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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Laser-based measurements of two-phase flashing propane jets

Allen, John Thomas January 1998 (has links)
No description available.

Numerical investigation on the in-cylinder flow with SI and CAI valve timings

Beauquel, Julien A. January 2016 (has links)
The principle of controlled auto-ignition (CAI) is to mix fuel and air homogeneously before compressing the mixture to the point of auto-ignition. As ignition occurs simultaneously, CAI engines operate with lean mixtures preventing high cylinder pressures. CAI engines produce small amounts of nitrogen oxides (NOx) due to low combustion temperatures while maintaining high compression ratios and engine efficiencies. Due to simultaneous combustion and lean mixtures, CAI engines are restricted between low and mid load operations. Various strategies have been studied to improve the load limit of CAI engines. The scope of the project is to investigate the consequences of varying valve timing, as a method to control the mixture temperature within the combustion chamber and therefore, controlling the mixture auto-ignition point. This study presents computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modelling results of transient flow, inside a 0.45 litre Lotus single cylinder engine. After a validation process, a chemical kinetics model is combined with the CFD code, in order to study in-cylinder temperatures, the mixture distribution during compression and to predict the auto-ignition timing. The first part of the study focuses on validating the calculated in-cylinder velocities. A mesh sensitivity study is performed as well as a comparison of different turbulence models. A method to reduce computational time of the calculations is presented. The effects of engine speed on charge delay and charge amount inside the cylinder, the development of the in-cylinder flow field and the variation of turbulence parameters during the intake and compression stroke, are studied. The second part of the study focuses on the gasoline mixture and the variation of the valve timing, to retain different ratios of residual gases within the cylinder. After validation of the model, a final set of CFD calculations is performed, to investigate the effects of valve timing on flow and the engine parameters. The results are then compared to a fully homogeneous mixture model to study the benefits of varying valve duration. New key findings and contributions to CAI knowledge were found in this investigation. Reducing the intake and exhaust valve durations created a mixture temperature stratification and a fuel concentration distribution, prior to auto-ignition. It resulted in extending the heat release rate duration, improving combustion. However, shorter valve timing durations also showed an increase in heat transfer, pumping work and friction power, with a decrease of cylinder indicated efficiency. Valve timing, as a method to control auto-ignition, should only be used when the load limit of CAI engines, is to be improved.

Near-Field Study of Multiple Interacting Jets : Confluent Jets

Ghahremanian, Shahriar January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with the near-field of confluent jets, which can be of interest in many engineering applications such as design of a ventilation supply device. The physical effect of interaction between multiple closely spaced jets is studied using experimental and numerical methods. The primary aim of this study is to explore a better understanding of flow and turbulence behavior of multiple interacting jets. The main goal is to gain an insight into the confluence of jets occurring in the near-field of multiple interacting jets. The array of multiple interacting jets is studied when they are placed on a flat and a curved surface. To obtain the boundary conditions at the nozzle exits of the confluent jets on a curved surface, the results of numerical prediction of a cylindrical air supply device using two turbulence models (realizable 𝑘 − 𝜖 and Reynolds stress model) are validated with hot-wire anemometry (HWA) near different nozzles discharge in the array. A single round jet is then studied to find the appropriate turbulence models for the prediction of the three-dimensional flow field and to gain an understanding of the effect of the boundary conditions predicted at the nozzle inlet. In comparison with HWA measurements, the turbulence models with low Reynolds correction (𝑘 − 𝜖 and shear stress transport [SST] 𝑘 − 𝜔) give reasonable flow predictions for the single round jet with the prescribed inlet boundary conditions, while the transition models (𝑘 − 𝑘l − 𝜔𝜔 and transition SST 𝑘 − 𝜔) are unable to predict the flow in the turbulent region. The results of numerical prediction (low Reynolds SST 𝑘 − 𝜔 model) using the prescribed inlet boundary conditions agree well with the HWA measurement in the nearfield of confluent jets on a curved surface, except in the merging region. Instantaneous velocity measurements are performed by laser Doppler anemometry (LDA) and particle image velocimetry (PIV) in two different configurations, a single row of parallel coplanar jets and an inline array of jets on a flat surface. The results of LDA and PIV are compared, which exhibit good agreement except near the nozzle exits. The streamwise velocity profile of the jets in the initial region shows a saddle back shape with attenuated turbulence in the core region and two off-centered narrow peaks. When confluent jets issue from an array of closely spaced nozzles, they may converge, merge, and combine after a certain distance downstream of the nozzle edge. The deflection plays a salient role for the multiple interacting jets (except in the single row configuration), where all the jets are converged towards the center of the array. The jet position, such as central, side and corner jets, significantly influences the development features of the jets, such as velocity decay and lateral displacement. The flow field of confluent jets exhibits asymmetrical distributions of Reynolds stresses around the axis of the jets and highly anisotropic turbulence. The velocity decays slower in the combined regio  of confluent jets than a single jet. Using the response surface methodology, the correlations between characteristic points (merging and combined points) and the statistically significant terms of the three design factors (inlet velocity, spacing between the nozzles and diameter of the nozzles) are determined for the single row of coplanar parallel jets. The computational parametric study of the single row configuration shows that spacing has the greatest impact on the near-field characteristics.

Aerothermal Characterisation of Surface Heat Exchangers for Turbofans

Felgueroso Rodríguez, Andrés 04 September 2023 (has links)
[ES] En un presente marcado por la continua lucha contra la contaminación y el cambio climático, la investigación en mejoras tecnológicas que permitan una transición aceptable para la sociedad hacia un futuro más ecológico ocupa un papel fundamental. En concreto, la aviación es un foco constante de innovación, ya que es considerada una función indispensable en una sociedad tan globalizada como la actual, pero con unos niveles de contaminación preocupantes. En este aspecto, el desarrollo de motores con altas eficiencias es un paso clave para la transición medioambiental. Sin embargo, estas alternativas presentan un reto tecnológico en cuanto a su gestión térmica basado, principalmente, en la necesidad de aumentar la refrigeración. En este contexto e impulsada por el proyecto "Aerodynamic upgrade of Surface Air Cooled Oil Cooler (SACOC)" de Clean Sky 2, esta tesis doctoral se centra en el estudio experimental de geometrías de intercambiadores de calor de superficie para la refrigeración del aceite motor mediante el uso del aire del flujo secundario del turbofan. Actualmente, existen una serie de limitaciones en cuanto a las capacidades para llevar a cabo un análisis y diseño detallado de este tipo de intercambiadores de calor debido a la falta de instalaciones que permitan un correcta, completa y robusta caracterización experimental. Las principales fuentes de datos se basan en cálculos numéricos validados a partir de extrapolaciones en condiciones de cuestionable aplicabilidad. A lo largo de la tesis se presentan los resultados obtenidos tras una detallada caracterización de cuatro diferentes geometrías de intercambiadores de calor empleando tanto técnicas intrusivas como ópticas. Se utiliza un banco de flujo capaz de generar una corriente de aire típica alrededor de los intercambiadores, mientras que un sistema de acondicionamiento de aceite controla el punto de operación por el lado caliente. Para recrear de manera más realista las condiciones de funcionamiento, se presenta una metodología para generar de manera automática pantallas de distorsión que pueden reproducir una distribución bidimensional de velocidades objetivo mediante la manufactura aditiva de paneles de porosidad variable. Este modelo, analizado mediante CFD y validado experimentalmente, se utiliza para reproducir el perfil de velocidades típico presente en torno al intercambiador en una circunstancia real de operación. Tras definir métricas relevantes que permitan analizar el comportamiento de las distintas geometrías, se llega a la conclusión de que los problemas aerodinámico y térmico están altamente acoplados en estos dispositivos, demostrando la necesidad de un cuidadoso diseño para mejorar las actuaciones del intercambiador. Los resultados muestran que puede llegar a obtenerse una mejora de más de un 12% en la caída de presión y casi un 20% en el intercambio de calor. Además, se ha confirmado el impacto del uso de la pantalla de distorsión, con variaciones del orden de 10% en ambas variables. Los resultados también muestran que es posible realizar una caracterización preliminar de manera fiable con un modelo impreso en 3D, en cuanto campos de velocidades, pérdidas de presión y frecuencias propias corregidas. Con el análisis llevado a cabo en esta tesis, se puede concluir que es fundamental tener una instalación experimental que reproduzca las condiciones de funcionamiento reales de un motor para realizar estudios relevantes de intercambiadores de calor. Además, es necesario el uso de métricas adecuadas junto con el desarrollo de una metodología exhaustiva, fiable y robusta. Los resultados y metodología presentados en en esta investigación pueden llegar a tener un impacto importante tanto a nivel académico como industrial, ya que abren la puerta a desarrollar sistemas de gestión térmica más eficiente en unas etapas de diseño preliminares que son más asequibles económicamente, consumen menos tiempo y tienen mayor flexibilidad para introducir modificaciones. / [CAT] En un present marcat per la lluita contínua contra la contaminació i el canvi climàtic, la recerca en millores tecnològiques que permetin una transició acceptable per a la societat cap a un futur més ecològic ocupa un paper fonamental. En concret, l'aviació és un focus constant d'innovació, ja que és considerada una funció indispensable en una societat tan globalitzada com l'actual però amb uns nivells de contaminació preocupants. En aquest aspecte, el desenvolupament de motors amb altes eficiències és un pas clau per a la transició mediambiental. Tot i això, aquestes alternatives presenten un repte tecnològic quant a la seva gestió tèrmica basat, principalment, en la necessitat d'augmentar la refrigeració. En aquest context i impulsada pel projecte "Aerodynamic upgrade of Surface Air Cooled Oil Cooler (SACOC)" de Clean Sky 2, aquesta tesi doctoral se centra en l'estudi experimental de geometries d'intercanviadors de calor de superfície per a la refrigeració de l'oli motor mitjançant l'ús de l'aire del flux secundari del turbofan. Actualment, hi ha una sèrie de limitacions quant a les capacitats per dur a terme una anàlisi i disseny detallat d'aquest tipus d'intercanviadors de calor a causa de la manca d'instal·lacions que permetin una caracterització experimental correcta, completa i robusta. Les fonts de dades principals es basen en càlculs numèrics validats a partir d'extrapolacions en condicions de qüestionable aplicabilitat. Al llarg de la tesi es presenten els resultats obtinguts després d'una detallada caracterització de quatre geometries diferents d'intercanviadors de calor emprant tant tècniques intrusives com òptiques. Sutilitza un banc de flux capaç de generar un corrent daire típic al voltant dels intercanviadors, mentre que un sistema de condicionament doli controla el punt doperació pel costat calent. Per recrear de manera més realista les condicions de funcionament, es presenta una metodologia per generar de manera automàtica pantalles de distorsió que poden reproduir una distribució bidimensional de velocitats objectiu mitjançant la manufactura additiva de panells de porositat variable. Aquest model, analitzat mitjançant CFD i validat experimentalment, sutilitza per reproduir el perfil de velocitats típic present al voltant de lintercanviador en una circumstància real doperació. Després de definir mètriques rellevants que permetin analitzar el comportament de les diferents geometries, s'arriba a la conclusió que els problemes aerodinàmic i tèrmic estan altament acoblats en aquests dispositius, demostrant la necessitat d'un disseny acurat per millorar les actuacions de l'intercanviador. Els resultats mostren que es pot arribar a obtenir una millora de més d'un 12% a la caiguda de pressió i gairebé un 20% a l'intercanvi de calor. A més, s'ha confirmat l'impacte de l'ús de la pantalla de distorsió, amb variacions de l'ordre del 10% a les dues variables. Els resultats també mostren que és possible fer una caracterització preliminar de manera fiable amb un model imprès en 3D, en tant que camps de velocitats, pèrdues de pressió i freqüències pròpies corregides. Amb l'anàlisi duta a terme en aquesta tesi, es pot concloure que és fonamental tenir una instal·lació experimental que reprodueixi les condicions de funcionament reals d'un motor per fer estudis rellevants d'intercanviadors de calor. A més, cal fer servir mètriques adequades juntament amb el desenvolupament d'una metodologia exhaustiva, fiable i robusta. Els resultats i metodologia presentats en aquesta investigació poden arribar a tenir un impacte important tant a nivell acadèmic com industrial, ja que obren la porta a desenvolupar sistemes de gestió tèrmica més eficient en unes etapes de disseny preliminars que són més assequibles econòmicament, consumeixen menys temps i tenen més flexibilitat per introduir modificacions. / [EN] In a present marked by the continuous fight against pollution and climate change, research into technological improvements that allow an acceptable transition for society towards a greener future occupies a fundamental role. Specifically, aviation is a constant focus of innovation, since it is considered an essential function in a society as globalized as today's, but with worrying levels of pollution. In this regard, the development of motors with high efficiencies is a key step for the environmental transition. However, these alternatives present a technological challenge in terms of their thermal management, based mainly on the need to increase cooling. In this context and promoted by the Clean Sky 2 "Aerodynamic upgrade of Surface Air Cooled Oil Cooler (SACOC)" project, this doctoral thesis focuses on the experimental study of surface heat exchanger geometries for engine oil cooling using the use of secondary flow air from the turbofan. Currently, there are a number of limitations regarding the capacity to carry out a detailed analysis and design of this type of heat exchanger due to the lack of facilities that allow a correct, complete and robust experimental characterization. The main data sources are based on numerical calculations validated from extrapolations under conditions of questionable applicability. The thesis presents results after a detailed characterization of four different geometries of heat exchangers using both intrusive and optical techniques. A flow bench capable of generating a typical air current around the exchangers is used, while an oil conditioning system controls the point of operation on the hot side. To more realistically recreate operating conditions, a methodology is presented to automatically generate distortion screens that can reproduce a two-dimensional distribution of target velocities through additive manufacturing of variable porosity panels. This model, analyzed by means of CFD and validated experimentally, is used to reproduce the typical speed profile present around the exchanger in a real operating circumstance. After defining relevant metrics that allow analyzing the behaviour of the different geometries, it is concluded that aerodynamic and thermal problems are highly coupled in these devices, demonstrating the need for careful design to improve the exchanger's performance. The results show that an improvement of more than 12% in pressure drop and almost 20% in heat exchange can be obtained. In addition, the impact of using the distortion screen has been confirmed, with variations of the order of 10% in both variables. The results also show that it is possible to carry out a preliminary characterization in a reliable way with a 3D printed model, in terms of velocity fields, pressure losses and corrected eigenfrequencies. With the analysis carried out in this thesis, it can be concluded that it is essential to have an experimental installation that reproduces the real operating conditions of an engine to carry out relevant studies of heat exchangers. In addition, the use of appropriate metrics is necessary together with the development of a comprehensive, reliable and robust methodology. The results and methodology presented in this research can have a significant impact both at an academic and industrial level, since they open the door to developing more efficient thermal management systems in preliminary design stages that are more affordable, consume less time and have more flexibility to make changes. / The respondent wishes to acknowledge the financial support received through the Programa de Apoyo para la Investigación y Desarrollo (PAID) of Univer- sitat Politècnica de València under grant PAID-01-20 n◦ 21589. This project has received funding from the Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertak- ing under the European Unions Horizon 2020 research and innovation pro- gramme under grant agreement No 831977 Aerodynamic upgrade of Sur- face Air-Cooled Oil Coolers (SACOC) / Felgueroso Rodríguez, A. (2023). Aerothermal Characterisation of Surface Heat Exchangers for Turbofans [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/195852

Numerical and experimental study of confluent jets supply device with variable airflow

Andersson, Harald January 2019 (has links)
In recent years, application of confluent jets for design of ventilation supply devices has been studied. Similarly, numerus studies have been made on the potential and application of variable air volume (VAV) in order to reduce the energy demand of ventilation systems. This study investigates the combination of supply devices based on confluent jets and VAV, both in terms of the nearfield flow behavior of the device and the impact on thermal comfort, indoor air quality and energy efficiency on a classroom-level space when the airflow rate is varied. The method used in this study is an experimental field study where the confluent jets-based supply devices were compared to the previously installed displacement ventilation. The field study evaluated the energy efficiency, thermal comfort and indoor air quality of the two systems. In the case of the confluent jets supply devices, airflow rate was varied in order to see what impact the variation had on the performance of the system for each airflow rate. Furthermore, the confluent jets supply devices were investigated both experimentally and numerically in a well insulated test room to get high resolution data on the particular flow characteristics for this type of supply device when the airflow rate is varied. The results from the field study show nearly uniform distribution of the local mean age of air in the occupied zone, even in the cases of relatively low airflow rates. The airflow rates have no significant effect on the degree of mixing. The thermal comfort in the classroom was increased when the airflow rate was adapted to the heat load compared to the displacement system. The results lead to the conclusion that the combination of supply devices based on confluent jets can reduce energy usage in the school while maintaining indoor air quality and increasing the thermal comfort in the occupied zone. The results from the experimental and numerical study show that the flow pattern and velocity in each nozzle is directly dependent on the total airflow rate. However, the flow pattern does not vary between the three different airflow rates. The numerical investigation shows that velocity profiles for each nozzle have the same pattern regardless of the airflow rate, but the magnitude of the velocity profile increases as the airflow increases. Thus, a supply device of this kind could be used for variable air volume and produce confluent jets for different airflow rates. The results from both studies show that the airflow rate does not affect the distribution of the airflow on both near-field and room level. The distribution of air is nearly uniform in the case of the near-field results and the room-level measurement shows a completely uniform degree of mixing and air quality in the occupied zone for each airflow rate. This means that there is potential for combining these two schemes for designing air distribution systems with high energy efficiency and high thermal comfort and indoor air quality. / Under senare tid har applikation av Confluent jets för design av tilluftsdon studerats. Många studier har även utförts över potentialen av att applicera variabelt luftflöde (VAV) för att minska energianvändningen i ventilationssystem. Denna studie undersöker möjligheten att kombinera Confluent jets-don med VAV, både med avseende på den lokala flödesbilden och dess påverkan på termisk komfort, luftkvalitet och energieffektivitet i en klassrumsmiljö där luftflödes varieras. Denna studie baseras dels på en experimentell fältstudie där tilluftsdon baserade på Confluents jets jämfördes med befintliga deplacerande tilluftsdon. Fältstudien utvärderade energieffektiviteten, den termiska komforten och luftkvaliteten för båda typerna av tillluftsdon. Confluent jets-donen testades under varierat luftflöde för att se påverkan av flödesvariationen på ventilationens prestation under de olika flödena. Utöver fältstudien testades Confluent jets-donen experimentellt och numeriskt i ett välisolerat test-rum för få den detaljerade flödeskarakteristiken för den här typen tilluftsdon vid varierat luftflöde. Resultaten från fältstudien visar på en jämn fördelning av den lokala luftsmedelåldern i vistelsezonen, även för fallen med relativt låga luftflöden. Luftflöden har ingen signifikant effekt på omblandningen. Den termiska komforten i klassrummet ökade när luftflödet anpassades efter värmelasten jämfört med de deplacerande donen. Slutsatsen från fältstudien är att kombinationen av VAV och Confluent jets-don kan användas för att minska energianvändningen på skolan och bevara luftkvaliteten och den termiska komforten i vistelsezonen. Resultaten från den experimental och numeriska studien visar luftflödet och lufthastigheten i varje enskild dysa är direkt beroende på det totala luftflödet genom donet. Dock är flödesfördelningen mellan dysorna oberoende av de tre olika luftflödena. Den numeriska undersökningen visar att flödesprofilen för varje dysa är konstant trots att flödet varieras, men amplituden för varje profil ökar med en höjning av luftflödet. Det betyder att tilluftsdon av den här typen kan användas med VAV för att producera Confluent jets för olika luftflöden. Resultaten från båda studierna visar att luftflöde inte påverkar fördelningen av luften vare sig längs luftdonen eller på rumsnivå. Fördelningen av luften är nästan helt jämn längs donen och på rumsnivå är omblandningen och luftkvalitet den samma för varje luftflöde. Det betyder att det finns potential för att kombinera det här två teknikerna för att designa luftdistribueringssystem med hög energieffektivitet och hög termisk komfort med god luftkvalitet.

Numerische und experimentelle Untersuchung der fluiddynamischen Eigenschaften von Strahlströmungen in begrenzten Räumen

Ringleb, Ansgar 03 April 2018 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden Strömungen räumlich begrenzter Strahlen untersucht. Zum einen wurde die Ausströmung eines runden Strahls in ein Rohr betrachtet, der sog. begrenzte Strahl. Zum anderen wurde die Ausströmung von 7 hexagonal angeordneten runden Strahlen in ein Rohr betrachtet, das sog. hexagonale Strahlbündel. Die Motivation zur vorliegenden Arbeit ergab sich aus der Entwicklung von Durchflussmessgeräten, die als Bypassapparaturen ausgeführt sind und stromabwärts des Staudruckkörpers ein Strömungsgebiet mit begrenzten Strahlen aufweisen. Dafür wurden mit Hilfe der Ähnlichkeitstheorie die zugrundeliegenden Kennzahlen bestimmt. Besonderes Augenmerk lag auf der Charakterisierung der instationären bzw. turbulenten Strömungseigenschaften für Reynolds-Zahlen zwischen 1.000 und 20.000. Es wurden die selbstähnlichen Eigenschaften der Strömungen untersucht, wobei sich insbesondere für den begrenzten Strahl wichtige Erkenntnisse ergaben. Für das hexagonale Strahlbündel wurden mit Hilfe der numerischen Strömungssimulation die grundlegenden Eigenschaften des Strömungsfeldes untersucht. Dabei weisen die Geometriekennzahlen einen dominierenden Einfluss auf. So konnten in Abhängigkeit zum Durchmesserverhältnis und Strahlabstand drei Strömungsformen identifiziert und experimentell mittels Laser-Doppler Anemometrie nachgewiesen werden. Eine wesentliche Fragestellung bestand in der Anwendung der numerischen Strömungssimulation, des RANS-Ansatzes und des SST-Turbulenzmodells. Dazu wurde die Anpassung der Modellkoeffizienten untersucht, wobei für den begrenzten Strahl ein allgemein gültiger Satz gefunden wurde. / In the present work flows of spatially limited radiation were investigated. On the one hand, the outflow of a round jet into a pipe was considered, the so-called confined jet. On the other hand, the outflow of 7 hexagonal arranged round jets into a pipe was con-sidered, the so-called hexagonal jet array. The motivation for the present work arose from the development of flowmeters which are designed as bypass apparatures that have a jet array flow downstream of the dynamic pressure body. For this purpose the underlying similarity parameters were determined. Special attention was paid to the cha-racterization of transient and turbulent flow properties for Reynolds numbers between 1,000 and 20,000. The self-similar properties of the flows were investigated with im-portant findings in particular for the confined jet. For the hexagonal jet array the basic properties of the flow field were investigated by using computational fluid dynamics. The geometric similarity parameters have a dominant influence. Thus, depending on the di-ameter ratio and jet distance ratio, three flow patterns could be identified and experimen-tally detected by the use of laser Doppler anemometry. An important question was the application of the computational fluid dynamic method, the RANS approach and the SST turbulence model. For this purpose a generally valid set of model coefficients was found for the confined jet flow.

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