Spelling suggestions: "subject:"lanthanides"" "subject:"ianthanides""
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Nouveaux peroxydes d’uranyle et peroxydes mixtes, précurseurs d’oxydes / New uranyl peroxides and mixed peroxides, oxides precursorsEllart, Marine 15 November 2016 (has links)
Afin de miser sur un nucléaire durable les recherches sur les cycles du futur doivent évoluer vers une co-gestion de l’ensemble des actinides et mieux, leur co-conversion. La préparation de solides mixtes intégrant l’uranium et le plutonium est actuellement privilégiée par voie oxalique. Cependant, l’utilisation de peroxydes mixtes comme précurseurs d’oxydes mixtes parait une voie alternative. En effet, la découverte récente de nombreux nano-clusters de peroxydes ou peroxo-oxalates d’uranyle, stabilisés par des cations mono- ou di- ou tri-valents permet d’envisager l’obtention de peroxydes mixtes. Ce travail a pour objectif de former des peroxydes mixtes d’uranium (VI) et de lanthanide (III), utilisé comme analogue des actinides (III), afin d’obtenir, in fine, des oxydes mixtes uranium-lanthanide par traitement thermique. L’examen du système UO22+/NH4+/O22-/C2O42- a permis, non seulement, d’affiner le diagramme d’existence des peroxydes et peroxo-oxalates d’uranyle et d’ammonium en fonction des concentrations des réactifs et du pH mais également d’obtenir douze nouvelles phases cristallines. A partir de pH 9 des phases amorphes précipitent et conduisent, après échange avec le néodyme (III) et calcination, à la formation d’oxydes mixtes homogènes qui intègrent 20 à 30% de néodyme au sein de l’oxyde final. Finalement l’utilisation de cations non labiles thermiquement a permis l’obtention de nouvelles phases U-Ca ou U-Rb. / In order to improve nuclear energy industry sustainability, future research needs to focus on the use of co-management of actinides and their co-conversion. The synthesis of uranium/plutonium mixed oxide by oxalic approach is currently the preferred method. Nevertheless the use of mixed peroxides, like precursors of mixed oxides, is considered as an alternative pathway.In fact, the recent advances on several uranyl peroxides or pero-oxalates nano-clusters stabilized by mono-, di- or tri-valent cations has permitted to investigate the formation of mixed peroxides. This study aims to investigate the formation of mixed uranium (VI) and lanthanide (III) peroxides leading to the formation of uranium-lanthanide mixed oxides, by heat treatment. Lanthanide (III) are used as actinides (III) analogs. The study of the UO22+/NH4+/O22-/C2O42- system allowed us to (i) refine the domains of existence of uranyl and ammonium peroxide and peroxo-oxalates as a function of reactive concentrations or pH (ii) obtain twelve news crystalline phases. At pH 9 and above, amorphous phases precipitated and after neodymium (III) exchange and calcination, led to the formation of mixed oxides. Mixed oxides can thus incorporate from 20 to 30% of neodymium. Finally the use of non thermically labile cations permits the formation of new U-Ca or U-Rb phases.
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Síntese e estudo de partículas de LaPO4 / Pr3 + ou Pr3 +: Gd3 + com amplo espectro de emissão (UV ao IV) visando aplicações tecnológica e biotecnológica / Synthesis and study of LaPO4 / Pr3 + or Pr3 +: Gd3 + particles with broad emission spectrum (UV to IR) for technological and biotechnological applicationsHilario, Eloisa Garibalde 14 December 2018 (has links)
O trabalho apresentado nessa dissertação concentra-se na área de espectroscopia de íons lantanídeos com possível aplicação tecnológica e biotecnológica, e foi desenvolvido por meio da síntese hidrotermal e pirólise de aerossol de partículas inorgânicas, fosfato de lantânio dopadas com íons Pr3+ ou Pr3+/Gd3+ para estudos morfológicos e de conversão de energia. A busca por novos materiais inorgânicos dopados com íons lantanídeos é uma demanda constante. Devido às propriedades luminescentes intrínseca desses íons que são capazes de emitir fótons na faixa do UV-Vis-IV, além de participar de processos de conversão de energia via mecanismos de downconversion ou upconversion. A estabilidade física e química de matrizes inorgânicas também chama atenção. Desta forma, esses materiais podem ser aplicados em diferentes áreas, como, laser, display, fibras óticas, células solares, bioimagiamento, cintiladores, entre outros. Seria de grande interesse que um único material consiga englobar várias dessas aplicações. E foi nessa direção que esse trabalho se concentrou. Síntese de um material cuja capacidade luminescente, propriedades físicas e químicas possibilite sua aplicação em diversas áreas. Com a finalidade de estudar a variação morfológica dos materiais inorgânicos foram realizados dois métodos de síntese, no qual um via hidrotermal houve uma variação do pH do meio reacional e com ela uma variação da morfologia, de nanoagulhas para aglomerados. Para o método de pirólise de aerossol as partículas obtidas foram ocas e esféricas. A fase cristalina obtida para os materiais após o tratamento térmico a 1000°C foi a monoclínica sendo, confirmada por diversas técnicas de caracterização estrutural. Na caracterização espectroscópica, os materiais dopados com íons lantanídeos exibiram emissão ao longo de todo o espectro, do ultravioleta ao infravermelho. Emissões características dos níveis excitados 3PJ do íon Pr3+ foram observadas na região do visível e do infravermelho. Para o íon Gd3+ emissão proveniente do nível 6P7/2 foi observada na região do ultravioleta. Também foram caracterizadas emissões oriundas do nível 4f5d quando o material foi excitado no ultravioleta do vácuo e as energias do band gap da matriz bem como do nível 4f5d para o íon Pr3+. Nesse sentido a matriz LaPO4:Pr3+ ou Pr3+/Gd3+ obtida nesse trabalho apresenta-se apta para diferentes aplicações como luminóforos para UVC, visível ou infravermelho / The study presented in this dissertation focuses on the lanthanide ion spectroscopy area with possible technological and biotechnological application. The study was carried out through hydrothermal synthesis and spray pyrolysis of inorganic particles, lanthanium phosphate doped with Pr3+ or Pr3+ / Gd3+ ions for morphological and energy conversion studies. The search for new inorganic materials doped with lanthanide ions is a constant demand due to the intrinsic luminescent properties of these ions that are able to emit photons in the UV-Vis-IR range, besides participating in energy conversion processes via downconversion or upconversion mechanisms. The physical and chemical stability of inorganic matrices also drag significant attention. Therefore, these materials can be applied in different areas, such as, laser display, optical fibers, solar cells, bioimaging, scintillators and others. It would be of great interest that a single material could comprise several of such applications. This study focused on the synthesis of a material which luminescent, physical and chemical properties would make possible its application on several areas. In order to study the morphological variation of the inorganic materials two synthesis methods were performed, in which a hydrothermal path varying the pH of the reaction medium and morphology of nanofibrils to agglomerates. Hollow and spherical particles were obtained with the spray pyrolysis method. The crystalline phase obtained after the heat treatment at 1000 ° C was monoclinic, which was confirmed by several techniques of structural characterization. In the spectroscopic characterization, the doped materials with lanthanide ions have shown emission along the entire spectrum, from ultraviolet to infrared. Characteristic emissions of the 3PJ excited levels of the Pr3+ ion have been observed in the visible and infrared regions. On the other hand, the Gd3+ ion emission from the 6P7/2 level has been observed only the ultraviolet region. Emissions from level 4f5d were also characterized when the material was excited in vacuum ultraviolet and matrix band gap energies as well as level 4f5d for the Pr3+ ion. Therefore, the LaPO4: Pr3+ or Pr3+/Gd3+ matrices obtained in this study are suitable for different applications as UVC, visible or infrared luminophores
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Estudo sobre a extração do molibdênio(VI) em solventes orgânicos e sua aplicação analítica / Study on the extraction of molybdenum (VI) in organic solvents and its analytical applicationKucinski, Ana Rosa 23 February 1973 (has links)
O estudo da extratibilidade do Molibdênio(VI) de soluções clorídricas, com grande número de solventes, permitiu encontrar condições de extração quantitativa que foram utilizadas na elaboração de um método espectrofotométrico de determinação do elemento. O método baseia-se no desenvolvimento da reação, em meio orgânico, do molibdênio(VI) com o reagente colorimétrico fenilfluorona (2,3,7-trihidroxi-9-fenil-6-fluorona), após sua extração de solução 6N em ácido clorídrico com acetato de n-butila. O estudo da influência de vários fatores sobre a reação permitiu chegar às melhores condições de reprodutividade nas determinações. A extração do elemento nas condições estabelecidas tornou o reagente seletivo para o molibdênio com relação à maior parte dos elementos que normalmente o acompanham. Devido à importância tanto da separação molibdénio-tungstênio, quanto da determinação de um na presença do outro, desenvolveu-se um estudo sistemático, dentro do campo da extração com solventes, em que vários fatores foram examinados. Em decorrência, foi possível resolver satisfatoriamente o problema da interferência do tungstênio(VI) no método colorimétrico, mediante a inibição de sua reação com a fenilfluorona, no extrato orgânico, pela presença do ácido cítrico. As medidas colorimétricas das soluções, feitas em 506 nm, permitem determinar de 0,l a 2,5 µg de Mo(VI)/ml na diluição final, sendo que a faixa mais apropriada para as determinações está compreendida entre 0,45 a 1,8 µg de Mo(VI)/ml. O método, bastante sensível, permite a determinação em materiais contendo teores muito baixos do elemento, mediante o emprego de uma técnica simples e rápida. Alguns estudos feitos no campo da polarográfia, em que se procurou utilizar as vantagens da extração seletiva do molibdênio(VI), abriram um novo caminho para o aproveitamento analítico. O composto molibdênio(VI)-fenilfluorona foi preparado e apresentaram-se algumas de suas características, tanto em soluções, ·quanto no estado sólido. / Abstract not available.
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Estudos estruturais e espectroscópicos de materiais vitrocerâmicos à base de SiO2-Ta2O5 dopados com Er3+ luminescentes nas regiões do visível e infravermelho próximo / Structural and spectroscopic studies of visible and near-infrared emitting glass ceramic materials based on Er3+- doped SiO2-Ta2O5Lima, Karmel de Oliveira 23 July 2012 (has links)
Neste trabalho foram realizadas preparação e caracterizações estrutural e espectroscópica de materiais à base de óxidos nanoestruturados de Ta2O5 dispersos em matrizes amorfas de SiO2, dopados com íons Er3+ e Eu3+. Os materiais foram sintetizados através da metodologia sol-gel e caracterizados com o intuito tanto de estudar a estrutura e a distribuição de íons lantanídeos nestes compósitos, quanto de otimizar suas propriedades ópticas. Foram utilizadas técnicas de espectroscopias vibracional de absorção na região do infravermelho e de espalhamento Raman, difratometria de raios X, espectroscopia de fotoluminescência, reflectância difusa, perfilometria, acoplamento por prisma e microscopia de força atômica para caracterizar tais sistemas na forma de pós e filmes. As variações na razão entre Si-Ta e na concentração de íons lantanídeos, promoveram alterações nos parâmetros estruturais do Ta2O5, mostrando que tais íons lantanídeos são incorporados preferencialmente na matriz de Ta2O5. Foi verificado que estes materiais nanocompósitos possuem tanto emissão em 1550 nm, quanto processos de conversão ascendente de energia com excitação em 980 nm, apresentando emissões nas regiões verde e vermelha. A investigação dos processos de emissão no infravermelho próximo e de transferência de energia como migração e conversão ascendente de energia foi realizada em função da variação de íons Er3+ nos sistemas, de temperaturas de tratamentos térmicos e de potências de excitação. Todos os materiais apresentaram largas e intensas emissões na região de 1550 nm e tempos de vida entre 6,9 a 0,5 ms, além de concentrações de supressão de 1 % em mol de íons Er3+ para materiais na forma de pós e 0,81% em mol de íons Er3+ para os filmes. Foi observado que as emissões na região do visível apresentam processos de absorção do estado excitado (ESA) e de transferência de energia (ETU), envolvendo cerca de 2 e 1,7 fótons para as emissões em 550 e 670 nm, respectivamente. Os filmes apresentaram nanocristais de Ta2O5 dispersos em uma matriz amorfa de sílica, perfis homogêneos para todas as amostras, além de superfícies livres de trincas e rugosidades médias da ordem de 1 nm, que demonstram elevado potencial para aplicações como guias de luz. Os materiais estudados apresentam potenciais aplicações como amplificadores ópticos, laseres e conversores de energia no infravermelho-visível. / This work reports on the preparation and structural and spectroscopic characterization of Er3+ ion and Eu3+.-doped nanostructured Ta2O5-based oxides materials dispersed in a SiO2 amorphous matrix. The materials were synthesized by the sol-gel method and characterized in order to study the structure and distribution of these lanthanides composite as well as to optimize its optical properties. The techniques used to characterize such systems, in the form of powders and films, were the vibrational infrared absorption spectroscopy and Raman scattering, X-ray diffraction, photoluminescence spectroscopy, diffuse reflectance, perfilometry, prism coupling and atomic force microscopy. Variations in the Si-Ta ratio and the lanthanide ions concentration promoted changes in the Ta2O5 structural parameters, showing these lanthanide ions are preferentially incorporated in the Ta2O5 matrix of. It was found that these nanocomposite materials have emission in 1550 nm as well as green and red range upconversion energy processes with 980 nm excitation. The investigation of emission and energy transfer processes in the near infrared range - such as energy migration and upconversion - was carried out according the variation of Er3+ ions, annealing temperatures and excitation powers in the studied systems. All materials shown intense and wide emissions in the 1550 nm range, lifetimes of 6.9 to 0.5 ms and quenching concentrations of 1 mol% of Er3+ ions for materials in the powder form and 0.81 mol% of Er3+ ions for the films. It were observed excited state absorption (ESA) and energy transfer (ETU) processes, involving about 2 and 1.7 photons in the visible range emission at 550 and 670 nm, respectively. The films shown Ta2O5 nanocrystals dispersed in an amorphous SiO2 matrix with similar profiles for all samples, with crack-free surfaces and average roughness of about 1 nm, showing a high potential for applications such as waveguides. Therefore, the studied materials have potential applications as optical amplifiers, lasers and infrared-visible energy converters.
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Development of Lanthanide-tagged Substrates Towards the Detection of Proteases by Inductively Coupled Plasma-mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS)Lathia, Urja 04 March 2010 (has links)
Rapid, sensitive and quantitative assays for proteases are of great significance for drug
development and in diagnosis of diseases. Herein, we describe work towards a novel
assay for the multiplexed detection of proteases using ICP-MS. Protease substrates
were synthesized containing a diethylenetriaminepentaaceticacid(DTPA) ligand to
chelate lanthanide metal ions at the N-terminus, providing a distinct tag for each substrate. A biotin label was appended to the C-terminus allowing separation of uncleaved peptide from the digestion. The enzymatic activities can then be determined by detecting the lanthanide signal of the peptide cleavage products by ICP-MS.
Substrates synthesized include DTPA-Gln-Val-Tyr-Gly-Nle-Nle-Lys(biotin)-amide, DTPA-Asp-Gln-Val-Asp-Gly-Lys(biotin)-amide and DTPA-Gly-Pro-Gln-Gly-Leu-Glu-Ala-Lys-Lys(biotin)-amide for calpain-1, caspase-3 and MMP-9 They were loaded with terbium, holmium and praseodymium respectively. As a proof-of-concept, α-chymotrypsin assays were carried out using DTPA-Asp-Leu-Leu-Val-Tyr-Asp-Lys(Biotin) loaded with lutetium, as a substrate. Calpain-1 assays were also performed. Parallel assays with commercially available fluorogenic substrates for both the enzymes were performed for comparison.
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Development of Lanthanide-tagged Substrates Towards the Detection of Proteases by Inductively Coupled Plasma-mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS)Lathia, Urja 04 March 2010 (has links)
Rapid, sensitive and quantitative assays for proteases are of great significance for drug
development and in diagnosis of diseases. Herein, we describe work towards a novel
assay for the multiplexed detection of proteases using ICP-MS. Protease substrates
were synthesized containing a diethylenetriaminepentaaceticacid(DTPA) ligand to
chelate lanthanide metal ions at the N-terminus, providing a distinct tag for each substrate. A biotin label was appended to the C-terminus allowing separation of uncleaved peptide from the digestion. The enzymatic activities can then be determined by detecting the lanthanide signal of the peptide cleavage products by ICP-MS.
Substrates synthesized include DTPA-Gln-Val-Tyr-Gly-Nle-Nle-Lys(biotin)-amide, DTPA-Asp-Gln-Val-Asp-Gly-Lys(biotin)-amide and DTPA-Gly-Pro-Gln-Gly-Leu-Glu-Ala-Lys-Lys(biotin)-amide for calpain-1, caspase-3 and MMP-9 They were loaded with terbium, holmium and praseodymium respectively. As a proof-of-concept, α-chymotrypsin assays were carried out using DTPA-Asp-Leu-Leu-Val-Tyr-Asp-Lys(Biotin) loaded with lutetium, as a substrate. Calpain-1 assays were also performed. Parallel assays with commercially available fluorogenic substrates for both the enzymes were performed for comparison.
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Estudos estruturais e espectroscópicos de materiais vitrocerâmicos à base de SiO2-Ta2O5 dopados com Er3+ luminescentes nas regiões do visível e infravermelho próximo / Structural and spectroscopic studies of visible and near-infrared emitting glass ceramic materials based on Er3+- doped SiO2-Ta2O5Karmel de Oliveira Lima 23 July 2012 (has links)
Neste trabalho foram realizadas preparação e caracterizações estrutural e espectroscópica de materiais à base de óxidos nanoestruturados de Ta2O5 dispersos em matrizes amorfas de SiO2, dopados com íons Er3+ e Eu3+. Os materiais foram sintetizados através da metodologia sol-gel e caracterizados com o intuito tanto de estudar a estrutura e a distribuição de íons lantanídeos nestes compósitos, quanto de otimizar suas propriedades ópticas. Foram utilizadas técnicas de espectroscopias vibracional de absorção na região do infravermelho e de espalhamento Raman, difratometria de raios X, espectroscopia de fotoluminescência, reflectância difusa, perfilometria, acoplamento por prisma e microscopia de força atômica para caracterizar tais sistemas na forma de pós e filmes. As variações na razão entre Si-Ta e na concentração de íons lantanídeos, promoveram alterações nos parâmetros estruturais do Ta2O5, mostrando que tais íons lantanídeos são incorporados preferencialmente na matriz de Ta2O5. Foi verificado que estes materiais nanocompósitos possuem tanto emissão em 1550 nm, quanto processos de conversão ascendente de energia com excitação em 980 nm, apresentando emissões nas regiões verde e vermelha. A investigação dos processos de emissão no infravermelho próximo e de transferência de energia como migração e conversão ascendente de energia foi realizada em função da variação de íons Er3+ nos sistemas, de temperaturas de tratamentos térmicos e de potências de excitação. Todos os materiais apresentaram largas e intensas emissões na região de 1550 nm e tempos de vida entre 6,9 a 0,5 ms, além de concentrações de supressão de 1 % em mol de íons Er3+ para materiais na forma de pós e 0,81% em mol de íons Er3+ para os filmes. Foi observado que as emissões na região do visível apresentam processos de absorção do estado excitado (ESA) e de transferência de energia (ETU), envolvendo cerca de 2 e 1,7 fótons para as emissões em 550 e 670 nm, respectivamente. Os filmes apresentaram nanocristais de Ta2O5 dispersos em uma matriz amorfa de sílica, perfis homogêneos para todas as amostras, além de superfícies livres de trincas e rugosidades médias da ordem de 1 nm, que demonstram elevado potencial para aplicações como guias de luz. Os materiais estudados apresentam potenciais aplicações como amplificadores ópticos, laseres e conversores de energia no infravermelho-visível. / This work reports on the preparation and structural and spectroscopic characterization of Er3+ ion and Eu3+.-doped nanostructured Ta2O5-based oxides materials dispersed in a SiO2 amorphous matrix. The materials were synthesized by the sol-gel method and characterized in order to study the structure and distribution of these lanthanides composite as well as to optimize its optical properties. The techniques used to characterize such systems, in the form of powders and films, were the vibrational infrared absorption spectroscopy and Raman scattering, X-ray diffraction, photoluminescence spectroscopy, diffuse reflectance, perfilometry, prism coupling and atomic force microscopy. Variations in the Si-Ta ratio and the lanthanide ions concentration promoted changes in the Ta2O5 structural parameters, showing these lanthanide ions are preferentially incorporated in the Ta2O5 matrix of. It was found that these nanocomposite materials have emission in 1550 nm as well as green and red range upconversion energy processes with 980 nm excitation. The investigation of emission and energy transfer processes in the near infrared range - such as energy migration and upconversion - was carried out according the variation of Er3+ ions, annealing temperatures and excitation powers in the studied systems. All materials shown intense and wide emissions in the 1550 nm range, lifetimes of 6.9 to 0.5 ms and quenching concentrations of 1 mol% of Er3+ ions for materials in the powder form and 0.81 mol% of Er3+ ions for the films. It were observed excited state absorption (ESA) and energy transfer (ETU) processes, involving about 2 and 1.7 photons in the visible range emission at 550 and 670 nm, respectively. The films shown Ta2O5 nanocrystals dispersed in an amorphous SiO2 matrix with similar profiles for all samples, with crack-free surfaces and average roughness of about 1 nm, showing a high potential for applications such as waveguides. Therefore, the studied materials have potential applications as optical amplifiers, lasers and infrared-visible energy converters.
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Estudo sobre a extração do molibdênio(VI) em solventes orgânicos e sua aplicação analítica / Study on the extraction of molybdenum (VI) in organic solvents and its analytical applicationAna Rosa Kucinski 23 February 1973 (has links)
O estudo da extratibilidade do Molibdênio(VI) de soluções clorídricas, com grande número de solventes, permitiu encontrar condições de extração quantitativa que foram utilizadas na elaboração de um método espectrofotométrico de determinação do elemento. O método baseia-se no desenvolvimento da reação, em meio orgânico, do molibdênio(VI) com o reagente colorimétrico fenilfluorona (2,3,7-trihidroxi-9-fenil-6-fluorona), após sua extração de solução 6N em ácido clorídrico com acetato de n-butila. O estudo da influência de vários fatores sobre a reação permitiu chegar às melhores condições de reprodutividade nas determinações. A extração do elemento nas condições estabelecidas tornou o reagente seletivo para o molibdênio com relação à maior parte dos elementos que normalmente o acompanham. Devido à importância tanto da separação molibdénio-tungstênio, quanto da determinação de um na presença do outro, desenvolveu-se um estudo sistemático, dentro do campo da extração com solventes, em que vários fatores foram examinados. Em decorrência, foi possível resolver satisfatoriamente o problema da interferência do tungstênio(VI) no método colorimétrico, mediante a inibição de sua reação com a fenilfluorona, no extrato orgânico, pela presença do ácido cítrico. As medidas colorimétricas das soluções, feitas em 506 nm, permitem determinar de 0,l a 2,5 µg de Mo(VI)/ml na diluição final, sendo que a faixa mais apropriada para as determinações está compreendida entre 0,45 a 1,8 µg de Mo(VI)/ml. O método, bastante sensível, permite a determinação em materiais contendo teores muito baixos do elemento, mediante o emprego de uma técnica simples e rápida. Alguns estudos feitos no campo da polarográfia, em que se procurou utilizar as vantagens da extração seletiva do molibdênio(VI), abriram um novo caminho para o aproveitamento analítico. O composto molibdênio(VI)-fenilfluorona foi preparado e apresentaram-se algumas de suas características, tanto em soluções, ·quanto no estado sólido. / Abstract not available.
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Magnetic Relaxation Dynamics and Processes in Mono- and Dinuclear Lanthanide Single-Molecule MagnetsHarriman, Katie Lois Marie 16 July 2021 (has links)
Single-molecule magnets (SMMs) have been lauded for their application in next generation devices for their enhanced information storage capabilities, increased processing speeds, and increased storage densities compared to bulk magnets. However, the success of SMMs in such applications and their technological readiness is hindered by their operation temperatures and memory lifetimes. SMMs are molecular species that possess a bistable ground state and magnetic anisotropy, which together result in an energy barrier to the reorientation of the magnetic moment. The magnetic memory response relies on its ability to retain magnetization in the absence of an external field. To this end, lanthanide ions with their large inherent magnetic anisotropy combined with well-defined crystal field microstates are attractive candidates for eliciting higher operation temperatures and lifetimes. This dissertation focuses on the use of lanthanide ions in the development of high barrier SMMs with a close emphasis on the magnetic anisotropy and crystal field manipulation through geometry, design, and modification.
In the pursuit of lanthanide (Ln)-based SMMs, two cyclooctatetraenyl (COT2-) complexes of the non-Kramers ion, TmIII, [TmIII(η8-COT)I(THF)2] and [K(18-C-6)(THF)2][TmIII(η8-COT)2], were isolated. As an ion that possess an integer angular momentum projection (J = 6), it was vital that a highly symmetric local environment was utilized to observe field-induced slow magnetic relaxation. The static and dynamic properties of TmIII(η8-COT)I(THF)2] and [K(18-C-6)(THF)2][TmIII(η8-COT)2] were characterized revealing Ueff of 7.93 K and 53.3 K, respectively. More importantly, the effect of increased symmetry was observed on the rate of quantum tunneling of the magnetization (QTM), where the rate was two orders of magnitude faster in the heteroleptic complex. This emphasized the importance of local symmetry for non-Kramers ions and contributed to the rare class of TmIII SMMs.
Due to the prevalent role of QTM in Ln-based SMMs, a common strategy is to induce magnetic communication between Ln ions to overcome its detrimental effects. To this end, bridging units should be sufficiently small enough to bring the Ln ions close in proximity, yet the surrounding environment of the metal center should still promote uniaxial magnetic anisotropy. We compared the effect of ancillary ligands on the magnetic properties of two dinuclear DyIII compounds with the same {μ-Cl}2 core bridge. The complexes [DyIII{N(SiMe3)2}2(μ-Cl)(THF)]2 and [DyIII(η8-COT)(μ-Cl)(THF)]2 were characterized with static and dynamic magnetic measurements. The well-matched ligand field of the silyl amide ligands with the DyIII ion, precluded the observation of zero field tunneling. While both complexes are characterized by antiferromagnetic coupling, it is evident that peripheral ligands also play a vital role in determining the performance of multinuclear SMMs.
Magnetic coupling between 4f centers is classically weak; however, the use of ligands with diffuse electron clouds may penetrate the shielded 4f orbitals to effectively promote communication. One such ligand that had not previously been investigated for its ability to couple the magnetic moment of Ln ions was the trianionic cycloheptatrienyl. Utilizing Ln silyl amides, in situ deprotonation afforded the dinuclear complexes [KLnIII2(η7-C7H7){N(SiMe3)2}4] (Ln = GdIII, DyIII, ErIII). The static and dynamic magnetic characterization revealed rare and highly sought-after ferromagnetic coupling in a Ln-based system. The ancillary silyl amide ligands were a necessity for the isolation of these dinuclear species yet did not provide a synergistic ligand field for the Ln ions when combined with the cycloheptatrienyl bridge, ultimately preventing the observation of slow relaxation in some of the variants studied.
Pseudo-linear complexes, those molecules with strong axial donors have shown immense promise in the design of highly efficient SMMs. Our work has shown that amides are effective in directing the anisotropy of the Ln ions, thus the removal of the central organometallic bridge from the previous compounds would effectively create a highly anisotropic complex. This was achieved in our study of a formally five-coordinate complex of a ferrocene diamide ligated DyIII ion, [(NNTBS)DyIIII(THF)2]. The static and dynamic magnetic properties were characterized, yielding Ueff = 771 K with open magnetization hysteresis loops at zero-field, due in part to the axial disposition of the nitrogen atoms of the diamide ligand. Computational analysis of the parent compound and its fragments was completed. Our results indicated that the presence of equatorially coordinated solvent molecules such as THF, influence the axiality in the crystal field microstates more significantly than the coordinated halide.
The removal of coordinated solvent such as THF, is imperative to improve the performance of DyIII SMMs. By way of a bulky bisanilide ligand that precludes the approach of solvent to the metal center, combined with a large bite angle, [K(DME)n][LArDyIII(X)2], a formally four coordinate complex, was investigated. In contrast to the complex of the ferrocene diamide ligand, retention of the magnetic moment was not observed at zero-field, despite the fact that the slow relaxation dynamics occurred over a greater temperature range for which Ueff = 1278-1334 K. In addition, variants of the bound halide (X = Cl, I) were examined for their effect on the static and dynamic magnetic properties, revealing zero field relaxation times that were on average 5.6x longer for the heavier congener.
The collective results of the findings presented herein are being utilized to synthesize new low-coordinate Ln-based SMMs. Combining divalent and redox chemistries with bulky amido ligands will ideally elicit even larger energy barriers to spin reversal and higher blocking temperatures, supporting the push towards Ln-based SMMs with increased technological readiness.
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Complexation des actinides et des lanthanides avec les nucléotides d'adénosine phosphate / Complexation of actinides and lanthanides with adenosine phosphate nucleotidesMostapha, Sarah 18 December 2013 (has links)
Les composés organophosphorés sont des molécules importantes aussi bien dans le domaine de l'industrie nucléaire que pour les systèmes vivants. En effet, plusieurs extractants à la base de procédés du cycle de retraitement du combustible sont des molécules organophosphorées (TBP, HDEHP par exemple) et dans le domaine biologique les nucléotides sont des organophosphates qui jouent un rôle très important dans différents processus métaboliques.Si la littérature concernant les interactions des phosphates inorganiques avec les actinides est abondante, les études publiées avec des composés organophosphates se limitent généralement à des approches macroscopiques et/ou physiologiques. L'objectif de cette thèse est d'étudier la structure des plusieurs molécules organophosphorées avec des actinides pour affiner la compréhension et développer de nouveaux édifices spécifiques. La famille de molécules retenue pour cette approche est composée de 3 nucléotides d'adénine mono, bi et triphosphate (AMP, adénosine monophosphate – ADP, adénosine diphosphate - ATP, adénosine triphosphate) et d'un aminoalkylphosphate (AEP, O-phosphoryléthanolamine). La synthèse en milieu aqueux et faiblement acide (2,8-4) de plusieurs lanthanides représentants des actinides(III) (Lu, Yb, Eu) et d'actinides (U(VI), Th(IV) et Am(III)) a été réalisée. Plusieurs techniques analytiques et spectroscopiques ont été employées pour décrire la structure des complexes obtenus: les analyses spectrométriques réalisées par FTIR et RMN ont permis d'identifier les groupes fonctionnels impliqués dans la complexation, les analyses par ESI-MS et par titrage pH-métrique ont permis d'affiner la spéciation en solution et les analyses par EXAFS réalisées sur la ligne MARS du synchrotron SOLEIL, ont permis de décrire l'environnement proche des cations, tant pour des composés solides que pour des solutions. Quelques approches théoriques par DFT pour identifier des structures stables ont complété les approches expérimentales.Tous les complexes solides (AMP, ADP, ATP et AEP) présentent des organisations polynucléaires, alors que les complexes d'ATP en solution sont mononucléaires. Dans tous les complexes synthétisés, l'interaction prépondérante entre les cations et les groupes phosphates des ligands a été démontrée. Les complexes avec les ligands monophosphatés (Lu-AMP, Lu-AEP et Th-AMP) s'organisent de manière identique avec des phosphates pontants indiquant que la partie organique n'a pas un effet important sur leurs structures.Les complexes solides d'ADP et d'ATP (avec les deux ions métalliques sphéroïdes Lu et Th) présentent beaucoup de similitudes au niveau de l'environnement local indiquant que la présence d'un troisième groupe phosphate n'a pas d'effet important sur l'organisation des complexes au niveau local. La structure fine de ces complexes n'a cependant pas pu être déterminée précisément, malgré les approches théoriques qui ont été menées.Les complexes de lanthanides et d'actinides avec l'ATP ont un comportement similaire au niveau macroscopique suggérant une structure identique au niveau moléculaire.Avec l'uranyle, le complexe U-AMP à pH acide montre une organisation moléculaire différente de celui préparée à pH basique mais avec les mêmes sites de coordination: phosphates et hydroxyles du sucre. / Organophosphorus compounds are important molecules in both nuclear industry and living systems fields. Indeed, several extractants of organophosphorus compounds (such as TBP, HDEHP) are used in the nuclear fuel cycle reprocessing and in the biological field, the nucleotides are organophosphates which play a very important role in various metabolic processes. If the literature on the interactions of actinides with inorganic phosphate is abundant, published studies with organophosphate compounds are generally limited to macroscopic and / or physiological approaches. The objective of this thesis is to study the structure of several organophosphorus compounds with actinides to refine a better understanding and develop new specific buildings blocks. The family of the chosen molecules for this approach consists of three adenine nucleotides mono, bi and triphosphate (AMP, adenosine monophosphate - ADP, adenosine diphosphate - ATP, adenosine triphosphate) and an aminoalkylphosphate (AEP O-phosphorylethanolamine). Complexes Synthesis was conducted in aqueous medium and weakly acidic (2.8-4) for several representatives of lanthanides considered as actinides (III) (Lu, Yb, Eu) and actinides (U (VI), Th (IV) and Am (III)). Several analytical and spectroscopic techniques have been used to describe the organization of the synthesized complexes: spectrometric analysis performed by FTIR and NMR were used to identify the functional groups involved in the complexation, analysis by ESI-MS and pH-metric titration were used to determine the solution speciation and EXAFS analyzes were performed on Mars beamline of the SOLEIL synchrotron, have described the local cation environment, for both solution and solid compounds. Some theoretical approaches of DFT were conducted to identify stable structures in purpose of completing the experimental approaches. All solid complexes (AMP, ADP, ATP and AEP) have polynuclear structures, while soluble ATP complexes are mononuclear. For all synthesized complexes, it has been demonstrated that the dominant interaction is between the cations and the phosphate groups of the ligands. Complexes with monophosphate ligands (AMP-Lu, Lu-Th-AEP and AMP) show similar organizations with bridging phosphates indicating that the organic part does not have a significant effect on their structures. ADP and ATP solid state complexes (with two spheroid metal ions: Lu and Th) show several similarities in terms of local environment indicating that the occurrence of a third phosphate group has no significant effect on the local organization of the complex. However, despite the theoretical approaches that have been conducted, the fine structure of these complexes has not been accurately determined, Complexes of lanthanides and actinides with ATP behave similarly at macroscopic level suggesting an identical structure at the molecular level for these complexes.With uranyl, U-AMP complexe synthesized at acidic pH show different behavior at molecular level than that observed at alkaline pH but the same coordination sites (phosphates and hydroxyls ribose groups) have been demonstrated for both complexes.
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