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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Barriers to group psychotherapy for lesbian, gay, and bisexual college students

Peters, Sarah January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Portraits of Resilience: Same-Sex Military Couples' Experience of Deployment

Curtis, Ansley Fraser 03 June 2014 (has links)
Research investigating how same-sex military couples conjointly experience the deployment process is absent. This study employed transcendental phenomenological methods (Moustakas, 1994) to explore the lived experiences of same-sex military couples and the deployment process. In-depth, conjoint interviews were conducted with eighteen individuals: five female couples and four male couples, representing four military branches, Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps. Three thematic categories emerged that revealed the essence of the couples' experiences of deployment: deployment experience is context-dependent, challenges associated with sexual minority status, and learned resilience. Though couples experienced a host of unique challenges related to their minority status and restrictive policies, couples developed adaptive coping strategies that served to mediate the impact of distinctive barriers and restrictions. Findings demonstrate the vulnerability and resilience of same-sex military couples during deployment. Political, clinical, and research implications are discussed. / Master of Science


JUAN SIMÓN OBANDO ZAPATA 06 October 2016 (has links)
[pt] As lâminas de bambu foram criadas para padronização da matéria prima de modo a aumentar sua resistência, controlar sua forma e desenvolver elementos estruturais sustentáveis e inovadores. O bambu é um material gradualmente funcional (FGM) devido a sua progressiva distribuição de fibras por toda a espessura de sua parede. Esta pesquisa apresenta os resultados de uma série de investigaçóes experimentais em que o colmo de bambu (Dendrocalamus giganteus) foi dividido em 6 segmentos de análise. Três divisões ao longo do seu comprimento, em sua porção baixa, média e alta, e, em seguida, duas divisões de sua espessura, interior e exterior. Na primeira série, os espécimes de cada segmento foram testados separadamente para estabelecer o seu módulo de elasticidade à tração Et. Seis tipos de vigas de bambu uniaxial-laminados, de 2,5 cm de largura, altura 5 centímetros e 50 cm de comprimento, foram montadas com camadas de cada segmento específico do colmo do bambu, utilizando resina adesiva de mamona. Quatro ensaios de flexão pontual foram realizados em amostras de viga para estabelecer o módulo de elasticidade em flexão, Eb. Os valores experimentais de ambos os grupos de amostra foram comparados com os valores teóricos, aplicando a teoria da mecânica dos sólidos. Os resultados forneceram informações para melhorar o arranjo dos segmentos das vigas de lâminas de bambu sujeitas a cargas de flexão. Baseado nos resultados, também é possível introduzir valores equivalentes para análises das propriedades mecânicas das vigas usando a teoria da mecânica de sólidos. / [en] Laminated bamboo was created to standardize the raw material in order to increase its strength, control its shape and develop sustainable and innovative structural elements. Bamboo is a Functionally Graded Material (FGM) due to the progressive distribution of the fibers across its wall thickness. This research presents the results of an experimental investigation series in which bamboo culm, of Dendrocalamus giganteus, was divided into 6 segments of analysis. Three divisions along its length, bottom, middle and top, and then two divisions across its wall thickness, inner and outer. In the first series, the specimens of each segment were tested separately to establish their tensile modulus of elasticity Et. Six types of bamboo uniaxial-laminated beam specimens of 2.5 cm width, 5cm height and 50 cm length were assembled with layers from each particular segment of bamboo culm, using resin of mamona adhesive. Four point bending tests were conducted on beam specimens to establish the bending modulus of elasticity Eb. Experimental values of both specimen groups were compared to those of theoretical values, applying solid mechanics theory. The results provide information to improve the segment arrangement of bamboo-laminated beams upon subjection to bending loads. Based on the results, it is also possible to introduce equivalent values for the analysis of the mechanical properties of the beams, using solid mechanics theory.


FERNANDA DE OLIVEIRA PAVELTCHUK 11 December 2018 (has links)
[pt] O estigma associado a identidades lésbicas, gays e bissexuais (LGB) é o que expõe essas pessoas à condição de vulnerabilidade psicossocial. A teoria do Estresse de Minorias defende que minorias sociais vivenciam estressores específicos adicionais aos estressores cotidianos, que independem de uma posição de vulnerabilidade social. Fatores individuais e do contexto podem funcionar como fatores de risco e/ou de proteção no comprometimento da saúde mental de pessoas LGB. Os objetivos desta dissertação são: 1) apresentar a teoria do Estresse de Minorias em indivíduos LGB por meio de uma revisão da literatura nacional e internacional; 2) verificar o impacto da orientação sexual nos três estressores de minorias (experiências de vitimização, homofobia internailizada e ocultação da orientação sexual); 3) testar o papel moderador do suporte social e do suporte familiar na relação entre as variáveis orientação sexual, experiências de vitimização, homofobia internalizada e ocultação da orientação sexual. e; 4) verificar os possíveis efeitos moderadores da conectividade comunitária na relação entre a homofobia internalizada e desfechos negativos de saúde mental. Não foram encontradas relações entre as variáveis acima citadas. Compreende-se que isto pode ter acontecido devido às características sociodemográficas da amostra (majoritariamente branca, com ensino superior incompleto ou completo, assumida, de classe média), avanços nas políticas públicas destinadas a pessoas LGB no Brasil nos últimos anos e a limitações dos estudos, cujas coletas foram conduzidas virtualmente, o que pode ter levado a um viés de resposta. / [en] The stigma associated with LGB identities is what puts the group in a condition of social vulnerability. The minority stress theory advocates the idea that social minorities have contact with specific stressors in addition to everyday stressors, which do not depend on a position of social vulnerability. Individual and environmental factors may act as risk and / or protective factors in impairing the mental health of LGB individuals. The objectives of this thesis are: 1) to present the Minority Stress theory in LGB individuals through a review of the national and international literature; 2) to verify the impact of sexual orientation on the three minority stressors (experiences of victimization, internalized homophobia and concealment of sexual orientation); 3) to test the moderating role of social support and family support in the relationship between the variables sexual orientation, victimization experiences, internalized homophobia and concealment of sexual orientation, and 4) to verify the possible moderating effects of community connectivity on the relationship between internalized homophobia and negative mental health outcomes. No relationship was found between the variables mentioned above. It is understood that this may have happened due to sociodemographic characteristics of the sample, advances in public policies aimed at LGB individuals in Brazil in the last years and limitations of the studies, which were conducted virtually, which may have led to a response bias.

La relation entre les connaissances et les attitudes relatives à la diversité sexuelle chez les enseignantes et les enseignants québécois et colombiens en formation initiale

Franco Morales, Freddy January 2013 (has links)
Des études états-uniennes et canadiennes révèlent diverses situations d'homophobie (Taylor, Peter, McMinn, Elliott, Beldom, Ferry, Gross, Paquin et Schachter, 2011) en milieu scolaire. Au Québec, une étude récente a également montré que les élèves lesbiennes, gays et bisexuels des deux sexes (LGB) font face à l'intimidation, au harcèlement, aux insultes et à la discrimination dans les écoles (Chamberland, Émond, Bemier, Richard, Petit, Chevrier, Ryan, Otis et Julien, 2011). Les victimes d'intimidation et de discrimination manifestent des difficultés psychologiques (diagnostiquées ou non) telles que des troubles de l'humeur (tristesse, dépression, idéations ou tentatives de suicide), des troubles anxieux ou encore une faible estime d'eux-mêmes. De plus, ces élèves se sentent mal à l'aise à l'école, ont de la difficulté à se concentrer en classe et vont même jusqu'à manquer des cours, des journées de classe ou encore décrocher du système scolaire (Chamberland, Émond, Julien, Otis, et Ryan, 2011). Compte tenu de la situation problématique des élèves LGB dans les écoles, nous avons voulu identifier les liens entre les connaissances relatives aux rôles et comportements sexuels ainsi qu'aux réalités des jeunes LGB ou perçus comme tels du futur personnel enseignant tant québécois que colombien et leur attitudes envers l'homosexualité et bisexualité. Notre hypothèse à cet égard est que la tolérance face à la diversité sexuelle est en partie fonction des connaissances des personnes sur la question. Pour réaliser notre recherche, nous avons construit un questionnaire à partir des travaux de Kinsey (1948, 1953) sur le comportement sexuel humain, de Bein (1974, 1981) sur le rôle sexuel, de la littérature sur le vécu des jeunes LGB et de Herek et McLemore, (2011) sur les attitudes envers l'homosexualité. Nous avons effectué des analyses descriptives pour identifier les connaissances des participants et participantes ainsi que leurs attitudes envers la diversité sexuelle. Nous avons en outre procédé à des analyses de corrélations pour examiner la force des liens entre les connaissances et les attitudes. Nous avons enfin comparé les résultats obtenus en Colombie et au Québec à l'aide de tests t. Les résultats obtenus confirment notre hypothèse sur la relation entre connaissances et attitudes et révèlent un manque de connaissances sur les trois sujets testés, des attitudes ni tout à fait hostiles ni tout à fait positives dans les deux sous-échantillons, colombien et québécois. Cette étude pourra donc contribuer à améliorer la formation du personnel enseignant, en incluant des cours portant sur la diversité, sexuelle notamment, de façon à favoriser l'éclosion d'attitudes positives chez ce dernier et contribuer ainsi à rendre l'école plus sécuritaire pour les élèves LGB et à favoriser leur réussite scolaire. Cette recherche est pionnière par certains de ses aspects et apporte de nouvelles informations utiles pour comprendre les phénomènes humains autour desquels s'articulent les attitudes envers la diversité sexuelle.

Sexuality in the therapeutic relationship : an interpretative phenomenological analysis of the experiences of gay therapists

Porter, James C. January 2013 (has links)
This preface is designed to provide insight for the reader into the reasoning behind choosing these specific pieces of work to make up the doctorate portfolio and why I consider them to be important pieces, contributing to my identity and competence as a counselling psychologist. This doctorate portfolio is comprised of a selection of completed work for the Practitioner Doctorate in Counselling Psychology for The University of Wolverhampton. It contains three dossiers: Academic, therapeutic and research. In a seperate document is a confidential attachment, which is separate to this portfolio as it contains confidential information. The Academic Dossier contains essays that were submitted for the modules 'Life-span Approach' and 'Working with Couples'. Received academic feedback for these essays are provided within the confidential attachment. The Therapeutic Dossier contains two essays that were written at the last stages of the three year doctorate course, reflecting upon my perceived professional development in the 'Professional Issues' essay and an exploration of therapeutic experience on supervised placements in 'Supervised Practice', over the last three academic years. A conscious decision was also made to not edit these essays for entering into the doctorate portfolio, as they can then ideally represent a growth in writing style and academic ability, which has occurred over the course of this doctoral training. Finally the Research Dossier is composed of several chapters, including a literature review, empirical study and critical appraisal.

Painel de bambu laminado colado estrutural / Bamboo structural glued laminated panel

Nogueira, Cláudia de Lima 22 February 2008 (has links)
A busca por produtos fabricados com matéria prima renovável e cuja transformação não cause impactos ambientais motivou a presente pesquisa que se refere à utilização do colmo de bambu como material lenhoso na fabricação de painéis estruturais, para uso na construção civil. O Bambu apresenta algumas vantagens em relação a outras matérias primas, pois além de ser renovável, como a madeira e crescer mesmo em área marginais, apresenta um crescimento tão rápido que permite sua utilização estrutural já a partir de 3 anos de idade. O presente trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de avaliar as propriedades físico-mecânicas de painéis à base de bambu da espécie Dendrocalamus giganteus e compará-los entre si. A variação radial dos feixes fibrovasculares dentro da parede do colmo motivou a obtenção de lâminas de duas posições consideradas anatomicamente discrepantes, próxima à epiderme e próxima à lacuna do centro do colmo. Os colmos foram processados mecanicamente de tal forma a produzirem-se lâminas externas e internas que foram coladas e prensadas, originando os painéis BLCe (Bambu laminado colado com lâminas externas) e BLCi (lâminas internas). Amostras foram retiradas desses compósitos e observadas no microscópio eletrônico de varredura (MEV) para avaliar variáveis da matéria prima e do processo de fabricação que influenciam na qualidade do painel, principalmente a adesão entre as lâminas constituintes. A resistência ao cisalhamento no plano de cola foi a propriedade mais crítica, dentre as estudadas na presente pesquisa, porque sendo baixa, influenciou negativamente no módulo de elasticidade e, mais intensamente ainda, no módulo de ruptura, ambos na flexão estática. O inchamento, que se refere à variação da espessura do painel por absorção de água, foi considerado a propriedade desfavorável do painel de bambu, pois acumulou ao inchamento das lâminas individuais afastamentos indesejados que ocorreram as camadas constituintes do painel. / The search for products manufactured with renewable raw material which can be produced through an industrialization which does not cause environmental impacts led this research work to considerate the use of bamboo culm as woody material to manufacture structural panels that can be used as construction material. Bamboo presents some advantages over other materials, because beside of being renewable as wood is and growing even in poor sites, presents so fast growth that allows the culm to be used for structural purposes from 3 years old. This study was carried out to evaluate physical and mechanical properties of bamboo based panels produced with Dendrocalamus giganteus bamboo species and comparing themselves with each other. The radial variation of fibre vascular bundles inside the bamboo culm wall had motivated taking laminas from two different positions considered anatomically discrepant, next to the epidermis and by the culm center. The culms were mechanically processed in a way to produce external and internal laminas that were glued and pressed originating the GLBe (Glued Laminate Bamboo with external laminas) and GLBi (internal laminas) panels. Specimens were taken from the composites and observed in a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) to evaluate raw material variables and manufacturing process variables that influence the panel quality especially the adhesion between component laminas. The shear strength on glued surface was the critical property among those studied in this research, because being low did affect the modulus of elasticity and, even more intensively, the modulus of rupture both in bending test. Swelling that refers to panel thickness variation due to absorption of water, was considered the most unfavorable property of the panel because accrued to the individual laminas swelling the unexpected displacement that pull apart the panel component layers.

Resilience Among Sexual Minority Youth: The Role of Natural Mentors in Improving Mental Health and Substance Abuse Outcomes

Singer, Erin Rebecca January 2015 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Stephanie Berzin / A growing body of evidence shows that sexual minority youth disproportionately suffer from poor mental health and substance abuse outcomes in comparison to their heterosexual peers. Parental support has been found to be a strong protective factor for these youth. There is a lack of research, however, that examines the role of non-parental adult support, such as natural mentors (e.g., teachers, grandparents, and coaches). Guided by minority stress and resiliency theories, the current study aims to deepen our understanding of whether natural mentors act as a resilience resource for sexual minority youth. The current study uses the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health (Add Health) restricted-use dataset. This is a large, nationally representative sample of both heterosexual (n=12,667) and sexual minority youth (n=1,413), ages 18 to 26. Variable-centered (i.e., multiple regression analysis with moderation) and person-centered (latent class analysis) statistical techniques were utilized to explore the effect of the presence and characteristics of natural mentoring relationships on a range of mental health and substance abuse outcomes. Results show that natural mentors have a similar relationship with health outcomes, regardless of sexual orientation. Perceived closeness is a critical characteristic of the mentoring relationship, exhibiting significant associations with depression, suicide ideation, self-esteem, life satisfaction, and binge drinking. Furthermore, those who have lifelong, close relationships with non-parental adult family members receive the most benefit. It is noteworthy that sexual minority youth are significantly less likely to have a permanent family mentor. Rather, they are more likely to have mentors from high school with whom they lack closeness as they transition into adulthood. Several suggestions for individual and school-based interventions to assist sexual minority youth in developing and maintaining long-term relationships with non-parental adult family members are discussed. The current study emphasizes the importance of supporting and advocating for greater policy change that will directly address minority stressors that sexual minority youth face. Findings from the current study make a significant contribution to the social work field by extending our knowledge regarding resiliency among sexual minority youth and offering concrete avenues for intervention. / Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2015. / Submitted to: Boston College. Graduate School of Social Work. / Discipline: Social Work.

Exploring Protective Factors among Lesbians, Gays, and Bisexuals: A Framework for Psychological Well-Being and Relative Influence

LaDuke, Sheri 01 August 2016 (has links)
Lesbian, gay, and bisexual individuals must regularly navigate stigma, or social situations in which they are devalued because of their sexual orientation. The research has well established minority stress processes which link situations of stigma to reports of poor psychological well-being. However, protective factors leading to healthy psychological well-being are relatively understudied. This dissertation is a review of protective factors that have already emerged in the research and an assessment of these protective factors simultaneously to better understand how they influence psychological well-being. I recruited adult sexual minority participants using a comprehensive social media approach. I then tested mastery, problem-solving coping, cognitive flexibility, structural factors, social support, self-compassion, hope, community connectedness, meaning making, and emotional openness on both measurements of positive and negative psychological well-being. Boosted regression analyses were used to assess the relative influence of the protective factors and while accounting for multicollinearity among the many protective factors. This was followed by OLS regression for cross validation. Results of the boosted regression trees indicate that hope, mastery, self-compassion, and social support are the most influential protective factors. This was supported by the OLS regressions. These results point to individual and social factors that affect psychological well-being of sexual minorities. Ultimately this dissertation provides a focused target for future research on intervention using these top protective factors. Additionally, this dissertation expands protective factors previously only examined in lesbian, gay, and bisexual individuals to a broader sexual minority population.

Working with LGB Clients through Their Identity Development

Scarborough, Janna L., Byrd, Rebekah J. 01 January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

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