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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Föräldrars erfarenheter av att vårda ett vuxet barn med schizofreni

Carlsson, Johanna, Tibell, Jessica January 2007 (has links)
<p>Schizofreni är en sjukdom vars orsak ännu är okänd och ungefär 1 procent av befolkningen drabbas. Sjukdomen kan påverka både personen med schizofreni och de anhöriga på ett negativt sätt. När ett barn insjuknar är det ofta föräldrarna som tar på sig ansvaret för att vårda barnet. Syftet var att beskriva föräldrars erfarenheter av att vårda ett vuxet barn med schizofreni. Litteraturstudien genomfördes genom att vetenskapliga artiklar inom ämnet granskades, analyserades och sammanställdes till ett resultat. Föräldrar berättade om kaos vid sjukdomens utbrott, känslor av kris då diagnos fastställdes samt erfarenheter av negativt bemötande från vårdpersonal. Föräldrar sörjde förlusten av sitt friska barn och de förhoppningar de haft inför barnets framtid. De upplevde att stöd från omgivningen, speciellt från andra föräldrar i samma situation, gjorde att omvårdnaden av barnet upplevdes som lättare. Föräldrar uttryckte både positiva och negativa aspekter av att vårda sitt vuxna barn. Ofta upplevdes vårdandet som ett livslångt åtagande. Flera föräldrar berättade även att de blivit utsatta för våld av sitt vuxna barn. Vårdpersonal bör ha adekvat utbildning för att de ska kunna bemöta föräldrar till ett barn med schizofreni. Att föräldrars erfarenheter värdesätts och att deras upplevelser tas på allvar kan innebära att deras livskvalitet förbättras. </p>

Sjuksköterskans stöd till vuxna patienter med rheumatoid artrit - empirisk studie på reumatologmottagningar

Levin, Elna-Marie, Lindström, Christina, Volmer, Lena January 2007 (has links)
<p>Background: Rheumatoid arthritis is a common disease worldwide. The disease is described as a chronic inflammation that afflicts mainly the joints, the tendrons and the synovial joint. The inflammation breaks down cartilage, ligaments and bone. When the patient gets the diagnosis he/she frequently reacts with chock, denial or/and dissociation. Active support from the nurse can have an important impact on the patient in accepting and processing that he/she suffers from disease. The nurse support can be of instrumental, emotional and informative character. The instrumental support means access to people who can give practical help. The emotional support means access to close and confidential personal relationships. The informative support is when someone gets information to solve a task or handle a situation. Aim: To examine how adult patients with rheumatoid arthritis perception the nurse support. Method: This empiric study was carried through by inquiries presented to adult patients with the diagnosis rheumatoid arthritis. The participant of the study were registered patients at two different rheumatoid arthritis clinics. Results: 41 patients, 11 men and 30 women participated. The result showed that most of the participants felt that they had received support from the nurse and that all the different supports, instrumental, emotional and informative was to there satisfaction. Conclusion: Different factors have an effect on the patients perceptions of the nurse- support. These factors must be taken in consideration in order to develop the caretaking of the patient. Development can be made by continuous follow-ups. It is important that the patient becomes more conscious, more competent and more involved in order to easier cope with the disease. The holistic oriented nurse ca by supporting the patient help him/her reach this goal.</p>

Kvinnors och mäns sexualliv efter förvärvad ryggmärgsskada

Ek, Ann-Sofie, Karlsson, Pontus January 2007 (has links)
<p>Background: Spinal Cord Injuries impacts sexuality. In a healthcare environment sexual issues are complicated and not allways easy to answer. Purpose: The purpose has been to highlight how the patient experiences sexuality after sustaining spinal cord injury. Method: A literature study through systematic review of scientific articles. Result: Five main categories were identified: Relationship, Physical problems, Emotional experiences, Coping, Counselling and information. During the first period after the injury sexuality was of less importance, but after time information from the nurse according sexual issues became important. Some patients found the information to be inadequate, and some found that the healthcare personal had an asexual attitude towards them. Conclusion: To be able to meet the needs of people with spinal cord injuries the nurse can have great help using the PLISSIT model.</p>

Prevention of diabetes type 2 among children and adolecents : Literature rewiew

Olsson, Monica, Herold, Susanne January 2007 (has links)
<p>The objective of this literature study was to describe the nurse’s preventive actions to prevent diabetes type 2 among children and adolescents in school age. It emerged from the analysis that the nurse is working according to three pillars; screening, lifestyle changes and counselling/education. This result showed that what often increase difficulties when working with screening are: undefined guidelines, lack of time and resources. Overweight/obesity is one of many indicators to develop diabetes type 2, therefore it is important that both BMI and waist are measured. The nurse was working actively with education and intervention, for example engaging schools to make diet changes and increase physical activity. She/he was also giving counselling to children, adolescents and their families about the disease diabetes type 2 and how it could be prevented. Barriers often experienced by the nurse in her/his preventive work were the families’ attitudes and lifestyles. There were often an expressed wish from nurses to receive guidance in their work on motivating to lifestyle changes.</p>

Kvinnans och mannens behov vid förlust av ett väntat barn

Jönsson, Annaber, Turkowitch, Beatrice January 2007 (has links)
<p>Background: People are individuals who react differently when confronted with unexpected events. To miscarry is nature’s own way of sorting out the foetuses which could never become a fully grown child. The loss can without help be difficult to handle and can impact the couple negatively towards future pregnancies. The nursing staff ought to familiarize themselves with the experience, encounter their feelings and identify their needs. The aim of the study was to identify the female’s and the male’s needs during the loss of an expected child. Method: The study is based on 11 scientific articles searched for electronically in databases and manually. The content was analysed, codes and categories were developed. Result: The female and the male needed to be confirmed, to receive answers and find meaning in the event. During their hospital visit they needed a simple and adequate language. The result showed a need for creating memories. A further need for the male was to protect his partner. Conclusion: The female and the male ought to be seen as a unit. They need someone to take notice of their feelings, thoughts, someone that provided explanations, someone giving time.</p>

Föräldrars erfarenhet av barn med autistic spektrum disorder

Brandin, Therese, Hedström, Emma January 2007 (has links)
<p>The parents of a developmentel disordered child live with much sorrow and anguish. Despite that, they often talk about hope, joy and love for their child. The autistic spectrum disorder includes different stands. Three of them are Autism, Aspergers syndrome and Disintegrative disability. An article overview has been made with the purpose to examine parents experiences of having a child that develops autism or a diagnosis within the autistic spectrum. The articles have been analyzed with a qualitative subject analyze and the authors have structured the result after found themes in the articles. The result shows that an early diagnosis is very important and that the parents receive good and proper support. If they get good support they can handle the situation much better. Parents of these children adapt remarkably over time and they feel mentaly a lot better. There is still a traditional deviation between mothers and fathers in these homes. The mothers are doing most of the practical chores in the home and with the child while the father mostly works. It appears from the study that most of the parents with children within the autistic spectrum have a positive view on life when they had accepted the diagnosis. As nursing staff it is of great importance to take these parents worry seriously. It is also important to understand that mothers and fathers handle the situation differently and with this knowledge give an individual care.</p>

Sjuksköterskors copingstrategier vid arbetsrelaterad stress

Orrgren, Sofia, Rönn, Pia January 2007 (has links)
<p>Bakgrund: Sjuksköterskeyrket är ett stressfyllt yrke, detta har konstaterats genom studier runt om i världen. När kraven som ställs på sjuksköterskan överstiger de egna resurserna som finns att tillgå uppstår stress. För att hantera stressen behövs copingstrategier. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva sjuksköterskors copingstrategier i stressrelaterade arbetssituationer. Metod: En allmän litteraturstudie gjordes där kvantitativa och kvalitativa artiklar analyserades och sammanställdes. Artiklarna söktes fram i elektroniska databaser. Resultat: Copingstrategierna delades in i fyra kategorier; självkännedom, problemlösningsförmåga, stöd och fritidssysselsättning. Stöd från vänner, kollegor och chefer var en vanligt förekommande copingstrategi. Diskussion: Sjuksköterskors självkännedom, problemlösningsförmåga och känsla av stöd kan förstärkas genom handledning. Handledning och en meningsfull fritidssysselsättning kan göra gränsen mellan arbete och fritid tydligare. Slutsats: Om sjuksköterskor använder copingstrategier upplevs tillvaron begriplig, hanterbar och meningsfull, vilket har positiva konsekvenser för deras hälsa. </p>

Att leva med kronisk obstruktiv lungsjukdom

Nord, Jana, Case Nord, Cindy January 2008 (has links)
<p>Background: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a common progressive disease with increasing respiratory distress who limits patients’ daily life. Aim: To illuminate patients´ experiences of living with COPD. Method: The study accomplished an overview through systematic examining of scientific articles with quality content analysis. Findings: The physical symptoms, especially respiratory distress, had negative effects which limited daily life, but with coping strategies, social support, and being treated with respect from surroundings can wellbeing and quality of life increase. Conclusions: Through increased understanding of patients´ situations and the advantages with rehabilitation the nurse can inspire patients’ and workmates and forward influence the managers to observe the positive effects of rehabilitation. </p>

Patienters upplevelser av att leva med åldersförändringar i gula fläcken - en litteraturstudie : Living with age-related macular degeneration from the patient’s perspective

Emsfors, Åsa, Kjellander, Charlotte January 2008 (has links)
<p>Background: Elderly people with visual impairment increases in the society. To measure vision with visual acuity charts doesn’t indicate how patients with Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) experience their disease. Aim: The aim of the literature review was to describe patients’ experiences of living with age-related macular degeneration. Method: A literature review based on qualitative and quantitative articles was performed. Findings: Eleven articles were examined and the analysis resulted in four main categories; personally experiences of the disease, emotional reactions, strategies to cope with the disease and thoughts about the future. Conclusion: Living with age-related macular degeneration affects the individuals both physical and emotional. Nurses have an important role to increase the understanding and knowledge to persons with AMD. To support patient and family, patient with AMD can easier cope with the disorder.</p>

Vården av äldre med delirium kan förbättras- en litteraturstudie i omvårdnad/ The care for elder with delirium can be improved- a literature review in nursing science

Gustafsson, Sofie, Larsson, Emma January 2008 (has links)
<p>Background: Delirium is a serious condition that often affects hospitalized elder. The condition can be described as an overstrain of the brain which results in a disturbed consciousness. Elder people are particularly vulnerable since many of the risk factors develops with old age. The treatment aims to find and treat the underlying cause. Purpose: The purpose of this literature review was to illuminate factors beneficial for the nursing care of hospitalized elder with delirium. Method: A general literature review based on eleven scientific studies. Result: Factors that proved beneficial to change in order to improve care were organisation of care, educating the staff, pharmaceutical, environment and the encounter with the patient. Conclusion: There are measures that can improve the care of elder with delirium. The difficulty is to get the information out to care providers in the field. There is a need for developing guidelines for education and routine changes and to implicate these in nursing care.</p>

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