en un hidrogel formado por entercruzamiento de poli(vinilpiridina) modificado por grupos amino con el éter diglicidil de poli(etilenglicol); (b) la inmovilización por adsorción de la deshidrogenasa y del ácido algínico modificado por NAD+. Se ha hecho un estudio de los biosensores reagentless para calcular sus constantes de Michaelis, el efecto del pH y de la temperatura en su respuesta y su estabilidad operacional. Además se ha comparado la estabilidad operacional a temperaturas elevadas de biosensores de la configuración (a) usando glutamato, glucosa y glucosa-6-fosfato deshidrogenasas termófilas y mesófilas. Por otro lado se han estudiado métodos nuevos para mejorar le estabilidad durante el almacenamiento de sensores de glutamato. Con este fin, se han preparado electrodos utilizando glutamato deshidrogenasa mesófila y termófila con varios estabilizadores. Conclusiones1. El polímero [Os(1,10-fenantrolina-5,6-diona)2(PVP)4Cl]Cl, (Os-fendiona-PVP) para la oxidación de NADH se puede sintetizar por la complejación de [Os(1,10-fenantrolina-5,6-diona)2Cl2] con poli(vinilpiridina). La adsorción física de este polímero sobre los electrodos de grafito desde su solución en etilenglicol resulta en la formación de una monocapa de este polimero redox en la superficie del electrodo. 2. El proceso redox de este mediador es casi-reversible e implica 4 electrones y 4 protones dentro del rango del pH de 3-6.5. El mediador pierde su estabilidad química en valores de pH más altos que 6.5. Tres ramas lineales en el diagrama de E0' frente a pH con diversas pendientes se observan. 3. La constante heterogénea de la velocidad de transferencia de electrones (kS) de Os-fendiona-PVP es del mismo orden de magnitud que la de otros mediadores capaces de oxidar NADH mencionados en la bibliografía (kS= 18±2 s-1) . 4. Os-fendiona-PVP es un electrocatalizador eficiente para la oxidación del NADH. La modificación de los electrodos del grafito con Os-fendiona-PVP conduce a la disminución del sobrepotential para la oxidación electroquímica del NADH desde +0.33 V vs. Ag/AgCl/KClsat para los electrodos no modificados hasta +0.11 V vs. Ag/AgCl/KClsat. La constante cinética para la interacción del polímero redox con el NADH (k1,[NADH]=0 = (1.9±0.2)x103 s-1 M-1) coincide prácticamente con la de Os-fendiona que sugiere que el número de los ligandos de fendiona en los complejos del osmio es proporcional a la corriente de la respuesta al NADH pero no afecta a las constantes cinéticas electroquímicas. / The objective of this work was the development of new configurations of reagentless biosensors based on NAD+ dependent dehydrogenases. These configurations are based on the immobilisation of enzyme, cofactor and the electrochemical catalyst used for its regeneration. In addition to being reagentless these configurations yielded biosensors with improved current density and operational stability compared to the state of the art. To achieve the objective two new NADH oxidising mediators were synthesised: a water insoluble polymer [Os(1,10-phenanthroline-5,6-dione)2(PVP)4Cl]Cl (Os-phendione-PVP) and an amphiphilic complex [Os(1,10-phenanthroline-5,6-dione)24,4'-(n-C18H37NHCO)2bpy)](PF6)2 (Os-phendione-surfactant). The electrochemical study of Os-phendione-PVP has revealed a rate constant for the heterogeneous electron transfer of the phendione redox couple ks = 252 s-1, and a second order rate constant for NADH oxidation k[NADH]=0=(1.10.1)x103 M-1 s-1. These constants are higher or of the same order of magnitude as those of previously described NADH oxidising mediators. The tensoactive mediators Os-phendione-surfactant and its analogue [Os(bpy)24,4'-(n-C18H37NHCO)2bpy)](PF6)2 (Os-bpy-surfactant) form very stable monolayers at the air-water interface collapsing at the surface pressure 60-65 mN m-1. The Os-phendione-surfactant was used for the construction of reagentless glutamate biosensors via the immobilisation of dehydrogenase and NAD+ between bilayers in lamellar phase formed by Os-phendione-surfactant and the lipid 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylcholine. The resulting glutamate biosensors demonstrated maximum current density of 3.5 A cm-2 (RSD=25%), apparent Michaelis constant of 47 mM, and operational half life of 0.5 h. In addition graphite electrodes were modified by Os-phendione-PVP and utilised for (a) immobilisation of dehydrogenase and NAD+ in a hydrogel formed by crosslinking of poly(vinylpyridine) carrying amino groups with polyethylene glycol diglycidyl ether and (b) immobilisation of dehydrogenase and an NAD+-alginic acid derivative by adsorption. The configuration (a) yielded glutamate sensors with maximum current density of 8.7 A cm-2 (RSD=5%), apparent Michaelis constant of 9.1 mM, operational half life of 12 h and glucose sensors with maximum current density of 37 A cm-2 (RSD=14%), apparent Michaelis constant of 4.2 mM, the operational half life of 1 h. The glutamate sensors based on the configuration (b) showed maximum current density of 15.8 A/cm2 (RSD=21%), apparent Michaelis constant of 17.6 mM and operational half life of 1.5 h. Glucose, glucose-6-phosphate, and glutamate biosensors were prepared and characterised. The employment of the thermophilic enzymes helps to dramatically increase the operational stability of biosensors at elevated temperatures higher than 60oC. The shelf life of glutamate electrodes built with the use of thermophilic dehydrogenase was eleven times longer than this of electrodes modified with the mesophilic enzyme. The addition of the copolymer of vinyl-pyrrolidone and dimethylamino ethyl methacrylate termed as Gafquat HS100 to the enzyme also significantly improved shelf life

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