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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Teologia da Libertação: nascimento, expansão, recuo e sobrevivência da imagem do excluído dos anos 1970 à época atual / Liberation Theology: birthing, expansion, retreat and survival of the excluded people images from 1970 to present time

Alfredo Cesar da Veiga 02 September 2009 (has links)
Destaca a reconstituição histórica e estética do processo da arte político-religiosa no Brasil de 1970 aos dias atuais. O período marca o nascimento, expansão, recuo e sobrevivência da Teologia da Libertação, e junto com o discurso que brota dessa reflexão, nasceu uma produção iconográfica própria e que escapa daqueles modelos consagrados pela teologia tradicional. O negro, o índio, o retirante nordestino, a mulher marginalizada, emprestam seus rostos à Virgem Maria e a Jesus Cristo, a fim de reafirmar o nascimento de um homem novo que surge dos escombros da colonização e da dependência política e econômica que marcaram a América Latina. As figuras, os desenhos, os cartazes, as expressões corporais, se transformaram em documentos que essa teologia produziu ao longo das décadas e que aqui serão abordados. De fato, o que nos interessa de perto, não é privilegiar questões de estilo, mas compreender, através de dados iconográficos, a latência de uma teologia exuberante e eficaz em sua intenção de se tornar a voz do pobre e marginalizado. A hipótese da pesquisa se constitui no problema referente ao processo de sacralização de iconografias, personagens profanos sob a égide da Teologia da Libertação no decorrer desse período no Brasil. A originalidade está em mostrar como esse ideário tomou forma através de representações pictóricas que facilitavam a sua compreensão e aceitação por parte do povo, especialmente o morador da periferia das grandes cidades ou do campo. Nesses lugares, graças a essa estratégia, conjugada a outras, como canções, danças e novos rituais, a Teologia da Libertação teve grande aceitação e força, semeando, através das CEBs (Comunidades Eclesiais de Base), a proposta da criação de uma nova sociedade, baseada em relações mais justas e fraternas, superando a exploração e a opressão dos poderosos a serviço do sistema capitalista. No entanto, a partir do final dos anos 1980, o rosto do sagrado estampado no rosto do pobre começa a esmaecer, sinal de um retorno conservador na Igreja. Apesar disso, esse rosto resiste e atravessa os tempos revelando a sobrevivência de um nicho mais que sagrado no profano. / It focuses the historical and aesthetical process of the politic-religious art in Brazil from 1970 to present time, a period which gives birth and at the same time, a kind of disaggregation to an iconographic model that sets apart the traditional ones, consecrated by the church. Black people, Indians, migrants living in poor areas, marginalized women, offer their faces to Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ with the proposal of reaffirming the birth of a new man that revives from the ashes of colonization ruins and also from the politic and economic dependence which was imprinted in Latin America. Pictures, drawings, posters, body language, become themselves, documents that Liberation Theology produced during these decades and will be studied in this research. As a matter of fact, what is mostly important to us to comprehend is not style matters but, above all, through iconographic issues, the latency of an exuberant and effective Theology in its intention to become the voice of the poor and the marginalized. The main hypothesis of this research constitutes in seeing the sacralization process on profane personages according to the Liberation Theology vision. The originality of this research is to show how an ideal took shape through pictorial representations that facilitate its comprehension and acceptation from poor people, especially those who live at the margins of the big cities. In those places, thanks to this strategy, but also with songs, dances and new rituals, Liberation Theology had large acceptation and gained strength, spreading its seeds through the Cebs (Base Communities), and with them, cherished the possibility of creating a new society based on fraternal and fair relations, overcoming exploration and oppression that come from powerful people who serve the capitalist system. However, from the end of the 1980s, the face of the sacred in the face of the poor starts fading as a sign of a conservative return inside the Catholic Church. In spite of this, that face endures and go across the times revealing the survival of a niche more than sacred in the profane.

La théologie de la libération en Haïti : un acteur religieux en politique (1970-2004) / The theology of the liberation in Haiti : a religious actor in politics

Prédelus, Mimose 19 June 2012 (has links)
Cette étude porte sur le mouvement dit de la « Théologie de la libération » en Haïti. A partir d’une approche historique, elle retrace le parcours du mouvement de 1970 à 2004, en mettant en évidence ses réseaux et ses acteurs.Bien que l’apparition réelle de ce mouvement soit très récente dans la société, son développement a été, néanmoins, fulgurant. Il est perceptible à travers de nombreuses structures de base comme : les Communautés ecclésiales de base, communément appelées TKL (Ti Kominote Legliz), les groupements paysans et les centres de formation. Lieu de conscientisation, de fraternité et de solidarité, ces structures ont joué un rôle très important, dans les années 80, non seulement dans la redynamisation de l’Église catholique mais aussi dans la diffusion de la « Théologie de la libération » en Haïti. Leur force a été démontrée sous la dictature tant par leurs prises de position que par leurs actions qui ont largement contribué à la chute du régime.A leur tête se trouvent des prêtres, issus de milieux sociaux et de Congrégations divers dont la dictature avait contraint un certain nombre à l’exil. Si l’exil a été l’une des sanctions les plus courantes sous la dictature, il ne se révèle pas, néanmoins, la plus efficace puisqu’il a permis le développement, par ces prêtres, d’un puissant courant anti-duvaliériste fortement influencé par la « Théologie de la libération », dont les journaux, les revues et les associations de base seront les principaux vecteurs et qui sera à l’origine du départ de Jean-Claude Duvalier, le 7 février 1986. Sa consécration est marquée par l’élection, en 1990, de Jean-Bertrand Aristide, l’un d’entre eux. Qui sont ces acteurs ? En quoi consiste leur travail ? Quels sont les principaux réseaux impliqués dans ce mouvement ? Existe-t-il une réelle convergence de vues entre les idées de la théologie de la libération et celles défendues par ses acteurs en Haïti ? En quoi les idées de Jean-Bertrand Aristide concordent-elles avec celles de la « Théologie de la libération » ? Sa politique présidentielle s’inscrit-elle, ou non, dans la continuité de la « Théologie de la libération » ? Ce sont les principales questions auxquelles cette étude tentera de répondre. / This study deals with the movement called the “Liberation Theology” in Haiti. With a historical approach, it aims to trace back the evolution of the movement from 1970 to 2004 while showing the networks and actors involved. Though the movement’s true birth is very recent in Haiti’s society, its development has been groundbreaking. It has grown through many grassroots structures such as the ecclesiastic grassroots Communities, widely known as TKL (Ti Kominote Legliz), the groups constituted by peasants and the centers of formation. As a place of political education, brotherhood and solidarity, those structures have played a major role, in the 1980s, not only in the renaissance of the Catholic Church, but also because it helped to diffuse the « Liberation Theology » in Haiti. Their strength during the dictatorship has been blatant, through their public positioning and their actions which have in a large measure contributed to the dictatorship’s downfall. The movement was led by priests from diverse social backgrounds and Congregations. Some of them had been exiled during the dictatorship. Although the exile has been one of the most common sanctions during the dictatorship, it has not been the most efficient weapon since it led to the development, by these priests, of a powerful anti-Duvalier movement that was strongly influenced by the « Liberation Theology » whose press and grassroots associations were to be the main means of diffusion of their ideas and that was at the origin of Jean-Claude Duvalier’s departure on February the 7th, 1986. The movement’s success corresponds to the election, in 1990, of one of its leaders, Jean-Bertrand Aristide. Who are those actors ? What were their goal and mission? What are the main networks implied in this movement? Is there really a common viewpoint between the “Liberation Theology” and the ideas defended by its actors in Haiti? How can Jean-Bertrand Aristide’s ideas be said to coincide with those of the “Liberation Theology”? Should his presidential politics be considered as following the « Liberation Theology »? Those are the questions to which the present study will try to bring some answers.


Bonotto, Cléo Adriano Sabadi 02 May 2008 (has links)
This dissertation aims to comprehend the process of formation and acting of religious preachers who got engaged in social movement in the end of 1970 decade and the beginning of the 1980, in Rio Grande do Sul RS/BRAZIL. In spite of Brazil was within a dictatorial regime, and in this period there were no workers trade neither politics parties that were allowed to act or to express the folk classes interest; because of it other civil organization had to play this role, some of them were ready to organization had to play this role. However, the progressive sectors to be allowed to be active in the Catholic Church this institution was supposed to change, and see the real world; because only in this way the Church could be sensitive about the social problems. Nevertheless, a religion needs to keep a continuity meaning, even in changing times, in this way, the dissertation discuss the transformations occurred with the Catholic Church in the 20th Century, mainly with the liberation theology. The Centro de Orientação Missionária s role was analyzed referring to the theoretical formation of leaders and the organization of social movement. Trying to comprehend the formation s role in poor communities, staring to the pioneers Franciscans in Lomba do Pinheiro, it is located in the suburbs of Porto Alegre; also the participation of religious people in the landless workers movement MST ( Movimento dos Trabalhadores Sem Terra) organization in Rio Grande do Sul was analyzed as a practical period of formation to these religious preachers that are going to influence their participation in the social movement, presupposing that these three cases complete themselves, theoretical formation, inserted and practice. In order to develop this search, interviews with religious people, pastoral people and other preachers that were involved directly with this Movimentos were used. / Esta dissertação tem por objetivo compreender os processos de formação e atuação de mediadores religiosos que se engajaram em Movimentos Sociais no fim da década de 1970 e início da década de 1980, no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul RS/Brasil. Tendo em vista que, em plena ditadura militar, na ausência de sindicatos e de partidos políticos atuantes que expressassem os interesses das classes populares, reprimidos ou cooptados pelo regime ditatorial, outras organizações da sociedade civil ocuparam esse espaço, algumas dessas organizações tomaram parte ativa nos conflitos e colocaram-se a serviço das classes populares. No entanto, para que os setores progressistas pudessem atuar na Igreja Católica, essa instituição teve de passar por transformações internas e estar aberta ao mundo, pois só assim pôde sensibilizar-se com os problemas da sociedade. Contudo, uma religião necessita manter um sentido de continuidade mesmo em épocas de renovação interna e transformação social e, assim sendo, abordou-se as transformações ocorridas na Igreja Católica durante a segunda metade do século XX, principalmente com o advento da Teologia da Libertação. No que se refere à formação, analisouse o papel do Centro de Orientação Missionária (COM) no que diz respeito às suas relações com a Igreja Institucional e com a formação teórica de lideranças e a organização de movimentos populares. Buscou-se compreender o papel da formação inserida em comunidades populares, estudando o caso do pioneirismo dos franciscanos na Lomba do Pinheiro, na periferia de Porto Alegre, examino a participação de religiosos na gênese do Movimento Sem Terra no Rio Grande do Sul como período prático da formação que influenciou na participação de mediadores religiosos em Movimentos Sociais, partindo do pressuposto de que esses três modos de formação complementam-se: a formação teórica, a inserida e prática. Para o desenvolvimento do trabalho, fez-se uso de entrevistas com religiosos, agentes de pastoral e outros mediadores que tiveram participação direta no surgimento e organização de movimentos populares no Rio Grande do Sul.

Charity, homelessness, and the doctrine of creation

Pemberton, Charlie Samuel Christie January 2016 (has links)
This thesis explores Gustavo Gutiérrez‟s and John Milbank‟s articulations of the doctrine of creation, with a view to developing a criterion that can be used to inform our understanding and evaluation of Christian charities that address homelessness and operate in contemporary British civil society. Milbank and Gutiérrez‟s works both ask questions of the peace or life that can be instituted through charitable practices. They also develop, from the doctrine of creation, their own theological accounts of social and political orders, normative anthropologies, and accounts of the interpersonal. For both Milbank and Gutiérrez, the doctrine of creation maintains a paradox: the internality and externality of the created world in relation to God. Part One of this thesis explores these respective accounts of charity and creation, noting the strengths and limitations of each position. Part One ends with a qualified endorsement of Gutiérrez‟s theology and defends the utility of the criterion he deploys in his work to judge the task of theology and praxis of the church: integral liberation. The second part of this thesis progresses in three steps. First, I put forward a theological methodology which is attentive to the logic of theo-political language and our current neoliberal socio-political order. I argue that it is prudent to think of political theology as a counter-hegemonic discourse, and in dialogue with Ernesto Laclau and Chantel Mouffe, Francis Schüssler Fiorenza and Gutiérrez, I explore and endorse political theology as spiral in character. I go on to extend Laclau and Mouffe‟s analysis of neoliberalism by developing and defending the hypothesis: 'charities are dual'. By engaging with the work of Frank Prochaska, this section argues that charities are both religious and political, as well as being both internal and external to the state apparatus. Furthermore, I contend that charities constitute and ameliorate the social exclusion attributed to homelessness, and that selfless giving, under the current circumstances, is internal to a process of volunteer self-making. By attending to the dualities of homelessness charities, this part of the thesis sets charities in their current context and proposes an elective affinity between current charitable practices and the hegemony of neoliberalism. At the end of the thesis, I return to the doctrine of creation and ask how attention to this doctrinal locus can help us to move homelessness charities beyond their dependence on the existence of homeless people, and their embeddedness in our current neoliberal arrangement. I argue that charities, and civil society more broadly, have an important role to play in envisioning and establishing a theo-politics of common life. To do so, I contend that we need to articulate a robust account of the role of the state, must defend human rights, nurture egalitarian and non-hierarchical charitable practices, be attentive to what the homeless can teach charities and volunteers about our current order, and reform aspects of charitable law. In each of these cases, I defend a paradoxical politics of integral liberation. In summary, this thesis aims to make an original contribution to the growing body of literature that explores homelessness and theology by coordinating the paradox of creation, the duality of charity, and the double truths of neoliberalism.

The concept of "the people" in liberation theology

Menatsi, Richard January 1994 (has links)
The concept of "the people" has become a key concept within the work of several Latin American theologians, Korean Minjung theologians and South African theologians. When liberation theologians use the concept of "the people" in their literature they do so with a lack of clarity, to the extent that the exact meaning of the term is obscure. In their usage of the concept "the people" liberation theologians come up with differing and at times contradictory meanings, particularly as regards the concrete and symbolic meanings of the concept. This thesis sets out to investigate the use of the concept "the people" by liberation theologians by consulting a selection from Latin American theology, Korean Minjung theology, South African liberation theology and Marxism, to detect its influence on the use of this notion. A general overview of the thesis indicates the following. The first chapter provides a detailed analysis of the concept of "the people" in the work of different liberation theologians. Chapter two considers "the people" in relation to poverty and oppression. The third chapter deals with "the people" as subjects of history. In the fourth chapter "the people" as a concept is developed in relation to belief within the Christian church. The final chapter is an evaluation. The thesis reveals that the following characteristics are central to "the people", they are poor and oppressed but are also inclusive of all those persons who identify and actively support the struggle against poverty and oppression. "The people" are subjects of their own history, finally they are Christian believers.

Towards a spirituality for authentic liberation in South Africa

Pretorius, Jacques Gerhard January 1990 (has links)
A spirituality which facilitates authentic liberation is one which intuits the evolutive nature of human development. Justice and compassion are biblical descriptions of a liberation effected by the Holy Spirit in and through persons. The development of persons towards being able to embrace such qualities is set within three interconnected paradigms: a theological paradigm, a psychological paradigm, and a socio-historical paradigm. The theological paradigm sees the creative process as continuing an evolutive movement towards the wholeness of persons, society and the cosmos. Within this, persons are defined as created co-creators with God, and are given the responsibility of participating in the process which will achieve this goal. This paradigm is reflected in the works of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin concerning the evolution of consciousness within each material form, towards union in God. The psychological paradigm suggests that the evolution of consciousness within persons gives rise to the probability of the emergence of levels of consciousness capable of initiating and sustaining the manifestation of justice and compassion. In this evolutive process a boundary is perceived by persons between the ego-body as 'self' and the environment as 'not-self'. This boundary prohibits the emergence of the qualities of justice and compassion in human consciousness. The developmental process is constituted by the integration of the 'not-self' into the 'self' at each stage, facilitating the emergence of a consciousness which takes responsibility for the environment as 'self'. The socio-historical paradigm is defined by the perspectives on the world held by the poor. The spirituality emerging from within this paradigm is initiated through encounter with Jesus. It is concretized in a preferential option for the empowerment of the poor, which facilitates and sustains the integration of 'self' and the environment. An examination of the Latin American base Christian communities shows the characteristics of Church life and structure which facilitate the Church becoming the locus of development towards authentic personal and social liberation. The structure of the Church of the Province of Southern Africa is evaluated in this light, in order to encourage clergy and laity to rise towards their full personhood in God.

"Pelos muitos caminhos de Deus" : possibilidades e limites da teologia pluralista transreligiosa da libertação

Souza, Maruilson Menezes de 22 November 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-01T18:12:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertacao_maruilson.pdf: 708237 bytes, checksum: 39188f025eefee73ef325b6f4c87066e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-11-22 / At the beginning of the new millennium a consensus is being formed among scholars from different parts of the world that classical theology no longer responds with satisfaction to the questions of this new Axial time. There is also an increasing desire to build a new theology that is inter-faith, multi-faith or simply trans-religious. This new theology requires the construction of a new paradigm in the theological thinking. Reflecting the efforts of similar initiatives around the world, the Ecumenical Association of Third World Theologians, EATWOT, through the collection "along the many paths of God , proposed a new theology, that is trans-religious, secular, open, non-institutional, global, planetary, multi-religious, pluralist and in connection with the principles of liberation theology. This research ventures to study the possibilities and limits of this proposal of EATWOT. / Nesse inicio de milênio está se formando consenso entre estudiosos de diversas partes do mundo de que a teologia clássica já não mais responde a contento às questões desse novo tempo Axial e cresce o anelo pela construção de uma nova teologia que seja inter-faith, multi-faith ou simplesmente trans-religiosa. Tal teologia exige a construção de um novo paradigma na forma do pensar teológico. Refletindo os esforços de iniciativas similares pelo mundo, a Associação Ecumênica de Teólogos do Terceiro Mundo, ASETT, através da coleção pelos muitos caminhos de Deus , propôs uma teologia nova, transreligiosa, leiga, aberta, não institucional, planetária, multirreligiosa, pluralista e em conexão com os princípios da teologia da libertação. A presente pesquisa se aventura a estudar as possibilidades e limites dessa proposta da ASETT.

Lamentations for Liberation: A Theological Analysis of the Miseducation of Lauryn Hill

Gilmour, Sophia 01 April 2022 (has links)
While exploring the history of liberation theology themes appearing in Black musician’s work (in Dr. Daniel Smith-Christopher’s class Bible and the Blues), it came to my attention that there are many more contemporary artists whose work also touches on these themes, such as Lauryn Hill. My thesis argues with the help of Black and Womanist scholars that the naming of one’s reality through musical lamentations is a healing act. Further, musical lamentation is an act to carry forth communities and provide them with healing because the act of acknowledging and lamenting the suffering of a marginalized community is liberating in and of itself. This act of lamenting serves, then, as an act of truth-telling, that refuses to deny the pain that is caused by systems of oppression such as racism and sexism. Lauryn Hill’s album The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill then expresses a theology of lament in which the lamentation itself serves a healing purpose for those listening.

Towards a eucharistic theology and practice for the South African context : a re-appraisal of Reformed eucharistic theology from the perspective of the Eucharist in Catholic liberation theology

Van der Water, Desmond January 1989 (has links)
Bibliography: pages 102-105. / The theology and practice of the eucharist emerged as one of the major points of contention in the 16th Century Reformation. While the Reformers themselves differed in their respective eucharistic theologies, they were nevertheless unanimous in rejecting what they perceived as heresy and abuse in the theology and practice within the Roman Catholic Church. Part One of this dissertation explores the Reformed teaching on the eucharist by surveying the eucharistic theologies of the Reformers, Huldrych Zwingli and John Calvin, and more recent theologians, Peter Forsyth and Karl Barth. The challenge of the Reformation, however timeous and valid, did not go far enough. While the Reformers went to great lengths to expose theological heresy and to condemn abuses, they gave scant attention to the contextual implications of their theology. For instance, the Reformation focussed on such theological issues as the "essence" or "substance" of Christ's presence in the eucharist, without giving attention to its missiological implications within the contextual struggles for human liberation from socio-political and economic structures of domination, oppression and exploitation. Roman Catholic theology of liberation, emerging from Latin America in the latter part of the 20th Century, presents a compelling challenge to both traditional Catholic teaching and Reformed theology and practice. While not departing from the basic tenets of Catholic teaching, liberation theology adopts a radically critical stance, whereby any orthodox theology and practice is judged in terms of its relevance to the existential situations of human oppression, poverty and suffering. Part Two of this dissertation reflects on the response of liberation theologians to a new crisis for the sacraments within the Roman Catholic Church. This is done by surveying the eucharistic theologies of Juan Luis Segundo, Rafael Avila (from Latin America) and Tissa Balasuriya (from Asia). The Churches of the Reformed tradition have not as yet adequately responded to the challenges within a country characterised by racism, state oppression, social injustices and economic exploitation. A Reformed eucharistic theology and practice should be formulated for the South African context, which takes seriously the criticisms of Catholic liberation theology, while simultaneously exploring the contextual implications of its own Reformed tradition. It is not necessary for a Reformed understanding of the eucharist to break with tradition, anymore than Catholic liberation theology does. What is required is that the tradition be retrieved in relation to the struggle for liberation within our historical context. Part Three sets out the proposal for a eucharistic theology and practice for the South African context, in terms of two major themes, namely those of protest and celebration. These themes are fundamental to both the biblical framework and the contextual application of the eucharist, are consonant with the intention of Reformed eucharistic theology. Central to the proposal will be the formulation of a theology and practice of the community-of-faith. It will become evident as to what is meant by community-of-faith as we explore the above themes.

Discovering Leadership Models That Produce Fruit Within the Mid-Atlantic Episcopal District of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church

Counts, Jonathon David 04 November 2020 (has links)
No description available.

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