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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ephesus, Pagan and Christian 133 B.C. - 262 A.D.

Michener, Ruth O. 01 January 1958 (has links)
This dissertation is an atrcempt to reconstruct and to recapture a period in the history of this famous city, a center so important in New Testament times and in the first two centuries or the Christian Church, but a metropolis which centuries ago became buried in the silt of a river. The site and a primitive kind of settlement began in pre-historic times. We will briefly trace the story of its ancestory; its youth; its changes; traditions; then its glory between the years 133 B.C. to A.D. 262; its contribution to culture; its spirit; its contact with Christianity; its period as a Christian center; the invasion of the Goths; the inroad of Islam; its disappearance; and its partial excavation in the nineteenth century. It is the period of its glory, 133 B.C. to A.D. 262, that is the theme of this dissertation. This was the period when the religion of Artemis was at its height and her temple at Ephesus was one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. This period includes the era when Christianity appeared in Ephesus and gained a foothold. Here at Ephesus the Christian writing was formed into a body of literature and published, and the Christian tradition became a pattern of Apostolic tradition. It was in these two Christian centuries that the episc~pal form of church government and organization made its appearance.

Symeon Stylites the Younger and his cult in context : hagiography and society in sixth- to seventh-century Byzantium

Parker, Lucy January 2017 (has links)
This thesis explores the relationship between hagiography and history, with a particular focus on the cult of the little-studied sixth-century Antiochene holy man Symeon Stylites the Younger. It argues that any hagiographic text can only be understood through an appreciation of both its particular historical context and of developments in the genre over time. The first chapter thus addresses the economy, society and culture of the Antiochene area, arguing, against some recent archaeological interpretations, that sixth-century natural and military disasters did have a significant impact on the region. The second chapter turns to the first text associated with Symeon's cult, the sermon collection attributed to the stylite, which reveals how a holy man could construct his own spiritual authority through powerful rhetoric. Starkly polarised in his thought, Symeon eschews the compromises adopted by many clerical preachers, focusing on the opposition of demon and monk, rich and poor, and heaven and hell. The third chapter addresses the Life of Symeon, arguing that it can be read as an extended apology for Symeon's failure to protect the Antiochene from the disasters of the sixth century. The fourth chapter looks at the Life of Martha, Symeon's mother, which contains an original and inclusive vision of holiness, focusing not on asceticism or celibacy but on the redemptive powers of liturgy and the sacraments. The fifth chapter takes a step back, arguing that both Lives reflect broader developments in hagiography in the late sixth and seventh centuries: Symeon's hagiographer's struggle to justify disasters are echoed in other near-contemporary saints' Lives, while Martha's Life resembles in many respects the posthumous miracle collections which flourished in this period and were, in their relatively narrow focus, very suitable for a time of crisis.

L’évolution des cérémonies publiques impériales dans le monde romain tardif / The evolution of imperial public ceremonies in the Late roman world

Pasco, Loïc 13 January 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l’évolution des cérémonies publiques impériales dans le monde romain tardif, thème qui nous a semblé fondamental pour la compréhension des institutions politiques de l’Empire Romain des IVe-VIIe s. Ces évolutions comptent sans doute parmi les plus importantes mutations qu'a connues le monde romain de l'Antiquité Tardive, puisqu'elles touchent le pouvoir suprême et son aura à l'intérieur de la société. L’objectif majeur du cérémonial est d’exalter l’empereur, de manifester sa gloire triomphale et sa sacralité – voire sa sainteté après l’adoption du christianisme – ainsi que de magnifier et célébrer le pouvoir d’origine divine qu’il détenait. Notre propos sera de montrer comment on passe d’un Empereur, princeps senatus, qui cherche à maintenir une fiction républicaine pour masquer le caractère monarchique de son pouvoir et qui est l’incarnation du passé romain ; à un empereur qui est l’élu de Dieu, affirmant un pouvoir monarchique avec le soutien de l’Eglise. Trois axes ont guidé notre recherche : La centralité du rôle de l’empereur dans l’évolution des cérémonies publiques. L’importance de l’intégration de l’empereur dans le système cérémoniel de l’Eglise et celle de l’intégration du clergé et principalement de l’évêque dans le système cérémoniel de l’empire. L’importance du fait barbare sur le phénomène cérémoniel. Dans l’Antiquité tardive on voit clairement des influences et des acculturations réciproques au niveau des cérémonies, mais aussi des formes de rejet de ces changements caractéristique des évolutions culturelles de la période. / This thesis focuses on the evolution of imperial public ceremonies in the late Roman world, a theme that seemed fundamental to the understanding of the political institutions of the Roman Empire of the fourth to seventh centuries. These developments are without doubt among the most important changes that have taken the world of Late Roman Antiquity, as they reach the supreme power and aura within society. The main objective of the ceremonies is to exalt the emperor, to manifest his triumphal rulership and his sacrality - even his holiness after the adoption of christianism - and to magnify and celebrate the divine power he held. Our purpose is to show how we shift from an emperor, princeps senatus, which seeks to maintain a republican fiction to hide the monarchical nature of his power, and is the epitome of Roman history ; to an emperor who is elected by God. Three axes have guided our research: The centrality of the role of the emperor in the evolution of public ceremonies. The importance of the integration of the emperor in the ceremonial system of the Church and the integration of the clergy and especially the bishop in the ceremonial system of the empire. The importance of the barbars on the ceremonial phenomenon. In Late antiquity we can clearly seen influences and mutual acculturation in the ceremonies, but also forms of rejection of these paradigmatic changes of the cultural evolutions of the period.

Les suburbia d'Ostie antique. Nouvelles recherches sur l'évolution urbain de la ville de la fin de la période Républicaine jusqu’à l'Antiquité tardive / The suburbia of Ostia Antica. New researches on the urban evolution from late Republican period to Late Antiquity

De Togni, Stefano 29 June 2018 (has links)
Au sein de cette thèse de doctorat, l’auteur a cherché à appréhender les suburbia d'Ostie (Rome, Latium Italie) au travers d’analyses menées sur différentes échelles, depuis l’étude globale des quartiers de Porta Marina et du Trastevere Ostiense jusqu’à des fouilles stratigraphiques. Les structures qui forment ces deux quartiers ont d’abord été analysés et classés comme « unités topographiques », puis incluses dans un SIG. Les données relatives à chaque structure ont été récoltées aussi bien durant les investigations menées au sein des archives du Parco Archeologico di Ostia Antica qu’au cours de prospections sur le terrain, de l’analyse de photographies aériennes, de relevés, d’observations in situ et des fouilles.Au cours de cette enquête, plusieurs objets mis au jour lors d’anciennes fouilles ont été pris en compte et insérés dans des fiches de catalogues créées ad hoc, intégrées au SIG. Ainsi, le recensement des structures archéologiques du Trastevere Ostiense ont permis de mettre en évidence un territoire densément construit, au moins depuis le Ier siècle ap. J.-C. et ce, jusqu’au Ve siècle ap. J.-C. L'étude globale de l'évolution urbaine du quartier de Porta Marina a permis d'identifier pas moins de 13 phases principales, qui s’étendent du Ier siècle av. J.-C. jusqu'au VIe siècle, en plus de deux phases de spoliations et d’une phase d'érosion marine datée du Moyen Age. Parmi les principales découvertes, il faut d’abord signaler la découverte d'une importante activité de construction entre l'époque Julio-Claudienne et l'époque Flavienne. Cette phase, qui était restée presque inconnue jusqu’à présent, est en partie liée à l’édification de bâtiments funéraires. Si l’on se fie à ces nouveaux éléments, il est très probable qu’une nécropole ait vu le jour à cette époque, au-delà de la Porta Marina. Cette nécropole fut ensuite complètement démantelée lors du développement du quartier maritime voulu par l'empereur Hadrien en personne.L'approche analytique menée à l’échelle d’un quartier, couplée aux bornes chronologiques apportées par les fouilles conduites dans le cadre du projet Ostia Marina, a permis de donner une vision totalement renouvelée du front de mer de la ville. Les recherches menées sur les bâtiments construits contre et par-dessus l’enceinte tardo-républicaine ont permis de mettre en évidence l’abandon rapide de sa fonction défensive, quoique cette structure ait été respectée jusqu'au début du IIe siècle ap. J.-C. Par la suite, le bras oriental a fonctionné comme un aqueduc, tandis que le bras occidental fut rasé pour construire de nouveaux édifices. A la place de la Porta Marina, un arc fut élevé à la place de l’ancienne porte afin de délimiter la ville intra-muros et la ville extra-muros. Le plan d'un grand bâtiment a pu être complétée à partir de photos aériennes. Celui-ci est situé dans la partie orientale du suburbium situé au-delà de Porta Marina, qui n’a pas encore été fouillée.Les phases relatives à l’Antiquité tardive témoignent de la vitalité de ce quartier tout au long du IVe siècle ap. J.-C. et ce, jusqu'au début du Ve siècle. En revanche, des signes importants d'abandon apparaissent au cours de la première moitié du Ve siècle. Cette phase d’abandon trouve probablement son origine dans le tremblement de terre daté au 443 ap. J.-C.Un autre acquis majeur de cette étude a trait aux relations entre ville et mer, ainsi qu’aux changements du littoral au cours des siècles. L'étude des traces d'érosion sur les bâtiments qui se trouvaient près de l'ancienne plage ont permis de confirmer l'hypothèse d'une érosion marine postérieure à la fin de l’Antiquité, datable au XIe siècle, qui a détruit certains bâtiments, conditionnant ainsi notre vision de la ville antique sur le front de mer. / In this thesis the study of the suburbs of Ostia (Rome, Italy) took place at different levels of study, from the macro scale of the entire neighborhoods to the micro scale of the single stratigraphic trench. The archaeological evidence of the porta Marina area and of the “Trastevere Ostiense” have been analyzed and filed as Topographical Units and recorded in a GIS. For each structure data were collected either through the consultation of archives, through field surveys, aerial photography, direct examinations and excavation essays. 148 artifacts from the old excavations were recorded and inserted in a data base created ad hoc. Where possible, spatial data was associated with the objects, with the positioning in the place of discovery within the GIS. The survey of the archaeological evidences of the “Trastevere Ostiense” allowed to recognize a densely built territory, with a chronology that goes from first to at least the fifth century AD. Among the types of buildings identified, the “horreum” seems to be the prevailing. The precise positioning of some excavation trenches of 1957 at the loop of the Tiber has allowed to identify a flood zone of second-third century AD reclaimed and built. At the same time, on the other side, the Via Ostiense was rebuilt further south due to erosion.The overall study of the urbanistic evolution of the suburban area of porta Marina has allowed to identify 13 main phases of life, from the first century BC until the 6th century AD, in addition to two phases of spoliation and a phase of sea erosion of the Middle Age. Among the main novelties there is the discovery of a notable construction activity dating back to the Julio-Claudian age to the Flavia age, previously almost unknown, which can be partially connected to funerary buildings. It is very probable, in the light of the new data, that there was a necropolis outside porta Marina, which was completely dismantled during the Hadrianic urban renovation and the thermal development of the maritime district. The large-scale analytical approach, also thanks to the chronological extremes derived from the excavations carried out with the Ostia Marina Project, has led to a completely renewed vision of the city's maritime sector. The presumed preservation of late Republican funerary monuments in the imperial era turned out to be a not entirely exact theory, the result of the distorted vision created with the E-42 restorations and demolitions. The stratigraphic analysis shows a partial obliteration of the funerary monuments already occurred by the end of the first century. A.D. due to the raising of the walking surfaces. The research on buildings built close to and above the Late-Republic walls made it possible to highlight that they quickly lost the defensive functions, but continued to be respected until the beginning of the second century AD. Subsequently, the eastern part functioned as an aqueduct, while the western part was demolished to build new buildings. An arch was built in place of the porta Marina door, to set the limit between town and suburb. Starting from some aerial photos, the plan of a large building, located in the eastern unexcavated portion of the porta Marina suburban area, was completed. The particular form of the complex allows to hypothesize a link to the “foro ad mare” built by Aureliano, mentioned in the Historia Augusta. The study of the late-antique phases revealed a remarkable vitality of the district throughout the IV until the beginning of the fifth century AD, while during the first half of the 5th century AD strong signs of abandonment appear. The probable effects of the earthquake of 443 AD were found, starting from the traces of collapse found in at least four buildings. Another important acquisition concerns the relationship between the city and the sea and changes in the coastline over the centuries.

Mountain and sea : settlement and economy in late antique Lycia, Isauria and north central Anatolia

Terpoy, Kristina January 2018 (has links)
This thesis is an interdisciplinary comparative analysis of the socio-economic developments of three regions in Anatolia: Lycia, Isauria and north central Anatolia in the late antique period (c. AD 330-600s). I present the most up-to-date picture of late antique settlement in these regions by collating recent evidence, particularly amphorae and settlement remains, derived from research conducted in these regions over the past few decades. From this picture, I analyse what the location of settlement and archeological remains within sites may reveal concerning the ways in which settlements participated in local, region and interregional exchange networks. As these three regions share the common geographic features of bordering major maritime areas and encompassing mountainous interiors, I examine how geography may have impacted the location of settlement and the movement of goods and people. By integrating areas located on opposite Anatolian coastlines, I examine how differing maritime networks may have impacted settlement development. This tripartite comparison attempts to establish northern Anatolia alongside its southern counterpart in the discourse of late antique economy and settlement development. Alongside this regional analysis, I discuss methodological considerations, such as the ways in which the current state of research and various research methods impact our analysis and interpretation of late antique settlement development. This study reveals that sub-regions within Lycia, Isauria and north central Anatolia developed in diverse ways and that the ways in which each region participated in wider exchange differed. I argue that overarching narratives of development, such as 'prosperity' and 'decline' do not accurately reflect the development of these regions. In sum, this thesis contributes an up-to-date analysis of the settlement development of Lycia, Isauria and north central Anatolia to the wider discourse of late antique regional development, which engages and challenges discourse surrounding the economic development of these regions in Late Antiquity.

Defining a Roman identity in the Res Gestae of Ammianus Marcellinus : the dialogue between "Roman" and "foreign"

Williams, Guy January 2018 (has links)
This thesis argues that Ammianus is interested in, and attempts to define, a Roman identity applicable to his own multifarious world. It argues that Ammianus and some of his peers discern a clear increase in the number of foreigners and outsiders in the empire. While some of his peers lament this perception and adopt a hard-line approach, Ammianus has a much more nuanced view. It is argued that the model of Roman identity which he devises not only accounts for foreigners, but actually, in some cases, makes them exemplars of a flexible Roman identity based chiefly on the notion of appropriate behaviour. In this sense, his identity scheme is ultimately integrative and inclusive. As part of his definition of identity, Ammianus utilises an "outsider" perspective. This perspective is shown to dictate not only how he portrays his characters and their deeds, but even how he reflects on the substance of Romanness as a continual dialogue between "Roman" and "foreign", broadly conceived. It is finally argued that the historian's purpose in defining such an identity is to ensure that the eternity of the empire, in which he firmly believes, is safeguarded by future "Romans" who perhaps may never even see the City itself, but nevertheless remain committed to its protection.

A monumentalidade da história e a formação da memória cultural do cristianismo no século IV : uma análise da "história eclasiástica" de Eusébio de Cesareia

Losekann, Cydne Rosa Lopes January 2015 (has links)
A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo abordar a História Eclesiástica, obra pioneira de Eusébio de Cesareia, a partir do ponto de vista de sua monumentalidade. Isto é: contemplando a maneira com que os temas abordados, e sobretudo a maneira como esses temas foram expostos nas páginas da História Eclesiástica, contribuíram para a constituição de uma identidade cristã em um período em que se deu uma passagem geracional de um contexto em que os cristãos eram perseguidos pelas autoridades romanas para um período em que o cristianismo adquiriu um novo status dentro do Império Romano. Para que essa abordagem seja possível, para que seja possível tratar da História Eclesiástica como uma referência para o mundo cristão do século IV e para as futuras gerações cristãs, será considerado todo o entorno religioso e cultural que de alguma maneira influenciou o desenvolvimento e a difusão do cristianismo e esteve presente na obra monumental do bispo de Cesareia, assim como autores cristãos de diferentes períodos que encontraram na História Eclesiástica uma referência para compreender os conflitos religiosos de seu próprio tempo. / The present research aims to approach the Ecclesiastical History, a pioneer historical work written by Eusebius of Caesarea, from the point of view of its monumentality. In other words, comprising the way that the addressed subjects, especially the way those subjects were exposed on the pages of the Ecclesiastical History, contributed to the formation of a christian identity in a period in which there was a generational transition from a context when christians were pursued by the roman authorities to a period when the christian religion acquired a new status in the Roman Empire. In order to succeed in this approach, in order to make possible to consider the Ecclesiastical History a refference to the christian world from the 4th century and for future christian generations, it will be taken into account the whole religious environment that somehow influenced the growth and spread of christianity and was present in the monumental work of the bishop of Caesarea, as well as christian authors from different historical periods that found in the Ecclesiastical Historial a refference to understand the religious conflicts from their own time.

Greeks, Jews, heretics, and the Church of God

Akselberg, Kristian January 2017 (has links)
The following study seeks to explore the subjects of Christianisation and Christian identity during the transitional period of the fourth century from an ecclesiological perspective, and argues that the very question of Christian identity is, indeed, an ecclesiological one. It approaches the subject through the writings of Cyril of Jerusalem, specifically his Catechetical Lectures, the earliest complete catechetical programme that has come down to us, making it an invaluable resource for anyone hoping to understand the Catholic Church's efforts to preserve and construct its identity in the wake of Constantine's formal conversion to its faith. Moreover, Cyril, who became bishop of the Holy City around 350, affords us a unique perspective on the question at hand, teaching as he did from the 'very centre of the earth', following the creation of a Christian holy land and pilgrimage centre in the midst of what remained a largely pagan province, and in a city still central to Judaism. The ability to possess the sites and relics associated with the life of Christ and the Prophets for the first time in Christian history not only made the drama of salvation tangible in Jerusalem like nowhere else, but raised new and important questions around the extent to which this sacred topography was compatible with Christianity's departure from the temple-centred worship of the Old Testament. It also provides valuable insight into the relationship between the local and the universal as regards notions of the Church's catholicity, Cyril's definition of καθολικ? in his eighteenth lecture arguably being the earliest. Membership of the Church, and therefore Christian identity, is for Cyril primarily ontological, defined and effected through mysteriological participation, with baptism - the believer's death, rebirth, and union with Christ - representing the dividing line between insider and outsider, a fact enforced by the so-called Disciplina Arcani, by which all knowledge of the Church's sacraments were jealously guarded from the unbaptised. The thesis explores how this notion of ontological membership underpins and informs Cyril's dealings with the various groups against which he sought to define his own community - the Greeks, Jews, and heretics - while also looking at the ecclesiological significance of the baptismal act itself.

From Hispalis to Ishbiliyya : the ancient port of Seville, from the Roman Empire to the end of the Islamic period (45 BC - AD 1248)

Cabrera-Tejedor, Carlos January 2016 (has links)
This Thesis focuses on the history and development of the topography, layout, and facilities of the ancient port of Seville, which is located in the lower Guadalquivir River Basin. From a maritime archaeology perspective, it combines terrestrial and maritime archaeological evidence, literary and epigraphic material, as well as palaeo-geomorphological and palaeo-environmental studies. This Thesis is a longue dur&eacute;e or diachronic study ranging between the 1<sup>st</sup> century BC and the 13<sup>th</sup> century AD. The Thesis is divided into three main historical periods, and in addition to the port itself, studies the palaeo-geomorphology and palaeo-hydrology of the Guadalquivir River, as well as of the palaeo-climatology of the region during each of these eras. The first third of the Thesis examines the port of Hispalis during the Roman era. By considering the natural hydrography of the river and the meander of Hispalis, the Thesis proposes a model for the distribution of harbour facilities and their development through the Roman period. Building on this, it becomes possible to assess the extent and scale of these, as well as of the maritime commerce that the Roman port sustained. The second third of the Thesis focuses on the Late Antique period. Despite the lack of direct archaeological evidence for the port in this era, the Thesis suggests that there was a decline but continuity in the commercial activities in direct connection with the Mediterranean maritime networks. This section also examines the historical events that occurred in Hispalis from the maritime archaeology perspective, arguing that the port was at the core of all these historical episodes because of its geopolitical and strategic importance. The last third of the Thesis concentrates on the study of the port during the Islamic period. By understanding the extreme changes that occurred in the hydrography and geomorphology of the river in this epoch, the Thesis deciphers the process that led to the progressive siltation of the ancient channel of the river. The study of the archaeological material from the 1981 Plaza Nueva excavation, in combination with other proxies, allows a chronology to be proposed for the demise and subsequent disappearance of the ancient port. The transformation of the meander of the river resulted in the relocation and construction of a new port, which had a prominent role in the maritime history of the world during the centuries that followed.

A monumentalidade da história e a formação da memória cultural do cristianismo no século IV : uma análise da "história eclasiástica" de Eusébio de Cesareia

Losekann, Cydne Rosa Lopes January 2015 (has links)
A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo abordar a História Eclesiástica, obra pioneira de Eusébio de Cesareia, a partir do ponto de vista de sua monumentalidade. Isto é: contemplando a maneira com que os temas abordados, e sobretudo a maneira como esses temas foram expostos nas páginas da História Eclesiástica, contribuíram para a constituição de uma identidade cristã em um período em que se deu uma passagem geracional de um contexto em que os cristãos eram perseguidos pelas autoridades romanas para um período em que o cristianismo adquiriu um novo status dentro do Império Romano. Para que essa abordagem seja possível, para que seja possível tratar da História Eclesiástica como uma referência para o mundo cristão do século IV e para as futuras gerações cristãs, será considerado todo o entorno religioso e cultural que de alguma maneira influenciou o desenvolvimento e a difusão do cristianismo e esteve presente na obra monumental do bispo de Cesareia, assim como autores cristãos de diferentes períodos que encontraram na História Eclesiástica uma referência para compreender os conflitos religiosos de seu próprio tempo. / The present research aims to approach the Ecclesiastical History, a pioneer historical work written by Eusebius of Caesarea, from the point of view of its monumentality. In other words, comprising the way that the addressed subjects, especially the way those subjects were exposed on the pages of the Ecclesiastical History, contributed to the formation of a christian identity in a period in which there was a generational transition from a context when christians were pursued by the roman authorities to a period when the christian religion acquired a new status in the Roman Empire. In order to succeed in this approach, in order to make possible to consider the Ecclesiastical History a refference to the christian world from the 4th century and for future christian generations, it will be taken into account the whole religious environment that somehow influenced the growth and spread of christianity and was present in the monumental work of the bishop of Caesarea, as well as christian authors from different historical periods that found in the Ecclesiastical Historial a refference to understand the religious conflicts from their own time.

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