Spelling suggestions: "subject:"largescale optimization"" "subject:"largerscale optimization""
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Integrated Aircraft Fleeting, Routing, and Crew Pairing Models and Algorithms for the Airline IndustryShao, Shengzhi 23 January 2013 (has links)
The air transportation market has been growing steadily for the past three decades since the airline deregulation in 1978. With competition also becoming more intense, airline companies have been trying to enhance their market shares and profit margins by composing favorable flight schedules and by efficiently allocating their resources of aircraft and crews so as to reduce operational costs. In practice, this is achieved based on demand forecasts and resource availabilities through a structured airline scheduling process that is comprised of four decision stages: schedule planning, fleet assignment, aircraft routing, and crew scheduling. The outputs of this process are flight schedules along with associated assignments of aircraft and crews that maximize the total expected profit.
Traditionally, airlines deal with these four operational scheduling stages in a sequential manner. However, there exist obvious interdependencies among these stages so that restrictive solutions from preceding stages are likely to limit the scope of decisions for succeeding stages, thus leading to suboptimal results and even infeasibilities. To overcome this drawback, we first study the aircraft routing problem, and develop some novel modeling foundations based on which we construct and analyze an integrated model that incorporates fleet assignment, aircraft routing, and crew pairing within a single framework.
Given a set of flights to be covered by a specific fleet type, the aircraft routing problem (ARP) determines a flight sequence for each individual aircraft in this fleet, while incorporating specific considerations of minimum turn-time and maintenance checks, as well as restrictions on the total accumulated flying time, the total number of takeoffs, and the total number of days between two consecutive maintenance operations. This stage is significant to airline companies as it directly assigns routes and maintenance breaks for each aircraft in service. Most approaches for solving this problem adopt set partitioning formulations that include exponentially many variables, thus requiring the design of specialized column generation or branch-and-price algorithms. In this dissertation, however, we present a novel compact polynomially sized representation for the ARP, which is then linearized and lifted using the Reformulation-Linearization Technique (RLT). The resulting formulation remains polynomial in size, and we show that it can be solved very efficiently by commercial software without complicated algorithmic implementations. Our numerical experiments using real data obtained from United Airlines demonstrate significant savings in computational effort; for example, for a daily network involving 344 flights, our approach required only about 10 CPU seconds for deriving an optimal solution.
We next extend Model ARP to incorporate its preceding and succeeding decision stages, i.e., fleet assignment and crew pairing, within an integrated framework. We formulate a suitable representation for the integrated fleeting, routing, and crew pairing problem (FRC), which accommodates a set of fleet types in a compact manner similar to that used for constructing the aforementioned aircraft routing model, and we generate eligible crew pairings on-the-fly within a set partitioning framework. Furthermore, to better represent industrial practice, we incorporate itinerary-based passenger demands for different fare-classes. The large size of the resulting model obviates a direct solution using off-the-shelf software; hence, we design a solution approach based on Benders decomposition and column generation using several acceleration techniques along with a branch-and-price heuristic for effectively deriving a solution to this model. In order to demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed model and solution approach and to provide insights for the airline industry, we generated several test instances using historical data obtained from United Airlines. Computational results reveal that the massively-sized integrated model can be effectively solved in reasonable times ranging from several minutes to about ten hours, depending on the size and structure of the instance. Moreover, our benchmark results demonstrate an average of 2.73% improvement in total profit (which translates to about 43 million dollars per year) over a partially integrated approach that combines the fleeting and routing decisions, but solves the crew pairing problem sequentially. This improvement is observed to accrue due to the fact that the fully integrated model effectively explores alternative fleet assignment decisions that better utilize available resources and yield significantly lower crew costs. / Ph. D.
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Μαθηματικές μέθοδοι βελτιστοποίησης προβλημάτων μεγάλης κλίμακας / Mathematical methods of optimization for large scale problemsΑποστολοπούλου, Μαριάννα 21 December 2012 (has links)
Στην παρούσα διατριβή μελετάμε το πρόβλημα της βελτιστοποίησης μη γραμμικών συναρτήσεων πολλών μεταβλητών, όπου η αντικειμενική συνάρτηση είναι συνεχώς διαφορίσιμη σε ένα ανοιχτό υποσύνολο του Rn. Αναπτύσσουμε μαθηματικές μεθόδους βελτιστοποίησης αποσκοπώντας στην επίλυση προβλημάτων μεγάλης κλίμακας, δηλαδή προβλημάτων των οποίων οι μεταβλητές είναι πολλές χιλιάδες, ακόμα και εκατομμύρια. Η βασική ιδέα των μεθόδων που αναπτύσσουμε έγκειται στη θεωρητική μελέτη των χαρακτηριστικών μεγεθών των Quasi-Newton ενημερώσεων ελάχιστης και μικρής μνήμης. Διατυπώνουμε θεωρήματα αναφορικά με το χαρακτηριστικό πολυώνυμο, τον αριθμό των διακριτών ιδιοτιμών και των αντίστοιχων ιδιοδιανυσμάτων. Εξάγουμε κλειστούς τύπους για τον υπολογισμό των ανωτέρω ποσοτήτων, αποφεύγοντας τόσο την αποθήκευση όσο και την παραγοντοποίηση πινάκων. Τα νέα θεωρητικά απoτελέσματα εφαρμόζονται αφενός μεν στην επίλυση μεγάλης κλίμακας υποπροβλημάτων περιοχής εμπιστοσύνης, χρησιμοποιώντας τη μέθοδο της σχεδόν ακριβούς λύσης, αφετέρου δε, στην καμπυλόγραμμη αναζήτηση, η οποία χρησιμοποιεί ένα ζεύγος κατευθύνσεων μείωσης, την Quasi-Newton κατεύθυνση και την κατεύθυνση αρνητικής καμπυλότητας. Η νέα μέθοδος μειώνει δραστικά τη χωρική πολυπλοκότητα των γνωστών αλγορίθμων του μη γραμμικού προγραμματισμού, διατηρώντας παράλληλα τις καλές ιδιότητες σύγκλισής τους. Ως αποτέλεσμα, οι προκύπτοντες νέοι αλγόριθμοι έχουν χωρική πολυπλοκότητα Θ(n). Τα αριθμητικά αποτελέσματα δείχνουν ότι οι νέοι αλγόριθμοι είναι αποδοτικοί, γρήγοροι και πολύ αποτελεσματικοί όταν χρησιμοποιούνται στην επίλυση προβλημάτων με πολλές μεταβλητές. / In this thesis we study the problem of minimizing nonlinear functions of several variables, where the objective function is continuously differentiable on an open subset of Rn. We develop mathematical optimization methods for solving large scale problems, i.e., problems whose variables are many thousands, even millions. The proposed method is based on the theoretical study of the properties of minimal and low memory Quasi-Newton updates. We establish theorems concerning the characteristic polynomial, the number of distinct eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors. We derive closed formulas for calculating these quantities, avoiding both the storage and factorization of matrices. The new theoretical results are applied in the large scale trust region subproblem for calculating nearly exact solutions as well as in a curvilinear search that uses a Quasi-Newton and a negative curvature direction. The new method is drastically reducing the spatial complexity of known algorithms of nonlinear programming. As a result, the new algorithms have spatial complexity Θ(n), while they are maintaining good convergence properties. The numerical results show that the proposed algorithms are efficient, fast and very effective when used in solving large scale problems.
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Análise de carteiras em tempo discreto / Discrete time portfolio analysisKato, Fernando Hideki 14 April 2004 (has links)
Nesta dissertação, o modelo de seleção de carteiras de Markowitz será estendido com uma análise em tempo discreto e hipóteses mais realísticas. Um produto tensorial finito de densidades Erlang será usado para aproximar a densidade de probabilidade multivariada dos retornos discretos uniperiódicos de ativos dependentes. A Erlang é um caso particular da distribuição Gama. Uma mistura finita pode gerar densidades multimodais não-simétricas e o produto tensorial generaliza este conceito para dimensões maiores. Assumindo que a densidade multivariada foi independente e identicamente distribuída (i.i.d.) no passado, a aproximação pode ser calibrada com dados históricos usando o critério da máxima verossimilhança. Este é um problema de otimização em larga escala, mas com uma estrutura especial. Assumindo que esta densidade multivariada será i.i.d. no futuro, então a densidade dos retornos discretos de uma carteira de ativos com pesos não-negativos será uma mistura finita de densidades Erlang. O risco será calculado com a medida Downside Risk, que é convexa para determinados parâmetros, não é baseada em quantis, não causa a subestimação do risco e torna os problemas de otimização uni e multiperiódico convexos. O retorno discreto é uma variável aleatória multiplicativa ao longo do tempo. A distribuição multiperiódica dos retornos discretos de uma seqüência de T carteiras será uma mistura finita de distribuições Meijer G. Após uma mudança na medida de probabilidade para a composta média, é possível calcular o risco e o retorno, que levará à fronteira eficiente multiperiódica, na qual cada ponto representa uma ou mais seqüências ordenadas de T carteiras. As carteiras de cada seqüência devem ser calculadas do futuro para o presente, mantendo o retorno esperado no nível desejado, o qual pode ser função do tempo. Uma estratégia de alocação dinâmica de ativos é refazer os cálculos a cada período, usando as novas informações disponíveis. Se o horizonte de tempo tender a infinito, então a fronteira eficiente, na medida de probabilidade composta média, tenderá a um único ponto, dado pela carteira de Kelly, qualquer que seja a medida de risco. Para selecionar um dentre vários modelos de otimização de carteira, é necessário comparar seus desempenhos relativos. A fronteira eficiente de cada modelo deve ser traçada em seu respectivo gráfico. Como os pesos dos ativos das carteiras sobre estas curvas são conhecidos, é possível traçar todas as curvas em um mesmo gráfico. Para um dado retorno esperado, as carteiras eficientes dos modelos podem ser calculadas, e os retornos realizados e suas diferenças ao longo de um backtest podem ser comparados. / In this thesis, Markowitzs portfolio selection model will be extended by means of a discrete time analysis and more realistic hypotheses. A finite tensor product of Erlang densities will be used to approximate the multivariate probability density function of the single-period discrete returns of dependent assets. The Erlang is a particular case of the Gamma distribution. A finite mixture can generate multimodal asymmetric densities and the tensor product generalizes this concept to higher dimensions. Assuming that the multivariate density was independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) in the past, the approximation can be calibrated with historical data using the maximum likelihood criterion. This is a large-scale optimization problem, but with a special structure. Assuming that this multivariate density will be i.i.d. in the future, then the density of the discrete returns of a portfolio of assets with nonnegative weights will be a finite mixture of Erlang densities. The risk will be calculated with the Downside Risk measure, which is convex for certain parameters, is not based on quantiles, does not cause risk underestimation and makes the single and multiperiod optimization problems convex. The discrete return is a multiplicative random variable along the time. The multiperiod distribution of the discrete returns of a sequence of T portfolios will be a finite mixture of Meijer G distributions. After a change of the distribution to the average compound, it is possible to calculate the risk and the return, which will lead to the multiperiod efficient frontier, where each point represents one or more ordered sequences of T portfolios. The portfolios of each sequence must be calculated from the future to the present, keeping the expected return at the desired level, which can be a function of time. A dynamic asset allocation strategy is to redo the calculations at each period, using new available information. If the time horizon tends to infinite, then the efficient frontier, in the average compound probability measure, will tend to only one point, given by the Kellys portfolio, whatever the risk measure is. To select one among several portfolio optimization models, it is necessary to compare their relative performances. The efficient frontier of each model must be plotted in its respective graph. As the weights of the assets of the portfolios on these curves are known, it is possible to plot all curves in the same graph. For a given expected return, the efficient portfolios of the models can be calculated, and the realized returns and their differences along a backtest can be compared.
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Análise de carteiras em tempo discreto / Discrete time portfolio analysisFernando Hideki Kato 14 April 2004 (has links)
Nesta dissertação, o modelo de seleção de carteiras de Markowitz será estendido com uma análise em tempo discreto e hipóteses mais realísticas. Um produto tensorial finito de densidades Erlang será usado para aproximar a densidade de probabilidade multivariada dos retornos discretos uniperiódicos de ativos dependentes. A Erlang é um caso particular da distribuição Gama. Uma mistura finita pode gerar densidades multimodais não-simétricas e o produto tensorial generaliza este conceito para dimensões maiores. Assumindo que a densidade multivariada foi independente e identicamente distribuída (i.i.d.) no passado, a aproximação pode ser calibrada com dados históricos usando o critério da máxima verossimilhança. Este é um problema de otimização em larga escala, mas com uma estrutura especial. Assumindo que esta densidade multivariada será i.i.d. no futuro, então a densidade dos retornos discretos de uma carteira de ativos com pesos não-negativos será uma mistura finita de densidades Erlang. O risco será calculado com a medida Downside Risk, que é convexa para determinados parâmetros, não é baseada em quantis, não causa a subestimação do risco e torna os problemas de otimização uni e multiperiódico convexos. O retorno discreto é uma variável aleatória multiplicativa ao longo do tempo. A distribuição multiperiódica dos retornos discretos de uma seqüência de T carteiras será uma mistura finita de distribuições Meijer G. Após uma mudança na medida de probabilidade para a composta média, é possível calcular o risco e o retorno, que levará à fronteira eficiente multiperiódica, na qual cada ponto representa uma ou mais seqüências ordenadas de T carteiras. As carteiras de cada seqüência devem ser calculadas do futuro para o presente, mantendo o retorno esperado no nível desejado, o qual pode ser função do tempo. Uma estratégia de alocação dinâmica de ativos é refazer os cálculos a cada período, usando as novas informações disponíveis. Se o horizonte de tempo tender a infinito, então a fronteira eficiente, na medida de probabilidade composta média, tenderá a um único ponto, dado pela carteira de Kelly, qualquer que seja a medida de risco. Para selecionar um dentre vários modelos de otimização de carteira, é necessário comparar seus desempenhos relativos. A fronteira eficiente de cada modelo deve ser traçada em seu respectivo gráfico. Como os pesos dos ativos das carteiras sobre estas curvas são conhecidos, é possível traçar todas as curvas em um mesmo gráfico. Para um dado retorno esperado, as carteiras eficientes dos modelos podem ser calculadas, e os retornos realizados e suas diferenças ao longo de um backtest podem ser comparados. / In this thesis, Markowitzs portfolio selection model will be extended by means of a discrete time analysis and more realistic hypotheses. A finite tensor product of Erlang densities will be used to approximate the multivariate probability density function of the single-period discrete returns of dependent assets. The Erlang is a particular case of the Gamma distribution. A finite mixture can generate multimodal asymmetric densities and the tensor product generalizes this concept to higher dimensions. Assuming that the multivariate density was independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) in the past, the approximation can be calibrated with historical data using the maximum likelihood criterion. This is a large-scale optimization problem, but with a special structure. Assuming that this multivariate density will be i.i.d. in the future, then the density of the discrete returns of a portfolio of assets with nonnegative weights will be a finite mixture of Erlang densities. The risk will be calculated with the Downside Risk measure, which is convex for certain parameters, is not based on quantiles, does not cause risk underestimation and makes the single and multiperiod optimization problems convex. The discrete return is a multiplicative random variable along the time. The multiperiod distribution of the discrete returns of a sequence of T portfolios will be a finite mixture of Meijer G distributions. After a change of the distribution to the average compound, it is possible to calculate the risk and the return, which will lead to the multiperiod efficient frontier, where each point represents one or more ordered sequences of T portfolios. The portfolios of each sequence must be calculated from the future to the present, keeping the expected return at the desired level, which can be a function of time. A dynamic asset allocation strategy is to redo the calculations at each period, using new available information. If the time horizon tends to infinite, then the efficient frontier, in the average compound probability measure, will tend to only one point, given by the Kellys portfolio, whatever the risk measure is. To select one among several portfolio optimization models, it is necessary to compare their relative performances. The efficient frontier of each model must be plotted in its respective graph. As the weights of the assets of the portfolios on these curves are known, it is possible to plot all curves in the same graph. For a given expected return, the efficient portfolios of the models can be calculated, and the realized returns and their differences along a backtest can be compared.
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