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En oscillatorbank till en lågfrekvensradar : LORA/VHF / An oscillator bank for a low-frequency radar : LORA/VHFBlom, Martin January 2004 (has links)
<p>The goal of this thesis work is to enable an existing UHF radar to operate in the VHF band instead. In order to achieve this, new coherent local oscillators are required. Different options are suggested and one of them is implemented and analyzed.</p>
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En oscillatorbank till en lågfrekvensradar : LORA/VHF / An oscillator bank for a low-frequency radar : LORA/VHFBlom, Martin January 2004 (has links)
The goal of this thesis work is to enable an existing UHF radar to operate in the VHF band instead. In order to achieve this, new coherent local oscillators are required. Different options are suggested and one of them is implemented and analyzed.
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Softwarově definované rádio pro technologii LoRaWAN / Software defined radio for LoRaWAN technologyPospíšil, Ondřej January 2019 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with the description of LPWAN technologies focused on LoRaWAN technology in the theoretical part. The next part deals with description and analyzing of LoRaWAN protocol. In theoretical part also security elements of the LoRaWAN protocol are discussed and LoRaWAN 1.0.2 and 1.1.x versions are compared. The thesis also deals with LoRaWAN tapping and its decryption, both on the physical layer and the MAC protocol layer LoRaWAN. The thesis shows how to use software-defined radio to listen to LoRaWAN communication. Lastly, a replay attack and fake message over the fake session are performed
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Terénní senzorová síť pro mikroklimatologická měření / Field sensor network for microclimatological measurementsJuráň, Radovan January 2020 (has links)
Tato práce je zaměřena na návrh terénní bezdrátové senzorové sítě pro mikroklimatologická měření, zejména výronů juvenilního oxidu uhličitho v oblasti hydrotermílního krasu, založené na LoRaWAN. V teoretické části práce je předložen přehled cílové oblasti, možností řešení měření, získávání a přenosu dat. Praktická část se pak věnuje kompletnímu návrhu celého systému, to znamená od měřicího zařízení přes koncentrátor a gateway až po backend odesílání dat do cloudového úložiště. Výsledky tohoto komplexního problému jsou prezentovány průběžně a přílohy obsahují detailnější a názornější ukázky.
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Sběr a cloudové vyhodnocení dat z vícepásmových solárních senzorů / Multiband solar sensors data acquisition and cloud processingHertl, Vít January 2020 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce staví na základech položených v rámci semestrální práce se stejným názvem. Na začátku jsou nejprve uvedeny základní vlastnosti slunečního záření nutné k pochopení výpočtu tzv. performance ratio. Dále jsou popsány solární senzory vyvinuty v ReRa Solutions, které byly zdrojem dat. V následné literární rešerši jsou zkoumány alternativy k nespolehlivému Wi-Fi připojení senzoru a za nejvýhodnější řešení je považována LoRa. V praktické části je detailně popsán proces návrhu a vývoje single page aplikace. Tato aplikace umožňuje jak ukládání dat ze senzorů do databáze, tak jejich opětovné čtení a zobrazení zpět uživateli ve srozumitelné podobě. Aplikace těží z využití moderních programovacích jazyků a frameworků (např. Kotlin, Spring, TypeScript, React, Material-UI). Databázový model, který byl navržen na základně skutečného využití, představuje koncept tzv. monitorované oblasti, což přináší široké konfigurační možnosti. Poté byl model přenesen do databáze ve formě programovatelných entit. Komunikace mezi klientem a serverem podporující autentifikaci na základě uživatelských rolí byla implementována přes REST API. Přes grafické rozhraní aplikace je možné konfigurovat prostředí podle uživatelských požadavků a zobrazit interaktivní grafy obsahující senzory naměřená data. Aplikace byla nasazena v Google Cloudu s oddělenou databází.
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Lokalizace uvnitř budov pomocí technologie LoRa / LoRa-based indoor localizationŠimka, Marek January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on possible utilization of LoRa (Long Range) technology for indoor localization purposes. In this thesis, the starter kit SK-iM282A is used to create a LoRa-based wireless link in the 2.4 GHz ISM band. Main attention is focused on the experimental localization using the RSSI method in the various transmission environments, including a description of the localization principle, the procedure of processing the measured data and the evaluation of localized coordinates. The rightness of the proposed measurement setup and methodology is verified by extensive measurements in various environments and compared with state-of-the-art article.
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Ljudhändelsedetektor med distribueradeLoRa-anslutna akustiska sensorer / Sound event detector using distributed LoRa-connected acoustic sensorsAlrashid, Ivan January 2021 (has links)
Att detektera ljudnivå ger mycket information i stadsområde såsom bullernivå, antal skottlossningar, antal kollisioner och detekterar plats på en ljudkälla. I detta projekt monteras en ljuddetektor som kommunicera via LoRa Long Range när ljudet överstiger ett tröskelvärde. Ljuddetektorn implementeras som en fristående modul bestående av tre befintliga moduler. Modulerna som används i projektet innefattar: Lopy4 med Expansionskort 3.1, GPS modul och Ljud sensor Ljudnivån, batterinivå, koordinater, datum och tid överförs via LoRa-nät till en gateway och vidare till The Thing of Network, TTN websidan och samtidigt sparas data lokalt i ett SD minneskort när ljudet överstiger ett tröskelvärde. Tröskelvärdet kan modifieras efter användarens önskningar. / Detecting noise levels explains a lot in urban areas such as noise levels, number of shots, and number of collisions. In this project, a sound detector is installed that communicates via LoRa, Long Range when the sound exceeds a threshold value. The sound detector is implemented as a stand-alone module consisting of three existing modules. The modules used in the project include Lopy4 with Expansion Card 3.1, GPS module, and Sound sensor. The sound level, battery level, coordinates, date, and time are transferred via LoRa to a gateway and on to The Thing of Network, TTN website, and at the same time data is saved locally in an SD memory card when the sound exceeds a threshold. The threshold can be modified according to the user's wishes.
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Arduino-Based Radio Technology System for Bird Protection : Wind Farm Application ApproachGullipalli, Raashita, Golla, Kiran Kumar January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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A Resource and Criticality Aware Cyber-Physical System with Robots for Precision Animal AgricultureUpinder Kaur (16642614) 26 July 2023 (has links)
<p>Precision livestock farming (PLF) has emerged as a solution to address global challenges related to food scarcity, increasing demand for animal products, slim profit margins in livestock production, and growing societal concerns regarding farm animal welfare. By offering individualized care for animals, PLF aims to provide labor savings, enhanced monitoring, and improved control capabilities within complex farming systems, enabled by digital technologies. The adoption of an individual-centric approach to farming through PLF is anticipated to enhance farm productivity and ensure ethical treatment of animals while mitigating concerns associated with labor shortages in modern intensive farming operations. Real-time continuous monitoring of each animal enables precise and accurate health and well-being management. However, to achieve these benefits, large-scale animal farms require commercially viable technological solutions for individualized care and welfare. Cyber-physical systems (CPSs) offer precise monitoring and control and present a promising avenue for PLF but pose significant implementation challenges.</p>
<p> In this work, a generalizable CPS architecture was formalized with active robotic nodes that can realize adaptive continuous real-time animal health monitoring to maximize productivity, animal welfare, and sustainability. Taking the example of dairy farming, a resource- and criticality-aware CPS was developed that enables real-time resource-aware sensing, adaptive control, and agile networking with an emphasis on handling emergencies autonomously. Using a decentralized approach, each node was made capable of optimizing its operation to be resource conscious, while also being able to identify emergency conditions in real-time. In this novel design, we accommodate the social dynamics of the herd and effectively address the various types of emergencies possible in PLF. Moreover, the communication was customized for the unique needs of animal agriculture, wherein it reduced latency and power consumption while ensuring collision-free two-way synchronization with adaptive range extension for emergency conditions. Further, since the CPS was centered around animals, a special robust security layer was also developed and implemented to protect the active embodied nodes against known and unknown malicious attacks. The proposed CPS reference architecture provides a foundation for implementing individualized care and welfare, ultimately improving the efficiency and sustainability of livestock operations.</p>
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Cellular Air Quality Sensors with LoRa Backchannel A Robust Sensor Suited for Remote Deployment in Harsh EnvironmentsMiera, Joseph R 11 December 2024 (has links) (PDF)
Air quality significantly impacts health and overall quality of life, making its measurement essential. However, most affordable air quality devices are designed only for use within WiFi range and cannot handle extreme temperatures, limiting their usefulness for people in remote or extreme environments, such as regions with harsh winter climates. This limitation is concerning, as winter often brings worse air quality due to temperature inversions that trap pollutants and increase fuel burning for heating. Inversion is a problem as close to home as Utah Valley, and as far away as Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Most low-cost air quality sensors are not built for rural, remote, or mobile locations, leaving these areas underserved by current technology. To address this gap, we developed a durable air quality sensor designed for long-term use in harsh, frontier environments. Our sensor performs reliably in extreme climates, withstanding temperatures as low as -40°C, and ensures dependable data collection and remote storage. Equipped with robust wireless networking, it uses cellular technology for real-time data transmission and features a secondary Long Range (LoRa) radio, enabling coverage in areas without cellular service.
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