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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Plasma modification on carbon black surface: From reactor design to final applications

Tricàs Rosell, Núria 01 June 2007 (has links)
El present treball es basa en l'estudi de la modificació de la superfície del negre de carboni (NC) per mitjà de tècniques de plasma. Tot i que aquest tipus de tractament s'utilitza de manera comú sobre superfícies planes, tanmateix encara existeixen problemes a l'hora de treballar en materials en pols degut a la dificultat que suposa la seva manipulació. En aquest treball s'ha modificat NC tant per tècniques de plasma a baixa pressió com per mitjà de tècniques de plasma atmosfèric. Per tal d'assolir aquest objectiu s'han posat a punt tres reactors de plasma capaços de modificar aquest tipus de material; dos reactors treballen a baixa pressió mentre que el tercer es tracta d'un equip a pressió atmosfèrica.Els sistemes de plasma a baixa pressió utilitzats han estat un reactor down-stream i un reactor de llit fluiditzat. Ambdós sistemes utilitzen un generador de radio freqüències a 13,56MHz per tal de general el plasma. Tots dos sistemes han estat optimitzats per la modificació de materials en pols. En el cas del reactor down-stream, s'ha estudiat a posició d'entrada del gas reactiu, la potència del generador i el temps de modificació per a tres tipus de tractament: oxigen, nitrogen i amoníac. En el cas del reactor de llit fluiditzat, els paràmetres que s'han estudiat han estat la distància entre la pols i la zona de generació de plasma, la mida de la partícula i la porositat de la placa suport.Pel que fa a la modificació mitjançant la utilització de plasma atmosfèric, s'ha dissenyat un sistema que permet utilitzar una torxa de plasma atmosfèric comercial (Openair® de Plasmatreat GmbH) per tal de modificar materials en pols. Aquest sistema consisteix en un reactor adaptable a la torxa de plasma atmosfèric on té lloc la modificació, un sistema d'introducció de la pols dins de la zona de reacció així com també un sistema de refredament i col·lecció del material modificat que conjuntament permeten un funcionament quasi-continu del tractament.S'ha utilitzat el reactor down-stream i el reactor a pressió atmosfèrica per tal de modificar tres tipus diferents de negre de carboni (N134, XPB 171 i Vulcan XC-72). D'altra banda, s'ha grafititzat i extret el N134 prèviament a la modificació per tal de realitzar un estudi sobre la influència de l'estructura superficial així com també de la presència d'impureses sobre la superfície del NC. L'oxidació i l'augment de nitrogen en superfície han estat les dues modificacions que s'han estudiat principalment per tal de comparar el resultat obtingut per les tècniques presentades.El NC s'ha caracteritzat mitjançant diverses tècniques analítiques per tal de poder obtenir informació sobre els canvis produïts durant la modificació per plasma. Aquestes tècniques inclouen superfície específica, XRD, WAXS, STM per tal d'estudiar els canvis en la seva morfologia i estructura de la superfície. D'altra banda, per tal d'estudiar els canvis en la composició química s'han emprat mesures de pH, valoracions àcid/base i XPS.Finalment, alguns dels negres de caboni modificats han estat seleccionats per tal de ser avaluats en aplicacions finals tal i com són el reforçament d'elastòmers i la seva activitat vers la reducció d'oxigen utilitzada en les PEMFC per tal d'eliminar els metalls nobles. En el primer cas, s'ha estudiat l'efecte sobre la cinètica i el mecanisme de vulcanització del negre de carboni modificat mitjançant el plasma atmosfèric. Aquest estudi s'ha dut a terme utilitzant dues tècniques complementaries com són les corbes reomètriques i la vulcanització de molècules model (MCV). També s'han realitzat mesures d'adsorció de polímer sobre el NC i Bound Rubber per tal d'estudiar la interacció polímer-càrrega la qual presenta una gran influència en les propietats finals dels materials. D'altra banda, s'ha estudiat també la capacitat del NC modificat vers a la reducció d'oxigen a partir de voltametria cíclica i s'han determinat les propietats del NC que poden influir de manera rellevant en l'activitat cataítica final del NC per a aquesta reacció. Tot i que es necessari fer una preparació posterior al tractament de plasma per a aquesta aplicació, el material final pot contribuir notablement a la eliminació de metalls nobles com a catalitzadors de reducció d'oxigen en les Piles de Combustible. / The present works deals with plasma modification of carbon black (CB). Although this type of treatment is widely used on flat surfaces handling problems should be overcome in order to treat powders as CB. In this study CB has been modified both by means of low-pressure and atmospheric pressure non-equilibrium plasmas. In order to accomplish this objective three different plasma reactors have been set-up; two at low pressure and one at atmospheric pressure working conditions.Low pressure plasma reactors utilised in this work consist in a down-stream and a fluidised bed system working at Radio Frequency generation power (RF 13,56 MHz). Both reactors have been optimized to treat powder materials. For the down-stream reactor, position of the reactive gas inlet, and treatment conditions such as generator power and time have been studied for oxygen, nitrogen and ammonia treatments. For the fluidized bed reactor the distance of the powder sample to the plasma generation zone, particle size and support porosity have been taken into account. Concerning atmospheric plasma, a device has been set up in order to adapt a commercial plasma torch (Openair® from Plasmatreat GmbH), for powder modification. An adaptable reactor, a method to introduce the powder in the plasma zone as well as a collecting system had been developed in order to obtain a quasi-continuous modification treatment.Three types of CBs, N134, XPB 171 and Vulcan XC-72 have been modified in both the down-stream and the atmospheric plasma system. Graphitization and extraction of N134 were also carried out before plasma modification in order to study the effect of both impurities and surface structure of the CB during plasma modification. Surface oxidation and nitrogen enrichment were the two main studied treatments in both systems which allowed comparing their performances.Unmodified and Modified CBs have been characterised from several points of view. Specific surface area, XRD, WAXS and STM have been used in order to study morphological and surface structure changes. On the other hand, pH measurements, acid/base titration and XPS were employed in order to study the surface chemistry composition changes that had taken place during plasma modification. Some of the modified CB grades were selected in order to be tested in final applications such as rubber reinforcement and oxygen reduction non-noble metal catalyst for PEMFC. In the first case, the effect of atmospheric plasma treatment on the vulcanization kinetics and mechanism has been evaluated both by rheometre curves and the model compounding approach. Studies about the polymer-filler interaction have been also carried out by calculating bound rubber and adsorption from polymer solution. Last but not least, plasma modification capacity to enhance the oxygen reduction activity to obtain non-noble metal catalysts for PEMFC has been evaluated after the correspondent preparation. Oxygen reduction activity has been studied by means of cyclic voltammetry. The main CB properties which could play an important role in such applications have been analyzed.

Επεξεργασία υλικών από ψυχρό πλάσμα φθορανθράκων προς παραγωγή μη-ρυπαινόμενων μονωτικών υλικών

Κεφάλα, Ειρήνη 07 June 2013 (has links)
Η μείωση της ρύπανσης των μονωτήρων εξωτερικών χώρων είναι ένα αντικείμενο το οποίο έχει απασχολήσει εκτεταμένα τους μηχανικούς λόγω των απαιτήσεων που υπάρχουν στην αποδοτική λειτουργία των μονωτήρων αυτών. Στην παρούσα διπλωματική δοκιμάστηκαν τέσσερα διαφορετικά υλικά (δυο πολυμερή και δυο κεραμικά) που χρησιμοποιούνται στην κατασκευή τέτοιων μονωτήρων και μελετήθηκε η μεταβολή στην υδροφοβία της επιφάνειάς τους μετά από επεξεργασία αυτών από ψυχρό πλάσμα φθορανθράκων χαμηλής πίεσης. Παράλληλα έγιναν και ηλεκτρικές μετρήσεις σε πλάσμα Ο2 και CF4 προκειμένου να γίνουν γνωστές οι τιμές της τάσης και του ρεύματος κάτω από τις οποίες έγινε η επεξεργασία των επιφανειών. Πιο συγκεκριμένα: • Στο πρώτο κεφάλαιο έγινε μια εισαγωγή στους μονωτήρες εξωτερικών χώρων, κατάταξη αυτών με βάση τη θέση τους ως προς τους ηλεκτροφόρους αγωγούς αλλά και ως προς το υλικό κατασκευής τους. Έγινε επίσης παρουσίαση των επιπτώσεων της ρύπανσης των μονωτήρων αλλά και απαρίθμηση των μεθόδων αντιμετώπισης της. Τέλος, εξηγήθηκε η έννοια της υδροφοβίας και έγινε εισαγωγή στις ιδιότητες του πλάσματος φθορανθράκων. • Στο δεύτερο κεφάλαιο περιγράφηκε αναλυτικά η διάταξη παραγωγής πλάσματος χαμηλής πίεσης καθώς επίσης και η διάταξη μέτρησης γωνιών επαφής. Παρατίθενται φωτογραφίες αλλά και πλήρης περιγραφή όλων των επιμέρους διατάξεων που χρησιμοποιήθηκαν στην παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία. • Στο τρίτο κεφάλαιο παρουσιάστηκαν και αναλύθηκαν τα πειραματικά αποτελέσματα και μετρήσεις (ηλεκτρικές μετρήσεις και μετρήσεις γωνιών επαφής) που συλλέχθηκαν κατά την εκπόνηση της εργασία καθώς επίσης και γραφικές παραστάσεις για την ομαδοποίηση των δεδομένων. • Στο τέταρτο κεφάλαιο καταγράφηκαν τα συμπεράσματα στα οποία οδήγησε η παρούσα διπλωματική. / Reducing pollution in the surface of outdoor insulators is an issue that has occurred and has troubled lots of engineers due to strict requirements that should be met for specific insulators’ proper operation. In the present thesis, four different insulating materials (two polymerics and two ceramics) were tested and the change on their surface hydrophobic properties was studied. Furthermore, electrical measurements in O2 and CF4 plasma were taken so the values of the current and voltage under which this experiment has taken place, would be known. More specific: • In the first chapter, an introduction to outdoor insulators was made. They were classified according to their position regarding the conductors and their construction material. Also, the consequences of pollution and some ways of its control were presented. Lastly, there was explained the concept of hydrophobicity and the properties of fluorocarbon plasma. • In the second chapter, the vacuum system that was used to create low pressure, fluorocarbon plasma is analyzed as well as the device for measuring the contact angles of the samples. This detailed presentation is accompanied by photographs and full analysis of all the individual devices that were used in the present thesis. • In the third chapter, all the experimental results were presented and analyzed. The measurements (electrical and contact angles’) were plotted so that data would appear in groups. • In the forth chapter, all the conclusions of the present thesis were exported.

Optimalizace depozičních parametrů za účelem vytvoření fotokatalytických titanoxidových vrstev metodou PECVD / Optimization of deposition parameters in order to create a photocatalytic titanium oxide films produced by PECVD

PEKÁREK, Michal January 2013 (has links)
This thesis presents Photocatalytic TiOx layers created by own PECVD reactor assembled in the building of Department of Applied Physics and Technics. Parameters of depositions were optimalized as well as the PECVD reactor itself. Final layers are compared to layers made by Degussa P25. As a result based on the included measurements, this thesis tries to answer the question whether PECVD is the suitable method for depositions of photocatalytic layers.

Influência da temperatura de sinterização nas propriedades mecânicas de molas de alumina injetadas em baixa pressão

Barbieri, Rodrigo Antonio 22 February 2011 (has links)
Neste trabalho foram produzidas molas cerâmicas através do processo de moldagem por injeção em baixa pressão, utilizando-se como matéria-prima alumina submicrométrica, aditivada com ligantes a base de ceras. Dentro do tanque de uma injetora Pelstman, estes materiais foram homogeneizados e resultaram em uma suspensão de baixa viscosidade. Entre os objetivos deste trabalho estão a produção de molas cerâmicas helicoidais com perfil circular, a extração dos ligantes orgânicos utilizados durante a moldagem, a pré-sinterização das molas a 1000°C, o acabamento e a sinterização das molas em diferentes temperaturas e a medida de algumas de suas propriedades. A mudança na temperatura de sinterização é uma maneira simples de alterar as propriedades das molas cerâmicas, sem alterar sua composição ou suas dimensões. Foram produzidos três lotes de molas de alumina, que foram sinterizadas a 1550°C, 1600°C e 1650°C, com o objetivo de verificar os efeitos da temperatura sobre a constante de mola e a tensão de fratura. As molas de alumina sinterizada foram obtidas com densidades variando de 94,0% para 97,5% do limite teórico. As constantes de mola foram medidas desde a temperatura ambiente até 1100°C. Os dados obtidos nos ensaios de fratura sob compressão foram analisados de acordo com a estatística deWeibull e o método da máxima verossimilhança. Com o aumento da temperatura de sinterização, de 1550°C até 1650°C, foi observado que a constante de mola e a resistência característica de Weibull das molas de alumina aumentaram em 15% e 32%, respectivamente. Por outro lado, a temperatura de sinterização não teve muita influência sobre o módulo de Weibull. Isso acontece porque as bolhas internas e os defeitos superficiais introduzidos na fase de conformação das molas cerâmicas, possuem um efeito pronunciado na fratura das molas, mais importante do que a redução da porosidade com o aumento da temperatura de sinterização, e são fundamentais para determinar a resistência à compressão das molas cerâmicas. / Submitted by Marcelo Teixeira (mvteixeira@ucs.br) on 2014-06-05T16:49:28Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Rodrigo Antonio Barbieri.pdf: 4044147 bytes, checksum: 645abe8dc3f878007d2ac1715ded418e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-05T16:49:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Rodrigo Antonio Barbieri.pdf: 4044147 bytes, checksum: 645abe8dc3f878007d2ac1715ded418e (MD5) / In this work, ceramic coil springs was prepared by low-pressure injection molding using alumina submicrometer-sized powder. The powder are mixed with organic binders in the Pelstman machine tank for several hours resulting in a mixture with low viscosity. This work include the production of helical ceramic springs, thermal debinding, sintering in different temperatures and measure some properties. Sintering temperature was shown to be a simple way to change the spring constant and resistence to compression of ceramics without having a significant impact in the spring´s physical dimensions. Three sets of springs were sintered at different temperatures, from 1550°C to 1650°C, in order to observe the effects on spring constant and fracture stress. Sintered alumina springs were obtained with densities ranging from 94.0% to 97.5% of the theoretical limit. Springs constants were measured from room temperature up to 1100°C. Fracture stress data was analyzed according to Weibull statistics and the maximum likelihood method. Upon increase of sintering temperature from 1550°C to 1650°C, the spring constant and the Weibull characteristic strength of the alumina springs increases by 15% and 32%, respectively. On the other hand, sintering temperature has a negligible influence on Weibull modulus. This is because internal bubbles and surface defects introduced in the production stage of the ceramic springs - more than the reduction in porosity with increasing sintering temperature - are critical in determining the compression resistance of the ceramic springs.

Formation de poudres carbonées dans un plasma de haute fréquence produit à très basse pression dans des mélanges acétylène-argon

Al Makdessi, Georges 08 1900 (has links)
Dusty plasmas are plasmas that contain solid particles of nano- or micrometer size. They are widespread in the cosmic environment and act as precursors in the formation of planets and stars. Such plasmas are also used in laboratories for the synthesis of nanocomposites, which have wide technological and medical applications. While a large scientific effort has been invested in the study and control of such plasmas, the initial growth mechanism of powders (i.e. before they reach several tens of nanometers) remains poorly known. This work contributes primarily to expand the fundamental knowledge in the field of dusty plasmas. Our goal is to understand the physical chemistry of high-frequency plasmas magnetically confined in chemically reactive gases. In addition, we aim by examining the kinetics of the precursors in the plasma to understand the mechanisms of nanoparticle formation in the volume and to control their characteristics in a magnetically confined low pressure Ar/C2H2 plasma. This contribution has a direct impact on science and plasma applications. Among the applications related directly to this research, we mention the synthesis of carbon-based nanocomposites for their integration in solar cells and biomaterials. By examining the plasma characteristics (plasma temperature and density, cation and anion density) and correlating them to those of the dust particles, we found that the magnetic field changes the process of the formation of these particles in the discharge at very low pressure. Specifically, it stimulates the nucleation of carbon nanoparticles through several channels, i.e. through the anions and cations. These nanoparticles include two different phases, an amorphous carbon layer and a porous core formed of grains aggregate. These grains are formed of graphite nanocrystals coated with an amorphous layer. Moreover, the radius of the dust particles increases with the magnetic field, which is related to the enhancement of their residence time in the plasma volume. / Les plasmas poudreux sont des plasmas qui contiennent des particules solides de taille nano- ou même micrométrique. Ils sont répandus dans l'environnement cosmique et jouent le rôle de précurseurs dans la formation des planètes et des étoiles. Ce type de plasma est également utilisé dans les laboratoires pour la synthèse des nanocomposites possédant de vastes applications dans le monde technologique et médical. Tandis qu’un grand effort scientifique a été investi dans l’étude et le contrôle de ce type de plasmas, les mécanismes initiaux de formation des poudres (i.e. avant qu’elles atteignent quelques dizaines de nanomètres) demeurent très peu connus. On sait toutefois que des réactions physico-chimiques sont à l’origine de précurseurs des poudres qui déclenchent la nucléation. Ce travail contribue en premier lieu à accroître les connaissances fondamentales dans le domaine des plasmas poudreux en général. Il s’agit en particulier de comprendre la physico-chimie des plasmas de haute fréquence de très basse pression soumis à un confinement magnétique dans des gaz chimiquement réactifs. Plus spécifiquement, l’objectif de ce travail est d’examiner la cinétique des précurseurs produits dans le plasma afin de comprendre les mécanismes de formation de nanoparticules en volume et le contrôle de leurs caractéristiques dans des mélanges d’Ar/C2H2 de très basse pression confinés magnétiquement. Cet apport a des retombées directes en science et applications des plasmas. Parmi les applications directement visées par cette recherche, notons la synthèse de nanomatériaux composites à base de carbone pour leur intégration dans les cellules solaires et les biomatériaux. En examinant les caractéristiques du plasma (température et densité du plasma, densité des cations et des anions) et en les corrélant à celles des particules de poudre, on constate que le champ magnétique modifie le processus de la formation des particules poudreuses dans la décharge à très basse pression. Plus précisément, il favorise la nucléation des nanoparticules de carbone à travers plusieurs voies impliquant les anions et les cations. Ces nanoparticules comprennent deux phases différentes, une couche de carbone amorphe et un noyau poreux formé d'un agrégat de grains eux-mêmes constitués de nanocristaux de graphite revêtus d'une couche amorphe. On constate que le rayon moyen des particules de poudre augmente avec le champ magnétique, ce qui est lié à l’amélioration de leur temps de résidence dans le volume du plasma.

Study of negative ion surface production in cesium-free H2 and D2 plasmas : application to neutral beam injectors for ITER and DEMO / Etude de la production en surface d'ions négatifs en plasma d'hydrogène et de deutérium : applications à la nouvelle génération d'injecteurs d'ITER et DEMO

Achkasov, Kostiantyn 09 December 2015 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse était trouver des solutions pour produire de hauts rendements d’ions négatifs (IN) H–/D– sur des surfaces dans des plasmas de H2/D2 sans Cs pour des applications en fusion thermonucléaire. La modélisation des fonctions de distribution en énergie des ions négatifs (FDEIN) a montré un accord remarquable avec l'expérience pour les matériaux carbonés. Une méthode de reconstruction mis au point dans le cadre de cette thèse a permis de déterminer les distributions en énergie et en angle des IN émis de la surface. La méthode de reconstruction peut être appliquée à tout type de surface et/ou d’IN. Une étude de la production des IN en surface a été réalisée sur une grande variété de matériaux (des différents types de graphite, couches de diamant et métaux). L'influence sur le rendement des IN de la température de surface, de la tension de polarisation et du temps d'exposition au plasma a été étudiée. Une méthode de polarisation pulsée a été développée pour permettre l'étude de production des IN sur les surfaces de matériaux isolants tels que le diamant microcristallin non dopé. L'utilisation de diagnostics de surface ex situ tels que la désorption programmée en température (DPT) et la spectroscopie Raman ont permis de caractériser l'état de surface des matériaux carbonés. L’ensemble des études a permis de montrer que pour optimiser le rendement des IN sur le diamant, il faut travailler avec une surface moins dégradée. Celle ci peut être obtenu en augmentant la température de surface jusqu’à 400°C – 500°C ce qui permet de restaurer les propriétés intrinsèques des diamants ou en appliquant une polarisation pulsée. / The objective of this thesis was to find solutions to produce high yields of H–/D– negative ions (NI) on surfaces in Cs-free H2/D2 plasmas for thermonuclear fusion applications. Modeling of the negative-ion energy distribution functions (NIEDF) has shown remarkable agreement with experiment for carbon materials. The reconstruction method developed in the course of this thesis has allowed to determine the distribution in energy and angle of NI emitted from the surface. The reconstruction method can be applied to any type of surface and/or NI. A study was performed on a large variety of materials: different types of graphite, diamond films and metals. The influence of surface temperature, bias and plasma exposure time on NI yield was investigated. The method of pulsed bias was developed to enable the study of NI production on surfaces of insulating materials such as microcrystalline non-doped diamond (MCD). The use of ex situ surface diagnostics such as temperature programmed desorption (TPD) and Raman spectroscopy has allowed to characterize the surface state of carbon materials. Basing on the performed studies, we demonstrated that to optimize the NI yield on diamond one has to work with a less degraded surface. This can be obtained rising the surface temperature to 400°C–500°C which allows restoring intrinsic properties of diamond. The less degraded surface state can also be obtained by applying the pulsed bias which gives the possibility to increase the H2/D2 surface coverage and diminish the defects induced by plasma exposure.

Etude en fretting usure sous hautes températures d'un contact Waspaloy/René125 : formation et stabilité des "glaze layers" / Study of Nickel based super-alloys under fretting wear sollicitations at high temperature : Glaze layer effect

Alkelae, Fathia 18 May 2016 (has links)
Les alliages à base de Nickel constituent les meilleurs matériaux actuellement développés pour répondre aux sollicitations sous hautes températures dans les domaines de l’aéronautique du nucléaire etc… L’objectif de ce travail de thèse est d’étudier leur comportement en température sous sollicitations de fretting usure. Dans cette étude, on s’intéresse à un contact René125/Waspaloy représentatif d’une application aéronautique. Dans un premier temps nous avons étudié l’effet de la température. On montre qu’à partir de 400°C, l’interface génère la formation d’une glaze layer lubrifiante qui réduit considérablement la cinétique de l’usure. En fixant la température à 700°C (température de l’application industrielle), nous avons étudié la stabilité de ces couches protectrices vis-à-vis de la pression de contact, de l’amplitude de glissement, de la fréquence et du nombre de cycle appliqués. Cette analyse montre une évolution bilinéaire de l’usure avec une usure initiale rapide liée à la formation de la « glaze layer » puis une usure additionnelle quasiment nulle dès que la « glaze layer » est formée. Ces travaux montrent que le volume d’usure associée à la formation de la « glaze layer » est fonction de la vitesse de glissement. Au dessus d’une vitesse seuil de glissement, la formation de la « glaze layer » protectrice devient plus difficile. Une courbe maîtresse est ainsi établie. Des analyses chimiques des interfaces associées à des essais interrompus ont permis d’établir le scénario de formation de ces glaze layers. Pour finir, une étude comparative des revêtements développés dans le cadre du projet INNOLUB a été menée de façon à sélectionner le revêtement offrant les meilleures propriétés tribologiques pour l’application étudiée. / Nickel based alloys are the most developed materials nowadays for applications at high temperature, as in aeronautics, nuclear…The aim of this study is to understand their behavior at high temperature under fretting wear solicitations. Thereby, we had focused on a tribosystem formed of Waspaloy/René 125, which represent the crankcase/blade contact of the low pressure Turbine. We started studying the temperature effect, it is been noticed that above T = 400°C, a lubricant tribofilm, called the Glaze Layer is generated at the interface of the contact, which enable an abrupt reduction in friction and wear rate. The temperature was than fixed at 700°C (service temperature), so the glaze layer stability was analyzed as a function of contact pressure, sliding amplitude, frequency and number of cycles imposed. This analysis shows a bilinear wear evolution, characterized by a fast initial wear related to the formation of the glaze layer, followed by almost no wear once the glaze layer is formed. This study showed that the wear rate related to the glaze layer formation is dependent of the sliding velocity. Above a sliding velocity threshold, the formation of a stabilized glaze layer is quite difficult. A Master curve is here established. Microscopic and spectroscopic investigations are conducted to analyze the interface based on interrupted tests of a very short duration. Leading to a precise description of the glaze layer formation mechanisms. At the end of this study, a comparative analysis of different coatings developed to improve these components behavior, in the framework of INNOLUB project was established, allowing choosing the coating offering the best tribological properties and lifetime.

Influência da temperatura de sinterização nas propriedades mecânicas de molas de alumina injetadas em baixa pressão

Barbieri, Rodrigo Antonio 22 February 2011 (has links)
Neste trabalho foram produzidas molas cerâmicas através do processo de moldagem por injeção em baixa pressão, utilizando-se como matéria-prima alumina submicrométrica, aditivada com ligantes a base de ceras. Dentro do tanque de uma injetora Pelstman, estes materiais foram homogeneizados e resultaram em uma suspensão de baixa viscosidade. Entre os objetivos deste trabalho estão a produção de molas cerâmicas helicoidais com perfil circular, a extração dos ligantes orgânicos utilizados durante a moldagem, a pré-sinterização das molas a 1000°C, o acabamento e a sinterização das molas em diferentes temperaturas e a medida de algumas de suas propriedades. A mudança na temperatura de sinterização é uma maneira simples de alterar as propriedades das molas cerâmicas, sem alterar sua composição ou suas dimensões. Foram produzidos três lotes de molas de alumina, que foram sinterizadas a 1550°C, 1600°C e 1650°C, com o objetivo de verificar os efeitos da temperatura sobre a constante de mola e a tensão de fratura. As molas de alumina sinterizada foram obtidas com densidades variando de 94,0% para 97,5% do limite teórico. As constantes de mola foram medidas desde a temperatura ambiente até 1100°C. Os dados obtidos nos ensaios de fratura sob compressão foram analisados de acordo com a estatística deWeibull e o método da máxima verossimilhança. Com o aumento da temperatura de sinterização, de 1550°C até 1650°C, foi observado que a constante de mola e a resistência característica de Weibull das molas de alumina aumentaram em 15% e 32%, respectivamente. Por outro lado, a temperatura de sinterização não teve muita influência sobre o módulo de Weibull. Isso acontece porque as bolhas internas e os defeitos superficiais introduzidos na fase de conformação das molas cerâmicas, possuem um efeito pronunciado na fratura das molas, mais importante do que a redução da porosidade com o aumento da temperatura de sinterização, e são fundamentais para determinar a resistência à compressão das molas cerâmicas. / In this work, ceramic coil springs was prepared by low-pressure injection molding using alumina submicrometer-sized powder. The powder are mixed with organic binders in the Pelstman machine tank for several hours resulting in a mixture with low viscosity. This work include the production of helical ceramic springs, thermal debinding, sintering in different temperatures and measure some properties. Sintering temperature was shown to be a simple way to change the spring constant and resistence to compression of ceramics without having a significant impact in the spring´s physical dimensions. Three sets of springs were sintered at different temperatures, from 1550°C to 1650°C, in order to observe the effects on spring constant and fracture stress. Sintered alumina springs were obtained with densities ranging from 94.0% to 97.5% of the theoretical limit. Springs constants were measured from room temperature up to 1100°C. Fracture stress data was analyzed according to Weibull statistics and the maximum likelihood method. Upon increase of sintering temperature from 1550°C to 1650°C, the spring constant and the Weibull characteristic strength of the alumina springs increases by 15% and 32%, respectively. On the other hand, sintering temperature has a negligible influence on Weibull modulus. This is because internal bubbles and surface defects introduced in the production stage of the ceramic springs - more than the reduction in porosity with increasing sintering temperature - are critical in determining the compression resistance of the ceramic springs.

Parní turbína v paroplynovém cyklu / Steam Turbine in the Combi Cycle

Filoušová, Natálie January 2017 (has links)
Diploma thesis named Steam turbine in the combi cycle deals with design of low pressure part of three-body turbine and it’s lateral outlet throat to the air condenser. Before the design itself, the thermal schema of entire turbine is calculated. Than follows the detail draft, the strength calculations are included as well. Turbine has any technological consumption of steam or any regenerativ consumption. Turbine will be suplly to Panama. The thesis includes following drawings: cut of flowing part, design of outlet throat and fixing of inner body in outer body of low pressure part. The diploma thesis is created for Doosan Škoda Power company.

Návrh dvoutlakého vertikálního kotle na odpadní teplo za plynovou turbínou na zemní plyn / Design of heat recovery steam generator with two pressure levels

Loukota, Martin January 2017 (has links)
This master‘s thesis deals with design of vertical heat recovery steam generators (HRSG). In the introduction part is performed description and distribution HRSG, thermal calculation, proposal of a heat transfer surfaces and choice of materials. Finally is executed aerodynamic calculation, hydraulic calculation and then are suggested dimensions of the drums. Thesis also includes technical documentation of the boiler.

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