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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estimativa do nível de dano de Orthezia praelonga Douglas, 1891 e de Leucoptera coffeella (Guérin-Mèneville, 1842) por varíaveis fisiológicas vegetais. / Damage estimate of Orthezia praelonga Douglas, 1891 and Leucoptera coffeella (Guérin-Mèneville, 1842) by plant physiological variables.

Ademir Diniz Neves 14 January 2005 (has links)
O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar, por meio de variáveis fisiológicas vegetais como fotossíntese, condutância estomática, transpiração foliar, concentração interna de CO2 e temperatura foliar, o efeito de insetos pragas de diferentes hábitos alimentares em suas plantas hospedeiras. Foram estimados os níveis de dano de um sugador, Orthezia praelonga Douglas, 1891, em limão cravo (Citrus limonia L.), e de Leucoptera coffeella (Guérin-Mènevile, 1842), um mastigador, em mudas de café 'Obatã'. Os ensaios foram realizados em condições ótimas de temperatura, com luz e CO2 saturantes, e diferentes porcentagens de área foliar lesionada, obtidas pela variação do número de insetos por folha, no caso de O. praelonga em limão cravo (de 0 a 35 cochonilhas/folha (0-6%), de 40 a 70 cochonilhas/folha (7-13%), de 80 a 220 cochonilhas/folha (14-40%) e >220 cochonilhas/folha (>40%)) ou por tecido vegetal consumido (intervalos de 0-25%, 26-36% e >37%), no caso de L. coffeella em mudas de cafeeiro. As leituras das variáveis fisiológicas vegetais foram feitas com um medidor portátil de fotossíntese (IRGA). Os dados foram analisados por meio de uma regressão não linear, e, nos dois casos, existe uma correlação negativa entre fotossíntese e área foliar lesionada, ou seja, quanto maior a área foliar lesionada, menor a fotossíntese; e o ponto de inflexão negativo da curva, no qual um pequeno aumento na área foliar lesionada resultou em uma grande perda fotossintética, é tomado como referência de nível de dano, sendo que o nível de controle destas pragas, esta abaixo destes valores. A condutância estomática, a transpiração foliar, a concentração interna de CO2 e a temperatura foliar, em ambos os casos, não demonstram uma correlação definida com a intensidade de danos. A transpiração foliar em limão cravo atacado por O. praelonga é maior nos pontos onde também é maior a condutância estomática, e nas folhas de café com ataque de L. coffeella a transpiração foliar mantem-se constante durante toda a curva, semelhante à variável condutância estomática. As relações matemáticas de fotossíntese/concentração interna de CO2, e fotossíntese/condutância estomática são, em ambos os casos, decrescentes, o que demonstra respectivamente queda na eficiência instantânea de carboxilação da rubisco e redução da eficiência intrínseca do uso da água em função do aumento da área foliar lesionada. A análise conjunta dos dados demonstrou que O. praelonga afeta o fotossistema I (PS I) de folhas de limão cravo; enquanto L. coffeella afeta, em primeiro plano, o fotossistema II (PS II). No caso de O. praelonga em limão cravo, determina-se a faixa de 7 a 13% de área foliar lesionada (de 40 a 70 cochonilhas/folha) como sendo o valor de nível de dano, e para L. coffeella em cafeeiro este valor ficou na faixa de 25 a 36% de área foliar lesionada (tecido consumido pelo inseto). Os valores obtidos em laboratório, necessitam ajustes efetivos na determinação do nível de controle destas pragas no campo. A técnica de leitura de fotossíntese mostrou-se adequada a este propósito, e a análise dessa variável demonstrou ser a melhor opção para tal correlação. / The goal of this work was to evaluate the effect of insect pests of different feeding habits in their host plants through readings of plant physiological variables as photosynthesis, stomatal conductance, leaf transpiration, internal carbon dioxide concentration and leaf temperature. Thus, one estimated the injury level of a sucking insect, Orthezia praelonga Douglas, 1891, in 'Rangpur' lime (Citrus limonia L.), and Leucoptera coffeella (Guérin-Mènevile, 1842), a chewing insect, in 'Obatã' coffee seedlings. The trials were carried out under optimum temperature conditions, with saturating light and CO2 , with different injured leaf area percentages, obtained by the variation of the number of insects per leaf, in the case of O. praelonga in 'Rangpur' lime (0-35 mealybugs/leaf (0-6%), 40-70 mealybugs/leaf (7-13%), 80-220 mealybugs/leaf (14-40%), and >220 mealybugs/leaf (>40%)), or through plant tissue consumed (0-25%, 26-36% and > 37% intervals), in the case of L. coffeella in coffee seedlings. Plant physiological variables readings were performed through a portable photosynthesis meter(IRGA). The data were analyzed by means of nonlinear regression, and, in both cases, a negative correlation was observed between photosynthesis and the injured leaf area, that is, the larger the injured leaf area, the lesser the photosynthesis; the negative inflection point of the curve, upon which a slight increase in the injured leaf area resulted in great photosynt hesis loss is taken as a damage level reference, and the control level of these pests is below these values. The stomatal conductance, leaf transpiration, internal CO2 concentration and the leaf temperature, in both cases, showed no defined correlation with the damage intensity. The leaf transpiration in 'Rangpur' lime attacked by O. praelonga is higher in points where the stomatal conductance is higher as well, and in coffee leaves attacked by L. coffeella the leaf transpiration remains constant throughout the curve, similarly to the stomatal conductance variable. The mathematical relationships of photosynthesis/internal CO2 concentration, and photosynthesis/stomatal conductance are, in both cases, decreasing, which respectively shows drop in instant Rubisco carboxylation efficiency and reduction of the intrinsic efficiency of water use according to the increase of the injured leaf area. The joint data analysis showed that O. praelonga affects photosystem I (PS I) of 'Rangpur' lime, while L. coffeella affects, at first, photosystem II (PS II). In the case of O. praelonga in 'Rangpur' lime the 7-13% range of the injured leaf area (40-70 mealybugs/leaf) is determined as the damage level value, and for L. coffeella in coffee the value ranges 25-36% of the injured leaf area (tissue consumed by the insect). The values found in laboratory require field validation for effective adjustments to determine the level to control these insect pests. Overall, the photosynthesis reading technique was shown adequate to this purpose, and the analysis of this variable was the best choice for such correlation.

Resistência de lima ácida 'Tahiti' à baixa temperatura: tratamentos térmicos e envolvimento do etileno / Resistance of ‘Tahiti’ lime at low temperature: heat treatments and involvement of ethylene

Maria Luiza Lye Jomori 05 August 2005 (has links)
A refrigeração é o método mais recomendado para o armazenamento de frutas e hortaliças, estendendo dessa forma o período de comercialização desses produtos. Entretanto, dada à sensibilidade dos citros à baixa temperatura, o seu armazenamento por longos períodos é dificultado, considerando que, invariavelmente, os sintomas de injúrias pelo frio surgem durante a fase de comercialização, após a retirada do produto da condição refrigerada. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o mecanismo de resistência dos frutos de lima ácida ‘Tahiti’ a baixa temperatura. No primeiro experimento foram avaliados tratamentos térmicos, que consistiu em condicionamento rápido (53ºC/3 min), condicionamento lento (37ºC/2 dias) e aquecimento intermitente ( ciclos de 6 dias a 1ºC + 1 dia a 25ºC). No segundo experimento foi avaliado o envolvimento do etileno na resistência a baixa temperatura, utilizando tratamento com ethephon (2000 mg L-1), 1-MCP (1000 nL L-1), ácido salicílico (2000 mg L-1) e a associação de 1-MCP e ácido salicílico nas mesmas concentrações. Os frutos foram armazenados a 1ºC por 45 dias, sendo avaliados a cada 15 dias, mais 3 dias de comercialização simulada. As determinações consistiram em incidência de injúria pelo frio, produção de etileno, taxa respiratória, características físico-químicas (porcentagem de suco, teor de sólidos solúveis totais, acidez titulável, “ratio”, índice tecnológico, teor de ácido ascórbico e coloração da casca), atividade das enzimas antioxidantes e teor de poliaminas. Observou-se que os frutos que foram submetidos ao aquecimento intermitente apresentaram menor incidência de injúria pelo frio, menor redução no teor de ácido ascórbico bem como menor taxa respiratória e menor produção de etileno, até 45 dias de armazenamento refrigerado, podendo esta resistência à baixa temperatura estar associada com a atividade das enzimas antioxidativas. Os frutos submetidos ao condicionamento térmico rápido mantiveram a qualidade dos frutos somente até 15 dias de armazenamento. Não foi possível verificar correlação entre etileno e resistência a baixa temperatura, uma vez que não teve diferença entre os tratamentos na incidência de injúria pelo frio. / Cold storage is the most recommended method for storage of fruits and vegetables and therefore, extending their marketing period. However, due to the low temperature sensibility of some fruits like citrus, the storage for long periods is very difficult, since the symptoms of chilling injuries en mane case, occur during the commercialization, after removal of the fruit from cold storage. The objective of this study was evaluate the resistance mechanism of ‘Tahiti’ lime to low temperature. In the first experiment heat treatments were evaluated, which consisted in water heat treatment (53ºC/3 min), air heat treatment (37ºC/2 days) and intermittent warming (cycles of 6 days at 1ºC + 1 day at 25 ºC). In the second experiment ethylene involvement at low temperature resistance was evaluated using treatments with ethephon (2000mg L-1), 1-methylcyclopropene (1000 nL L-1), salicylic acid (2000mg L-1) and association of 1-MCP with salicylic acid. Fruit were stored at 1ºC for 45 days, being evaluated each 15 days (plus 3 days of simulated marketing at 25ºC). Incidence of chilling injury, ethylene production, respiratory rate, physical and chemical characteristics (juice percentage, soluble solids concentrations, titratable acidity, ratio, technological index, ascorbic acid content and skin color), antioxidant enzymes activity and polyamines content were evaluated. It was observed that fruit submitted to intermittent warming did not show chilling injury, lower reduction on the ascorbic acid content as well as a lower respiratory rate and lower ethylene production, up to 45 days of old storage. This higher resistance to low temperature might be associated with the activity of antioxidant enzymes. It wasn’t possible to verify the correlation between ethylene and low temperature resistance, once there was no difference between treatments in chilling injury incidence.

Comunidades de fungos micorrízicos arbusculares nos manejos convencional e orgânico de citros e suas interações com Phytophthora parasitica. / Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi communities in citrus conventional and organic farming and their interactions with Phytophthora parasitica.

Soraya de Carvalho França 12 April 2004 (has links)
Agricultores e técnicos envolvidos na citricultura orgânica procuram desenvolver sistemas de produção com maior atividade microbiana no solo. Dessa maneira, esperam obter benefícios dos processos que ocorrem no solo, entre eles, o controle natural de pragas e doenças. Porém, são poucos os estudos sobre a influência desse tipo de manejo sobre a microbiota do solo, em especial sobre os fungos micorrízicos arbusculares (FMAs) e o patógeno Phytophthora parasitica. Os objetivos dessa tese foram: avaliar a colonização micorrízica e conhecer a diversidade de FMAs nos sistemas de produção convencional e orgânico de citros; avaliar a aplicação de benomyl e da radiação γ na obtenção de testemunhas não micorrizadas para estudo de interação de comunidade de FMAs nativos e P. parasitica; verificar a capacidade indutora de resistência local e sistêmica dos FMAs nativos a P. parasitica; estudar atividade da quitinase no sistema radicular de limão 'Cravo' colonizado por fungos micorrízicos nativos. Foram realizadas amostragens em dois sistemas de produção de citros em São Paulo, um convencional e um orgânico. A riqueza e a diversidade de espécies de FMAs foram maiores no manejo orgânico. No entanto, a porcentagem de colonização micorrízica nas plantas no campo não variou com o tipo de manejo. Em casa de vegetação, experimentos com plantas de limão 'Cravo' (Citrus limonia) mostraram que a radiação γ foi mais adequada que a aplicação de benomyl na obtenção de testemunhas não micorrizadas para estudo de interação P. parasitica- FMAs nativos de agroecossistemas de produção de laranja. Também em casa de vegetação, foi realizado um experimento com raiz dividida de plantas de limão 'Cravo'. Não foi possível avaliar a capacidade indutora de resistência dos fungos micorrízicos arbusculares nativos porque não houve desenvolvimento da podridão de raízes nas plantas de limão 'Cravo' após a infestação com P. parasitica. Discute-se a interação de patógenos de raiz do solo natural e os FMAs nativos porque o solo natural dos sistemas de produção convencional e orgânico promoveram diferentes respostas de crescimento local e sistêmico das raízes das plantas micorrizadas. A atividade de quitinase foi igual nas raízes de plantas micorrizadas e não micorrrizadas cultivadas em solos dos sistemas de produção convencional e orgânico. Porém, a associação micorrízica aumentou localmente a proteína total nas raízes das plantas. / Farmers and technicians involved with organic citriculture try to develop systems with high microbial activity in soil. In this way, they expect to obtain benefits from processes that occur in soil, as natural control of pests and diseases. However, there are few studies about the influence of this type of management on soil microbiota, specially on the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and the pathogen Phytophthora parasitica. The objectives of this thesis were: to evaluate mycorrhizal colonization and diversity of AMF in citrus conventional and organic farming; to evaluate benomyl application and γ radiation to obtain non-mycorrhizal controls for study of interaction between indigenous AMF and P. parasitica; to verify local and systemic capacity of indigenous AMF to induce resistance against P. parasitica; to study chitinase activity in roots of 'Rangpur' lime colonized by indigenous AMF. Samplings were carried out in two citrus systems in São Paulo, one conventional and one organic farming. The richness and the diversity of AMF species were higher in the organic farming. In greenhouse, experiments with 'Rangpur' lime (Citrus limonia) showed that γ radiation was better than benomyl to obtain non-mycorrhizal control for studies of interaction between P. parasitica-indigenous AMF from orange agroecosystems. In greenhouse also, a split root experiment with 'Rangpur' lime was carried out. It was not possible to evaluate the indigenous AMF capacity to induce resistance because no root rot developed in 'Rangpur' lime plants after inoculation with P. parasitica. We discuss the interaction between root pathogens in natural soil and indigenous AMF because natural soil from conventional e organic farming promoted different local and systemic root growth responses in mycorrhizal plants. Chitinase activity was similar in roots of mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal plants grown in conventional and organic farming soils. However, mycorhizal association increased local protein content in roots.

Characterization of Shark Movements on a Mesophotic Caribbean Coral Reef and Temporal Association with Fish Spawning Aggregations

Pickard, Alexandria E. 01 November 2013 (has links)
Habitat use of mesophotic coral reefs by sharks is largely unknown. However, it is well established that mesophotic reefs are the site of spawning aggregations for many species of teleost fish. These aggregations represent seasonal concentrations of potential prey biomass that may influence the habitat use of predatory species such as large sharks. I employed acoustic monitoring to examine the movements of three shark species lemon shark (Negaprion brevirostris), tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier), and Caribbean reef shark (Carcharhinus perezi)] to determine 1) the comparative spatiotemporal patterns of mesophotic reef habitat use by the three shark species and 2) the spatiotemporal relationship between these sharks and grouper spawning aggregations at a fish spawning aggregation (FSA) site (Hind Bank and Grammanik Bank) along the southern reef shelf edge off St. Thomas, United States Virgin Islands (USVI). Tiger and lemon sharks were detected across nearly the entire acoustic array, which spanned ~ 1060 km2. When present, Caribbean reef sharks used a much smaller activity space, composed exclusively of mesophotic reef habitat located within FSA sites. Individuals from all three species were typically detected for stretches of several consecutive days, while periods without detections usually lasted less than one week. Lemon sharks were present at the FSA site more often during the grouper spawning season (Dec-May) than the non-spawning season (Jun-Nov), but showed no preference toward specific areas within the FSA site, which varied by location and grouper species composition. In contrast, there was no relationship between the presence of tiger and Caribbean reef sharks at the FSA site and the grouper spawning season. My results suggest that despite different habitat use patterns and varying degrees of fidelity, this mesophotic reef serves as an important habitat to all three shark species.

Effet protecteur des polyphénols de la verveine odorante dans un modèle d'inflammation colique chez le rat / Protective effect of lemon verbena polyphenols in a model of colonic inflammation in rats

Lenoir, Loïc 11 July 2011 (has links)
La consommation de polyphénols, micronutriments largement répandus dans lesaliments d’origine végétale, a été associée à la diminution du risque de développement denombreuses pathologies telles que maladies cardiovasculaires, maladies neurodégénérativesou cancers. Cet effet des polyphénols s’explique en partie par leurs propriétés antioxydanteset anti-inflammatoires. Du fait de leur faible absorption au niveau de l’intestin grêle, lespolyphénols sont présents en grande quantité dans le côlon où ils peuvent exercer cespropriétés. L’inflammation intestinale fait interagir le système immunitaire intestinal avecde nombreux facteurs environnementaux et est fréquemment associée à une augmentationdu stress oxydant via la production d’espèces réactives de l’oxygène par les cellulesimmunitaires. De nombreuses études ont montré, sur des modèles animaux d’inflammationintestinale, les effets protecteurs de certains polyphénols. La verveine odorante (Aloysiatriphylla (L’Hérit.) Britton) est une plante médicinale connue pour ses vertus thérapeutiquesdigestives et anti-spasmodiques et couramment consommée en infusion. L’infusé deverveine odorante contient de grandes quantités de polyphénols (acides phénoliquescomplexes et dérivés de flavones) et ses propriétés antioxydantes ont été mises en évidenceaussi bien in vitro qu’in vivo.L’objectif de cette thèse a donc été d'évaluer l’effet d’une consommation préventived’un infusé de verveine odorante à dose nutritionnelle (40 g/l et 4 g/l) sur le développementd’une inflammation intestinale modérée chez le rat. Des rats Wistar ont consommé commeboisson l’infusé de verveine seul pendant deux semaines puis associé à un agentinflammatoire, le sulfate de dextran sodique (DSS), à 4% pendant 7 ou 9 jours. L’effet de laverveine a été évalué sur différents paramètres cliniques (diarrhée, saignements rectaux,poids corporel), marqueurs de l’inflammation (longueur du côlon, score histologique,activité myéloperoxydase, cytokines) et du stress oxydant (peroxydation lipidique,glutathion, défenses antioxydantes enzymatiques). Les cellules immunitaires ont étéidentifiées dans le sang ainsi que dans les structures lymphoïdes secondaires par cytométrieen flux. Enfin l’étude du métabolisme des polyphénols en situation inflammatoire ou non aété initiée par l’analyse de l’excrétion urinaire des dérivés polyphénoliques.Lors d’une inflammation de 7 jours, la consommation préventive d’infusé deverveine à 40 g/l et 4 g/l retarde l’apparition de diarrhée et de saignements rectaux, limite larétraction du côlon et la diminution de la prise de poids des rats. Malgré l’absence d’effetsur l’activité myéloperoxydase, l’infusé à 40 g/l atténue les altérations histologiques de lamuqueuse colique induites par l’inflammation. L’infusé à 4 g/l stimule l’activité de lasuperoxyde dismutase et réduit la peroxydation lipidique. Les deux infusés modulent lespopulations de cellules immunitaires dans les structures lymphoïdes secondaires (ganglionsmésentériques et plaques de Peyer), en particulier les lymphocytes B et les lymphocytes Tcytotoxiques. L’excrétion urinaire des polyphénols de la verveine est faible et n'est pasaffectée par l'inflammation. Lors d’une inflammation de 9 jours, les deux infusés limitentl’augmentation d’activité de la myéloperoxydase. Seul l’infusé à 40 g/l limite la rétractiondu côlon, stimule l’activité de la glutathion réductase et diminue les taux d’IL-6 et deTNF-α. Ainsi, nous avons montré qu’une consommation préventive d’un infusé de verveineodorante offre des effets protecteurs lors de l’inflammation intestinale en agissant àdifférents niveaux. L’exploration des voies de signalisation impliquées pourrait permettre demieux comprendre les effets protecteurs de cette boisson de consommation courante. / Polyphenols are micronutrients widely distributed in foods of plant origin and theirconsumption has been associated with a decreased risk of various pathologies such ascardiovascular diseases, neurodegenerative diseases and cancer. This effect of polyphenolsis sustained by their antioxidative and anti-inflammatory properties. Due to their poorabsorption in the small intestine, high amounts of polyphenols reach the colon where theycan exert such properties. Intestinal inflammation results from an interaction between gutimmunity and various environmental factors and is frequently associated with an increase ofoxidative stress. Numerous studies have shown protective effects of polyphenols in animalcolitis models. Lemon verbena (Aloysia triphylla (L’Hérit.) Britton) is a medicinal herbknown for its digestive and antispasmodic properties and is widely consumed as an infusion.Lemon verbena infusion contains large amounts of polyphenols (complex phenolic acidsand flavone glycosides) and their antioxidative properties have been shown in vitro and invivo.The aim of the present thesis was to evaluate the effects of a preventive consumptionof lemon verbena infusion at nutritional doses (40 g/l and 4 g/l) on the development of amoderate colitis in the rat. Wistar rats ingested lemon verbena infusion alone as a drink fortwo weeks and then associated with the inflammatory agent dextran sulfate sodium (DSS) at4% for 7 or 9 days. Effects of lemon verbena were evaluated on several clinical parameters(diarrhoea, rectal bleeding, body weight), inflammatory markers (colon length, histologicalscore, myeloperoxidase activity, cytokines) and oxidative stress markers (lipid peroxidation,glutathione, antioxidative enzymatic defenses). Immune cells were identified in blood andgut associated lymphoid structures using flow cytometry. Moreover, the study of polyphenolmetabolism was initiated by the analysis of urinary polyphenol metabolites in healthy andcolitis rats.During a 7 days inflammation, the preventive consumption of lemon verbenainfusion at 40 g/l and 4 g/l delays apparition of diarrhoea and rectal bleeding, limits thecolon length reduction and the decrease of body weight gain. Despite no effect onmyeloperoxidase activity, the 40 g/l infusion attenuates colonic mucosa alterations due tothe colitis. The 4 g/l infusion increases superoxide dismutase activity and reduces lipidperoxidation. Both infusions modulate immune cell populations in gut associated lymphoidstructures (mesenteric lymph nodes and Peyer patches), especially B cells and cytotoxic Tcells. Urinary excretion of lemon verbena polyphenols is low and not modified byinflammation. During a 9 days inflammation, both lemon verbena infusions limitmyeloperoxidase increase. Only the 40 g/l infusion reduces colon retraction, increasesglutathione reductase activity and reduces colonic IL-6 and TNF-α levels.Thus, we have shown that the preventive consumption of a lemon verbena infusionprovided protection against intestinal inflammation at different levels. Exploration ofvarious signalling pathways could allow better insight into the protective effects of thiscommon beverage.

MMoOn Core – the Multilingual Morpheme Ontology

Klimek, Bettina, Ackermann, Markus, Brümmer, Martin, Hellmann, Sebastian 08 March 2022 (has links)
In the last years a rapid emergence of lexical resources has evolved in the Semantic Web. Whereas most of the linguistic information is already machine-readable, we found that morphological information is mostly absent or only contained in semi-structured strings. An integration of morphemic data has not yet been undertaken due to the lack of existing domain-specific ontologies and explicit morphemic data. In this paper, we present the Multilingual Morpheme Ontology called MMoOn Core which can be regarded as the first comprehensive ontology for the linguistic domain of morphological language data. It will be described how crucial concepts like morphs, morphemes, word forms and meanings are represented and interrelated and how language-specific morpheme inventories can be created as a new possibility of morphological datasets. The aim of the MMoOn Core ontology is to serve as a shared semantic model for linguists and NLP researchers alike to enable the creation, conversion, exchange, reuse and enrichment of morphological language data across different data-dependent language sciences. Therefore, various use cases are illustrated to draw attention to the cross-disciplinary potential which can be realized with the MMoOn Core ontology in the context of the existing Linguistic Linked Data research landscape.

Novel insights into starch digestion and the glycaemic response : from in vitro digestions to a human study using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) / Nouvelles perspectives à la digestion de l'amidon et à la réponse glycémique : des digestions in vitro à une étude chez l'Homme par imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRM)

Da silva rosa freitas, Daniela 21 November 2018 (has links)
Nous passons plus des trois quarts de notre vie dans l'état postprandial. Pourtant, une plus grande attention a été accordée à l'étude du métabolisme à jeun qu'à l'impact de l'état postprandial sur la santé.Il est prouvé scientifiquement qu'une alimentation optimale pour la santé passe par la prise en compte de l'impact glycémique des aliments au-delà de leur simple teneur en glucides. Un déterminant important de l'impact glycémique de notre alimentation est l'amidon, qui joue un rôle clé dans la nutrition humaine en fournissant jusqu'à 50% de l'apport énergétique total. S'il est établi que la cinétique de digestion des aliments riches en amidon est un élément essentiel de leur impact glycémique, les contributions de chaque étape digestive à ce processus restent un sujet de débats. Afin de mieux comprendre les facteurs qui peuvent influencer la réponse glycémique aux aliments riches en amidon, et d’identifier de nouvelles stratégies pour atténuer leur impact glycémique, il est essentiel d'élargir notre compréhension du processus digestif de l'amidon. Cette thèse visait à étudier la digestion de repasriches en amidon (pain et pâtes), à réévaluer la contribution l’amylase salivaire à l'aide de digestions semi-dynamiques in vitro, et à mener une étude chez l'Homme pour déterminer l'effet de boissons (jus de citron et thé) sur : la réponse glycémique au pain, l'apport ad libitum, et la digestion gastrique étudiée par imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRM). Nos résultats apportent une base scientifique à l'élaboration d'une stratégie simple et efficace pour réduire la réponse glycémique aux aliments riches en amidon dans des repas de tous les jours. / All of us spend over three quarters of our lives in the postprandial state. Still, more attention has been dedicated to the study of the fasting metabolism than to the impact of the postprandial state on health.Scientific evidence supports that an optimum diet for health requires consideration of the glycaemic impact of foods in preference to consideration of carbohydrate content alone. An important determinant of the glycaemic impactof our diets is starch, which plays a key role in human nutrition, supplying up to 50% of the total energy intake. If it is clear that the digestion rate of starch-rich foods is an important determinant of their glycaemic impact, the contribution of each digestive stage to this process remains controversy. To better understand the factors that can influence the glycaemic response to starch-rich foods, and to identify new strategies to attenuate the glycaemic impact of starch-rich diets, it is essential to expand our understanding of thedigestive process of starch. The aims of this PhD were to study the digestionof starch-rich meals (bread and pasta), to reevaluate the contribution of salivary amylase using semi-dynamic in vitro digestions, and to conduct a human study to determine the effect of drinks (lemon juice and tea) on: the glycaemic response to bread, ad libitum intake, and gastric digestion assessed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Our results provide scientific rationale for the development of a simple and effective strategy to reduce the glycaemicresponse to starch-rich foods in everyday-life meals.

Intuition of an Outsider: From Nothing to Voice in George Scarbrough’s Poetry

Moore, William 01 May 2021 (has links)
Long acknowledged as a committed poet of place, this thesis examines tones of outsiderness and alienation that characterize George Scarbrough’s poetry. Scarbrough draws on familiarity with his childhood in southeast Tennessee, and from an outsider’s outlook, a perspective veritably prompted by the rejection he suffered as a homosexual and lover of language, Scarbrough’s poetry addresses the daunting themes of fear and nothingness. Analysis of his poetry also reveals qualities of hope and endurance, a commitment to received forms, and Modern innovation. Through his poetic voice, culminating in the alter ego of Han-shan, Scarbrough provides vital insights into the human experience.

Presence, Process, Product: The Significance of the Womb in Writing Woman

Cook, Brittany A. 03 June 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Karakterizacija funkcionalnog napitka od melise (Melissa officinalis L.) dobijenog fiziološkom aktivnošću čajne gljive / Characterization of functional lemon balm (Melissa officinalis L.) beverage obtained by physiological activity of tea fungus

Velićanski Aleksandra 28 December 2012 (has links)
<p>Cilj rada je bio ispitivanje funkcionalnih karakteristika kombuha napitka<br />od melise (<em>Melissa officinalis</em> L.). Antibakterijska aktivnost kombuha<br />napitaka optimalne konzumne i većih kiselosti ispitana je prema<br />bakterijama izolovanim iz hrane i vode za piće. Nosilac antimikrobne<br />aktivnosti je sirćetna kiselina, a na ostale nosioce ukazuje delovanje<br />neutralisane kombuhe i čajnog napitka prema nekim test bakterijama.<br />Spektrofotometrijskom metodom određen je sadržaj ukupnih fenolnih<br />jedinjenja, a HPLC analizom određen je kvalitativni i kvantitativni sastav<br />fenolnih jedinjenja u fermentacionim tečnostima, čajnim i kombuha<br />napicima od melise i crnog čaja. Antioksidativna aktivnost istih uzoraka<br />ispitana je na DPPH i OH radikale ESR spektralnom metodom. Uzorci<br />fermentacione tečnosti i kombuha napitka od melise imali su veću<br />antioksidativnu aktivnost prema oba radikala u odnosu na uzorke sa<br />crnim čajem. Konzumna kombuha od melise imala je veću<br />antioksidativnu aktivnost od čajnog napitka. Aktivne komponente<br />kombuha napitka od melise su verovatno ruzmarinska kiselina i<br />kvercetin. U ispitivanju antiproliferativne aktivnosti konzumnog<br />kombuha napitka i čajnog napitka od melise na tri ćelijske linije humanih<br />karcinoma: HeLa (epitelni karcinom grlića materice), MCF-7<br />(adenokarcinom dojke) i HT-29 (adenokarcinom debelog creva) utvrđeno<br />je da nije do&scaron;lo do stimulacije proliferacije ispitanih ćelijskih linija pri<br />koncentracijama većim od 100 &mu;g/ml. Pored istraživanja biolo&scaron;ke<br />aktivnosti ispitana je mogućnost simultane mlečno-kiselinske i kombuha<br />fermentacije. Dodatkom starter kultura i <em>Lactobacillus spp</em>. izolata u<br />fermentacionu tečnost dolazi do povećanja sadržaja L- i D- mlečne<br />kiseline, iako su ćelije bakterija mlečne kiseline, osim izolata iz kiselog<br />testa (<em>L. hilgardii</em>), pokazale malu otpornost na uslove tokom<br />fermentacije i čuvanja pripremljenih napitaka. Izvr&scaron;ena je i identifikacija<br />bakterija sirćetnog vrenja izolovanih iz lokalnih čajnih gljiva PCR<br />metodom. Dva izolata verovatno pripadaju vrsti <em>Gluconobacter oxydans</em>,<br />a treći vrsti <em>Gluconacetobacter hansenii</em>.</p> / <p>The aim of this study was to investigate functional characteristics of akombucha beverage from lemon balm (<em>Melissa officinalis</em> L.) tea. Antibacterial activity of kombucha beverages with optimum and higheracidities was tested against bacteria isolated from food and drinking water. The main active component of antibacterial activity was acetic acid, while slight activity of neutralized kombucha and unfermented tea against some test bacteria indicated presence of other antibacterial components. Total phenol concentration in unfermented tea samples, fermentation broths and kombucha beverages from lemon balm and black tea was determined spectrophotometrically whereas qualitative and quantitative concentration of polyphenolic compounds was determined by HPLC method. Antioxidant activity on DPPH and hydroxyl radical in the same samples was determined on an ESR spectrometer. Fermentation broth and kombucha beverage from lemon balm had higher antioxidant activity against both radicals than the samples from black tea. Kombucha beverage from lemon balm with optimum acidity had higher antioxidant activity than unfermented lemon balm tea. The main active components of antioxidant activity were probably rosmarinic acid and quercetin. Antiproliferative activity of lemon balm tea and kombucha was measured by sulforhodamine B colorimetric assay on HeLa (cervix epitheloid carcinoma), HT-29 (colon adenocarcinoma), and MCF-7 (breast adenocarcinoma) cell lines. By applying concentrations higher than 100 &mu;g/ml, tested samples did not stimulate proliferation of cell lines. The possibility of simultaneous lactic acid and kombucha fermentation was tested as well. When starter cultures and Lactobacillus spp. isolates were applied, the content of Land D- lactic acid increased during fermentation, although lactic acid bacteria (except <em>L. hilgardii</em> isolated from sour dough) showed low resistance to the conditions during fermentation and beverages storage. Acetic acid bacteria isolated from local tea fungus were identified by PCR method. Two isolates might be <em>Gluconobacter oxydans</em> and one - <em>Gluconacetobacter hansenii.</em></p>

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