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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A typological and technological analysis of stone artefacts from the Magubike archaeological site, Iringa Region, southern Tanzania

Alexander, Katharine 11 1900 (has links)
Previous archaeological research in southern Tanzania has focused on Plio-Pleistocene sites documenting early hominid evolution, or alternatively, the late Holocene Later Stone Age and Iron Age sites documenting the transition from foraging to food production. However, recent surveys and test excavations conducted by Dr. Pamela Willoughby in Iringa have revealed the regions potential for also contributing to the study of the Middle Stone Age, the time period and technological system that coincides with the appearance of anatomically modern humans. Analysis of lithics recovered from two 1m2 test pits during 2006 test excavations at Magubike rockshelter demonstrate the site contains sequences yielding Middle Stone Age, Later Stone Age, and Iron Age materials. Michael Mehlmans lithic typology is used to place the lithics within a relative cultural historical context. Further analysis documents patterns and intensity of lithic reduction, raw material utilization, and other aspects of lithic production at Magubike throughout time.


Garcia, Anderson Marques 30 October 2012 (has links)
This paper presents the Archaeological Site of Pororó, located on the property of Mr. Lucas Somavilla (Pinhal Grande-RS), and researched through the Project for the Valorisation of Archaeological Heritage of the Fourth Colony of Italian Immigration - RS" of the Federal University of Santa Maria, under the coordination of Professor Saul Eduardo Seiguer Milder. Through the interventions was possible to realize that this site is composed of a Cerrito, demonstrating its similarities with other existing sites in Prata, and a prominent position in area and altitude (518 m), unusual for these structures. This site has only lithic materials - 10026 units - of which 52.9% are taken as constructive materials of this structure (basalt and rhyolite) and the rest as tools and refuse (basalt, rhyolite, silicified sandstone, chert, chalcedony, hyaline quartz and quartzite). The materials were analyzed with emphasis on their production methods and lithological genesis, thereby instruments were identified from the façonnage e dèbitage, and sources of local raw materials that would not exceed 7 km distance to the Cerrito. The Archaeological Site of Pororó has calibrated C14 dates between 2341 B.P. and 2692 B.P., and another obtained by OSL of 4540 ± 390 B.P.. This paper is divided into three chapters, which have consecutively: the phenomenon of Cerrito do Prata and associated ethnohistorical groups; the Archaeological Site of Pororó and its location in the landscape; and analysis of material culture obtained in field interventions. / Esse trabalho apresenta o Sítio Arqueológico do Pororó, localizado na propriedade do Sr. Lucas Somavilla (Pinhal Grande-RS), e pesquisado através do Projeto de Valorização do Patrimônio Arqueológico da Quarta Colônia de Imigração Italiana RS da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, sob coordenação do Prof. Dr. Saul Eduardo Seiguer Milder. Através das intervenções realizadas foi possível perceber que esse sítio é composto por um Cerrito, o que demonstra suas semelhanças com outros sítios existentes no Prata, e lhe concede destaque por sua posição em área e altitude (518 m) incomuns a essas estruturas. Esse sítio somente possui vestígios líticos 10026 unidades dos quais 52,9% são encarados como materiais construtivos dessa estrutura (basalto e riolito) e o restante são vistos como instrumentos e refugo (basalto, riolito, arenito silicificado, sílex, calcedônia, quartzo hialino e quartzito). Os materiais foram analisados com ênfase em seus métodos produtivos e gêneses litológicas, desse modo foram identificados instrumentos oriundos de façonnage e dèbitage, e fontes de matérias-primas locais que não ultrapassariam 7 km de distância até o Cerrito. O Sítio Arqueológico do Pororó possui datas calibradas de C14 entre 2341 A.P. e 2692 A.P., e outra obtida por LOE de 4540 ± 390 A.P.. Essa dissertação esta dividida em três capítulos, que consecutivamente apresentam: o fenômeno Cerrito do Prata e os grupos etnohistóricos associados a esse; o Sítio Arqueológico do Pororó e sua localização na paisagem; e a análise da cultura material obtida nas intervenções de campo.


Lima, Libiane Cargnin de 22 January 2010 (has links)
This search aims to discuss culture studies of lithic material present in mounds. As start point to understand this structures, as to as builders, dedicate itself to analyze of lithic collections. The pieces in question in this search are proceeding from of archaeological excavation realized in the year 2004 in hillocks denominated Butuy 1 and Butuy 2 in São Borja/RS. Our objective is to group theorical and methodological subsidy to analyze the material culture and to understand a few about way of life of mounds builders from south region of Brazil. When studied the lithic material culture, it understood the analyze of lithic material is a derivation that need in information structured that help cultural rebuilding of one or various groups. So, attentive the studies possibilities, finds itself to infer about manufacture technical and utilizations, that reported with decisions cultural and individual of changes groups. It verify that the recurrent tolls are little scrapers and retouch slices. Make´s technical is direct percussion and grate improvement of prime matter. / Este trabalho visa apresentar algumas discussões acerca dos estudos da cultura material lítica presente em montículos (cerritos). Como ponto de partida para o entendimento destas estruturas, bem como de seus construtores, voltou-se para a análise de suas coleções líticas. As peças em questão nessa pesquisa são provenientes de escavações arqueológicas efetuadas no ano de 2004 nos montículos denominados Butuy 1 e Butuy 2 em São Borja/RS. Buscou-se elencar subsídios teórico-metodológicos para analisar a cultura material e entender um pouco sobre o modo de vida dos construtores de cerritos da região sul do Brasil. Ao propor o enfoque desse estudo na cultura material lítica, entende-se que a análise do material lítico é um procedimento que auxilia na estruturação de informações que servem de base para a reconstrução cultural de um ou vários grupos. Assim, atentos às possibilidades de estudo, procurou-se inferir sobre as técnicas de manufatura e utilização, as quais estiveram de alguma maneira relacionadas com seleções e decisões em nível cultural e individual dos grupos que as transformaram. Verificou-se que os instrumentos recorrentes são pequenos raspadores e lascas retocadas. A técnica de fabricação dos artefatos incluiu a percussão direta e grande aproveitamento da matéria-prima.


Marion, Ricardo Pellegrin 11 November 2010 (has links)
This paper presents the current research in the Archaeological Site Corredor do Bolso, located at Santa Margarida do Sul munipality, Rio Grande do Sul state, Brasil. The site, excavated in 1998, was impacted by agricultural activities, but still preserved two partially intact mound structures, known in the literature as Cerritos . The studied collection is composed of chipped lithic artifacts from various raw materials and ceramic fragments. The diversity of raw materials used in chipping reflects the various geological formations of the region and the mobility of prehistoric groups for resources acquisition. The study of material culture shows the occurrence of two distinct prehistoric occupations: a hunter-gatherer group s occupation, responsible for the construction of Cerritos and a posterior Guarani horticulturalists groups. Thus, attempted to interpret the chipped materials lithic linked to the huntergatherers group and their insertion into the archaeological context in an attempt to understand the construction of Cerritos. And finally, connect these data with the Guarani occupation. / O presente trabalho visa apresentar as atuais pesquisas no Sítio Arqueológico Corredor do Bolso, localizado no município de Santa Margarida do Sul, Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. O sítio, escavado em 1998, foi impactado por atividades agrícolas, mas mesmo assim conservou parcialmente integras duas estruturas monticulares, conhecidas pela bibliografia como Cerritos . A coleção estudada é composta por artefatos líticos lascados de diversas matérias-primas e fragmentos cerâmicos. A diversidade de matérias-primas utilizadas no lascamento reflete as várias formações geológicas da região e a mobilidade dos grupos pré-históricos para a captação de recursos. A pesquisa da cultura material mostra a ocorrência de duas ocupações pré-históricas distintas: uma ocupação de grupos caçador-coletores, responsável pela construção dos cerritos e uma posterior de grupos horticultores Guarani. Assim, buscou-se interpretar os materiais líticos lascados ligados ao grupo caçador-coletor e sua inserção no contexto arqueológico na tentativa de entender a construção dos cerritos. E por fim, relacionar esses dados com a ocupação Guarani.

Late Pleistocene Hunter-Gatherer Settlement and Ecology of the Romanian Carpathians and Adjacent Areas

January 2015 (has links)
abstract: Despite nearly five decades of archaeological research in the Romanian Carpathian basin and adjacent areas, how human foragers organized their stone artifact technologies under varying environmental conditions remains poorly understood. Some broad generalizations have been made; most work in the region is concerned primarily with descriptive and definitional issues rather than efforts to explain past human behavior or human-environmental interactions. Modern research directed towards understanding human adaptation to different environments remains in its infancy. Grounded in the powerful conceptual framework of evolutionary ecology and utilizing recent methodological advances, this work has shown that shifts in land-use strategies changes the opportunities for social and biological interaction among Late Pleistocene hominins in western Eurasia, bringing with it a plethora of important consequences for cultural and biological evolution. I employ, in my Dissertation, theoretical and methodological advances derived from human behavioral ecology (HBE) and lithic technology organization to show how variability in lithic technology can explain differences in technoeconomic choices and land-use strategies of Late Pleistocene foragers in Romanian Carpathians Basin and adjacent areas. Set against the backdrop of paleoenvironmental change, the principal questions I addressed are whether or not technological variation at the beginning of the Upper Paleolithic can account for fundamental changes at its end. The analysis of the Middle and Upper Paleolithic strata, from six archaeological sites, shows that the lithic industries were different not because of biocultural differences in technological organization, landuse strategies, and organizational flexibility. Instead the evidence suggests that technoeconomic strategies, the intensity of artifact curation and how foragers used the land appear to have been more closely related to changing environmental conditions, task-specific activities, and duration of occupation. This agrees well with the results of studies conducted in other areas and with those predicted from theoretically-derived models based on evolutionary ecology. My results lead to the conclusion that human landuse effectively changes the environment of selection for hominins and their lithic technologies, an important component of the interface between humans and the natural world. Foragers move across the landscape in comparable ways in very different ecological settings, cross-cutting both biological morphotypes and prehistorian-defined analytical units. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Anthropology 2015

Regional Interaction and World-System Incorporation during the Classic Period in the Western Sierra de los Tuxtlas, Veracruz, Mexico

January 2016 (has links)
abstract: This archaeological study applies a world-systems-based approach in evaluating regional economic interaction among independent polities. It focuses specifically on interaction between local polities and Teotihuacan-affiliated populations in the Western Tuxtlas Region of the Gulf Coast of Veracruz, Mexico during the Early Classic and Middle Classic periods (A.D. 300-650). Changes in regional economics followed the founding of the Teotihuacan-linked center of Matacapan in the Catemaco River Valley. To assess these changes, this research characterizes the consumption of Matacapan-produced imports in two independent neighboring polities to reconstruct regional distribution networks and assess Matacapan’s impact on the region. The Central Highland capital of Teotihuacan had variable influence throughout Mesoamerica. One pronounced occurrence of this influence has been identified at Matacapan, which displays strong material culture and architectural connections to Teotihuacan. This research therefore employs a modified world-systems framework which removes the assumption of hierarchy and instead focuses on regional interaction within the periphery. It views the establishment of regional distribution networks centered at Matacapan that articulate with the two neighboring polities as a form of incorporation, the process wherein external groups are brought into a system. To assess incorporation, four potential Matacapan-centered networks are analyzed. These networks consist of the distribution of two ceramic types and obsidian blades produced from two sources. Artifacts from survey, surface collection, and excavation were subjected to ceramic analysis, lithic analysis, petrography, neutron activation analysis, and X-ray fluorescence analysis to identify source, form, and production technology. These data aid in determining network participation in each polity. By assessing importation in these local polities, the form and degree of their incorporation will be identified. Incorporation of indigenous polities into regional networks was not uniform within the Western Tuxtlas Region. Two Matacapan-centered networks were identified, and they differ in form and extent. One indigenous polity, Teotepec, participated in both networks while the other, Totocapan, participated in one. I argue that Teotepec’s incorporation into a second network was strategic in that it was mutually beneficial to both involved parties. Additionally, indigenous Tuxtlas’ polities were able to negotiate interaction with their Teotihuacan-affiliated neighbor for desired goods without forfeiting political or cultural autonomy. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Anthropology 2016

Industrias líticas de Huari y Tiwanaku

Bencic, Catherine M. 10 April 2018 (has links)
Lithic Industries of Huari and TiwanakuLithics in New World complex societies are often studied in terms of formal tools and specialized production, with flake tools and debitage given very little attention. However, the majority of lithic assemblages are produced by expedient or flake tool rather than more formal technologies. It is believed that as societies become more complex, energy input into lithic production is reduced. Yet in contemporary Andean cultures that share religious iconography, there is a great deal of variation in the organization of lithic technologies. In this paper, two lithic collections from Iwawi (a Tiwanaku site) and Conchopata (a Huari city) are discussed. The implications of these case studies for understanding the organization of lithic technology in Andean complex societies, and their potential for understanding Huari and Tiwanaku cultural traditions, are considered. It is concluded that Iwawi and Conchopata lithic production are distinct, and that one cannot be derived from the other. / Las industrias líticas en sociedades complejas del Nuevo Mundo han sido estudiadas principalmente en términos de herramientas formales y la producción especializada, mientras que las herramientas sobre lasca y los desechos de talla merecían menos atención. Sin embargo, la mayoría de las colecciones líticas se producen a través de tecnologías expeditivas o de lasca en vez de formas más acabadas. Se ha propuesto que la inversión energética en la producción lítica disminuye cuando se desarrolla la complejidad social. No obstante, las culturas andinas contemporáneas, las que comparten un cuerpo de iconografía religiosa, exhiben una gran variación en la organización de la industria lítica. En el presente trabajo se presentan dos colecciones líticas: de Iwawi, un yacimiento tiwanaku, y de Conchopata, una ciudad huari. Se considera la utilidad de estos ejemplos para entender la organización de la industria lítica en las sociedades complejas andinas y su potencial para entender las tradiciones culturales de Huari y Tiwanaku. Se concluye que las producciones líticas de Iwawi y Conchopata son poco similares y que una no se puede derivar de la otra.

Zooarqueologia dos sambaquis fluviais - Caraça, Estreito, Tatupeva e Lageado IV: uma leitura da paisagem sambaquieira da região de Itaoca - Vale do Ribeira de Iguape / Zooarchaeology of the Riverine Sambaquis - Caraça, Estreito, Tatupeva e Lageado IV: a reading Sambaquieira Landscape of Itaoca Region - Ribeira de Iguape Valley

Anderson Rogerio de Oliveira Tognoli 10 May 2016 (has links)
Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo principal investigar a relação entre a arqueofauna e os grupos humanos que ocuparam os sambaquis fluviais - Estreito (4124±27), Caraça (1607±24), Lageado IV (1460±60) e Tatupeva (3990±70), situados em Itaoca, no Vale do Ribeira de Iguape e, assim, contextualizar esses restos com os demais vestígios da cultura material. O emprego das abordagens - arqueofaunística, lítica e bioarqueológica - permitiu-nos discorrer sobre os processos de formação desses sítios e compreender as diferenças e semelhanças intra-sítio, envolvendo as três áreas do médio vale. / This research aimed to investigate the relationship between the archaeofauna and human groups that occupied the sambaquis fluviais (riverine sambaquis) - Estreito (4124±27), Caraça (1607±24), Lageado IV (1460±60) and Tatupeva (3990±70), located in Itaoca, Ribeira de Iguape Valley and thus contextualize these remains with the remaining traces of material culture. The use of approaches - archaeofaunal, lithic and bioarchaeological - allowed us to discuss the formation processes of these sites and understand the differences and similarities intra-site, involving the three areas of the middle valley.

A exploração dos recursos litológicos na região da Cidade de Pedra, Rondonópolis-MT / The explotation of the Lithologic resources in the region of Cidade de Pedra, Rondonópolis-Mato Grosso

Valéria Cristina Ferreira e Silva 04 April 2006 (has links)
O estudo da exploração das fontes de matérias-primas está vinculado a um entendimento do espaço em múltiplos aspectos, entre eles, o geográfico, o geológico, o biológico e, principalmente o cultural. Envolve a percepção dos recursos quanto à previsibilidade, distribuição, densidade, disponibilidade e diversidade em uma determinada área. A rocha, enquanto um desses recursos, é o objeto de estudo desse trabalho, que propõe promover uma discussão sobre as variações nas estratégias de captação e uso das matérias-primas líticas presentes na indústria de seis sítios arqueológicos inseridos na paisagem da região, hoje conhecida como Cidade de Pedra, localizada na Bacia do rio Vermelho em Rondonópolis, MT. Nessa perspectiva, foram utilizadas técnicas de mapeamento geológico e análise petrográfica a fim de localizar as possíveis fontes de captação de recursos litológicos e propiciar uma análise da potencialidade da matéria-prima lítica enquanto indicativo da dinâmica entre as atividades humanas e a paisagem. Dessa forma, foi possível verificar que a apropriação das matérias-primas varia entre os sítios arqueológicos, indicando a exploração de diferentes fontes de recursos petrográficos, sendo que a área abrangida para coleta de matérias-primas líticas pode atingir aproximadamente 20 quilômetros. / The research into the exploitation of raw material sources is linked to the understanding of space in multiple aspects such as geographical, geological, biological and most af all its cultural characteristics. It involves having insights into the predictability, distribution, density and diversity of resources within a specific area. Rocks, as one of these resources, are the study object of this project which aims at carrying out a discussion about the varying strategies for collecting and using lithological raw material found on the works of four archeological sites in the region nowadays known as Cidade de Pedra (Stone City), within the Vermelho river basin in Rondonópolis. Aiming at this, geological mapping and petrographical analysis techniques were used in order to locate potential collecting sources for lithological raw material. By doing so, visited areas could be determined to offer the possibility of analyzing the potentiality of the lithological material as an indicator of the dynamics between human activities and the landscape. It was then possible to confirm that appropriation of raw material fluctuates from one archeological site to another, indicating different methods of exploitation of petrographic resources, considering that the collection of lithological material covers an area of up to 20 kilometers.

Riacho das Relíquiias: Contribuição aos Estudos de SÍítios a Céu Aberto em CARNAÚBA DOS DANTAS – RN, BRASIL

SALDANHA, Rafael Sebastian Medeiros 28 August 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Fabio Sobreira Campos da Costa (fabio.sobreira@ufpe.br) on 2016-07-26T14:32:15Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Rafael Saldanha. Riacho das Relíquias_contribuição aos estudos de sítios a céu aberto em Carnaúba dos Dantas-RN, Brasil.pdf: 6192538 bytes, checksum: bedde2d87beb747a3f0de749f9e3a1d4 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-26T14:32:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Rafael Saldanha. Riacho das Relíquias_contribuição aos estudos de sítios a céu aberto em Carnaúba dos Dantas-RN, Brasil.pdf: 6192538 bytes, checksum: bedde2d87beb747a3f0de749f9e3a1d4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-08-28 / O sítio arqueológico Riacho das Relíquias localiza-se na microrregião do Seridó potiguar, no município de Carnaúba dos Dantas, cujas pesquisas arqueológicas se desenvolvem desde o início da década de oitenta do século XX. O presente trabalho caracteriza o material arqueológico disposto no sítio de acordo com sua tecno-tipologia. Como o Sítio Riacho das Relíquias sofre perturbação natural todos os anos, como enxurradas, formando ravinas, não foi possível estabelecer áreas funcionais e cronologia. A reconstrução histórico-cultural do Seridó continua com o sistemático objetivo de relacionar os dados das pesquisas realizadas na região. Esta relação conseguiu ampliar o horizonte cultural das tradições pictóricas, estabelecendo, inclusive, dados cronológicos. Acredita-se, então, que podemos dispor de mais um recente estudo acerca de outras áreas de atividade dos grupos pretéritos desta região. Através da análise da localização, distribuição espacial dos vestígios arqueológicos, principalmente do material lítico do sitio Riacho das Relíquias, pretende-se continuar com os trabalhos realizados na região do Seridó, sob novas perspectivas: a aracterização da indústria lítica a céu-aberto, com o estudo de caso do Riacho das Relíquias. Desta forma, dar-se- á mais um passo para a compreensão da ocupação do Seridó por grupos pretéritos. O trabalho tem como objetivo caracterizar tipotecnologicamente os artefatos em superfície, lítico e cerâmico, e compreender a distribuição destes. De forma que, ao confrontar as informações obtidas nesta pesquisa com os dados de mais 2 sítios a céu aberto já estudados, o sítio Lajedo e o sítio Baixa do Umbuzeiro, tornar possível a observação de quais elementos arqueológicos são identificados nos três sítios e o que pode se concluir desta distribuição de superfície. Para alcançar o objetivo proposto, foi necessário delinear o perfil técno-tipológico do sítio Riacho das relíquias e estabelecer a relação do espaço vestigial entre o referido sítio e os sítios Lajedo e Baixa do umbuzeiro, também a céu aberto. / The archaeological site of Riacho das Relíquias is located in Seridó potiguar´s microregion, in the city of Carnaúba dos Dantas, whose archaeological researches have been developed since the beginning of the twentieth century´s eighties. The archaeological sites under protection were object of study to several researchers that worked or still work in this area. Though, the researches with open pit sites started and a new approach is being drawn for this region. The site Riacho das Relíquias has 380 m of middle height and is located in a valleys´ area, cutted by the brook that named it. The erosion process caused disturbance in the site, due to the brook´s temporary water stream. The sites located in fluvial terraces are described and inserted in a pre-defined rating in the braziliang archeology as encampment sites, based on natural periods of rivers´ floodand drought. Thus, this work features the archaeological material disposed in the site in according to his techno-typology. Once he site Riacho das Relíquias suffers natural disturbance every year, it was not possible to set up functional areas and chronology. The Seridó´s cultural historical reconstruction continues with the systematic aim of list the data from researches developed in the region. This register could broaden the cultural horizon of the pictorial traditions, setting up chronological data. Then, it is believed that is possible to dispose from one more recent study about other areas of activity from primitive groups in this region.

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