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<p>How LoRa/LoRaWAN performance evaluation
in various environmental scenarios has been an active research topic for
researchers, and there are many existing works carried out in outdoor
scenarios. On top of that, it is necessary to study how LoRa/LoRaWAN performs
in indoor environments as one of the fast-growing IoT network mechanisms.
However, few studies are found to work on LoRa and LoRaWAN performance
evaluation in indoor scenarios. This study focuses on a real-world
experiment to understand how LoRa radio signals behave according to its
physical layer parameter settings.</p><p>Data is collected
through real-world experiments in a campus environment. The experiments for
data sample collection were conducted in September 2021 in the Purdue Campus
area in West Lafayette, Indiana, United States. LoRa transceivers with
the SX1276 module are deployed operating in the 915MHz
frequency band on both LoRa RX and TX end nodes in this study. The data transmitted between
LoRa transmitter and LoRa receiver is packet-sized (17 bytes) messages. </p><p>For data collection, LoRa module is
configured with 36 PHY parameter settings – three spreading factors (7, 9, 11),
three signal bandwidths (125kHz, 250kHz, 500kHz), and four coding rates (4/5,
4/6, 4/7, 4/8). Test devices are the Dragino LoRa shields equipped with SX1276
radio modules in 915MHz frequency bands. The experiment is conducted at three
different distances – 10m, 20m, and 40m – between LoRa TX node and LoRa RX node
in indoor office buildings in Purdue University West Lafayette Campus, US.</p>
<p>The RSSI and SNR are measured to
characterize the link performance of Lora. The Received Signal Strength
Indication (RSSI) and Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) are two Physical level
indicators available on wireless radio chips. In addition to them, the LoRa
communication reliability is calculated based on the Received Packet Ratio
(RPR) out of transmitted packets with different PHY settings at each distance.</p>
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Metodik för trådlös dataöverföring från damminstrumentering till en mätdatabastitelStanowski, Michael January 2021 (has links)
Hydropower dams have been helping our society with electricity production for a long time now. In the past there have been several serious dam accidents in many parts of the world and the continuous work with dam safety is very important to Swedish hydropower industry. There are many measurements that must be recorded and analysed in order to guarantee safe operations and there are several ongoing digitisation projects that focus on that area of interest. This master thesis project was done in cooperation with Vattenfall R&D and its main focus was measuring of the water level in open stand pipes with wireless sensors using LoRa radio technology. This aspect is important since this water level represents the uplift pressure that acts on gravity dams and how it varies over time. The goal of this thesis was to accumulate knowledge about wireless transmission from sensors and to analyse and evaluate the proposed, LoRa-based system. This goal was met by conducting a literature study about wireless transmission from sensors and different aspects of the LoRa-technology, performing practical test of the proposed system and finally by doing a risk analysis with focus on potential attack paths into the system. The study showed that even though LoRa is a quite new technology, it has matured fast enough to be of interest for dam safety monitoring applications and it also provides relatively high level of security in the most cases. There are unfortunately several methods of jamming or disrupting the system, which could be potentially used by a malicious entity. The motivation level for this kind of attack was deemed to be low since the data transferred is of no interest for a third party. Apart from such potential attacks, LoRa is a technology that is well suited for applications in the hydroelectric sector that do not require large transmission capacities because of its low energy usage and the ability to connect to several sensors placed at larger distances. Several minor problems were discovered during the practical tests that were conducted during this project but those were solved quickly in dialogue with the supplier, Iot AB and the manufacturer, Keller. The nature of those tests was quite improvised since a standardised test procedure for such innovative solutions is lacking. Nevertheless, those tests were concluded with satisfying results. The test installation of the system at the power plant was performed well and all parts of the system functioned as expected. The results pointed to the conclusion that the system was functioning correctly and there is a good potential for a wide implementation despite its potential security risks. Teknisk-naturvetenskapliga fakulteten, Uppsala universitet. Utgivningsort U ppsal a/Visby. H andledare: Christi an Bernstone, Äm nesgranskare: Urban Lundin, Exami nator: Petra Jönsson
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Estudio de la cobertura de la modulación LoRa en la banda de 915[Mhz] en un ambiente urbanoJiménez Ballart, Daniel Antonio January 2018 (has links)
Ingeniero Civil Eléctrico / Grandes empresas relacionadas a la innovación en telecomunicaciones a nivel mundial como
IBM, CISCO y Nokia están desarrollando nuevas tecnologías y servicios para el Internet
of Things (IoT), entre ellas nuevas técnicas de modulación de señales, como Chirp Spread
Spectrum (CSS), que han permitido la creación de un nuevo tipo de redes de bajo consumo
y grandes áreas de cobertura. El termino acuñado para estas redes es Low Power Wide Area
Networks (LPWAN) y ellas se caracterizan por lograr rangos de cobertura del orden de los
kilómetros, pero con un consumo de energía mínimo que permite mantener los nodos de la red
por años en funcionamiento de manera remota sin un cambio de batería. El desarrollo de este
nuevo tipo de redes va de la mano con la aparición de las Wireless Sensor Network (WSN),
redes ubicuas y redes mesh acercándonos a un futuro en donde se pueda conocer y controlar
diversos aspectos de nuestro entorno de forma remota, en tiempo real y a bajo costo.
La tecnología estudiada en este trabajo es LoRa la cual permite enviar información con
un bajo costo energético y ser recibida a largas distancias gracias a sus altos niveles de
sensibilidad (-130[dBm]). En este trabajo se explicarán en detalle los fundamentos de estas
características y se mostrará el análisis gráfico de un radio-enlace de LoRa en un ambiente
El estudio fue llevado a cabo en la ciudad de Santiago Chile, en la intersección de las
comunas de Macul y Ñuñoa. Se integraron distintos Hardwares para crear un sistema de
comunicación inalámbrico LoRa que opera en la banda ISM de 915[MHz] y permite asociar los
parámetros del radio enlace con su respectiva posición georreferenciada. Fue posible obtener
rangos de buena cobertura entre los 500[m] y los 700[m], y ademas se encontraron zonas
de cobertura adicional a aproximadamente 1[km] de distancia entre el nodo transmisor y la
estación base.
Esta memoria es parcialmente financiada por Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo Chile,
con el objetivo de desarrollar pruebas reales que permitan analizar y validar los resultados
teóricos ofrecidos por esta nueva tecnología y además hacerse del Know How necesario para
utilizar estas tecnologías en desarrollos nacionales. / Este trabajo ha sido parcialmente financiado por Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo Chile
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Kretskortsdesign för uppkopplat cykellåsKuylenstierna, Edvin January 2020 (has links)
The goal with this degree project has been to design a circuit board for an existing bicycle lock that will be able to prevent bicycle theft by sending an alarm. The bicycle lock will be communicating with the radio protocol LoRa and send an alarm with the position to the user. An alarm is detected using an accelerometer which detects changes in movement and the position is obtained with the help of a GPS receiver. The method for the project has been divided into four parts which is the following: component selection, component verification, programming of development card and finally design of circuit board. The components of the system have been tested using Arduino and breadboard to verify that the concept works. After that, a circuit board has been designed that can meet the defined requirements for this work.
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Virtualizing and simulating LoRaWAN : An experimental approach to virtualizing and simulating a network environment to stress test a LoRaWAN network.Rodin, Daniel January 2022 (has links)
The goal of this individual assignment work has been to implement a experimental environment to load and stress test a virtualized LoRaWAN network together with a LoRa simulation tool through the use of open source software. By researching theory and open source software connected to IoT, LoRa, LoRaWAN, virtualization, simulation and monitoring a experimental environment was implemented for launching test scenarios to stress and load test the virtualized LoRaWAN network. The experimental environment is built on the researched and chosen software Proxmox, Chirpstack, Lorhammer, Prometheus, Grafana and Wireshark. The resulting implementation rendered measurable results in regards to system load, incoming network traffic and UDP errors handled by the Chirpstack Network server through simulated LoRa network scenarios configured for the Lorhammer simulation tool.
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Wireless Time Tracking using RFID and LoRaNyhlén, Jesper, Andersson Ekström, Max January 2017 (has links)
Detta arbete utfördes i samarbete med Blekinge Idrottsförbund, huvudsyftet var att utforska teknologier som kunde användas för implementationen av ett tidtagningssystem samt att utveckla en prototyp för detta system. Teknologierna som undersöktes är Radio-frequency identification (RFID) och Low-Power Wide-Area Network (LPWAN). Arbetet utfördes agilt med ett flertal olika faser som alla hårdvarumoduler gick igenom, dessa inkluderar förstudie-, utveckling-, experiment- och testfaser. Undersökningen som gjordes var empirisk med fokus på experiment och kvasi-experiment. Denna undersökning ledde till utvecklandet av en prototyp för ett tidtagnings system. Största delen av arbetet utfördes i OpenLabs på Blekinge Tekniska Högskola i Karlskrona. Några av frågorna som besvarades under arbetet handlade om avläsningen av RFID-taggar, där bl.a. hastigheten och antennområde vid avläsning undersöktes. För LPWAN besvarades frågorna om maximal räckvidd samt bandbredd för en LoRa-modul. Resultaten från arbetet blev att LoRamodulen kunde kommunicera upp till 2,36 km från markhöjd i stadsmiljö och att RFID-läsaren kunde läsa av taggar stabilt i hastigheter upp till 30 km/h på avstånd upp till 2,4 m. Detta innebär att begränsningarna och olika variabler identifierats för att kunna optimera och fortsätta utvecklingen av prototypen.
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Sensorsystem för farliga luftburna ämnen inom räddningstjänst / Sensor system for dangerous airborne substances within rescure serviceEvansson, Aleksi, Gustafsson, Martin, Hennings, Mathilde, Johansson, Alexander, Lång, Elise, Stål, Gustav, Widén, Ludvig, Öhrström, Frans January 2021 (has links)
Denna rapport beskriver ett kandidatarbete som utfördes av åtta studenter i kursen TDDD96 - Kandidatprojekt i programvaruutvecklingvid Linköpings universitet våren 2021. Projektet handlade om att skapa ett system för att spåra och visualisera förekomsten av farliga ämnen som kan förekomma på olycksplatser och på så sätt underlätta räddningstjänstens arbete. Resultatet av projektet bestod av en sensorenhet som fästs på räddningspersonalens hjälm. Sensorenheten detekterar halten butan, vätgas, ammoniak, sulfider och bensen i luften och skickar dessa värden tillsammans med GPS och acceleration till en instrumentbräda. Där visas all data och kan användas avbakre led. Rapporten beskriver projektets arbete beställt av forskningsgruppen Ubiquitous Computing and Analytics Group vid Institutionen för Datavetenskap på Linköpings universitet. Teorin kring systemet lägger grunden till förståelse av rapporten, samt hur arbete kan effektiviseras med hjälp av till exempel Scrum, parprogrammering och ärendespårning (eng.issue tracking). Rapporten redovisar även projektets resultat och hur den slutgiltiga produktens hårdvara, server och användargränssnitt fungerar. Till sist presenteras gruppmedlemmarnas individuella bidrag som innehåller djupdykningar inom olika områden med koppling till projektet.
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Development and design of a prototype for monitoring the water level in water wells using LoRaWANDalkic, Yurdaer, Alshekhly, Zoubida January 2018 (has links)
En översvämning kan inträffa när som helst och var som helst i världen. En översvämning börjar när vattennivån ökar, särskilt i dagvattenbrunnar i stadsområden. Genom att utnyttja de olika moderna teknologier som Internet of Things (IoT), förluster som orsakas av en översvämning kan minskas. Därför behövs en IoT-lösning för att övervaka vattennivån i brunnarna.Syftet med denna avhandling är att undersöka hur man konstruerar och implementerar ett IoT-baserat system som övervakar vattennivån för att bygga en prototyp med LoRaWAN teknologi. Konstruktionen av prototypen utförs genom att följa stegen i en iterativ systemutvecklingsmetod. Prototypen använder ett offentligt Lora-nätverk, särskilt The Things Network (TTN). Prototypens funktioner är att mäta vattennivån med en ultraljudssensor, sända mätdata via LoRa till TTN och visualisera data på en visualiserings plattform "Cayenne" i realtid. Systemet är testad i en laboratoriemiljö. Resultaten av den konstruerade prototypen visar att den mäter vattennivån och skickar mätdata när vattennivåns tillstånd ändras. Dessutom visualiseras datan på visualiserings plattformen Cayenne. / A flood may occur anytime and anywhere in the world. A flood starts when the water level increases, especially, in the wells in the urban areas. By taking advantage of the modern technology, such as Internet of Things (IoT), the losses caused by the flood can be reduced. Therefore, an IoT-solution is needed for monitoring the water level in the wells.The aim of this thesis is to investigate how to design and implement an IoT-based system that monitors the water level to build a prototype using LoRaWAN technology. Building the prototype is done by following the steps of an iterative system development method. The prototype uses a Lora public network, specifically The Things Network (TTN). The functions of the prototype are measuring the water level by an ultrasound sensor, sending the measurement data through LoRa to TTN, and visualizing the data on the "Cayenne" dashboard in real-time. The system is tested in a lab environment. The results of the constructed prototype show that the prototype measures the water level and sends the measurement data whenever the state of the water level is changed. Additionally, the data is visualized on the Cayenne dashboard.
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Wireless Gas Sensor Nodes : With focus on Long Range (LoRa) communicationKihlberg, David, Ebrahimi, Amir January 2020 (has links)
Greenhouse gas emissions in indoor or outdoor areas are dangerous and can have short- or long-term effects on people’s health. There are several methods to monitor the air quality in such environments. This thesis project attempts to design and evaluate a wireless sensor network with two main characteristics such as long range and low power consumption. The sensor network is built upon Long Range Wide Area Network (LoRaWAN) protocol and is composed of sensor nodes and gateways. The sensor nodes are built upon a Raspberry Pi model 3B, a LoRa SX1276 transceiver and gas sensors. The sensors are intended to measure CO2, CH4, temperature, pressure and relative humidity. The collected data is then logged and sent to The Things Network (TTN) via a backhaul connection.
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Remote MPPT measurementand logging system for solar modulesWestberg, Viktor, Eklund, Alexander January 2023 (has links)
We have designed and built a remote measurement system for evaluating the long-termperformance of solar photovoltaic (PV) modules. The system consists of a measurementdevice connected to the solar module which keeps the PV module at Maximum PowerPoint (MPP) and continuously measures the voltage and current at this point. Themeasurement device is battery powered and able to operate using power delivered by thePV module. The remaining power is dissipated in a MOSFET transistor. The measuredinformation is sent over LoRa radio to a receiver which inserts the data points over Wi-Fito the database InfluxDB for long-term storage and later examination
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