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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An Analysis Of Architect Sinan&#039 / s Late Period Mosques

Katipoglu, Ceren 01 September 2007 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis focuses on the late period mosques of architect Sinan in terms of their structural systems, the relation with their environment, and the identities of their patrons. The links amongst the role of the patron, his or her status in the state, materials used in the mosques, location choice and the spatial distribution of the mosques are researched on the bases of these six late period mosques of Sinan. In this perspective, the social background of the Ottoman Empire in the sixteenth century is the first focal point of the thesis. The relations between the decadence of the institutions, the political conditions of the Ottoman Empire and the architectural production during the last quarter of the sixteenth century are examined in the second chapter of this thesis. In the third chapter these six late period mosques as the sampling case are described in detail and evaluated in terms of their bearing systems, construction materials, the site features and the relation with their patrons. Though, being one of the favorite subjects in the Ottoman architectural history, there are many research and interpretations on Sinan&amp / #8217 / s architectural style, works on late period mosques are limited and not specifically focused. In the fourth chapter of the study these limited interpretations are brought together and evaluated in the light of the background information supplied in the previous chapter of the thesis. In this framework, the aim of this study is not only to assess the late period works of Sinan as a tool to trace his architectural process, but also to unveil the relations with the identities of the patrons and locational and structural features of the mosques.

La statuaire privée memphite de la XXVe dynastie au début de la XXVIIe dynastie / Private statuary from the Memphite area from XXVth Dynasty to the beginning of XXVIIth Dynasty

Cressent, Mélanie 14 December 2013 (has links)
Cent vingt-sept statues privées de la XXVe dynastie au début de la XXVIIe dynastie ont été recensées, dont neuf raccords, auxquelles s'ajoutent cinquante-neuf monuments qui n'ont pas été retenus pour l'analyse finale en raison de problèmes rencontrés concernant leur provenance et/ou leur datation. Le volume I est consacré à la documentation qui est rangée par lieux de conservation. Il comprend une fiche détaillant la présentation (type, matière, dimensions, état de conservation, signalements du propriétaire et du dédicant, provenance et datation, histoire de l'objet), la description (attitude, réserves de matière, détails anatomiques, vêtement et accessoires, objet de culte présenté), les inscriptions et la bibliographie de chacune des statues du corpus. Le volume II contient la synthèse de notre étude, composée de deux grandes parties consacrées respectivement à la sculpture et aux textes. La première traite de la matière, des dimensions, des types statuaires, des tenues et accessoires, ainsi que des détails anatomiques. Dans la seconde partie de notre développement, seuls les éléments les plus importants ont été retenus, à savoir le signalement du propriétaire, l'éventuelle dédicace de al statue, les formules d'offrandes, les appels aux passants, les requêtes, les incitations à agir, les avertissements, les éléments biographiques, la formule "saïte" et les cartouches et titulatures royales. Les divinités et les épithètes géographiques rencontrées ont aussi été étudiées. les marques d'archaïsme ont également été signalées. Enfin, le volume III comprend la bibliographie, les indices et les planches de chacune des statues. / One hundred twenty-seven private statues from the Memphite area from XXVth Dynasty to the beginning of XXVIIth Dynasty were inventoried, included nine joins. Fifty-nine others were not retained to the final analysis for problems about their origin and/or their dating. The volume I deals with the documentation which is classified in storage places. It consists of sheets made up of a presentation (type, material, dimensions, preservation, owner and dedicant, origin and dating, story of the object), a description (attitude, anatomical details, garment and accessories, cult object), the inscriptions and the bibliography for each statue. The volume II contains a synthesis in two parts about the sculpture and the texts. The first studies the material, dimensions, statuary types, dresses and accessories, as well as the anatomical details. In a second part, only the most important elements were kept as the owner description, the statue dedication, the offering formulae, the appeals to the living, the requests, the incentives to act, the warnings, the bibliographic elements, the formula "sa¨ite" , the King's names and royal titulatures. The divinities and their geographical epithets were studied. The archaism marks were also indicated. Finally, the volume III includes the bibliography, index and the plates of each statue.

Faience production and use in the Late Period Lower Egypt from an international perspective / Fajans produktion och användning under Egyptens senperiod ur ett internationellt perspektiv

Gullman-Strand, Felicia January 2023 (has links)
Faience objects were first produced in Egypt in the pre-Dynastic era and were since then deeply connected with ancient Egyptian material culture and everyday life. Faience has been used for vessels, jewellery and for religious objects and the techniques and trends have evolved over time. There is a great amount of faience objects excavated from Naukratis making it a suitable location for this study. This study has used a catalogue with objects excavated in Naukratis to identify trends, Greek and Egyptian faience, and the market for faience in Naukratis. By first introducing the location of Naukratis in the Late Period, the study then provides an overview over faience production techniques both from Egypt and Naukratis. This was then applied to the objects to distinguish reoccurring features and potential cultural influence on the faience production and demand. The aim was to show the exchange of production techniques between Greek and Egyptian faience which can be exemplified by the Greek technique for polychromatic faience showing up in Egyptian faience objects with traditionally Egyptian motifs. The objects revealed a demand for handcrafted faience with Egyptian motifs of animals, fertility gods and a design for both suspension and as standing decoration. This supports later day findings that the city of Naukratis was a city not only dedicated to Greek citizens but had a mixed population. It also showed that while the origin of a faience object is difficult to determine, influences of technique can still be seen. / Fajansobjekt var först skapade i Egyptens fördynastiska tid och har sedan haft en stark samanhörighet med gammal Egyptens materialkultur och vardag. Fajans har använts till att tillverka krukor, smycken och religiösa objekt och teknikerna samt trender från Naukratis har utvecklats över tiden. Det finns en stor del fajansobjekt utgrävda från Naukratis, vilket gör staden en lämplig stad för denna studie. Studien har använt en katalog med objekt utgrävda i Naukratis för att kartlägga trender, grekisk och egyptisk fajans, och marknaden för fajans i Naukratis. Det var sedan applicerad på objekten för att utskilja återkommande egenskaper och möjliga kulturella inflytanden på fajansens produktion och efterfrågan. Syftet var att visa utbyte av produktionstekniker för flerfärgad fajans som uppkommer i egyptisk fajans med traditionellt egyptiska motiv. Objekten visade en efterfrågan för handgjord fajans med egyptiska motiv av djur, fertilitetsgudar och en design som passar både för stående dekorationsobjekt men som också kan hängas upp. Detta stödjer nya diskussioner om att Naukratis inte bara var en stad dedikerad till grekiska medborgare men att staden hade en blandad befolkning. Det visar också att medan fajansobjektens ursprung var svårt att hitta, så kunde inflytande av tekniker fortfarande urskiljas

P.Lips. Inv. 1228 und 590: Eine neue ägyptische Königsliste in griechischer Sprache: Hierzu Tafel I–III

Popko, Lutz, Rücker, Michaela 22 November 2024 (has links)
Discussion of two recently published fragmentary Greek papyri from Leipzig, dating into the 2nd century AD. The text contains a non-Manethonian kinglist with some monarchs of the Third Intermediate and the Late Period as well as a reference on the oracle of the lamb.

Binamn i det forntida Egypten : En undersökning av personnamn, särskilt rn nfr, under Gamla riket, Förstaintermediet och Mellersta riket samt under Senperioden

Bönnemark, Margit January 2017 (has links)
In Ancient Egypt, names were very important, in this life and the next. Gods had a multitude of names, and kings were usually given five names, but also private individuals could have several names, given at birth or later. One of these names was called rn nfr (the good name), and it was especially prevalent during the Old Kingdom. The term rn nfr slowly disappeared during the First Intermediate Period and the Middle Kingdom, but reappeared during the Late Period.The characteristics of all occurrences that could be found of rn nfr from the Old Kingdom and the First Intermediate Period and the Middle Kingdom were studied and compared to the occurrences of rn nfr in the Late Period. They were also compared to the first names of the individuals who wore these rn nfr.The results of this investigation show that there are great differences between the earlier periods and the Late Period, especially in that the names of gods and kings are often prevalent in the rather long rn nfr of the Late Period, possibly used for official and religious purposes. The rn nfr of earlier periods are often short names, which people were probably called, on an everyday basis. They sometimes constitute abbreviations of first names, with phonological changes taking place, in the majority of cases only consisting of three consonants without any apparent meaning, perhaps used from a very early age, and in a few cases taking on the characteristics of true nicknames.

The place of lead in an Egyptian port city in the Late Period

van der Wilt, Elsbeth M. January 2013 (has links)
This thesis analyses a range of lead objects discovered in Thonis-Heracleion, an Egyptian port city, and offers a new perspective on the use of metals in antiquity. It advances two central arguments: firstly, that the large quantity of lead artefacts in Thonis-Heracleion is not exceptional but rather a more accurate reflection of the metallisation of ancient societies and secondly, that the corpus of lead objects sheds light on aspects of ancient communities that normally remain invisible due to the ease of recycling and low cost of lead. The first chapter reviews the presence of lead in the archaeological record in Egypt, the factors affecting its deposition and preservation, and the corpus as a whole from Thonis-Heracleion. A comparison between the two puts the lead from the site in a new Egyptian perspective. The second, third, and fourth chapters offer substantial analyses of lead ingots, weights, and containers found at Thonis-Heracleion with parallels from around the Mediterranean. The chapters show the potential of this corpus to shed light on activities in the Egyptian town despite the notable lack of direct parallels. It becomes clear for example that large lead objects appear earlier in the archaeological record and that the range of objects is wider than previously suspected. The analysis in these chapters offers a robust dating framework for lead objects previously unavailable. Together the lead artefacts illustrate local mercantile activities, the economic role of the port city, and, through the identification of the first Athenian weights found in Egypt, trade connections between Egypt, Athens, and the rest of the Eastern Mediterranean. The result is an overview of lead in Egypt and its place in Thonis- Heracleion, demonstrating the significance of metals for understanding ancient societies.

Ex Contingente Necessarium Or A Philosophical Analysis Of The Connection Between Weber And Marx

Kundakci, Deniz 01 September 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Max Weber and Karl Marx have been compared in various ways, especially since Weber&rsquo / s Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism was first published in the beginning of 20th century. The general claim was that their perspectives are completely different from each other. With the analysis of Protestant Ethic, they claim, Weber came up with a negative answer to Marx in terms of his analysis of the relationship between society and economy. However, in this study it is indicated that Weber&rsquo / s analyses were in close proximity with those of Marx&rsquo / s and these similarities can be seen in Weber&rsquo / s both early and late period works such as &ldquo / The Social Causes of the Decline of Ancient Civilization&rdquo / , Economy and Society and General Economic History. Weber&rsquo / s approach in this all corpus can be considered to be &ldquo / a quasi Marxist perspective&rdquo / . In these texts, he refers widely to Marx and elaborates the factors which he thought Marx had excluded from his analysis. Although he accused Marx of using a one-sided causal interpretation of history, Weber&rsquo / s approach in relation to Marx has close parallels with historical materialism

Analyse technique, textuelle et paléographique d'un Livre des morts inédit conservé au Musée du Vatican (Inv. n 38603) / Technical, textual and palaeographic analysis of an unpublished Book of the dead preserved in the Vatican Museum (Inv. No. 38603)

Albert, Florence 08 April 2010 (has links)
Le papyrus du Vatican n° inv. 38603 est un Livre des morts hiératique daté de l’époque tardive, provenant vraisemblablement de la ville de Thèbes et contenant un certain nombre d’originalités iconographiques et textuelles. Son étude exhaustive est entreprise à l’aide d’une présentation détaillée, d’une traduction complète, d’un commentaire de chacun des textes qui le composent, d’une mise en contexte au sein de la documentation tardive du genre et d’une paléographie. Ces éléments permettent de mettre en valeur divers aspects des croyances funéraires des égyptiens de cette époque. D’autre part, ils autorisent à resserrer la datation du papyrus autour de 300 av. J.-C. et à replacer le document dans un contexte précis en forte relation avec la religion et les cultes osiriens qui se développent à Thèbes à partir de laTroisième Période intermédiaire. / The Papyrus Vatican inv. No 38603 is a hieratic Book of the Dead dated of the late period, coming probably from the city of Thebes and containing a number of textual and iconographic peculiarities. His comprehensive study is undertaken using a detailed presentation, a complete translation, a commentary on each of its component texts, a contextualization within the late documentation of the type and a paleography. These elements can highlight various aspects of Egyptian funerary beliefs of that time. On the other hand, they allow for closer dating of papyrus around 300 BC. and put the document in a specific context in strong relationship with religion and cults of Osiris that develop at Thebes since the Third Intermediate Period.

Textilní produkce ve starém Egyptě se zaměřením na její doklady z Abúsíru (období 3. a 1. tisíciletí př. Kr) / The ancient Egyptian textile production with the focus on finds from Abusir (Third and First Millennium BC.)

Wollnerová, Dorotea January 2017 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis is to examine textile production in old Egypt based on textile findings from the Royal Necropolis in Abusir. In the first part the author deals with technology of production of this material. The main part of the thesis is the analysis of the new textile findings from Abusir, the textile-technological survey and their interpretation. Technological aspects, their evaluation and comparison with findings from other Egyptian sites are then discussed in a separate chapter. Due to the character of evidences, the author focuses on two periods: 3rd and 1st millennium BC. Finally, the various archaeological contexts in which the textiles in Abusir were found and the functions of this material were outlined. Keywords ancient Egypt, textiles, production, Old Kingdom, Third Intermediate Period, Late Period, archaeology, mummification

To bury a child : A spatial analysis of child burials at Giza and Saqqara / Att begrava ett barn : En rumslig analys av barngravar i Giza och Saqqara

Hedin Käck, Mimmi January 2024 (has links)
This thesis investigates if there is any age segmentation among child burials. This is done through a spatial analysis, to better understand children in a mortuary space. The two cemeteries that will be investigated are the Wall of the Crow in Late Period Giza and the so-called Upper Necropolis in Saqqara during the Ptolemaic Period. The study includes 83 child burials from Saqqara and 73 child burials from Giza, of newborns to children of 14 years of age. This is achieved by deconstructing the data available to clarify the bond that exists and/or does not exist between the burials. In addition, child mortality and burial customs will be discussed to better understand burial rates in comparison to mortality rates. Finally, to understand properly the cemetery space, and children as a sub-set in it, the wider constructed landscapes are considered. The outcome of this thesis was that no cemetery had any age segmentation. / Den här uppsatsen utforskar om det finns någon ålderssegmentering bland barngravar. Detta utförs genom en rumslig analys för att bättre förstå barn i begravningsutrymmet. De två begravningsplatserna som undersöks är Wall of the Crow under Sentiden i Giza och den så kallade Övre Nekropolen i Saqqara, daterad till Ptolemeiska Riket. Studien inkluderar 83 barngravar från Saqqara och 73 barngravar från Giza, från nyfödda till 14 års ålder. Detta uppnås av att rekonstruera den tillgängliga data för att klargöra bandet som finns/inte finns mellan gravarna. Dessutom kommer barnadödlighet och begravningsseder diskuteras för att bättre förstå gravarna i jämförelse med dödlighet. Slutligen, för att förstå begravningsutrymmet bättre och barnen som en del av det, kommer de bredare konstruerade landskapen beaktas. Resultatet av uppsatsen var att ingen av begravningsplatserna hade någon ålderssegmentering.

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