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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Scheduling of human resources at recurring events at RF-SISU / Schemaläggning utav personal till ett återkommande evenemang för RF-SISU Östergötland

Handanagic, Anes January 2021 (has links)
<p>Examensarbetet är utfört vid Institutionen för teknik och naturvetenskap (ITN) vid Tekniska fakulteten, Linköpings universitet</p>

Greening Logistics : Implementation of Green Logistics Practices Through Interaction

Simm, Niklas January 2021 (has links)
The greening of our logistics systems has become a concern for many more than just those that operate and find themselves within supply chains. One of the organizations that accounts for a large share of negative environmental impact is the logistics service providers (LSPs), often responsible for the management and operation of transports. However, LSPs cannot be held solely accountable, as their services are procured from shippers in need of shipping goods to their customers. Additionally, many shippers affect the environmental performance of the logistics systems, both with their own operations and what they request from LSPs but also their promises to customers. By interacting with each other, organizations can share resources, information, and knowledge, as these items are required for implementing green logistics practices (GLPs). With additional resources, information, and knowledge, LSPs can implement GLPs successfully, without needing to procure or acquire resources, information, or knowledge, elsewhere. Therefore, the purpose of this licentiate thesis is to explore how supply chain interaction can facilitate logistics service providers to implement green logistics practices. The research in this thesis is both explorative and descriptive. The purpose is explorative, but to fulfill the purpose, GLPs must be described to include the need for interaction. Building on the description of GLPs is the exploration of forms of interactions that occur when implementing GLPs. Lastly, the interactions are explored throughout the implementation process to investigate how the interactions are characterized in the different phases that constitute the implementation process. Throughout the analysis and discussion, several important organizations for the LSP to interact with are identified; this includes shippers, technology providers, as well as actors within the LSPs. Different forms of interaction, which includes both internal and external interaction with different organizations and actors, are suggested in order for LSPs to acquire the information, resources, and knowledge necessary to implement GLPs. Additionally, the forms of interactions between organizations and actors changed with the implementation process, which suggests that different phases characterize both the interactions that occur and the need for interaction. Finally, it is proposed that supply chain interaction facilitates the LSPs to implement GLPs, by allowing the LSP to acquire information, knowledge, and resources through communication, trust, and commitment with other organizations or actors. The main contribution of this licentiate thesis to research and the green logistics literature is the identification of the need to have various forms of interaction with different organizations and actors when implementing GLPs. This illustrates that other organizations than the shipper can have information, resources, or knowledge that can facilitate LSPs to implement GLPs, instead of the LSP acquiring similar information, resources, or knowledge elsewhere and by themselves. Additionally, as interaction is a "two-way street", it allows access to valuable items and requires items offered in exchange for those items. Therefore, it is suggested to have various forms of external interaction with other organizations or internal interaction with actors within the same organizations. Thus, the interactions become less costly to withhold, and as the purpose of the interaction is to mitigate the cost of implementing GLPs, the finalized cost of implementing GLPs becomes lower. The contribution to practice instead helps organizations to highlight that interaction with key organizations can facilitate the implantation of GLPs and thus facilitate the much-required greening of our logistics systems. / Att göra våra logistiksystem grönare, har blivit en angelägenhet för fler än de som befinner sig och verkar i försörjningskedjorna. En typ av organisation som står för en stor del av den negativa påverkan som logistiken ger upphov till är logistiktjänsteleverantörer (LSPs), vilka ansvarar för och utför merparten av transporterna i logistiksystemen. Däremot kan inte enbart LSPs hållas ansvariga för utsläpp och den negativa miljöpåverkan som uppstår i logistiksystemet, eftersom deras tjänster upphandlas av varuägare, som behöver få ut gods till sina kunder. Dessutom påverkar många varuägare miljöprestandan i logistiksystemen genom sina egna handlingar men också genom vad de begär och kräver av LSPs samt utlovar till sina kunder. Genom interaktion, kan organisationer dela resurser, information, och kunskap, som krävs för att implementera gröna logistiklösningar (GLPs). Med ytterligare resurser, information och kunskap kan LSPs implementera GLPs framgångsrikt, utan att behöva förskaffa eller köpa resurser, information eller kunskap på annat håll. Därför är syftet i den här licentiatavhandlingen att utforska hur interaktion kan främja LSP att implementera GLPs. Forskningen i den här licentiatavhandlingen är både explorativ och deskriptiv. Syftet är explorativt, men för att kunna uppnå syftet, måste GLPs beskrivas på ett sätt så de innefattar interaktion. Baserad på den beskrivningen, kan former av interaktion som uppstår när GLPs implementeras utforskas. Slutligen så utforskas interaktionerna genom implementeringsprocessen, för att undersöka hur interaktionerna som uppstår karaktäriseras i olika faser som utgör implementeringsprocessen. I analysen identifieras flera viktiga organisationer för LSP att interagera med när GLP implementeras. Dessa är varuägare, teknikleverantörer samt interna aktörer inom LSP. Olika former av interaktion, vilket inkluderar både extern och intern interaktion föreslås som nödvändigt för att tillgodogöra sig information, resurser, och kunskap som behövs för att implementera GLPs. Dessutom, förekom det att formerna av interaktionerna kunde ändras genom implementeringsprocessen, vilket föreslår att interaktionsbehovet förändras genom olika faser. Slutligen, föreslås det att interaktion kan främja LSPs att implementera GLPs genom att tillåta LSP att skaffa resurser, information, och kunskap genom kommunikation, tillit, och engagemang till andra organisationer eller aktörer. Licentiatavhandlingens huvudsakliga bidrag till forskning och den gröna logistiklitteraturen är identifieringen av behovet att ha olika former av interaktion med olika organisationer och aktörer när GLPs implementeras. Detta illustrerar att andra organisationer än varuägare kan ha information, resurser, eller kunskap som behövs för att LSPs ska kunna implementera GLPs, istället för att LSP ska skaffa liknande resurser på egen hand. Dessutom, eftersom interaktion sker mellan två parter och i två riktningar, så ger det möjligheten att få tillgång till värdefulla föremål (ex. information eller resurser), men det kräver också att det skjuts in föremål. Därför föreslås det att man bör ha olika former av interaktion, eftersom det gör att interaktionerna blir mindre krävande att upprätthålla. Eftersom syftet är att främja LSP att implementera GLPs, så blir den slutliga kostnaden för att implementera GLPs lägre, om interaktionerna är så effektiva som möjligt i termer av resurser, information, eller kunskap som läggs in i interaktionerna. Bidraget till praktiker är istället att interaktion kan hjälpa organisationer inse att interaktion kan möjliggöra implementeringen av GLPs, eftersom det tillåter organisation att skaffa resurser, information, och kunskap som krävs för att implementera GLPs.

Analys av flödesoptimering på Haldex Landskrona : En studie av storvolyms- och lågvolymsflöden

Nerme, Martin, Hammarstedt, Philip January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Implementeringen av autonoma truckar på Bäckebols paketavdelning. : En studie som vägleder terminalen Bäckebol i sitt arbete med implementeringen av autonoma truckar. / The implementation of autonomous trucks in Bäckebols parcel department. : A study that guides the Bäckebol terminal in their work with the implementation of autonomous trucks.

Johansson, Simon, Stade, Benjamin January 2023 (has links)
The questions for the study are what kind of warehouse layout and strategies the Bäckebol terminal, which is part of the DB Schenker group, can use for when introducing autonomous trucks. This is to optimize the value of the autonomous trucks and to analyze whether a warehouse layout and strategy work can lead to winning competitive advantages. The purpose of the study is to decipher how the analyses can help Bäckebol to adapt their warehouse layout and strategy work to the implementation of autonomous trucks and how this can generate competitive advantages. It can be problematic to implement autonomous trucks in an already existing business. Before the use of autonomous trucks, planning work must be done; that is, one must plan how best autonomous trucks are optimized. The planning work is about what type of warehouse layout the terminal wants and what strategies the terminal wants to use. The method of the study is as follows: Design of the study, the choice of method, the interview process, the observation process, acquisition of supplementary data, credibility and generalizability, ethical considerations, and our role in the DB Schenker Group. The respondents in the study were: The deputy at the Borås terminal, the terminal manager at Bäckebol and the haulage manager at TGM &amp; BÅÅB. The observations were made at Borås terminal and Bäckebol terminal, both terminals belong to the DB Schenker group. The choice to carry out observations in Borås was made to determine if there were parts in the Borås terminal's layout that could have been applied in Bäckebol. The tandem layout is highlighted as the best alternative for a layer layout and the simulation strategy as a necessary strategy in the implementation work. / Frågeställningarna för studien är vad Bäckebolterminalen, som är en del av DB Schenker koncernen, kan använda sig av för lagerlayout och strategier vid implementeringen av de autonoma truckarna. Detta för att optimera den autonoma truckens värde och även analysera om en lagerlayout och ett strategiarbete kan leda till vunna konkurrensfördelar. Syftet med studien är att tyda hur analyserna kan hjälpa Bäckebol till att anpassa sin lagerlayout och sitt strategiarbete till implementeringen av de autonoma truckarna och hur deras lagerlayout kan anpassas till implementeringen av de autonoma truckarna för att generera konkurrensfördelar. Det kan vara problematiskt att implementera autonoma truckar i en redan befintlig verksamhet. Innan användandet av de autonoma truckarna måste ett planeringsarbete göras, det vill säga man måste planera hur de autonoma truckarna bäst optimeras. Planeringsarbetet handlar om vilken typ av lagerlayout terminalen önskar samt vilka strategier terminalen önskar att använda. Metoden för studien är enligt följande: design av studien, valet av metod, intervjuprocessen, observationsprocessen, inhämtning av kompletterande data, trovärdighet och generaliserbarhet, etiska överväganden och vår roll i DB Schenker koncernen. Respondenterna i studien var: ställföreträdaren på Boråsterminalen, terminalchefen på Bäckebol och åkerichefen på TGM &amp; BÅÅB. Observationerna gjordes på Boråsterminalen och Bäckebolterminalen; båda terminaler tillhör DB Schenker koncernen. Valet att utföra observationer i Borås gjordes för att fastställa om det fanns delar i Boråsterminalens layout som kunde appliceras i Bäckebol. Tandemlayouten lyfts upp som det bästa alternativet för en lagerlayout och simuleringsstrategin som en nödvändig strategi i implementeringsarbetet.

Towards optimal railway track utilization based on societal benefit

Svedberg, Victoria January 2018 (has links)
Infrastructure managers in railway systems are striving to have as efficient track utilization as possible. There are no unanimous interpretation of efficiency in terms of track utilization, but the aim of the Swedish Transport Administration is to allocate track capacity such that societal benefit is maximized. This means that the tracks should be used by as much traffic as possible and by traffic that provides as much benefit for the society as possible. To allocate track capacity such that the track utilization is optimal would be an easy task if the track capacity were not a scarce resource. Today, many train operators share railway network and there are cases when two or more operators want to use the same track capacity at the same time. The infrastructure manager must then make priorities and reject some operators, and the question is which operators to reject. The guiding principle is to grant the operators that provide the highest societal benefit access to the tracks. However, the question would then change into how to know which operator that provides the highest societal benefit. In this thesis, the societal benefit of publicly subsidized traffic is estimated using social cost-benefit analysis. Mathematical models and methods are developed for quantifying and computing the number of departures for the publicly subsidized traffic and their distribution in time, i.e. a train timetable, that provides the maximal societal benefit in a social cost-benefit analysis setting. The societal benefit of commercial traffic is estimated using the market value for their requested train timetables. The market value is set using dynamic pricing. A suggestion of a dynamic pricing process that can be used in the train timetabling process is described. Mathematical models and methods for calculating the supply and demand of a track access request are developed and tested, which enables the use of a dynamic pricing process on track capacity / Samhällsekonomiskt effektiv fördelning av järnvägskapacitet

Simulation based evaluation of flexible transit

Leffler, David January 2019 (has links)
Transport authorities are faced with the challenge of making effective use of existing transportation infrastructure under increasing needs of transport accessibility, sustainability, and safety. The ongoing growth and adoption of shared mobility options, the anticipation of automated vehicles, and the increased availability of real-time data brought on with the developments of Intelligent Transport Systems, have all inspired many innovations in public transit design. The integration of these technologies in existing public transit holds great potential for operational planning and control, but is also notoriously difficult to evaluate. In the included papers, flexible operational policies that make use of real-time data and connected vehicles are developed and assessed through the extension of an existing public transit simulation framework, BusMezzo. Paper I explores the incorporation of flexibility in fixed urban transit via real-time short-turning, a fleet management strategy not often studied in a real-time context. In this paper, a decision rule for when and where a short-turn should occur based on predicted passenger costs is developed and evaluated in a case study of a bidirectional urban bus line in Stockholm, Sweden. Paper II focuses on the design and analysis of an automated feeder service. In this paper an extension of BusMezzo with a module for simulating a variety of flexible transit operations is presented. Estimated reductions in on-board crew costs with vehicle automation motivate a case study of two vehicle fleets where a fully demand-responsive operational policy is compared against fixed route and schedule operations. / Transportmyndigheter står inför utmaningen att effektivt utnyttja befintlig transportinfrastruktur under växande behov av tillgänglighet, hållbarhet och säkerhet. Den pågående tillväxten och anammandet av delad mobilitet, förväntningarna på automatiserade fordon, samt den ökade tillgången till realtidsdata tack vare utvecklingen av Intelligenta Transportsystem, har inspirerat många innovationer inom kollektivtrafikdesign. Att integrera dessa tekniker inom befintliga kollektivtrafiksystem innebär en stor potential för operativ planering och styrning, men effekterna av dessa satsningar är notoriskt svåra att utvärdera. De inkluderade uppsatserna utvecklar flexibla operativa strategier som utnyttjar realtidsdata och uppkopplade fordon, och utvärderar dessa genom en utvidgning av ett existerande simuleringsramverk för kollektivtrafik, BusMezzo. Uppsats I utforskar en utökning av flexibilitet inom kollektivtrafik i tätort med fasta rutter och tidtabeller genom realtids-kortvändning, en strategi för att samordna fordon som inte ofta studeras inom en realtidskontext. I artikeln utvecklas en beslutsregel för när och var en kortvändning ska ske baserad på förväntade passagerarkostnader. Beslutsregeln utvärderas i en fallstudie av en befintlig busslinje i Stockholm. Uppsats II fokuserar på design och analys av en automatiserad matartjänst. I artikeln presenteras en utvidgning av BusMezzo i form av en modul för att simulera olika varianter av flexibel operativ styrning. Förväntade sänkningar av bemanningskostnader genom automatisering av fordon motiverar en fallstudie av två fordonsflottor, där en fullt efterfrågestyrd operativ strategi jämförs med drift enligt fast rutt och tidtabell. / <p>QC20190514</p> / CTR - Trafikeffekter av automatisering

Towards microscopic models for bicycle traffic simulation

Pérez Castro, Guillermo January 2023 (has links)
As bicycling becomes an integral part of sustainable mobility, it becomes essential to enhance planning strategies that ensure bicycling as an efficient mode of transport. While traffic simulation has been extensively utilized for traffic planning of various modes of transport, this type of modeling support is largely lacking in the planning of bicycle traffic. Given the high heterogeneity in the characteristics of bicyclists, the use of microscopic traffic simulation, which incorporates the explicit inclusion of individual properties and preferences, becomes particularly useful for evaluating bicycle traffic performance. By examining real-world traffic, the objective of this thesis is to investigate essential requirements for microscopic modeling and simulation of bicycle traffic on off-street bicycle path segments, and to further develop and evaluate modeling approaches suitable for bicycle traffic. Understanding the fundamentals of how bicyclists interact with the infrastructure and other bicyclists is a necessary step towards accurate simulation of bicycle traffic. In this thesis, research gaps related to the evaluation of bicycle traffic performance and simulation are identified, and methods to validate bicycling data are proposed to determine its quality and suitability for traffic analysis. Furthermore, two distinct modeling approaches are investigated to simulate the impact of gradients in bicycle traffic. The first involves calibrating a car-based model using a widely-used microscopic traffic simulation software, and the second implements a power-based model rooted in the physical forces acting on a bicycle. Lastly, characteristics of bicycle traffic that are relevant for simulating bidirectional traffic are identified and described. The work in this thesis offers a starting point towards enhanced microscopic bicycle traffic simulation that effectively assist the planning of efficient bicycle traffic.

Evaluation and implementation of charge infrastructure for electric aircraft / Utvärdering och implementering av laddinfrastruktur för elflygplan

Berg, Edvin, Haglind, Sebastian January 2023 (has links)
<p>Examensarbetet är utfört vid Institutionen för teknik och naturvetenskap (ITN) vid Tekniska fakulteten, Linköpings universitet</p>

Transport buyers’ perspective on electric road freight : Barriers and benefits with battery electric trucks, and actions that can be performed by the transport buyers to contribute to the transition

Rylander, Ingrid, Andersson, Simon January 2023 (has links)
Today the diesel-driven truck is the most used type of transportation of freight. Diesel-driven trucks emit carbon dioxide and other particles, leading to environmen- tal problems and people inhaling the emissions. To decrease the carbon footprint of road freight, one solution is to transition to trucks powered by electric engines. For the transition to happen, the transport buyers must be on board since they often set the level of importance for environmental aspects. To get the transport buyers to support the transition towards electric road freight, knowing what they find important when selecting suppliers and what they could do to contribute to the change is essential. This is why the purpose of the thesis is as follows. This thesis aims to identify what factors transport buyers prioritise when selecting a transport supplier and what actions transport buyers can take to contribute to the transition towards battery electric road freight. Ten large Swedish companies that procure road freight transport were interviewed in a case study to answer the purpose. The purpose was broken down into three research questions. The first targeted what factors transport buyers find important when procuring transportation. The second question focused on the transport buy- ers’ views regarding what barriers and benefits they see with transitioning to electric road freight. The last research question aimed to answer what actions transport buyers could take to contribute to the transition toward using battery electric road freight as a means of transportation. The study showed that the three most important factors when selecting a supplier were factors related to price, quality and environment. The environment has gained a lot of importance during the last couple of years and has changed the most for the transport buyers’ procurement of transportation. The most significant barri- ers for transport buyers to transition towards electric road freight was the lack of charging infrastructure and the uncertainty of who will take responsibility for the infrastructure development. The most significant benefit of transitioning was the reduced environmental footprint, which allowed for an improved brand value and allowed the companies to market themselves as sustainable. The study also showed that the actions that the transport buyers are most likely to perform, as well as most likely to have a positive impact on the transition towards electric freight vehicles, are collaborating with others and using longer contracts with the LSPs. More extended contracts would be something that could make the LSPs feel secure enough to commit to more significant investments such as BETs. Still, if a relationship between the LSP and the transport buyer reaches far back, the transport buyers think the connection would be more secure for the LSP than a more extended contract. Collaboration is the action with the most potential to make the transition towards battery-electric road freight happen. It has the most potential to overcome the most significant barrier for electric freight vehicles, the lack of infrastructure to charge them.

Managing Variable Patient Flows at Hospitals

Olsson, Olle January 2014 (has links)
Healthcare is a large industry faced with major challenges, such as decreasing inpatient bed numbers and increases in the share of elderly people, which require improved efficiency and effectiveness. The organisation of hospitals normally comprises highly specialised clinical departments, through which patient flows are managed. Since patient flows often involve several clinical departments, this requires much coordination both in space and time. With every individual patient having different diseases, severity levels and responses to therapy, the variability in patient flows has an impact on the inflow, internal flow and outflow at clinical departments and hospitals. Historically, healthcare resources have not been adapted to these variations. The purpose of this licentiate thesis is therefore to explore how variable patient flows are managed in hospitals. This comprises how variable patient flows affect hospitals as well as how variable patient flows are handled. It also includes the organisational configuration, and the influence it has on the actions used to handle variable patient flows in hospitals. Both the hierarchical levels, roles and teams that make decisions and manage the flow of patients as well as the actions used to handle variable patient flows at hospitals are included in the research. Hence, an approach where the hospital is regarded as a system is used, an approach often described as a system perspective. Three research methods have been used in this licentiate thesis. The first research method used was simulation modelling, to study how changes in an acute patient flow affected an emergency department and inpatient ward at a small hospital. A case study at a university hospital was performed to study both the actions used to handle variable patient flows as well as the influence of the organisational configuration. Several literature reviews, both structured and unstructured, has also been made to compare and evaluate the results from the empirical data. There are several effects of variable patient flows. The case study indicates that increased patient flow variability leads to increases in bed utilization variability and thereby problems with bed shortages. Mismatches between patient inflow and outflow, in terms of number of patients, also lead to bed shortages. Literature reviews also show that bed shortages in inpatient wards are a major cause of overcrowding in emergency departments. The results from the simulation model point toward emergency departments being more adapted to variable patient inflow than inpatient wards. To handle these issues there is a need for flexibility when providing healthcare services, something suggested in the literature. 50 actions used at the university hospital to handle variable acute patient flows were identified in the research. A majority of these are used to handle the effects of the variation, not the variation itself. Nor is it effects of individual variations, such as patient inflow, that are handled but the combined effect of the variations in several variables. For example, much time and effort are spent handling bed shortages. One third of the actions are used at a hospital level, with the aim to have positive effects for the hospital as a whole. Two thirds are used and developed at a departmental level, with the aim to improve the situation at the clinical department by using the action. By having most of the actions used at individual clinical departments, without considering the impact on whole hospital, there is an obvious risk of sub-optimization. One explanation for many actions being used at a departmental level could be that there is lack of strategic direction and decision-making ability at top management level due to the use of unanimous decision-making in the hospital management group. This hinders the control and coordination of the actions used at different clinical departments, rendering them more similar to separate organisations. Departmental collaboration is also impeded as well as organisational learning at the hospital, both bottom-up and sideways in the hierarchies, encumbering the development and sharing of successful actions for handling variable patient flows.

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