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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sobre a estabilidade de cantoneiras de aço formadas a frio submetidas à compressão / On the stability of cold-formed steel angles under compression

Maia, Wanderson Fernando 10 April 2008 (has links)
Aparentemente, a análise estrutural de uma cantoneira simples submetida à compressão constitui um problema elementar e, portanto, já largamente conhecido. Entretanto, as cantoneiras formadas a frio, em geral com paredes delgadas (elevadas relações largura/espessura), apresentam dois modos críticos de instabilidade: (i) modo global de flexão, no caso de barras longas, e um modo coincidente local-chapa/global de flexo-torção, que é crítico para barras de menor comprimento. Embora existam procedimentos simplificados de cálculo, recomendados pelas normas, a consideração do modo de flexo-torção é controversa entre pesquisadores. Alguns trabalhos recentes indicam que é conservador considerar o modo de flexo-torção no cálculo da força normal resistente, enquanto outros trabalhos apontam para a necessidade dessa abordagem. Nesse trabalho é investigada a resposta estrutural de cantoneiras simples e enrijecida submetidas à compressão centrada e excêntrica, por meio de análise experimental e de análise numérica não-linear via elementos finitos, sendo avaliado o efeito das imperfeições geométricas iniciais na força normal resistente; também são avaliados os resultados provenientes dos procedimentos normativos: (i) o clássico método das larguras efetivas e (ii) o método da resistência direta (MRD), em que as cantoneiras não são relacionadas como perfis pré-qualificados. Os resultados da análise experimental e da análise numérica não-linear com imperfeições geométricas iniciais indicam a necessidade da consideração do modo de flexo-torção. / Apparently, the structural analysis of a simple angle under compression is an elementary problem, therefore, already largely known. However, cold-formed steel angles, mostly with slender legs, present two critical buckling modes: (i) global-flexural mode, in cases of high length members, (ii) and a coincident local-plate/global-torsional-flexural mode, which is critical for short length members. Although simplified design procedures exist, recommended by specifications, the consideration of the torsional-flexural mode is controversial among researchers. A few recent papers indicate that considering the torsional-flexural mode is conservative, while other papers point to the necessity of this approach. This work investigates the structural response of simple and lipped angles under concentrically and eccentrically compression, by means of tests and nonlinear finite element analysis, being evaluated the effect of initial geometric imperfections; also evaluating the results from design procedures: (i) the classic effective width method and (ii) the direct strength method (DSM), where the angles are not pre-qualified shapes. The results of the experimental and nonlinear numerical analysis with initial imperfections indicate the necessity of considering the torsional-flexural mode.

Sobre o acoplamento fluido-casca utilizando o método dos elementos finitos / On fluid-shell coupling using the finite element method

Sanches, Rodolfo André Kuche 30 March 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho consiste no desenvolvimento de ferramentas computacionais para análise não linear geométrica de interação fluido-casca utilizando o Método dos Elementos Finitos (MEF). O algoritmo para dinâmica dos fluidos é explícito e a integração temporal é baseada em linhas características. O código computacional é capaz de simular as equações de Navier-Stokes para escoamentos compressíveis tanto na descrição Euleriana como na descrição Lagrangeana-Euleriana arbitrária (ALE), na qual é possível prescrever movimentos para a malha do fluido. A estrutura é modelada em descrição Lagrangeana total através de uma formulação de MEF para análise dinâmica não linear geométrica de cascas baseada no teorema da mínima energia potencial total escrito em função das posições nodais e vetores generalizados e não em deslocamentos e rotações. Essa característica evita o uso de aproximações de grandes rotações. Dois modelos de acoplamentos são desenvolvidos. O primeiro modelo, ideal para problemas onde a escala de deslocamentos não é muito grande comparada com as dimensões do domínio do fluido, é baseado na descrição ALE e o acoplamento entre as duas diferentes malhas é feito através do mapeamento das posições locais dos nós do contorno do fluido sobre os elementos de casca e vice-versa, evitando a necessidade de coincidência entre os nós da casca e do fluido. A malha do fluido é adaptada dinamicamente usando um procedimento simples baseado nas posições e velocidades nodais da casca. O segundo modelo de acoplamento, ideal para problemas com grande escala de deslocamentos tais como estruturas infláveis, considera a casca imersa na malha do fluido e consiste em um procedimento robusto baseado em curvas de nível da função distância assinalada do contorno, o qual integra o algoritmo Lagrangeano de casca com o Fluido em descrição Euleriana, sem necessidade de movimentação da malha do fluido, onde a representação computacional do fluido se resume a uma malha não estruturada maior ou igual ao domínio inicial do fluido e a interface fluido-casca dentro da malha do fluido é identificada por meio de curvas de nível da função distância assinalada do contorno. Ambos os modelos são testados através de exemplos numéricos mostrando robustez e eficiência. Finalmente, como uma sugestão para o futuro desenvolvimento desta pesquisa, iniciaram-se estudos relativos a funções B-splines. O uso desse tipo de funções deverá resolver problemas de estabilidade relativos a oscilações espúrias devidas ao uso de polinômios de Lagrange para a representação de descontinuidades. / This work consists of the development of computational tools for nonlinear geometric fluid-shell interaction analysis using the Finite Element Method (FEM). The fluid solver is explicit and its time integration based on characteristics. The computational code is able to simulate the Navier-Stokes equations for compressible flows written in the Eulerian description as well as in the arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) description, enabling movements prescription for the fluid mesh. The structure is modeled in a total Lagrangian description, using a FEM formulation to deal with geometrical nonlinear dynamics of shells based on the minimum potential energy theorem written regarding nodal positions and generalized unconstrained vectors, not displacements and rotations, avoiding the use of large rotation approximations. Two partitioned coupling models are developed. The first model, ideal for simulations where the displacements scale is not very large compared to the fluid domain, is based on the ALE description and the coupling between the two different meshes is done by mapping the fluid boundary nodes local positions over the shell elements and vice-versa, avoiding the need for matching fluid and shell nodes. The fluid mesh is adapted using a simple approach based on shell nodal positions and velocities. The second model, ideal for problems with large scales of displacements such as inflatable structures, is based on immersed boundary and consists of a robust level-set based approach that integrates the Lagrangian shell finite and the Eulerian finite element high speed fluid flow solver, with no need for mesh adaptation, where the fluid representation relies on a fixed unstructured mesh larger or equal to the initial fluid domain and the fluid-shell interface inside the fluid mesh is tracked with level sets of a boundary signed distance function. Both models are tested with numerical examples, showing efficiency and robustness. Finally, as a suggestion for future development of this research, we started studies relatives to B-Spline functions. The use of this kind of functions should solve stability problems related to spurious oscillations due to the use of Lagrange polynomials for representing discontinuities.

Análise mecânica e probabilística da corrosão de armaduras de estruturas de concreto armado submetidas à penetração de cloretos / Mechanical and probabilistic analysis of reinforcement corrosion of reinforced concrete structures subjected to chlorides penetration

Pellizzer, Giovanni Pais 11 March 2015 (has links)
O presente estudo trata do problema da corrosão de armaduras em estruturas de concreto armado submetidas à penetração de cloretos. É amplamente reconhecido nos meios técnico e científico que, dentre os diversos processos causadores de patologias nas estruturas de concreto armado, destacam-se aqueles que desencadeiam a corrosão das armaduras. O processo de corrosão é iniciado quando a concentração de cloretos na interface armadura/concreto atinge um valor limite, despassivando a camada química protetora ao redor da armadura. A utilização de uma abordagem probabilística é capaz de tratar o problema de forma mais consistente, uma vez que as variáveis envolvidas no fenômeno possuem um alto grau de aleatoriedade associado. A formulação utilizada para a análise não linear mecânica emprega o método dos elementos finitos, utilizando o modelo de dano de Mazars para descrever o comportamento do concreto e o modelo elastoplástico para descrever o comportamento do aço. A lei de Fick é empregada para descrever o mecanismo de difusão dos íons cloretos no interior dos elementos de concreto armado e leis empíricas são utilizadas para representar a penalização das áreas de aço das armaduras bem como a redução de sua tensão de escoamento. A formulação utilizada para a análise probabilística emprega o FORM (First Order Reliability Method), o método de superfície de resposta e a simulação de Monte Carlo. Enfoque especial é dado na análise de estruturas hiperestáticas, com o objetivo de determinar a probabilidade de falha do sistema, sendo esta uma das contribuições desse estudo. Os resultados obtidos indicam de que forma os efeitos corrosivos considerados contribuem para a redução da durabilidade estrutural. / This work deals with the problem of reinforcement corrosion of concrete structures subjected to chloride penetration. It is widely recognized in the technical and scientific communities that, among the different processes which cause pathologies in reinforced concrete structures, reinforcement corrosion is one of the most relevant. The corrosion process starts when chloride concentration at the reinforcement/concrete interface reaches a threshold value, causing depassivation of the protecting chemical layer surrounding the armor. A probabilistic approach is capable of dealing with the problem in a more consistent manner, since the variables involved in the phenomenon have a high degree of randomness. The formulation used in the mechanical non-linear analysis utilizes the finite element method, employing Mazars\' damage model to describe the concrete behavior and the elastoplastic model to describe the steel behavior. Fick\'s law is used to describe the diffusion mechanism of chloride ions inside the concrete elements and empirical laws are used to represent the steel area reduction as well as the reduction of steel yield stress. The formulation used for the probabilistic analysis employs the FORM (First Order Reliability Method), the response surface method and the Monte Carlo simulation. A contribution of this study concerns the analysis of hyper-static structures, in order to evaluate the failure probability of the system, giving special attention to this type of problem. The obtained results show how the considered corrosive effects influences the structural durability reduction.

Um modelo de confiabilidade e otimização aplicado às estruturas de barras de concreto armado / A reliability based optimization model for reinforced concrete structures

Caio Gorla Nogueira 02 June 2005 (has links)
Neste trabalho, é apresentado um modelo de otimização acoplado à confiabilidade para a análise de estruturas de barras de concreto armado, de modo que a confiabilidade é adicionada ao processo de otimização como uma restrição. O modelo mecânico permite a consideração da não-linearidade física para o concreto e para o aço, além de levar em conta os efeitos não-lineares geométricos. Esse modelo é utilizado para gerar as respostas mecânicas da estrutura, traduzidas em forma de cargas últimas para os estados limites. Os cenários de falha, na análise probabilística, são descritos pelo esmagamento do concreto e deformação excessiva da armadura para o estado limite último. O estado limite de utilização é verificado para o caso de deslocamentos excessivos dos pontos da estrutura. A função de estado limite é construída com o emprego do método das superfícies de respostas para a determinação do índice de confiabilidade e probabilidade de falha considerando somente o modo mais provável ou primeiro modo de falha. Os processos de otimização e confiabilidade são acoplados de maneira independente gerando um sistema de equações aproximadas resolvido analiticamente. A metodologia de otimização empregada é a minimização da função de custo da estrutura. O modelo acoplado de otimização e confiabilidade é empregado para análise de vigas de concreto armado. As técnicas desenvolvidas, no âmbito da modelagem de estruturas e confiabilidade, também permitem a análise mecânico-probabilística de pórticos planos de concreto armado / In this work, a reliability based optimization model is proposed for the analysis of reinforced concrete structures, in which the reliability index is introduced as a constraint. The mechanical model allows to consider the physical non-linearity of the concrete and steel materials, as well as the geometrical non-linear effects. The mechanical model is used to find the structure limit loads. The failure scenarios for the probabilistic analysis are characterized by the concrete ultimate strains in the compressed region of the section and the steel ultimate tensile strains in the reinforcement position. The serviceability limit state is verified for the excessive displacements for the structure bars. The limit state function is build by using the response surface method, computing the reliability index and the failure probability only considering the first failure mode. The optimization and reliability processes are independents built leading two different system of equations that are coupled together to find the final solution. The material cost of the structure was adopted as the objective function to be minimized for the optimization process. The proposed coupled optimization-reliability process is employed to analyse reinforced concrete beams. The developed procedure in the context of reliabilty methods and reinforced concrete structures analysis can also be applied for reliability analysis of reinforced concrete frames

Análise teórica e experimental de perfis de aço formados a frio submetidos à compressão / Theoretical and experimental analysis of cold-formed steel members under compression

Chodraui, Gustavo Monteiro de Barros 09 August 2006 (has links)
Os perfis de aço formados a frio apresentam, em geral, maior esbeltez local (relação largura-espessura dos elementos) em relação aos clássicos perfis laminados, acentuando a instabilidade local. Além disso, em se tratando de seções abertas com paredes muito delgadas, a rigidez à torção resulta muito pequena, o que torna os modos globais de torção e flexo-torção muitas vezes dominantes em relação aos modos de flexão. Outro modo de instabilidade que pode se manifestar é o modo distorcional, característico nos perfis com enrijecedores de borda. Com relação à análise do modo global, as normas para cálculo de perfis formados a frio têm adotado as mesmas curvas de resistência à compressão desenvolvidas para os perfis laminados e soldados, como a curva do SSRC (Structural Stability Research Council), adotada pela NAS (North American Specification), e as curvas européias, adotadas pela norma brasileira. Embora alguns estudos indiquem que as citadas curvas sejam aceitáveis para os perfis formados a frio, há também referências explícitas quanto à necessidade de um maior aprofundamento na investigação sobre o comportamento estrutural destes perfis, uma vez que apresentam particularidades quanto às tensões residuais, imperfeições geométricas e interação entre modos de instabilidade. Nesse trabalho é apresentada uma análise experimental em perfis usualmente empregados no Brasil (perfis U, U enrijecidos e cantoneiras simples e duplas), e uma estratégia de análise numérica não-linear, considerando os efeitos das imperfeições geométricas globais e localizadas (de chapa e distorcional), bem como das tensões residuais, de modo a se obter teoricamente um valor confiável da força normal de compressão resistente da barra. Os resultados permitiram constatar a viabilidade do emprego das atuais curvas de resistência à compressão para os perfis formados a frio. Complementando, foi analisada a aplicação do método da resistência direta (MRD) a todos os perfis estudados, confirmando bons resultados. Especial atenção foi dada ao estudo da estabilidade elástica de cantoneiras, com foco principal na coincidência entre o modo local-chapa e o modo global-torsional, o que tem gerado controvérsias na aplicação dos métodos de cálculo. Além disso, como as cantoneiras não são pré-qualificadas para aplicação do MRD, foram analisadas várias opções para emprego do método, onde pode-se concluir que desconsiderar a torção na análise do modo global conduz a resultados contra a segurança / Cold-formed steel members present, in general, higher local slenderness than classical hot- rolled ones, which make them more prone to local buckling. Besides, thin-walled open sections have small torsional stiffness, and hence global torsional and flexural-torsional instability modes are many times more critical than global flexural ones. Also, distortional mode can happen in sections with lips (edge stiffener). Concerning on global buckling for members under compression, curves used in cold-formed steel design are based on hot-rolled and welded members. For example, the SSRC (Structural Stability Research Council) buckling curve, adopted by NAS (North American Specification), and Eurocode buckling curves, adopted by brazilian codes. Although some papers indicate these curves are acceptable for cold-formed steel members, others claim for a deeper analysis on their unique structural behavior, specially on residual stress, geometric imperfections and coupled buckling modes. It is presented in this thesis an experimental analysis of sections usually used in Brazil (simple and lipped channels, and also single and built-up angles). Moreover, it is developed a strategy for numerical non-linear analysis, considering the effects of global and local (also distortional) geometric imperfections and residual stress as well, in order to obtain a trustable theoretical value for the axial member stength. Results show the viability of the current buckling curves for cold-formed steel members. Finally, direct strength method (DSM) was analysed for all studied members, showing good results. Special attention to angle’s elastic stability, focusing on the coincidence between local-plate and global-torsional mode, which still causes confusion in design methods. Also, due to the fact angles are not pre- qualified sections for using DSM, many options on its application were studied, where it was concluded that negleting torsion in global analysis leeds to unconservative results

Um modelo de confiabilidade e otimização aplicado às estruturas de barras de concreto armado / A reliability based optimization model for reinforced concrete structures

Nogueira, Caio Gorla 02 June 2005 (has links)
Neste trabalho, é apresentado um modelo de otimização acoplado à confiabilidade para a análise de estruturas de barras de concreto armado, de modo que a confiabilidade é adicionada ao processo de otimização como uma restrição. O modelo mecânico permite a consideração da não-linearidade física para o concreto e para o aço, além de levar em conta os efeitos não-lineares geométricos. Esse modelo é utilizado para gerar as respostas mecânicas da estrutura, traduzidas em forma de cargas últimas para os estados limites. Os cenários de falha, na análise probabilística, são descritos pelo esmagamento do concreto e deformação excessiva da armadura para o estado limite último. O estado limite de utilização é verificado para o caso de deslocamentos excessivos dos pontos da estrutura. A função de estado limite é construída com o emprego do método das superfícies de respostas para a determinação do índice de confiabilidade e probabilidade de falha considerando somente o modo mais provável ou primeiro modo de falha. Os processos de otimização e confiabilidade são acoplados de maneira independente gerando um sistema de equações aproximadas resolvido analiticamente. A metodologia de otimização empregada é a minimização da função de custo da estrutura. O modelo acoplado de otimização e confiabilidade é empregado para análise de vigas de concreto armado. As técnicas desenvolvidas, no âmbito da modelagem de estruturas e confiabilidade, também permitem a análise mecânico-probabilística de pórticos planos de concreto armado / In this work, a reliability based optimization model is proposed for the analysis of reinforced concrete structures, in which the reliability index is introduced as a constraint. The mechanical model allows to consider the physical non-linearity of the concrete and steel materials, as well as the geometrical non-linear effects. The mechanical model is used to find the structure limit loads. The failure scenarios for the probabilistic analysis are characterized by the concrete ultimate strains in the compressed region of the section and the steel ultimate tensile strains in the reinforcement position. The serviceability limit state is verified for the excessive displacements for the structure bars. The limit state function is build by using the response surface method, computing the reliability index and the failure probability only considering the first failure mode. The optimization and reliability processes are independents built leading two different system of equations that are coupled together to find the final solution. The material cost of the structure was adopted as the objective function to be minimized for the optimization process. The proposed coupled optimization-reliability process is employed to analyse reinforced concrete beams. The developed procedure in the context of reliabilty methods and reinforced concrete structures analysis can also be applied for reliability analysis of reinforced concrete frames

Localization Induced Base Isolation In Fractionally And Hysteretically Damped Nonlinear Systems

Mukherjee, Indrajit 11 1900 (has links)
This Thesis comprises of two parts containing similar studies of Nonlinear Localization induced Base Isolation of structural systems. The present method of base isolation,like other nonlinear vibration isolation methods, enjoys certain merits like capability of absorbing broad band vibrations, attenuating heavy shocks etc. The research in this thesis is an extension of this base isolation strategy first proposed by Vakakis and co-author. The strategy involves augmenting an appendage referred to as the secondary system with the main structural unit or the primary system, which we want to isolate from disturbances at the base. The primary system is coupled to the secondary system through a stiffness element. Both the primary and secondary systems have nonlinear dynamic behavior. It is seen that for certain choice of values of the coupling element, steady state vibration of very small magnitude is induced in the primary system. This result was established by considering a general discrete nonlinear system with viscous damping. Now it is a well known fact that viscous damping, though being widely used in literature as well as in practice doesn't turn out to be accurate enough to capture structural damping behaviors. Moreover, the actual damping mechanism if governed by some nonlinear function of the system variables, may influence the physics governing the nonlinear localization phenomenon in a manner rendering the present method not suitable for structural systems at the very outset. So in the present study we focus our attention in establishing the robustness and hence utility of the method by considering technically more defensible models of structural damping. These models efficiently capture certain complex phenomena which structures are known to exhibit. The occurrence of localization induced vibration isolation in structural systems in the presence of these damping models is taken as a proof of the efficacy of the method and its applicability to a wide range of situations. The present study establishes existence of localization through relevant analytical and numerical exercises. In the first part of the thesis we take up the study of nonlinear localization induced base isolation of a three degrees of freedom system having cubic nonlinearities under sinusoidal base excitation. The damping forces in the system are hysteretic in nature. In the present setting this is captured by Bouc-Wen model of hysteresis. Bouc-Wen model is one of the most widely used phenomenological model of hysteresis to have a ready-to-use mathematical description of hysteretic patterns appearing in structural engineering systems. The nature of responses of the different degrees of freedom as excitation frequency varies is a better way of analyzing the performance of the vibration isolation system. We adopt this line of approach for the present study. Normally Harmonic Balance Method (HBM) serves this purpose very well but in the present case as the hysteretic variable is not explicitly related to the system variables, HBM cannot be straightway implemented. Moreover, the hysteretic variable is related to other state variables through a relation which contains non-smooth terms. As a result, Incremental Harmonic Balance (IHB) method is used to obtain amplitude frequency relationship of the system response. The stability analysis of the solution branches is done by using Floquet Theory. Direct numerical simulation is then made use of to support our results that are obtained from this approximate numeric-analytic estimate of the amplitudefrequency relationships of the system, which helps us to analyze the efficacy of this method of base isolation for a broad class of systems. In the next part we consider a similar system where the damping forces in the system are described by functions of fractional derivative of the instantaneous displacements. Fractional Derivative based damping model has been found to be very effective in describing structural damping. We adopt half-order fractional derivative for our study, which can capture damping behavior of polymeric material very well. Typically linear and quadratic damping is considered separately as these are the two most relevant representations of structural damping. Under the assumption of smallness of certain system parameters and nonlinear terms an approximate estimate of the response at each degree of freedom of the system is obtained using Method of Multiple Scales. We then consider a situation where the nonlinear terms and certain other system parameters are no longer small. For the case where asymptotic methods are no longer valid, the assessment of performance of the vibration isolation system is made from amplitude-frequency relations. As a result, we take recourse to the Harmonic Balance Method in conjunction with arc length based continuation technique for obtaining the frequency amplitude plot for linear damping and Incremental Harmonic Balance method for quadratic damping, each of which is validated against results obtained from direct numerical simulation of the system. It needs to be appreciated that base isolation obtained this way has no counterpart in the linear theory.

Analytical And Numerical Study Of Propagation In Optical Waveguides And Devices In Linear And Nonlinear Domains

Raghuwanshi, Sanjeev Kumar 07 1900 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is to study of optical effects, arising in the form of non-uniform waveguide structure, complicated refractive index profiles or due to pulse propagation in dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) optical communication systems. These effects are important and critically influence the performance of DWDM optical systems. A comprehensive survey of current literature on optical effects due to nonuniform optical structure and nonlinear optical effects is first done, showing their advantages and disadvantage in optical communication systems. A survey on methods of optical waveguide analysis is also done. The main contribution has been made to three main aspects of the problem : Accurate analysis of uniform/non-uniform optical waveguides with arbitary refractive index profiles Pulse propagation and distortion in DWDM Raman amplification systems. Use of non-uniform FBG to compensate for pulse distortion We study several existing analytical techniques developed so far for analyzing the mode of non-uniform optical waveguide structures. Later, we verify the analytical results by finite element method (FEM). The convergence study is also carried out. A new computational technique is proposed modifying the finite element method to analyze complex refractive index profiles required for the analysis, namely single mode step index profile, multi clad fiber, W -profile, chirp profile etc. An accuracy of 10−4 in the calculation of propagation constant/eigen-value is demonstrated. Dispersion characteristics of optical fibers w.r.t. different profile parameters is evaluated. A modification to scalar BPM is proposed and applied to study the effects of inhomogeneities along the propagation direction. The applicability and accuracy of the method is tested using integrated optic waveguide devices, namely, graded index slab waveguide. The proposed BPM uses Fourier decomposition of the transverse field. Coupled mode theory (CMT) of optical waveguides in non-homogeneous optical medium is applied to study the interaction of lightwaves propagation together such as in a DWDM system. The BPM results is verified by CMT. The inhomogeneous waveguide theory is extended to study pulse propagation in DWDM optical communication system. Nonlinear optical effects are an important aspects of DWDM systems with fiber Raman amplifier. Finite difference time domain (FDTD) method is necessary to study these nonlinear optical effects as other conventional methods are not suitable here. Here, we discuss DWDM optical communication systems due to nonlinearity in the form of SRS effect. In case of FRA, we study the various kinds of fiber profile design parameters, for the purpose to achieve and extend the flat gain bandwidth over the EDFA window. We also propose and study, a new bi-directional optical fiber transmission scheme with various constraints, using Raman amplification process with and without pump depletion. Our scheme, provides an advantage like high SNR, low pump induced noise, for long-haul communication link. We find that, there is a quite significant crosstalk and power coupling among the dense DWDM channels but earlier discussed BPM fails to account for possible interference effects among the channels. To reduce the harmful nonlinear optical effects like four wave mixing (FWM), we need to deploy a high chromatic dispersion fiber, which will ultimately lead to high pulse walk-off rate among the DWDM channels; hence for high bit rate long haul systems, walk-off effect can not be ignored. Application of FDTD provided an improved insight into the effect of GVD on stimulated Raman scattering crosstalk than different modulation techniques and line codes. It is shown through analysis that pulse walk-off phenomena may distort the data asymmetrically; especially for case of wide-band DWDM transmission system. Hence, the pulse walk-off effect should be considered in future systems containing optical amplifier. It is shown, that large walk-off rate may reduce the crosstalk among DWDM channels but tends to increase the asymmetric pulse distortion. Data may lose due to high walk-off effect. We also investigate channel addition/removal process in DWDM fiber Raman amplifier. We also demonstrate that the pulse walk-off effect tends to lead significantly to positive chirp for higher frequency channels. This feature can be exploited to overcome the chromatic dispersion effects in DWDM transmission systems. Pulse walk-off induced chirp, can be compensated by using the nonuniform fiber Bragg grating (NUFBG). The CMT due to periodic perturbation of the circular cylindrical waveguide structures is applied here. Here, we discuss the function of fiber Bragg grating as a transmission versus reflecting grating filter. We also discuss, FBG application to gain flattening of an EDFA window as well as how the group velocity dispersion (GVD) will be affected with bandwidth and coupling coefficient. We develop a new analytical technique to estimate the bandwidth of FBG based optical system. Finally, we investigate the dispersion compensation properties, pulse distortion, peak reflectivity analysis in uniform/non-uniform FBG due to an uniform/non-uniform incoming signal. More complicated refractive index profile can significantly reduce the GVD as well as side lobes intensity. Dispersion characteristic due to an arbitrary refractive index profile is discussed in details for the case of non-uniform FBG. Thus, we concluded that wide band DWDM optical communication system need to closely take into account various inhomogeneities and nonlinearities of optical fibers w.r.t. wave and pulse propagation.

Prise en compte de la liaison acier-béton pour le calcul des structures industrielles / Modelling of steel-concrete bond slip in the reinforced concrete structural computation

Mang, Chetra 20 November 2015 (has links)
Le comportement des structures en béton armé peut s’avérer extrêmement complexe en cas de dépassement de la limite de fissuration du béton. Le caractère composite du béton armé doit être représenté finement. Pour la simulation des structures industrielles, les modèles numériques employés supposent une relation parfaite entre le béton et les armatures qui non seulement ne prennent pas en compte la complexité de la relation entre les deux matériaux mais aussi ne permet pas de présenter finement les caractéristiques de la fissuration étant directement liée à celle des aciers. Dans la littérature, plusieurs méthodes numériques sont proposées pour étudier finement les caractéristiques de la liaison acier-béton, mais toutes ces méthodes posent des difficultés pour les calculs de structures complexes en 3D. En partant des résultats obtenus dans le cadre de la thèse de Torre-Casanova (2012), une nouvelle formation d’un modèle de liaison acier-béton a été développée pour améliorer les performances et la représentativité (comportement cyclique). Ce nouveau modèle a été validé sur un tirant par comparaison avec une solution analytique et des résultats expérimentaux et également testé à l’échelle structurelle pour simuler le comportement d’un voile en cisaillement. Compte tenu de la difficulté pour caractériser numériquement l’ouverture de fissure en cas de fissuration complexe, une nouvelle méthode de post-traitement a également été développée. Finalement, le développement du comportement cyclique de la loi d’adhérence avec enveloppe non-réduite est intégré dans le modèle de liaison acier-béton pour prendre en compte l’irréversibilité du glissement et le boucle d’hystérésis lors du chargement en charge-décharge ou du chargement cyclique. L’application sur un tirant et sur un voile en cisaillement est également effectuée afin d’investiguer le comportement global et local. / Reinforced concrete structure behavior can be extremely complex in the case of exceeding the cracking threshold. The composite characteristics of reinforced concrete structure should be finely presented. In order to compute the industrial structures, a perfect relation hypothesis between steel and concrete is supposed in which not only the complex phenomenon of the two-material relation is not taken into account, but it is also unable to predict the crack characteristics, which is directly linked to the steel. In literature, several numerical methods are proposed in order to finely study the concrete-steel bond behavior, but these methods give many difficulties in computing complex structures in 3D. With the results obtained in the thesis framework of Torre-Casanova (2012), the new concrete-steel bond model has been developed to improve performances (iteration numbers and computational time) and the representation (cyclic behavior) of the initial one. The new model has been verified with analytical solution of steel-concrete tie and validated with the experimental results and equally tested with the structural scale to compute the shear wall behavior. Because of the numerical difficulty in post-processing the crack opening in the complex crack formation, a new crack opening method is also developed. Finally, the cyclic behavior of the bond law with the non-reduced envelope is adopted and integrated in the new bond model in order to take into account the slip irreversibility and the hysteresis during the cyclic load. The application of the model is carried out on a steel-concrete tie and a shear-wall.

Sobre a estabilidade de cantoneiras de aço formadas a frio submetidas à compressão / On the stability of cold-formed steel angles under compression

Wanderson Fernando Maia 10 April 2008 (has links)
Aparentemente, a análise estrutural de uma cantoneira simples submetida à compressão constitui um problema elementar e, portanto, já largamente conhecido. Entretanto, as cantoneiras formadas a frio, em geral com paredes delgadas (elevadas relações largura/espessura), apresentam dois modos críticos de instabilidade: (i) modo global de flexão, no caso de barras longas, e um modo coincidente local-chapa/global de flexo-torção, que é crítico para barras de menor comprimento. Embora existam procedimentos simplificados de cálculo, recomendados pelas normas, a consideração do modo de flexo-torção é controversa entre pesquisadores. Alguns trabalhos recentes indicam que é conservador considerar o modo de flexo-torção no cálculo da força normal resistente, enquanto outros trabalhos apontam para a necessidade dessa abordagem. Nesse trabalho é investigada a resposta estrutural de cantoneiras simples e enrijecida submetidas à compressão centrada e excêntrica, por meio de análise experimental e de análise numérica não-linear via elementos finitos, sendo avaliado o efeito das imperfeições geométricas iniciais na força normal resistente; também são avaliados os resultados provenientes dos procedimentos normativos: (i) o clássico método das larguras efetivas e (ii) o método da resistência direta (MRD), em que as cantoneiras não são relacionadas como perfis pré-qualificados. Os resultados da análise experimental e da análise numérica não-linear com imperfeições geométricas iniciais indicam a necessidade da consideração do modo de flexo-torção. / Apparently, the structural analysis of a simple angle under compression is an elementary problem, therefore, already largely known. However, cold-formed steel angles, mostly with slender legs, present two critical buckling modes: (i) global-flexural mode, in cases of high length members, (ii) and a coincident local-plate/global-torsional-flexural mode, which is critical for short length members. Although simplified design procedures exist, recommended by specifications, the consideration of the torsional-flexural mode is controversial among researchers. A few recent papers indicate that considering the torsional-flexural mode is conservative, while other papers point to the necessity of this approach. This work investigates the structural response of simple and lipped angles under concentrically and eccentrically compression, by means of tests and nonlinear finite element analysis, being evaluated the effect of initial geometric imperfections; also evaluating the results from design procedures: (i) the classic effective width method and (ii) the direct strength method (DSM), where the angles are not pre-qualified shapes. The results of the experimental and nonlinear numerical analysis with initial imperfections indicate the necessity of considering the torsional-flexural mode.

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