Spelling suggestions: "subject:"biologistik."" "subject:"baulogistik.""
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Regional Intermodal Transport Systems : Analysis and Case Study in the Stockholm-Mälaren RegionKordnejad, Behzad January 2013 (has links)
The global trend of urbanization is evident and also valid in Sweden and for the Stockholm-Mälaren region, also referred to as the Mälaren valley, a region consisting of metropolitan Stockholm and areas around the lake of Mälaren. In this context, efficient urban freight transportation has emerged as essential for sustainable development of urban areas. Geographic regions are being expanded due to the fact that rapid transport options have expanded the range of action of people and businesses. Metropolitan regions require freight transports that are often categorized by an inflow of consumables and an outflow of waste and recyclable material. Within urban areas there are ports, terminals and storage facilities that require incoming and outgoing transport. Altogether, these shipments have led to increased congestion on the road network within urban areas, which is a contributing factor to why a shift to intermodal land transports have been advocated both in Europe and in Sweden, thus encouraging more freight to be moved from road to rail. Another contributing factor is the relatively low impact on the environment generated by rail transportation. Efficient use of resources and low emissions of greenhouse gases are factors that are in favor of the train as a transport mode. Furthermore, conventional rail freight is commonly competitive on long distances and in end-point relations between two nodes. However, an intermodal liner train, as a transport system for freight differs from conventional rail freight transport systems, as it similar to a passenger train makes stops along the route for loading and unloading. Due to the stops made at intermediate stations it enables the coverage of a larger market area. For regional or inter-regional relations, the concept has the potential of reducing drayage by truck to and from intermodal terminals and to make rail freight competitive also over medium and short distances. The main aim of this thesis project has been to analyze under which conditions a combined transport system with the railway as a base can be implemented in the Stockholm-Mälaren region. Based on a case study for a shipper distributing daily consumables in the region, the feasibility of creating a regional rail freight transport system has been evaluated. This study provides a methodology for evaluating the feasibility, regarding costs and emissions, of concepts and technologies within freight transportation chains. This has been accomplished by the development of a cost modal, Intermodal Transport Cost Model (ITCM). From the results of the case study one can conclude that a regional rail based intermodal transport system regarding costs is on the threshold of feasibility in the studied region. As for emissions, all evaluated intermodal transport chains contribute to a significant decrease in CO2 emissions compared to unimodal road haulage. The loading space utilization of the train and the transshipment cost are the most critical parameters. The latter restricting the competitiveness of intermodal services to long distances as it is not proportional to transported distance but rather to the utilization rate of resources. Hence, the concept of cost-efficient small scale (CESS) terminals is introduced in this study. A main prerequisite in order to make the intermodal liner train efficient is a stable and balanced flow of goods with optimized loading space utilization along the route. As the objective is to consolidate small flows, imbalances along the route will constitute an obstacle for the liner train to be competitive. Thus regarding loading space utilization it is necessary to consolidate other freight flows in the train in order to achieve high loading space utilization and a balanced flow along the route. The third parameter which is critical for the results are the fuel prices, where a sensitivity analysis of the results shows that if diesel prices would increase so would the feasibility of the intermodal option. The same is also valid for train length increase as long as the loading space utilization is maintained. The results of the feasibility study indicate that the evaluated transshipment technologies are closing the gap for intermodal transport to unimodal road haulage regarding transport cost over short- and medium distances and that they contribute to a substantial reduction of CO2 emissions. However, it is essential that also the transport quality is ensured, especially regarding reliability and punctuality. Thus a demonstration project is recommended as these aspects require operational testing. This is particularly crucial regarding novel transshipment technologies. / <p>QC 20130530</p> / Regional kombitransportsystem i Mälardalen
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Simulation based evaluation of flexible transitLeffler, David January 2019 (has links)
Transport authorities are faced with the challenge of making effective use of existing transportation infrastructure under increasing needs of transport accessibility, sustainability, and safety. The ongoing growth and adoption of shared mobility options, the anticipation of automated vehicles, and the increased availability of real-time data brought on with the developments of Intelligent Transport Systems, have all inspired many innovations in public transit design. The integration of these technologies in existing public transit holds great potential for operational planning and control, but is also notoriously difficult to evaluate. In the included papers, flexible operational policies that make use of real-time data and connected vehicles are developed and assessed through the extension of an existing public transit simulation framework, BusMezzo. Paper I explores the incorporation of flexibility in fixed urban transit via real-time short-turning, a fleet management strategy not often studied in a real-time context. In this paper, a decision rule for when and where a short-turn should occur based on predicted passenger costs is developed and evaluated in a case study of a bidirectional urban bus line in Stockholm, Sweden. Paper II focuses on the design and analysis of an automated feeder service. In this paper an extension of BusMezzo with a module for simulating a variety of flexible transit operations is presented. Estimated reductions in on-board crew costs with vehicle automation motivate a case study of two vehicle fleets where a fully demand-responsive operational policy is compared against fixed route and schedule operations. / Transportmyndigheter står inför utmaningen att effektivt utnyttja befintlig transportinfrastruktur under växande behov av tillgänglighet, hållbarhet och säkerhet. Den pågående tillväxten och anammandet av delad mobilitet, förväntningarna på automatiserade fordon, samt den ökade tillgången till realtidsdata tack vare utvecklingen av Intelligenta Transportsystem, har inspirerat många innovationer inom kollektivtrafikdesign. Att integrera dessa tekniker inom befintliga kollektivtrafiksystem innebär en stor potential för operativ planering och styrning, men effekterna av dessa satsningar är notoriskt svåra att utvärdera. De inkluderade uppsatserna utvecklar flexibla operativa strategier som utnyttjar realtidsdata och uppkopplade fordon, och utvärderar dessa genom en utvidgning av ett existerande simuleringsramverk för kollektivtrafik, BusMezzo. Uppsats I utforskar en utökning av flexibilitet inom kollektivtrafik i tätort med fasta rutter och tidtabeller genom realtids-kortvändning, en strategi för att samordna fordon som inte ofta studeras inom en realtidskontext. I artikeln utvecklas en beslutsregel för när och var en kortvändning ska ske baserad på förväntade passagerarkostnader. Beslutsregeln utvärderas i en fallstudie av en befintlig busslinje i Stockholm. Uppsats II fokuserar på design och analys av en automatiserad matartjänst. I artikeln presenteras en utvidgning av BusMezzo i form av en modul för att simulera olika varianter av flexibel operativ styrning. Förväntade sänkningar av bemanningskostnader genom automatisering av fordon motiverar en fallstudie av två fordonsflottor, där en fullt efterfrågestyrd operativ strategi jämförs med drift enligt fast rutt och tidtabell. / <p>QC20190514</p>
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Simulation of rail traffic : applications with timetable construction and delay modellingSipilä, Hans January 2012 (has links)
This thesis covers both applications where simulation is used on parts of the Swedish rail networks and running time calculations for future high-speed trains with top speed improvements on existing lines. Calculations are part of a subproject within the Green Train research program (Gröna tåget). Higher speeds are possible with increased cant and cant deficiency in curves. Data for circular curve radii is used on existing lines combined with information on decided and on-going upgrades. Calculation of static speed profiles is made for a set of cant and cant deficiency values. Different train characteristics are used regarding top speed, starting acceleration and power to ton ratio. Running time calculations are made for these different train characteristics with the fictive speed profiles. In addition, different stopping patterns are applied. Results are presented together with running times for two reference train types, one with carbody tilting and one without. It is clear that carbody tilting, allowing a higher cant deficiency, is important on many of the existing lines considering achieved running times. The benefit of tilting is marginal on newly built and future lines designed with large curve radii. However, on many of the existing lines the over 20 year old reference train with carbody tilting achieves shorter running times compared to a future train without tilt but with higher top speed. The work presented here has contributed with input to other projects and applications within the research program. Simulation in RailSys is used to evaluate on-time performance for high-speed trains, between Stockholm and Göteborg in Sweden, and changes in timetable allowances and buffer times with respect to other trains. Results show that ontime performance can be improved with increased allowances or buffer times. In the case with increased buffers, other trains are pushed in the timetable with the intention of obtaining at least five minutes at critical places (e.g. conflicting train paths at stations) and as separation on line sections. On-time performance is evaluated both on aggregated (group) level and for trains individually. Some of the trains benefit significantly from the applied measures. Prior to a simulation some of the delays have to be defined. This includes dwell extensions and entry delays, i.e. extended exchange times at stations and delayed origin station departures inside or at the network border. Evaluation of observed data give insight on the performance of a real network. However, separating primary (exogenous) and secondary (knock-on) delays is not straightforward. Typically the probabilities and levels of primary delays are defined as input, thus secondary delays are created in the simulations. Although some classification of delays exist in observed data, it is not sufficient without further assumptions and preparation. A method for estimating primary running time extensions is presented and applied on a real timetable between Katrineholm and Hässleholm in Sweden. The approach consist of creating distributions based on deviations from scheduled running time. Since this represent total outcome, i.e. both primary and knock-on delays are included, the distributions are reduced by a certain percentage and applied in the simulations. Reduction is done in four steps, separately for passenger and freight trains. Root mean square error (RMSE) is used for comparing mean and standard deviation values between simulated and observed data. Results show that a reasonably good fit can be obtained. Freight services show a higher variation than passenger train evaluation groups. Some explanations for this are difficulties in capturing the variations in train weights and speeds and absence of shunting operations in the model. In reality, freight trains can also frequently depart ahead of schedule and this effect is not captured in the simulations. However, focus is mostly on passenger trains and their on-time performance. If a good enough agreement and operational behaviour is achieved for them, a lower agreement for freight trains may be accepted. / QC 20120611
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Congested railways : influence of infrastructure and timetable properties on delay propagationLindfeldt, Anders January 2012 (has links)
In this thesis the symptoms and underlying behaviour of congestion on railways are analysed and discussed. As well as in many other countries, Sweden faces increasing demand for transport. To meet this new demand, railways play an important role. Today, the capacity of the Swedish rail network is not upgraded at the speed necessary to keep up with the increase in traffic demand. The sensitivity of the railway system rises as the capacity utilisation increases. At some point the marginal gain of operating one extra train is lower than the costs in term of increased sensitivity to delay, i.e. maximum capacity has been reached. Two methodologies are employed in this thesis to analyse capacity. The first uses real data from the Swedish rail network, train operation and delays to analyse how different factors influence available capacity and delay creation. Several useful key performance indicators are defined to describe capacity influencing properties of the infrastructure and the rail traffic. The rail network is divided into subsections for which the indicators have been estimated. This makes it possible to discern their different characteristics and identify potential weaknesses. The second approach employs the railway simulation tool RailSys in extensive simulation experiments. This methodology is used to analyse the characteristics of double track operation. Simulation of several hundred scenarios are conducted to analyse the influence of traffic density, timetable speed heterogeneity, primary delays and inter-station distance on secondary delays and used timetable allowance. The analysis gives an in-depth understanding of the mechanisms behind the performance of a double track. / QC 20120614
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Ekonomisk och mijömässig analys av logistiksystem från Sverige till Japan / Economic and Environmental Analysis of Logistics Systems from Sweden to JapanGustavsson, Lovisa January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med denna rapport är att jämföra potentiella transportflöden från Holmen i Bygdsiljum, Sverige till Osaka, Japan, med fokus på ekonomisk och miljömässig hållbarhet. Holmen planerar att börja sälja och transportera limträ till Japan och har ännu inte implementerat en CO2 -beräkningsmetod i sina transportflöden. Detta leder till brist på information om koldioxidutsläpp och möjliga åtgärder för att minska utsläppen. Ekonomisk hållbarhet handlar om att långsiktigt säkra företagets ekonomi och överlevnad. Ekologisk hållbarhet innebär att minimera miljöpåverkan och främja hållbar resursanvändning. Inom logistik är det viktigt att optimera resursanvändningen, minska energiförbrukningen och använda miljövänliga transportalternativ. Transportlogistik innebär att flytta varor från en plats till en annan med optimal kostnadseffektivitet och pålitlighet. Valet av transportmedel påverkar kostnaderna och företagets konkurrenskraft. Transportkostnader påverkas av faktorer som avstånd, transportmedel, vikt, volym och tidsplan. Studiens design inkluderar både kvantitativa och kvalitativa metoder. Kvantitativa metoder används för att samla in data relaterat till koldioxidutsläpp och kostnader. Kvalitativa metoder används för att analysera verkligheten och besvara frågeställningarna. Tre logistikflöden tas fram och undersöktes.Logistikflöde 1: Transport med lastbil till containerlastning, följt av container feeder till en större hamn och slutligen oceangående fartyg till slutdestinationen.Logistikflöde 2: Transport med lastbil till tåg, följt av containerlastning på tåg, containerlastning på oceangående fartyg och slutlig leverans.Logistikflöde 3: Transport med lastbil till tåg, containerlastning på tåg, containerlastning på oceangående fartyg och slutlig leverans. Kostnaderna per logistikflöde presenteras där logistikflöde 1 är billigast följt av logistikflöde 3 och logistikflöde 2 är dyrast. CO2e-utsläppen per logistikflöde redovisas där logistikflöde 1 har högst utsläpp, följt av logistikflöde 2 och logistikflöde 3. Slutsatsen är att studien framgångsrikt jämför de undersökta logistikflödena ur ekonomisk och miljömässig hållbarhetssynpunkt. Det är dock svårt att definiera det bästa flödet eftersom det ekonomiskt bästa och miljömässigt bästa alternativet är motsatta, och flera faktorer som inte undersökts påverkar bedömningen. / The purpose of this report is to compare potential transport flows from Holmen in Bygdsiljum, Sweden, to Osaka, Japan, with a focus on economic and environmental sustainability. Holmen plans to start selling and transporting glulam to Japan and has not yet implemented a CO2 calculation method in its transport flows. This leads to a lack of information about carbon dioxide emissions and possible measures to reduce them. Economic sustainability involves securing the long-term finances and survival of the company. Ecological sustainability means minimizing environmental impact and promoting sustainable resource utilization. In logistics, it is important to optimize resource utilization, reduce energy consumption, and use environmentally friendly transport options. Transport logistics involves moving goods from one location to another with optimal cost-effectiveness and reliability. The choice of transportation mode affects costs and the company's competitiveness. Transport costs are influenced by factors such as distance, mode of transport, weight, volume, and schedule. The study design includes both quantitative and qualitative methods. Quantitative methods are used to collect data related to carbon dioxide emissions and costs. Qualitative methods, such as interviews, are used to analyze reality and answer the questions.Three logistics flows are developed and examined. Logistics Flow 1: Truck transport to container loading, followed by container feeder to a major port and finally ocean vessel to the destination. Logistics Flow 2: Truck transport to train, followed by container loading on the train, container loading on an ocean vessel, and final delivery. Logistics Flow 3: Truck transport to train, container loading on the train, container loading on an ocean vessel, and final delivery. The costs per logistics flow are presented, with logistics Flow 1 being the cheapest, followed by logistics Flow 3, and logistics Flow 2 being the most expensive. The CO2e emissions per logistics flow are reported, with logistics Flow 1 having the highest emissions, followed by logistics Flow 2, and logistics Flow 3. The conclusion is that the study successfully compares the examined logistics flows from an economic and environmental sustainability perspective. However, it is difficult to define the best flow as the economically optimal and environmentally optimal options are contradictory, and several unexplored factors affect the assessment.
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Identifiering av riskfaktorer i distribution av matvaror hos ett tredjepartslogistiskt företagLiljeberg, Anna January 2018 (has links)
Kandidatarbetet utfördes under vårterminen 2018 på uppdrag av DSV. Arbetet syftar till att identifiera de riskfaktorer vilka orsakar förseningar i distribution av matvaror samt att undersöka hur samarbetet kan förbättras mellan DSV och kunden. Uppdraget gavs då det framförallt har varit svårt att nå upp till vissa av nyckeltalen i avtalet som DSV har med kund. På uppdragsgivarens begäran hålls kunden hemlig genom rapporten. En avgränsning har gjorts i matvaruförsörjningskedjan där riskfaktorer som orsakar förseningar undersökts. Endast en del av matvaruförsörjningskedjan har undersökts, från att DSV lastar matvarorna på kundens centrallager tills att varorna lastas av hos varumottagningarna i butikerna. Insamling av data har skett genom med åkning på fem rutter, två halvstrukturerade intervjuer med verksamhetschefen på DSV:s region syd samt två halvstrukturerade intervjuer med två av chaufförerna. Utifrån kvalitativa data har resultaten tagits fram. Resultaten av studien presenteras i en tabell där de främsta riskfaktorerna tagits fram och där varje riskfaktor har fått en gardering (1 –5) av hur sannolik den är att påverka förseningar och även en gardering (1 –5) på hur stor konsekvensen är om den inträffar. Sannolikheten och konsekvensen av varje riskfaktor har multiplicerats för att få fram hur stor risk den utgör. De faktorer som utgör högst risk är avställning av släp, köbildning, chaufförsbrist, felaktig temperatur i flak, personal ej behjälplig vid lossning/lastning på varumottagning och personal ej behjälplig på centrallagret vid lastning. Momenteten backning, lossning, lastning, ankomst till avgång hos varumottagningen i butik och samt flakväxling har gjorts tidsstudier på. Momentet backning och lastning gjordes även tidsstudier på centrallagret vilka är i samma tabeller som de mätningar vilka gjordes på varumottagningen. Från tidsstudierna saknas tillräckligt med data för att dra några statistiska slutsatser. Data är istället tänkt att ge en fingervisning på hur nyckeltalen i avtalet med kund kan mätas för att upptäcka om de stämmer överens med verkligheten.
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Sustainable supply logistics and inventory management : A case study at Axelent ABKnutsson, Ebba January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to give an insight to operation and managerial possibilities anddifficulties of sustainable inventory management. The objective is to give a general picture ofwhat is available in terms of economic models as well as the implications from the currentsituation and eventual changes. The study uses an abductive approach with both qualitativeand quantitative data. Quantitative data is composed of current available measurement at thecase company, Axelent AB. While the qualitative is composed of interviews to establish theoperational framework at the case company.The study found that both the common Economic Lot-Scheduling and Economic OrderQuantity models have been successfully proven to be adaptable to include emission. Tomeasure emission's, the GHG Protocol is found to be useful and is recommended. Thoughmonetisation of emission’s are not consecutively required by the models, it is recommendedwith well selected prices. There is a need to establish the effects of a change in operations inorder to avoid negative effects on the everyday operations. The current way of operationwould most likely be changed if emission’s would be introducing into the inventorymanagement models.The study only included the supply where the company was the order trigger, therebyexcluding vendor-controlled inventory. The warehouse that was studied is in a shared buildingwith production. There were two components taken as examples for calculations.
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Improving Warehouse Efficiency: An Exploratory Analysis of Pallet Handling in a Production Warehouse : A Case Study at a Small and Medium-sized Enterprise within the Surface Treatment IndustryNord Nilsson, Vendela, Eriksson, Kajsa January 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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Towards microscopic models for bicycle traffic simulationPérez Castro, Guillermo January 2023 (has links)
As bicycling becomes an integral part of sustainable mobility, it becomes essential to enhance planning strategies that ensure bicycling as an efficient mode of transport. While traffic simulation has been extensively utilized for traffic planning of various modes of transport, this type of modeling support is largely lacking in the planning of bicycle traffic. Given the high heterogeneity in the characteristics of bicyclists, the use of microscopic traffic simulation, which incorporates the explicit inclusion of individual properties and preferences, becomes particularly useful for evaluating bicycle traffic performance. By examining real-world traffic, the objective of this thesis is to investigate essential requirements for microscopic modeling and simulation of bicycle traffic on off-street bicycle path segments, and to further develop and evaluate modeling approaches suitable for bicycle traffic. Understanding the fundamentals of how bicyclists interact with the infrastructure and other bicyclists is a necessary step towards accurate simulation of bicycle traffic. In this thesis, research gaps related to the evaluation of bicycle traffic performance and simulation are identified, and methods to validate bicycling data are proposed to determine its quality and suitability for traffic analysis. Furthermore, two distinct modeling approaches are investigated to simulate the impact of gradients in bicycle traffic. The first involves calibrating a car-based model using a widely-used microscopic traffic simulation software, and the second implements a power-based model rooted in the physical forces acting on a bicycle. Lastly, characteristics of bicycle traffic that are relevant for simulating bidirectional traffic are identified and described. The work in this thesis offers a starting point towards enhanced microscopic bicycle traffic simulation that effectively assist the planning of efficient bicycle traffic. / <p>Funding agency: The Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket) via Centre for Traffic Research (CTR) under grant TRV 2019/84465</p>
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Impacts of Intelligent Transportation Systems on Users' Mobility: A Case Study AnalysisSochor, Jana January 2012 (has links)
People have many reasons to be mobile, from day-to-day activities involving work, studies, and family, to maintaining participation in society, health, and quality of life. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is increasingly being deployed in the transportation context to improve individuals' mobility; for example via information provision. Advanced use of ICT in transportation is commonly referred to as Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). Despite many opportunities for ITS services to enhance personal mobility, the collection and use of movement and activity data also poses challenges, as it facilitates easier access to more information for people to use, but about them as well. Knowledge about users' perceptions of advantages and disadvantages (for example assurance and privacy) associated with the use of ITS services is limited. Even less is known regarding to what degree their perceptions influence their acceptance of the services or their behavior. The aim of this thesis project is to gather empirical interview and survey data from multiple user groups in order to learn more about the factors impacting users' attitudes towards ITS services. In exploring not only demographic factors, but also the potential positive and negative impacts from the users' perspective, this project attempts to paint a more holistic view of the issues surrounding the possibilities for ITS to enhance mobility. From the two case studies presented in this thesis, results indicate that respondents are pro-technology and are not highly concerned about privacy in general, but other ethical issues serve to shed light on the situations of different user groups. In the first case study with visually impaired individuals, the ability to lead an autonomous and independent life is a strong driver for the acceptance of a pedestrian navigation system, which the users themselves would choose to use. While the participants are generally optimistic about the possibilities of using ITS to enhance their mobility, their comments illustrate that ICT development does not necessarily result in ethically sound, universally accessible technology, and that a coordinated effort on multiple fronts is vital in addressing users' needs and meeting broader social goals such as social inclusion and the accessibility of transportation, technology, and information. In the second case study with professional heavy goods vehicle drivers and their employers, the drivers are in a dependent (employee) position and have less personal control over the use of ITS services in the vehicles. The employers are perceived as the greater beneficiaries of the services, which could be linked to the systematic lack of feedback to the drivers. Generally, the respondents trust the employers to protect the drivers' privacy. However, there also exist gaps in organizational communication regarding data gathering and handling practices as well as in expected versus stated behavior modification as a result of workplace monitoring. As employees are not normally able to provide informed consent due to their dependent position, recommendations for organizations include performing comprehensive impact assessments, engaging in an ongoing dialogue with employees, and providing an opt-out option in order to move towards a more informed consent. / <p>QC 20120917</p>
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