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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Detekce začátku a konce komplexu QRS s využitím hlubokého učení / Deep learning based QRS delineator

Malina, Ondřej January 2021 (has links)
This thesis deals with the issue of automatic measurement of the duration of QRS complexes in ECG signals. Special emphasis is then placed on the possibility of automatic detection of QRS complexes while exciting cardiac tissue with a pacemaker. The content of this work is divided into four logical units, where the first part deals with the heart as an organ. It describes the origin and spread of excitement in the heart, its possible pathologies and their manifestations in ECG recording, it also deals with pacing and measuring ECG recording during simultaneous pacing. The second part of the thesis contains a brief introduction to the topic of machine and deep learning. The third part of the thesis contains a search of current approaches using methods based on deep learning to solve the detection of QRSd. The fourth part deals with the design and implementation of its own model of deep learning, able to detect the beginnings and ends of QRS complexes from ECG recordings. It describes the data preprocessing implemented in the MATLAB programming environment. The actual implementation of the model was performed in the Python using the PyTorch and NumPy moduls.

Learning discrete word embeddings to achieve better interpretability and processing efficiency

Beland-Leblanc, Samuel 12 1900 (has links)
L’omniprésente utilisation des plongements de mot dans le traitement des langues naturellesest la preuve de leur utilité et de leur capacité d’adaptation a une multitude de tâches. Ce-pendant, leur nature continue est une importante limite en terme de calculs, de stockage enmémoire et d’interprétation. Dans ce travail de recherche, nous proposons une méthode pourapprendre directement des plongements de mot discrets. Notre modèle est une adaptationd’une nouvelle méthode de recherche pour base de données avec des techniques dernier crien traitement des langues naturelles comme les Transformers et les LSTM. En plus d’obtenirdes plongements nécessitant une fraction des ressources informatiques nécéssaire à leur sto-ckage et leur traitement, nos expérimentations suggèrent fortement que nos représentationsapprennent des unités de bases pour le sens dans l’espace latent qui sont analogues à desmorphèmes. Nous appelons ces unités dessememes, qui, de l’anglaissemantic morphemes,veut dire morphèmes sémantiques. Nous montrons que notre modèle a un grand potentielde généralisation et qu’il produit des représentations latentes montrant de fortes relationssémantiques et conceptuelles entre les mots apparentés. / The ubiquitous use of word embeddings in Natural Language Processing is proof of theirusefulness and adaptivity to a multitude of tasks. However, their continuous nature is pro-hibitive in terms of computation, storage and interpretation. In this work, we propose amethod of learning discrete word embeddings directly. The model is an adaptation of anovel database searching method using state of the art natural language processing tech-niques like Transformers and LSTM. On top of obtaining embeddings requiring a fractionof the resources to store and process, our experiments strongly suggest that our representa-tions learn basic units of meaning in latent space akin to lexical morphemes. We call theseunitssememes, i.e., semantic morphemes. We demonstrate that our model has a greatgeneralization potential and outputs representation showing strong semantic and conceptualrelations between related words.

Rekurentní neuronové sítě pro rozpoznávání řeči / Recurrent Neural Networks for Speech Recognition

Nováčik, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the implementation of various types of recurrent neural networks via programming language lua using torch library. It focuses on finding optimal strategy for training recurrent neural networks and also tries to minimize the duration of the training. Furthermore various types of regularization techniques are investigated and implemented into the recurrent neural network architecture. Implemented recurrent neural networks are compared on the speech recognition task using AMI dataset, where they model the acustic information. Their performance is also compared to standard feedforward neural network. Best results are achieved using BLSTM architecture. The recurrent neural network are also trained via CTC objective function on the TIMIT dataset. Best result is again achieved using BLSTM architecture.

Anomaly Detection and Security Deep Learning Methods Under Adversarial Situation

Miguel Villarreal-Vasquez (9034049) 27 June 2020 (has links)
<p>Advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI), or more precisely on Neural Networks (NNs), and fast processing technologies (e.g. Graphic Processing Units or GPUs) in recent years have positioned NNs as one of the main machine learning algorithms used to solved a diversity of problems in both academia and the industry. While they have been proved to be effective in solving many tasks, the lack of security guarantees and understanding of their internal processing disrupts their wide adoption in general and cybersecurity-related applications. In this dissertation, we present the findings of a comprehensive study aimed to enable the absorption of state-of-the-art NN algorithms in the development of enterprise solutions. Specifically, this dissertation focuses on (1) the development of defensive mechanisms to protect NNs against adversarial attacks and (2) application of NN models for anomaly detection in enterprise networks.</p><p>In this state of affairs, this work makes the following contributions. First, we performed a thorough study of the different adversarial attacks against NNs. We concentrate on the attacks referred to as trojan attacks and introduce a novel model hardening method that removes any trojan (i.e. misbehavior) inserted to the NN models at training time. We carefully evaluate our method and establish the correct metrics to test the efficiency of defensive methods against these types of attacks: (1) accuracy with benign data, (2) attack success rate, and (3) accuracy with adversarial data. Prior work evaluates their solutions using the first two metrics only, which do not suffice to guarantee robustness against untargeted attacks. Our method is compared with the state-of-the-art. The obtained results show our method outperforms it. Second, we proposed a novel approach to detect anomalies using LSTM-based models. Our method analyzes at runtime the event sequences generated by the Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) system of a renowned security company running and efficiently detects uncommon patterns. The new detecting method is compared with the EDR system. The results show that our method achieves a higher detection rate. Finally, we present a Moving Target Defense technique that smartly reacts upon the detection of anomalies so as to also mitigate the detected attacks. The technique efficiently replaces the entire stack of virtual nodes, making ongoing attacks in the system ineffective.</p><p> </p>

A comparative study of Neural Network Forecasting models on the M4 competition data

Ridhagen, Markus, Lind, Petter January 2021 (has links)
The development of machine learning research has provided statistical innovations and further developments within the field of time series analysis. This study seeks to investigate two different approaches on artificial neural network models based on different learning techniques, and answering how well the neural network approach compares with a basic autoregressive approach, as well as how the artificial neural network models compare to each other. The models were compared and analyzed in regards to the univariate forecast accuracy on 20 randomly drawn time series from two different time frequencies from the M4 competition dataset. Forecasting was made dependent on one time lag (t-1) and forecasted three and six steps ahead respectively. The artificial neural network models outperformed the baseline Autoregressive model, showing notably lower mean average percentage error overall. The Multilayered perceptron models performed better than the Long short-term memory model overall, whereas the Long short-term memory model showed improvement on longer prediction time dimensions. As the training were done univariately  on a limited set of time steps, it is believed that the one layered-approach gave a good enough approximation on the data, whereas the added layer couldn’t fully utilize its strengths of processing power. Likewise, the Long short-term memory model couldn’t fully demonstrate the advantagements of recurrent learning. Using the same dataset, further studies could be made with another approach to data processing. Implementing an unsupervised approach of clustering the data before analysis, the same models could be tested with multivariate analysis on models trained on multiple time series simultaneously.

Insurance Fraud Detection using Unsupervised Sequential Anomaly Detection / Detektion av försäkringsbedrägeri med oövervakad sekvensiell anomalitetsdetektion

Hansson, Anton, Cedervall, Hugo January 2022 (has links)
Fraud is a common crime within the insurance industry, and insurance companies want to quickly identify fraudulent claimants as they often result in higher premiums for honest customers. Due to the digital transformation where the sheer volume and complexity of available data has grown, manual fraud detection is no longer suitable. This work aims to automate the detection of fraudulent claimants and gain practical insights into fraudulent behavior using unsupervised anomaly detection, which, compared to supervised methods, allows for a more cost-efficient and practical application in the insurance industry. To obtain interpretable results and benefit from the temporal dependencies in human behavior, we propose two variations of LSTM based autoencoders to classify sequences of insurance claims. Autoencoders can provide feature importances that give insight into the models' predictions, which is essential when models are put to practice. This approach relies on the assumption that outliers in the data are fraudulent. The models were trained and evaluated on a dataset we engineered using data from a Swedish insurance company, where the few labeled frauds that existed were solely used for validation and testing. Experimental results show state-of-the-art performance, and further evaluation shows that the combination of autoencoders and LSTMs are efficient but have similar performance to the employed baselines. This thesis provides an entry point for interested practitioners to learn key aspects of anomaly detection within fraud detection by thoroughly discussing the subject at hand and the details of our work. / <p>Gjordes digitalt via Zoom. </p>

Cooperative security log analysis using machine learning : Analyzing different approaches to log featurization and classification / Kooperativ säkerhetslogganalys med maskininlärning

Malmfors, Fredrik January 2022 (has links)
This thesis evaluates the performance of different machine learning approaches to log classification based on a dataset derived from simulating intrusive behavior towards an enterprise web application. The first experiment consists of performing attacks towards the web app in correlation with the logs to create a labeled dataset. The second experiment consists of one unsupervised model based on a variational autoencoder and four super- vised models based on both conventional feature-engineering techniques with deep neural networks and embedding-based feature techniques followed by long-short-term memory architectures and convolutional neural networks. With this dataset, the embedding-based approaches performed much better than the conventional one. The autoencoder did not perform well compared to the supervised models. To conclude, embedding-based ap- proaches show promise even on datasets with different characteristics compared to natural language.

Deep Learning Models for Human Activity Recognition

Albert Florea, George, Weilid, Filip January 2019 (has links)
AMI Meeting Corpus (AMI) -databasen används för att undersöka igenkännande av gruppaktivitet. AMI Meeting Corpus (AMI) -databasen ger forskare fjärrstyrda möten och naturliga möten i en kontorsmiljö; mötescenario i ett fyra personers stort kontorsrum. För attuppnågruppaktivitetsigenkänninganvändesbildsekvenserfrånvideosoch2-dimensionella audiospektrogram från AMI-databasen. Bildsekvenserna är RGB-färgade bilder och ljudspektrogram har en färgkanal. Bildsekvenserna producerades i batcher så att temporala funktioner kunde utvärderas tillsammans med ljudspektrogrammen. Det har visats att inkludering av temporala funktioner både under modellträning och sedan förutsäga beteende hos en aktivitet ökar valideringsnoggrannheten jämfört med modeller som endast använder rumsfunktioner[1]. Deep learning arkitekturer har implementerats för att känna igen olika mänskliga aktiviteter i AMI-kontorsmiljön med hjälp av extraherade data från the AMI-databas.Neurala nätverks modellerna byggdes med hjälp av KerasAPI tillsammans med TensorFlow biblioteket. Det finns olika typer av neurala nätverksarkitekturer. Arkitekturerna som undersöktes i detta projektet var Residual Neural Network, Visual GeometryGroup 16, Inception V3 och RCNN (LSTM). ImageNet-vikter har använts för att initialisera vikterna för Neurala nätverk basmodeller. ImageNet-vikterna tillhandahålls av Keras API och är optimerade för varje basmodell [2]. Basmodellerna använder ImageNet-vikter när de extraherar funktioner från inmatningsdata. Funktionsextraktionen med hjälp av ImageNet-vikter eller slumpmässiga vikter tillsammans med basmodellerna visade lovande resultat. Både Deep Learning användningen av täta skikt och LSTM spatio-temporala sekvens predikering implementerades framgångsrikt. / The Augmented Multi-party Interaction(AMI) Meeting Corpus database is used to investigate group activity recognition in an office environment. The AMI Meeting Corpus database provides researchers with remote controlled meetings and natural meetings in an office environment; meeting scenario in a four person sized office room. To achieve the group activity recognition video frames and 2-dimensional audio spectrograms were extracted from the AMI database. The video frames were RGB colored images and audio spectrograms had one color channel. The video frames were produced in batches so that temporal features could be evaluated together with the audio spectrogrames. It has been shown that including temporal features both during model training and then predicting the behavior of an activity increases the validation accuracy compared to models that only use spatial features [1]. Deep learning architectures have been implemented to recognize different human activities in the AMI office environment using the extracted data from the AMI database.The Neural Network models were built using the Keras API together with TensorFlow library. There are different types of Neural Network architectures. The architecture types that were investigated in this project were Residual Neural Network, Visual Geometry Group 16, Inception V3 and RCNN(Recurrent Neural Network). ImageNet weights have been used to initialize the weights for the Neural Network base models. ImageNet weights were provided by Keras API and was optimized for each base model[2]. The base models uses ImageNet weights when extracting features from the input data.The feature extraction using ImageNet weights or random weights together with the base models showed promising results. Both the Deep Learning using dense layers and the LSTM spatio-temporal sequence prediction were implemented successfully.

Using a Character-Based Language Model for Caption Generation / Användning av teckenbaserad språkmodell för generering av bildtext

Keisala, Simon January 2019 (has links)
Using AI to automatically describe images is a challenging task. The aim of this study has been to compare the use of character-based language models with one of the current state-of-the-art token-based language models, im2txt, to generate image captions, with focus on morphological correctness. Previous work has shown that character-based language models are able to outperform token-based language models in morphologically rich languages. Other studies show that simple multi-layered LSTM-blocks are able to learn to replicate the syntax of its training data. To study the usability of character-based language models an alternative model based on TensorFlow im2txt has been created. The model changes the token-generation architecture into handling character-sized tokens instead of word-sized tokens. The results suggest that a character-based language model could outperform the current token-based language models, although due to time and computing power constraints this study fails to draw a clear conclusion. A problem with one of the methods, subsampling, is discussed. When using the original method on character-sized tokens this method removes characters (including special characters) instead of full words. To solve this issue, a two-phase approach is suggested, where training data first is separated into word-sized tokens where subsampling is performed. The remaining tokens are then separated into character-sized tokens. Future work where the modified subsampling and fine-tuning of the hyperparameters are performed is suggested to gain a clearer conclusion of the performance of character-based language models.

Explainable AI For Predictive Maintenance

Karlsson, Nellie, Bengtsson, My January 2022 (has links)
As the complexity of deep learning model increases, the transparency of the systems does the opposite. It may be hard to understand the predictions a deep learning model makes, but even harder to understand why these predictions are made. Using eXplainable AI (XAI), we can gain greater knowledge of how the model operates and how the input in which the model receives can change its predictions. In this thesis, we apply Integrated Gradients (IG), an XAI method primarily used on image data and on datasets containing tabular and time-series data. We also evaluate how the results of IG differ from various types of models and how the change of baseline can change the outcome. In these results, we observe that IG can be applied to both sequenced and nonsequenced data, with varying results. We can see that the gradient baseline does not affect the results of IG on models such as RNN, LSTM, and GRU, where the data contains time series, as much as it does for models like MLP with nonsequenced data. To confirm this, we also applied IG to SVM models, which gave the results that the choice of gradient baseline has a significant impact on the results of IG.

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