Spelling suggestions: "subject:"limiting"" "subject:"iimiting""
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Turnover tecidual, desempenho e rendimento de carcaça em frangos de corte submetidos a diferentes níveis de lisina digestívelMaruno, Mariana Kiyomi January 2016 (has links)
Orientador: Antonio Celso Pezzato / Resumo: Este estudo tem por objetivo avaliar se a metodologia de isótopos estáveis convalida e acrescenta informações adicionais às obtidas com a metodologia convencional de dose e resposta de em estudos de exigências nutricionais em frangos de corte. O estudo presente no Capítulo II avaliou o período que compreendeu de 1 a 20 dias de idade e, foi realizado um ensaio experimental aplicando-se a metodologia de dose e resposta outro com a de diluição isotópica. Os ensaios foram em delineamento inteiramente casualisado e em ambos, foram utilizadas dietas experimentais seguindo as recomendações propostas por Rostagno et al. (2011) exceto em lisina digestível. As dietas foram balanceadas a base de plantas do ciclo fotossintético C3 e consistiram em: 100Lys (1,17% de lisina, seguindo a recomendação de Rostagno et al. (2011)); 85Lys (1,01% de lisina); 90Lys (1,06% de lisina); 95Lys (1,11% de lisina); 105Lys (1,23% de lisina); 110Lys (1,29% de lisina) e 115Lys (1,35% de lisina digestível). No ensaio com aplicação da técnica de dose-resposta avaliou-se desempenho e rendimento de carcaça e no ensaio que foi utilizado técnica dos isótopos estáveis, foi avaliado o turnover de 13C do fígado, tíbia, músculo do peito e da coxa. Para desempenho foi observado diferença significativa para consumo de ração (P<0,013), com maior consumo para os frangos do tratamento 100Lys e menor para 95Lys. As aves do tratamento 105Lys (P<0,007) foi o que apresentou maior rendimento de carcaça, porém quando avaliado e... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: This study aims to evaluate and validate the methodology of stable isotopes and adds additional information to those obtained with conventional methodology dose and response in studies of nutrient requirements of broilers from 1 to 20 days of age fed with different levels of lysine digestible. We conducted a trial test using the dose response methodology and another with the isotopic dilution. The tests were completely randomized design and in both the diets followed the recommendations proposed by Rostagno et al. (2011) except lysine. Diets were formulated based on the plants photosynthetic cycle C3 and consisted of: 100Lys (1.17% lysine, according to the recommendation of Rostagno et al. (2011)); 85Lys (1.01% lysine); 90Lys (1.06% lysine); 95Lys (1.11% lysine); 105Lys (1.23% lysine); 110Lys (1.29% lysine) and 115Lys (1.35% digestible lysine). In the assay with dose-response technique, performance and carcass yield were evaluated and the assay technique of stable isotopes was evaluated carbon-13 turnover in the liver, tibia, breast and thigh muscle. Performance analysis showed a significant difference only for feed intake (P<0,013), with higher consumption for 100Lys treatment and lower for 95Lys. The 105Lys treatment showed the highest carcass yield (P<0,007), but when measured in terms of absolute weight, there was a heavier weight for carcass (P<0,001), breast (P<0,001) and thigh (P<0,027) for 115Lys treatment and, the heavier weight for drumstick (P<0,001) for105Lys trea... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor
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Vitreoretinální rozhraní ve vztahu k chirurgické léčbě makulárních onemocnění / Vitreoretinal interface in relation to surgery on macular disordersKalvoda, Jan January 2012 (has links)
1 Abstract Introduction The vitreoretinal (VR) interface of the eye is a dynamically evolving environment which significantly influences and indicates the course of macular disorders. The main topic of the presented paper is research on the VR interface in relation to surgery on diabetic macular edema (ME), partial macular defects (PMD) and idiopathic macular holes (IMH). Aims The aims of the research were to find out new knowledge about specific characteristics of and changes in the VR interface in eyes with diabetic ME, PMD and IMH, namely with main attention focused on the internal limiting membrane (ILM) of the retina and the epimacular membrane (EMM). Methods Histopathologic and morphometric analyses were carried out on samples of the ILM of the retina and the EMM which were taken during pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) of eyes of sets of patients with diabetic ME, PMD and IMH. The analytic results were statistically evaluated and interpreted in relation to clinical factors and anatomical results of the PPV. Results Treatment of diabetic ME with removal of the ILM resulted in improved visual acuity (VA), at minimum 2 lines on the ETDRS table, in 51.8% surgically treated eyes and remained the same in 33.9% of eyes. A comparison study confirmed that PPV with preserving of the ILM achieved a long-term...
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Nonlinear optical properties of natural dyes based on optical resonanceZongo, Sidiki January 2012 (has links)
>Magister Scientiae - MSc / Recent research shows that the study of optical properties of organic material natural dyes has gained much consideration. The specific functional groups in several natural dyes remain essential for the large nonlinear absorption expressed in terms of nonlinear optical susceptibilities or other mechanism of absorption such as two photon absorption (TPA), reverse saturable absorption (RSA) or intensitydependent refractive index characteristic. In this thesis we highlight the optical limiting responses of selected natural dyes as nonlinear response in the femtosecond regime. This technique refers to the decrease of the transmittance of the material with the increased incident light intensity.Three dyes derived from beetroot, flame flower and mimosa flower dyes were investigated. The results showed a limiting behaviour around 795 mW for the beetroot and the flame dye while there is total transmission in the flame dye sample. The performance of the nonlinearity i.e. the optical limiting is related to the existence of alternating single and double bonds (i.e. C-C and C=C bonds) in the molecules that provides the material with the electron delocalization, but also it is related to the light intensity.Beside nonlinearity study, crystallographic investigation was carried out for more possible applicability of the selected dyes and this concerned only the mimosa and flame flower dye thin film samples since the beetroot thin film was very sensitive to strong irradiation (i.e. immediately destroyed when exposed to light with high intensity). For more stability,dye solutions were encapsulated in gels for further measurements.
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A cláusula de não indenizar: uma releitura do instituto à luz do atual código civil brasileiro / The non-indemnity clause: a reinterpretation in light of the current Brazilian civil codeLetícia Marquez de Avelar 13 June 2011 (has links)
Trata-se de estudo acerca da cláusula de não indenizar e da cláusula limitativa do dever de indenizar, mecanismos utilizados pelos contratantes com vistas a aliviar a sobrecarga das indenizações, que se aproximam de institutos como o seguro de responsabilidade civil e a cláusula penal, apresentando também pontos de coincidência com a transação, a renúncia e o consentimento do ofendido. Embora sejam conhecidas desde o direito romano, foi no Estado liberal que essas convenções tiveram maior aceitação, a qual foi sendo, no entanto, paulatinamente reduzida, à medida que foi se configurando o que posteriormente se convencionou chamar de dirigismo contratual, que tem em mira corrigir as injustiças resultantes do modelo individualista de outrora, na busca por uma igualdade real entre as partes contratantes. No ordenamento jurídico brasileiro não há regra geral disciplinando a matéria, mas apenas disposições pontuais que regulam campos específicos; esta a origem de toda a controvérsia que gravita em torno da validade e eficácia da cláusula de não indenizar e da cláusula limitativa do dever de indenizar, questões, ao que se entende, que se devem resolver pelas regras de admissibilidade dos contratos em geral, respeitando-se, sempre, evidentemente, os limites da ordem pública, o que significa, nos tempos atuais, observância, também e principalmente, aos princípios da boa-fé objetiva, do equilíbrio contratual e da função social do contrato / It is a study on the non-indemnity clause and on the limitation of indemnity clause, mechanisms utilized by contractors in order to relieve the burden of indemnities which approach institutes such as the civil liability insurance and the penalty clause and also show intersection points with the settlement, the waiver and the consent of the offended party. Although known since roman law, it was in liberal State that such conventions have received greater acceptance, which nonetheless was gradually reduced as what later to be denominated contractual interventionism emerged, whose purpose is to correct the inequities resulting from the individualist model of yesteryear in the quest for true equality between the contracting parties. There is not a general legal rule in the Brazilian legal system regulating the matter, but only specific provisions governing specific cases; this is the origin of all controversy towards the validity and effectiveness of the non-indemnity clause and of the limitation of indemnity clause, these are issues that, as one comprehends, should be solved with the admissibility rules of contracts in general, provided that the limits of public order, evidently, are always respected, what means, nowadays, observance, also and mainly, of the principles of objective good faith, contractual balance and social purpose of the contract
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Limitação óptica em complexos de porfirina e metaloporfirina / Optical limiting in porphyrin and metaloporphyrin complexesNewton Martins Barbosa Neto 20 April 2001 (has links)
Limitadores ópticos são dispositivos que apresentam alta transmitância para baixas intensidades de luz incidente e, inversamente, baixa transmitância para altas intensidades, sendo usados como protetores contra danos em sensores ópticos e olhos humanos. Com o objetivo de estudarmos novos materiais com mecanismos não lineares eficientes para o processo de limitação, bem como novas geometrias ópticas, apresentamos neste trabalho o desenvolvimento de um limitador óptico baseado na absorção saturada reversa de porfirinas e metaloporfirinas. Construímos também um dispositivo baseado na configuração óptica bifocal, usando porfirina como absorvedor saturável reverso. Além disso, obtivemos parâmetros espectroscópicos do estado excitado pelos ajustes teóricos das curvas de transmitância, através da resolução de equações de taxa. / Optical limiters are devices with a high transmittance in the presence of low intensity light, and a considerable lower transmittance otherwise, been used as protectors against damage in optical sensors and human eyes. Aiming at searching for new materials and optical geometries efficient for optical limiting. We report on the development of an optical limiter based on the reverse saturable absorption in porphyrin and metalioporphyrins. We also built a device-based .on a cascade focus configuration, using free base porphyrin as the absorber. Besides, we obtain the excited state spectroscopy parameters by the theoretical fitting of transmittance curves, by solving a set of rate equations.
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[pt] Esta tese apresenta os principais fenômenos
eletromecânicos, que ocorrem durante a operação do forno a
arco, com ênfase especial nos fenômenos elétricos e
magnéticos envolvidos. Apresenta também uma simulação
computacional, que tem por objetivo verificar que a
utilização de um reator série limitador de corrente no
circuito de alimentação do forno, visando estabilizar o
arco, não reduz significativamente a potência operacional
do mesmo à 60Hz.
A tese apresenta ainda os resultados de uma
simulação analógica, que permite verificar que a
impedância do reator série limitador, vista pelo circuito
do forno, é pequena à 60 Hz e relativamente elevada em
outras freqüências. Desta forma, tem-se um efetivo
amortecimento das flutuações de corrente e tensão,
causadas pela operação do forno, sem restringir a potência
operacional do mesmo. / [en] This thesis presents the main electromechanical phenomena,
occuring during the operating of an arc furnace, focusing
the electric and magnetic ones. It also presents a digital
simulation aiming to verify that the utilization of a
series limiting current reactor included into the furnace
feeding circuit, for arc stabilization purposes, does not
reduce its operational capacity at 60 Hz.
It is also presented the results of an analogic
simulation, which shows that the reactor impedance seen by
the furnace circuit is small at 60 Hz and relatively large
at other frequencies. Hence, an effective damping of the
current and voltage variations, caused by the furnace
operation, can be achieved.
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Overhung-boring bars : the performance of undamped and damped bars under static and dynamic conditions when machining metalsAu, Y. H. J. January 1980 (has links)
The work of the author was to investigate the static, dynamic and machining behaviour of some new designs of slug damped boring bars with a 10 to 1 overhang ratio. The bars were mounted on a centre lathe. The static behaviour of a boring bar in relation to the geometric form errors that might be produced during boring was studied both analytically and experimentally. Specifically, two types of errors were considered, namely, a) errors that arise on entry of the boring tool into the workpiece) known as the "bell-mouth" errors; and b) reproducibility of eccentricity errors, known as the "copying" errors. The theory for "bell-mouth" errors did not seem to fit the results well; however, the theory did prove that such errors could exist. The theory for “copying” errors agreed remarkably well with the results provided that the initial eccentricity was small compared with the depth of cut. The dynamical behaviour of the slug damped boring bar was modelled by a mathematical analogue. Despite its inability to properly account for the compressibility effect of the gaseous damping fluid, the model revealed the possibility of design improvements. In consequence, the optimally-tuned slug-damped tungsten-bunged bar was conceived, Manufactured and tested along with a solid bar for comparison purposes, a slug-damped recessed bar and a slug-damped steel-bunged bar. The machining behaviour of a boring bar was studied in terms of the maximum depth of cut that it could cope before the occurrence of chatter. At first, a stability model was developed based on the mathematical analogue formulated in the study of the dynamical behaviour. But since this analogue did not fit the results accurately, a second and more precise model was set up using the frequency response obtained from dynamic experiments instead. The concept of negative damping coefficient was used; and a one-to-one correspondence between the asymptotic value of the negative damping coefficient and the limiting depth of cut was found to exist. By virtue of this, it is in principle possible to predict the limiting depth of cut of any machine tool system whose frequency response characteristics are known. Compared with other bars tested, the optimally-tuned tungsten-bunged bar was found to have the best dynamic and machining characteristics as reflected in the limiting depth of cut of 0.10511 (2.67 mm) to 0.110" (2.79 mm) at the feed of 0.0065"/rev (0.165 mm/rev) and the speed of 500 rprn on a 3.5" dia. bore (140 m/min) of EN8 steel. By constrast, the solid bar was hardly able to cut stably even at the light cut of 0.005".
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Diseño de un amplificador limitador cmos para velocidades en tecnologías submicrónicasOchoa Castillo, Sergio Pablo January 2018 (has links)
Este informe técnico propone el diseño de un bloque llamado Amplificador Limitador que se encuentra en los equipos que trabajan con fibra óptica o con altas tasas de transmision de datos y que estan integrados en una pastilla de silicio. El objetivo principal es aumentar el ancho de banda de un Amplificador Limitador mediante la aplicación de la técnica Inductive Peaking para lograr velocidades que corresponden a una portadora óptica OC-192 equivalente a 10 Gbps bajo el estándar SONET. Haciendo uso de tecnología CMOS con transistores de 130 nm de ancho de canal.
A su vez se propone disminuir el consumo de potencia y el área ocupada en la pastilla de Silicio utilizando inductores activos y la eliminación de los capacitores de desacople DC entre etapas.
Los resultados finales Post Layout demuestran que es posible extender el ancho de banda con las técnicas mencionadas anteriormente, reducir el consumo total y el área ocupada en la pastilla de Silicio y cumplir con las especificaciones técnicas requeridas.
This technical report proposes the design of a block called Limiting Amplifier which is found in equipment that works with optical fiber or with high rates of data transmission and that are integrated in a silicon wafer. The main objective is to increase the bandwidth of a limiter amplifier by applying the Inductive Peaking technique to achieve speeds that correspond to an OC-192 optical carrier equivalent to 10 Gbps under the SONET standard, making use of CMOS technology with 130 nm channel width transistors.
At the same time, it is proposed to reduce the power consumption and the area occupied in the chip using active inductors and the elimination of DC decoupling capacitors between stages.
The final results of Post Layout show that it is possible to extend the bandwidth with the techniques mentioned above, reducing the total consumption and the area occupied in the silicon pellet and accomplishing with the required technical specifications.
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Three Essays on Entrepreneurial Motivation, Entry, Exit and Monetary RewardsKrichevskiy, Dmitriy 03 October 2011 (has links)
This dissertation analyzes rewards and motivations of self-employment. In light of recent research contributions of Barton Hamilton (2000), which find entrepreneurship not as financially rewarding as wage work, my dissertation attempts to both verify and explain this claim. The first essay proposes a theoretical model of evolution of erroneous earnings expectations on part of a nascent entrepreneur. Inability to observe, survey, and take into account all of the returns to entrepreneurship prior to business entry creates a biased set of beliefs on part of the potential entrants. Using Bayesian learning, a nascent entrepreneur starting out with correct perception of profit distribution arrives at erroneous beliefs by incorporating limited information collected from existing businesses. An observed distribution of surviving businesses would exhibit higher earnings because of previous, unobserved, business failure entrepreneur get an overly positive view of her profit potential. Hence, the chapter offers a unique method of modeling overconfidence.
The second essay undertakes dynamic empirical comparison of earnings received by business owners and their wage counterparts. Using Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) I examine both short and long run returns to entrepreneurship comparing theses rewards to wage earners returns. I pay particular attention to transitions into and out of business ownership. I estimate entire earnings distribution. To characterize dynamic aspect of changes to individuals’ earnings I split the income distribution into five income quintiles and follow survey participants over the period of seven years. I find that period-to-period transitions to be Markovian. I find business tenure to be short, business ownership is costly in the short and rewarding in the long run.
The third essay considered different reporting schemes applied to the self-employed. It is another empirical investigation of entrepreneurial earning uses Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID). I find entrepreneurs while reporting lower than wage workers earnings enjoy significant consumption premiums. I observe evidence of income underreporting by entrepreneurs. This finding suggests a need for better earning comparison metrics and proposes to use consumption rather than income metrics for future comparisons.
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<div>The proliferation of single-use plastics in the foodware and packaging sector has stimulated interest in sustainable material substitutes that can be processed efficiently and which possess sufficient structural integrity. Herein, we study the structure, mechanical response and diffusion properties of leaf-sheath from a representative palm species—<i>Areca catechu</i>—widely cultivated in the Indian sub-continent and Southeast Asia. The study of this material system, and the specific attributes, are motivated by the use of this material in foodware applications. Foodware such as plates and bowls can be produced from the areca sheath, directly, in a single step, by stretch forming analogous to sheet metals. The material is eco-friendly, biodegrading in ~100 days. Formability and water diffusion are two key attributes of relevance for foodware, since the former attribute determines the shape change capability of the material and range of producible shapes; and the latter, foodware product (structural) integrity and life.<br></div><div><br></div><div>We characterize the morphology (external structure) and anatomy (internal structure) of the sheath using imaging techniques and composition analysis. The sheath is shown to resemble a composite material, with structural characteristics intermediate between those of the palm leaf and stem. By measuring the mechanical response of the sheath to various types of 1D and 2D loading (e.g., uniaxial tension and compression, biaxial stretching, rolling), and hydration conditions, we show that the sheath material has high stretch-formability, especially when hydrated. This formability is similar to that of the most ductile sheet metals. The formability is shown to be further enhanced by addition of small quantities of NaOH (~5%) during hydration. Local deformation measurements in biaxial stretching, based on analysis of distortion of grid-markers inscribed onto sheath samples, have enabled characterization of strain-field anisotropy and mode of failure in the sheath. By consolidating the mechanical test results, we present a forming limit diagram for the leaf-sheath.<br></div><div><br></div><div>The structural integrity and life of foodware products produced from the leaf-sheath are directly determined by diffusion of liquids (e.g., water, oils) through the sheath wall thickness. Water and oils are important constituents of semi-solid and solid foods. Diffusion of water is also important for designing the hydration cycle to enhance formability. The diffusion of water through the sheath material process is studied using mass gain measurements and<i> in situ</i> imaging of water transport.<br></div><div><br></div><div>We determine the diffusion coefficient for water, which is critical for estimating product life. The diffusion coefficient for the matrix is shown to be one order of magnitude greater than for the fiber. We vary salt concentration in the water by controlled additions of NaCl and note a non-monotonic dependence of the diffusion on concentration. By subjecting the leaf-sheath to a short-time (~ 3 minutes) thermal treatment (~ 80<sup>0</sup>C), a hydrophobic wax layer can be made to secrete onto the leaf surface. This wax coating is found to significantly reduce the water diffusion, enabling the sheath foodware life to be increased. <br></div><div><br></div><div>Lastly, we argue, that since the leaf-sheath is a “waste product” of the palm, it has negligible embodied energy (4 to 5 orders of magnitude smaller) compared to paper and plastics based foodware.<br></div><div><br></div><div>We discuss the implications of the results for single-step forming of high-aspect ratio products and structures from the palm sheath, methods to reduce diffusion of liquids and improve foodware product life, and some directions for future research into mechanical behavior of plant leaf materials from a forming perspective.<br></div>
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