Spelling suggestions: "subject:"lexicosemantic"" "subject:"lexicalsemantic""
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The role of theme as an index of genre : analysis of tourist guides taken from two culturally different situationsEl-Issa, Anwar Suleiman Awad January 1998 (has links)
No description available.
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The relation between lexico-semantic groups and modes of action (on the material of phrasal verbs with the postverb up) / Leksinių semantinių grupių ir veiksmo būdų ryšys (frazinių veiksmažodžių su postverbu up pagrindu)Žukaitė, Kristina 02 August 2011 (has links)
The subject matter of phrasal verbs is a complex linguistic phenomenon. It raises a great number of theoretical issues. These include linguistic status, derivational aspect, lexical meaning, aspectuality etc of phrasal verbs. The English postverb UP has been chosen for our research with the aim to investigate the relation between the formation of lexico-semantic groups and modes of action. We assume that our research and the data collected for it might be used in the course of lexicology, word formation and semantics of the English language. / Frazinių veiksmažodžių tyrimo objektas – sudėtingas kalbinis reiškinys, keliantis daug teorinių klausimų (kalbinę padėtį, žodžių vedybos aspektą, leksinę reikšmę, aspektualumą ir kt.). Anglų kalbos postverbas UP yra pasirinktas mokslo tiriamajame darbe siekiant ištirti ryšį tarp leksinių-semantinių grupių ir veiksmo būdų. Manome, kad mūsų mokslo tiriamasis darbas bei surinkti duomenys gali būti naudojami anglų kalbos leksikologijoje, žodžių daryboje bei semantikoje.
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Konkurence vybraných lexikálních alternací: korpusová sonda / Competing lexico-semantic alternations: a corpus-based studyGabrielová, Hana January 2019 (has links)
(in English): Focal point of presented thesis is concurence of certain lexico-semantic alternations, more specifically of the locative ones. Opening chapters deal with their definition and conception in theoretical frames of FGP and CxG. Following passages concentrate on specification of alternating contructions, their concurence and semantical restriction of alternating verbs. The second, core chapter of the thesis presents a corpus-based, quantitative and qualitative study of several Czech alternating verbs (cpát, balit, nakládat, napouštět, nalévat and plnit). It deals mainly with the question of distrubition of each construction and alternation capacity of aforementioned verbs. It verificates some hypotheses concerning pronominality, number and grammatical complexity of arguments. At the same time it aspires to bring a few new points and perspectives into Czech locative alternation discourse.
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Consolidation endogène de réseaux lexico-sémantiques : Inférence et annotation de relations, règles d'inférence et langage dédié / Endogenous consolidation of lexico-semantic networksZarrouk, Manel 03 November 2015 (has links)
Développer des ressources lexico-sémantiques pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles est un enjeu majeur du domaine. Ces ressources explicitant notamment des connaissances que seuls les humains possèdent, ont pour but de permettre aux applications de TALNune compréhension de texte assez fine et complète. De nouvelles approches populaires de construction de ces dernières impliquant l'externalisation ouverte (crowdsourcing) émergent en TALN. Elles ont confirmé leur efficacité et leur pertinence. Cependant, les ressources obtenues ne sont pas exemptes d'informations erronées ou de silences causés par l'absence de certaines relations sémantiques pertinentes et primordiales pour la bonne qualité. Dans ce travail de recherche, nous prenons comme exemple d'étude le réseau lexico-sémantique du projet JeuxDeMots et nous proposons un système de consolidation endogène pour ce type de réseaux.Ce système se base principalement sur l'enrichissement du réseau par l'inférence et l'annotation de nouvelles relations à partir de celles existantes, ainsi que l'extraction de règles d'inférence permettant de (re)générer une grande partie du réseau. Enfin, un langage dédié de manipulation du système de consolidation et du réseau lexico-sémantique est conçu et un premier prototype a été implémenté. / Developing lexico-semantic resources is a major issue in the Natural Language Processing field.These resources, by making explicit inter alia some knowledge possessed only by humans, aim at providing the ability of a precise and complete text understanding to NLP tasks. Popular resources-building strategies involving crowdsourcing are flowering in NLP and are proved to be successful. However, the resulted resources are not free of errors and lack some important semantic relations. In this PhD thesis, we used the french lexico-semantic network from the project JeuxDeMots as a case-study. We designed an endogenous consolidation system for this type of networks based on inferring and annotating new semantic relations using the already existing ones, as well as extracting and proposing inference rules able to (re)generate a considerable part of the network. In addition, we conceived a domain specific language for manipulating the consolidation system along with the network itself and a prototype was implemented.
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A Cross-Generational Analysis of Spanish-to-English Lexico-Semantic Phenomena in Emerging Miami EnglishMullen, Kristen 20 March 2015 (has links)
Sociolinguists have documented the substrate influence of various languages on the formation of dialects in numerous ethnic-regional setting throughout the United States. This literature shows that while phonological and grammatical influences from other languages may be instantiated as durable dialect features, lexical phenomena often fade over time as ethnolinguistic communities assimilate with contiguous dialect groups. In preliminary investigations of emerging Miami Latino English, we have observed that lexical forms based on Spanish lexical forms are not only ubiquitous among the speech of the first generation Cuban Americans but also of the second. Examples, observed in field work, casual observation, and studied formally in an experimental context include the following: “get down from the car,” which derives from the Spanish equivalent, bajar del carro instead of “get out of the car”. The translation task administered to thirty-one participants showed a variety lexical phenomena are still maintained at equal or higher frequencies.
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Лексика с семой запах в русском и китайском языках : магистерская диссертация / Words with semantics smell in Russian and Chinese languagesLiu, Y., Лю, Я. January 2015 (has links)
The dissertation is devoted to the complex comparative analysis of the semantics of lexical units of lexical-semantic field smell. The work consists of introduction, three chapters, conclusion, lists of bibliography and dictionaries. There are the volume and composition of lexico-semantic fields smell defined, principles of its organization in Russian and Chinese languages identified, the semantics of the nuclear units and comparative analysis of sites of lexico-semantic field describes, the national specifics of Russian olfaktor’s picture of the world in comparison with the Chinese shows in the work.
This work is intended for specialists who are interested in the similarities and differences between the Chinese and Russian language picture of the world. / Диссертация посвящена комплексному сопоставительному анализу семантики лексических единиц лексико-семантического поля запах. Работа включает введение, три главы, заключение, списки использованной литературы и словарей. В работе определены объем и состав лексико-семантического поля, выявлены принципы его организации в русском и китайском языках, описана семантика ядерных единиц и проведен сопоставительный анализ участков лексико-семантического поля, показана национальная специфика русской ольфакторной картины мира в сопоставлении с китайской.
Работа предназначена для специалистов, которых интересуют сходства и различия между русской и китайской языковыми картинами мира.
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Le discours politique relatif à l'aménagement linguistique en France (1997-2002) / Political discourse regarding language management in France (1997-2002)Cherkaoui Messin, Kenza 03 December 2009 (has links)
L’histoire de France est marquée depuis le XVIe siècle par l’uniformisation linguistique. La République a ouvert son ère par une Terreur politique qui s’est accompagnée de Terreur linguistique. Depuis, France et français sont intimement liés dans l’organisation comme dans les imaginaires politiques. Or, à un moment récent et bref de l’histoire de France, lors de la XIème législature [1997-2002], le débat a émergé quant à l’opportunité de reconnaitre une diversité linguistique de moins en moins importante sur le territoire national, les locuteurs des langues régionales disparaissant progressivement par un pur effet démographique. En effet, le débat sur la Charte européenne des langues régionales ou minoritaires [1999] puis sur le statut de la Corse [2001] a occupé la scène politique et médiatique française comme rarement les questions de statut des langues en France l’avaient fait. La multiplicité des lieux d’expression et des conditions de production et de réception des discours politiques a nécessité, pour aborder ce que les médias nomment « la classe politique » et que nous définissons comme une communauté discursive, la construction d’un corpus fortement hétérogène. Séances parlementaires à l’Assemblée nationale ou au Sénat, rapports, avis, projets ou propositions de loi, questions au gouvernement, mais également expression de la communauté discursive des hommes et des femmes politiques dans la presse écrite et audiovisuelle ont été réunis pour tenter de saisir le débat dans son ensemble. L’hétérogénéité constitutive du corpus a justifié un traitement différencié des sous corpus, en fonction de leur lieu de production et de leurs conditions de transmission : le corpus parlementaire, représentant plus de 250000 mots a fait l’objet d’un traitement automatique par Lexico3, ce qui a permis d’entrer dans le corpus. Le traitement lexicométrique de l’ensemble parlementaire et traitement manuel des corpus médiatiques ont été articulés de manière féconde : une analyse de discours à entrée lexicale a été possible grâce à la façon dont le traitement automatique a mis en valeur des phénomènes de catégorisation opérées par les locuteurs au moyen du lexique. L’approche lexico-sémantique a été complétée d’une cartographie des arguments en présence : la communauté discursive des hommes politiques dessine des imaginaires sociodiscursifs. Des idéologies concurrentes de ce qu’est la Nation et de son devenir s’opposent alors. / French history is influenced, since the 16th century, by language standardisation. The French Republic has started its era through political Terror that was completed by language Terror. Since, France and French have been intertwined in terms of politics as well as in terms of collective representations. However, in recent years, during the mandate of L. Jospin as a Prime Minister [1997-2002], France debated about the possibility of acknowledging its language diversity. Although, for mere demographic reasons, this diversity is fading away, it meets a strong social support. In 1999, with the opportunity of signing the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages and in 2001 at the time where a possible new status was debated for Corsica, a language debate finally took place in France. From this debate, we built a corpus constructed to take into account all accessible discourse produced by French political personnel, seen as a discursive community. The consequence of such a project is a highly heterogeneous corpus, where Parliament debates, reports, law propositions etc. adjoin excerpts from written and audiovisual media. This heterogeneity commanded to approach the data differently: the vast corpus gathered from the Parliament [250,000 words approx.] underwent statistical treatment through Lexico3. This lexico-semantic analysis was hinged on manual analysis of the somewhat numerically smaller media corpus thanks to the lexical categorisation phenomena that were put into light via statistics. This lexico-semantic approach was completed by the analysis of the arguments deployed by different sides of the discursive community, as well as by an exploration of their collective representations of language management. Ideology about both the Nation and its future emerge from the debate, on a much wider scale than for languages [country’s unity, human rights, diversity, etc.].
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A lexico-semantic analysis of EkeGusii circumcision social varietiesObwoge, Beatrice Kemunto Charity 26 November 2014 (has links)
The study is based on the lexical choices in the social context of EkeGusii circumcision and the meaning of the various lexical items used in the social context of circumcision and gender differentiation in the choice of the lexicon of EkeGusii circumcision. This special variety is also used within EkeGusii standard variety but when used in the context of circumcision, the meaning of the lexical items is understood based on context. It is believed that language embodies traditional values and that these values are socially conditioned. This study considers the social conditioning of the circumcision social varieties. Linguistic traditional values of EkeGusii language are reflected in, among others, gender differentiation in the choice of the lexicon in the social context of circumcision. The study was based on two theories; the social theory and contrastive lexico-semantic theory. Social theory was useful in analyzing language in society and what language means to its users while contrastive lexico-semantic theory was useful in analyzing EkeGusii culture-specific meaning which does not translate readily to English. Participatory observation, interview schedules, informers, questionnaires and introspection were used to collect data. Data was analyzed qualitatively in view of the choice of the lexicon within language variation. Findings showed that the sound plays an important role in postulating meaning of EkeGusii Circumcision Social Varieties (ECSV) through vowel lengthening. The lexicon of ECSV comprises nouns and verbs and that this lexicon is a style as well as register of EkeGusii. Gender differentiation in the language is a case of socialization rather than biological. Finally, meaning relations established by the lexicon of ECSV include synonymy, hyponymy, polysemy as well as antonymy. It is recommended in this study that teachers should be trained on Sociolinguistics, carry out classroom research to identify the learners’ sociolinguistic culture and integrate an individual learner with others in the same level especially since the school has taken the role of socialization of an individual. / African Languages / M.A. (African languages)
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Кулинарска терминологија Војводине / Kulinarska terminologija Vojvodine / Culinary terminology of VojvodinaMirilov Ružica 27 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Кулинарска лексика уопште, као и<br />кулинарска лексика Војводине није до сада<br />детаљније са лексичко семантичког и<br />творбеног аспекта обрађивана (осим у<br />појединим приказима наших дијелектолога и<br />лексикографа), али је свакако она (не у<br />потпуности) део српских важнијих<br />дијалекатских речника (Од Вукова до<br />Речника српских говора Војводине) и<br />речника општег типа.<br />У истраживачком раду је примењена у нас<br />одомаћена теорија семантичких поља руског<br />етнолингвисте Никите Толстоја. У лексичко<br />семантичкој и творбеној анализи као и у<br />лексикографској обради примењен је<br />дескриптивни, лингвогеографски и<br />компаративни метод.<br />Обрађено је шеснаест семантичких поља:<br />Намирнице, Оброци, Припремање хране,<br />Зимница, Млеко , млечни производи и јела<br />од млека, Супе и чорбе, Јела од теста,<br />Јела од јаја, Јела од меса, Месне<br />прерађевине, Врсте меса и делови, Умаци,<br />Јела од поврћа, Колачи, слаткиши, Пића,<br />Јела приликом разних светковина.<br />Материјал је и лексикографски уобличен, а<br />потом картографисан.</p> / <p>Kulinarska leksika uopšte, kao i<br />kulinarska leksika Vojvodine nije do sada<br />detaljnije sa leksičko semantičkog i<br />tvorbenog aspekta obrađivana (osim u<br />pojedinim prikazima naših dijelektologa i<br />leksikografa), ali je svakako ona (ne u<br />potpunosti) deo srpskih važnijih<br />dijalekatskih rečnika (Od Vukova do<br />Rečnika srpskih govora Vojvodine) i<br />rečnika opšteg tipa.<br />U istraživačkom radu je primenjena u nas<br />odomaćena teorija semantičkih polja ruskog<br />etnolingviste Nikite Tolstoja. U leksičko<br />semantičkoj i tvorbenoj analizi kao i u<br />leksikografskoj obradi primenjen je<br />deskriptivni, lingvogeografski i<br />komparativni metod.<br />Obrađeno je šesnaest semantičkih polja:<br />Namirnice, Obroci, Pripremanje hrane,<br />Zimnica, Mleko , mlečni proizvodi i jela<br />od mleka, Supe i čorbe, Jela od testa,<br />Jela od jaja, Jela od mesa, Mesne<br />prerađevine, Vrste mesa i delovi, Umaci,<br />Jela od povrća, Kolači, slatkiši, Pića,<br />Jela prilikom raznih svetkovina.<br />Materijal je i leksikografski uobličen, a<br />potom kartografisan.</p> / <p>Culinary lexicon as such, as well as the<br />culinary lexicon of Vojvodina Region has so far<br />not been systematically examined in the lexicosemantic<br />and word-formation aspect (except for<br />some reviews of our dialectologists and lexicographers). However, it is (yet not</p><p>completely) a part of some major Serbian<br />dialect dictionaries (from Rječnik, a dictionary<br />by Vuk Stefanović Karadžić to Dictionary of<br />Serbian Vojvodina Speech) as well as the<br />range of general dictionaries.<br />The research implied the semantic field<br />theory developed by Russian ethno-linguist<br />Nikita Tolstoy, which is commonly applied<br />approach in our region. Lexico-semantic and<br />word-formation analysis as well as<br />lexicographic processing were performed<br />applying descriptive and linguo-geographic<br />methods.<br />Sixteen semantic fields were analyzed:<br />Foodstuffs; Meals; Food Preparation; Winter<br />Stores; Milk; Dairy Products and Dishes; Soups<br />and Stocks; Pasta and Savory Dishes; Egg<br />Dishes; Meat Dishes; Meat Products; Meat<br />Types and Cuts; Sauces; Vegetable Dishes;<br />Cakes, Cookies and Sweets; Drinks and<br />Beverages; Festive Foods. The material was<br />lexicographically edited and cartographed.</p>
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