Spelling suggestions: "subject:"life cycle essessment"" "subject:"life cycle bioassessment""
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LCC och LCA-baserad jämförelse mellan batteridriven och bensindriven produkt / LCC and LCA-based comparison between a battery powered and gasoline powered productAndersson, Lucas, Fjällström, Tim January 2020 (has links)
Många länder försöker minska sitt användande av fossila bränslen och istället använda sig utav förnyelsebara alternativ. Ett vanligt sätt att göra detta är att gå från bensindrivna motorer till eldrivna. Denna studie undersöker därför produkter ur samma produktsortiment som har samma grundfunktion och användningsområde men olika drivmedel. Syftet med detta är att få ökad förståelse för produkternas kostnader samt öka förståelsen för hur deras drift påverkar miljön. Studien genomfördes som en fallstudie på Swepac i Ljungby. Studiens genomförande följer delar ur LCC, LCA, CELA och break-even metoder för att kunna uppnå syftet. Miljöpåverkan mäts i koldioxidekvivalenter och en omräkningsfaktor används för att omvandla utsläppen till ett monetärt värde som går att använda i beräkningar av kostnader. Resultatet visar att ett break-even mellan maskinerna uppstår efter 6.9 år, livslängden är dock 5 år. Både miljöpåverkan, drift- och underhållskostnader är lägre för den eldrivna, dock gör den stora skillnaden i inköpspris att det tar lång tid innan ett break-even uppstår. / Many countries are trying to reduce the usage of fossil fuels and instead they are trying to find renewable alternatives. A common way to do this is to go from gasoline engines to electric engines. The purpose of the study is to gain a greater understanding of the products costs and environmental impact during their usage. The study was conducted as a case study at Swepac, Ljungby. The study’s implementation follows parts from LCC, LCA, CELA and the breakeven method in order to achieve the purpose. The environmental impact is measured in carbon dioxide equivalents and a conversion factor is used to convert the emissions to a monetary value that can be used in calculations of costs. The result shows that breakeven between the machines arises after 6.9 years, however, the service life is only 5 years. Both environmental impact, operating and maintenance costs is lower for the electrical option, however, the big difference in purchase price makes it take a long time for a breakeven to occur.
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Livscykelanalys av volymelement i produktskedet / Life cycle assessment for the product stage for a prefabricated module unitAndersson, Christoffer, Nilsson, Tilda January 2020 (has links)
Den globala uppvärmningen har lett till att Sveriges regering, för att uppfylla de globala klimatmålen, har tagit fram ett lagkrav som är tänkt att träda i kraft från 1 januari 2022. Lagkravet innebär att utsläpp av växthusgas ska dokumenteras för byggnader över hela deras livscykel. Syftet och målet med examensarbetet är att undersöka och analysera en modulbyggnads klimatpåverkan under produktskedet. Objektet som undersöks är en byggnadsmodul med bostadsytan 40,6 m2, som ingår i ett större flerbostadshus. Klimatpåverkan har beräknats och analyserats i form av en livscykelanalys med Byggsektorns Miljöberäkningsverktyg. Analysen är avgränsad till modulens produktskede inklusive råvaruförsörjning, transport och tillverkning av modulen. Resultatet av studien är att modulen släpper ut 124,8 kilogram koldioxidekvivalenter per kvadratmeter enligt specifika data. Mest utsläpp av växthusgaserx kommer från materialet korslimmat trä och från energikällorna som används vid tillverkningen av byggprodukter och modulen. / Global warming has led to the Swedish government, as part of the global climate goals, to propose a legislative requirement that is supposed to come into force from January 1, 2022. The forthcoming legislative requirement will stipulate that greenhouse gas emission from buildings' life cycle are documented and presented. The purpose and goal of this thesis is to investigate and analyze the climate impact of a prefabricated building module during the product stage. The object investigated is a building module with a living area of 40.6 m2, which is part of a larger apartment building. The climate impact has been calculated and analyzed with life cycle analysis approach using the Construction Sector's Environmental Calculation Tool (Byggsektorns miljöberäkningsverktyg). The analysis is limited to the product stage of the module including extraction and processing of raw materials, transportation and manufacturing of the module. The result of the study is that the modules climate impact is 124.8 kilograms carbon dioxide equivalents per square meter according to specific data. The major part of greenhouse gas emissions comes from the material cross laminated wood and from energy sources being used in the manufacturing of building products and the module.
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Utvärdering av beräkningsverktyg för klimatpåverkan från mjölk- och nötköttsproduktion / Evaluation of calculation tools for climate impact from milk- and beef productionvon Greyerz, Karin January 2021 (has links)
Jordbruket är en sektor som står för en stor del av vår klimatpåverkan där animalieproduktionen bidrar med ungefär 15 %, främst från idisslare. För att minska klimatpåverkan kan klimatberäkningar utföras för att hitta möjligheter till förbättring. Dessa beräkningar är komplexa med stora osäkerheter. Studien syftar till att utvärdera två verktyg, Cool Farm Tool (CFT) och Vera, för beräkning av klimatpåverkan från gårdar med idisslare. Utvärdering skedde utifrån precision och hur väl resultatet redovisas utifrån gårdarnas möjlighet att använda resultatet för att identifiera förbättringsmöjligheter. Verktygen diskuterades också utifrån användarvänlighet. För utvärdering utfördes beräkningar i verktygen för tre system, en mjölk- och två nötköttssystem. För jämförelse utfördes egna beräkningar utifrån ett livscykelperspektiv. Resultatredovisningen analyserades utifrån egna och klimatrådgivares upplevelser. Även ett eget förslag till resultatredovisning redogörs. Resultaten från beräkningarna blev 1,1–1,2 kg koldioxidekvivalenter per liter fett och proteinkorrigerad mjölk och 8,6–8,7 kg koldioxidekvivalenter per kg levandevikt för djur till slakt för mjölkkor, 11–12 kg koldioxidekvivalenter för djur till slakt från nötsystemet med uppfödning av mjölkraskalvar som inte används för rekrytering och 14–17 kg koldioxidekvivalenter för köttsystemet med dikor. Skillnaderna mellan de två verktygen beror främst på skillnader i ”global warming potentials” och beräkningar av emissioner från fodersmältning, gödselhantering och foderproduktion. Vera har en stor fördel i att det använder svenska beräkningsmetoder och därmed är mer anpassat för svenska gårdar. Den är också flexibel då det finns schabloner som ofta går att ändra. CFT går snabbare att använda och det går att hantera bristfällig data till viss del. Vera redovisar resultatet på flera sätt med möjlighet att upptäcka områden för förbättring. CFT redovisar inte lika detaljerat. Vera skulle behöva minska tiden som går åt till att leta och lägga till produkter medan CFT skulle kunna öka sin flexibilitet och resultatredovisning. / The agricultural sector stands for a large part of our contribution to climate change where the livestock stands for about 15 %, mostly from ruminants. To reduce the climate impact climate calculations can be executed to find possibilities for improvements. These calculations are complex with great uncertainties. The purpose of the study was to evaluate two tools, Cool Farm Tool (CFT) and Vera, for climate calculations from farms with ruminants. The precision and how well the results are presented to identify improvement opportunities were evaluated. The tools ease of use where also discussed. For evaluation, calculations were performed with the tools for three systems, one milk system and two beef systems. For comparison, own calculations were performed with a life cycle perspective. The presentations of the results were analysed from own and advisor experiences. A suggestion for presentation of the results is also presented. The results from the calculations became 1.1–1.2 kg carbondioxide equlivents per litre fat and protein corrected milk, 8.6–8.7 kg carbondioxide equlivents per kg live-weight for slaughter from meat from milking cows, 11-12 kg carbondioxide equlivents from meet from the beef system with breeding of milk breed calves that don’t get used for replacement, and 14-17 kg carbondioxide equlivents for the beef system with suckler cows. The differences between the tools are mostly depending on different global warming potentials, calculations of emissions from enteric fermentation, manure management and feed production. Vera has a great advantage in using Swedish calculation methodes and therefore more suitable for Swedish farms. It is also flexible since there are standard values that mostly can be changed. CFT is faster to use and it can manage limitations in data at some level. Vera presents the results in several ways with the possibility to discover areas for improvement. CFT does not present the results in the same detail. Vera needs to limit the time needed to look for and ad products while CFT needs to improve the flexibility and presentation of results.
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Anwendungsorientierte Mischungsentwicklung und Ökobilanz eines zementreduzierten ÖkobetonsHilgenfeld, Jonathan 02 February 2021 (has links)
Die vorliegende Thesis befasst sich mit der Mischungsentwicklung eines zementreduzierten Ökobetons für die Verwendung in einem ökologisch verbesserten Deckensystem. Dafür wurden mithilfe eines in Microsoft Excel aufgestellten physikalischen Analysemodells – dem Compaction-Interaction Packing Model nach FENNIS – Rezepturen entwickelt, die durch eine optimierte Packungsdichte einen geringeren Zementleimbedarf aufweisen. Dabei gelang es, Zement teilweise durch feine Kalksteinmehle zu ersetzen und eine CO2-sparende Mischung mit einem reduzierten Zementgehalt von 150 kg je Kubikmeter Beton herzustellen, welche die an sie gestellten Anforderungen erfüllt – u. a. bezogen auf Festigkeit (Festigkeitsklasse C 20/25), Verarbeitbarkeit (Konsistenzklasse C3) und Alkalität (pH-Wert > 10). Diese Eigenschaften wurden experimentell geprüft. Zwar wurden bei der auf empirischen Daten beruhenden Prognose von Festigkeit und Konsistenz im Modell nur teilweise realitätsnahe Werte ermittelt, das Modell stellte sich insgesamt jedoch als zielführendes Instrument bei der Mischungsentwicklung von Ökobetonen heraus.:1 Einleitung
2 Verringerung der Umwelteinwirkungen bei der Betonherstellung
3 Methodik der Mischungsentwicklung zementreduzierter Ökobetone
4 Packungsdichteberechnung mit dem Compaction-Interaction Packing Model
5 Mischungsentwicklung eines Ökobetons im Rahmen des Forschungsvorhabens
6 Herstellung der Auswahlmischungen und experimentelle Ermittlung von
7 Eingrenzung einer Zielmischung
8 Diskussion der Ergebnisse
9 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick / The present thesis deals with the mix development of a cement-reduced eco-concrete for the use in an ecologically improved ceiling system. For this purpose, a physical analysis model built in Microsoft Excel – the Compaction-Interaction Packing Model according to FENNIS – was used to develop recipes which, due to an optimised packing density, have a low cement paste requirement. It was possible to partially replace cement with fine limestone powders and to produce a CO2-saving mixture with a reduced cement content of 150 kg per cubic metre of concrete, which meets the requirements placed on it – among other things with regard to strength (strength class C 20/25), workability (consistency class C3) and alkalinity (pH-value > 10). These properties were tested experimentally. Although only partially realistic values were determined in the model for the prediction of strength and consistency based on empirical data, the model turned out to be a suitable instrument for mix developments of eco-concretes.:1 Einleitung
2 Verringerung der Umwelteinwirkungen bei der Betonherstellung
3 Methodik der Mischungsentwicklung zementreduzierter Ökobetone
4 Packungsdichteberechnung mit dem Compaction-Interaction Packing Model
5 Mischungsentwicklung eines Ökobetons im Rahmen des Forschungsvorhabens
6 Herstellung der Auswahlmischungen und experimentelle Ermittlung von
7 Eingrenzung einer Zielmischung
8 Diskussion der Ergebnisse
9 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick
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Posouzení environmentální zátěže technologií práškového lakování / Environmental Impact Assessment for Powder Coating TechnologyHavlíček, Lukáš January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on evaluating an environmental impact of using LCA methodology. LCA is a methodology of powder varnishing. The first part of the thesis is concerned with technologies modifying metal surfaces. An analysis of LCA technology was executed and a technological process was described. As a part of theoretical part, a description of available methods evaluating environmental impact was made. According to description the LCA methodology was chosen. In practical part of the thesis an analysis of material and energetic inputs of each process was made.
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Posouzení environmentální zátěže u strojírenských výrobků/procesů / Environmental Impact Assessment by Machinery Products/ProcessesNavrátilová, Jana January 2019 (has links)
This Diploma thesis is focused on the assessment of environmental load of a bottle crown cork. The theoretical part describes the current global environmental problems and a chosen environmental legislation, which may also apply to engineering companies. In thesis is included the description of a various methodologies for assessing the environmental load, from which was a method LCA (product life cycle assessment) for solving the problem chosen. The thesis describes the crown cork and its production. In practical part is made the environmental load evaluation of this product. Three variants of the crown cork are selected, whose life cycles are simulated and analysed. The results of the variants are afterwards compared.
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Environmentální hodnocení rekonstrukcí obytných budov / Environmental Assessment of Residential Building RenovationsStruhala, Karel Unknown Date (has links)
One of the methods utilized for quantification of environmental impacts of human activities is Life-Cycle Assessment (LCA). This dissertation applies the method on renovations of residential buildings in the Czech Republic. The reason is high potential for environmental savings in existing building stock and lack of such works in the Czech conditions. Therefore the dissertation deals with LCA of building renovations to increase the knowledge in this field. Moreover it also questions and evaluates accuracy of building LCA in general to increase understanding of differences and inaccuracies that are often admitted, but seldom analysed in literature. The dissertation includes five LCAs of two case studies: a block-of-flats in Brno and a terraced house in a nearby village. First case study includes LCAs of the original state and renovation of the block-of-flats. The second case study describes LCAs of the original state, partial reconstruction or demolition and new construction of the terraced house. The LCAs are performed in two software tools: Eco-Bat 4.0 and GaBi 4. Detailed models of the evaluated buildings are based on available designs. Environmental impacts are calculated in four impact categories predefined in Eco-Bat 4.0 to enable comparison of results: Ecological Scarcity, Cumulative Energy Demand (or Primary Energy in GaBi 4), Non-Renewable Energy and Global Warming Potential. The accuracy of the performed LCAs is tested in up to 324 different scenario combinations considering variable service life of building materials, construction waste quantities, waste management and transport distances. Generally, the results confirm environmental efficiency of building renovations. The renovation of block-of-flats results in 17.39% average reduction of total environmental impacts. Demolition and new construction of the terraced house result in 76.83% average savings. However, the variation of results is rather high due to tested scenario combinations: up to 56.06%.
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Ispitivanje mogućnosti primene Fenton-procesa u tretmanu obojenih otpadnih voda grafičke industrije / Investigation of Fenton-process application in the treatment of dye wastewater in printing industryGvoić Vesna 27 September 2019 (has links)
<p>Predmet izučavanja ove disertacije je ispitivanje mogućnosti primene homogenog, heterogenog i Fentonsličnog procesa u tretmanu obojenih otpadnih voda grafičke industrije. Kao Fenton katalizatori korišćeni su sintetisani gvožđe(III)-molibdat i nano nula valentno gvožđe, kao i komercijalni gvožđe(II)-sulfat. Istraživanja su sprovedena u četiri faze. U prvoj fazi je izvršena sinteza i karakterizacija Fenton katalizatora, pri čemu su ustanovljene njihove osnovne morfološke karakteristike. Nano nula valentno gvožđe je sintetisano iz ekstrakta lišća hrasta, dok je gvožđe(III)-molibdat sintetisan putem tzv. vlažnog hemijskog postupka. U drugoj fazi je izvršena optimizacija Fenton procesa u tretmanu sintetičkih rastvora grafičkih boja primenom nove statističke metode, <em> definitive screening design</em>. U cilju postizanja maksimalnog stepena obezbojavanja i mineralizacije tretiranog uzorka ispitan je uticaj sledećih procesnih parametara: inicijalne koncentracije boje, koncentracije gvožđa, pH vrednosti i koncentracije vodonik-peroksida. Nakon ustanovljenih optimalnih uslova i izvršene verifikacije predloženog optimuma, sproveden je tretman realnog efluenta. Stepen mineralizacije tretiranog efluenta ustanovljen je na osnovu vrednosti sadržaja ukupnog organskog ugljenika i hemijske potrošnje kiseonika. U cilju razumevanja mehanizma degradacije grafičkih boja u Fenton procesu, kao i identifikacije prirode degradacionih produkata, izvršena je kvalitativna gasno-hromatografska/maseno spektrometrijska analiza. Kinetika obezbojavanja realnog efluenta najbolje je opisana primenom Behnajady - Modirshahla -Ghanbary modela, koji definiše inicijanu brzinu i oksidacioni kapacitet posmatranog procesa. Rezultati su ukazali na moguću primenu Fenton procesa u tretmanu CMYK boja usled postizanja visokih efikasnosti obezbojavanja i mineralizacije tretiranih efluenata. Nedostatak primenjene metode se ogleda u činjenici da je većina uzoraka okarakterisana kao visoko toksična, a ujedno i izrazito kisela, budući da je ustanovljena optimalna pH vrednost Fenton tretmana 2 - 3. Stoga je u okviru treće faze istraživanja primenjen dodatni tretman realnog efluenta, adsorpcija na aktivnom uglju sintetisanom iz koštica divlje šljive. Adsorpcioni tretman je rezultovao smanjenjem toksičnosti kod svih tretiranih uzoraka, koji se karakterišu kao nisko do umereno toksični, te je sa tog aspekta moguće njihovo bezbedno ispuštanje u recipijent. Ujedno je ustanovljena i povećana mineralizacija uzoraka, kao posledica degradacije jedinjenja koja su inicijalno doprinela povećanoj toksičnosti. U četvrtoj fazi rada primenjena je metoda ocenjivanja životnog ciklusa sinteze Fenton katalizatora. Rezultati LCA su utvrdili da sinteza heterogenog Fenton katalizatora, gvožđe(III)-molibdata, ostvaruje najveće opterećenje životne sredine, dok bi se proces sinteze nano nula valentnog gvožđa mogao unaprediti modifikovanjem ekstrakcione faze uz korišćenje alternativnih materijala i obnovljivih izvora energije. Značaj predstavljenih rezultata se ogleda u činjenici da su uzorci obojenih otpadnih voda grafičke industrije prvi put podvrgnuti Fenton tretmanu koji je rezultovao visokim stepenom efikasnosti.</p> / <p>The subject of this thesis is exploring the possibility of homogeneous, heterogeneous and Fenton-like process application in the treatment of dye wastewater in printing industry. Synthesized iron(III)-molybdate and nano zero valent iron, as well as commercial iron(II)-sulfate were used as a Fenton catalyst. The research was carried out in four phases. In the first phase, the catalyst synthesis and their characterization were performed, whereby the morphological characteristics were established. Nano zero valent iron was synthesized from oak leaf extract and iron(III)-molybdate was synthesized by wet chemical process. In the second phase, the optimization of Fenton process was performed within the treatment of synthetic printing dye solution using a new statistical method, a definitive screening design. In order to achieve maximum decolorization and mineralization of the treated sample, the influence of following process parameters was conducted: initial dye concentration, iron concentration, pH value and hydrogen peroxide concentration. The treatment of printing effluent was performed after establishing optimal conditions and verifying the proposed optimum values. Mineralization degree of treated effluent was determined based on the results of total organic carbon and chemical oxygen demand. In order to understand the dye degradation mechanism in Fenton process, as well as to identify degradation products, a qualitative gaschromatographic/mass spectrometric analysis was carried out. The kinetic studies of the printing effluent were best described by using the Behnajady- Modirshahla-Ghanbary model, which defines the initial speed and oxidation capacity of the process. The results indicated the possible application of the Fenton process in the treatment of CMYK dyes due to the high decolorization and mineralization efficiency of treated effluent. Disadvantage of the applied method is reflected in the fact that most of the samples are characterized as highly toxic and, at the same time, extremely acidic since the optimum pH value of Fenton treatment is 2 - 3. Therefore, in the third phase of the study, adsorption process on functionalized biochar prepared from wild plum kernels was applied on real printing effluent. Adsorption treatment resulted in toxicity reduction in all treated samples, characterized as low to moderately toxic. Therefore, from this aspect, treated effluent can be safely released into the recipient. At the same time, increased mineralization of the samples was established as a result of the compounds degradation that initially contributed to high toxicity. In the fourth phase, a life cycle assessment method of Fenton catalyst was applied. The results of the LCA indicated that the synthesis of the heterogeneous Fenton catalyst, iron(III) molybdate, achieved the highest environmental burden, while the synthesis of nano zero valent iron could be improved by modifying the extraction phase using alternative materials and renewable energy sources. The significance of the obtained results is high decolorization efficiency achieved by Fenton treatment of printing dye wastewater, which was used for the first time.</p>
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ISO 14001:2015 Life Cycle PerspectiveKUMAR, AMIT, MUTHU SAMY, AMIRTHALINGAM January 2020 (has links)
Our research is based on data triangulation methodology by which we are going to answer the question with a combination of two elements: the design and development in combination with life cycle perspective according to ISO 14001:2015 and organization consider the life cycle perspective when they design and develop their products, in a modified form introducing many new aspects of life-cycle thinking. This Master’sthesis aims to discuss the Sustainability approach through the use of Environmental Management Standards (EMS), the results achieved by organizations that implement and certify those EMS, and a special focus on the current process of ISO 14001:2015 revision and the logic behind it. Revisiting the concept of Sustainability, the status of the International Organization for Standardization 14001, requirements that related to that life cycle perspective in ISO 14001:2015, eco-design, circular economy and its expected outcomes are discussed. The ISO 14001:2015 revision will have major impacts on the more than 300,000 worldwide certified organizations and on the many professionals that work with it. Analysis of the development of a sustainability portfolio within a globally-operating manufacturing company, we came different illustrate the kinds of life cycle work involved in dealing with activities and interests, connecting activities and interests into action-nets, performing life cycle practices, and spreading the life cycle idea. Finally, we discuss implications of life cycle work for research in the field of organization and management studies and questions related to the topic with quality engineers within the organization.
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Développement d'une méthode d'évaluation multi-indicateurs des systèmes agro-industriels, basée sur la pensée cycle de vie, pour une éco-conception des procédés de production / Development of a multicriteria evaluation method of agro-industrials systems, based on life cycle thinking, for the eco-design of production processesJulio, Remi 08 October 2018 (has links)
Le concept de bioraffinerie, développé afin de se substituer aux ressources fossiles, vise à concevoir une grande variété de produits (carburants, matériaux, molécules plateformes pour la chimie fine…) en se basant sur la valorisation de ressources renouvelables telles que la biomasse végétale. La mise en place de bioraffineries doit se baser sur de nouveaux procédés, éco-conçus, afin d'optimiser la performance environnementale de la chaine de transformation de la biomasse. Néanmoins, l'écoconception de procédés émergents peut être complexe en raison des multiples configurations possibles et du manque important de données précises et spécifiques sur ces technologies. L’objectif de ces travaux vise donc à développer une méthode d’évaluation multiindicateurs pour l’éco-conception des procédés agro-industriels et de bioraffineries. La démarche générale consiste à coupler les domaines du Génie des Procédés et de l’Analyse du Cycle de Vie. En effet, la modélisation, à partir de modèles physiques ou semi-empiriques (notamment issus de plans d’expériences) puis la simulation de procédés sont utilisées afin de faciliter la phase de réalisation de l’inventaire du cycle de vie en obtenant des bilans matière et énergie détaillés. Ces bilans peuvent ensuite être utilisés pour effectuer une Analyse du Cycle de Vie prospective du procédé. Par itération, il est ainsi possible de réaliser de la prévision de données et de tester de nombreux jeux de conditions opératoires pour le procédé afin d’optimiser sa performance environnementale, en déterminant les conditions opératoires optimales et les opérations unitaires les plus respectueuses de l’environnement. Cette méthodologie et son outil associé ont été testés sur différents procédés de bioraffinerie,impliquant diverses biomasses : micro-algues, coproduits de culture de blé, bois / The biorefinery concept, developed to face fossil resources dependence, aims to design a wide variety of products (biofuels, materials, chemicals ...) based on the development of renewable resources such as plant biomass. The establishment of biorefineries must be based on ecodesigned processes to optimize the environmental performance of the biomass processing chain. Nevertheless, eco-designing innovative processes can be complex due to multiple configurations and the lack of related specific and reliable data. Thereby, the aim of this research work is to develop a multi-indicator evaluation method for the eco-design of agro-industrial and biorefinery processes. The general approach is based on coupling Process Engineering and Life Cycle Assessment fields. Indeed, process modeling, based on mathematical or semi-empirical models (notably resulting from designs of experiments) and process simulation are applied to facilitate the life cycle inventory step by predicting detailed mass and energy balances. Then these data can be used to perform a prospective Life Cycle Assessment of the process. By iteration, it is possible perform data prediction and to test several operating conditions sets for the process, to enhance its environmental performance, by determining optimal operating conditions and by identifying the most environmentally friendly unit operations. The methodology and its associated tool have been tested on different biorefinery processes, involving various biomasses: micro-algae, wheat coproducts and wood
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