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Kvinnors upplevelser efter hjärtinfarktAxelsen, Emma, Björk, Helena, Nilsson, Jeanette January 2007 (has links)
<p>Background: Myocardial infarction is the most frequent cause of death in Sweden. Previous research has indicated large gender differences as regards the type of care received by the patient. Aim: The aim of the literature review was to describe women’s experiences after myocardial infarction. Methods: A literature review based on eleven qualitative articles was performed. Findings: The articles were categorized into three main groups; physiological and psychological experiences, experiences of changed relationships, and women’s coping in daily life. Conclusions: Drawing on previous research done in this field, we conclude that it is of crucial importance that all healthcare professionals – irrespective of profession – which encounter female heart attack sufferers, are increasing their knowledge base and their emphatic skills to adequately be care for this patient group. It is especially essential for nurses to be aware of the gender differences and to give the affected woman, and her whole family, necessary and individually tailored, support and rehabilitation. </p><p>Bakgrund: Hjärtinfarkt är den vanligaste dödsorsaken i Sverige. Det är stora skillnader i vården mellan män och kvinnor som drabbats av hjärtinfarkt. Syftet: Litteraturstudiens syfte var att beskriva kvinnors upplevelser efter hjärtinfarkt. Metod: En litteraturstudie genomfördes där endast kvalitativa artiklar granskades. Resultat: Elva artiklar granskades och tre huvudkategorier bildades; fysiska och psykiska upplevelser, upplevelser av förändrade relationer samt kvinnors hantering av sin vardag. Slutsats: Inom vården bör all personal använda ett holistiskt synsätt för att öka kunskapen och förståelsen för kvinnor som drabbats av hjärtinfarkt. Det är viktigt att sjuksköterskorna uppmärksammar de könsskillnader som finns och att både kvinnorna och deras familjer får individuellt anpassat stöd och rehabilitering. Sjuksköterskan bör även vara uppmärksam på vilka kvinnor som är i behov av stöd och en längre kontakt med vården och lägga fokus på dessa kvinnor.</p>
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Att vara närstående till en person som har schizofreni - en litteraturstudieAndersson, Magdalena, Block, Sofie January 2007 (has links)
<p>Bakgrund: Sjukdomen schizofreni innefattas av symtom såsom vanföreställningar, vrede och apati samt har en hög självmordsprevalens. Närstående får ofta en minskad livskvalitet pga. de stora påfrestningar de utsätts för. De behöver stöd från vården för att orka vara delaktiga i den sjukes liv. Syfte: Att beskriva upplevelser av att vara närstående till en person som har schizofreni och på så vis öka sjuksköterskans förståelse för denna individgrupp. Metod: En allmän litteraturstudie över tidigare genomförda empiriska studier. Resultat: De negativa upplevelserna var dominerande och innefattades bl.a. av oro för vredesutbrott, sorg över den sjukes förändrade personlighet, skuldkänslor över att själv vara frisk och brist på stöd från sjukvårdspersonal. Positiva upplevelser beskrevs bl.a. som hopp om framtiden, acceptans av sjukdomen, stöd från vänner och personlig utveckling. Slutsats: Sjuksköterskan och övrig sjukvårdspersonal behöver en ökad kunskap och förståelse om de närståendes situation för att kunna stödja och handleda dem. Adekvat stöd uppnås genom lyhördhet, öppenhet och beredskap för de närståendes behov.</p><p>Background: Schizophrenia includes symptoms suchlike misconceptions, rage and apathy and has a high prevalence of suicide. Next of kin often gets a reduced quality of life because of the strains they are exposed to. They need support from health services so they can manage to be a part of the ill person’s life. Aim: Describing experiences of being next of kin to a person with schizophrenia and there by increase the nurse’s understanding to this group of individuals. Method: An ordinary literature review of empirical studies. Findings: The negative experiences were dominated and included e.g. worry about outbursts of rage, sadness for the changed personality of the mentally ill person, feelings of guilt for not being ill and lack of support from health carers. Positive experiences were described e.g. as hope for the future, acceptance of the illness, support from friends and personal development. Conclusion: To be able to support and guide next of kin, nurses and other health carers need an increased knowledge and understanding of their situation. Adequate support is obtained by being sensitive and open but also to have readiness for the needs of next of kin. </p>
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Den aktuella kunskapen om strokedrabbade personers erafrenheter av ätsituationen : En allmän litteraturstudieEkberg, Elisabeth January 2007 (has links)
<p>Bakgrund: Varje år insjuknar i Sverige mellan 25–30 000 personer i stroke. Det är 80 % som får ätsvårigheter. Syfte: Att sammanställa den aktuella kunskapen om strokedrabbade personers erfarenhet av ätsituationen. Metod: Studien har genomförts som en allmän litteraturstudie genom systematisk granskning och sammanställning av vetenskapliga artiklar. Resultat: Fyra teman i olika faser efter genomgången stroke framkom som påverkade personernas ätsituation. De fyra temana var svårigheter att transportera maten till munnen, svårigheter att äta mat, känslomässiga erfarenheter av att äta och dricka samt erfarenheter av förändrad ätsituation i den akuta fasen, sex månader samt ett och ett halvt till två år efter stroke. Slutsats: Vid omvårdnad av personer som drabbats av stroke, är det viktigt att ha kunskap om den komplexa situation som påverkar känslan av att äta och dricka. Genom att lyssna på erfarenheter och svårigheter hos den enskilde kan mål för välbefinnande, integritet, prevention och säkerhet identifieras för att främja hälsa och livskvalitet. </p>
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Preventiva åtgärder mot övervikt hos barn och ungdomar : Litteraturstudie.Jönsson, Maria, Lundquist, Sandra, Nilsson, Maja January 2007 (has links)
<p>Statistics regarding children, who are overweight, shows alarming results in many parts of the world. Overweight may cause serious consequences, as for instance heart- and vascular diseases. Research is pointing out that hereditary, social, behavioural and cultural facts may promote developing overweight and it is of great importance to find out how to prevent overweight and obesity in children and adolescents. The purpose of the literature study was to compile primary and secondary preventions against overweight/obesity in children and adolescents. The result showed that prevention through education, recommendations, healthy eating and exercise may be usable in the work to prevent overweight among children and adolescents. Generally the knowledge increased regarding diet and the importance of physical activity among children and adolescents. On the other side the preventions were not always successful. From the articles, upon which the result is building, it is clear that there was a slight parent cooperation. One of the difficulties in the work to prevent overweight among children, is that the parents shows lack of motivation and involvement and furthermore denial of the problem. Continued research should concentrate upon intervention with increased involvements from the parents.</p>
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Sjuksköterskors hantering av stressfyllda situationer i arbetet/ Nurses dealing with work related stressJönsson, C, Kempe, U January 2007 (has links)
<p>Background: The majority of nurses experience work related</p><p>stress, which can lead to a negative impact on patient care. The</p><p>stress can be handled by coping strategies. Aim: To illuminate</p><p>coping strategies among nurses experiencing work related</p><p>stress. Method: The study has been accomplished as a</p><p>literature study, with a systematic review of scientific articles.</p><p>Findings: Following coping strategies appeared: problem</p><p>solving, long-term strategies, passive strategies, leisure</p><p>strategies, social support and mental strategies. Conclusion:</p><p>Awareness of coping strategies for dealing with work related</p><p>stress, can lead to improvement in patient care.</p>
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Hinder och möjligheter för att lindra smärta hos äldre personer - en empirisk studieObstacles and opportunities in dealing with pain management amongst older people - an empirical studyMacke, Sanna, Nilsson, Rebecka January 2007 (has links)
<p>BACKGROUND: There is a high incidence of pain amongst older people. Several studies have shown that between 50 to 80 % of older people, who require domestic care or live in care homes, suffer from pain. Despite this many older people are under treated. AIM: The aim of </p><p>this study was to explore what care providers perceive to be obstacles and opportunities of managing pain in older people. METHOD: A qualitative approach was used and the date was semi-structured interviews with open-ended questions. In all, there were 41 participants in the study; 23 auxiliary nurses, 13 registered nurses, 5 physiotherapists/occupational therapists. RESULT: The analyses resulted in a structure of obstacles and opportunities in dealing with pain management amongst old people. The structure include; the care providers, the elderly person, the organization and various treatment methods. CONCLUSION: To achieve alleviation of pain among older people a holistic approach based on a structure of four elements is suggested.</p>
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Behov i fokus vid oväntad död - Needs in focus facing unexpected deathSprång, Joakim, Troedsson, Jessika January 2007 (has links)
<p>Bakgrund Oväntad död är en traumatisk upplevelse för</p><p>närstående, kris och sorg i någon form är ofrånkomligt i</p><p>samband med död och saknad. Vårdpersonal står inför en svår</p><p>utmaning i omvårdnaden för att ge ett kompetent</p><p>omhändertagande. Det korta mötet mellan vårdpersonal och</p><p>närstående har visat sig vara av betydelse. Syfte Syftet med</p><p>litteraturstudien var att belysa närståendes behov och</p><p>vårdpersonals uppfattningar om närståendes behov i samband</p><p>med en oväntad död. Metod Metoden var en litteraturstudie där</p><p>det ingick både kvalitativa och kvantitativa artiklar. Resultat</p><p>Tre kategorier bildades; behov av information, behov av</p><p>emotionellt stöd samt behov av att ta avsked. Kategorin behov</p><p>av att närvara återfanns endast under vårdpersonals</p><p>uppfattningar. Diskussion Vårdpersonal och närstående har</p><p>liknande uppfattningar kring behov i samband med oväntad</p><p>död. Hur dessa behov tillgodoses på bästa sätt är individuellt</p><p>och behoven är inte tillfredställda i alla avseenden. Slutsats</p><p>För att på bästa sätt utveckla ett direktiv som ser till att ett</p><p>kompetent omhändertagande ges till närstående krävs ett</p><p>gemensamt arbete mellan vårdpersonal och närstående.</p><p>Background Unexpected death is a traumatic experience for</p><p>those closely related. In times of death and in sense of loss,</p><p>crisis and grief is inevitable. Nursing staff are challenged with</p><p>how to deliver professional support. The brief encounter</p><p>between nursing staff and those closely related has been shown</p><p>to be of great importance. Aim The aim of this literature</p><p>review was to illuminate the needs of those closely related and</p><p>the nursing staff´s understanding of their need in connection to</p><p>unexpected death. Method The method used was a literature</p><p>review including both qualitative and quantitative articles.</p><p>Results Three categories were produced; need for information,</p><p>need for emotional support and need of saying goodbye. The</p><p>category need of being present where only found under nursing</p><p>staff´s understanding. Discussion The study showed that</p><p>nursing staff and those closely related both had similar</p><p>understandings of the needs that arose in connection with</p><p>unexpected deaths. How these needs are best fulfilled is</p><p>individual and not always satisfied. Conclusion A mutual</p><p>effort between nursing staff and those closely related is needed</p><p>in order to develop professional care.</p>
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Ungdomars upplevelse av astma - en litteraturstudieAdolescents experience of asthma - a literature reviewBoklund, Linda, Petersson, Susanne January 2007 (has links)
<p>Background: Asthma is an illness that many adolescents have today. The symtom can prevent them to live like contemporaries and the development phase they experience makes asthma difficult to get control of. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe adolescent’s experience of living with asthma. Method: The literature review was performed by reviewing nine scientific articles. Results: The categories which developed were social, physical and psychical experiences. Adolescents experienced poor quality of life and their feelings were described with words like fear, anxiety, anger and depression. Physical activities experience troublesome by the adolescents and they experienced support from friends and teachers were not enough. To be like everyone else and experience ego became an expression from the adolescents. Discussion: Experience of physical activities, quality of life, enhanced understanding and adolescents view at the future were discussed with Antonovskys concept of KASAM and integrated with the nurse competence. Conclusion: Adolescents experience of living with asthma is frustration, fear and anxiety. They sometimes don’t medicate because they want to be like their friends. Understanding from friends and teachers could be better. Suggestions for new reaserch are teachers understanding and friend’s apprehension about the person which is suffering from asthma. </p>
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Synligt- och osynligt stöd : Anhörigas upplevelser av stöd när en familjemedlem vårdas i sen palliativ fas.Fischer, Lina, Jönsson, Rebecka January 2007 (has links)
<p>When a family member is being cared for in palliative care relatives often need support to be able to support their family member. The purpose of the literature review was to illuminate the nursing staff’s support from the relatives’ perspective when a family member is being cared in a late palliative phase. The study is a literature review, there already existing research are surveyed. The findings were structured into two parts, tangible- and the intangible support. Tangible support is a one-way support; to receive information and that someone takes over. Intangible support is support within an interpersonal relation, when the nursing staff in one way or another respond to the relatives needs; that someone shows consideration, to be met with honesty, someone who gives time and to be given opportunity to feel hope. The support could make relatives feel secure and in control. Tangible- and intangible support are connected and form wholeness, but it is important to notice that there are two kinds of support and the relatives are in need of both. </p>
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Bemötande av självskadebeteende ur omvårdnadspersonalens perspektiv : En litteraturstudie.Andersson, Kirsten, Follrud, Sara January 2007 (has links)
<p>Background: Patients with self-harm seek hospital care when something traumatic occurred. Self-harm was a way to cure pain and was expressed overdose, cutting, or by swallowing objects. They described that the staff were derisive, didn’t show empathy and engagement. Aim: The aim was to describe factors that effects staffs answer to self-harm behaviour through their perspective. Method: A literature review search has been carried out. Based from the aim a search in different databases was made. The articles were analyzed, were identified, coded and sorted in categories. Result: The result was presented in five categories. The result indicates that factors like biases and lack of contingency was a common response by the staff. Factors like support and training were essential factors to make the personnel get positive attitude towards self-harm behaviour. Discussion: The refutation of self-harm behaviour could improve by Watson’s theory, training and supervision. By asking the right questions, be supportable and honest the staff could reduce their negative attitude. Conclusion: Staff needs more knowledge regarding their own way of acting, understanding and knowledge of self-harm in order to be able to face patients in a professional way.</p><p> </p>
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