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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

“rostro angelical y un cuerpo de modelo” : Estereotipos de género en los adjetivos / “angelic face and a body like a model” : Gender stereotypes in adjectives

Blank, Malin January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this investigation was to study what adjectives the media uses when describing female and male football players and sportswomen and sportsmen. The objective was to see if the adjectives described men and women differently and whether the adjectives reinforced gender stereotypes. To see the frequency an adjective had an online corpus was used and the analysis was based on Fairclough´s model of critical discourse analysis. The results showed that many adjectives were used for both genders. However, adjectives regarding appearance only showed in the results for women. In conclusion, the men and women were described in similar ways, however, as the women were also described by their beauty indicates that the media reinforces the gender stereotypes in certain ways.

Jazykový sexismus v současné španělštině / Linguistic sexism in contemporary Spanish

Hofmanová, Sabina January 2016 (has links)
(in English): As the title itself indicates, the topic of this thesis is the linguistic sexism in contemporary Spanish. The theoretical part offers a critical perspective on the phenomenon of so called sexism in language and defines terms such as linguistic sexism, androcentrism or invisibilization of women in the language. It also provides a brief outline of the development of gender linguistics with an emphasis on Spanish-speaking countries and provides an overview of important works on the topic. The thesis also deals with the contrast between linguistic sexism and sexism as a social issue, as well as with the question whether language can be sexist, or whether the sexism is caused by the way the speakers use the language. Particular attention is paid to the issue of gender in language and phenomena that are considered as sexist, especially the generic masculine. The practical part is mainly dedicated to lexical issues: denoting women in professions that were traditionally male and idioms and set phrases that can be examples of sexist use of language or a possible reflection of social sexism in language. It also analyses the asymmetry in addressing women and men in a polite way, inadequate pairs, apparently dual forms and missing lexical units as well as insults and profanities that can be...

Gender Stereotypes in Online News Headlines: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Online News Headlines Around the Case of Ksenia Sobchak

Rabo, Olga January 2018 (has links)
This thesis is a critical analysis of the discourses used in online news headlines to reporttwo events that took place during 2018 Russian Presidential debates (on February 14,2018 and March 14, 2018) and focused on Ksenia Sobchak, the only female presidentialcandidate of the 2018 election. By analyzing 52 headlines published in Russia’s mostpopular and most read online news outlets, the purpose of this study is to investigatewhether there are any gender stereotypes used by the journalists to create a particularrepresentation of Sobchak, and to understand if, through this representation, a particularideology is put forward. The framework used to carry out the research is based onFairclough’s critical discourse analysis method combined with a sociolinguisticapproach influenced by Halliday. The application of this framework resulted in studyingthe three interrelated elements of discourse: sociocultural practices, which explore therole of women in the Russian political arena and put headlines under analysis into animmediate context; discourse practices, which focus on the peculiarities of online newsproduction, particularly headlines; and linguistic analysis of the headlines themselves,in which lexical choice, quotation patterns, and transitivity analyses were performed.The analysis revealed that headlines include hidden gender stereotypes, which alignwith Russia’s patriarchal ideology and which are used to represent Sobchak lessfavourably in comparison to her male opponents.

Brněnský dialekt "hantec" optikou genderové lingvistiky / The Brno's dialect "hantec" from the gender perspective

Šebela, Michal January 2013 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is gender analysis of "hantec", a specific dialect spoken in the second largest city in the Czech Republic - Brno. The aim of the work is to search for differences between manifestation and perception of women/female and men/male in "hantec" from the perspective of gender linguistics. On example of local dialect I demonstrate how the general gender discourse prevails. By analysing the vocabulary and literary forms of "hantec" I want to show to what extent this dialect (specific for Brno) reflected the principles of gender inequality. The focus lies on the presence of language sexism and reproduction of gender stereotypes in "hantec". In the thesis I also document the historical development of "hantec" and how were the principles of gender inequality displayed in the different stages of its development.

Donne e scienza : il premio L'Oréal. Un modello contemporaneo per promuovere la presenza femminile / Femmes et science : le prix L'Oréal. Un modèle contemporain pour promouvoir la présence des femmes / Women and science : the L’Oréal’s Award. A contemporary model to promote women’s presence

Pecori, Francesca 06 June 2017 (has links)
L'idée de départ à partir de laquelle a trouvé son origine le présent travail était de traiter le problème de l’inégalité, selon une perspective sociologique, à travers la catégorie de genre et spécifiquement dans le cadre de la science. La différence du nombre de femmes au plus haut niveau (et pas seulement) des hiérarchies du travail dans la science (universités, laboratoires, centres de recherche, institutions) est une réalité. Notre recherche s'est donnée pour objectif d'enquêter les mécanismes à travers lesquels l'inégalité de genre opère dans l’univers scientifique et, pour atteindre ce but, nous avons utilisé l'étude d'un cas jugé particulièrement important et utile, celui des lauréates du prix Pour les Femmes et la Science, une importante reconnaissance au niveau international dédié aux femmes qui travaillent dans la science. Après avoir esquissé l'horizon théorique vers lequel diriger notre attention, nous avons d'abord entrepris une analyse secondaire des données. Nous avons élaboré puis soumis les lauréates du prix à un entretien structuré, intégrant donc la phase d’étude préparatoire avec la voix directe des protagonistes. Le noyau central de la recherche est donc constitué par l'étude de cas du prix qui nous a permis d'établir un dialogue direct avec les femmes qui ont réussi à percer les murs puissants qui ont toujours entourés le “fortin” de la science et qui nous aidé à mettre en évidence certaines des dynamiques clés qui peuvent être tenues responsables de l’inégalité. D'une part, en effet, le prix indique comment la présence des femmes dans l'univers scientifique est encore perçue comme un phénomène à souligner, par conséquent, par certains aspects, à protéger, ce qui témoigne que l'égalité de genre dans la science ne doit pas être prise pour acquise, mais plutôt comme un objectif à poursuivre avec persévérance et détermination. D'autre part, il souligne que la recherche scientifique est devenue - comme la Communauté européenne n'a pas manqué de le mettre en évidence et comme la littérature le souligne - un aspect constitutif d'une société développée et de ses dynamiques économiques et politiques. Nous pouvons nous demander : pourquoi une multinationale a décidé d’investir dans un domaine apparemment si éloigné de son propre secteur ? Comment le prix se situe-t-il dans le contexte de l'entreprise ? Ce sont quelques-unes des questions que nous nous sommes posées et auxquelles nous avons tenté de répondre car considérées indispensables pour affronter de la manière la plus approfondie possible l'étude de cas choisi / The starting point from which this work originated is to understand and investigate the problem of inequality, from a sociological perspective, through the gender category and specifically in science. The difference in the number of women at the highest level (and not only) of professional hierarchies in science (universities, laboratories, research centers, institutions) is a reality. Our research aims to investigate the mechanisms through which gender inequality operates in the scientific world and, to achieve this goal, we have used a case study considered particularly important and useful, that of the For Women and Science Award, an important international recognition dedicated to women who work in science. After defining the theoretical horizon which constitutes the context of the thematics of our research, we have realised a secondary analysis of data and then, we have developed and submitted the award’s winners to a structured interview, integrating, in this way, the preparatory study phase with the direct voice of the protagonists. The core of the research is represented by the case study of the L’Oréal’s Award, which has permitted to establish a direct dialogue with the scientists who have succeeded in science and therefore it has helped us to highlight some of the key dynamics responsible of inequality. On one hand, the Award’s case study reflects how the presence of women in the scientific world is still perceived as a phenomenon to be underlined, therefore, in certain aspects, to be protected, showing that gender equality in science must not be taken for granted, but rather as an objective to be pursued with perseverance and determination. On the other hand, it stresses that scientific research has become - as the European Community has not failed to highlight and as the literature underlines - a constitutive aspect of a developed society and of its economic and political dynamics. We may wonder: why a multinational has decided to invest in an area apparently so far from its own sector? How is the Award’s placement in the company’s context? These are some of the questions we have asked and we have tried to answer in order to face the case study chosen and to receive important and innovative informations about the thematics we wanted to analyse with this research / L’idea di partenza da cui ha avuto origine il presente lavoro è stata quella di confrontarsicon il problema, secondo una prospettiva sociologica, della disuguaglianza attraverso lacategoria di genere e, specificatamente, nell’ambito della scienza. La differenza del numerodi donne ai livelli apicali (e non solo) delle gerarchie lavorative in ambito scientifico(università, laboratori, centri di ricerca, istituzioni) è un dato inoppugnabile in quantopermane costante nel tempo. Nella nostra ricerca ci siamo posti, dunque, l’obiettivo di indagarei meccanismi attraverso cui le discriminazioni di genere operano nell’universoscientifico. La nostra indagine ha principiato con un’analisi della letteratura che ci hapermesso di comprendere e definire lo stato dell’arte attuale evidenziando un trend cheresta, purtroppo, invariato. Abbiamo, in seguito, studiato e cercato di capire e mettere inluce quali siano le motivazioni e le dinamiche alla base della perdurante condizione dimarginalità in cui versano le donne e, a tal fine, siamo ricorsi allo studio di un caso giudicatoparticolarmente significativo e interessante, rappresentato dal Premio Pour les femmeset la science. I racconti delle vincitrici del Premio, rappresentanza dell’eccellenzascientifica mondiale, ci hanno permesso di raccogliere importantissime informazioni riguardoa molteplici aspetti relativi alle nostre tematiche. E’ stato infatti possibile fare lucesull’impatto effettivo esercitato sulle carriere scientifiche femminili da parte dell’iniziativadella multinazionale e, in particolar modo, abbiamo potuto raccogliere direttamente dallavoce delle scienziate opinioni, visioni ed esperienze significative che ci hanno permesso diapprofondire dall’interno e secondo un punto di vista inedito e foriero di spunti, le tematicheoggetto della presente tesi. In questo scenario, dopo aver delineato l’orizzonte teoricoentro cui dirigere la nostra attenzione, abbiamo dapprima intrapreso un’analisi secondariadei dati e, in un secondo momento, abbiamo elaborato e somministrato alle vincitrici delPremio un’intervista strutturata. Il nucleo centrale della ricerca è costituito, quindi, dallostudio del caso del Premio che ci ha permesso di instaurare un dialogo diretto con quelledonne che sono riuscite a fare breccia nelle potenti mura che da sempre hanno delimitatoil fortino della scienza, permettendoci così di rilevare alcune delle principali dinamicheche possono essere ritenute responsabili delle dinamiche discriminatorie che produconodisuguaglianze nell’operato delle donne. Da un lato, infatti, il Premio indica come la presenzafemminile nell’universo scientifico sia ancora avvertita come un fenomeno non risolto,dunque, per certi aspetti, da porre costantemente all’attenzione, a testimonianza diquanto la parità di genere nella scienza non vada data per scontata, ma sia anzi un obiettivoda perseguire con costanza e determinazione. Dall’altro lato, esso mette in evidenzache la ricerca scientifica è diventata – come la Comunità Europea non ha mancato di sottolinearee come rimarca molta letteratura – un aspetto costitutivo di una società evoluta edelle sue dinamiche economiche e politiche. Possiamo allora chiederci: perché una famosissimamultinazionale che opera nel campo della cosmesi ha deciso di investire in unaquestione apparentemente così distante e lontana dal proprio ambito di intervento nel mercato? Come si colloca il premio all’interno del contesto aziendale? Questi sono alcuni deiquesiti che ci siamo posti e a cui abbiamo tentato di rispondere perché ritenuti imprescindibiliper affrontare in modo il più possibile approfondito il caso studio prescelto

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