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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Trädgården som rehabilitering vid utmattningssyndrom / The garden as a rehabilitation method for people suffering from fatigue syndrome

Forsén, Anna January 2014 (has links)
The aim of the study was to explore the methods used in horticultural therapy gardens in rehabilitating people suffering from fatigue syndrome. Nine horticultural therapy gardens were contacted of wich three chose to participate. Using case study as method e-mail interviews was carried out with the participants about their establishment and what kind of theories they based their methods upon. The material collected from the interviews was complemented with additional data from the establishments web pages and information pamphlets. Collected data was processed trough content analysis and then formed as background for the development of a program theory for horticultural therapy. The results show some variations in how the different establishments practice horticultural therapy and how they assess and follow up their work. The program theory of horticultural therapy contains gardening and residing in the garden, conversational therapy, autogenic exercise and stress managment. These activities are expected to lead to a higher degree of self perception, a reevaluation of one´s conceptions and higher self esteem. Through these activities the participants are given an increased ability to handle their lives, which in turn is thought to make it possible for them to return to work or studies. The abcense of clearly defined goals with the rehabilitation makes it difficult to determine how effective it is in bringing people with fatigue syndrome back to work. / Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur trädgårdsrehabilitering tillämpas av några verksamheter för att göra en jämförelse i syfte att påvisa likheter och skillnader. Nio verksamheter kontaktades varav tre valde att delta. En fallstudie utfördes där de tre verksamhetsansvariga intervjuades via e-post om sina verksamheters organisation och grundfilosofi samt hur verksamheten utväderades och följdes upp. Som komplement till intervjuerna granskades även verksamheternas presentationer av sig själva på hemsidor och i broschyrer. Resultatet ger en bild av hur tre verksamheter som bedriver trädgårdsrehabilitering för utmattningsdrabbade är utformade, samt i vilken utsträckning de gör utvärderinga och uppföljningar. Gemensamma inslag i rehabiliteringen var trädgårdsvistelse/aktiviteter, hantverksaktiviteter, samtal, stresshantering och avslappningsövningar. Utvärderingar och uppföljningar skedde i varierande grad och med olika mätinstrument. Som en del i att försöka tydliggöra de tänkta verkningsmekanismerna i trädgårdsrehabiliteringen och ge en översiktlig bild av metoden, utformades även en programteori. Den utgår från verksamheternas metoder samt vetenskaplig evidens inom området. Programteorin visar hur de tänkta aktiviteterna förväntas leda fram till slutresultatet. Den, för trädgårdsrehabilitering, utformade programteorin innehåller vistelse i trädgård och trädgårdsarbete, samtalsterapi, avslappningsövningar och stresshantering. Aktiviteterna förväntas leda till en ökad självinsikt, ett ändrat förhållningssätt och en bättre självkänsla, och genom det en ökad förmåga att hantera sin livssituation. Detta antas ge de förutsättningar som behövs för att kunna återgå till arbetsliv eller studier, alternativt fortsätta rehabiliteringen med arbetsträning. Avsaknaden av tydliga, mätbara mål med rehabiliteringen gör det svårt att värdera hur effektiv rehabiliteringsformen egentligen är på att återinföra utmattningsdrabbade i arbetslivet.

Omorganiseringer – hva koster de? : En sammenstilling av omkostninger i forbindelse med en omorganisering; tidsbruk til frustrasjoner, møter etc, sykefravær, og rene utbetalinger / Restructuring in organisations – what is the price? : A compound of expenses connected to organisational restructuring such as; time used in frustration, meetings etc., turnover and ordinary expenses.

Cuenoud, Helen Catherine January 2007 (has links)
Hensikt. Mange kommuner har over år hatt svært stram økonomi.  Mange av kommunene har som endel av tiltakene for å få økonomien i balanse foretatt omfattende omorganiseringer.  Generelt sett har det vært lite fokus på hva omorganiseringene koster i form av tidstap, frustrasjoner og stress, økt sykefravær og rene utgifter i form av konsulenter etc. Metode 14 ansatte på alle nivå i organisasjonen ble intervjuet om deres opplevelser i forbindelse med omorganisering.  Dette ble satt sammen med vurderinger av sykefravær statistikk og omkostninger som skulle komme frem i regnskapene. Resultat De ansatte som ble intervjuet var meget opptatt av ikke å stipulere for stor bruk av tid.  Da lot de heller være å angi tid.  Likevel ble resultatene av brukt tid til samtaler, møter og frustrasjoner formidable.  Det var i denne kommunens sykefraværs statistikk ikke mulig å kunne si noe om økt sykefravær på grunn av omorganisering.  Derimot fortalte de ansatte selv om at de hade blitt syke på grunn av prosessene. Kostnadene til omorganisering var ført i  ordinært driftsregnskap. Mye av de faktiske kostnadene var derfor ikke mulig å finne tilbake til i etterkant. Konklusjon:  Omorganiseringer koster svært mye i medgått tid.  Ansatte blir syke av økt stress  og mangel på kontroll, økt arbeisbyrde, press og usikkerhet.  Kostnader i form av for eksempel konsulenter, flyttinger og innkjøp av nytt utstyr må tas med i en helhet.  For å vurdere innsparingene ved en omorganisering må man se det opp mot omkostningen med omorganisering.  Det har til nå ikke blitt tatt tilstrekkelig hensynt til. Det anbefales å gjøre videre forskning på omorganiseringer og de totale omkostningene. / Aim  The municipalities in Norway have for the last decades been given a lot of new tasks and the economy has been poor.  In order to reduce costs many municipalities  has chosen to restructure the organisation.  There has been little attention given to what a reorganisation really costs in terms of loss of time, frustrations, stress, increased sick leave and actual expenditures. Method 14 employees from all over the organisation were interviewed on their experiences with reorganisations.  These results were put together with the results of the sick leave statistics and the numbers from the accounts.  Result  The employees were very concerned not to exaggerate the use of time.  They would rather not estimate any time used.  All the same, the time used was of incredible dimensions.  This municipality’s statistics on sick leave did not give any evidence that the reorganisations caused more sickness in the organisation.  But the employees told about being sick from the processes. The expenses for the reorganisation process were accounted for in the ordinary accounting system.  It was not possible to identify and extract the actual expenses 3 – 4 years later. The exception was the expenses connected to the consultants. Conclusions  The expenses in terms of time used are huge.  The employees get sick from stress and lack of control, increased workload, pressure and uncertainty. Expenses as the costs of consultants, expenditures of new outfits and moving expenditures must also be considered.   In an evaluation of the savings made through a reorganisation, the all expenses must be considered in full in order to have a true evaluation.  Until today such evaluation do not seem to have been done.   It is a recommended to do further research on this subject / <p>ISBN 978-91-85721-31-3</p>

The psychological contract : personal and job-related variables and the intention to leave / Mali Wilmari Pretorius

Pretorius, Wilmari January 2012 (has links)
Globally, employees are experiencing extensive change in the workplace. Downsizing, right-sizing or restructuring have become familiar terms in difficult economic conditions and imply that rationalising of jobs is inevitable. Organisations attempt to reduce costs, which in turn places pressure on employees to modify their jobs and seek alternative employment. This increases their intention to leave (Iyo & Brotheridge, 2004). The researcher is interested in determining how satisfied employees are with their life in general, in their jobs, and whether the constructs at hand can lead to an intention to leave. This is information that an organisation might value due to high turnover costs. Employability and autonomy are linked to the above concepts. With reference to the above formulation of the problem statement, the general objective of this research is to determine the relationship between the psychological contract, employability, autonomy, job satisfaction, life satisfaction and the intention to leave of security employees in the Vaal Triangle. The primary objective of this research is to determine the relationship between the psychological contract, employability, autonomy, job satisfaction, life satisfaction and the intention to leave of security employees in the Vaal Triangle. A cross-sectional survey design was used. Constructs were measured by means of the psychological contract (employer obligations, employee obligations), a biographical questionnaire, employability questionnaire, autonomy questionnaire, job satisfaction, life satisfaction and intention to leave questionnaires. The research method for each of the two articles consists of a brief literature review and an empirical study. An exploratory factor analysis, as well as Cronbach alpha coefficients, was computed to access the reliability. Validity of the different product moment correlation coefficients and regression analysis were used to examine the relationship between the constructs employed in this research. Significant differences are found between various individual characteristics and the scores of the psychological contract (employer obligations, employee obligations and the psychological contract), the individual characteristics, employability, autonomy, job satisfaction, life satisfaction and intention to leave. Conclusions are made, limitations of the current research are discussed and recommendations for future research and the organisation are put forward. / MCom, Labour Relations Management, North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2012

Experiences of women in the platinum mining industry / Pearl Louise Calitz

Calitz, Pearl Louise January 2004 (has links)
The South African mining industry has been a male dominated environment for a very long time. With changes in government policy and legislation, discriminatory laws forbidding women to work underground have been repealed and the mining industry have since been trying to accommodate women. Unfortunately there is an imbalance to this general trend of increase shown by the consistently low numbers of female employees within the mining industry. It was far-fetched for management to perceive that women can ever play a role in the underground mining industry. Unfortunately the perceptions of management is having an enormous impact on the attitudes of the rest of the employees in this industry. This leads to discrimination in the mining industry that will make it difficult for the women seeking financial stability. The whole mining industry should learn to adapt to this idea of women in mining. Employing women in the mine is a challenge of the mindset of viewing mining as a men's world. The objective of this research was to determine the experience of women in the platinum mining industry in South Africa as well as the impact that women entering the mining industry could have on the mines in terms of the working conditions, harassment, physiological aspects, ergonomics, physical strength, discrimination etc. The research method for this article consists of a brief literature review and an empirical study. A qualitative design has been used on an availability sample (N = 14) females in the platinum mining industry. The qualitative research makes it possible to determine the subjective experience of women working in the platinum mining industry. The literature focused on previous research on the experience of women entering the mining industry as an employee. vii The outcome of this research was that the male worker attitude and discrimination have an enormous impact on women that are entering the mining industry. One of the more difficult hurdles to overcome is the harassment that women need to deal with The women are also facing a huge challenge in terms of their physical strength not being adequate in order to perform up to a minimum of eight hours per day in the harsh working conditions including the ergonomics of the mining industry. Most of the women are entering the mining industry for financial reasons in order to survive in the South f i c a n Economic environment of today. After a hard day performing these physical activities they need to face their responsibilities at home in order to manage a work-home life balance. Management need to start seeking solutions to make the mining industry a more women free environment for example focussing on facilities for women. The fact that women were appointed into the mining environment covering traditionally male sectors, also speaks to a commitment to changing the face of the mining industry. Recommendations for future research were made. / Thesis (M.A. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2005.

The mediating effect of locus of control between role overload, job satisfaction and turnover intention / Rachel Clare Lane

Lane, Rachel Clare January 2007 (has links)
Contemporary South African higher education institutions have undergone many drastic changes in recent years with regard to the demographic composition of students and organisational structures. Huge demands in terms of transformation have been placed on these institutions while they have simultaneously been transforming from former Technikons to Universities of Technology. This causes staff to be faced with major changes which affect all aspects of the institution. The objective of this research was to investigate whether role overload, job satisfaction and locus of control could be used to predict turnover intention of employees in a higher education institution. Further objectives included empirically determining whether locus of control had a mediating effect between role overload, job satisfaction and turnover intention. A cross-sectional survey design was used and an availability sample was taken from a South African higher education institution («=210). Five measuring instruments were administered as part of a larger questionnaire. Descriptive statistics were used to analyse the data and a series of regressions was used to test for the hypothesised mediating effect. The reliability coefficients obtained for the scales indicated that the Cronbach Alpha coefficients for qualitative role overload, job satisfaction and turnover intention were acceptable; however, those for quantitative role overload and locus of control were below the recommended cut-off mark. The results showed that there was a strong relationship between the dimensions of overload, indicating that the feeling of having too much to do in the time available is accompanied by the feeling that individuals do not have the skills to complete their required tasks. Furthermore, it was found that if employees feel that they have too much to do and that they do not possess the skills to complete tasks, they will be dissatisfied with their jobs. Both quantitative and qualitative role overload contributed to the participant's thoughts of leaving the institution and it was concluded that a satisfied employee is less likely to think of leaving the organisation. Locus of control had minimal relationships with quantitative and qualitative role overload, as well as with turnover intention. Locus of control was, however, found to be related to job satisfaction. Locus of control was found to be a poor predictor of turnover intention and did not mediate the relationship between role overload and job satisfaction on the one hand, and turnover intention on the other. It was concluded that job satisfaction was the strongest predictor of turnover intention. By way of conclusion, recommendations were made both for the organisation and for future research. / Thesis (M.A. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2008.

Intentions to leave the workplace : the role of unfulfilled promises / Irma Elzette Walters

Walters, Irma Elzette January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (M.A. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2008.

Positive organisation :|bthe role of leader behaviour in employee engagement and retention / Fallen Mendes.

Mendes, Fallen January 2010 (has links)
Organisations are constantly undergoing major changes. These changes can have negative consequences on organisational functioning and employee well-being. It is therefore vital for organisations to focus on the elements of a healthy organisation so that a positive organisation can be built and the negative consequences avoided. A healthy organisation pays attention to six intenelated dimensions namely; organisational attributes, organizational climate, job design, job future, psychological work adjustment and negative outcomes (like that of turnover, absenteeism, alcohol and substance abuse, self-reported health, and psychological health). The objective of this study was to determine the relationship between leader empowering behaviour, role clarity, psychological empowerment, work engagement and intention to leave. A business unit consisting of managers, specialists, supervisors and administrative staff participated in this research. A cross-sectional design was used to attain the research objectives. The Leader Empowering Behaviour Questionnaire (LEBQ), the Measures of Role Conflict and Ambiguity Questionnaire (MRCAQ), Measuring Empowerment Questionnaire (MEQ), Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (U\VES), and Intention to Leave Scale (ILS) were administered for the study. The statistical analysis was carried out by utilising the SPSS program. Exploratory factor analysis indicated a three factor structure for LEBQ, a two factor structure for MRCAQ, a four factor structure for MEQ, a three factor structure for UWES and since ILS only consists of two items a factor analysis was not necessary. All the scales showed acceptable reliabilities. The results showed that leader empowering behaviour, role clarity and psychological empowerment predict engagement. Moderation effects showed that role clarity interacted with competence and meaning to affect employees' dedication, and role clarity interacted with the developing of employees (as a facet of leader empowering behaviour) to affect absorption. Finally, a regression analysis showed that work engagement predicts employees intention to leave. Once conclusions for the study were drawn, recommendations for the organisation as well as for future research were made. / Thesis (M.Comm. (Industrial Psychology)--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2010.

Leadership, empowerment and intention to leave of educators in selected schools in the Sedibeng West District of the Gauteng Province / Anna Sophia Stander.

Stander, Anna Sophia January 2010 (has links)
The teaching context in South Africa is continuously transforming. Consequently, there are numerous challenges that the educator has to face. Schools are challenged in ways that are different from private sector companies. Lack of resources and funds, teacher turnover, dealing with discipline, lack of learner motivation and self-esteem, racism, violence, antisocial behaviour, shortage of skilled personnel and educator strikes are some of the challenges in the educational environment. The education profession needs to re-think and re-design its existing management processes in order to retain staff. It can be expected that educators will be negatively influenced by the above challenges and will therefore express intentions to leave the profession. The ability of any school to achieve excellence will depend on the quality, level of competence and energy of the educators. The school requires motivated educators and should attract, develop, care for, retain and inspire the best people on a continuous basis. The school principal should be competent and willing to empower educators. Leadership empowerment behaviour and psychological empowerment could lead to lower levels of teachers' intention to leave. The aim of this research was to investigate the extent to which leader empowerment behaviour and psychological empowerment predict educators' intentions to leave the teaching profession in the Sedibeng West District of the Gauteng Province. The research method consisted of a literature study that served as the foundation of the empirical research. A cross-sectional survey design was used to achieve the research objectives. Three standardized questionnaires were used in the empirical study, namely the Leader Empowering Behaviour Questionnaire, Measuring Empowerment Questionnaire and Intention to Leave Questionnaire. The statistical analysis was conducted with the aid of the SPSS program. The statistical methods applied in the study consisted of factor analyses (validity), descriptive statistics, Cronbach alpha coefficients (reliability), correlations and regression analyses. Significant correlations were found between Leader Empowering Behaviour, Psychological Empowerment and Intention to Leave. Leader Empowering Development and Leader Empowering Decision predicted a high percentage of the variance in Psychological Empowerment. Leader Empowering Development and Leader Empowering Decision predicted 18% of the variance in Psychological Empowerment (Attitude). Leader Empowering Behaviour predicted 11% of the variance in Intention to Leave. When Influence was entered into the equation, 19% of the total variance in Intention to leave was predicted. Based on the results, recommendations were made for schools and for future research. Leadership and empowerment of educators are important challenges that influence Intention to Leave and that could ultimately reduce turn-over rates of talented people. The empowerment and retention of staff are not only important challenges for schools, but for the growth and prosperity of the country. This research will hopefully contribute in assisting other researchers to develop strategies for improving leader empowerment behaviour and educators' meaning of work. / Thesis (M.Ed. (Education Management))--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2010.

Job insecurity, job satisfaction, social support and intention to leave of process controllers in a South African petro-chemical company / Lize Bam.

Bam, Lize January 2010 (has links)
With South Africa currently experiencing a skills shortage, companies need to take job insecurity, job satisfaction and social support into consideration as part of their retention strategy. There is also tremendous pressure being placed on organisations to improve their performance and to become increasingly competitive, which has resulted in job insecurity becoming a reality in South Africa. A petro-chemical company in South Africa was studied to determine the possible relationships between job insecurity, job satisfaction, social support, tenure, intention to leave and qualifications. The participants (N=l 84) included process controllers, senior process controllers, group leaders/foremen, section leaders and area leaders of various business units of the petro-chemical company. A quantitative study was conducted using a cross-sectional survey design. Self-administered questionnaires were used which included the Job Insecurity Questionnaire (JIQ), The Turnover Scale, Social Support and the Job Satisfaction Scale. The statistical analysis included descriptive statistics, factor analysis, Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients as well as MANOY A and structural equation modelling. The statistical analysis included descriptive statistics, factor analysis, Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients as well as MANOVA and structural equation modelling. Results indicated there was no correlation between job insecurity and tenure, nor between qualifications and job insecurity. It was concluded that lower job satisfaction resulted in higher job insecurity and that higher job satisfaction resulted in lower levels of intentions to leave. There was a positive correlation between social support and job satisfaction. With these results and the model developed it would be possible for the company to adjust their retention strategy to achieve optimal results. / Thesis (M.A. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2010.

Leadership empowerment behaviour, job insecurity, engagement and intention to leave in a petrochemical organisation / S. Jordaan

Jordaan, Sonet January 2007 (has links)
The significant change that organisations must endure in order to survive, let alone prosper, has grown tremendously in the past two decades. The lack of talent, especially amongst the previously disadvantaged groups, is one of numerous challenges South African organisations are confronted with. Organisations are therefore required to determine indicators of intention to leave as it is argued to be the single most important predictor of actual quitting behaviour. Variables found to relate to intention to leave include a sense of powerlessness and a lack of engagement. The objective of this study is to determine the relationship between leadership empowerment behaviour, job insecurity, engagement and intention to leave in a petrochemical laboratory. The research method consisted of a brief literature review and an empirical study. A cross - sectional survey design was used. The entire population of employees working in a business unit of a petrochemical organisation, namely the Laboratory, was targeted. The Leader Empowering Behaviour Questionnaire, Job Insecurity Inventory, Utrecht Work Engagement Scale and two questions measuring intention to leave were used. In addition, a biographical questionnaire was administered. The statistical analysis was conducted with the aid of the SPSS programme. The statistical method employed in the study consisted of descriptive statistics, Cronbach alpha coefficients, Pearson product-moment correlation and a multiple regression analysis. Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was used to determine the significance of differences between the experience of leadership empowerment behaviour, job insecurity, engagement and intention to leave of demograpbic groups. Results indicated that leadership empowerment behaviour was negatively correlated with cognitive job insecurity and that a negative relationship existed between leadership empowerment behaviour and intention to leave. Leadership empowerment behaviour was found to be positively correlated with engagement. A positive relationship existed between cognitive job insecurity and affective job insecurity, as well as between cognitive job insecurity and intention to leave. Cognitive job insecurity was found to be negatively correlated with engagement. A negative relationship was established between engagement and intention to leave. All these correlations were found to be statistically and practically significant with a medium to large effect. Regression analysis indicated that leadership empowerment behaviour and affective job insecurity did not show a significant amount of predictive value towards intention to leave. Cognitive job insecurity and engagement were found to be indicators of intention to leave. With regards to experiencing leadership empowerment behaviour, engagement and intention to leave, no significant differences were found between demographic groups. Participants in middle non -management positions, however, experienced higher levels of affective job insecurity than those in senior management positions. Conclusions and limitations of the current research were discussed and recommendations for future research were made. / Thesis (M.A. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2008.

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