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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Étude ethnobotanique des plantes médicinales antidiabétiques utilisées au Liban

Assaly, Georgette 07 1900 (has links)
Le diabète de type 2, ayant vu une augmentation fulgurante mondialement ces dernières décennies, représente un problème de santé significatif au Liban avec une prévalence de 14.6% en 2017. Dans le but d’identifier des plantes médicinales à potentiel antidiabétique utilisées au Liban, des entrevues ont été effectuées avec 30 herboristes provenant de 6 provinces différentes. La majorité des herboristes sélectionnés ont au moins 10 ans d’expériences, à l’exception d’un seul candidat. Une approche ethnobotanique a été employée dans le but d’identifier les plantes ayant un potentiel antidiabétique à l’aide d’un questionnaire semi-dirigé, reposant sur 15 symptômes et complications associés au diabète de Type 2. Un total de 42 espèces a été mentionné par les herboristes. Les espèces mentionnées ont été classifiées grâce à l’indice SIV (valeur d’importance syndromique), tenant compte du degré d’association de chaque symptôme avec le diabète de Type 2. Une analyse de la littérature scientifique sur les 5 premières plantes a permis d’appuyer le savoir des herboristes. Une analyse de correspondance entre symptômes et espèces a aussi démontré une association de 8 plantes en particulier avec 3 symptômes différents. / Type 2 diabetes has increased dramatically globally in recent decades, representing a significant health problem in Lebanon with a prevalence of 14.6% in 2017. To identify medicinal plants with antidiabetic potential used in Lebanon, interviews were conducted with 30 herbalists from 6 different provinces. Most of the selected herbalists had at least 10 years of expertise, with the exception of one candidate. An ethnobotanical approach was applied to identify plants with antidiabetic potential, using a semi-structured questionnaire based on 15 symptoms and complications associated with Type 2 diabetes. A total of 42 species were mentioned by the herbalists. The species mentioned were classified by SIV (Syndromic Importance Value) ranking, taking into account the degree of association of each symptom with Type 2 diabetes. A correspondence analysis between symptoms and species was then performed and demonstrated an association of 8 plants with 3 different symptoms.

Riduzione del rischio di conflitto tra teoria e pratica: il caso studio libanese. Una strategia per prevenire una destabilizzazione socio-economica in Medio Oriente / CONFLICT RISK REDUCTION BETWEEN THEORY AND PRACTICE: THE LEBANESE CASE STUDY. A NEW STRATEGY TO PREVENT AN EXPANDED SOCIO-ECONOMIC DESTABILISATION IN MIDDLE EAST / Conflict Risk Reduction between theory and practice: the Lebanese case study. A strategy to prevent an expanded socio-economic destabilisation in Middle East

ENNA, ANTEA 21 April 2020 (has links)
Questa ricerca definisce il concetto di riduzione del rischio di conflitto e fornisce una strategia di gestione del rischio di conflitto. Lo scopo è quello di contribuire alla Peace Research e ai Conflict studies costruendo un approccio di prevenzione basato sul rischio. La metodologia utilizzata in questo studio è interdisciplinare. Questo aspetto ha permesso di convalidare il quadro analitico sviluppato attraverso l'analisi di un caso studio che ha incluso un lavoro sul campo con l'impiego di strumenti antropologici. Il caso libanese è stato scelto per la recente storia conflittuale e le odierne condizioni in cui versa il paese, sottoposto a innumerevoli pressioni socioeconomiche. Infatti, la crisi siriana e i massicci flussi di rifugiati hanno avuto un impatto significativo sul Libano, destabilizzando ulteriormente un paese già fragile e scatenando diverse ondate di violenza, la cui manifestazione ha avuto e ha luogo a livello micro e macro in diverse forme. La storia conflittuale e le esperienze di migrazione, le pressioni economiche e sociali e i pregiudizi derivanti dall’errata percezione reciproca tra libanesi e siriani costituiscono la base da una parte per un alto rischio di micro-conflitti, e dall’altra, a livello macro, un possibile input per una destabilizzazione socioeconomica che sfoci in una contrapposizione conflittuale che tenga conto delle dinamiche irrisolte della società libanese. Considerando l'obiettivo pratico di questo lavoro, che si concentra sull’elaborazione di una strategia di gestione dei rischi di conflitto, sarà fornita un'analisi programmatica, tenendo conto delle buone pratiche implementate da Organizzazioni Internazionali e ONG. / This research aims at defining the concept of Conflict Risk Reduction and providing a Conflict Risk Management Strategy. The purpose is to contribute to the Peace research and Conflict Studies field by offering a conflict risk-based prevention approach. The methodology used in this study is of interdisciplinary nature. This, in subsequence allowed me to apply the case study approach to validate the analytical created framework and to perform prolonged fieldwork employing anthropological tools. The Lebanese case represents a rich field for these research purposes due to its recent conflict history that crucially marked the country and its consequences that are still fathomable today in addition to the current pressure circumstances. Indeed, the Syrian crisis and the massive refugee flows have a significant impact on Lebanon leading to several waves of violence. The country’s history of conflict and migration, the economic and social grievances and the misperception among Lebanese and Syrian refugees constitute the base for a high risk of micro conflicts in Lebanon. Considering the practical aim of this work which focuses on Conflict Risk Disaster Management strategy, a programmatic analysis will be provided, taking into account the best practices implemented by International Organisations and NGOs.


Rachel Hannah Hackett (10682463) 07 May 2021 (has links)
<p>This thesis argues that <i>Morituri</i> by Yasmina Khadra and <i>White Masks</i> by Elias Khoury use the genre of the detective novel as a pretext for social and political critique of Algeria and Lebanon respectively. This thesis links the generic (crime fiction) and the conceptual (Political and Social Critique in Modern Arab World). While the detective novel is traditionally thought of as a non-academic, entertaining part of popular culture, the use of the genre to critique the failure of nation building after colonization elevates the genre and transforms it from mere entertainment to a more serious genre. Both novels are emblematic of a shift in the use of the detective and crime novel to address the political disarray in their respective states and the Arab world as a whole. As modern examples of detective novels in the modern Arab world, <i>Morituri</i> and <i>White Masks</i> transform the genre through their complex interweaving of aspects of the popular genre of detective fiction with the more serious political novel. The historical and political context of both countries at the time of the novels’ settings are an intrinsic part of understanding the crimes and the obfuscation of the perpetrator. In both of these novels, the technical and generic aspects are connected to the thematic, and the detective novel structure is not just there for suspense and entertainment. Instead, this structure points to the neocolonial system, benefitting the most powerful and the most affluent at the expense of the weak, poor, and disadvantaged.</p>

Creating with Ghosts: Identity and Artistic Purpose in Armenian Diaspora

Kouyoumdjian, Mary January 2021 (has links)
The creative submission for my dissertation includes two of my documentary works: They Will Take My Island, a thirty-minute multimedia collaboration with filmmaker Atom Egoyan for amplified string octet, electronic track, and film, commissioned by the Metropolitan Museum of Art; and Paper Pianos, a ninety-minute staged collaboration with director Nigel Maister and projection artist Kevork Mourad. The written submission for my dissertation is an examination of the ways in which experiences around transgenerational trauma inform and manifest in my creative practice. I offer a summary of my own family history of survivors of the Armenian Genocide and Lebanese Civil War, as well as a survey of displacement amongst the Armenian community in the past century. Furthermore, I discuss identity processing as diaspora and the act of cultural preservation, as inspired by genocide survivor, composer, priest, writer, and musicologist, Komitas Vardapet. I later examine these ideas in the context of creating They Will Take My Island and Paper Pianos, both of which were constructively motivated by transgenerational survivor’s guilt and draw from extra-musical documentary and horror genre practices.

Party on a Roof

Alrayes, Samer 31 January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

L’action collective comme voie d’accès à la justice dans le contexte de la crise libanaise : un plaidoyer pour la reconnaissance de la compétence internationale des tribunaux québécois

Abou Malhab, Kayrouz 03 1900 (has links)
Les répercussions de la crise économique et politique que le Liban connait aujourd’hui ne se sont pas limitées à ses frontières. Un nombre très important d’individus résidants à l’extérieur de ce pays ont été touchés directement depuis le début de la crise. En effet, depuis octobre 2019, toute personne détenant des dépôts auprès des banques commerciales libanaises se voit refuser l’accès à ces fonds, surtout pour les transferts internationaux. Ces mesures mises en place par les banques commerciales représentent, en l'absence de législation appropriée, un contrôle des capitaux de facto dépourvu de toute légalité aux yeux du droit libanais. Compte tenu de la corruption qui ravage les institutions étatiques et des interférences politiques dans l’appareil judiciaire libanais, un recours depuis le Liban s’avère impossible aujourd’hui pour les déposants étrangers. Ces derniers recherchent désespérément un forum compétent afin d’exercer leurs droits dans l’espoir de récupérer un jour leurs économies investies dans les banques libanaises. De ces déposants, un nombre important réside au Québec. Ce groupe de personnes a subi un préjudice commun susceptible d’engendrer des litiges similaires. Ainsi se pose la question traitée par ce mémoire. En ce qui concerne les déposants québécois, et en considérant les objectifs de l’action collective québécoise, cette procédure pourrait-elle satisfaire leurs besoins d’accès à la justice? Afin de répondre à cette question, plusieurs problématiques se posent. Notamment, la compétence des tribunaux québécois de se saisir de ce litige, la satisfaction de ce dernier aux critères d’autorisation de l’action collective et les difficultés inhérentes à cette procédure dans le contexte factuel particulier. Ainsi, le lecteur comprendra, ce mémoire aura l’aspect d’une étude de cas pratique hypothétique. Toutefois, les enjeux juridiques seront traités en détail et de manière exhaustive. L’objectif principal demeure la faisabilité de ce recours selon le droit positif québécois. / The repercussions of the economic and political crisis that Lebanon is experiencing today are not limited to its borders. A very large number of individuals residing outside this country have been directly affected since the beginning of this crisis. Indeed, since October 2019, any person holding deposits in Lebanese commercial banks has been denied access to these funds, especially in the case of international transfers. These measures put in place by the commercial banks represent a de facto capital control that is, absent appropriate legislation, illegal under Lebanese law. Given the corruption that plagues state institutions and the political interference in the Lebanese judiciary, recourse from Lebanon is impossible today for foreign depositors. These account holders are desperately seeking a competent forum to exercise their rights in the hope of one day recovering their savings invested in Lebanese banks. Of these depositors, a large number resides in Quebec. This group of people have suffered a common prejudice that could lead to similar litigation. This raises the question addressed by this thesis. With respect to Quebec plaintiffs and considering the objectives of the Quebec class action, could this procedure satisfy their need for access to justice? In order to answer this question, several elements must be considered. In particular, the jurisdiction of the Quebec courts to hear this case, whether it meets the criteria for certification of a class action and the difficulties inherent to this procedure considering the peculiar factual context. Thus, the reader will understand that this thesis will have the aspect of a hypothetical practical case study. However, the legal issues will be dealt with in detail and in a comprehensive manner. The main objective remains to determine the feasibility of this recourse within the framework of Quebec's positive law.

Potential and limits of circular economy in Lebanon : case studies on the implementation of water circularity

Gedeon, Dina 11 1900 (has links)
Le Liban, un pays Méditerranéen, est bien connu pour sa richesse relative en eau au Moyen-Orient, une région naturellement aride. Cependant, le Liban fait face à un risque grandissant de stress hydrique. Le secteur agricole qui s’étend sur différentes régions au Liban, représente 60 % de la consommation de l’eau douce du pays. Toutefois, cette eau est mal gérée et utilisée de façon négligente, menant à de grandes pertes de la ressource. Aujourd’hui, le secteur domestique fait face à un manque en eau et se retrouve obligé de s’en procurer par des moyens non-conventionnels. Afin de combattre la pénurie d’eau, quels seront le potentiel et les limites du Liban à explorer l’application du modèle circulaire ? Les études de cas choisies ont dépeint le potentiel du Liban à récupérer les déchets et eaux usées pour des fins agricoles, en soulignant la préservation et l’optimisation de l’eau dans toute l’économie. À petite échelle, le Liban a prouvé le succès de la circularité de l'eau dans l'agriculture, mais a également révélé des obstacles lorsqu'il s'agit de comprendre le secteur de l'eau. Pourtant, le Liban a le potentiel d'atteindre la circularité dans ce secteur et au-delà. Le cas de la station d'épuration d'Ablah valide le potentiel de démultiplication de son modèle opérationnel sur des stations existantes situées à proximité de champs agricoles en normalisant l'utilisation de l'eau traitée et en renforçant la gouvernance de l'eau ; y parvenir améliorerait l'approvisionnement en eau de l'économie. Néanmoins, le gouvernement et les autres parties concernées jouent un rôle majeur dans l'aspect juridique crucial de la mise en œuvre d'un modèle circulaire. / Lebanon is a Mediterranean country well known for its relative richness in water to the Middle East, a naturally arid region. However, in recent years, Lebanon has been facing a risk of increasing water stress. The Lebanese agricultural sector spreads across different regions and accounts for 60 % of Lebanon's freshwater consumption. However, this water is mismanaged and carelessly used, leading to great losses of the resource. Today, the domestic sector faces a lack of water and is forced to obtain it by unconventional means. To combat water scarcity, what are the potential and limitations of Lebanon to explore the concept of circular economy? The chosen case studies have portrayed Lebanon’s potential at recovering waste including used water, for agricultural purposes, but has also risen an interesting point about water preservation and maximization in the whole economy. At a small scale, Lebanon has proven the success of water circularity in agriculture but has also revealed barriers when it comes to understanding the water sector. Yet, Lebanon holds a potential to attain circularity in the water sector and beyond. The case of the Ablah Wastewater Treatment Plant validates the potential to multiply its operational model on existing wastewater treatment plants that are located next to agricultural fields by normalizing the use of treated water and by strengthening water governance; succeeding at this would improve water supply in the economy. Nevertheless, the government and the other concerned parties, play a major role in the crucial legal aspect of the implementation of a circular model.

From Pre-Islam to Mandate States: Examining Cultural Imperialism and Cultural Bleed in the Levant

Willman, Gabriel 01 August 2013 (has links)
To a large degree, historical analyses of the Levantine region tend to focus primarily upon martial interaction and state formation. However, perhaps of equitable impact is the chronology of those interactions which are cultural in nature. The long-term formative effect of cultural imperialism and cultural bleed can easily be as influential as the direct alterations imposed by martial invasion. While this study does not attempt to establish comparative causal weight or catalytic impact between these types of interactions, it does contend that the cultural evolution of the Levant has been significantly influenced by external interaction for a period of time extending beyond the Levantine Islamic Expansion. This study presents a chronological examination of the region from the pre-Expansion Period through the Mandate Period, focused upon relevant cultural structures. Specifically, emphasis is placed upon religious, ethnic, and nationalistic identity development, sociolinguistic shifts, and institutional changes within the societal structure. The primary conclusion of this study is that significant evidence exists to support a long-term historical narrative of externally influenced Levantine cultural evolution, inclusive of both adaptive and reactive interactions.

Preparing for Dawn: The United States and the Global Politics of Palestinian Resistance, 1967-1975

Chamberlin, Paul 03 September 2009 (has links)
No description available.


Khalid, Ahmad Firas January 2019 (has links)
Many strategies can be used to support the use of research evidence in decision-making. However, such strategies have been understudied in crisis zones, where decision-making may be particularly complex, many factors may influence decision-makers’ use of research evidence, and professional judgements may be particularly relied upon. Using synthesis and qualitative research methods, this dissertation examines the role of research evidence in crisis zones and strategies to support its use in decision-making. First, chapter 2 describes a critical interpretive synthesis, which drew upon a broad body of literature around evidence use in crisis zones to develop a new conceptual framework that outlines strategies that leverage the facilitators and address the barriers to evidence use in crisis zones in four systems, namely the political, health, international humanitarian aid, and health research systems. Second, in chapter 3, the focus narrows, and an embedded qualitative case study design was used to gain a deeper understanding into one of the four identified systems, the political system, and specifically the factors that influenced the use of research evidence in the governmental health policy-development processes for Syrian refugees in Lebanon and Ontario. Finally, in chapter 4, a user testing study design was used to zero-in on decision-makers’ experiences with a particular strategy within the health research system, namely an evidence website focused specifically on topics relevant in crisis zones. This dissertation provides a rich understanding of research evidence use by examining knowledge translation strategies in a setting that has been largely unexplored in the broader KT map: crisis zones. The findings from this thesis point to the need for comprehensive strategies to support evidence use in decision-making that draw upon the existing literature and are adapted for crisis zones, which can occur sequentially or simultaneously within or across the four identified systems. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / In humanitarian aid, and specifically in crisis zones, there are many different types of information decision-makers can draw from when making decisions. One specific type of information is research evidence; however, the use of research evidence, and the ways it can inform decision-making in crisis zones, has been understudied. This dissertation addresses this key gap in understanding by: 1) developing a new tool that can help decisions-makers use research evidence to inform their decisions in crisis zones within the political, health, humanitarian aid and health research systems; 2) examining the factors that influence the use of research evidence in the governmental health policy-development processes for Syrian refugees in Lebanon and Ontario; and 3) examining the perspectives of decisions-makers around using one way of supporting the use of research evidence — an evidence website — to support evidence-informed decision-making in crisis zones.

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