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A meta-analytic structural equation model for understanding social commerce adoptionDwivedi, Y.K., Ismagilova, Elvira, Sarker, P., Jeyaraj, A., Jadil, Y., Hughes, L. 17 September 2021 (has links)
Yes / Social commerce (s-commerce) has gained prominence with advances in social media and social networking technologies over
the last decade. Prior research has employed diverse theoretical perspectives to understand and explain consumer behavior within
s-commerce but has also produced inconsistent results. This study integrates different theoretical perspectives including trust,
social support, and social presence. The research portrays an integrated research model involving factors that impact behavioral
intention and use behavior of s-commerce consumers whilst synthesizing prior empirical findings. A meta-analytic structural
equation modeling (MASEM) method was used to synthesize 189 findings reported in 68 s-commerce studies and to analyze the
structural model. Our findings show that trust and informational support have positive effects on behavioral intention while trust
and emotional support have positive effects on use behavior. Furthermore, our findings highlight that behavioral intention
influences use behavior and mediates the effect of trust and informational support on use behavior. The implications for research
and practice are discussed in detail.
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Re-examining the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT): Towards a Revised Theoretical ModelDwivedi, Y.K., Rana, Nripendra P., Jeyaraj, A., Clement, M., Williams, M.D. 25 October 2019 (has links)
Yes / Based on a critical review of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT), this study first formalized an alternative theoretical model for explaining the acceptance and use of information system (IS) and information technology (IT) innovations. The revised theoretical model was then empirically examined using a combination of meta-analysis and structural equation modelling (MASEM) techniques. The meta-analysis was based on 1600 observations on 21 relationships coded from 162 prior studies on IS/IT acceptance and use. The SEM analysis showed that attitude: was central to behavioural intentions and usage behaviours, partially mediated the effects of exogenous constructs on behavioural intentions, and had a direct influence on usage behaviours. A number of implications for theory and practice are derived based on the findings.
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Metody řízení jakosti při příjmu syrového masa / The Methods of Quality Management at receiving raw meatSYROVÁTKOVÁ, Monika January 2011 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the matters of meat, compositon of meat and systems for quality management, especially BRC (British Retail Consortium), IFS (International Food Standard), HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point) and ISO ((International Organization for Standardization). There are described the importace of Quality management system for food safety and enterprise management too. The chosen company has got certification HACCP and EN ISO 9001 : 2000. In the next part of this work I describe requirements of meat Processors. These requirements are very determined by kind of meat and Quality Policy of certain meat processing company. Next I study the real consumer?s and shopping manners on the market with meat, trends in consumption meat in Czech republic and also in the world. The world market for meat is relatively dependent on what is happening in Asia, since there is a dynamically growing production and consumption of meat. This is most significant in China, which has great potential in the export of pork and poultry meat. There is also a prediction of meat consumption in the future based on the identified trends. Developments in Czech meat market follows world trends, so we can also expect increased consumption of poultry meat. At the same time the consumption of beef and pork meat tends to decrease because of the absorption of agricultural subsidies. Mutton and venison hold their current portion of production, thanks to the stable customer base.For creating this work I used the study of expert literature. The acquired informations have been compiled into graphs for making results more transparent. In addition I tried to describe or analyse the graphs by words.
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Systém posuzování jakosti masa jako vstupní suroviny pro výrobu trvanlivých a fermentovaných salámů / The system of quality assessment of meat as feedstock for the production of durable and fermented salamisPIRTYÁKOVÁ, Lucie January 2011 (has links)
In my diploma thesis I recommend operating system of the choice of feedstock for the production of durable and fermented salamis. I Choose raw materials for the production of durable salamis according to established criteria for evaluating quality of raw materials and influences, which are affected. Next, I examined the possibilities of evaluation of quality standards and for the production technology of salami Vysočina I put together HACCP plan. In conclusion, I describe the current market and the consumption of raw materials for meat production in the Czech and the entire European Union
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Analýza sporů ve WTO ohledně obchodu s masem vyrobeným s využitím hormonů / Analysis of disputes under WTO concerning the trade with hormone treated meatHeřmánek, Martin January 2009 (has links)
The thesis deals with disputes concerning hormone treated beef. The first, theoretical part describes the dispute settlement process under the World Trade Organization. The second part deals with causes of disputes, main participants and development of the process. The last chapter is devoted to retaliatory sanctions and impacts for bilateral trade of countries involved in disputes.
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Meta-Analytical Mediation Analyses: The Relationship between Conscientiousness, Neuroticism, Self-Efficacy, and Scholastic AchievementBraul, Denise 25 October 2023 (has links)
Viele systematische Überblicksarbeiten und Meta-Analysen haben sich mit den einzelnen Faktoren befasst, die zu Schulerfolg beitragen. Diese Doktorarbeit erweitert den bisherigen Forschungsstand. Es wird untersucht, wie Gewissenhaftigkeit, Neurotizismus und Selbstwirksamkeit zu Schulerfolg in der Schule beitragen. In Anlehnung an das Big Five Narrow Trait Modell (B5NT) wird angenommen, dass Selbstwirksamkeit den Zusammenhang zwischen Persönlichkeit und Schulerfolg mediiert. Außerdem wird der Einfluss verschiedener Moderatoren untersucht. Bivariate Meta-Analysen werden genutzt, um Forschungsergebnisse bezüglich der bivariaten Zusammenhänge zwischen den Variablen zu aggregieren. MASEM werden genutzt, um die Mediationshypothese zu testen. Um die Abhängigkeitsstruktur der Effektstärken zu berücksichtigen, werden Drei-Ebenen-Modelle und robuste Varianzschätzmethoden (RVE) angewandt. Insgesamt konnte eine der Hauptannahmen des Big Five Narrow Trait Modells bestätigt werden. Der Einfluss von Persönlichkeit auf Schulerfolg wird (partiell) durch Selbstwirksamkeit mediiert. Während Selbstwirksamkeit den gesamten Einfluss von Neurotizismus auf Schulerfolg mediiert, wirkt Selbstwirksamkeit als partieller Mediator in dem Zusammenhang von Gewissenhaftigkeit und Schulerfolg. Diese Ergebnisse haben praktische Relevanz für den Bildungssektor. Leistungsschwache Schüler sollten demnach vor allem Selbstwirksamkeitstrainings erhalten, um ihren Schulerfolg zu verbessern. Dies hätte den Größten Einfluss auf Schulerfolg, mit einer mittleren bis großen Effektstärke. Persönlichkeitsinventare hingegen könnten diagnostisch eingesetzt werden. So könnten Schüler identifiziert werden, die eine Unterstützung durch Selbstwirksamkeitstrainings am meisten benötigen. Gewissenhaftigkeit hängt am stärksten mit Selbstwirksamkeit zusammen. Demnach würden Schüler mit geringen Werten in Gewissenhaftigkeit am meisten von den Trainings profitieren. / The factors that individually contribute to academic achievement have been the topic of many systematic reviews. This doctoral thesis contributes to the current state of research by meta-analytically testing a comprehensive theory regarding the underlying processes through which conscientiousness, neuroticism, and self-efficacy are influencing achievement in primary and secondary school. Following the Big Five Narrow Trait (B5NT) model, it is examined whether self-efficacy mediates the relationship between personality and achievement. Also, the influence of different potential moderator variables is analyzed. Methodologically, this doctoral thesis is applying a combination of separate bivariate meta-analyses and meta-analytical structural equation modeling (MASEM). Bivariate meta-analyses are used to aggregate research on the bivariate relationships between all variables. MASEM techniques are used to test the mediation hypothesis. Three-level random-effects models and robust variance estimation methods are used to account for the dependency among effect sizes. Overall, the main idea of the B5NT model was supported by showing that self-efficacy (partially) mediates the relationship between personality and scholastic achievement. Self-efficacy fully mediated the relationship between neuroticism and achievement. Whereas the relationship between conscientiousness and achievement was only partially mediated. These findings have practical implications for the educational sector. Most important, self-efficacy trainings are recommended for low-achieving students. This would lead to the biggest improvement in scholastic achievement – with a medium-to-large effect size. Personality inventories could be used for identifying students that need support through self-efficacy trainings. Conscientiousness was having the strongest effect on self-efficacy beliefs. Thus, students with low levels of conscientiousness should be primarily targeted.
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