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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lexeme Extraction for Wikidata : A proof of concept study for Swedish lexeme extraction

Samzelius, Simon January 2020 (has links)
Wikipedia has a problem with organizing and managing data as well as references. As a solution, they created Wikidata to make it possible for machines to interpret these data, with the help of lexemes. A lexeme is an abstract lexical unit which consists of a word’s lemmas and its word class. The object of this paper is to present one possible way to provide Swedish lexeme data to Wikidata. This was implemented in two phases, namely, the first phase was to identify the lemmas and their word classes; the second phase was to process these words to create coherent lexemes. The developed model was able to process large amounts of words from the data source but barely succeeded to generate coherent lexemes. Although the lexemes was supposed to provide an efficient way of data understanding for machines, the obtained results lead to the conclusion that the developed model did not achieve the anticipated results. This is due to the amount of words found in correlation to the words processed. It is needed to find a way to import lexeme data to Wikidata from another data source.

Добровольчество и волонтерство: репрезентация социального феномена в русском языке (диахронический аспект) : магистерская диссертация / Representation of volunteering as a social phenomenon in the Russian language (diachronic aspect)

Букалова, Т. С., Bukalova, T. S. January 2023 (has links)
Работа посвящена выявлению смыслового своеобразия лексем «доброволец» и «волонтер» в современном русском литературном языке. Рассмотрена структура лексического значения каждого из изучаемых слов, их семантическая эволюция. Показана специфика функционирования лексем «доброволец» и «волонтер» в речевой коммуникации. / The work aims at identifying the semantic originality of the lexemes «dobrovolets» and «volunteer» in the modern Russian language. There is considered the structure of the lexical meaning for each of the studied words, as well as their semantic evolution, and the specifics of these lexemes’ functioning in verbal communication.

Лексиколошки и лексикографски статус актуелних позајмљеница у српском језику / Leksikološki i leksikografski status aktuelnih pozajmljenica u srpskom jeziku / Lexicological and lexicographical position of thecurrent loanwords in the Serbian language

Rakić Karmela 30 September 2016 (has links)
<p>U radu se razmatra status aktuelnih pozajmljenica u<br />srpskom jeziku iz perspektive leksikologije i<br />leksikografije. Za potrebe ovog razmatranja prikupljen je<br />korpus od 1000 pozajmljenica ekscerpiranih iz<br />relevantnih &scaron;tampanih medija. Prvi dio rada, nakon<br />osnovnih, uvodnih napomena o predmetu i cilju<br />istraživanja, bavi se teorijskim postavkama koje se ticu<br />pozajmljenica u leksikolo&scaron;koj i leksikografskoj literaturi.<br />U narednom segmentu rada obja&scaron;njava se metodologija<br />primijenjena u radu, te se opisuju izvori za ekscerpciju<br />leksike. Zatim slijedi analiticki dio u kome se analizira<br />ekscerpirana leksika na fonolo&scaron;kom, morfolo&scaron;kom,<br />tvorbenom, leksikolo&scaron;kom, semantickom i pravopisnom<br />nivou. Time se pokazuje adaptiranost pozajmljenica na<br />razlicitim jezickim nivoima, i odnos savremene srpske<br />leksikografije prema ovom znacajnom segmentu aktuelne<br />leksike srpskog jezika. Posebni dijelovi rada izdvojeni su<br />za osvrt na problem vi&scaron;eclanih leksema, i zatim za<br />strukturu rjecnika. Razmatranje se zavr&scaron;ava zakljucnim<br />napomenama, u kojima se daje pregled cjelokupnog rada,<br />i skrece se pažnja na otvorena pitanja. Najobimniji dio<br />rada je rjecnik aktuelnih pozajmljenica u srpskom jeziku.<br />U ovom istraživanju se pokazalo da relevantna<br />leksikolo&scaron;ka i leksikografska literatura, kao ni<br />leksikografska praksa ne obuhvataju u dovoljnoj mjeri<br />vrlo slojevit i kompleksan nanos strane leksike u<br />savremenom srpskom jeziku.</p> / <p>The thesis discusses the position of the current<br />loanwords in the Serbian language from the lexicological<br />and lexicographical point of view. The corpus of 1,000<br />loanwords excerpted from the relevant press has been<br />collected for this study. After some basic and introductory<br />comments on the subject and the goal of the research, the<br />first part of the thesis deals with theoretical statements<br />concerning loanwords in lexicological and<br />lexicographical literature. The following segment of the<br />study explains the methodology applied in practice and<br />describes the sources of the excerpted lexis. The next is<br />the analytical part where the excerpted lexis is analysed<br />on the levels of phonology, morphology, word formation,<br />lexicology, semantics and ortography. It is used to show<br />the adaptibility of loanwords to different linguistic levels<br />and approach of the contemporary Serbian lexicography<br />towards this significant segment of the current lexis in the<br />Serbian language. Some specific parts of the thesis have<br />been selected as the review of the issue of composite<br />lexemes, as well as the structure of the lexicon. The study<br />is ended with the concluding notes where the overview of<br />the complete thesis is given and the attention is drawn to<br />the open questions. The most extensive part is the lexicon<br />of the current loanwords in the Serbian language. This<br />research has shown that relevant lexicological and<br />lexicographical practice do not adequately comprise quite<br />layered and complex accumulation of foreign lexis in the<br />contemporary Serbian language.</p>

Lexikální a sémantická specifika právního jazyka / Lexical And Semantic Specifics of Legal Language

Čížkovská, Anna Marie January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to describe legal language, its basic elements and relations, in which they are entering. The introductory chapter defines the legal language in general as a discipline at the interface between linguistics and theory of law. In addition to the basic legal elements and their relations to the general official language, there are described the basic elements of the legal language out of whose structure some basic elements required on the legal language come out. The relation between and legal language is symbolised through Euler circles. The conclusion of this chapter describes the legal language in terms of functional style and presents its stylistic traits. The first two parts of the second chapter are focused on the meaning of the lexical element, that are evaluated according to the amount of autonomy as a autosemantic and synemenatic units, or according to the motivating factor of the word and according to the fact if they are composed of one or more lexical elements . The keeping up with the basic requirements that are established by the Government's Legislative Rules, is proved with examples from primary legislation. In the other subchapters adherence to claim to the legal text certainty, comprehensibility and expliciteness in the legal terminology in the using of...

Jazykové klišé v současném televizním zpravodajství / Language cliché in contemporary TV news

Jeřichová, Tereza January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on language cliché in contemporary TV news. The aim of the theoretical part is to define the term cliché, specify its key features and describe language of the TV news. The analytical part focuses on finding and describing language clichés in the analysed material, which consists of TV news texts from three different Czech TV stations. The analysed material is restricted on preselected period of time. The chosen material is acquired from Newton Media archive, and the descriptions of particular clichés are accompanied by frequency and collocation data from language corpus SYN2015. The core of this diploma thesis is systematic definition of the term cliché and the linguistic analysis of particular clichés that can be found in contemporary TV news.

LUDI: um framework para desambiguação lexical com base no enriquecimento da semântica de frames

Matos, Ely Edison da Silva 27 June 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-02-05T16:40:06Z No. of bitstreams: 1 elyedisondasilvamatos.pdf: 5520917 bytes, checksum: c9e7d798d96928a6ad4f2ee48d912531 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2016-02-26T11:51:46Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 elyedisondasilvamatos.pdf: 5520917 bytes, checksum: c9e7d798d96928a6ad4f2ee48d912531 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-02-26T11:51:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 elyedisondasilvamatos.pdf: 5520917 bytes, checksum: c9e7d798d96928a6ad4f2ee48d912531 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-06-27 / Enquanto no âmbito da Sintaxe, as técnicas, os algoritmos e as aplicações em Processamento da Língua Natural são bem estudados e já estão relativamente bem estabelecidos, no âmbito da Semântica não é possível observar ainda a mesma maturidade. Visando, então, contribuir para os estudos em Semântica Computacional, este trabalho busca maneiras de implementar algumas das ideias e dos insights propostos pela Linguística Cognitiva, que é, por si, uma alternativa à Linguística Gerativa. A tentativa é reunir algumas das ferramentas disponíveis, seja no viés computacional (Bancos de Dados, Teoria dos Grafos, Ontologias, Mecanismos de inferências, Modelos Conexionistas), seja no viés linguístico (Semântica de Frames e Teoria do Léxico Gerativo), seja no viés de aplicações (FrameNet e ontologia SIMPLE), a fim de abordar as questões semânticas de forma mais flexível. O objeto de estudo é o processo de desambiguação de Unidades Lexicais. O resultado da pesquisa realizada é corporificado na forma de uma aplicação computacional, chamada Framework LUDI (Lexical Unit Discovery through Inference), composta por algoritmos e estruturas de dados usados na desambiguação. O framework é uma aplicação de Compreensão da Língua Natural, que pode ser integrada em ferramentas para recuperação de informação e sumarização, bem como em processos de Etiquetagem de Papéis Semânticos (SRL - Semantic Role Labeling). / While in the field of Syntax techniques, algorithms and applications in Natural Language Processing are well known and relatively well established, the same situation does not hold for the field of Semantics. Aiming at contributing to the studies in Computational Semantics, this work implements ideas and insights offered by Cognitive Linguistics, which is itself an alternative to Generative Linguistics. We attempt to bring together contributions from the computational domain (Databases, Graph Theory, Ontologies, inference mechanisms, Connectionists Models), the linguistic domain (Frame Semantics and the Generative Lexicon), and the application domain (FrameNet and SIMPLE Ontology) in order to address the semantic issues more flexibly. The object of study is the process of disambiguation of Lexical Units. The results of the research are embodied in the form of a computer application, called Framework LUDI (Lexical Unit Discovery through Inference), and composed of algorithms and data structures used for Lexical Unit disambiguation. The framework is an application of Natural Language Understanding, which can be integrated into information retrieval and summarization tools, as well as into processes of Semantic Role Labeling (SRL).

Языковая репрезентация сферы фитнес-услуг : магистерская диссертация / The linguistic representation of the sphere of fitness services

Сапего, А. С., Sapego, A. S. January 2024 (has links)
Магистерская диссертация посвящена изучению языковой репрезентации образа фитнес-индустрии, представленного в языковом сознании носителей русского языка, медиа-дискурсе, эргонимии и лексикографических источниках. В первой главе настоящего исследования приводится лексикографическое описание лексемы фитнес в 12-ти русскоязычных словарях и анализ словарных статей с точки зрения нормы употребления слова фитнес и его семантики. Описание языкового образа фитнес-индустрии расширяется с помощью данных проведенного свободного ассоциативного эксперимента (по данным анкет 142 респондентов). Во второй главе настоящего исследования изучается словообразовательный потенциал слова фитнес (найдена 371 производная единица) и составляется его метаязыковой портрет (по текстам СМИ и интернет-коммуникации). В третьей главе предлагается интерпретация графических тенденций в нейминге, а также система типичных для создания эргонимов в сфере фитнес-услуг семантико-мотивационных моделей на примере эргонимов города Екатеринбурга и Казани (152 наименования). Выявляются сходства и отличия в реализации семантико-мотивационных моделей. / The master's thesis is devoted to the study of the linguistic representation of the image of the fitness industry presented in the linguistic consciousness of Russian native speakers, media discourse, ergonymy and lexicographic sources. The first chapter of this study provides a lexicographic description of the lexeme fitness in 12 Russian-language dictionaries and analyses dictionary entries from the point of view of the norm of the word fitness and its semantics. The description of the linguistic image of the fitness industry is extended with the help of the data of the conducted free associative experiment (based on the data of questionnaires of 142 respondents). In the second chapter of the present study, the word-formation potential of the word fitness is studied (371 derivative units are found) and its meta-linguistic portrait is compiled (based on the texts of mass media and Internet communication). The third chapter offers an interpretation of graphic tendencies in naming, as well as a system of semantic-motivational models typical for the creation of ergonyms in the sphere of fitness services on the example of ergonyms of the city of Yekaterinburg and Kazan (152 names). Similarities and differences in the realisation of semantic-motivational models are revealed.

K problematice kolokability u adjektivních vstupů ve Velkém německo-českém akademickém slovníku (VNČAS) / On Collocation Problems in Adjective Entries. Problematic Cases in the Large German-Czech Academic Dictionary

Oliva, Jakub January 2012 (has links)
The aim of the given work was to point out the problems of the collocability of german adjectives in dictionaries and on the basis of the executed analysis to suggest possible solutions which could be exploited in the entries. The primary information sources were the german dictionary Duden and the german-czech dictionary Siebenschein, the secondary ones were the internet corpus DeReKo and the web search engine Google. The dictionary collocations should not be chosen by the criterion of their quantity, but by the criterion of their usefulness. They should exemplify the differences between both languages and they should be used as the assure instance for the dictionary user.

Srovnávací studie překladu českého lexému "aby" do angličtiny v paralelních česko-anglických textech / A comparative study of the Czech lexeme "aby" and its English translations in parallel Czech-English texts

Vašková, Petra January 2012 (has links)
The present study focuses on functions and English translation counterparts of the Czech lexeme aby. It is a relatively frequent word in the Czech language which is described as a subordinating conjunction expressing purpose, effect, manner, and also as a particle with a number of discourse functions. The current description, however, does not seem complete and this study therefore aims to analyse its use in more detail. Lexicographic and grammatical sources served as a basis for the classification of aby as a conjunction and as a particle. After an analysis of 200 examples it soon became evident that this listing is not complete and the use of aby is more complex than originally expected. The present paper thus treats all the functions of aby and also exemplifies each of them using extracted corpus data. In the study, aby in its conjunction and particle use is firstly treated separately to analyse each of them in more depth. This analysis, consequently, provides basis to point out their common features as well as their differences. The English translational counterparts are another point of interest in the study, in particular, their adequacy, regularity, and lexicalization.

La formation agentive en français : les composés [VN/A/Adv/P]<sub>N/A</sub> et les dérivés V-<i>ant</i>, V-<i>eur</i> et V-<i>oir</i>(<i>e</i>)

Rosenberg, Maria January 2008 (has links)
<p>This study addresses the French morphological construction [VN/A/Adv/P]<sub>N/A</sub>. The main objectives are to posit a single rule for its formation and to question the implications of the agent polysemy. The theoretical framework is lexeme-based morphology, which adheres to weak lexicalism.</p><p>The first part of our analysis is qualitative and concerns the availability aspect of productivity. The method is introspective. The internal semantic patterns of the French construction are examined. Our results give evidence for the claim that a single morphological construction rule, [VN/A/Adv/P]<sub>N/A</sub>, is responsible for the cases where the first constituent is a verb stem, and the second constituent may correspond to an internal argument, an external argument or a semantic adjunct. All cases manifest the same patterns, which are related to the denotative meanings included in the agent polysemy: Agent, Instrument, Locative, Action, Result and Cause. Our contrastive analysis shows that the same patterns are found in the four Swedish agentive formations, [N/A/Adv/PV-are]<sub>N</sub>, [N/A/Adv/PV]<sub>N</sub>, [N/A/Adv/PV-a]<sub>N</sub> and [VN]<sub>N</sub>, which correspond to the French [VN/A/Adv/P]<sub>N/A</sub> construction and which also contain a verbal constituent and its internal or external argument, or an adjunct.</p><p>The second part of our analysis is quantitative and concerns the profitability aspect of productivity. The method is inductive. The aim is to explore the polysemy of agent and its assumed hierarchical structure, in synchrony and diachrony. Four French agentive formations, [VN/A/Adv/P]<sub>N/A</sub> compounds and V-<i>ant</i>, V-<i>eur</i> and V-<i>oir</i>(<i>e</i>) derivations, are included in order to examine semantic competition and blocking effects. Our results give evidence for the existence of an agent polysemy but deny that it has a hierarchical structure valid for every agentive formation. The meanings in the agent polysemy are more or less profitable according to formation type: blocking effects could explain this behaviour.</p>

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