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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Řízení o zrušení zákona před Ústavním soudem, se zaměřením na přezkum, zda byl zákon přijat ústavně předepsaným způsobem / Proceedings on the repeal of an Act before the Constitutional Court, with focus on the review of whether the Act was adopted in the constitutionally prescribed procedure

Zlámal, Vít January 2021 (has links)
Proceedings on the repeal of an Act before the Constitutional Court, with focus on the review of whether the Act was adopted in the constitutionally prescribed procedure Abstract The thesis deals with the judicial control of constitutionality with a specific focus on the review of the constitutionality of the legislative procedure. The first part of the thesis deals with the general definition of the constitutional judiciary, the position of the Constitutional Court in constitutional system of the Czech Republic and the definition of basic concepts that must be unconditionally known for the next parts of the thesis. The first part of the thesis concludes with a reflection on the topic whether the Constitutional Court really maintains its role as a predominantly negative legislator. In the second part, the thesis focuses on the description of the current legislation on court proceedings of the repeal of an Act or its individual provisions. The main topic of the second part of the thesis deals are the special effects of the decisions of the Constitutional Court in this type of proceedings and the question about binding nature of its reasoning. The author describes, for example, the specific effects of these decisions in horizontal relations or their effects on the specific proceedings from which the proposal...

Tvorba zákonů ve Spolkové republice Německo a v České republice - komparativní pohled / Law-making in the Federal Republic of Germany and the Czech Republic - a comparative view

Cidlina, Václav January 2012 (has links)
The thesis is mainly focused on the creation of laws, i.e. how they are produced, who makes them, who has a real influence on the law-making and how the legislative process looks like with its specific rules. This search is conducted not merely in the Czech Republic but also in the neighborly Federal Republic of Germany.

Postavení Evropského parlamentu v rámci normotvorby EU / The Role of the European Parliament in the Rulemaking Process of the EU

Mazura, Lukáš January 2019 (has links)
The Role of the European Parliament in the Rulemaking Process of the EU Abstract The topic of the thesis concerns the law-making of the European Union. It intends to present the legal framework of the adoption of the adoption of legislative acts and analyse the influence caused by the practice of informal procedures on de facto the situation in this field. Within the organisation structure, the emphasis is placed on the functioning of the European Parliament and within the informal procedures on so-called trilogue negotiations. Firstly, we examine the nature of informal procedures and trilogue negotiations. Secondly, we analyse what the influence of those procedures on the factual state of affairs of the ordinary legislative procedure in the light of its de lege lata concept and thirdly we evaluate the outcome from the EU functioning principles' point of view. After the de lege lata overview and the specification of the trilogue negotiations and other modalities of the informal procedures, we analyse some typical impacts of the trilogue negotiations on the practice of the adoption of legislative acts. We conclude that the trilogue negotiations constituted the so-called early agreements practice as a standard concept of the ordinary legislative procedure and materially substituted the three readings'...

Vady zákonodárného procesu a zákonodárství vůbec / Flaws of the legislative procedure and of the legislation itself

Zámečníková, Marie January 2018 (has links)
The dissertation called "Flaws of the legislative procedure and the legislation itself" aims to describe the main problems and flaws of the legislative procedure and the current condition of the legislature. It deals with the question of the cause of the current unintelligible and disorganized law. The paper analyses the situation in the Czech Republic, Germany and Austria. The thesis deals with four main questions. First, what kind of law the legislator should create. The question is answered by the description of the formal attributes of the law. Subsequently, it is put into question how the legislator should create such law. The duties of the legislator are described as those which were deduced by the German Federal Constitutional Court. In the chapter which deals with the question of how the legislator creates such law in reality, the particular safety measures and particular flaws of the legislative procedure are described. Finally, the last question analyses what kind of law is created by the legislator in reality, i. e. it deals with the problems of the current legislature which are specifically caused by the so called flood of laws. In conclusion, the thesis answers the question whether there is a connection between the particular flaws of the legislative procedure and the particular flaws...

Proces tvorby klimatické politiky EU / Climate change policy making in the EU

Havlíčková, Lenka January 2012 (has links)
The thesis aims on the policy-making in the EU with the focus on the climate change policy. The thesis analyses the way the climate change policy is decided within the EU and on the international level. It describes the legislative procedure and the development of international and European climate change policy - including the case study focusing on the process of negotiating the proposal on land use, land use change and forestry (LULUCF).

Sítě zájmových skupin - zájmové skupiny, jejich pozice a vztahy v legislativním procesu EU / Networks of Interest Groups - Interest Groups, their Positions and Relations in EU Legislative Process

Bubeníčková, Veronika January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis examines networking of interest groups. It presents potentional entrance points for influencing legislative processes in the EU. The thesis focuses mainly on European Commission's public consultations. It tries to answer the question whether the interest groups cooperate strategically or whether they try to reach their goals on their own. This thesis is grounded in the framework of the network theory and uses the method of graphic modeling. For the research we have selected three areas of European Commission's consultations. The participating interest groups were chosen based on their characteristics and the consultations they took part in. We have found out that among the interest groups gathered around European Commission there is no close collaboration taking place. Furthermore, the interest groups act rather spontaneously as they are generally only taking part in individual consultations. Only 12.3% of them participated in more than one consultation and they were mainly registered organizations.

L'obligation d'étude d'impact des projets de loi / The draft bill's impact assessment requirement

Combrade, Bertrand-Léo 08 December 2015 (has links)
L'obligation d'étude d'impact des projets de loi, inscrite à l'article 39 alinéa 3 de la Constitution par renvoi à une loi organique adoptée le 15 avril 2009, constitue un instrument de rationalisation de la confection de la loi. Cette rationalisation présente un double visage. Sur le plan de la procédure législative, l'obligation d'étude d'impact est un instrument de parlementarisme rationalisé qui témoigne• de l'émergence d'un authentique droit gouvernemental, dont la méconnaissance peut aboutir à une sanction prononcée par le Conseil d'État, le Conseil constitutionnel et la Conférence des présidents de la première assemblée saisie d'un projet de loi. Sur le plan de l'écriture de la loi, l'obligation d'étude d'impact constitue un mécanisme de rationalisation substantielle, qui fixe des règles de méthode encadrant la composition des projets de loi. L'analyse de six ans de pratique révèle un phénomène d'appropriation progressive de l'obligation d'étude d'impact dans le cadre de l'élaboration de la loi. Cette appropriation concourt au rééquilibrage des rapports entre Gouvernement et Parlement et permet d'exercer une pression positive en faveur de l'amélioration de la qualité de la loi. Pour autant, l'ampleur de ces changements ne doit pas être surestimée et le mécanisme bénéficie encore d'importantes marges de progression. / The draft bill's impact assessment requirement, enshrined in article 39 third subparagraph of the Constitution by reference to an organic law enacted on April the 15th 2009, establishes a rationalization tool of law making. This rationalization displays two sides. In terms of legislative procedure, the impact assessment requirement is a tool of rationalized parliamentarism which shows evidence of the surfacing of an authentic Governmental Law. The tool's misreading can lead to a sanction imposed by the Council of State, the Constitutional Council and the Conference of Presidents of the first House to which the bill has been referred. In terms of law drafting, the impact assessment requirement forms a substantial rationalization mechanism which sets the method rules framing the draft bill's righting. The analysis of six years of practice shows a phenomenon of progressive appropriation of the impact assessment requirement as part of law drafting. This appropriation contributes to the readjustment of the relations between Government and Parliament and enables to apply a positive pressure in favour of the law quality enhancement. However, the breadth of those changes should not be overestimated and the mechanism still has a lot of room for improvement.

Den rättsliga betydelsen av triloger i EU:s lagstiftningsprocess : en studie i den institutionella unionsrätten och aktuella händelseutvecklingar

Hammarlund, Karl January 2016 (has links)
Triloger har utvecklats till att idag utgöra en viktig del av Europeiska unionens ordinarie lagstiftningsförfarande. Dessa informella förhandlingsmöten mellan unionslagstiftarna, med deltagande av kommissionen, har förändrat den praktiska tillämpningen av fördragens bestämmelser om lagstiftningsförfarandet fastän de inte omnämns i fördragen. Samtidigt som trilogerna har gjort processen mer effektiv har de haft en negativ påverkan på insynen i förfarandet. I denna uppsats studeras hur fenomenet triloger genom åren har uttryckts juridisk i den institutionella unionsrätten. Kritiken mot trilogerna och andra aktuella händelser som möjligen kan förändra trilogernas rättsliga ställning utvärderas. / Trilogues have evolved to become an important part of the European Union’s ordinary legislative procedure. These informal negotiating meetings between the Union legislators, with the participation of the Commission, have changed the practical application of the Treaty rules on the legislative procedure without being mentioned in primary law. While the trilogue system has made the process more efficient, it has had a negative impact on the transparency of the process. This paper aims to study how the trilogue phenomenon has been legally expressed in the institutional Union law. The criticism against trilogues and other recent events are also examined in order to assess how these possibly can change the legal status of trilogues. / Les trilogues ont connu une évolution en devenant une partie intégrante et importante de la procédure législative ordinaire de l’Union Européenne. Ces réunions de négociations informelles entre les législateurs européens, avec la participation de la Commission, ont modifiées l’application pratique des règles des traités sur la procédure législative sans être mentionnées dans le droit primaire. Bien que les trilogues aient rendu le processus plus efficace, ils ont indéniablement eu un impact négatif sur la transparence de la procédure. Cette thèse vise à reconstruire comment le phénomène des trilogues a été exprimé en termes légaux dans le droit institutionnel de l’Union. Les critiques à l’encontre des trilogues et d’autres actualités sont aussi étudiées afin d’évaluer la façon dont ceux-ci éventuellement peuvent modifier le statut juridique des trilogues.

Les minorités parlementaires sous la Cinquième République / Parliamentary minorities under the Fifth Republic

Monge, Priscilla 11 December 2013 (has links)
En 1958, la Cinquième République construit ses équilibres institutionnel et fonctionnel en réaction aux dysfonctionnements des Républiques précédentes. Partie à la découverte de la majorité, elle va d’abord rejeter la valeur positive que constitue, pour la démocratie, le conflit politique. Avec l’apparition du fait majoritaire en 1962, la majorité va muer d’une logique arithmétique vers une logique institutionnelle pour devenir une structure de décision homogène dévouée au Gouvernement. La réflexion sur l’équilibre des pouvoirs va alors se renouveler. Alors que la théorie dite moderne de la séparation des pouvoirs propose de faire du contrôle de l’action du Gouvernement par l’opposition, le critère de la démocratie moderne, nous proposons une analyse différente : l’équilibre des pouvoirs repose sur la fonction de contradiction exercée par les minorités parlementaires. Cette fonction de contre pouvoir combine alors une dimension négative de limite du pouvoir, la fonction d’opposition, et une dimension positive de valeur ajoutée de la décision politique, la fonction de complémentarité législative. La thèse propose ainsi un renouvellement de la réflexion sur le processus de prise de décision dans une démocratie pluraliste. / The Fifth Republic in 1958 built its institutional and functional equilibriums in reaction to the previous Republics. It first rejected the positive value that is conflict for a democracy. With the emergence of the “fait majoritaire” in 1962, the majority evolved from a quantitative notion to an institutional notion. It became a structure of homogenous decision making devoted to the Government. Thought on the balance of powers was then renewed. While the so-called modern theory of separation of powers suggests that the criterion for a modern democracy is the check on Government action by the opposition, we propose a different analysis: the balance of powers lies in the function of contradiction assumed by the parliamentary minorities. This role of counter-power combines a negative dimension of limitation of power, the opposition function, and a positive dimension of added value to political decision making, the legislative complementary function. This thesis offers a new perspective on the decision making process in a pluralist democracy.


LUCIANA BOTELHO PACHECO 07 December 2016 (has links)
[pt] O trabalho examina os elementos centrais do procedimento legislativo resultante da atribuição, pela Constituição de 1988, de poder decisório às comissões parlamentares para aprovar e rejeitar projetos de lei. Investiga os precedentes do mecanismo no Brasil e os modelos italiano e espanhol, que serviram de inspiração ao constituinte brasileiro. Busca, ainda, apontar as falhas de regulação interna, na Câmara dos Deputados e no Senado Federal, que têm impedido melhor aproveitamento do novo instituto legislativo como canal de deliberação alternativo aos respectivos plenários. / [en] The dissertation looks into the core elements of the new legislative procedure created by the Brazilian Constitution of 1988 that gives the decision power to approval and rejection laws to the committees. It investigates the precedents of the mechanism in Brazil and the Italian and Spanish models, which served as the base of inspiration to the Brazilian constituent. It also points out the flaws of the internal regulation of the legislative houses which have prevented better use of the new institute as an alternative channel for making laws.

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