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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La città divisa. Conflittualità, confini, prove di comunità / Divided city. Conflicts, boundaries, attempts of community

Zannoni, Federico <1981> 28 May 2013 (has links)
Il presente lavoro approfondisce le tematiche della conflittualità e della separazione etnica, sociale, religiosa, generazionale e culturale. In particolare, riporta i risultati di ricerche condotte in alcuni degli attuali contesti urbani più carichi di tensioni conflittuali, cercando di individuare i motivi vicini e remoti del confligere, le attività messe in atto per contenere le tensioni e le relative necessità educative poste in primo piano. L’elaborato si compone di cinque parti. La prima parte consiste in una riflessione teorica sulle dinamiche che caratterizzano le interazioni sociali nello spazio cittadino. Nella seconda parte viene trattato il tema del settarismo in Scozia, che vede contrapposti i cattolici di origine irlandese (generalmente tifosi della squadra di calcio dei Celtic) e i protestanti di sangue scozzese (generalmente tifosi dei Rangers). La terza parte ricostruisce la storia e il presente della lunga convivenza tra tatari musulmani e russi cristiano-ortodossi nei territori dell’attuale Repubblica etnica del Tatarstan, situata nel cuore della Russia europea, ponendo particolare attenzione agli aspetti religiosi, linguistici, culturali ed educativi. La quarta parte parla del disagio nelle periferie europee, manifestatosi in modo eclatante con le rivolte giovanili in Francia (2005) e nel Regno Unito (2011). La parte conclusiva, infine riprenderà alcuni degli elementi emersi per proporre una riflessione di tipo pedagogico atta ad affrontare in tutta la sua complessità, e con approcci nuovi, il tema della città divisa, con le relative conflittualità, i confini e le prove di comunità. / This paper investigates the themes of conflict and separations in their ethnic, social, religious, generational and cultural dimensions. In particular, it reports the results of researches conducted in some of the most complex urban areas, trying to identify the reasons of the conflicts, the activities put in place to curb the strains and the educational needs placed in the foreground. The paper consists of five parts. The first part is a theoretical analysis on the dynamics that characterize the social interactions in the city space. The second part deals with the issue of sectarianism in Scotland, which sees opposing Catholics of Irish descent (usually supporters of Celtic football team) and the Protestants of Scottish blood (usually Rangers’ fans). The third part traces the history and the present of the coexistence between Muslim Tatars and Christian-Orthodox Russians in the ethnic Republic of Tatarstan, situated in the heart of European Russia, paying particular attention to the religious, linguistic, cultural and educational issues. The fourth part analyses the discomfort in the European peripheries, that has been manifested with the youth revolts in France (2005) and in the UK (2011). The final part resumes some of the issues in order to suggest a pedagogical reflection to face the theme of the divided cities.

L’«educativo» in sanità: reti di complessità e orizzonti di possibilità / Educational in healthcare: complexity networks and possibility

Benini, Stefano <1972> 28 May 2013 (has links)
La tesi analizza il dialogo tra due prospettive disciplinari: pedagogia e scienze mediche aprendo ad una serie di riflessioni operative e metodologiche per lo sviluppo della competenza educativa in sanità. Si tratta di un lavoro di ricerca pedagogica articolata in due parti:una teoretica e una empirica. La prima parte pone l’attenzione in modo particolare all’epistemologia della cura sanitaria nella prospettiva della complessità e agli elementi che definiscono la competenza educativa degli operatori. La seconda parte presenta i dati di una indagine esplorativa realizzata tramite focus group che ha coinvolto medici, infermieri, ostetriche e fisioterapisti della provincia di Bologna e medici, infermieri e fisioterapisti del Canton Ticino, Svizzera per far emergere le esperienze, i vissuti e le opinioni legate alle azioni educative sanitarie / The thesis analyzes the dialogue between two disciplines: pedagogy and medical sciences. The aim is opening a series of practice and methodological reflections to improve the educational expertise in healthcare . This educational research is divided in two parts: the first one regarding theories and models of educational care in health practice; the second one is an empirical research. The focus on the first part is the epistemology of health and the educational care analyzing from perspective of complexity. The second part presents data from an explorative research realized through focus groups including doctors, nurses, midwives and physiotherapists in Bologna and doctors, nurses and physiotherapists in Switzerland (Canton Ticino) to bring out experiences, viewpoint and actions about health education.

Education Right: a social justice grounded theory in Italian Compulsory School

Ghirotto, Luca January 2008 (has links)
Education, Social Justice, democracy, social rights, and capabilities. Those are the keywords of this study about the processes of guaranteeing the education right. Nevertheless, as mentioned above, in terms of education and pedagogical aims, I could not support a theory, even if is highlighting the importance of it for the education and training contexts. Handling what are the things that really happen, it is necessary. During Chapter 2, I shall explain more fully how is possible to study abstract concepts such as democracy and social rights. Here, it will be sufficient to say that democracy is a situation in the same way as education is. What is the situation that involves the democratic social education right? This situation is the school environment, the last termination of the state, which is committed to increase education and the culture of a country. I then will choose a particular event of that situation as the inclusion of immigrant students, because this event will make the process related to the guaranteeing of the education right, particularly evident. Following the methodical steps I shall introduce in the third chapter, I have constructed a Grounded Theory (GT) through which I shall not only say that schools live in a conflict among social rights to be guaranteed and systematic and political difficulties to make their intervention effective. Already the newspapers refer that, for example those articles I mentioned at the beginning of the introduction. I bring to the attention the ways this conflict exists, outlining the characteristics that are in accordance or not with what is declared by and what is lived in schools. This research has as a result a theory I have named: “structuring conditions†. Indeed, what happens in Italian schools when a foreigner student arrives in the course of the year? How does the school react and how to try to secure the education right? The “structuring of the conditions†explains what happens in Italian schools regard the phenomenon of inclusion of immigrant students. This process evolves according two dynamics: the first is the “sharing of responsiveness†and the second one is the “structuring of educational priorities†. These two dynamics explain what occurs within the teachersâ€TM lived experiences and within the school as an organization. Sharing the sensitivity or responsiveness means that the process of welcoming starts from an attitude that only few teachers have shown: it is taking the load of educational projects that tend to guarantee the right to learning Italian and to construct a well coexistence with all the other students inside the school. Many teachers are still deaf towards these issues. For structuring of priorities, I mean, however, that the processes of activation are led by a very clear priority given to the wellbeing of immigrant students, choice that would set out to build a more effective welcoming and training. In Chapter 4, I will describe the process of schoolsâ€TM activating. These processes have to do with the arrival of foreigners seen as a problem and not as their right. In other words, when it becomes a problem then the school raises the question of ensuring a right. In addition, not only because increasingly there are schools with a very high presence of immigrants, but also because the continuous arrival leads to organizational confusion and difficulties to be remedied. Does schools guarantee the education right effectively? If the right is the right to a social minimum, a foreign child who enters during the year, has its classroom, is included in school life, like everyone, then the answer is yes. The right to enrol in school is given to all but the education right also has another side that is the fact that at the end of schooling everyone should have all the skills acquired to become a citizen. To do this, the school should provide a very good and improving education to all, not just the social minimum. The research reveals that schools lean to ensure not the education right, a very remote target if the 42.5% of foreign students are in delay in or abandon training. Rather, the process through which the school tends to guarantee the education right is making structural, shared and of primary importance what would be the prerequisites of a climate suitable for work. I will define the prerequisites in chapter 4: those are the educational aspects, without which the pure and simple Italian learning would be insolvent to bridge the gaps. Furthermore, it would not be possible learning to stay together, to live in a place educational priorities may build. Making learners autonomous in language and sociability is the warranty of the education right. Moreover, in this context, we would recognise conditions, which are the responsiveness some teachers show, and priorities, that from a last minute answer would become systematic responses to an emergency.

Pedagogia interculturale: prassi e teorie. L'€influenza e le immaginabili funzioni della psicologia nella pedagogia interculturale

Sabadini, Mauro Unknown Date (has links)
The research focuses on intercultural action in kindergarten multicultural situations. More specifically, the process of practice and theory has been investigated and the relationship between these two elements that should contribute to the same goal of inclusion. The research question of the survey is: "How does unconsciousness influence the circularity of the process between theory and practice in intercultural environment in kindergartens?†The theories from which the research originates suggest a counterproposal to discriminating divisions. They are models of inclusion and of "informal and open cooperation", with the need to review the social visions that relate to colonial concepts, that is a review of archetypes of dominant and subordinate. A perspective that must also take into account the search for a balance between the universalist vision and the perspective that highlights diversity. The survey offers a view on the processes that contrast the realization of inclusion extending to the centrality of teachers' unconscious theories and suggests that the intercultural glance when supported by the pillars of philosophy and anthropology may be wider, particularly with the contribution that can come from psychology, especially social psychology, but not only. The underlying concept is that we can profoundly expand our vision through a number of psychological constructs and that their knowledge can be useful both for understanding the processes involved in inclusion and in planning training paths.

Da ribelli a resilienti: processi generativi di successo scolastico nel biennio della scuola secondaria in Italia

Ventura, Michela January 2011 (has links)
L’istruzione e la formazione hanno acquisito un peso progressivamente crescente nell’agenda politica dell’Unione Europea. Chi possiede competenze di basso livello rischia l’esclusione economica e sociale (Consiglio dell’Unione europea, 2008, p.2). In una ricerca su alcune dimensioni della disuguaglianza in Italia (povertà, salute, condizioni abitative) condotta nell’ambito dell’Osservatorio sulle disuguaglianze sociali della Fondazione Ermanno Gorrieri, si rileva come, nell’anno 2006, la maggiore quota percentuale tra le persone a basso reddito fosse costituita in Italia dagli operai (37,6%), seguiti dai pensionati (29,6%) (Brandolini, Saraceno, Schizzerotto, 2009, p.52). In Italia, il tasso medio di abbandono scolastico misurato con l’ultimo test Pisa nel 2009 è del 23,5%, percentuale che esclude gli studenti dei Centri di formazione professionale, essendo questi ultimi disciplinati dalla normativa regionale e pertanto fonte di dati difficilmente comparabili. Questo significa che, mediamente, almeno uno/a studente/ssa italiano/a su quattro è “a rischio di esclusione economica e sociale”. Aggiungendo a questo dato i tassi di dispersione scolastica e di evasione e i risultati circa le competenze di base in uscita al termine del ciclo d’istruzione secondaria (Ministero dell’Istruzione, Università e Ricerca, 2008b), è legittimo pensare che questo problema interessi una fetta ben maggiore di studenti italiani. Questo studio si propone di indagare cosa accade prima dell’abbandono, quando gli studenti sono ancora all’interno del circuito formativo obbligatorio: quali processi interni alla scuola secondaria conducono verso il successo o l’insuccesso scolastico? Quali fattori entrano in gioco, ai diversi livelli? Per fare questo, è stato necessario in primo luogo decostruire e problematizzare la definizione di “insuccesso scolastico”, facendo una comparazione tra le mutevoli descrizioni concettuali che ne sono state date e compiendo una disanima critica delle modalità utilizzate per quantificare il fenomeno, prendendo in esame alcune indagini italiane ed internazionali. Attraverso un breve excursus storico sull’evoluzione del sistema scolastico in Italia e sui riferimenti normativi che lo disciplinano, sia a livello nazionale, sia a livello europeo, si è in seguito fornita una descrizione quantitativa del fenomeno “insuccesso scolastico” in Italia, seguita da una lettura critica dei diversi approcci disciplinari che hanno fatto dell’insuccesso scolastico il loro oggetto d’indagine, in Italia e all’estero. Tra i vari approcci presentati, ci si è focalizzati in particolar modo su quello della sociologia dell’educazione e della critical pedagogy nella sua accezione statunitense: quest’ultimo viene proposto con l’approccio più fecondo nello studio del fenomeno, proponendone un confronto con l’approccio della pedagogia critica italiana. Questo studio si colloca tra le ricerche empiriche che si rifanno all’approccio della critical pedagogy. La metodologia utilizzata è una grounded theory orientata alla social justice, combinata con un approccio etnografico. Lo studio si conclude con la presentazione di un modello teorico che si propone di spiegare il fenomeno “insuccesso scolastico” nelle sue origini, e di fornire utili indicazioni agli operatori sul campo che quotidianamente si misurano con il fenomeno stesso.

The Embodied Mind: Mindfulness Meditation as Experiential Learning in Adult Education

Francesconi, Denis January 2010 (has links)
The focus of the thesis is on i) theoretically investigating how meditation and education can work together, and ii) empirically studying the educational and cognitive effects of meditation on adult subject, with special regard to the subjective experience description. In concrete, it is my intention here to assess the value of mindfulness meditation in terms of changes in the so-called ‘first-person perspective’ (FPP), that is how meditation affects the self-perception and self-description in expert and beginner meditators. Indeed, through a qualitative study I will assess the educational outcomes of a two months long period of meditation in terms of self-perception and experience description skills on healthy adults, both beginners and experts. The structure of the thesis is the follow. In the first chapter I will consider the theoretical framework on which my thesis is based on. In particular I will present a short overview of the encounter of phenomenological tradition and cognitive sciences during the last decade of the XXth Century, an encounter that has produced the so-called ‘Embodied Theory’. I will especially discuss the themes of consciousness and body consciousness that are fundamental for my thesis. Another short overview is presented about meditation tradition and, especially, about what mindfulness meditation is and where it comes from. The second chapter is dedicated to present how mindfulness meditation practice affects the person. Considering the utility for a pedagogical discourse to evaluate the neuroscientific and cognitive aspects of meditation, we will discuss the main effects of meditation on the brain and the mind; then, I will discuss how meditation fits with phenomenological pedagogical theory and practice, and how it can be considered as a form of experiential education, with special regard to adult education. Then, in the third chapter, the results of a qualitative study on self-perception and body perception will be presented and discussed. Finally, in the fourth one, some general conclusions will be outlined about the educational value of meditation, and some suggestions and critics will be outlined with regard to the didactic and teaching programs of meditation courses.

Contenuti, problemi e regole del valutare. Percorsi e tracciati di analisi pedagogica / Contents, Problems and rules of Evaluation. Distances and Tracing of Pedagogical Analysis

AGLIERI, MICHELE 02 April 2007 (has links)
Il lavoro si inserisce nel già ampio quadro degli studi sulla valutazione in campo educativo, con l'intento di provocare alcuni importanti allargamenti di prospettiva. Esso infatti porta idee, riflessioni e strumenti provenienti soprattutto dalla pedagogia di area francofona, contesto con cui un incremento dei contatti potrebbe apportare indubbi benefici. Inoltre, nella prospettiva adottata, il tema della valutazione educativa esce dal terreno applicativo dei percorsi formali di apprendimento e della valutazione istituzionalizzata, per estendere la trattabilità pedagogica ai mondi dello spontaneo e dell'informale, con ricadute di interesse anche scolastico. Il punto di arrivo della ricerca è dato dalla ricognizione di alcuni sfondi problematici e dalla formalizzazione di alcune regole che, se rispettate, permetterebbero di collocare gli atti valutativi «dentro l'azione» (R. Zúñiga), nel rispetto e nell'interesse della fomatività umana. / The work settles in the already wide outline of the studies of the evaluation in educational field, with the aim to provoke some important increases of prospective. It brings in fact ideas, reflections and instruments coming from the francophone-area pedagogy, context with which, an increment of the contacts, could bring certain benefits. moreover, in the adopted prospective, the topic of the educational evaluation exits from the applicative field, of formal distances of learning and institutionalized evaluation, in order to extend the pedagogical tractability to the worlds of the spontaneous and the informal, with fall out of also scholastic interest. The point of arrival of the research is given by the recognition of some problematic background and by the formalization of some rules that, if respected, would allow to place the evaluation acts into the action (R. Zúñiga), in the respect and in the interest of the human possibility of formation.

La sfida della pedagogia medica: nuova frontiera educativa

ANZILOTTI, PAOLA GIUSEPPINA MARIA 20 February 2009 (has links)
Il lavoro di ricerca verte sull'analisi del rapporto tra medicina e pedagogia, in una prospettiva di intervento educativo finalizzato alla formazione dei futuri medici. La ricerca si è avvalsa di una letteratura straniera per il segmento relativo all'affermarsi della pedagogia medica, a livello nazionale ed internazionale, cui è seguita un'indagine empirica tendente a "dare voce" ai protagonisti della ricerca, gli studenti delle Facoltà di Medicina. / The research analyses the relation between education and medicine, in order to plan an educational intervention for future doctors. The research work is based on an international bibliography on Medical Education. There is also an empirical part in order to study the 'real voice' of students and professors.

Silenzio e ascolto nella prospettiva del fine dell'educazione

MEREGALLI, DAMIANO 31 March 2011 (has links)
Il lavoro di ricerca si inserisce nel solco della letteratura pedagogica legato all’individuazione di un fine ultimo da attribuire alla relazione educativa. L’obiettivo principale sarà, pertanto, quello di cercare un fine all’atto educativo prendendo come riferimento alcuni elementi della società contemporanea post-moderna quali la difficoltà di instaurare relazioni umani solide e la problematicità nel compiere scelte decisive all’interno della propria esistenza. Se il fine del processo educativo risiede nel trasformare l’essere umano in una persona in grado di orientarsi nell’oceano esistenziale, quali possono essere gli strumenti educativi atti al raggiungimento di tale scopo? Il metodo partirà dall’ascolto delle domande esistenziali: è l’interrogarsi continuamente attorno alla propria condizione umana che induce l’individuo a non arrendersi alla omologazione; è lo sviluppo della criticità tramite l’inquietudine suscitata dalla domanda ad aiutare l’uomo a scoprire il suo posto all’interno della vita. I risultati attesi vogliono dimostrare quanto sia necessaria una Teoria pedagogia del perché: una educazione in grado di far nascere nell’educando il primato ermeneutico della domanda. In conclusione: per attuare questo processo di umanizzazione è necessario formare educatori in grado di cogliere la sfida drammatica del tempo presente e portare l’umano a rimpossessarsi delle caratteristiche proprie che lo rendono unica scheggia di mondo con moto diverso. / This research work fits into that field of pedagogical literature which is especially devoted to identifying an ultimate aim for the educational relationship. In particular, the main goal of this work has been to find out such a primary aim for the educational action with reference to the contemporary, postmodern, society, where sound and human relationships are difficult to achieve, and decisive choices about one's life are increasingly difficult to make out. Assuming that the aim of an educational process is to transform human beings into persons with a capacity of directing their lives, what are the most qualified educational tools in order to achieve this goal? Beginning with the existential questions is the first step: the habit of incessant thinking over human condition preserves people from homologation; the uneasiness that arises from deep reflection promotes the development of that critical ability which helps a man to discover his role in life. The results of this work show the need for a “Pedagogical theory of «why»”, as the base for an education able to arise in the learners a consciousness of the hermeneutic supremacy of the «why». In conclusion: to realize this process of humanization, educators must be trained to face the dramatic challenge of our days, and make humans recover their distinctive features that make man the only “splinter of the universe” with a different movement.

IL RUOLO EDUCATIVO TRA I NONNI E I NIPOTI: RIFLESSIONI PEDAGOGICHE / Educational relationship between grandparents and nephews. Pedagogical reflections

ACERBI, MARIA 06 March 2014 (has links)
Il lavoro di ricerca vuole analizzare il rapporto educativo tra nonni e nipoti, attraverso una lettura pedagogica. Il ruolo educativo dei nonni è fondamentale in questo momento storico, le cui trasformazioni socioculturali hanno cambiato profondamente il volto della famiglia. L’intento principale della ricerca è stato quello di indagare attraverso un’indagine empirica il ruolo attuale dei nonni e dei nipoti valorizzandone il legame intergenerazionale, ora più che mai necessario per sostenere con le giuste differenze il grande e appassionante compito educativo dei genitori. Infatti, grazie all’analisi delle risposte ricavate dai questionari somministrati si è constatato quanto i nonni siano fonte di saggezza, i detentori di valori antichi che ora più che mai sono dimenticati o considerati fuori moda ma che a detta dei nipoti sono molto importanti per la loro crescita personale. / The research aims to analyze the educational relationship between grandparents and nephews under the pedagogical point of view. Grandparents’ educational role is critical at this time in history, in which the social and cultural changes have deeply modified the face of the family. 'The main purpose of the research is to investigate by means of an empirical analysis the current role of grandparents and nephews enhancing their intergenerational link, now more than ever necessary to support – with the right differences - the great and exciting educational role of parents. Actually, by the analysis of the answers to the submitted questionnaires, it was stressed how grandparents remain a source of wisdom, keepers of ancient values that now more than ever are forgotten or considered out of date but, for nephews, very important for their personal growth.

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