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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Contribution à la conception d'antennes MF, HF et VHF miniatures pour des applications mobiles, terrestres et maritimes / Contribution to miniaturized MF, HF and VHF antennas for mobile, terrestrial and maritime applications

Kaverine, Evgueni 05 October 2017 (has links)
Les objectifs de ce travail concernent l'étude, la conception et la caractérisation d'antennes miniatures actives ou passives, large bande ou bande étroite fonctionnant en bandes MF, HF et VHF. Le manuscrit est divisé en cinq parties : La première partie présente un système de caractérisation d'antennes qui a été développé, validé et utilisé pour tous les aériens conçus. Ce système, basé sur une cellule à plaque parallèles (PPC), permet un large spectre de mesures telles que la mesure du gain, du point de compression, de l'intermodulation et de la sensibilité via une méthode rayonnée, particulièrement intéressante dans le cas des antennes actives intégrées. La deuxième partie concerne les antennes solénoïdales sur ferrite. L'utilisation de simulateurs électromagnétiques 3D a permis d'obtenir des résultats qui sont comparés à la théorie proposée dans la littérature. Les principaux systèmes d'adaptation d'impédance sont également étudiés. La troisième partie met en avant la possibilité de concevoir des antennes à substrat ferromagnétique de géométrie non conventionnelle en utilisant des matériaux composites. Deux antennes miniatures fabriquées et fonctionnant en bande VHF permettent d'illustrer ce point. Dans la quatrième partie, nous présentons un concept d'antennes à substrat ferromagnétique partiellement saturé. L'utilisation d'une source de champ magnétique statique associée à un matériau initialement dispersif permet de constater un certain nombre de phénomènes intéressants, tels que l'amélioration de l'efficacité tout en préservant l'adaptation de l'antenne ou bien la création de directivité sur des antennes électriquement très compactes. La dernière partie présente la valorisation du travail à travers un projet de télécommunication hertzienne longue portée s'inscrivant dans le cadre de la navigation maritime. / The objectives of this work concern the study, the design and the measurement of miniaturized passive and active, broadband and narrowband antennas for MF, HF and VHF frequency bands. The thesis is divided into five parts : The first part deals with a measurement system, which has been developed, validated and used for all conceived aerials. The system is based on a parallel plate cell (PPC) and allows an evaluation of the gain, the compression point, the interception point and the sensitivity using a radiative method particularly useful in the case of active integrated antennas. The second part concerns solenoidal ferrite antennas. The results obtained from electromagnetic 3D simulators were compared to the state of the art theory. Main matching technics have also been studied. The third part put the light on the possibility of development of arbitrary shaped antennas on a ferromagnetic substrate using a composite material. Two antennas developed for the VHF band, confirm this point. In the fourth part, we present a concept of antennas on a partially saturated ferromagnetic substrate. A static magnetic field associated with an initially lossy material brings up some interesting phenomena such as an increased efficiency without a degradation of the impedance matching or the directivity with very small antennas. The last part presents an application of the work across a project dedicated to long distance telecommunications in marine navigation.

Development of a CMOS pixel sensor for embedded space dosimeter with low weight and minimal power dissipation / Développement d'un capteur à pixels CMOS pour un dosimètre spatial embarqué de faible poids et avec une dissipation de puissance minimale

Zhou, Yang 23 September 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur le développement d'un capteur de pixel monolithique CMOS utilisé pourl’identification et le comptage des particules ionisés dan l’espace avec un flux élevé. Un nouveauconcept pour l’identification de l’espèce des particules proposé dans la présente étude, est basésur l'analyse des amas de particules déclenchés. Pour valider ce nouveau concept, un capteur detaille complet, qui comprend la matrice de pixel sensible aux particules ionisés signal, une chaînede traitement du signal analogique, un convertisseur analogue numérique de 3 bits, et untraitement du signal numérique a été conçu dans un processus de 0.35 μm. Le capteur sortiedirectement des informations de flux à travers 4 canaux avec un débit de données très faible(80 bps) et dissipation d’énergie minimale (~ 100 mW). Chaque canal représente particules avecdifférentes espèces et les énergies. La densité maximum de flux mesurable est jusqu'à 108particules/cm2/s (coups s'accumulent < 5%). Un prototype à échelle réduite a été fabriqué et testéavec trois types d'illumination de rayonnement (rayons X, les électrons et laser infrarouge). Tousles résultats obtenus valident le nouveau concept proposé. Un moniteur de rayonnement spatialtrès miniaturisé basé sur un capteur de pixel CMOS peut être prévu. Le moniteur peut présente lesmêmes performances que les compteurs actuels, mais avec une dissipation de puissance réduited'un ordre de grandeur qu'un poids, un volume d'encombrement et un coût moindre. En outre, enraison de ses sorties de haut niveau et faible débit de données, aucune traitement supplémentairedu signal dehors du capteur est nécessaire, ce qui le rend particulièrement attrayant pour desapplications dan les petits satellitaires. / This thesis focuses on the development of a CMOS monolithic pixel sensor used for space ionizingparticles identification and counting in high flux. A new concept for single particle identification isproposed in this study, which is based on the analysis of particle triggered clusters. To validate thisnew concept, a full size sensor including the sensitive pixel matrix, an analogue signal processingchain, a 3-bit analogue to digital converter, and a digital processing stage was designed in a 0.35μm process. The sensor directly output particles flux information through 4 channels with a verylow data rate (80 bps) and minimal power dissipation (~ 100mW). Each channel representsparticles with different species and energies. The highest measurable flux density is up to 108particles/cm2/s (hits pile up < 5%). A reduced scale prototype was fabricated and tested with 3types of radiation illumination (X-ray, electrons and infrared laser). All the results obtained validatethe proposed new concept and a highly miniaturized space radiation monitor based on a singleCMOS pixel sensor could be foreseen. The monitor could provide measurements of comparable orbetter quality than existing instruments, but at around an order of magnitude lower powerconsumption, mass and volume and a lower unit cost. Moreover, due to its high level and low datarate outputs, no signal treatment power aside the sensor is required which makes it especiallyattractive for small satellite application.

Přenositelné a miniaturizované separační techniky využitelné pro potravinářské a biotechnologické analýzy / Portable and Miniaturized Separation Techniques Applicable for Food and Biotechnology Analysis

Dvořák, Miloš January 2016 (has links)
Capillary electrophoresis was used for determination of 6 fractions of caseins. Those fractions were measured in 144 samples of cow’s milk originated from the feeding experiment focused on explanation the influence of the feeding onto casein productions. In this work were separated 6 fraction of caseins first time with total resolution of the peaks. Capillary electrophoresis was applied for determination of short-chain organic acids during fermentation of wine must. It was compared the fermentation of must fermented by different yeast. The difference of profile short-chain organic acids during fermentation were not statistically significant. The once difference was in the utilisation of the malic acid and production of the lactic acid. A portable miniaturized system for medium pressure liquid chromatography was developed. The components were tested and system was used for the isocratic and gradient elution of various analytes (food dyes, parabens). New line of electroluminescent diodes (LEDs) for deep-UV areas of wavelength based on a different materials substrate was characterised. The new line was compared with old line LEDs. The new line LEDs was incorporated in deep-UV absorbance detectors. Detectors were characterised and tested for a detection various analytes in modes flow injection analysis and chromatography separation. First time was characterised this new line of the LEDs and the origin of the parasitic emission band produced by deep-UV LEDs light sources was explained. This origin is given by disturbances of a materials substrates. This work is a contribution for an advance of low-cost and portable systems and detection devices in the field of analytical chemistry.

Bestimmung der bruch- und schädigungsmechanischen Eigenschaften keramischer Filterwerkstoffe aus Kleinstproben

Zielke, Henry 06 January 2020 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden bruch- und schädigungsmechanische Eigenschaften keramischer Filterwerkstoffe, welche im Rahmen des SFB 920 entwickelt und erforscht werden, bestimmt. Es wurden zwei verschiedene Werkstoffsysteme - Aluminiumoxid und kohlenstoffgebundenes Alumniumoxid - mit entwickelten Miniaturprüfmethoden bei Prüftemperaturen bis 1500°C untersucht. Mit Hilfe des Ball-On-Three-Balls-Tests (B3B) wurde die biaxiale Festigkeit in Abhängigkeit der Prüftemperatur bestimmt. Für die kohlenstoffgebundenen Proben wurde weiterhin der Einfluss der Verkokungstemperatur als auch des Kohlenstoffgehalts auf die Festigkeit untersucht. Es konnte ein Festigkeitsmaximum ermittelt werden, wenn die Prüftemperatur der Verkokungstemperatur entspricht. Die schädigungsmechanischen Materialparameter des duktilen Verformungs- und Versagensverhalten beider Werkstoffe bei 1500°C wurden mit Hilfe von numerischen Simulationen des B3B identifiziert. Die Bestimmung der bruchmechanischen Kennwerte erfolgte mit einem Vier-Punkt-Biegeversuchsaufbaus mit Chevron-gekerbten Proben (CNB-Versuch). Numerische Untersuchungen dienten zur Bestätigung der Versuchsergebnisse und Bestimmung der Form der Rissfront sowie Risswachstum während des Versuches. / In the present work, fracture and damage mechanical properties of ceramic filter materials, which are developed and investigated within the framework of the CRC 920, are determined. Two different material systems - alumina and carbon-bonded alumina - are investigated using miniaturized test methods at temperatures up to 1500°C. The biaxial strength at different temperatures is determined using the Ball-On-Three-Balls-Test (B3B). The strength of carbon-bonded specimens is dependent on the coking temperature and the carbon content. A maximum strength can be obtained if the testing temperature equals the coking temperature. The damage-mechanical material parameters in order to describe the ductile deformation and failure behaviour of both materials at 1500°C are identified with the help of numerical simulations. The determination of fracture-mechanical properties are carried out with a four-point bending test setup with chevron-notched specimens (CNB). Numerical investigations are used to validate the test results and to simulate the shape of the crack front and crack growth during the experiment.

Aspects of Porous Graphitic Carbon as Packing Material in Capillary Liquid Chromatography

Törnkvist, Anna January 2003 (has links)
<p>In this thesis, porous graphitic carbon (PGC) has been used as packing material in packed capillary liquid chromatography. The unique chromatographic properties of PGC has been studied in some detail and applied to different analytical challenges using both electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) and ultra violet (UV) absorbance detection. </p><p>The crucial importance of disengaging the conductive PGC chromatographic separation media from the high voltage mass spectrometric interface has been shown. In the absence of a grounded point between the column and ESI emitter, a current through the column was present, and changed retention behaviors for 3-O-methyl-DOPA and tyrosine were observed. An alteration of the chromatographic properties was also seen when PGC was chemically oxidized with permanganate, possibly due to an oxidation of the few surface groups present on the PGC material. </p><p>The dynamic adsorption of the chiral selector lasalocid onto the PGC support resulted in a useful and stable chiral stationary phase. Extraordinary enantioselectivity was observed for 1-(1-naphthyl)ethylamine, and enantioseparation was also achieved for other amines, amino acids, acids and alcohols. </p><p>Finally, a new strategy for separation of small biologically active compounds in plasma and brain tissue has been developed. With PGC as stationary phase it was possible to utilize a mobile phase of high content of organic modifier, without the addition of ion-pairing agents, and still selectively separate the analytes. </p>

Aspects of Porous Graphitic Carbon as Packing Material in Capillary Liquid Chromatography

Törnkvist, Anna January 2003 (has links)
In this thesis, porous graphitic carbon (PGC) has been used as packing material in packed capillary liquid chromatography. The unique chromatographic properties of PGC has been studied in some detail and applied to different analytical challenges using both electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) and ultra violet (UV) absorbance detection. The crucial importance of disengaging the conductive PGC chromatographic separation media from the high voltage mass spectrometric interface has been shown. In the absence of a grounded point between the column and ESI emitter, a current through the column was present, and changed retention behaviors for 3-O-methyl-DOPA and tyrosine were observed. An alteration of the chromatographic properties was also seen when PGC was chemically oxidized with permanganate, possibly due to an oxidation of the few surface groups present on the PGC material. The dynamic adsorption of the chiral selector lasalocid onto the PGC support resulted in a useful and stable chiral stationary phase. Extraordinary enantioselectivity was observed for 1-(1-naphthyl)ethylamine, and enantioseparation was also achieved for other amines, amino acids, acids and alcohols. Finally, a new strategy for separation of small biologically active compounds in plasma and brain tissue has been developed. With PGC as stationary phase it was possible to utilize a mobile phase of high content of organic modifier, without the addition of ion-pairing agents, and still selectively separate the analytes.

Vývoj struktury pro efektivní přenos tepla / Flexible structure development for efficient heat transfer

Černoch, Jakub January 2020 (has links)
Diplomová práce se zabývá teoretickými výpočty a návrhem struktury pro přenos tepla, která je součástí Miniaturizovaného tepelného spínače podle zadaných požadavků Evropské Kosmické Agentury. Základními parametry jsou nízká hmotnost a vysoká tepelná vodivost. Práce navazuje na spínač navržený firmou Arescosmo, který nesplňoval požadované limity zejména v oblasti hmotnosti a tepelné vodivosti. Pomocí teoretických výpočtů hmotnosti a tepelné vodivosti bylo ověřeno 49 variant ve třech základních konceptech – Mechanická struktura, flexibilní struktura složená z drátků a foliová struktura. Z hlediska tepelné vodivosti jako nejlepší struktury vycházejí ty, které jsou založené na použití ochranných kovových opletů. Z dostupných zdrojů byly rovněž navrženy technologie, které by bylo možné využít pro výrobu těchto struktur. Pro splnění požadavků, bude v další fázi projektu nutné vyrobit experimentální vzorky na kterých budou teoretické výpočty a vybrané technologie ověřeny.

Koncepční návrh zástavby tepelného spínače do konstrukce družice / Conceptual design of a heat switch installation into a structure of satellite

Vrba, Martin January 2020 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce je zaměřena na sestavení přehledu konstrukcí a teplených cest kosmických lodí a kosmických vozidel, které se v současné době používají. Na základě specifických požadavků a standardů jsou vypracovány koncepční návrhy zástavby tepelného spínače do konstrukce družice. V jednotlivých kapitolách jsou popsány určité členy, které se na vedení tepla podílí a jsou důležité pro navrhované koncepty z pohledu konstrukce. Diplomová práce popisuje postupy výpočtu tepelných vodivostí a rozložení působící tíhové síly do míst uchycení pro jednotlivé koncepty. Na závěr provádí hodnocení a výběr potenciálně nejvhodnějšího návrhu.

Nové přístupy při elektrochemickém stanovení cizorodých látek a studiu jejich interakce s DNA / Novel Approaches in Electrochemical Determination of Xenobiotic Compounds and in Study of Their Interaction with DNA

Hájková, Andrea January 2016 (has links)
Presented Ph.D. Thesis is focused on the development of analytical methods applicable for determination of selected xenobiotic compounds and for monitoring DNA damage they can induce. The main attention has been paid to the development and testing of non-toxic electrode materials for preparation of miniaturized electrochemical devices and novel electrochemical DNA biosensors. 2-Aminofluoren-9-one (2-AFN) was selected as a model environmental pollutant, which belongs to the group of hazardous genotoxic substances. Its carcinogenic and mutagenic effects may represent a risk to living and working environment. 2-AFN has one oxo group, where the cathodic reduction occurs, and one amino group, where the anodic oxidation occurs. The voltammetric behavior of 2-AFN in the negative potential region was investigated at a mercury meniscus modified silver solid amalgam electrode (m-AgSAE) representing a non-toxic and more mechanically robust alternative to mercury electrodes. This working electrode was subsequently used for the development of a newly designed miniaturized electrode system (MES), which has many benefits as the possibility of simple field measurements, easy portability, and the measurement in sample volume 100 µL. Moreover, a glassy carbon electrode (GCE) was used for further investigation of...

Vývoj nových elektrochemických metod s využitím různých membránových materiálů pro sledování vybraných protinádorových léčiv a fytochelatinů / Development of Novel Electrochemical Methods Using Various Membrane Materials for Monitoring of Selected Anticancer Drugs and Phytochelatins

Skalová, Štěpánka January 2019 (has links)
Present Ph.D. Thesis is focused on the development of electrochemical methods for determination of anticancer drugs using various types of membranes for their preliminary separation. Furthermore, this Thesis reports the study of transport mechanisms of heavy metals in the presence of phytochelatins across biological membranes. Sodium anthraquinone-2-sulphonate (AQS) was used as a model compound for its similar structure with anthraquinone-based (AQ-based) anticancer drugs (doxo/daunorubicin) and also due to its better availability. All these compounds can be easily electrochemically oxidized and/or reduced. Redox behaviour of AQS was investigated by cyclic voltammetry (CV) and differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) in a cathodic region on mercury meniscus modified (m-AgSAE) and polished silver solid amalgam (p-AgSAE) electrodes, Obtained results were used for the development of a micro-volume voltammetric cell (MVVC). Its applicability for voltammetric determination of anticancer drugs was verified by using doxorubicin (DX) as a model substance. The second part of this Thesis deals with therapeutic monitoring of anticancer drugs in the blood circulation of the patients. For pilot experiments, a liquid-flow system with dialysis catheter and amperometric detection was used. The flow rate of carrier...

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