Spelling suggestions: "subject:"liquidation"" "subject:"liquidations""
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Ökonomische Aspekte der Transformation von der zentralen Plan- zur sozialen Marktwirtschaft am Beispiel des Fahrzeugbaus in den neuen Bundesländern /Steger, Ralph. January 1994 (has links)
Universiẗat, Diss.--Berlin, 1994.
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A comparative study of the effects of liquidation or business rescue proceedings on the rights of the employees of a companyJoubert, Engela Petronella 29 November 2018 (has links)
Whenever legal disciplines overlap interesting scenarios occur and differences in opinions create intellectual tension. One such interesting scenario occurs when employees’ rights are affected during a company’s liquidation or business rescue. The employees of a company are normally the last persons to find out that a company is struggling financially. They are also the only stakeholders who are in no position to negotiate their risk should the company be liquidated. It is therefore necessary to evaluate the rights given to employees during a company’s liquidation and business rescue. The fundamental ideologies of company law, insolvency law and labour law are challenged and examined to attempt a harmonizing result that respects the core of each discipline. It is crucial to determine whether an appropriate balance is struck between the interests of all the stakeholders of the company during these procedures.
The aim of this thesis is to evaluate whether South Africa manages to strike this balance. If employee rights are protected whilst a company is restructured back to solvency and success, this balance will be struck. An evaluation will also be made whether employees are always better protected during business rescue than in liquidation.
The study analyses employee rights in a company’s liquidation and during a company’s restructuring process. The comparative study of employee rights in liquidation and rescue is done with the jurisdictions of Australia and England – countries with similar procedures.
Important conclusions show that South Africa protects employee rights during business rescue procedures the best. An appropriate balance is indeed struck between the interests of all stakeholders of a company during business rescue procedures and employees are most of the time better off after a restructuring than in a liquidation. Should the recommendations for law reform be implemented in our legislation, South Africa will overcome the few obstacles currently in its way to be seen as a world leader where employee rights are concerned in liquidation proceedings as well as business rescue. / Mercantile Law / LL. D.
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Liquidation under dynamic price impactSanjari, Ali 16 February 2016 (has links)
In order to liquidate a large position in an asset, investors face a tradeoff between price volatility and market impact. The classical approach to this problem is to model volatility via a Brownian motion, and separate price impact into its permanent and temporary components. In this thesis, we consider two variations of the Chriss-Almgren model for temporary price impact. The first model investigates the infinite-horizon optimal liquidation problem in a market with float-dependent, nonlinear temporary price impact. The value function of the investor’s basket and the optimal strategy are characterized in terms of classical solutions of nonlinear parabolic partial differential equations. Depending on the price impact parameters, liquidation may require finite or infinite time.
The second model considers time-varying market depth, in that intense trading increases temporary price-impact, which otherwise reverts to a long-term level. We find the optimal execution policy in a finite horizon for an investor with constant risk aversion, and derive the solution using calculus of variation techniques. Although the model potentially allows for price manipulation strategies, these policies are never optimal. We study the non time-constrained case as a limit to the finite-horizon case and explain the solution through a quasi-linear PDE.
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Specifické případy sestavování účetních závěrek / Specific cases of creating financial statementsBINDER, Petr January 2014 (has links)
The main goal of this thesis is a description of facts, which lead to make the extraordinary financial statements, and making model examples. These facts, including liquidation and mergers, are described from accounting, tax and legal fields.
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Manipulação de resultados: estudo de caso de um banco brasileiro / Earnings manipulation: A case study of a Brazilian bankEric Barreto de Oliveira 13 May 2016 (has links)
As referências de casos reais brasileiros nas áreas de negócios são bastante escassas, sobretudo, em relação aos casos de insucessos, falências e fraudes, desprezados no decorrer do tempo e pouco utilizados como elementos de aprendizagem, possibilitando a recorrência de erros anteriormente cometidos. Esse trabalho tem como objetivo entender as estratégias contábeis empregadas por um banco brasileiro que sofreu intervenção do Banco Central do Brasil e foi liquidado sob acusações de fraude. Trata-se de um estudo de caso único, que utiliza como fontes documentos do processo de falência e das apurações do Banco Central do Brasil, atas de reunião do conselho e da diretoria, pareceres, reportagens, bancos de dados de demonstrações financeiras e cotações, entrevistas com repórteres que cobriram o caso e ex-funcionários. O trabalho também busca o entendimento de escolhas contábeis não necessariamente fraudulentas, mas pouco ortodoxas, analisando como o ambiente da instituição pode ter colaborado com a ocorrência dessas práticas e se, antes da intervenção do Banco Central, foram emitidos sinais de alerta suficientemente fortes para que o mercado os captasse. Além da literatura inerente à governança corporativa e insider shareholding, fraude e gerenciamento de resultados, destaca-se o entendimento da crise financeira de 2008, a qual não só impactou o negócio de bancos pequenos e médios em todo o mundo como trouxe à tona discussões sobre o modelo de negócios de concessão de empréstimos e venda da carteira e formas de contabilização. O trabalho desenvolve-se através do estudo isolado de cada fonte de evidência e, ao final, é feita uma triangulação com os itens que amparam as respostas às questões de pesquisa. Com base nas evidências estudadas, observou-se concentração de poder e escolhas que beneficiaram os controladores, através de remuneração e dividendos acima do mercado, e também o relacionamento do banco com outras empresas da família. Desse modo, os sinais de alerta anteriores à intervenção do Banco Central existiram, mas não foram suficientemente claros para chamar a atenção do mercado. Quanto às estratégias de contabilização usadas pela instituição financeira, podem-se salientar: a antecipação dos critérios de contabilização de cessões de crédito (Resolução 3.533, 2008); a classificação da carteira de crédito na categoria \"disponíveis para a venda\" (balanço IFRS); PCLD insuficiente; empréstimos existentes apenas na contabilidade; superavaliação no valor justo de cotas de FIDC e outros instrumentos financeiros sem mercado secundário ativo mensurados a valor de mercado; manipulação de resultados de cessão de crédito; e falta de evidenciação de transações com partes relacionadas e FIDC. / The references of Brazilian real cases in the business area are very scant, particularly about cases of failures, bankruptcies and fraud, neglected over time, and little used as a learning elements, allowing the recurrence of previously committed mistakes. This study aims to understand the financial strategies employed by a Brazilian bank that was seized by Brazil\'s Central Bank and was extinct on fraud charges. This is a single case study, which uses as sources documents of the bankruptcy process and of calculations made by Brazil\'s Central Bank, records of council meetings and board of Directors meetings, accountant\'s opinions, news reports, financial statements databases and quoted market prices, interviews with reporters who covered the case and former employees. This research also seeks to understand not necessarily fraudulent accounting choices, but unorthodox, analyzing how the institution\'s environment may have contributed to the happening of these practices and if, before the intervention of the Central Bank, strong enough warning signs were issued to the market would capture them. In addition to the specific literature on corporate governance and insider shareholding, fraud and earnings management, the understanding the financial crisis of 2008 stands out, because this conjuncture not only unsettled the business of small and medium banks all over the world as brought up deliberations on the lending business model and sale of the portfolio and accounting settings. This study is developed through the analysis of each source of evidence and, in the end, a triangulation with the items that support the answers to the research questions is performed. Based on noted evidence, there was a concentration of power and choices that benefited Controllers, through compensations and dividends above market, and also the bank\'s relationship with other family companies. Thus, there were earlier warning signs for intervention by Central Bank, but they were not clear enough to draw the attention of the market. As the accounting strategies used by the financial institution, can be highlighted: the anticipation of credit assignment accounting criteria (Resolution 3.533, 2008); the loan portfolio classification as \"available for sale\" (IFRS balance sheet); insufficient bad debt provision; effective loans only in accounting; overvaluation in the mark to market of Receivables investment funds shares and other financial instruments measured at fair value without an active secondary market; handling credit assignment results; and lack of disclosure of deals with related parts and Receivables investment funds
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Utilidade da informação contábil para eficiência dos processos de falência e de recuperação empresarial / Usefulness of accounting information for the efficiency of liquidation and reorganization processes.Fernanda Karoliny Nascimento Jupetipe 08 June 2017 (has links)
A assimetria informacional entre devedores, credores e judiciário gera ineficiências nos procedimentos de falência (liquidação) e de recuperação judicial (reorganização). Essas ineficiências afetam a alocação ótima dos recursos das empresas submetidas a esses institutos jurídicos ao possibilitar a concessão da recuperação a empresas inviáveis (erro tipo 1) e a decretação da falência de empresas cujo ativo arrecadado é inferior aos custos administrativos desse procedimento, inviabilizando o pagamento de credores. Diante desses problemas, esta pesquisa teve por objetivo apresentar como as informações contábeis podem ser utilizadas para reduzi-los. Em relação à falência, buscou-se com este estudo apresentar como as informações contábeis podem ser utilizadas para indicar o início de processos de falências frustradas (falências cuja taxa de recuperação dos credores é igual a zero). No que se refere à recuperação, buscou-se apresentar como evitar o deferimento do processamento da recuperação judicial a empresas inviáveis por meio do uso das informações contábeis. Para alcançar o objetivo proposto, no que se refere aos processos de falência, foi desenvolvido uma regressão logística tendo como variáveis explicativas o Ativo e o Passivo da devedora no início do processo. Por meio desse modelo pode-se estimar a probabilidade de uma falência ser frustrada. Em relação à recuperação, inicialmente foram analisados três casos a fim de ilustrar a capacidade das informações contábeis disponíveis na petição inicial dos processos indicarem a viabilidade, ou não, das devedoras. Essa análise foi feita por meio de cálculos de índices de liquidez e endividamento e da aplicação de modelos de previsão de insolvência desenvolvidos por Kanitz (1974), Scarpel (2000) e Mário (2002). Considerando-se que a análise prévia ao deferimento do pedido do processamento de recuperação não possui previsão legal, buscou-se a opinião de magistrados, por meio de entrevistas, e decisões de 2ª instância sobre essa possibilidade. Como resultado, o modelo desenvolvido para prever falências frustradas obteve uma taxa de acerto de 89% dos casos da amostra. Com base nessa informação, seria possível evitar o prolongamento desses processos e o consumo de recursos em falências que não alcançarão sua finalidade. Em relação à capacidade das informações contábeis indicarem a viabilidade de empresas que pedem pela recuperação judicial, a utilização dos modelos de previsão de insolvência se mostrou adequada para essa finalidade. Considerando-se a capacidade da informação contábil de minimizar o cometimento do erro tipo 1, em casos de recuperação, e de acelerar decisões sobre o encerramento de falências frustradas, tem-se que a informação contábil pode ser utilizada para maximizar os recursos nesses processos, colaborando com a eficiência ex post da legislação falimentar. / Informational asymmetry between borrowers, lenders and judiciary generates inefficiencies in liquidation and reorganization. These inefficiencies affect the optimal allocation of the companies resources subject to these legal institutions by enabling the granting of reorganization to non-viable companies (type 1 error) and the declaration of liquidation of companies whose asset is less than the administrative costs of this procedure, precludes the payment of creditors. On these issues, this research aimed to present how accounting information can be used to reduce them. In relation to bankruptcy this study attempted to present how accounting information can be used to indicate the beginning of failed liquidation proceedings (liquidation whose creditors\' recovery rate is zero). Regarding reorganization this study tried to present how to avoid approval of the reorganization process to non-viable companies using accounting information. To achieve the proposed objective regarding liquidation, was developed a logistic regression with explanatory variables the assets and liabilities of the debtor at the beginning of the process. Through this model can estimate the probability of a liquidation be frustrated. In relation to the reorganization initially three cases were analysed to illustrate the ability of accounting information available in the initial application of this process indicate the feasibility, or not, of the debtor. This analysis was done by means of calculations of indices of liquidity and debt and insolvency prediction models developed by Kanitz (1974), Scarpel (2000) and Mario (2002). Considering that prior analysis to granting the reorganization request has no legal provision, sought the opinion of judges, through interviews, and appeal decisions about this possibility. As a result, the model developed to predict liquidation frustrated obtained a hit rate of 83% of the cases in the sample. Based on this information, it would be possible to avoid the prolongation of these processes and resource consumption in bankruptcy that will not achieve your purpose. In relation to the ability of accounting information indicate the viability of companies that ask for judicial reorganization, the use of prediction models of insolvency proved best suited for this purpose. Considering the ability of accounting information to minimize the commission of type 1 error, in case of reorganization, and to speed up decisions on closure of liquidation has frustrated that accounting information can be used to maximize resources in these processes, collaborating with ex post efficiencies of bankruptcy law.
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Likvidátor - práva a povinnosti / Liquidator - rights and dutiesKartous, Diana January 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Práva a povinnosti likvidátora / Rights and obligations of the liquidatorPašková, Katarína January 2017 (has links)
The topic of this thesis are rights and obligations of a liquidator. Specifically, there are compared rights and obligations of the liquidator appointed by the court and the liquidator appointed by the company. The topic is restricted to a limited liability company. The first part of the thesis analyses the conditions under which the liquidator is appointed by the company and the court. The main part of the thesis compares rights and obligations that these liquidators do not have in common, but also the rights and obligations that they share, but which differ significantly in their content and meaning. Firstly, the liquidator's right to resign is discussed. Subsequently, it is analysed how the liquidator identifies the company's assets, in particular the contact with the creditors and the right to request co-operation. A significant part of the thesis is devoted to the procedure of the liquidator in the event of bankruptcy of the company in a situation in which it is not possible to pay an advance on the costs of the insolvency proceedings. Furthermore, the liquidator's right to remuneration and the obligation to submit a final report on the liquidation process are discussed. In the conclusion, the main findings of the thesis are summarized.
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Liquidación de sociedades irregularesEscobar-Mendieta, Carlos-Alberto, Escobar-Mendieta, Carlos-Alberto January 2016 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación obedece a la percepción de sensación de desprotección que siente una persona al tener un problema societario que debería de ser extirpado, la irregularidad de las sociedades; que puede traer consigo un drástico cambio en el contexto económico de cada persona. / Trabajo de investigación
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LIquidation of the enterprise / Likvidace podnikůKačmárová, Dana January 2011 (has links)
abstract Aim of this Master's Thesis is to describe the process of liquidation to the reader step by step from winding-up of the company to its dissolution and focus on prospective problems that might arise in connection therewith. Based on the valid legislation the theoretical part deals with basic terms and explanation thereof with regards to anticipated effectiveness of the New Civil Code and Act on Business Corporation in January 2014 and changes related thereto. The practical part contains description of the liquidation process of the fictitious limited liability company. Key words: liquidation, liquidator, winding-up and dissolution of the company
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