Spelling suggestions: "subject:"anguage anda education﹒about africa."" "subject:"anguage anda education﹒about affrica.""
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The impact of linguistic colonialism on academic achievements of Zulu learners in KwaZulu-NatalNtshangase, Sicelo Ziphozonke 30 November 2014 (has links)
In theory, the South African government advocates additive bilingual education over subtractive bilingual education. However, this study shows that subtractive bilingual education supersedes additive bilingual education mainly because the official African languages of South Africa are being marginalised and not utilised as languages of teaching and learning in schools. The majority of isiZulu speaking learners in KwaZulu-Natal are underperforming academically under a subtractive bilingual educational system. The findings of this study acknowledge that there are numerous contributing factors to this problem, but the most obvious is that isiZulu speaking learners are compelled to write their examinations in English.
This study employed a triangulation approach where various literary sources were consulted to illustrate how English has emerged as a dominant language on the local and global stage, and how this has affected the status and use of minority languages.
Qualitative approaches were used to gather data from Grade 10 to 12 isiZulu speaking learners who attend the so-called 'Black schools' in the district of Pinetown, in KwaZulu-Natal. Questionnaires and experimental tests were used as the main instruments for gathering data from learners. One-on-one interviews were conducted with educators and other relevant stakeholders. The observation technique was also utilised to monitor the behaviour of isiZulu speaking learners in both affluent and previously disadvantaged schools.
By examining Cummins’ interdependency hypothesis (1979, 1996 and 2000) as a theoretical framework, this research study has proven that the continued use of English as the only language of teaching and learning in South African ‘Black schools’ has a negative impact on the academic achievements of the KwaZulu-Natal isiZulu speaking learners.
The study, therefore, calls for the introduction of a language policy that will promote dual bilingual education where both isiZulu and English are used as the languages of teaching and learning throughout the KwaZulu-Natal isiZulu speaking learners’ scholastic years. The study has proven that this approach to education will facilitate better understanding of the subject matter and thus curb the high failure rate, especially in the so called 'Black schools'. / African Languages / D. Litt. et Phil. (African Languages)
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Exploration of educational challenges of immigrant children at selected foundation phase schools in South AfricaBabane, Constance Vusiwana 09 September 2019 (has links)
Educational challenges of immigrant children in South African schools include among others, poor English proficiency. This challenge poses a challenge of negative self-efficacy to teachers. I became aware of the immigrants’ challenges from the teachers’ complaints. The teachers complained about the immigrant learners’ poor English proficiency and behaviour.
I also became aware that the immigrant learners isolated themselves from the local learners. They also did not participate actively during oral classroom activities. I sought to investigate the immigrant learners’ language challenges and how these challenges influence their behaviour in the learning environment. The question that arose is: How does the language challenge of immigrant children in the Foundation Phase classes of South African schools influence their behaviour in the learning environment? The study consists of six chapters.
The literature reviewed provided psychological and sociological theories that explain the relationship between language and behaviour. Programmes that were designed by various education systems were looked at in order to ascertain how the language challenges and behaviour of immigrant school children have unfolded and dealt with in different countries.
The qualitative research method was used. This was a case study of three schools situated in Tshwane North district. Sampling was purposive and data was collected by means of observations, focus group interviews, individual interviews and artefacts. Ethical considerations were also presented. The findings from the data indicate that immigrant learners experience a great deal of frustration, sadness, anxiety and stress relating to coping with prejudice and discrimination because of their poor English. Teachers were also distressed by their inability to assist these learners.
A programme that integrates language teaching with social skills is suggested. The aim is to foster a positive learning environment by incorporating psychosocial content in language teaching. A positive learning environment promotes positive behaviour. / Psychology of Education / D. Ed. (Psychology of Education)
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Guidelines for language teachers in assisting disadvantaged learners in the junior primary phaseJoshua, Jennifer Joy 06 1900 (has links)
The Junior primary teachers have the task of catering for the needs of pupils of varying
abilities in their charge. With the admission of culturally different groups of children (many
of them from disadvantaged communities) to schools previously accustomed to having one
cultural group, this task of catering for the needs of pupils presents a problem as teachers
are not trained to deal with disadvantaged children.
The aim of this study was to formulate scientifically sound guidelines according to which
class teachers can plan and implement language programmes for disadvantaged learners.
In order to formulate such guidelines, a theoretical investigation was undertaken on normal
language development and on the effects of disadvantagement on the scholastic and
language performance of the child. Various programmes available for disadvantaged
learners which are being implemented in other countries were evaluated.
On the basis of these findings guidelines were suggested to class teachers for planning
language programmes for disadvantaged learners. / Teacher Education / M. Ed. (Orthopedagogics)
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The role that the school governing bodies (SGBs) play in the implementation of language policy in Brits DistrictMabusela, Gadifele Guilty 02 1900 (has links)
The study was conducted in the Brits District. Six schools were chosen of which 3 belonged to the former model C schools where the language of teaching and learning is Afrikaans, and the other 3 schools were previously disadvantaged/rural schools. A qualitative study was used to garner information in the form of interviews, document analysis and observation.
The study attempt to find out the exact role that the School governing body (SGBs) play in the implementation of language policy as stipulated in the Constitution. It was revealed that of the 2 types of schools the school governing body (SGBs) for former model C schools are aware of the role they have to play in the implementation of the language policy whereas the school governing body (SGBs) for the rural schools are still grappling with their role as custodian of language policy implementation.
A number of concepts emerged from the study where it became apparent that rural schools and former model C school’s play field were not equally levelled from the onset. Former model C school governing body (SGBs) seem to be aware of their role in the implementation of language policy, whereas the rural school, school governing body (SGBs) are aware of their other roles e.g. school maintenance, school fund and hiring of educators. On the other hand they are of the opinion that language policies is for the principal and the school management team. In addition it was observed that the school governing body (SGBs) for rural schools has low morale, do not have the language policy document and generally lack interest in the services they are supposed to provide critical theory underpins this study. / Educational Leadership and Management / M. Ed. (Education Management)
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Challenges in teaching IsiXhosa home language in rural Eastern Cape secondary schoolsKafu, Hazel Bukiwe 30 September 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the challenges in teaching IsiXhosa home language in rural secondary schools. Learners from Grades 8 to 12 perform poorly in IsiXhosa grammar, essay writing, literature and oral work. The researcher sampled 40 learners from each of two senior secondary schools, eight parents and eight IsiXhosa subject specialists (two district based and six school based) to take part in the research. Data for this study were collected during cluster moderations in one of the secondary schools by using document analysis, interviews and questionnaires.
Qualitative and quantitative methods were used by the researcher to analyse IsiXhosa results from Grade 8 to Grade 12. Analysis of documents such as mark schedules and marks for formal and informal tasks gave evidence that learners perform poorly in grammar, literature, oral work and essay writing. Scarcity or non-availability of distinctions (levels 6 and 7) in Grade 12 final exams as well as in Grades 8 to 11 proves that the language demands special attention for its teaching and learning in the secondary classroom situation; the conclusions were therefore drawn and recommendations made. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Ed. (Curriculum Design and Development)
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Language as a factor influencing teaching and learning mathematical literacy at grade 12 in Moloto circuit of Limpopo ProvinceNyandoro, Kingston 01 1900 (has links)
The study was carried out to: (1) determine the relationship between English and mathematical
literacy scores at Grade 12 in Moloto Circuit, (2) understand and describe the learning difficulties
experienced by learners when English language was used as a medium of instruction, and (3) suggest
guidelines that could be used in teaching mathematical literacy. Regression and correlation analyses
were carried out to determine the functional and strength of relationship between English language
and mathematical literacy in the ten schools of Moloto Circuit. The views of the learners on the use
of English language in the learning of mathematical literacy and the use of technical terms were
sourced and analysed. The views of the educators about the use of English language as the medium
of instruction were also analysed. A mixed approach methodology was used since both quantitative
and qualitative methods were employed. The target population consisted of 305 learners who wrote
the Grade 12 public examinations in 2016, 585 Grade 12 learners and 10 educators who completed
questionnaires in January 2017. A census approach was carried out because everyone in Moloto
Circuit doing Mathematical Literacy at Grade 12 level and their educators were studied. Grade 12
results for English and Mathematical Literacy for the 2016 academic year were collected and
analysed. Questionnaires with closed and open-ended items were administered on Grade 12 learners
and educators for the 2017 academic year in January 2017. Results in the ten schools showed that
there was a positive relationship between performances in the two areas. In all cases the computed
correlations were significant. This suggested that English influenced performance in Mathematical
Literacy. This was supported by coefficients of determination calculations which ranged from 15%
to 40%. Most responses indicated that learners found Mathematical Literacy difficult when English
language was used as the medium of instruction. The learners preferred that Mathematical Literacy
be taught in their mother tongue and that educators explain technical terms associated with
mathematics. The educators said that learners had problems in Mathematical Literacy because of
the use of English as the medium of instruction. They also said that learners found it difficult to
relate Mathematical Literacy questions to real life situations and that the learners lacked adequate
practice. The educators recommended the use of code-switching in their teaching in order to
enhance understanding of Mathematical Literacy. / Mathematics Education / M. Ed. (Mathematics Education)
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Taalverryking van senior kleuters in milieubenadeelde gemeenskappe : 'n ouerprogram / Language enrichment of senior toddlers in environmentally deprived communities : a parental programmeNaudé, Hendrina 08 1900 (has links)
Hierdie studie fokus op die taalontwikkeling en -verryking van senior kleuters in
milieubenadeelde gemeenskappe. Die ondersoekgroep is 'n A:fiikaanssprekende Kleurling- en
Griekwagemeenskap. Dit blyk dat die ouers in hierdie gemeenskap sekere leemtes openbaar ten
aansien van bulle taalopvoedingsgedrag, wat resulteer in taalervaringsagterstande by die senior
Taalontwikkeling en -verryking is in wese "a socially mediated process" en blootstelling aan
stimulerende taalervaringe bevorder begrip van taalgebruik binne die sosiale konteks. Die
ontoereikende taalvoorbeeld binne die gesinne en gemeenskap resulteer in ontoereikende
taalontwikkeling en -verwerwing en die senior kleuters openbaar bulle arme, ongedifferensieerde
taalwereld in taaltekorte ten opsigte van taalbebeer, taalstyl en taalkode. Die senior kleuters se
konsepvorming is gebrekkig en in bulle taalaanwending is bulle eerder beskrywend en
konkreet-gebonde as analities en abstrak.
Dit blyk dat die ouers nie bulle senior kleuters kognitief toereikend stimuleer nie, en dat
uitbreiding van taalkode nie toereikend gefasilieer word nie, omdat die ouers onkundig is
omtrent die benutting van toevallige leersituasies, en nie potensiele leergeleenthede skep of
ontgin nie. Kognitiewe stimulasie verwys na die vaslegging van sekere konsepte en uitbreiding
van taalkode verwys na die vaardigheid om juis daardie konsepte te kan omskryf, verklaar of
mee te deel. 'n Uitgebreide taalkode is dus die resultaat van gereelde blootstelling aan 'n wye
verskeidenheid stimulerende ervaringe. Hierdie ervaringsraamwerk word later die kleuter se
venrysingsraamwerk wat by gebruik om inligting te berhaal, versoeke te formuleer, voorwerpe
te benoem en gebeure akkuraat te beskryf 'n Uitgebreide taalkode is dus noodsaaklik vir latere
suksesvolle leer, omdat dit die leerder in staat stel om nuwe inligting te analiseer, te sinteseer en
te globaliseer.
Die implikasie vir die antwerp van 'n ouerprogram is dat die ouers nie net begelei moet word ten
aansien van die taalverryking van die senior kleuters nie, maar ook eksplisiet daartoe begelei te
word om potensieel-stimulerende leersituasies te skep. / This study focuses on the language development and -enrichment of senior toddlers in
environmentally deprived communities. The research group is an Afrikaans speaking Colouredand
Griqua community. It is evident that parents in this community reveal certain deficiencies
pertaining to their language-teaching behaviour, resulting in linguistic experiential backlogs in
their senior toddlers.
Language development and -enrichment is in essence a socially mediated process and exposure
to stimulating language experiences enhances comprehension of colloquial usage within the
social context. The inadequate linguistic example set by both the family and the community
results in inadequate language development and -enrichment and the senior toddlers reveal their
impoverished, undifferentiated world of language in deficiencies pertaining to mastery of
language, style of language and code of language. The senior toddlers' conceptualization is
deficient and in their language usage they are rather descriptive and concrete-bound than analytic
and abstract.
It is evident that the parents do not adequately stimulate their senior toddlers' cognitive abilities,
and a code of language is not adequately facilitated, because the parents do not know how to
derive profit from incidental learning situations and are ignorant pertaining to the creation and
utilization of potential learning opportunities. Stimulation of cognition refers to the mastery and
fixation.. of certain concepts, while broadening of a code of language refers to the. ability to
describe, to explain, to interpret or to communicate the meaning of these concepts. A broadened
and expanded code of language is thus the result of regular exposure to a wide range of
stimulating experiences. This experiential framework later becomes the toddler's referential
framework which he uses to repeat information, to formulate requests, to name objects and to
accurately describe events. A broadened and expanded code of language is thus essential for
later successful learning, because it enables the learner to analyze, to synthesize and to globalize
new information.
The implication for the draft of a parental programme is that parents should not .only be
accompanied pertaining to the enrichment of their senior toddlers' language development, but
that parents in this deprived environment also explicitly be educated to create potential
stimulating learning situations at home. / Psychology of Education / D. Ed. (Sielkudige Opvoedkunde)
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A child’s right to a basic education: a comparative studyChürr, Chrizell 04 February 2013 (has links)
Education is since the inception of the world regarded as the formal process by which
society conveys its accumulated knowledge, skills, customs and values from one generation to another. Today, education is a human right and the right to education and specifically the right to (a) basic education is acknowledged and emphasised worldwide.
In South Africa, the right to a basic education is entrenched in the Constitution and is
regarded as one of the most crucial constitutional rights, particularly because it promotes economical and social well-being. The protection of a child’s right to a basic education in terms of the South African Constitution together with the most important
international instruments pertaining to education will be extensively discussed and the
most important similarities and differences between, and challenges in the legal systems of South Africa, New Zealand and Namibia regarding a child’s right to (a) basic
education will be addressed with due consideration of factors such as early childhood
development and education, mother tongue education and HIV/AIDS which may affect a child’s right to (a) basic education. It is submitted that the success of any country, whether it is social, financial or economic success, depends on how its citizens are educated. Moreover, a good education system is crucial, not only for ensuring that its
populace are well educated, but also for optimal human development and for the maintenance and preservation of socially responsive economic and political systems.
Education is a life-long process and in order to give effect to the right to (a) basic
education, the adoption and implementation of the recommendations made throughout
this study are proposed. / Private Law / LL.D.
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Taalverryking van senior kleuters in milieubenadeelde gemeenskappe : 'n ouerprogram / Language enrichment of senior toddlers in environmentally deprived communities : a parental programmeNaudé, Hendrina 08 1900 (has links)
Hierdie studie fokus op die taalontwikkeling en -verryking van senior kleuters in
milieubenadeelde gemeenskappe. Die ondersoekgroep is 'n A:fiikaanssprekende Kleurling- en
Griekwagemeenskap. Dit blyk dat die ouers in hierdie gemeenskap sekere leemtes openbaar ten
aansien van bulle taalopvoedingsgedrag, wat resulteer in taalervaringsagterstande by die senior
Taalontwikkeling en -verryking is in wese "a socially mediated process" en blootstelling aan
stimulerende taalervaringe bevorder begrip van taalgebruik binne die sosiale konteks. Die
ontoereikende taalvoorbeeld binne die gesinne en gemeenskap resulteer in ontoereikende
taalontwikkeling en -verwerwing en die senior kleuters openbaar bulle arme, ongedifferensieerde
taalwereld in taaltekorte ten opsigte van taalbebeer, taalstyl en taalkode. Die senior kleuters se
konsepvorming is gebrekkig en in bulle taalaanwending is bulle eerder beskrywend en
konkreet-gebonde as analities en abstrak.
Dit blyk dat die ouers nie bulle senior kleuters kognitief toereikend stimuleer nie, en dat
uitbreiding van taalkode nie toereikend gefasilieer word nie, omdat die ouers onkundig is
omtrent die benutting van toevallige leersituasies, en nie potensiele leergeleenthede skep of
ontgin nie. Kognitiewe stimulasie verwys na die vaslegging van sekere konsepte en uitbreiding
van taalkode verwys na die vaardigheid om juis daardie konsepte te kan omskryf, verklaar of
mee te deel. 'n Uitgebreide taalkode is dus die resultaat van gereelde blootstelling aan 'n wye
verskeidenheid stimulerende ervaringe. Hierdie ervaringsraamwerk word later die kleuter se
venrysingsraamwerk wat by gebruik om inligting te berhaal, versoeke te formuleer, voorwerpe
te benoem en gebeure akkuraat te beskryf 'n Uitgebreide taalkode is dus noodsaaklik vir latere
suksesvolle leer, omdat dit die leerder in staat stel om nuwe inligting te analiseer, te sinteseer en
te globaliseer.
Die implikasie vir die antwerp van 'n ouerprogram is dat die ouers nie net begelei moet word ten
aansien van die taalverryking van die senior kleuters nie, maar ook eksplisiet daartoe begelei te
word om potensieel-stimulerende leersituasies te skep. / This study focuses on the language development and -enrichment of senior toddlers in
environmentally deprived communities. The research group is an Afrikaans speaking Colouredand
Griqua community. It is evident that parents in this community reveal certain deficiencies
pertaining to their language-teaching behaviour, resulting in linguistic experiential backlogs in
their senior toddlers.
Language development and -enrichment is in essence a socially mediated process and exposure
to stimulating language experiences enhances comprehension of colloquial usage within the
social context. The inadequate linguistic example set by both the family and the community
results in inadequate language development and -enrichment and the senior toddlers reveal their
impoverished, undifferentiated world of language in deficiencies pertaining to mastery of
language, style of language and code of language. The senior toddlers' conceptualization is
deficient and in their language usage they are rather descriptive and concrete-bound than analytic
and abstract.
It is evident that the parents do not adequately stimulate their senior toddlers' cognitive abilities,
and a code of language is not adequately facilitated, because the parents do not know how to
derive profit from incidental learning situations and are ignorant pertaining to the creation and
utilization of potential learning opportunities. Stimulation of cognition refers to the mastery and
fixation.. of certain concepts, while broadening of a code of language refers to the. ability to
describe, to explain, to interpret or to communicate the meaning of these concepts. A broadened
and expanded code of language is thus the result of regular exposure to a wide range of
stimulating experiences. This experiential framework later becomes the toddler's referential
framework which he uses to repeat information, to formulate requests, to name objects and to
accurately describe events. A broadened and expanded code of language is thus essential for
later successful learning, because it enables the learner to analyze, to synthesize and to globalize
new information.
The implication for the draft of a parental programme is that parents should not .only be
accompanied pertaining to the enrichment of their senior toddlers' language development, but
that parents in this deprived environment also explicitly be educated to create potential
stimulating learning situations at home. / Psychology of Education / D. Ed. (Sielkudige Opvoedkunde)
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A child’s right to a basic education: a comparative studyChurr, Chrizell 04 February 2013 (has links)
Education is since the inception of the world regarded as the formal process by which
society conveys its accumulated knowledge, skills, customs and values from one generation to another. Today, education is a human right and the right to education and specifically the right to (a) basic education is acknowledged and emphasised worldwide.
In South Africa, the right to a basic education is entrenched in the Constitution and is
regarded as one of the most crucial constitutional rights, particularly because it promotes economical and social well-being. The protection of a child’s right to a basic education in terms of the South African Constitution together with the most important
international instruments pertaining to education will be extensively discussed and the
most important similarities and differences between, and challenges in the legal systems of South Africa, New Zealand and Namibia regarding a child’s right to (a) basic
education will be addressed with due consideration of factors such as early childhood
development and education, mother tongue education and HIV/AIDS which may affect a child’s right to (a) basic education. It is submitted that the success of any country, whether it is social, financial or economic success, depends on how its citizens are educated. Moreover, a good education system is crucial, not only for ensuring that its
populace are well educated, but also for optimal human development and for the maintenance and preservation of socially responsive economic and political systems.
Education is a life-long process and in order to give effect to the right to (a) basic
education, the adoption and implementation of the recommendations made throughout
this study are proposed. / Private Law / LL. D.
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