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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Introdução aos métodos de determinação de estrutura por difração de raio-x: aplicado a alguns complexos de lantanídeos / Introduction to x-ray crystal structure determination and its application to the study of some lanthanide complexes

Oliveira, Marcos Alcantara de 12 May 1986 (has links)
Este trabalho consta de uma introdução teórica tratando, do conceito de cristal, da interação entre o raio-X e o meio cristalino e dos fundamentos dos métodos de determinação de estruturas moleculares de pequeno porte aplicados na solução das estruturas cristalinas dos complexos: Praseodímio, Neodímio e Európio com Perrenato e Trans-l, 4-ditiano-l, 4-dióxido,(TDTD), tendo fórmula geral [Ln(H2O)4(&#951 TDTD) (&#951 &#8217 ReO4) (&#956-&#9512-TDTD)]n (ReO4)2n &#8226 nTDTD onde, Ln= Eu, Pr, Nd e Metil-2,6-anhidro-3-azido-4-0-benzoil-3-deoxi-&#945-D-iodopiranosideo, um novo derivado de 2,5-dioxabiciclo [2,2,2] octano. Determinou-se que os complexos envolvendo íons latanídeos, tem estruturas isomorfas, que refinaram para os valores finais: R(eu)=0.067, R(Pr)= 0.074, R(Nd)= 0.061. As características principais das estruturas são as seguintes: a) sistema cristalino ortorrômbico; b) o íon Ln3+ é coordenado por nove átomos de oxigênio dos grupos TDTD, perrenato e H2O. Os átomos de oxigênio que coordenam o cátion formam formam uma configuração antiprisma quadrado de Arquimedes com chapéu; c) o íon de terra rara se encontra em posição especial de simetria C2; d) a estrutura possui uma desordem ocupacional com relação a três átomos de oxigênio descoordenados do perrenato que coordena o íon Ln3+ através de um oxigênio situado também em posição de simetria C2. Explica-se os resultados do espectro de emissão do Eu3+ à luz dos resultados estruturais obtidos, comparando estes resultados com outros descritos na literatura. A estrutura do complexo orgânico, com fórmula química C14H15N3O5, foi determinada utilizando métodos diretos. A conformação do anel de seis membros foi determinada como sendo aproximadamente um barco torcido. / This work consists of a theoretical introduction to the concept of a crystal, the interaction between X-ray and the crystalline medium and some aspects concerning the methods of structure determination, applied to the crystal structure of the complexes: Praseodymium, Neodymium and Europium Perrhenate with Trans-l,4-dithiane-l,4-dioxide (TDTD) of general formula: [Ln(H2O)4(&#951 TDTD) (&#951 &#8217 ReO4) (&#956-&#9512-TDTD)]n (ReO4)2n &#8226 nTDTD, where Ln= Eu, Pr, Nd and Methyl-2,6-anhydro-3-azido-4-0-benzoyl-3-deoxy-&#945-D-iodopyranoside, a new 2,5-Dioxabicycle [2,2,2] octane derivative. It was determined that the complexes involving lanthanide ions are structurally isomorphous, the structures refined to the final values of: R(Nd)=0.061, R(Pr)=0.074, R(Eu)=0.067. The principal characteristics of these structures are: a) the crystal system is orthorhombic; b) the ion Ln3+ is coordinated by nine oxygen atoms of TDTD, perrhenate and water molecules. The coordinated oxygen have an approximate Antiprismatic Arquimedian Capped Square conformation; c) the rare earth atom is located on a crystallographic C2 position; d) the structure has an occupational disorder, with relation to three uncoordinated oxygen atoms of the perrhenate group that coordinates the cation by the oxygen located on the special position with exact point symmetry C2. The emission spectra of the Eu3+ ion is explained based on the structure information obtained from x-ray analysis. Also a comparison is traced with other coordination compounds, with the lanthanide ion Ln3+, revealing some important aspects of these structures. The structure of the compound with chemical formula C14H15N3O5 was determined using direct methods. The six member ring C(1)-O(5)-C(4)-C(3)-C(2) is in an approximate twist-boat conformation.

Compostos de adição entre metanossulfonatos de lantanideos (III) e a 2-picolina-N-óxido (3-picNO) / Addition compounds between lanthanide (III) methanesulfonate and 3-picoline-N-oxide (3-PICNO)

Jivaldo do Rosario Matos 29 October 1984 (has links)
A presente dissertação descreve a preparação e caracterização dos compostos de adição entre metanossulfonatos de lantanídeos e ítrio e a 3-picolina-N-óxido (3-picNO). Foram preparados, a partir do metanossulfonato de lantanídeo hidratado e a 3-picNO, utilizando-se como \"meio de interação\" acetona, ortoformiato de trietila ou 2,2-dimetoxipropano. Os compostos de adição obtidos foram caracterizados por análise elementar, medidas de intervalos de fusão, condutância eletrolítica em solução metanólica, difratogramas de raios-X, espectros de absorção na região do infravermelho, espectros eletrônicos do composto de neodímio e espectros de fluorescência do composto de európio. As análises evidenciaram que os compostos mantêm a coloração do respectivo íon lantanídeo hidratado, possuem aspec to cristalino e, na série, uma higroscopicidade crescente. Esta, aliada à dificuldade de preparação e aos intervalos de fusão aparentes, que diminuem com o aumento do número atômico do lantanídeo, sugeriram um relacionamento com o raio iônico médio do ion Ln3+ e uma diminuição na estabilidade dos complexos com a contração lantanídica devida ao enfraquecimento da interação metal-ligante. Finalmente, os resultados analíticos (percentagem de Ln) obtidos por titulação complexométrica com EDTA e a percentagem de carbono, hidrogênio e nitrogênio, determinados por microanálise, permitiram estabelecer a fórmula geral: Ln(MS)3.2(3-picNO) (Ln = La-Yb e Y). As medidas de condutância em metanol indicaram um comportamento de não eletrólito, sugerindo a coordenação do íon MS- ao íon Ln3+. Os difratogramas de raios-X determinaram que os compostos de adição pertencem a urna única série isomorfa. Quanto aos espectros de absorção na região do infravermelho não se conseguem distinguir inequivocamente as bandas relativas ao estiramento NO (vNO) das bandas do estiramento assimétrico (v asso), mas ficam claro que houve um deslocamento da frequência VNO . Observaram-se pequenos deslocamentos positivos dos modos δNO e γC-H em relação ao ligante livre e também verificaram-se os desdobramentos para v asSO e vC-S. Não se observou as bandas características da molécula de água. Isto permitiu chegar às seguintes conclusões: a) a coordenação da 3-picNO ao íon metálico é feita através do oxigênio do grupo NO; b) a coordenação do ânion MS- evidenciada pelos dados de condutância é confirmada; c) as moléculas de água de hidratação do sal são completamente substituídas pelas moléculas de 3-picNO nos compostos de adição; d) a coordenação do MS- que no sal hidratado se admitia tridentada, possivelmente foi modificada para bidentada nos compostos em questão; e) os compostos de adição podem ser agrupados numa mesma série espectral. Os espectros eletrônicos do composto de neodímio no estado sólido, à temperatura ambiente, e do nitrogênio líquido permitiram determinar os parâmetros nefelauxêticos, o fator de covalência e o parâmetro de Sinha, os quais mostraram que a interação metal-ligante é essencialmente eletrostática, com os orbitais 4f participando muito pouco da ligação. O espectro registrado a baixa temperatura evidenciou, pelo numero de bandas, que os íons Nd3+ estão envolvidos em simetria não cúbica, fato que é confirmado pelo espectro de emissão do composto de európio, A semelhança entre os espectros de absorcão do composto de adição com aqueles dos sais anidros e hidratados em solucão metanólica evidenciam a existência das mesmas espécies nesta solução, Os parâmetros β-, δ, bl/2 e P indicam que os compostos são semelhantes àqueles obtidos com o ligante 2-picNO, Os espectros de fluorescência do composto de európio no estado sólido à temperatura ambiente e do N2 líquido apresentam urna banda relativa à transição 5D0→7F0, três bandas das transições 5D0→7Fl e quatro bandas curacterísticas das transições 5D0→7F2. Estes dados permitem sugerir que o íon de Eu3+ está envolvido numa simetria C3v proveniente, provavelmente, de uma distorção da simetria D3h. Foi sugerido que os ompostos Ln(MS)3.2(3-picNO) apresentam número de coordenação oito e estrutura de prisma trigonal biencapuzado, onde as moléculas de 3-picNO atuam corno capuz através das bases triangulares do prisma. Verificamos, ainda, que, embora se realize a síntese dos compostos de adição com a relação sal-ligante 1:5, a fórmula geral Ln(MS)3.2(3-picNO) se mantém, enquanto a 2-picNO forma compostos de adição com duas estequiometrias distintas Ln (MS)3.2 (2picNO) e Ln(MS)3.4(2-picNO). Isto demonstra que a 2-picNO atua como um ligante mais forte que a 3-picNO, ou seja, apesar dos efeitos estéricos mais pronunciados, o grupo metil, quando se encontra na posição 2_ não influencia na coordenação, Já o oposto se observa quando o ânion apresenta propriedades não coordenantes. / This dissertation describes the preparation and characterization of the additions compounds between yttrium and lanthanide methanesulfonate and 3-picoline-N-oxide (3-picNO). The compounds were prepared from the hydrated lanthanide methanesulfonate and 3-picNO in acetone, triethylorthoformate or 2,2-dimethoxypropane as \"interaction medium\". The adducts were characterized by elemental analysis, melting ranges, electrolitic conductance in methanol, X-ray powder patterns, IR spectra, electronic spectra of neodymium and europium compounds. The analytical results (% Ln, C, H and) indicate the general formula: Ln(MS)3.2(3-picNO) (Ln = La-Yb e Y. The complex presents the same lanthanide (III) colours, are crystalline, the hygroscopicity increases in the series. The apparent melting ranges decreases with ionic Ln3+ radii . The stability of the complexes decreases, due to the lanthanidic contriction that make more unstable the Ln:L interaction. Conductance measurements, in methanol, indicate non-electrolyte behavior. According to X-ray powder pattern, only one isomorphous series was detected. The bands attributed to vNO are not inequivocally distinguished from vasSO in the IR spectra, but certainly there is a shift of the vNO to lower frequencies, in relation to the free 3-picNO. Positive shifts of δNO and γCH and spplittings of vasSO and vC-S were also observed, which permit the following conclusion: a) the 3-picNO is bonded through the oxygen; b) the MS ion is coordenated to the central ion (confirming the conductance data); c) water molecules from the salt were completed substituted by the 3-picNO; d) MS ions probably act as bidentate; e) the compounds present only one spectral series. From the electronic absorption spectra of the neodymium compounds the nefelauxetic parameter, covalent factor and Sinha\'s parameter were calculated and suggest a essentially electrostatic metal-ligand bond. The number of bands, at 77 K indicate that the Ln ion is not involved in a cubic site. The spectroscopic data show that they are similar to that of the 2-picNO compound. Fluorescence spectra of the Eu complex present peaks due to 5D0→7F0 (one), 5D0→7Fl (three) and 5D0→7F2, (four) transitions and were interpreted in terms of C3v symmetry, due to a distortion of the D3h. The geometry of a bicapped trigonal prism with two 3-picNO acting as capps of the triangular bases is proposed. The same stoichiometry is obtained when 1:5 or 1:3 relation between Ln:L was used. In contrast with the 2-picNO where the compositions Ln(MS)3.2(2-picNO) and Ln(MS)3.4(2-picNO) were obtained, this means that 2-picNO is stronger than 3-picNO ligand, despite the fact the 2-picNO show pronounced steric hyndrance.

Estudo comparativo dos compostos de adição entre metanossulfonatos de lantanídeos (III) e aminóxidos aromáticos como ligantes / Comparative study of addition compounds between lanthanide (III) methanesulfonate and aromatic aminoxides as ligands

Jivaldo do Rosario Matos 11 October 1989 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é dar continuidade e ampliar os estudos quanto a preparação e caracterização dos compostos de adição obtidos pela reação entre metanossulfonatos de lantanídeos e aminóxidos aromáticos como ligantes, mais especialmente a piridina-N-óxido (pyO) e as metil piridinas-N-óxidos monossubstituidas, ou seja, as picolinas-N-óxidos (2-picNO, 3-picNO e 4-picNO); e estabelecer um estudo comparativo. Anteriormente, foram sintetizados e caracterizados os compostos de adição: Ln(MS)3.2(2-picNO) (Ln = Ce-Sm), Ln(MS)3. 4(2 -picNO) (Ln = La-Lu,Y) e Ln(MS)3.2(3-picNO) (Ln = La-Lu-Y). Nesta tese, preparou-se as outras duas séries de compostos contendo como ligante 4-picNO e pyO. Similarmente aos anteriores, utilizou-se nas sínteses, como \"meio de interação\" acetona, orformiato de trietila ou 2,2-dimetoxipropano, partindo-se de soLuções metanólicas do sal e do ligante. A caracterização foi feita via análise elementar, medidas de intervalos de fusão, condutância eletrolítica em solução metanólica, difratogramas de raios-X, espectros de absorção na região do infravermelho, espectros eletrônicos dos compostos de Nd e espectros de emissão dos compostos de Eu. Os compostos obtidos são sólidos, de aspecto cristalino e pulverulento, de leve odor, característico do aminóxido correspondente, de coloração semelhante à dos cátions hidratados e uma dificuldade de preparação e higroscopicidade crescente através da série. Estas, aliadas aos intervalos de decomposição térmica, que decrescem com o aumento do número atômico do lantanídeo, sugeriram um relacionamento com o raio médio do íon Ln3+ e uma diminuição na estabilidade dos complexos com a contração lantanídica devido ao enfraquecimento da ligação metal-ligante. A comparação entre os compostos de adição mostrou que Ln(MS)3.2(4-picNO) e Ln(MS)3.2pyO foram obtidos com maiores dificuldades do que aqueles sintetizados e caracterizados anteriormente, em que se utilizou o ligante 3-picNO. Em ambas as séries, não foram isolados na forma sólida os compostos de Yb e Lu. Os resultados analíticos (%Ln, %C, %H e %N), foram consistentes com a fórmula geral Ln(MS)3.2L, semelhante aos compostos obtidos com a 3-picNO, porém diferentes daqueles formados com a 2-picNO que apresentaram duas estequiometrias distintas. Este resultado evidenciou que a posição grupo metila no anel aromático influencia na capacidade coordenante do aminóxido aromático. As medidas de condutância em metanol indicaram um comportamento de não eletrólito, sugeri ndo a coordenação do íon MS- ao Ln3+. Os difratogramas de raios-X indicaram que em cada série de compostos ocorre o fenômeno de isomorfismo, que parece ser uma característica dos compostos de fórmula geral Ln(MS)3.2L (L = 2-picNO, 3-picNO, 4-picNO e pyO). Nos espectros de absorção na região do IV observam-se deslocamentos das bandas relativas ao estiramento NO (VNO ) para frequências menores em relação ao ligante livre. Porém não foi possível avaliar a extensão do deslocamento uma vez que o ânion MS- apresenta bandas de absorção na mesma região. Observam-se deslocamentos positivos dos modos &#947;C-H em relação ao ligante livre, característicos do decréscimo da densidade eletrônica no anel devido a coordenação do aminóxido aromático através do oxigênio. Verificou-se desdobramentos para as bandas vasSO e &#948;S03 característicos do abaixamento da simetria do ânion e indicativos da alteração no seu modo de coordenação; enquanto no sal hidratado admitiu-se o ânion atuando como tridentado, nos compostos de adição foi sugerido que o grupo CH3S03 atue como bidentado. Os espectros eletrônicos dos compostos de neodímio no estado sólido, à temperatura ambiente, permitiram determinar os parâmetros espectroscópicos: -&#946;, b1/2 e &#948;, os quais indicaram a interação metal-ligante como essencialmente eletrostática, com os orbitais 4f participando muito pouco da ligação. Os espectros registrados à baixa temperatura evidenciaram que os íons Nd3+ estão envolvidos em simetria não cúbica. A força do oscilador, P, foi determinada a partir dos espectros dos compostos de Nd em solução metanólica e analogamente aos compostos formados com 3-picNO e 2-picNO o valor é praticamente o dobro em relação aqueles determinados para os metanossulfonatos de lantanídeos anidros e hidratados. Os espectros de emissão dos compostos de európio no estado sólido à temperatura ambiente e do N2 líquido foram registrados na região do visível. A partir das linhas de emissão características das transições 7F0,1,2 &#8592; 5D0 sugeriu-se que tanto no composto Eu(MS)3.2(4-picNO) como no Eu(MS)3.2pyO o íon Eu3+ está envolvido numa simetria próxima da C3V; fato semelhante foi apontado para o composto Eu(MS)3.2(3-picNO). A partir desta sugestão e com os dados obtidos destes espectros foram calculados os parâmetros do campo cristalino B20, B40 e B40, os quais possibilitaram a obtenção do parâmetro escalar de força do campo cristalino (Nv ). / The main goal of this thesis is to further develop the studies on the preparation and characterization of addition compounds obtained from the reaction of lanthanide methanesulphonates and aromatic aminoxides as ligands, soecifically pyridine-N-oxide (pyO) and monosubstituted methyl pyridine-N-oxides as the picoline-N-oxides (2-picNO, 3-picNO and 4-picNO) in order to make a comparative study. Addition compounds of the series: Ln(MS)3.2(2-picNO) (Ln = Ce-Sm); Ln(MS) 3.4C2-picNO) (Ln = La-Lu, Y) and Ln(MS) 3.2(3-picNO) (Ln = La-Lu, Y) had already been synthetized and characterized. We now prepared two series of compounds using 4-picNO and pyO as ligands. As in earlier cases we employed acetone, triethyl-orthoformiate or 2,2-dimethoxypropane as \"interaction medium\" when using methanolic salt and ligand solutions. Characterization was made via elementary analysis, melting point intervals, electrolytic conductance in methanol, X-ray difractograms, absorption spectra in the infrared region, electronic spectra of the Nd3+ and emission spectra of Eu3+</sup< compounds. The compounds are solid, crystalline and powdered with a light scent characteristic of the corresponding aminoxide. The colours are similar to those of hydrated cations. The difficulties on preparation and tendency to be hygroscopic increase along the series. These difficulties as well as the thermal decomposition intervals (decreasing with the lanthanide\'s atomic number) led to the suggestion of a relationship with the mean ionic radius of the Ln3+ ion and the decrease in stability being due to the weakening of the metal-ligand bond. As compared to earlier results it was noted that compounds with 4-picNO and pyO are more difficult to synthetize since Yb and Lu compounds could not be isolated. The analytical results (%Ln, %C, %H and %N) are consistent with a general formula Ln(MS)3.2L as was also the case with 3-picNO but different from 2-picNO compounds which showed two distinct stoichiometries. This result is a further evidence that the methyl group position on the aromatic ring definitively has influence on the coordinating capacity of the aromatic aminoxide. Conductance measurements in methanol indicate a non-electrolyte behaviour, suggesting coordination of the MS- íon to Ln3+. The X-ray diffraction patterns are indicative of isomorphism in each serie, which seems also to be characteristic of the compounds of general formula Ln(MS)3.2L (L = 2picNO, 3-picNO 4-picNO and pyO). The IR absorptíon spectra permit the observation that NO stretching ( VNO) shifts to Lower frequencies were observed as compared to the free ligand. It was imoossible to evaluate the extension of the shift due to the fact that MS- anion presents absorotion bands at the same region. Positive shifts of the &#947;C-H modes are observed, characteristic of electronic density decrease on the ring due to the coordination of the aromatic aminoxide through the oxygen. The vasSO and, &#948;S03 bands shifts are characteristic of anion lowering symmetry and indicative of an alteration in the coordination mode; whereas in the hydrated salt the anion is admitted as tridentade, we suggest a bidentade behaviour for the addition compounds. The neodymiun compounds electronic spectra in the solid state at room temperature permited us the determination of the -&#946;, b1/2 and &#948; spectroscopic parameters which are indicative of an essentially eletrostatic metal-ligand interaction with a very low participation of 4f orbitals. Spectra registered at low temperature present evidences of Nd3+ ions involvement in a non cubic symmetry. The oscillator strength, P, was determined from compounds in methanolic solution and, in similar way 3-picNO and 2-picNO compounds, the value is practically twice the value of those determined for the methanesulphonates of anhydrous or hydrated lanthanides. The emission spectra of the europium compounds were obtained in the visible region. From the characteristic emission lines of the 7Fo,1,2 &#8592; 5D0 transitions we suggest that both in the Eu(MS)3.2(4-picNO) and in the Eu(MS)3.2pyO compounds the Eu3+ ion is involved in a near C3v symmetry; a similar situation was found for the Eu(MS)3.2(3-picNO) compound. From this suggestion and from obtained from the spectra the B20, B40 and B43 crystal field parameters were calculated and related to the scalar crystal field parameter Nv.

Density gradient films, lanthanide electrochemistry, and magnetic field effects on hydrogen evolution, oxygen reduction, and lanthanide electrochemistry

Knoche, Krysti Lynn 01 May 2015 (has links)
Electroanalytical techniques are used to investigate mass transport through density gradient films; lanthanide triflate reduction and oxidation in a Nafion/acetonitrile matrix; and magnetic field effects on hydrogen evolution reaction (HER), oxygen reduction reaction (ORR), and lanthanide electrochemistry. Graded density films are more dense at the electrode surface and become less dense out into solution due to a brush polymer structure. Fick's second law expands to account for a diffusion coefficient that varies with distance x normal to the electrode surface. Confocal microscopy, cyclic voltammetry, and computer simulations are used to investigate density graded Ficoll® films. Mass transport approaches steady state (scan rate independence) at slow scan rates where the diffusion length samples the entire film. The use of Ficoll to template an ion exchange polymer is explored by casting Nafion® Ficoll composites. Lanthanide electrochemistry is enabled in acetonitrile at a Nafion modified platinum electrode in the presence of triflate ligands. Formal potentials are shifted into the voltage window of acetonitrile accessible due to triflate complexation. The Nafion further solubilizes the compounds. The mechanism (ECEC) is studied with cyclic voltammetry and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Magnetic field effects on electrochemical systems have been of interest to researchers for the past 65 years. Mass transport effects, such as magnetohydrodynamics and magnetic field gradient effects have been reported, but the Leddy group focuses on electron transfer effects. Electrode surfaces are modified with composite films of magnetic microparticles suspended in ion exchange polymer Nafion. Effects are verified to be electron transfer related and due to the magnetization of chemically inert microparticles. The magnets catalyze the rates of important electron transfer reactions such as hydrogen evolution and oxygen reduction. Magnetic field effects on HER at various noncatalytic metal electrodes are explored with linear scan voltammetry. There is a correlation between the magnetic susceptibility of the electrode metals and the HER exchange currents (reaction rates). Exchange currents are 103× larger for a paramagnetic metal electrode than a diamagnetic one with the same work function. The overpotential at diamagnetic electrodes is decreased by modification with a Nafion + magnetic microparticle composite film. A decrease in overpotential of ∼70 % for all electrodes except platinum is observed. The overpotential decrease correlates with the magnetic susceptibility of the particles. Magnets can enhance differences between lanthanide cyclic voltammograms by shifting current densities at a given potential and enhancing current based on the number of 4f electrons and magnetic moment of each lanthanide ion. Magnetic field effects on ORR in acetonitrile are investigated with cyclic voltammetry. In aprotic solvents, ORR proceeds by a one electron transfer reaction to paramagnetic O2.–. Enhanced reversibility and electron transfer kinetics are observed as well as a decrease in overpotential of ∼100 mV. Magnetic field effects on ORR in a lanthanide triflate solution are also examined. Electron transfer kinetics and reversibility are further enhanced in the presence of lanthanide triflate.

Lanthanide-encoded Poly(styrene-co-methacrylic Acid) Microspheres: Synthesis and Characterization

Liang, Yi 27 July 2012 (has links)
Lanthanide-encoded polystyrene-co-methacrylic acid (P(S-MAA)) microspheres with narrow size distributions were synthesized by two-stage dispersion polymerization. I examined how the amounts of methacrylic acid (MAA) and lanthanide (Ln) salts affect the composition of the particles formed in the reaction. Also, I performed a systematic study of Ln ion release into different aqueous solutions. In normal buffers, these particles were stable against ion leakage, even upon prolonged storage and stirring. When strong chelating agent ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) and diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) were present in buffer, the loss of Ln ions increased to 15 % after 8 weeks. A preliminary kinetic study of Ln ion incorporation was performed to help understand the particle formation mechanism.

Lanthanide-encoded Poly(styrene-co-methacrylic Acid) Microspheres: Synthesis and Characterization

Liang, Yi 27 July 2012 (has links)
Lanthanide-encoded polystyrene-co-methacrylic acid (P(S-MAA)) microspheres with narrow size distributions were synthesized by two-stage dispersion polymerization. I examined how the amounts of methacrylic acid (MAA) and lanthanide (Ln) salts affect the composition of the particles formed in the reaction. Also, I performed a systematic study of Ln ion release into different aqueous solutions. In normal buffers, these particles were stable against ion leakage, even upon prolonged storage and stirring. When strong chelating agent ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) and diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) were present in buffer, the loss of Ln ions increased to 15 % after 8 weeks. A preliminary kinetic study of Ln ion incorporation was performed to help understand the particle formation mechanism.

Lanthanide-based dielectric nanoparticles for upconversion luminescence

Barrera Bello, Elixir William 20 February 2013 (has links)
En esta tesis se ha estudia la luminiscencia y la emisión anti-stokes visible por excitación infrarroja a 980 nm, en iones lantánidos embebidos en nanoestructuras de Lu2O3 y KLu(WO4)2, en los cuales los iones lantánidos muestran interesantes propiedades ópticas. Se han producido tres tipos de nanoestructuras con alta cristalinidad a través del método Pechini modificado y síntesis hidrotermal. Se han descrito los mecanismos de fotoluminiscencia, catodoluminiscencia y eficiencia cuántica, en base a las especies adsorbidas en la superficie y la potencia de excitación. Se han sintetizado nanobarras y partículas núcleo-capa que puede ser utilizadas como bloques de construcción de estructuras más complejas en aplicaciones fotónicas. Se ha logrado la generación de luz blanca en nanocristales de (Tm,Ho,Yb)KLu(WO4)2. Estas nanopartículas pueden formar parte de estructuras más complejas en dispositivos emisores de luz o como indicadores para visualización biológica de células. / Nowadays especially attention has been given to materials capable of generating visible light by conversion of near infrared photons (upconversion) for save-energy technologies and reduction of photo-degradation caused by UV high energy photons. Nanoparticles using optically active Ln3+ have shown great potential for use as upconverting luminescent materials in bio-analysis applications, counterfeit fighting and back-lighting. However materials with nanometer dimensions may affect the luminescence dynamics of the Ln3+ ion modifying the emission lifetime, quantum yield, and concentration quenching. This thesis discusses the synthesis and upconversion emission of lanthanide doped nanostructures with Lu2O3 and KLu(WO4)2 as host because they posses high chemical stability; they offer favorable incorporation of Ln3+ ions and high absorption and emission cross sections. Er3+, Ho3+ and Tm3+ are used as emitting ions and Yb3+ as sensitizer. Luminescence dynamics of these ions into these nanostructures and the possibility of white light emission in KLuW nanocrystals are discussed.

Synthesis, Characterization, and Biomedical Application of Upconverting Lanthanoid Nanoparticles

Gainer, Christian Forrest January 2013 (has links)
Cancer currently represents one of the greatest burdens on human health in the world, claiming in excess of 7 million lives a year worldwide. Advances in both our understanding of the disease as well as our ability to diagnose it before it has had a chance to metastasize will lead to a reduction in its burden on society. To these ends, optical imaging techniques are particularly attractive. The ability to resolve cellular details noninvasively is paramount to improved cancer detection and to research on diseased tissue and cells. Lanthanoid nanoparticles, a group of photoluminescent contrast agents developed within the last two to three decades, have numerous unique optical properties that enable their use in improved and novel optical techniques. They possess large Stokes and anti-Stokes shifts, sharp electronic transitions, long luminescence lifetimes, and exceptional photostability. For these reasons, they are a good choice for biomedical applications that benefit from low background fluorescence or long illumination times. The major goal of the research presented in this dissertation was to synthesize functional lanthanoid nanoparticles for optical imaging modalities, and to explore their potential uses in a variety of biomedical applications. To this end, the research can be broken up into three specific aims. The first aim was to successfully and reproducibly synthesize downconverting and upconverting lanthanoid nanoparticles, and to functionalize these nanoparticles for use in optical techniques that would aid in the research and diagnosis of cancer. The second aim was to conduct a thorough investigation of the optical properties of these nanoparticles, and the third aim was to explore the utility of these nanoparticles in a variety of biomedical applications. First, both downconverting and upconverting lanthanoid nanoparticles were synthesized using several different methods, resulting in nanoparticles of varying size and surface functionality. Novel methods were employed to improve the utility of these nanoparticles for specific applications, including the incorporation of a mixed surface ligand population in downconverting lanthanoid nanoparticles and the use of a biomimetic surface coating to render upconverting nanoparticles water dispersible. These coated particles were further functionalized by the addition of folic acid and an antibody for epidermal growth factor receptor, both of which bind to cell surface receptors overexpressed in a number of cancers. Second, the spectral properties of lanthanoid nanoparticles were explored in detail, with special attention paid to many of the unique optical properties of upconverting lanthanoid nanoparticles. This included the discovery of one such unique property, the excitation frequency dependent emission of NaYF₄ nanocrystals codoped with Yb³⁺ and Er³⁺. Third, lanthanoid nanoparticles were used as contrast agents in a number of biomedical applications, including the development of a homogenous assay based on diffusion enhanced luminescence resonance energy transfer, a wide-field luminescence lifetime microscope, and a super resolution microscope based on the aforementioned excitation frequency dependent emission of NaYF₄:Yb³⁺,Er³⁺ nanoparticles. Specific binding of functionalized upconverting lanthanoid nanoparticles was investigated with laser scanning multiphoton microscopy, and an image processing technique was developed to overcome the challenge of working with long lived luminescent contrast agents using this imaging modality.

Calixarene supported transition metal clusters

Taylor, Stephanie Merac January 2013 (has links)
This thesis describes a series of calix[n]arene polynuclear transition metal and lanthanide complexes. Calix[4]arenes possess lower-rim polyphenolic pockets that are ideal for the complexation of various transition metal and lanthanide centres. Surprisingly however, with only a few exceptions, the coordination chemistry of p-tBucalix[ 4]arene (TBC[4]), p-tBu-calix[8]arene (TBC[8]) and p-tBuhomotrioxacalix[ 3]arene (TBOC[3]) with paramagnetic transition metal ions for the purpose of making and studying magnetically interesting molecules is unknown. Chapter two describes the reaction of TBC[4] with manganese salts in the presence of an appropriate base (and in some cases co-ligand) resulting in the formation of a family of calixarene-supported [MnIII 2MnII 2] clusters (1-7) that behave as Single-Molecule Magnets (SMMs). These are: [MnIII 2MnII 2(OH)2(TBC[4])2(DMF)6]·2MeOH (1), [MnIII 2MnII 2(OH)2(TBC[4])2(DMF)4(H2O)2]·4MeOH·2DMF (2), [MnIII 2MnII 2(OH)2(TBC[4])2(DMF)6]·2.8MeOH (3), [MnIII 2MnII 2(OH)2(TBC[4])2(DMF)4(EtOH)(H2O)] (4), [MnIII 2MnII 2(OH)2(TBC[4])2(DMSO)6]·2MeOH·2DMSO (5) , [MnIII 2MnII 2(OH)2(TBC[4])2(DMSO)6] (6) and [MnIII 2MnII 2(OH)2(C[4])2(MeOH)6]·4MeOH (7). Variation in the alkyl groups present at the upper-rim of the cone allows for the expression of a degree of control over the self-assembly of these SMM building blocks, whilst retaining the general magnetic properties. The presence of various different ligands around the periphery of the magnetic core has some effect over the extended self-assembly of these SMMs. Chapter three describes how the combination of complementary cluster ligands; sodium phenylphosphinate and the N,O-chelate 2-(hydroxy-methyl)pyridine (hmpH) with TBC[4] results in the formation of two new calixarene-supported clusters. This being an unusual [MnIIIMnII]2 dimer of dimers [MnIIIMnII(O2P(H)Ph)(DMF)2(MeOH)2]2 (8) and a ferromagnetic [Mn5] cage that displays the characteristic bonding modes of each support [MnIII 3MnII 2(OH)2(TBC[4])2(hmp)2(DMF)6](TBC[4]-H)·xDMF ·xH2O (9). Chapter four details how using oxacalix[3]arenes can tune the nature of the metal binding site, by introduction of ≥ 1 ethereal bridge. This results in Mn(II) rather than Mn(III) bonding in the phenolic pocket, and that these components self-assemble with additional Mn(II) and Mn(III) ions to form a [Mn10] supertetrahedron with an unusual oxidation state distribution, [MnII 6MnIII 4O4(TBOC[3])4(Cl)4(DMF)3]∙3.3H2O ∙ 1.5DMF (10). Chapter five introduces a family of lanthanide complexes formed using TBC[8]. Variation in the experimental conditions employed in the reaction of TBC[8] with lanthanide salts (LnX3) provides access to Ln1, Ln2, Ln4, Ln5, Ln6, Ln7 and Ln8 complexes, [Gd(TBC[8]-2H)Cl(DMSO)4]·MeCN·H2O·(DMSO)2·hex (11), [CeIV 4(TBC[8]-6H)2(μ3- O)2(DMF)4]·(DMF)5·hex·MeCN (12), [TbIII 5(TBC[8]-5H)(μ4-O)(μ3- OH)4Cl(DMSO)8(H2O)3]Cl3·(DMSO)2(hex)2 (13), [CeIV 6(TBC[8]-6H)2(μ4-O)2(μ2-OMe)4(μ2- O)2(DMF)4]·(DMF)6·hex (14), [Dy7(TBC[8]-7H)(TBC[8]-6H)(μ4-O)2(μ3-OH)2(μ2- OH)2(DMF)9]·(DMF)3 (15) and [Gd8(TBC[8]-7H)2(μ4-CO3)2(μ5-CO3)2(μ2-HCO2)2(DMF)8] (16), with all polymetallic clusters containing the common bi-nuclear lanthanide fragment. Closer inspection of the structures of the polymetallic clusters reveals that all but one (Ln8) are in fact based on metal octahedra or the building blocks of octahedra.

Use of Lanthanide Ions for Encoding One-bead-one-compound Combinatorial Libraries

Ng, Grace Pik Ling 02 March 2011 (has links)
The advantage of one-bead-one-compound combinatorial libraries is that hundreds of thousands to millions of compounds can be rapidly synthesized and screened simultaneously. The beads supporting the compounds of interest are then isolated and analyzed to decipher the structure of the desired compound. Many methods are currently used to allow deconvolution of the compound on the individual beads. Herein is described a novel method to encode TentaGel beads using absorption of different ratios of lanthanide ions. The encoding process is completed in parallel with the synthesis of the library of compounds. Once the desired beads are identified, the lanthanide ions can be released from the bead and analyzed using Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS).

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