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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Inställningar till framtida tandvårdsbesök hos 19-åringar i Malmö stad

Haxha, Valmire, Phan, Lien January 2007 (has links)
<p>Syftet med studien var att undersöka inställningar till framtida tandvårdsbesök hos 19-åringar samt se om det fanns några skillnader mellan tankar om fortsatta tandvårdsbesök, kunskaper om karies, DMFT/DSa, etnicitet och kön. Studien ägde rum på nio Folktandvårdskliniker i Malmö stad där ett frågeformulär lämnades till en grupp 19-åringar. Komplettering av vissa kliniska variabler ur ordinarie journalanteckningar gjordes också. Totalt deltog 81 personer i studien. Resultaten visade att många av ungdomarna tycker det är viktigt att uppsöka tandvården regelbundet. Man såg även att ungdomarna hade relativt goda kunskaper om karies samt en positiv syn till att teckna frisktandvård. Statistiskt signifikanta skillnader framkom gällande inställningar till fortsatta tandvårdsbesök och föräldrarnas etnicitet. Det är viktigt att ungdomarna kommer regelbundet till tandvården istället för att endast söka tandvård vid besvär. Det är även viktigt att information samt motivation ges om vad det finns för alternativ efter den organiserade barn- och ungdomstandvården.</p><p>The aim of the study was to find out what attitude towards future dental care 19-year-olds have and to see if there were any differences between thoughts on continuing dental visits, knowledge about caries, DMFT/DSa, ethnicity and gender. The study took place at nine Public Dental Clinics in the city of Malmö. A questionnaire was handed out to 19-year-olds and certain clinical variables were collected from the regular journal notes. Totally 81 individuals participated. The results showed that many of the participants think that it is important to seek dental care on a regular basis. The youth had relatively good knowledge about caries and had a positive attitude towards subscription dental care. There were significant differences when it came to attitude towards future dental care visits and the parents’ ethnicity. It is important that young adults have regular dental visits instead of seeking dental care only when problems occur. It is also important that information and motivation is given about what options there are for future dental care after the governmental funded dental care period expires.</p>

Knowledge and experience of oral health among secondary school students in Zambia

Hagberg, Linda, Sjödahl, Janna January 2007 (has links)
<p>The aim of the study was to investigate the knowledge about oral health and the experience of</p><p>personal and professional oral care among secondary school students. The study consisted of</p><p>201 students in eleventh grade from one urban and one rural school in Livingstone and</p><p>Sesheke, Zambia. A questionnaire with 34 questions was handed out and collected by the</p><p>authors. The study showed a higher knowledge among the students from the urban area</p><p>compared to the rural. Most students had received information about oral diseases and oral</p><p>care, but a lower number was seen at the rural school. Parents and teachers were the principal</p><p>informants. A majority of the students used toothbrush and toothpaste on a daily basis, but</p><p>only a minor part of the group brushed at bedtime which is commonly recommended. Many</p><p>students had a daily intake of one to five meals, the study showed that females and urban</p><p>students had more frequent intakes compared to males and rural students. Almost half of the</p><p>students had visited a dentist, but a large number had experienced problems without seeking</p><p>care. The most common oral problem among the study population was toothache. Overall,</p><p>though the students had good oral habits and rather good knowledge a need for further</p><p>information was seen.</p>

Bemötande av aggressiva patienter inom psykiatrisk vård - en litteraturstudie

Rosenberg, Jeanette, Stridsberg, Charlotte, Weberberger, Anna January 2007 (has links)
<p>Background: Most acts of violence in a psychiatric ward are directed towards the nursing staff. Aggressive behaviour often stems from feelings of frustration and powerlessness in patients while committed and therefore having limited liberties. To avoid an escalation of a hostile situation, it is important that the nursing staff applies the kind of encounter that will yield a positive outcome. Aim: The aim of this literary study is to elucidate the possible encounter the nursing staff can apply when encountering a hostile patient in psychiatric care. Method: The literary study is based on twelve scientific articles. The articles were analysed by means of content analysis in which different categories emerged and were subsequentially labelled. Result: The study resulted in three main category labels and six sub-category labels. The main category labels are: Situation Adaption and Flexibility, Creating Assurance and The Importance of Self-Determination.</p><p>Conclusion: More time and resources are needed for training nursing personnel in psychiatric care to adapt to situations and rely on their own abilities and knowledge.</p>

Orala hälsorelaterade livskvalitetsinstrument som har använts på äldre individer – en litteraturstudie

Karlsson, Elisabet January 2007 (has links)
<p>Aim: Through the review of scientific articles, this study aimed to identify which oral health-related quality of life instruments that have been used in studies to measure the oral health-related quality of life in older individuals and the application of such instruments.</p><p>Method: The study is based on a systematic literature review, where 14 articles have been chosen and evaluated against a checklist. </p><p>Result: The oral health-related quality of life instruments that have been used on individuals, 65 years and older, are OHIP-49, OHIP-14, OHIP-20 or OHIP-EDENT, GOHAI and OIDP. The instruments are used to examine factors associated with the oral health-related quality of life. Significant associations have been identified, among other things, between the number of teeth in static occlusion, dry mouth and the quality of the dentures, and oral health-related quality of life. Social and cultural associations have also been revealed.</p><p>Conclusions: Today there exist several well functioning instruments that are used for research purposes. There is, however, a need for additional research. Research in longitudinal studies is needed to see if the instruments can indicate which treatment is the most effective. Furthermore, the instruments must be simplified so that they can be used in clinical settings.</p>

Friskvårdsprogram : Ett medarbetarperspektiv på hälsa, motivation och lärande

Oksenfeld, Heidi, Säwenmyr, Sara January 2007 (has links)
<p>Due to an increasing amount of people being put on a sick-list the issue of work health has come to receive a lot more attention. To confront the problem, different varieties of keep-fit measures have been launched in the workplace. A prime example of such a measure can be found at Centralsjukhuset Kristianstad, which this survey is investigating. The primary goal of this study is to investigate the use of the Keep-fit measures program and to identify what motivates the employees to utilize this program. Further we would like to investigate if the program, through motivation and learning, generates improvement and retention of the individuals’ health. The collection of data involved the distribution of 790 questionnaires. The overall response was 61.1 percent which resulted in 483 completed questionnaires. The results showed that 45.9 percent used the program. Individual interest, discount and benefits were the most motivating factors found in those who use the program. The inclusion of motivation and education when using the program indicates a change in lifestyle. From a health education perspective, the conclusion from this study is that the use and development of health promotion at Centralsjukhuset Kristianstad should consist of long term planning as well as participation.</p><p> </p>

Ledarskapets betydelse för nyttjandet av friskvårdsprogrammet på Centralsjukhuset Kristianstad - en enkätstudie bland personalen på Centralsjukhuset

Liljenberg, Lisandra, Nilsson, Ann January 2007 (has links)
<p>The workplace is a good arena for healthy activities because of its ability to reach big target groups. A preventive health care program prevents ill-health and since 2001 Centralsjukhuset Kristianstad has a health care program, “Främja hälsan”. Leadership is important in the health promotion work when to get the collaborators motivated and involved in the health care program. The aim of the cross-sectional study was to investigate the collaborators opinion about the managers’ pedagogical role in the health promotion work at Centralsjukhuset Kristianstad. According to the result half of the staff used the program and the majority thought they had a good health. Some results were contradictory but we drew a conclusion that the manager can promote health in his/hers way to act but that doesn’t mean he/she is involved or versed in the program. When the result was put together the manager’s role in the preventive health care program seemed not so important in relation to how much the collaborators used the program. We discussed that perhaps it’s not the managers task to motivate and involve the collaborators to use the program, maybe it’s someone elses role.</p>

Arbetsställningars inverkan på muskel- och ledbesvär hos Skånes tandhygienister

Eriksson, Birgitte, Kollath Sjölin, Marie January 2007 (has links)
<p>The aim of this study was to examine musculoskeletal disorders among dental hygienists in</p><p>relation to work postures (sitting, standing, and altering) and to study differences in the</p><p>groups regarding numbers of disorders, locations and degrees. A mail questionnaire was</p><p>distributed among 200 dental hygienists in the region of Skåne. The response rate was 79 %.</p><p>The majority of the dental hygienists were working in a sitting position. Only</p><p>43 dental hygienists were altering their working position and two were working in a standing</p><p>position. The results showed that 85 % of the dental hygienists have experienced</p><p>musculoskeletal disorders in the last 12 months. Seven different complaint areas were</p><p>described and multiple complaints from two-three areas were most common. Numbers and</p><p>locations of disorders were similar between the sitting and altering groups. Most of the dental</p><p>hygienist has a low degree of pain but the numbers of dental hygienists in per cent with severe</p><p>pain is most common in the sitting group. No significant differences can bee seen but the</p><p>tendency in per cent shows that the dental hygienists in the altering group has less number of</p><p>disorders and in a lower degree than the dental hygienists in the sitting group.</p>

Att främja goda matvanor – en intervjustudie med förskolepersonal i fokus

Gunnarsson, Åsa, Nilsson, Tobias January 2007 (has links)
<p>Bakgrund: Folkhälsan i Sverige beror till viss del på befolkningens matvanor. Matvanor grundläggs i de tidiga åren vilket ger den offentliga miljön, exempelvis förskolor, stora möjligheter att skapa goda förutsättningar för barnens matvanor. På såväl global som nationell nivå finns flera styrdokument som berör barns matvanor och hälsa. Det debatteras ofta vilka risker befolkningens matvanor innebär. Vi ville öka förståelsen för matens möjligheter genom ett salutogent perspektiv. Syfte: Syftet var att undersöka förskolepersonals uppfattningar om hur goda matvanor kan främjas bland barn på förskolor. Material och metod: Med kvalitativ ansats genomfördes sju halvstrukturerade intervjuer med förskolepersonal på två förskolor i södra Sverige. Materialet analyserades med inspiration från innehållsanalys. Resultat: Informanterna uppfattade att förskolan har ett stort ansvar för barns matvanor. Förskolan ansågs ha stora möjligheter att främja goda matvanor bland barn, exempelvis genom att förebilder fungerar som gott exempel, att skapa en trevlig stämning vid matbordet samt att utesluta tvång i matsituationen. Informanterna nämnde även betydelsen av att personal på förskolan agerar samspelt. Slutsatser: Att arbeta hälsofrämjande med barn är av betydelse för folkhälsan i Sverige. Genom att använda förskolan som arena för hälsofrämjande insatser nås en stor andel barn i förskoleåldern. Vår studie ger exempel på arbetssätt för att främja goda matvanor och kan fungera som inspirationskälla för de som arbetar med barn på förskolor. </p><p>Introduction: Public health in Sweden depends partly on the population’s food habits. Food habits are formed early on in life, which provides the public sector, for example preschools, with good opportunities for creating positive food habits among children. On a global as well as on a national level there are several documents concerning food habits and the health of children. There is a continuing debate about the risks of the population’s food habits. We wanted to increase the understanding regarding the opportunities of food, through a salutogenetic perspective. Aim: The aim was to examine preschool staff’s perceptions regarding the promotion of healthy food habits among children. Methods: Using a qualitative method we carried out seven semi-structured interviews with preschool staff from two preschools in southern Sweden. The interviews were analysed with inspiration from content analysis. Results: The interviewees thought that schools have a great responsibility for children’s food habits. It was said that schools have great scope when it comes to promoting healthy food habits among children, for example through role-models serving as good examples, creating a pleasant atmosphere at table, and excluding coercion from the food situation. The interviewees also mentioned the importance of teamwork within the preschool staff. Conclusions: The promotion of health among children is of great value for the public health in Sweden. By using preschool as a setting, a large number of children are included in health-promotion efforts. Our study provides examples of how to work in creating positive food habits among children. It may also serve as a source of inspiration for people working with children in preschools.</p>

Studenters inställning till fysisk aktivitet på recept - Ger yrkesutbildningen förutsättningar för studenterna att arbeta med metoden?

Ahlin, Sofi, Andersson, Caroline January 2007 (has links)
<p>Det är vetenskapligt underbyggt att det finns ett tydligt samband mellan omfattning av fysisk aktivitet och hälsotillstånd. Genom att öka den fysiska aktiviteten går det att komma åt en av de stora grundorsakerna till vällevnadssjukdomar, fysisk inaktivitet. Fysisk aktivitet på recept (FaR) är en metod i ett steg mot en mer hälsofrämjande hälso- och sjukvård och för att etablera en långsiktig förändring av samhällets syn på fysisk aktivitet. Utvärderingar visar såhär långt att mer motivation och kunskap krävs hos vårdpersonalen för att arbeta efter FaR-metoden. Syftet är att undersöka attityden till FaR bland sista-termins studenter på läkar-, sjuksköterske-, sjukgymnast- och arbetsterapeut- utbildningen, samt om utbildningarna gett förutsättningar att kunna arbeta med metoden i framtiden. Metoden som användes var en kvantitativ enkätundersökning och genomfördes vid två lärosäten i Skåne län. Resultatet visade att studenternas attityd till FaR var positiv. Respondenterna visade dock ingen sammanhållen bild av innehållet utbildningarna. Diskussionen handlar till stor del om att redan i utbildningen introducera FaR så att studenterna känner självförmåga att hantera metoden i framtiden. Det anser vi kan skapa goda förutsättningar till ett positivt bemötande av FaR-metoden ute i arbetslivet.</p><p>Studies show that regular, frequent physical activity can lead to a range of health benefits and prevent chronic illnesses. “Exercise on prescription” has emerged from the desire to have a more health promoting approach in the medical service and also to develop more active lifestyles. Evaluations show that practitioners need more knowledge and motivation in order to work with “exercise on prescription” interventions. The purpose of this study was to examine the attitudes towards “exercise on prescription” amongst last-term students on medical training, nurse training, physiotherapist- and occupational therapist training. And also examine if the vocational training has given the prerequisite to work with the method. Quantitative data analysis was used by handing out questionnaires to the students at two universities in the southern part of Sweden. Results show that the students expressed positive attitudes toward exercise on prescription but there is insecurity about their knowledge and readiness to work with it. Conclusions we made were that education can increase the students self-efficacy which we believe can provide for the students’ readiness to work with “exercise on prescription” in the future.</p>

Sjuksköterskors attityder och kunskaper om trycksårsprevention

Persson Falkstedt, Rosita, Nilsson, Tim January 2007 (has links)
<p>BACKGROUND: A Pressure ulcer means much suffering for many people. It also leads to big economical costs for the society. Therefore it’s of great importance to prevent pressure ulcers. If pressure ulcers are to be prevented nurses need to have sufficient knowledge about preventive strategies. PURPOSE: To elucidate nurses’ knowledge and attitudes towards pressure ulcer prevention and working methods. METHOD: A literature studie based on twelve scientifically articles that were chosen from electronical databases and then examined. The result was divided in to three main categories and two subcategories. RESULTS: Nurses think that pressure ulcer prevention is of great importance. Many nurses think that their clinical glance is a better tool than any risk assessment tool. Risk assessments are completed in most wards with in 24 hours after admission to the ward. Nurses assess the patients correct in most cases but occasionally nurses have a tendency to size up the patients in a higher category of risk. Many nurses also believe that massage is a good method fore preventing pressure ulcers despite it’s not. CONCLUSION: Nurses have good knowledge about recommended preventive measures but they still use non recommended preventive measures. This may depend on that nurses are not keeping themselves up to date. </p>

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