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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Model soustavy motorů s pružným členem / Modeling of system motors with flexible component

Lebeda, Aleš January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with problem of experimental identification using principles of artificial intelligence and development of nonlinear models. It shows how to estimate parameters of nonlinear models and it compares different types of nonlinear models based on analytical analysis which were developed from measured data in simulation and real system motors with flexible component.

Adaptivní regulátory pro systémy s dopravním zpožděním a jejich porovnání s klasickými pevně nastavenými regulátory. / Adaptive controllers for systems with time delay and its comparison with classical controllers.

Faltus, Ivo January 2013 (has links)
Master thesis is focused on the philosophy of design adaptive controller. In the theoretic part are described parts of the adaptive controller, which belongs parts as online identification by recursive least-squares method and PSD controller, which can set its parameters according to identified system (use Z-N method). The part of control system with transport delay is situated at the conclusion of the theoretic part, there are focused on Smith predictor. Practical part is focused on verification of all algorithms, which was performed on models and real systems.

Adaptivní regulátory pro systémy s dopravním zpožděním a jejich porovnání s klasickými pevně nastavenými parametry regulátorů. / Adaptive controllers for systems with time delay and its comparison with classical controllers.

Krykorka, Daniel January 2015 (has links)
Master thesis is focused on the philosophy of design adaptive controller. In the theoretic part are described parts of the adaptive controller, which belongs parts as online identification by recursive least-squares method and PSD controller, which can set its parameters according to identified system (use Z-N method). The part of control system with transport delay is situated at the conclusion of the theoretic part, there are focused on Smith predictor. Practical part is focused on verification of all algorithms, which was performed on models and real systems.

Vytvoření aplikace pro získání modálních parametrů při experimentální modální analýze / Creation of Modal Parameter Estimation Application for Experimental Modal Analysis

Ondra, Václav January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is a creation of modal parameter estimation application. Modal properties (natural frequencies, damping factors and mode shapes) are used in many dynamics analysis and their accurate determination is very important therefore the modal parameter estimation is one of the most significant part of the experimental modal analysis. Many methods have been developed for modal parameter estimation, each of them with different assumptions and with different accuracy. In the beginning of this thesis, a theory connected with modal analysis and a theory which is necessary for understanding to presented modal parameter methods are given. Then four different modal parameter estimation methods are presented - Peak Picking, Circle Fit, Least Square method and Eigensystem Realization Algorithm. The application for the modal parameter estimation is the output of this diploma thesis. In addition, the application allows performing all experimental modal analysis such as estimation of frequency response functions, animation of the found mode shapes, different kinds of comparison etc. In the conclusion, three structures are shown on which the application and modal parameter estimation methods were tested.

Identifikace počítače na základě časových značek paketů / Computer Identification Based on Packet's Timestamps

Krba, Martin January 2012 (has links)
Basic way how to identify a device in computer network is by MAC address and IP address. Main goal of this work is to create an application capable of clear identification of devices in computer network regardless change of their MAC address or IP address. This is done by exploiting tiny deviations in hardware clock known as clock skew. They appear in every clock based on quartz oscillator. Using clock skew is beneficial, because there is no need of any changes in fingerprinted device nor their cooperation. Accessing these values is done by capturing packets with timestamps included. Application of this method is very wide, for example computer forensics, tracking the device using different access points or counting devices behind router with NAT.

Fuzzy systémy s netradičními antecedenty fuzzy pravidel / Fuzzy systems with non-traditional antecedents of fuzzy rules

Klapil, Ondřej January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this work is to introduce a new type of fuzzy system AnYa. This system, unlike the classical fuzzy systems Takagi-Sugeno and Mamdani, uses a type of antecendent based on real data distribution. As part of the work there will be mentioned system programmed and its functionality will be verified on testing data.

Tvorba a aplikace algoritmů pro odhad modálních parametrů v časové oblasti a studie jejich citlivosti na okrajové podmínky / Creation and Application of Algorithms for Estimating Modal Parameters in Time Domain and Sensitivity to the Boundary Condition Study

Jakuš, Matúš January 2016 (has links)
Cieľom tejto diplomovej práce je predstavenie Experimentálnej modálnej analýzy a štúdium a použitie algoritmov pre výpočet modálnych parametrov z odmeraných vibrácií pri Experimentálnej modálnej analýze. Bodom záujmu sú predovšetkým algoritmy, pracujúce s odmeranými dátami v časovej oblasti. Diplomová práca sa zaoberá programovaním algoritmu ITD a jeho implementáciou pre Experimentálnu modálnu analýzu. Ďaľšou časťou práce je štúdium citlivosti algoritmu na okrajové podmienky meranej sústavy pri výpočte modálnych parametrov a štúdium možnosti využitia algoritmu pri Operačnej modálnej analýze.

Direct Mass Measurements and Global Evaluation of Atomic Masses / Mesures directes de masses et évaluation globale des masses atomiques

Huang, Wenjia 06 June 2018 (has links)
L’évaluation des masses atomiques (Ame), commencée dans les années 1960, est la source la plus fiable d’informations complètes sur les masses atomiques. Elle fournit les meilleures valeurs pour les masses atomiques et les incertitudes associées en évaluant les données expérimentales de désintégration, de réactions et de la spectrométrie de masse. Dans cette thèse, la philosophie et les caractéristiques les plus importantes de l’Ame seront discutées en détail. Les développements les plus récents de l’évaluation, AME2016, tels que l’énergie de liaison moléculaire, la correction d’énergie des mesures par implantation, et la formule relativiste pour le processus de décroissance alpha, seront présentés. Une autre partie de cette thèse concerne l’analyse des données du spectromètre à piège de Penning ISOLTRAP au ISOLDE/CERN. Les nouveaux résultats sont inclus dans l’ajustement global et leurs influences sur les masses existantes sont discutées. La dernière partie de cette thèse porte sur les études des erreurs systématiques du spectromètre de masse à multi-réflexion à temps de vol d’ISOLTRAP, utilisant une source d’ions hors ligne et le faisceau de protons en ligne. A partir de l’analyse des mesures sélectionnées, j’ai trouvé que l’erreur systématique est beaucoup plus faible que les incertitudes statistiques obtenues jusqu’à présent. / The Atomic Mass Evaluation (AME), started in the 1960s, is the most reliable source for comprehensive information related to atomic masses. It provides the best values for the atomic masses and their associated uncertainties by evaluating experimental data from decay, reactions, and mass spectrometry. In this thesis, the philosophy and the most important features of the Ame will be discussed in detail. The most recent developments of the latest mass table (AME2016), such as molecular binding energy, energy correction of the implantation measurements, and the relativistic formula for the alpha-decay process, will be presented. Another part of this thesis concerns the data analysis from the Penning-trap spectrometer ISOLTRAP at ISOLDE/CERN. The new results are included in the global adjustment and their influences on the existing masses are discussed. The last part of this thesis is related to the systematic error studies of the ISOLTRAP multi-reflection time-of-flight mass spectrometer, using an off-line ion source and the on-line proton beam. From the analysis of the selected measurements, I found that the systematic error is much smaller than the statistical uncertainties obtained up to now.

The Impact of Professional Development Training in Autism and Experience on Teachers' Self-Efficacy

Biasotti, Nancy 01 October 2013 (has links)
Regular education teachers' self-efficacy may be negatively impacted due to a lack of professional development and experience teaching students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Research links teacher self-efficacy with increased student academic achievement. The purpose of this study was to examine to what degree training on ASD during and following teacher certification and experience had on overall teacher self-efficacy. This one-shot case study was based upon Bandura's theoretical construct of self-efficacy and secondarily on Tschannen-Moran, Woolfolk Hoy, and Hoy's theory of self-efficacy. The Teachers' Sense of Efficacy Scales (TSES) was used to collect data from regular education teachers with experience teaching students with ASD in 1st through 3rd grades in a Southern California school district. After the data were assessed for accuracy, missing data, and outliers, the analysis was conducted on 36 cases. MANOVAs were conducted to assess differences on overall self-efficacy. Separate ANOVAs were used since the overall self-efficacy and the subscores were highly correlated. Though the sample in this study was small (n = 36) for data analysis, the effect size showed that training experience and grade levels had a moderate to large effect on teacher self-efficacy (.16, .13, .13 respectively). Therefore teacher self-efficacy has a positive impact on student achievement. Implications for positive social change are self-efficacious teachers increase the academic achievement of students with ASD. In this way, such students can become self-sustaining, dynamic members of the work force and community.

Assessing Impacts of Land Use/Cover and Climate Changes on Hydrological Regime in the Headwater Region of the Upper Blue Nile River Basin, Ethiopia

Woldesenbet, Tekalegn Ayele 23 June 2017 (has links)
Summary Fresh water availability and distribution have been declining over time due to population increase, climate change and variability, emerging new demands due to economic growth, and changing consumption patterns. Spatial and temporal changes in environmental changes, such as climate and land use/cover (LULC) dynamics have an enormous impact on water availability. Food and energy security, urbanization and industrial growth, as well as climate change (CC) will pose critical challenges on water resources. Climate variability and change may affect both the supply and demand sides of the balance, and thus add to the challenges. Land-cover changes are vastly prominent in the developing countries that are characterized by agriculture-based economies and rapidly increasing human population. The consequent changes in water availability and increase in per capita water demand will adversely affect the food, water and energy security of those countries. Therefore, evaluating the response of the catchment to environmental changes is crucial in the critical part of the basin for sustainable water resource management and development. In particular, assessing the contribution of individual LULC classes to changes in water balance components is vital for effective water and land resource management, and for mitigation of climate change impacts. The dynamic water balance of a catchment is analyzed by hydrological models that consider spatio-temporal catchment characteristics. As a result, hydrological models have become indispensable tools for the study of hydrological processes and the impacts of environmental stressors on the hydrologic system. Physically-based distributed hydrological models are able to explicitly account for the spatial variability of hydrological process, catchment characteristics such as climatic parameters, and land use/cover changes. For improved illustration of physical processes in space and time, the distributed hydrological models need serially complete and homogenized rainfall and temperature data. However, observed rainfall and temperature data are neither serially complete nor homogeneous, particularly in developing countries. Using inhomogeneous climatological data inputs to hydrological models affects the output magnitude of climate and land use/cover change impacts and, hence, climate change adaptation. The Nile River Basin, one of the transboundary river flows through 11 riparian states, serves the livelihoods of millions of people in the basin (nearly 20 per cent of the African population) and covers one-tenth of the land cover of Africa. The basin is characterized by high population growth and high temporal variability in the river flow and rainfall patterns. The Blue Nile river basin, which contributes 62% of the annual main Nile flow, has faced serious land degradation. This has led to increased soil erosion and loss of soil fertility. The most overwhelming challenge that the basin faces is food insecurity caused by subsistence farming and rain-fed agriculture (over 70% of the basin’s population), together with high rainfall variability. Drought and floods are also critical issues in the Blue Nile basin, with the potential for exacerbation by environmental changes. Understanding how LULC and climate changes influence basin hydrology will therefore enable decision makers to introduce policies aimed at reducing the detrimental effects of future environmental changes on water resources. Understanding types and impacts of major environmental stressors in representative and critical regions of the basin is crucial for developing of effective response strategies for sustainable land- and water-resource management in the Eastern Nile Basin in general, and at the Tana and Beles watersheds in particular. In this study, serially completed and homogenized rainfall and temperature dataset are maintained from 1980 to 2013 to fill-in the gap which characterized previous studies on trend analyses. The new hydroclimatic data revealed that the climate the study region has become wetter and warmer. The proportional contribution of main rainy season rainfall to annual total rainfall has increased. This might result in high runoff and ultimately flooding as well as erosion and sedimentation in the source region of the Blue Nile, and siltation in the downstream reservoirs unless soil and water conservation measures are taking place. In the Tana sub-basin, it is found that expansion of cultivation land and decline in woody shrub are the major contributors to the rise in surface run-off and to the decline in the groundwater component from 1986 to 2010. Similarly, decline of woodland and expansion of cultivation land are found to be the major contributors to the increase in surface run-off and water yield. They also contributed to the decrease in groundwater and actual evapotranspiration components in the Beles watershed. Increased run-off and reduced baseflow and actual evapotranspiration would have negative impacts on water resources, especially in relation to erosion and sedimentation in the upper Blue Nile River Basin. As a result, expansion of cultivation land and decline in woody shrub/woodland appear to be major environmental stressors affecting local water resources. GCMs simulated near-future annual total rainfall and average temperature were used to investigate the sensitivity of the catchment to near-future CC. The results showed an increase in streamflow in the annual and the main rainy season, but decrease in the dry period when compared to the baseline period. Catchment response for future LULC scenario showed opposite effect to that of near-future CC. The combined effects of climate change and LULC dynamics can be quite different from the effects resulting from LULC or CC alone. At the outlet of the Tana watershed, streamflow response is amplified under concurrent land cover and climate change scenarios compared to the baseline scenario; but the streamflow has an augmenting response at the outlet of the Beles watershed under future climate change and land use scenarios compared to that of current period. The important inference from these findings is that it could be possible to alleviate intense floods or droughts due to future climate change by planning LULC to achieve particular hydrological effects of land cover in the basin. Continuing expansion of cultivation land and decrease in natural vegetation, coupled with increased rainfall due to climate change, would result in high surface runoff in the main rainy season, which would subsequently increase flooding, erosion and sedimentation in already degraded lands. Sound mitigation measures should therefore be applied to reduce these adverse environmental consequences. On the other hand, the simulated climate and land-use change impacts on the Tana watershed hydrological regime might increase the availability of streamflow to be harnessed by water-storage structures. In conclusion, the present study has developed an innovative approach to identify the major environmental stressors of critical source region of the Blue Nile River in order to effectively managing the water resources and climate risk. Understanding the catchment responses to environmental changes improves sustainability of the water resources management particularly given that the hydropower and the irrigation schemes are recently established for energy and food security.:TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF TABLES 1. General Introduction 2. The study area 3. Gap Filling and Homogenization of Climatological Datasets in the Headwater Region of the Upper Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia Abstract 3.1. Introduction 3.1.1. Data 3.2. Methodology 3.2.1. Quality control and gap filling 3.2.2. Homogenization 3.3. Results and Discussion 3.3.1. Gap filling 3.3.2. Homogeneity 3.3.3. Verification of the homogenization 3.3.4. Impact of homogenization on the rainfall and temperature series 3.4. Conclusions Acknowledgements 4. Revisiting trend analysis of hydroclimatic data in the Upper Blue Nile basin based on homogenized data Abstract 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Data and Methodology 4. 2.1 Data 4. 2.2 Linear trend 4. 2.3 Trend magnitude 4.3 Results and Discussions 4.3.1. Linear mean climate trends Rainfall Maximum Temperature (Tmax) Minimum Temperature (Tmin) Mean temperature (Tmean) Diurnal temperature range (DTR) Streamflow 4.3.2. Effect of homogenization on Tmax, Tmin, Tmean and DTR linear trends 4.3.3. Linear extreme climate trends 4.3.1. Temperature 4.3.2. Precipitation 4.4 Conclusions Acknowledgements 5. Recent Changes in Land Use/Cover in the Headwater Region of the Upper Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia 85 Abstract 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Materials and Methods 5.2.1 Data used and image pre-processing 5.2.2 Classification accuracy assessment 5.2.3 Extent and rate of change 5.2.4 Detecting the most systematic transitions (dominant signals of change) 5.4 Results and Discussion 5.4.1 Accuracy assessment 5.4.2 Extent and rate of LULC changes 5.4.3 Rate of land use and land cover change 5.4.4 Detection of most systematic transitions 5.5 Conclusions Acknowledgements 6. Hydrological Responses to Land use/cover Changes in the Tana and Beles Watersheds, the Upper Blue Nile, Ethiopia Abstract 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Method 6.2.1 Hydrological modeling 6.2.2 Partial least squares regression 6.3 Results and Discussion 6.3.1 Calibration and validation of SWAT 6.3.2 Impacts of LULC changes on hydrology at the basin scale 6.3.3 Contribution of changes in individual LULCs to hydrological components 6.4 Conclusions Acknowledgements 7. Combined Impact of Climate and Land Use Changes on Hydrology in the Tana and Beles Sub-Basins, Upper Blue Nile, Ethiopia Abstract 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Methodology 7.2.1 Simulation 7.2.2 Climate change scenarios 7.2.3 LULC change scenarios 7.3 Results and Discussion 7.3.1 Future versus current LULC impact on the basin hydrology 7.3.2 Future versus baseline climate 7.3.3 Impact of combined future climate and LULC changes on hydrology 7.4 Uncertainties and Limitations 7.5 Conclusions Acknowledgements 8. Overall Conclusions, Recommendations and Future Research Directions 8.1. Overall Conclusions 8.2 Recommendations and Directions for further research References

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