Spelling suggestions: "subject:"limnisk ekologi"" "subject:"limniska ekologi""
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Plant recolonization following dam removal : a phytometer experimentHörnström, Eva January 2009 (has links)
<p>In the spring of 2007 the Kuba Dam in Nätra Stream was removed for restoration purposes, mainly to give free passage to migrating fish. This action gave an opportunity to study the effects of dam removal on organisms both on land and in water, a type of study which is in demand for planning purposes of future dam removals. This study focuses on the effects upon the vegetation along the stream where the former reservoir was situated. Willow cuttings and sunflower seeds were used as phytometers to assess the growth conditions one year after removal at three different elevation levels at four different sites along the Nätra Stream. The reaches studied were the former reservoir of Kuba Dam (Site A), the area just downstream of this former dam (Site B), further upstream in the reservoir of the existing Nyfors Dam (Site C), and even further upstream at Myreforsen, a reference area not affected by dams (Site D). Willow cuttings and sunflower seeds were planted at three different riparian levels at the sites in June and left to grow until August when growth results were collected. Many of the cuttings had died but statistically significant differences between sites could still be detected. They showed that the former reservoir shorelines in Kuba (Site A) had a plant growth significantly higher than the other regulated site. In other words, it was no longer equal to an existing reservoir but not yet similar to a free-flowing reach. The western side of the stream at this site had a higher growth than the eastern side and also higher than all the other sites. As for the three levels, the results showed a higher growth at the lowest elevation level at site A than all at the other levels and sites. This suggests that a combination of good access to sunlight and nutrients and fine-grade moist substrate results in a good growing conditions nearer the water in this former reservoir. The results for the sunflower seeds showed that the reference reach had a higher colonization success than the other sites.</p> / <p>Utrivningen av Kubadammen i Nätraån våren 2007 gav möjlighet att studera och följa upp hur en sådan förändring påverkar organismer på land och i vatten både uppströms och nedströms den tidigare dammen. Denna typ av undersökningar efterfrågas allt mer i och med att fler och fler dammar rivs av olika anledningar. I Kubadammens fall hade dammen förlorat sin ursprungliga roll och de fördelar som magasinet förde med sig för bland annat rekreation vägde inte längre upp dämningens negativa effekter på vattendragets ekosystem, till exempel som vandringshinder för fiskar. I denna studie har fokus lagts på vad som sker med vegetationen på stränderna längs det forna vattenmagasinet efter rivning. Med hjälp av videkvistar och solrosfrön som fytometrar undersöktes tillväxten ett år efter rivning på tre olika strandnivåer på fyra olika lokaler längs Nätraån. Dessa lokaler var Kubadammens gamla magasin (Lokal A), området direkt nedströms den före detta dammen (Lokal B), den nuvarande Nyforsdammens magasin (Lokal C) uppströms den före detta dammen, samt en referenssträcka vid Myreforsen (Lokal D) uppströms alla Nätraåns dammar och därmed ej påverkad av dämningseffekter. Videkvistarna och solrosorna planterades på tre nivåer på de olika lokalerna i juni och tilläts växa till augusti då tillväxtresultaten samlades in. Många kvistar hade dött under tiden men tillräckligt många överlevde för att det skulle gå att läsa ut statistiskt signifikanta skillnader i tillväxt. Resultaten visade att det före detta magasinet vid Kuba (Lokal A) hade en signifikant högre tillväxt än de andra lokalerna, vilket visar på att tillväxtförhållandena för vide varken liknar dem i ett befintligt magasin eller på en orörd sträcka eller nedströmssträckan, utan var betydligt mer gynnsamma. På denna lokal växte fytometrarna dessutom signifikant bättre på den västra sidan än på den östra sidan. När man ser till de tre nivåerna så växte videkvistarna i nivån närmast vattnet i det före detta magasinet vid Kuba bättre än på de övriga nivåerna på samma lokal och på de övriga lokalerna. Troligtvis beror detta på en kombination av öppenhet som ger bra tillgång till solljus, bra näringstillgång, substratets finkornighet och förmåga att hålla kvar fukt närmare vattnet. Resultaten av solrosfrönas etablering visade på att referenssträckan hade en högre etablering än övriga lokaler.</p>
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Correlation between photoperiod and development rate in the damselfly Lestes sponsa (Hansemann) : A compensating mechanism across latitudes?Sniegula, Szymon January 2009 (has links)
<p>Although there is much theoretical and empirical data about the life history responses of time constrained organisms, little is known about the latitude compensating mechanism that enables northern populations’ developmental rates to compensate for latitude. To investigate the importance of photoperiod on development and growth, I collected adults and raised the offspring of the obligatory univoltine damselfly Lestes sponsa from two populations at different latitudes (53º N and 63º N). The offspring were raised in a common laboratory environment at 21º C and at the two photoperiods corresponding to the sites of collection. Field data showed that adult and egg sizes decreased towards the higher latitude. This adult size difference was a genetically fixed trait since the same size difference between populations was also found when larvae where reared in the laboratory. All studied individuals expressed shorter development time and faster growth rates under northern photoperiod regimes. Northern damselflies showed fixed body size and mass at emergence despite being reared at different photoperiod conditions. Similarly, southern individuals kept body size at emergence constant at both photoregimes, but overcompensated shorter development time in the northern photoregime by gaining higher body mass than in original,southern photoregime. There was no difference in hatching synchronisation between larvae from the south and the north. I found evidence of higher synchrony at adult emergence among northern individuals. The previous investigation of L. sponsa phenology in natural conditions together with these laboratory results indicate the presence of the latitude compensating mechanism that is triggered by a response to photoperiod. A positive correlation between photoperiod and developmental rate in this damselfly, and probably in many other temperate insect species, might be adaptive since it optimises the life history stage transitions and body size/mass at each latitude.</p>
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Plant recolonization following dam removal : a phytometer experimentHörnström, Eva January 2009 (has links)
In the spring of 2007 the Kuba Dam in Nätra Stream was removed for restoration purposes, mainly to give free passage to migrating fish. This action gave an opportunity to study the effects of dam removal on organisms both on land and in water, a type of study which is in demand for planning purposes of future dam removals. This study focuses on the effects upon the vegetation along the stream where the former reservoir was situated. Willow cuttings and sunflower seeds were used as phytometers to assess the growth conditions one year after removal at three different elevation levels at four different sites along the Nätra Stream. The reaches studied were the former reservoir of Kuba Dam (Site A), the area just downstream of this former dam (Site B), further upstream in the reservoir of the existing Nyfors Dam (Site C), and even further upstream at Myreforsen, a reference area not affected by dams (Site D). Willow cuttings and sunflower seeds were planted at three different riparian levels at the sites in June and left to grow until August when growth results were collected. Many of the cuttings had died but statistically significant differences between sites could still be detected. They showed that the former reservoir shorelines in Kuba (Site A) had a plant growth significantly higher than the other regulated site. In other words, it was no longer equal to an existing reservoir but not yet similar to a free-flowing reach. The western side of the stream at this site had a higher growth than the eastern side and also higher than all the other sites. As for the three levels, the results showed a higher growth at the lowest elevation level at site A than all at the other levels and sites. This suggests that a combination of good access to sunlight and nutrients and fine-grade moist substrate results in a good growing conditions nearer the water in this former reservoir. The results for the sunflower seeds showed that the reference reach had a higher colonization success than the other sites. / Utrivningen av Kubadammen i Nätraån våren 2007 gav möjlighet att studera och följa upp hur en sådan förändring påverkar organismer på land och i vatten både uppströms och nedströms den tidigare dammen. Denna typ av undersökningar efterfrågas allt mer i och med att fler och fler dammar rivs av olika anledningar. I Kubadammens fall hade dammen förlorat sin ursprungliga roll och de fördelar som magasinet förde med sig för bland annat rekreation vägde inte längre upp dämningens negativa effekter på vattendragets ekosystem, till exempel som vandringshinder för fiskar. I denna studie har fokus lagts på vad som sker med vegetationen på stränderna längs det forna vattenmagasinet efter rivning. Med hjälp av videkvistar och solrosfrön som fytometrar undersöktes tillväxten ett år efter rivning på tre olika strandnivåer på fyra olika lokaler längs Nätraån. Dessa lokaler var Kubadammens gamla magasin (Lokal A), området direkt nedströms den före detta dammen (Lokal B), den nuvarande Nyforsdammens magasin (Lokal C) uppströms den före detta dammen, samt en referenssträcka vid Myreforsen (Lokal D) uppströms alla Nätraåns dammar och därmed ej påverkad av dämningseffekter. Videkvistarna och solrosorna planterades på tre nivåer på de olika lokalerna i juni och tilläts växa till augusti då tillväxtresultaten samlades in. Många kvistar hade dött under tiden men tillräckligt många överlevde för att det skulle gå att läsa ut statistiskt signifikanta skillnader i tillväxt. Resultaten visade att det före detta magasinet vid Kuba (Lokal A) hade en signifikant högre tillväxt än de andra lokalerna, vilket visar på att tillväxtförhållandena för vide varken liknar dem i ett befintligt magasin eller på en orörd sträcka eller nedströmssträckan, utan var betydligt mer gynnsamma. På denna lokal växte fytometrarna dessutom signifikant bättre på den västra sidan än på den östra sidan. När man ser till de tre nivåerna så växte videkvistarna i nivån närmast vattnet i det före detta magasinet vid Kuba bättre än på de övriga nivåerna på samma lokal och på de övriga lokalerna. Troligtvis beror detta på en kombination av öppenhet som ger bra tillgång till solljus, bra näringstillgång, substratets finkornighet och förmåga att hålla kvar fukt närmare vattnet. Resultaten av solrosfrönas etablering visade på att referenssträckan hade en högre etablering än övriga lokaler.
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Correlation between photoperiod and development rate in the damselfly Lestes sponsa (Hansemann) : A compensating mechanism across latitudes?Sniegula, Szymon January 2009 (has links)
Although there is much theoretical and empirical data about the life history responses of time constrained organisms, little is known about the latitude compensating mechanism that enables northern populations’ developmental rates to compensate for latitude. To investigate the importance of photoperiod on development and growth, I collected adults and raised the offspring of the obligatory univoltine damselfly Lestes sponsa from two populations at different latitudes (53º N and 63º N). The offspring were raised in a common laboratory environment at 21º C and at the two photoperiods corresponding to the sites of collection. Field data showed that adult and egg sizes decreased towards the higher latitude. This adult size difference was a genetically fixed trait since the same size difference between populations was also found when larvae where reared in the laboratory. All studied individuals expressed shorter development time and faster growth rates under northern photoperiod regimes. Northern damselflies showed fixed body size and mass at emergence despite being reared at different photoperiod conditions. Similarly, southern individuals kept body size at emergence constant at both photoregimes, but overcompensated shorter development time in the northern photoregime by gaining higher body mass than in original,southern photoregime. There was no difference in hatching synchronisation between larvae from the south and the north. I found evidence of higher synchrony at adult emergence among northern individuals. The previous investigation of L. sponsa phenology in natural conditions together with these laboratory results indicate the presence of the latitude compensating mechanism that is triggered by a response to photoperiod. A positive correlation between photoperiod and developmental rate in this damselfly, and probably in many other temperate insect species, might be adaptive since it optimises the life history stage transitions and body size/mass at each latitude.
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Temperature dependent competitive interactions between Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) and brown trout (Salmo trutta)Jonsson, David January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Utvärdering av sjökalkningens eventuella effekter på öring och röding i jämtländska fjällsjöarNorberg, Joakim January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Påverkan på stormusslors (Unionoida) miljö som kan motverka livskraftiga bestånd : En studie över redoxförhållanden och kantzoners sammansättning i fyra vattensystem i Västra Götalands län / Environmental impacts on freshwater mussels (Unionoida) possibly causing limitations of viable populations : A study of redox potentials and riparian buffer zones in four water systems in Västra Götaland districtHedlin, Emelie January 2011 (has links)
Sötvattensmusslor har en viktig roll i akvatiska ekosystem och de anses vara en av de mest sårbara och hotade organismgrupperna i sötvatten. Sverige har nio arter stormusslor, varav fyra är upptagna på den svenska rödlistan. Flest studier har gjorts på flodpärlmusslor (Margaritifera margaritifera) och hoten som den står inför. Undersökningar av de vanligare förekommande arterna i Västra Götalands län, har visat att även allmän dammussla (Anodonta anatina) och spetsig målarmussla (Unio tumidus) har problem med livskraftiga bestånd och föryngring. Stormusslor anses vara som mest sårbara när de som juvenila ligger nedgrävda i sedimenten. Den här studien har mätt kvaliteten av sedimenten i tolv mussellokaler i Västra Götalands län. Mätningar har gjorts av den centralt viktiga variabeln redoxpotentialen, för att se om den kan vara kopplad till den dåliga föryngringen. Även sammansättningen av vattendragens kantzoner inom mussellokalernas delavrinningsområden har studerats, då de är nära länkade till ekosystemen i sedimenten och även har en fundamental roll för hur vattendragens ekosystem fungerar. Analyser med hjälp av regressionsträd visade att den variabel med störst påverkan på musslornas täthet, var differensen i redoxpotentialer mellan 0 cm och 5 cm djup. Störst påverkan på föryngringen hade andelen sjöareal i delavrinningsområdet. Ett icke-parametriskt test som utfördes visade att andelen myrmark i kantzonen var positivt korrelerad till föryngringen av allmän dammussla (A. anatina). Andelen ungskog i kantzonen var negativt korrelerad till föryngringen av spetsig målarmussla (U. tumidus). Mer omfattande mätningar av redoxpotentialer än som varit möjliga i den här studien, skulle kunna ge värdefull kunskap om hur situationen verkligen förhåller sig i de juvenilas habitat. Vidare studier av stormusslornas populationer skulle underlätta bedömningen om livskraftiga bestånd. / Freshwater mussels, who have a central role in aquatic ecosystems, are considered one of the most vulnerable and threatened freshwater organism groups. Sweden has nine species of large freshwater mussels, which of four are listed in the national Red List. Most studies and research have been focused on the freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera) and its possible threats. Studies of more common species like the duck mussel (Anodonta anatina) and swollen river mussel (Unio tumidus) in Västra Götaland district, indicates severe difficulties of recruitment and viable populations. The most vulnerable phase in the life of freshwater mussels is considered to be the juvenile phase, when they are embedded in the sediment. The aim of this study has been to measure the quality of sediments at 12 of the earlier studied sites in Västra Götaland district. Redox potentials, which is a master variable in aquatic ecosystems and control parts of the chemistry in sediments, have been measured to analyze a possible correlation to the poor recruitment. The structure of the riparian buffer zones of the mussel’s unique catchment areas, have also been analyzed. The buffer zones are closely linked to the sediment ecosystems and have a fundamental role in the function of the ecosystems of streams. Analysis of regression trees indicated the most impacting factor on the mussel density, to be the difference of the mean redox value between the sediment surface and the depth of five centimeters. The variable with most impact on the recruitment was the proportion of area between catchment and lake. A none-parametric test showed a positive correlation between the proportion of marshes in the riparian buffer zone and the recruitment of A. anatina. A negative correlation existed between the proportion of young forests in the buffer zone and the recruitment of U. tumidus. More extended studies of redox potentials than was possible in this thesis, could contribute with valuable information of the quality of juvenile habitat. Further studies of the freshwater mussels could facilitate the evaluation of viable populations.
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Flocculation of Allochthonous Dissolved Organic Matter – a Significant Pathway of Sedimentation and Carbon Burial in Lakesvon Wachenfeldt, Eddie January 2008 (has links)
Inland waters receive substantial amounts of organic carbon from adjacent watersheds. Only about half of the carbon exported from inland waters reaches the oceans, while the remainder is lost en route. This thesis identifies flocculation as an important and significant fate of carbon in the boreal landscape. Flocculation reallocates organic carbon from the dissolved state into particles which are prone to settle. Thus, flocculation relocates organic carbon from the water column to the sediment. The dissolved organic carbon (DOC), mainly originating from terrestrial sources, in a set of Swedish lakes was found to determine the extent of sedimentation of particulate organic carbon. A major fraction of the settling particles were of allochthonous origin. This implies that allochthonous DOC was the precursor of the settling matter in these lakes. The gross sedimentation was of the same magnitude as the evasion of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. Sunlight, especially in the photosynthetically active region, stimulated flocculation of DOC. The effect of light appeared to involve a direct photochemical reaction. Iron was involved in the flocculation but it could not be unravelled whether the iron catalyzes the flocculation or just co-precipitates with the settling matter. Microbial activity was identified as the main regulator of the flocculation rates. Accordingly, alteration of temperature, oxygen concentration and pH did not affect flocculation only indirectly, via their effects on microbial metabolism. A comparison of fluorescence characteristics of organic matter collected in sediment trap and in the sediment surface layer revealed that autochthonous organic carbon was preferentially lost in the sediments while allochthonous matter increased. The recalcitrant nature of the flocculated matter could favour sequestration of this matter in the lake sediment. Hence, the lakes will act as sinks of organic carbon due to a slower mineralization of the flocculated matter in the sediments.
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The effects of water temperature on foraging behavior of drift-feeding juvenile brown troutWatz, Johan January 2008 (has links)
<p>The effect of water temperature prey capture success and foraging behavior of drift-feeding juvenile brown trout (<em>Salmo trutta</em>) was examined in a laboratory stream. Water temperature treatments were 5.7, 6.7, 8.0, 10, 12 and 14°C. Five wild brown trout, age 1+ and collected by electrofishing from a stream in Western Sweden, were used in the experiments. There was a significant effect of water temperature on both prey capture probability and the percentage of time spent resting on the substrate while drift-feeding. At low water temperatures the fish suffered a reduced prey capture capability and spent more time resting on the substrate in between the excursions to capture drifting prey. Temperature did not significantly affect the amount of time fish spent foraging holding a station in the current versus active searching. Significant positive correlations were found between holding a station and prey capture probability at four out of the six different water temperature treatments.</p><p> </p>
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Effekt av biotopvård på öringpopulationen i två vattendragSahlberg, Tony January 2010 (has links)
<p>I have done a follow up study of the restoration of two rivers, Röälven and Grundan, in order to evaluate the effects of the restoration on the endemic population of trout. Both rivers have been used for timber floating during many years throughout the 20<sup>th</sup> century, and because of this, had all obstacles such as rocks and wood parts removed. In 2004-2005 both rivers were restored, and rocks and wood were put back into the rivers. Spawning grounds were created and boulder dams were constructed to promote the streaming water. The result showed that the trout population of both rivers increased after the restoration, but also that the trout population of Röälven increased more than that of Grundan. My conclusion is that the way the restoration is of a river contributes to the result.</p>
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