Spelling suggestions: "subject:"1inear 1atrix inequalities - LMI"" "subject:"1inear 1atrix unequalities - LMI""
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Multi-path planning and multi-body constrained attitude controlOkoloko, Innocent 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This research focuses on the development of new efficient algorithms for multi-path planning
and multi-rigid body constrained attitude control. The work is motivated by current
and future applications of these algorithms in: intelligent control of multiple autonomous
aircraft and spacecraft systems; control of multiple mobile and industrial robot systems;
control of intelligent highway vehicles and traffic; and air and sea traffic control.
We shall collectively refer to the class of mobile autonomous systems as “agents”. One
of the challenges in developing and applying such algorithms is that of complexity resulting
from the nontrivial agent dynamics as agents interact with other agents, and their environment.
In this work, some of the current approaches are studied with the intent of exposing
the complexity issues associated them, and new algorithms with reduced computational
complexity are developed, which can cope with interaction constraints and yet maintain
stability and efficiency.
To this end, this thesis contributes the following new developments to the field of multipath
planning and multi-body constrained attitude control:
• The introduction of a new LMI-based approach to collision avoidance in 2D and 3D
• The introduction of a consensus theory of quaternions by applying quaternions directly
with the consensus protocol for the first time.
• A consensus and optimization based path planning algorithm for multiple autonomous
vehicle systems navigating in 2D and 3D spaces.
• A proof of the consensus protocol as a dynamic system with a stochastic plant matrix.
• A consensus and optimization based algorithm for constrained attitude synchronization
of multiple rigid bodies.
• A consensus and optimization based algorithm for collective motion on a sphere. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie navorsing fokus op die ontwikkeling van nuwe koste-effektiewe algoritmes, vir
multipad-beplanning en veelvuldige starre-liggaam beperkte standbeheer. Die werk is gemotiveer
deur huidige en toekomstige toepassing van hierdie algoritmes in: intelligente beheer
van veelvuldige outonome vliegtuig- en ruimtevaartuigstelsels; beheer van veelvuldige mobiele
en industrile robotstelsels; beheer van intelligente hoofwegvoertuie en verkeer; en in
lug- en see-verkeersbeheer.
Ons sal hier “agente” gebruik om gesamentlik te verwys na die klas van mobiele outonome
stelsels. Een van die uitdagings in die ontwikkeling en toepassing van sulke algoritmes
is die kompleksiteit wat spruit uit die nie-triviale agentdinamika as gevolg van
die interaksie tussen agente onderling, en tussen agente en hul omgewing. In hierdie werk
word sommige huidige benaderings bestudeer met die doel om die kompleksiteitskwessies
wat met hulle geassosieer word, bloot te l^e. Verder word nuwe algoritmes met verminderde
berekeningskompleksiteit ontwikkel. Hierdie algoritmes kan interaksie-beperkings hanteer,
en tog stabiliteit en doeltreffendheid behou.
Vir hierdie doel dra die proefskrif die volgende nuwe ontwikkelings by tot die gebied
van multipad-beplanning van multi-liggaam beperkte standbeheer:
• Die voorstel van ’n nuwe LMI-gebasseerde benadering tot botsingsvermyding in 2D
en 3D ruimtes.
• Die voorstel van ’n konsensus-teorie van “quaternions” deur “quaternions” vir die
eerste keer met die konsensusprotokol toe te pas.
• ’n Konsensus- en optimeringsgebaseerde padbeplanningsalgoritme vir veelvoudige
outonome voertuigstelsels wat in 2D en 3D ruimtes navigeer.
• Die bewys van ’n konsensusprotokol as ’n dinamiese stelsel met ’n stochastiese aanlegmatriks.
• ’n Konsensus- en optimeringsgebaseerde algoritme vir beperkte stand sinchronisasie
van veelvoudige starre liggame. • ’n Konsensus- en optimeringsgebaseerde algoritme vir kollektiewe beweging op ’n sfeer.
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Comparação entre as estratégias de controle por torque calculado e controle repetitivo aplicados a manipuladores robóticosOliveira, Israel Gonçalves de January 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta uma comparação entre as estratégias de controle por torque calculado e controle repetitivo aplicadas a manipuladores robóticos. O objetivo no uso desses controladores é para que o manipulador siga referência de trajetória periódica no espaço das juntas. O desenvolvimento e implementação dos controladores são focados no manipulador WAM (Whole Arm Manipulator) da Barrett Technology®Inc. Neste trabalho, também são apresentadas uma formulação do modelo não linear do manipulador e as sínteses dos controladores por torque calculado e repetitivo aplicados ao modelo do manipulador linearizado por realimentação. O controlador por torque calculado é apresentado e sintetizado na sua forma clássica. Para o controlador repetitivo, a síntese parte do princípio do modelo interno com a adição de uma estrutura repetitiva e uma realimentação proporcional e derivativa do erro de seguimento de referência O projeto dos ganhos do controlador repetitivo é feito através de um problema de otimização convexa com restrições na forma de inequações matriciais lineares (ou no inglês: Linear Matrix Inequalities - LMI). A formulação do problema de otimização parte da teoria de estabilidade segundo Lyapunov com um funcional Lyapunov-Krasoviskii, adição de um custo quadrático, para ajuste de desempenho, e de um critério de desempenho transitório dado pela taxa de decaimento exponencial da norma dos estados. É apresentada a comparação entre as estratégias de controle e a validação do controlador repetitivo proposto aplicado ao caso com linearização perfeita e ao caso com o modelo não linear do manipulador. No primeiro caso, é feita a simulação do modelo linear do manipulador com adição de um torque de atrito na junta. No segundo caso, é utilizado o sistema ROS (Robot Operating System) com o programa Gazebo simulando o manipulador WAM considerando erros de linearização, isto é, incertezas paramétricas. / This work presents a comparison between the strategies of computed-torque control and repetitive control applied to robotic manipulators. The main objective in use these controllers with the manipulator is to tracking periodic trajectory in joint space. The development and implementation of controllers are focused on the Whole Arm Manipulator (WAM) of the Barrett Technology®Inc. Also featured are a non-linear model formulation of the manipulator and the synthesis of controllers for computed-torque control and repetitive control applied to the manipulator model linearized by state feedback. The computed-torque controller is presented in its classic form. For the repetitive controller, the synthesis is based on the internal model principle with the addition of a repetitive structure and a proportional-derivative reference tracking error feedback. The design of the repetitive controller gains is done through a convex optimization problem with linear matrix inequalities (LMI) constraints. The formulation of the optimization problem is based on the Lyapunov stability theory using a Lyapunov-Krasoviskii functional, addition of a quadratic cost for performance adjustment and a transient performance criteria given by the exponential decay rate of the states norm. A comparison between the control strategies and the validation of the repetitive controller applied to the case with perfect linearization and the case with the non-linear model of the manipulator are presented. In the first case, is made simulations of the linear model of the manipulator in MATLAB program, with the addition of a disturbance modeling the friction torque at the joint. In the second case, is used the Robot Operating System (ROS) with Gazebo program simulating the WAM nonlinear model. In this case, a possible mismatch between the model used for the feedback linearization and the real system is taken into account.
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Projeto de controlador gain scheduling robusto via LMI : soluções menos conservadoras /Hardy Llins, Lázaro Ismael. January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Edvaldo Assunção / Resumo: Neste trabalho são propostos resultados para a estabilidade de sistemas lineares sujeitos a parâmetros variantes no tempo (do inglês, Linear Parameter Varying - LPV) e incertezas paramétricas. De início, apresenta-se um método para o projeto de um controlador robusto e gain scheduled via desigualdades matriciais lineares (do inglês, Linear Matrix Inequalitities - LMIs), com base na teoria de estabilidade segundo Lyapunov, com parâmetro variante no tempo e empregando a realimentação derivativa. Propõe-se um método para projetar o controlador gain scheduled usando realimentação derivativa, considerando também incertezas paramétricas. Esta nova formulação foi obtida utilizando o Lema de Finsler, o que permitiu determinar o ganho do controlador sem a necessidade de inverter uma matriz literal. Condições menos conservadoras foram projetadas para um controlador gain scheduled considerando a realimentação dos estados do sistemas. Simulações computacionais com exemplos numéricos mostram que os teoremas propostos neste trabalho são menos conservadores do que os existentes na literatura. A metodologia apresentada foi implementada no sistema de suspensão ativa. / Abstract: In this work, results for the stability of linear parameter-varying (LPV) systems and parametric uncertainties are poposed. At first, a method for desining a gain scheduled and robust controller is described via linear matrix inequalities (Linear Matrix Inequalitities - LMIs), based on the stability theory of Lyapunov, with time-variant parameters and using state derivative feedback. A method to design a gain scheduling controller using state derivative feedback and also considering parametric uncertains is proposed. This new formulation was manipulated using the Finsler’s Lemma, and allowed to determine the control law without having to invert a symbolic matrix. Less conservative conditions were designed for a gain scheduled controller considering system state feedback. Computational simulations with numerical examples show that the theorems proposed in this work are less conservative than those in the literature. The presented methodology was implemented in the active suspension system. / Doutor
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Comparação entre as estratégias de controle por torque calculado e controle repetitivo aplicados a manipuladores robóticosOliveira, Israel Gonçalves de January 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta uma comparação entre as estratégias de controle por torque calculado e controle repetitivo aplicadas a manipuladores robóticos. O objetivo no uso desses controladores é para que o manipulador siga referência de trajetória periódica no espaço das juntas. O desenvolvimento e implementação dos controladores são focados no manipulador WAM (Whole Arm Manipulator) da Barrett Technology®Inc. Neste trabalho, também são apresentadas uma formulação do modelo não linear do manipulador e as sínteses dos controladores por torque calculado e repetitivo aplicados ao modelo do manipulador linearizado por realimentação. O controlador por torque calculado é apresentado e sintetizado na sua forma clássica. Para o controlador repetitivo, a síntese parte do princípio do modelo interno com a adição de uma estrutura repetitiva e uma realimentação proporcional e derivativa do erro de seguimento de referência O projeto dos ganhos do controlador repetitivo é feito através de um problema de otimização convexa com restrições na forma de inequações matriciais lineares (ou no inglês: Linear Matrix Inequalities - LMI). A formulação do problema de otimização parte da teoria de estabilidade segundo Lyapunov com um funcional Lyapunov-Krasoviskii, adição de um custo quadrático, para ajuste de desempenho, e de um critério de desempenho transitório dado pela taxa de decaimento exponencial da norma dos estados. É apresentada a comparação entre as estratégias de controle e a validação do controlador repetitivo proposto aplicado ao caso com linearização perfeita e ao caso com o modelo não linear do manipulador. No primeiro caso, é feita a simulação do modelo linear do manipulador com adição de um torque de atrito na junta. No segundo caso, é utilizado o sistema ROS (Robot Operating System) com o programa Gazebo simulando o manipulador WAM considerando erros de linearização, isto é, incertezas paramétricas. / This work presents a comparison between the strategies of computed-torque control and repetitive control applied to robotic manipulators. The main objective in use these controllers with the manipulator is to tracking periodic trajectory in joint space. The development and implementation of controllers are focused on the Whole Arm Manipulator (WAM) of the Barrett Technology®Inc. Also featured are a non-linear model formulation of the manipulator and the synthesis of controllers for computed-torque control and repetitive control applied to the manipulator model linearized by state feedback. The computed-torque controller is presented in its classic form. For the repetitive controller, the synthesis is based on the internal model principle with the addition of a repetitive structure and a proportional-derivative reference tracking error feedback. The design of the repetitive controller gains is done through a convex optimization problem with linear matrix inequalities (LMI) constraints. The formulation of the optimization problem is based on the Lyapunov stability theory using a Lyapunov-Krasoviskii functional, addition of a quadratic cost for performance adjustment and a transient performance criteria given by the exponential decay rate of the states norm. A comparison between the control strategies and the validation of the repetitive controller applied to the case with perfect linearization and the case with the non-linear model of the manipulator are presented. In the first case, is made simulations of the linear model of the manipulator in MATLAB program, with the addition of a disturbance modeling the friction torque at the joint. In the second case, is used the Robot Operating System (ROS) with Gazebo program simulating the WAM nonlinear model. In this case, a possible mismatch between the model used for the feedback linearization and the real system is taken into account.
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Comparação entre as estratégias de controle por torque calculado e controle repetitivo aplicados a manipuladores robóticosOliveira, Israel Gonçalves de January 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta uma comparação entre as estratégias de controle por torque calculado e controle repetitivo aplicadas a manipuladores robóticos. O objetivo no uso desses controladores é para que o manipulador siga referência de trajetória periódica no espaço das juntas. O desenvolvimento e implementação dos controladores são focados no manipulador WAM (Whole Arm Manipulator) da Barrett Technology®Inc. Neste trabalho, também são apresentadas uma formulação do modelo não linear do manipulador e as sínteses dos controladores por torque calculado e repetitivo aplicados ao modelo do manipulador linearizado por realimentação. O controlador por torque calculado é apresentado e sintetizado na sua forma clássica. Para o controlador repetitivo, a síntese parte do princípio do modelo interno com a adição de uma estrutura repetitiva e uma realimentação proporcional e derivativa do erro de seguimento de referência O projeto dos ganhos do controlador repetitivo é feito através de um problema de otimização convexa com restrições na forma de inequações matriciais lineares (ou no inglês: Linear Matrix Inequalities - LMI). A formulação do problema de otimização parte da teoria de estabilidade segundo Lyapunov com um funcional Lyapunov-Krasoviskii, adição de um custo quadrático, para ajuste de desempenho, e de um critério de desempenho transitório dado pela taxa de decaimento exponencial da norma dos estados. É apresentada a comparação entre as estratégias de controle e a validação do controlador repetitivo proposto aplicado ao caso com linearização perfeita e ao caso com o modelo não linear do manipulador. No primeiro caso, é feita a simulação do modelo linear do manipulador com adição de um torque de atrito na junta. No segundo caso, é utilizado o sistema ROS (Robot Operating System) com o programa Gazebo simulando o manipulador WAM considerando erros de linearização, isto é, incertezas paramétricas. / This work presents a comparison between the strategies of computed-torque control and repetitive control applied to robotic manipulators. The main objective in use these controllers with the manipulator is to tracking periodic trajectory in joint space. The development and implementation of controllers are focused on the Whole Arm Manipulator (WAM) of the Barrett Technology®Inc. Also featured are a non-linear model formulation of the manipulator and the synthesis of controllers for computed-torque control and repetitive control applied to the manipulator model linearized by state feedback. The computed-torque controller is presented in its classic form. For the repetitive controller, the synthesis is based on the internal model principle with the addition of a repetitive structure and a proportional-derivative reference tracking error feedback. The design of the repetitive controller gains is done through a convex optimization problem with linear matrix inequalities (LMI) constraints. The formulation of the optimization problem is based on the Lyapunov stability theory using a Lyapunov-Krasoviskii functional, addition of a quadratic cost for performance adjustment and a transient performance criteria given by the exponential decay rate of the states norm. A comparison between the control strategies and the validation of the repetitive controller applied to the case with perfect linearization and the case with the non-linear model of the manipulator are presented. In the first case, is made simulations of the linear model of the manipulator in MATLAB program, with the addition of a disturbance modeling the friction torque at the joint. In the second case, is used the Robot Operating System (ROS) with Gazebo program simulating the WAM nonlinear model. In this case, a possible mismatch between the model used for the feedback linearization and the real system is taken into account.
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Frequency domain analysis of feedback interconnections of stable systemsMaya Gonzalez, Martin January 2015 (has links)
The study of non-linear input-output maps can be summarized by three concepts: Gain, Positivity and Dissipativity. However, in order to make efficient use of these theorems it is necessary to use loop transformations and weightings, or so called ”multipliers”.The first problem this thesis studies is the feedback interconnection of a Linear Time Invariant system with a memoryless bounded and monotone non-linearity, or so called Absolute Stability problem, for which the test for stability is equivalent to show the existence of a Zames-Falb multiplier. The main advantage of this approach is that Zames–Falb multipliers can be specialized to recover important tools such as Circle criterion and the Popov criterion. Albeit Zames-Falb multipliers are an efficient way of describing non-linearities in frequency domain, the Fourier transform of the multiplier does not preserve the L1 norm. This problem has been addressed by two paradigms: mathematically complex multipliers with exact L1 norm and multipliers with mathematically tractable frequency domain properties but approximate L1 norm. However, this thesis exposes a third factor that leads to conservative results: causality of Zames-Falb multipliers. This thesis exposes the consequences of narrowing the search Zames-Falb multipliers to causal multipliers, and motivated by this argument, introduces an anticausal complementary method for the causal multiplier synthesis in [1].The second subject of this thesis is the feedback interconnection of two bounded systems. The interconnection of two arbitrary systems has been a well understood problem from the point of view of Dissipativity and Passivity. Nonetheless, frequency domain analysis is largely restricted for passive systems by the need of canonically factorizable multipliers, while Dissipativity mostly exploits constant multipliers. This thesis uses IQC to show the stability of the feedback interconnection of two non-linear systems by introducing an equivalent representation of the IQC Theorem, and then studies formally the conditions that the IQC multipliers need. The result of this analysis is then compared with Passivity and Dissipativity by a series of corollaries.
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Robust H∞ switched static output feedback control design for linear switched systems subject to actuator saturation /Carniato, Leonardo Ataide January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Marcelo Carvalho Minhoto Teixeira / Resumo: Este trabalho dedica-se ao estudo do problema de controle robusto envolvendo custo H∞ para sistemas lineares chaveados no tempo contínuo, sujeitos à saturação no atuador e com incertezas politópicas, considerando leis de chaveamento e controladores chaveados dependentes da saída da planta. Os métodos propostos oferecem novas condições baseadas em Desigualdades Matriciais Lineares (LMIs - do inglês, Linear Matrix Inequalities) para o projeto de controladores chaveados utilizando funções de Lyapunov dependentes de parâmetros. O método é baseado em um resultado recentemente introduzido na literatura para o projeto de controle H∞ de saída o qual evita igualdades matriciais lineares (LMEs - do inglês, Linear Matrix Equalities) e a necessidade de impor restrições nas matrizes de saída do sistema, isto é, as matrizes de saída do sistema podem ser de posto linha incompleto. Com o objetivo de estender estes resultados, a restrição de saturação no atuador é estudada. Análises teóricas e resultados de simulações mostram que os novos procedimentos são menos conservativos quando comparados a métodos publicados recentemente na literatura. No método proposto, as condições são uma classe particular de desigualdades matriciais bilineares (BMIs - do inglês, Bilinear Matrix Inequalities), as quais contêm alguns termos bilineares devido à multiplicação de matrizes por escalares. Estes termos estão relacionados à combinação convexa das matrizes de chaveamento bem como a outros parâmetros escalare... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: This thesis is devoted to the study of the robust H∞ control problem of continuous-time switched linear systems subject to actuator saturation with polytopic uncertainties, considering an output-dependent switching law and a switched static output feedback controller. The proposed method offers new sufficient conditions based on linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) for designing the switched controllers using parameter-dependent Lyapunov functions. The method is based on a static output feedback H∞ control design recently presented in the literature that avoids linear matrices equalities (LMEs) and the need to impose any constraints on output system matrices, that is, the output matrices of the system are allowed to be of non-full row rank. In order to extend those results, the actuator saturation constraint is also studied. Theoretical analyses and simulation results show that these new procedures are less conservative than recent methods available in the literature. The conditions of the proposed methods are a particular class of Bilinear Matrix Inequalities (BMIs), which contain some bilinear terms as the product of a matrix and a scalar, related to a suitable convex combination and scalars parameters to provide extra free dimensions in the solution space. The hybrid algorithm Differential Evolution-Linear Matrix Inequality (DE-LMI), is proposed for obtaining feasible solutions of this particular NP-hard problem. Examples show that the proposed methodologies reduce the design ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor
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Parameter-Dependent Lyapunov Functions and Stability Analysis of Linear Parameter-Dependent Dynamical SystemsZhang, Xiping 27 October 2003 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to develop new stability conditions for several linear dynamic systems, including linear parameter-varying (LPV), time-delay systems (LPVTD), slow LPV
systems, and parameter-dependent linear time invariant (LTI) systems. These stability conditions are less conservative and/or computationally easier to apply than existing ones.
This dissertation is composed of four parts. In the first part of this thesis, the complete stability domain for LTI parameter-dependent (LTIPD) systems is synthesized by extending existing results in the literature. This domain is calculated through a guardian map which involves the determinant of the Kronecker sum of a matrix with itself. The stability domain is
synthesized for both single- and multi-parameter dependent LTI systems. The single-parameter case is easily computable, whereas the multi-parameter case is more involved. The determinant of the
bialternate sum of a matrix with itself is also exploited to reduce the computational complexity.
In the second part of the thesis, a class of parameter-dependent Lyapunov functions is proposed, which can be used to assess the stability properties of single-parameter LTIPD systems in a non-conservative manner. It is shown
that stability of LTIPD systems is equivalent to the existence of a Lyapunov function of a polynomial type (in terms of the parameter) of known, bounded degree satisfying two matrix inequalities. The bound of polynomial degree of the Lyapunov functions is then reduced by taking advantage of the fact that the Lyapunov matrices are symmetric. If the matrix multiplying the parameter is not full rank, the polynomial order
can be reduced even further. It is also shown that checking the feasibility of these matrix
inequalities over a compact set can be cast as a convex optimization problem. Such Lyapunov functions and stability conditions for affine single-parameter LTIPD systems are then generalized to single-parameter polynomially-dependent LTIPD systems and affine multi-parameter LTIPD systems.
The third part of the thesis provides one of the first attempts to derive computationally tractable criteria for analyzing the stability of LPV time-delayed systems. It presents both
delay-independent and delay-dependent stability conditions, which are derived using appropriately selected Lyapunov-Krasovskii functionals. According to the system parameter dependence, these functionals can be selected to obtain increasingly non-conservative results. Gridding techniques may be used to cast these tests as Linear Matrix Inequalities (LMI's). In cases when
the system matrices depend affinely or quadratically on the parameter, gridding may be avoided. These LMI's can be solved efficiently using available software. A numerical example of a
time-delayed system motivated by a metal removal process is used to demonstrate the theoretical results.
In the last part of the thesis, topics for future
investigation are proposed. Among the most interesting avenues for research in this context, it is proposed to extend the existing stability analysis results to controller synthesis, which will be based on the same Lyapunov functions used
to derive the nonconservative stability conditions. While designing the dynamic ontroller for linear and parameter-dependent systems, it is desired to take the advantage of the rank deficiency of the system matrix multiplying the parameter such that the controller is of lower dimension, or rank deficient without sacrificing the performance of closed-loop systems.
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Metodologia para identificação de sistemas em espaço de estados por meio de excitações pulsadas. / Methodology for identifying state space systems by means of pulsed excitations.LIMA, Rafael Bezerra Correia. 30 July 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Johnny Rodrigues (johnnyrodrigues@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-07-30T14:13:06Z
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RAFAEL BEZERRA CORREIA LIMA - TESE PPGEE 2016..pdf: 2324960 bytes, checksum: db1b63193864e8e19bcba191952df2b9 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-30T14:13:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
RAFAEL BEZERRA CORREIA LIMA - TESE PPGEE 2016..pdf: 2324960 bytes, checksum: db1b63193864e8e19bcba191952df2b9 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2016-09-20 / Nesse trabalho são apresentadas contribuições na área de identificação de sistemas representados em espaço de estados. E proposta uma metodologia completa para estimação de modelos que representem as principais dinâmicas de processos industriais. O fluxo natural das procedimentos de identificação consiste da coleta experimental
dos dados, seguido pela escolha dos modelos candidatos e da utilização de um critério de
ajuste que selecione o melhor modelo possível. Nesse sentido é proposta uma metodologia para estimativa de modelos em espaço de estados, utilizando excitações pulsadas. A abordagem desenvolvida combina algoritmos precisos e eficientes com experimentos rápidos, adequados a ambientes industriais. O projeto das excitações é realizado em tempo real, por meio de informações coletadas em um curto experimento inicial, baseado em uma única oscilação de uma estrutura realimentada por um relê. Esse mecanismo possibilita uma estimativa preliminar do atraso e da constante de tempo dominante do sistema. O método de identificação proposto é baseado na teoria de realizações de Kalman. É apresentada uma reformulação do problema de realizações clássico, para comportar sinais de entrada pulsados. Essa abordagem se mostra computacionalmente eficiente, assim como apresenta resultados semelhantes aos métodos de benehmark. A técnica possibilita também a estimativa de atrasos de transporte e a inserção de conhecimentos prévios por meio de um problema de otimização com restrições via LMI Linear Matrix Incqualities. Em muitos casos, somente as características principais do sistema são relevantes em um projeto de sistema de controle. Portanto é proposta uma técnica para obtenção de modelos de primeira ordem com atraso, a partir da redução de modelos balanceados em espaço de estados. Por fim, todas as contribuições discutidas nesse trabalho de tese são validadas em uma série de plantas experimentais em escala de laboratório. Plantas essas, projetadas e construídas com o intuito de emular o cotidiano operacional de instalações industriais reais. / This work Íntroduces contributions related to thc field of systems identification of state
space models. It is proposed a complete methodology for modei estimation that encompasses the main dynamics of industrial processes. The natural flxix of the identification procedures rests on the the empirical collection of
data followed by the choice of candidate modela and posterior use ot an adjusting criteria
that drafts the best model amoug the contenders. In this sense. a uew methodology
is proposed for models estimation in state spaces using pulsed excitation signal. The
developed approach combines accurate and efhcient algorithms with quick experíments
whose are suitable for the industrial environment. The excitatiou design is performed in real time by means of information collected in a snort mitíai experíment based in an single oscillation of a relay feedback. This mechanism allows a preliminary estimation of both delay and time constant prevalent in the system. The identification method proposed is based on Kalmairs realization theory. The thesis íntroduces a reformulation of the classic realization problem so it can admit pulsed input signals. This approaíth show itself as computationally efficient as well as provides similar results eompared to those obtained when perfonning the benchmark methods. Moreover, the technic allows the transport delay estimation and insertion of prior knowledge by means of an optimization problem with restrictions via linear matrix inequalities restrictions. In many cases only the characteristics of the main system are relevant in control systems design. Therefore a technique for the attainment first order models with time delay based on balanced state space models reduction. Lastly ali the contributions provided aíong the thesis are discussed and validated in a series of pilot scale plants. designed and built to emulate the operational cycle in real industrial plants.
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Commande linéaire à paramètres variants des robots manipulateurs flexibles / Linear Parameter Varying (LPV) control of flexible robotic manipulatorsHalalchi, Houssem 13 September 2012 (has links)
Les robots flexibles sont de plus en plus utilisés dans les applications pratiques. Ces robots sont caractérisés par une conception mécanique légère, réduisant ainsi leur encombrement, leur consommation d’énergie et améliorant leur sécurité. Cependant, la présence de vibrations transitoires rend difficile un contrôle précis de la trajectoire de ces systèmes. Cette thèse est précisément consacrée à l’asservissement en position des manipulateurs flexibles dans les espaces articulaire et opérationnel. Des méthodes de commande avancées, basées sur des outils de la commande robuste et de l’optimisation convexe, ont été proposées. Ces méthodes font en particulier appel à la théorie des systèmes linéaires à paramètres variants (LPV) et aux inégalités matricielles linéaires (LMI). En comparaison avec des lois de commande non-linéaires disponibles dans la littérature, les lois de commande LPV proposées permettent de considérerdes contraintes de performance et de robustesse de manière simple et systématique. L’accent est porté dans notre travail sur la gestion appropriée de la dépendance paramétrique du modèle LPV, en particulier les dépendances polynomiale et rationnelle. Des simulations numériques effectuées dans des conditions réalistes, ont permis d’observer une meilleure robustesse de la commande LPV par rapport à la commande non-linéaire par inversion de modèle face aux bruits de mesure, aux excitations de haute fréquence et aux incertitudes de modèle. / Flexible robots are becoming more and more common in practical applications. This type of robots is characterized by the use of lightweight materials, which allows reducing their size, their power consumption and improves their safety. However, an accurate trajectory tracking of these systems is difficult to achieve because of the transient vibrations they undergo. This PhD thesis work is particularly devoted to the position control of flexible robotic manipulators at the joint and end-effector levels. Advanced control methods, based on some tools of the robust control theory and convex optimization, have been proposed. These methods are based on the theory of Linear Parameter Varying (LPV) systems and Linear Matrix Inequalities (LMI). Compared to some nonlinear control laws available in the literature that involve model inversion, theproposed LPV control laws make it possible to consider performance and robustness constraints in a simple and systematic manner. Our work particularly emphasizes on the appropriate management of the parametric dependence of the LPV model, especially the polynomial and rational dependences. Numerical simulations carried out in realistic operating conditions have shown a better robustness of the LPV control compared to the inversion-based nonlinear control withrespect to measurement noise, high frequency inputs and model uncertainties.
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