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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Support by a nurse to parents with a colic infant

Arvidsson, Therese, Svensson, Rose-Marie January 2008 (has links)
<p>Every six baby that is born gets colic. It means that the child cries for at least three hours three days a week. For the child’s parents this is one big strain and feelings like despair, helplessness and isolation are common. The nurse’s task is to support the parents through respectful and empathic actions in order to relieve sufferings and increase their feelings of confidence. The aim of this study was to describe how the nurse could give physical and mental support to parents with colic infants. The study is based on seven articles, which have been checked according to different review models depending on whether the article was qualitative or quantitative. The result was presented in two central categories, physical and mental support. In the two central categories subcategories were formed. Physical support could be given by parents being introduced to using a cry diary, structuring their daily life in order to reduce their stress and using baby massage. Mental support could be given by the nurse listening to the parents and showing respect for their situation. To give advice and to teach the parents different treatment strategies could also be of help here. The conclusion is that the general nurse is given different support tactics on how to give support to parents with a colic infant. The nurse decides when, where, what and how the support shall be given to the parents.</p>

Vårdpersonalens åtgärder för att förebygga suicid hos deprimerade barn och ungdomar

Hallin, Anna, Kuqi, Ujkan January 2008 (has links)
<p>Bakgrund: Självmord är den vanligaste dödsorsaken bland unga, en tonåring tar sitt liv varje vecka. 30-70% av dem som tar livet av sig är deprimerade, 90-95% har haft någon psykisk sjukdom. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att belysa vårdpersonalens åtgärder för att förebygga suicid hos deprimerade barn och ungdomar. Metod: En allmän litteratur studie genom sökning av kvalitativa och kvantitativa artiklar i elektroniska databaser och genom manuell sökning. Sammanlagt 10 artiklar granskades och analyserades. Resultat: Det framkom att det var viktigt att identifiera riskfaktorer, ge stöd och behandling, att skapa en god dialog med patienten och anhöriga, samt att ha kunskap kring omhändertagandet av deprimerade barn och ungdomar med självmordstankar. En god relation mellan vårdpersonal och patient var centralt i omhändertagandet. Slutsats: År 2020 beräknas omkring 1,53 miljoner människor begå självmord i världen, ett självmordsförsök skulle göras varje sekund. Ökad kunskap om riskfaktorer och omhändertagande är viktigt för att minska antalet självmord. Därför behövs mer resurser till forskning och förebyggande åtgärder kring suicid bland barn och ungdomar.</p><p>Background: Suicide is the most common cause of death among children and adolescents. For each minute that passes one person commit suicide in the world. 30-70% of those who commit suicide suffer from depression and 90-95% have some kind of psychiatric disease. Aim: The aim was to describe nursing care in children and adolescents with depression to prevent suicide. Method: A literature review based on qualitative and quantitative articles was carried through. Ten scientific articles were examined and analysed. Result: Five categories were identified: Support, treatment, risk factor identification, keeping a dialogue with the patient and their relatives and having knowledge about how to take care appears to be important factors in dealing with depressed and suicidal children and adolescents. A good relationship between the nursing staff and the patient is crucial. Conclusion: It’s estimated that in 2020 about 1, 53 million people will commit suicide in the world, for each second that passes one suicide attempt will be committed. This shows a great need of research and strategies to prevent suicide among children and adolescents. </p>

Psykiska övergrepp inom äldrevården

Sineux, Benoît January 2008 (has links)
<p>Background: Physological abuse consists of threats, harassment, humiliation, telling off, refuse to talk, social isolation, abandonment as well as attitudes that lead to a feeling of insecurity and desperation. Institutional elder abuse is very elusive and an overall picture is still considered missing.</p><p>Aim: The purpose of this essay was to review psychological abuse within the elderly care.</p><p>Method: This essay is based on a literature study with systematic search.</p><p>Result: This article review led to main categories and the result of the study is presented after these. The first ones gives a picture of the kind of psychological abuse that occured within the the elderly care. The second one deals with the possible explanations for psychological abuse within elderly care. The result showed that verbal assault was the most common form of psychological abuse against elderly. A more discreet form of abuse took place when caregivers used depersonalization or infantilization. Isolation and threats occured at a lesser extent.</p><p>Conclusion: A caregiver with an inappropriate behavior towards elderly often means well basically but could psychologically abuse elderly patients because of one´s stress, fear, ignorance or anger. Stereotyped attitudes towards eldery (so-called ageism) could also, consciously or unconsciously, influence attitudes in institutional settings. The banalisation of psychological abuse, if the abuse is not questioned, will continue. Therefor we must ensure that carers have access to adequate knowledge in order to develop an appropriate attitude towards elderly.</p>

Äldre patienters upplevelser av delirium i samband med sjukhusvistelse

Håkansson Hejazi, Kristina, Nilsson, Jeanette January 2008 (has links)
<p>Background: Delirium is a common condition among elderly patients who are being treated in a hospital environment. However, a large number of patients are wrongly diagnosed. The highest risk categories to develop delirium are elderly people and postoperative patients. By understanding the patients´ experiences the nurse can formulate the care to make it easier for the patient. Aim: The aim of the literature review was to illuminate elderly patients´ experiences of delirium in connection with a hospital visit. Method: The method was a general literature review based on eight scientific articles. Result: Three categories emerged as the result. These were experiences of a borderline between dream and reality; experiences of discomfort, threat and escape; and experiences of happiness and pleasure. Conclusion: To be able to give the patient good care the nurse need to become aware of the patients´ experiences. By using the studies that have been performed around experiences of delirium, understanding and attitude towards the patients´ behaviour will improve. A possible way to improve the care of patients with delirium could be to let patients tell how they experienced the nurses’ treatment during the delirium episode and how their treatment could be improved.</p>

Villken funktion fyller en studiecirkel om smärta?-en pilotstudie

O Bertilsson, Malin, R Jönsson, Katarina January 2008 (has links)
<p>BACKGROUND: The nurse profession is nursing care and that includes leading and educate co-worker. In north-east Skåne a nurse started a study circle about pain for nursing staff at housing for elderly. AIM: The aim of this study was to understand the nursing staffs understanding about the study circle as a resource for their work with analgesia among elderly after participating in the same. METHOD: A qualitative approach was used and collecting data was done by a semi-structured focus group interview and two individual semi-structured interviews. The data was analysed by content analyses. RESULT: The results shows that the nursing staff got at increased understanding for pain, earlier experiences was confirmed and led to increased skills and a important common vision with other who had participated in the study circle. CONCLUSION: Participating in the study circle gave the nursing staff better possibility to give good nursing care</p>

Patienter med självskadebeteende - Deras upplevelser av sitt beteende och mötet med vården : Patients who self-mutilate - Their experiences of their behavior and nursing care

Larsson, Annika, Lundin, Malin January 2008 (has links)
<p>Bakgrund: Självskadebeteende startar ofta i tidiga tonåren men orsaken grundar sig i traumatiska upplevelser i barndomen. Beteendet är en medveten handling som utförs för att dämpa den psykiska smärtan och resulterar i en vävnadsskada. Patienterna anser sig ofta bli stigmatiserade och behandlade som objekt när de istället behöver känna stöd och förståelse från personalen i omvårdnaden. Syfte: Att belysa patienter med självskadebeteende, deras upplevelser av sitt beteende och av omvårdnadspersonalens förhållningssätt vid mötet i omvårdnaden. Metod: En litteraturstudie baserad på 11 vetenskapliga artiklar. Resultat: Analys av artiklarna resulterade i tre huvudkategorier; ”Upplevelser av självskada och bakomliggande orsaker”, ”Patienternas önskan om värdigt bemötande” och ”Negativa upplevelser av vården”. Patienter med självskadebeteende upplevde att beteendet tog kontroll över det dagliga livet. Känslan av hopp, stöd och förståelse var viktiga delar i omvårdnaden men ofta kände patienterna sig ignorerade och missförstådda. Slutsats: Patienter med självskadebeteende känner sig ofta missförstådda och ensamma. Omvårdnadspersonal behöver riktlinjer för hur de skall bemöta dessa patienter vilka behöver känna sig delaktiga i sin omvårdnad och få kontinuerligt stöd. Mer forskning ur patientperspektiv behövs för att förbättra omvårdnadspersonalens förhållningssätt gentemot dessa patienter. </p><p>Background: Self-mutilation often starts in adolescence but is established through traumatic experiences in early childhood. The behavior is a conscious act that is performed to alleviate psychological pain, resulting in tissue damage. The patients often feel stigmatized and treated like objects when they need to feel supported and understood in the nursing care. Aim: To highlight patients who self-mutilate, their experiences of their behavior and of the attitudes in the nursing care. Method: A literature review based on 11 scientific articles. Result: The analysis of the articles resulted in three major categories; ”Experiences of self-injury and underlying reasons”, ”Patients wishes of worthy treatment” and ”Negative experiences of nursing care”. Patients who self-mutilate experienced that their behavior took control over their daily life. Feelings of hope, support and understanding were important parts of the nursing care but the patients often felt disregarded and misunderstood. Conclusion: Patients who self-mutilate often feel misunderstood and alone. The nurses need guidelines for how to treat these patients who need to feel involved in their nursing care and how to get continuous support. More research is needed from the patient perspective to improve nurses attitudes towards patients who self-mutilate. </p>

Ungdomars kunskaper och attityder till solexponering

Joelsson, Jeannette, Jönsson, Sara January 2008 (has links)
<p>Background: Every year, 2000 persons in Sweden are diagnosed with malignant melanoma, the most alarming form of skincancer. Sunexposure, sunburns and tanningbed use are the most appearing causes in the development of this disease. The skin of young people is sensitive to UV-radiation and their sunbehaviour could be determinant to their future health. Purpose: To illuminate the knowledge and attitudes of adolescents towards sunexposure in the meaning to avoid the development of malignant melanoma. Method: The study was designed to be a literature review, containing scientific articles of both qualitative and quantitative approach. Results: The knowledge of young people towards sunexposure and its consequences are not reflected in their attitudes. During adolescence, a tan is associated with beauty. The appearance and the social approval of friends and peergroups are appreciated values. Sunburns are common, despite the usage of different sunscreens. The personal riskbehaviour is underestimated. Parents and school establish the cooperation, increasing knowledge and contributing changes in attitudes towards sunexposure. Conclusions: The knowledge of adolescents towards sunexposure could be improved, but the attitudes are more complicated to change during adolescence. The prevention of the nursing profession ought to make improvements regarding adolescents to change the future development of malignant melanoma.</p>

"Det lättare livet?" - en litteraturstudie om hur en person som opereras för obesitas kan stödjas till förbättrad hälsa pre- och postoperativt"The easier life?" - a literature review about how a person, operated for obesity, can be supported in order to reach improved health pre- and postoperative

Mårtensson, Sanna, Samsioe, Karin, Svensson, Jane January 2008 (has links)
<p>Background: Obesity surgery is the only technique that has proved to have a long-lasting effect on weight loss. Operation is not a solution but rather a lifelong involvement for the person. To loose a lot of weight means a big adjustment for both body and mind and the operated person may need support, advice, information and encouragement. Aim: The aim was to describe how a person, operated for obesity, can be supported in order to reach improved health pre- and postoperative. Method: A systematic literature study was made which resulted in 18 scientific articles that have been reviewed. Findings: Three categories were created. Support through family and surrounding, attitude and spirit affects the weight loss and well being. Support through nursingcare to reach self care, professional knowledge in the team can promote health. Support through supportgroups, finding strategies to handle life-style changes and to reach self awareness. Conclusion: Commitment, effort and self-perception is required in order to reach improved health. In addition family support may be needed as well as a support from surroundings and from the team. When all this exists, “the easier life” can be reached.</p>

Dagligt liv för personer med schizofreni - En litteraturstudie i omvårdnad

Zenthio, Anna, Svantesson, Madelaine January 2008 (has links)
<p>Bakgrund: Schizofreni är en psykisk sjukdom där personen har förändrade verklighetsuppfattningar såsom vanföreställningar, tankestörningar, förvirring och hallucinationer. Schizofreni kan ge svårigheter i exempelvis relationer och arbete. Genom att fokusera på att förstå händelser i personens dagliga liv får sjuksköterskan kunskap om problem och varför dessa uppstått. Sådan kunskap kan hjälpa sjuksköterskan att utforma omvårdnadsåtgärder som matchar personens behov. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att belysa dagligt liv för personer med schizofreni och därmed öka sjuksköterskans kunskap om personens omvårdnadsbehov.</p><p>Metod: En allmän litteraturstudie baserad på fem kvalitativa artiklar och 15 kvantitativa artiklar. Resultat: De faktorer som påverkade dagligt liv för personer med schizofreni var relationer, sysselsättning och hälsotillstånd.</p><p>Slutsats: Litteraturstudien visar att personer med schizofreni har problem i sitt dagliga liv som kan åtgärdas med hjälp av meningsfulla aktiviteter, möjlighet till arbete, förbättrade sociala färdigheter och ökad motivation. Sjuksköterskan kan motivera och stödja personen att skaffa ett arbete eller annan meningsfull aktivitet för att stärka personens självförtroende och självständighet. Vidare forskning behövs om hur sjuksköterskan kan motivera en person med schizofreni till att börja arbeta och utföra dagliga aktiviteter i hemmet.</p>

Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av stressfaktorer inom somatisk sjukvård

Broström, Maria, Hortevall, Anna, Sjunnesson, Helen January 2008 (has links)
<p>Bakgrund: Någon gång under sitt yrkesverksamma liv kommer sjuksköterskor att uppleva stress. Orsakerna varierar och omvårdnadsyrket kan vara påfrestande både fysiskt och psykiskt. När kunskaperna om stressfaktorerna samt hur de upplevs av sjuksköterskor i sin yrkesroll påvisats, kan åtgärder vidtas och arbetsförhållanden förbättras. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att beskriva hur sjuksköterskor upplever olika stressfaktorer inom yrket. Metod: Systematisk litteraturstudie med kvalitativ ansats, där tio vetenskapliga artiklar granskades. Resultat: Innehållsanalysen resulterade i åtta kategorier: Hög arbetsbelastning, Personalbrist, Moralisk stress, Brist på återkoppling och uppskattning, Brist på stöd, Bristande kommunikation och samarbete, dålig arbetsmiljö samt oregelbundna arbetstider. Diskussion: Enligt resultatet påverkar stressfaktorerna sjuksköterskorna och deras arbete negativt. Det var i slutändan vården av patienterna som blev lidande. Slutstats: Sjuksköterskorna har för lite inflytande i sitt arbete och får dålig uppskattning från arbetsgivare, vilket resulterar i negativa upplevelser av stress. Ledningen behöver lyssna mer på sjuksköterskor för att de ska bli mindre stressade och kvaliteten på omvårdnaden bibehållas.</p>

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