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Miss Homegrown: The Performance of Food, Festival, and Femininity in Local Queen PageantsWilliams, Heather A. 29 July 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Sampling of Dynamic Dependence Graphs for Data Locality AnalysisJhally, Gaganjit Singh 25 October 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Dynamic Level-2 Cache Memory Locking by Utilizing Multiple Miss TablesMocniak, Andrew Louis 01 June 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Robust Method to Deduce Cache and TLB CharacteristicsChandran, Varadharajan 12 September 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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This thesis presents a novel solution for CPU architecture simulation with a primary focus on cache miss prediction using machine learning techniques. The solution consists of two main components: a configurable application designed to generate detailed execution traces via DynamoRIO and a machine learning model, specifically a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) network, developed to predict cache behaviors based on these traces. The LSTM model was trained and validated using a comprehensive dataset derived from detailed trace analysis, which included various parameters like instruction sequences and memory access patterns. The model was tested against unseen datasets to evaluate its predictive accuracy and robustness. These tests were critical in demonstrating the model’s effectiveness in real-world scenarios, showing it could reliably predict cache misses with significant accuracy. This validation underscores the viability of machine learning-based methods in enhancing the fidelity of CPU architecture simulations. However, performance tests comparing the LSTM model and DynamoRIO revealed that while the LSTM achieves satisfactory accuracy, it does so at the cost of increased processing time. Specifically, the LSTM model processed 25 million instructions in 45 seconds, compared to DynamoRIO’s 41 seconds, with additional overheads for loading and executing the inference process. This highlights a critical trade-off between accuracy and simulation speed, suggesting areas for further optimization and efficiency improvements in future work.
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Détection des bâtiments à partir des images multispectrales à très haute résolution spatiale par la transformation Hit-or-MissStankov, Katia January 2014 (has links)
Résumé : La détection des bâtiments dans les images à très haute résolution spatiale (THRS) a plusieurs applications pratiques et représente un domaine de recherche scientifique intensive ces dernières années. Elle fait face à la complexité du milieu urbain et aux spécificités des images provenant des différents capteurs. La performance des méthodes existantes pour l’extraction des bâtiments n’est pas encore suffisante pour qu’elles soient généralisées à grande échelle (différents types de tissus urbains et capteurs).
Les opérateurs morphologiques se sont montrés efficaces pour la détection des bâtiments dans les images panchromatiques (images en niveaux de gris) à très haute résolution spectrale (THRS). L’information spectrale issue des images multispectrales est jugée nécessaire pour l’amélioration de leur performance. L’extension des opérateurs morphologiques pour les images multispectrales exige l’adoption d’une stratégie qui permet le traitement des pixels sous forme de vecteurs, dont les composantes sont les valeurs dans les différentes bandes spectrales.
Ce travail de recherche vise l’application de la transformation morphologique dite Hit-or-Miss (HMT) à des images multispectrales à THRS, afin de détecter des bâtiments. Pour répondre à la problématique de l’extension des opérateurs morphologiques pour les images multispectrales, nous proposons deux solutions. Comme une première solution nous avons généré des images en niveaux de gris à partir les bandes multispectrales. Dans ces nouvelles images les bâtiments potentiels sont rehaussés par rapport à l’arrière-plan. La HMT en niveaux de gris est alors appliquée à ces images afin de détecter les bâtiments. Pour rehausser les bâtiments nous avons proposé un nouvel indice, que nous avons appelé Spectral Similarity Ratio (SSR). Pour éviter de définir des configurations, des ensembles d’éléments structurants (ES), nécessaires pour l’application de la HMT, au préalable, nous avons utilisé l’érosion et la dilatation floues et poursuivi la réponse des pixels aux différentes valeurs des ES. La méthode est testée sur des extraits d’images représentant des quartiers de type résidentiel. Le taux moyen de reconnaissance obtenu pour les deux capteurs Ikonos et GeoEye est de 85 % et de 80 %, respectivement. Le taux moyen de bonne identification, quant à lui, est de 85 % et 84 % pour les images Ikonos et GeoEye, respectivement. Après certaines améliorations, la méthode a été appliquée sur des larges scènes Ikonos et WorldView-2, couvrant différents tissus urbains. Le taux moyen des bâtiments reconnus est de 82 %. Pour sa part, le taux de bonne identification est de 81 %.
Dans la deuxième solution, nous adoptons une stratégie vectorielle pour appliquer la HMT directement sur les images multispectrales. La taille des ES de cette transformation morphologique est définie en utilisant la transformation dite chapeau haut-de-forme par reconstruction. Une étape de post-traitement inclut le filtrage de la végétation par l’indice de la végétation NDVI et la validation de la localisation des bâtiments par l’information d’ombre. La méthode est appliquée sur un espace urbain de type résidentiel. Des extraits d’images provenant des capteurs satellitaires Ikonos, GeoEye et WorldView 2 ont été traités. Le taux des bâtiments reconnus est relativement élevé pour tous les extraits - entre 85 % et 97 %. Le taux de bonne identification démontre des résultats entre 74 % et 88 %.
Les résultats obtenus nous permettent de conclure que les objectifs de ce travail de recherche, à savoir, la proposition d’une technique pour l’estimation de la similarité spectrale entre les pixels formant le toit d’un bâtiment, l’intégration de l’information multispectrale dans la HMT dans le but de détecter les bâtiments, et la proposition d’une technique qui permet la définition semi-automatique des configurations bâtiment/voisinage dans les images multispectrales, ont été atteints. // Abstract :
Detection of buildings in very high spatial resolution images (THRS) has various practical
applications and is recently a subject of intensive scientific research. It faces the complexity of the urban environment and the variety of image characteristics depending on the type of the sensor. The performance of existing building extraction methods is not yet sufficient to be generalized to a large scale (different urban patterns and sensors).
Morphological operators have been proven effective for the detection of buildings in panchromatic (greyscale) very high spectral resolution (VHSR) images. The spectral information of multispectral images is jugged efficient to improve the results of the detection. The extension of morphological operators to multispectral images is not straightforward. As pixels of multispectral images are pixels vectors the components of which are the intensity values in the different bands, a strategy to order vectors must be adopted.
This research thesis focuses on the application of the morphological transformation called Hit-or-Miss (HMT) on multispectral VHSR images in order to detect buildings. To address the issue of the extension of morphological operators to multispectral images we have proposed two solutions. The first one employs generation of greyscale images from multispectral bands, where potential buildings are enhanced. The grayscale HMT is then applied to these images in order to detect buildings. To enhance potential building locations we have proposed the use of Spectral Similarity Ratio (SSR). To avoid the need to set multiple configurations of structuring elements (SE) necessary for the implementation of the HMT, we have used fuzzy erosion and fuzzy dilation and examined the pixel response to different values of SE. The method has been tested on image subsets taken over residential areas. The average rate of recognition for the two sensors, Ikonos and GeoEye, is 85% and 80%, respectively. The average rate of correct identification is 85% and 84%, for Ikonos and GeoEye subsets, respectively. Having made some improvements, we then applied the method to large scenes from Ikonos and WorldView-2 images covering different urban patterns. The average rate of recognized buildings is 82%. The rate of correct identification is 81%.
As a second solution, we have proposed a new vector based strategy which allows the multispectral information to be integrated into the percent occupancy HMT (POHMT). Thus, the POHMT has been directly applied on multispectral images. The parameters for the POHMT have been defined using the morphological transformation dubbed top hat by reconstruction. A post-processing step included filtering the vegetation and validating building locations by proximity to shadow. The method has been applied to urban residential areas. Image subsets from Ikonos, GeoEye and WorldView2 have
been processed. The rate of recognized buildings is relatively high for all subsets - between 85% and 97%. The rate of correct identification is between 74 % and 88 %.
The results allow us to conclude that the objectives of this research, namely, suggesting a technique for estimating the spectral similarity between the pixels forming the roof of a building, the integration of multispectral information in the HMT in order to detect buildings and the proposition of a semiautomatic technique for the definition of the configurations building/neighbourhood in multispectral images, have been achieved.
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Modélisation géomécanique et probabiliste des rideaux de palplanches : prise en compte de l’interaction sol-structure et de la variabilité spatiale du sol / Geomechanical and probabilistic modelling of sheet pile walls : soil-structure interaction and soil spatial variability effectsMokeddem, Abdelhammid 02 May 2018 (has links)
Le comportement géomécanique des ouvrages géotechniques à l’exemple des rideaux de palplanches est entaché d’incertitudes épistémiques liées aux hypothèses régissant le modèle géomécanique de calcul, mais aussi d’incertitudes aléatoires liées à la variabilité spatiale du sol. L’objectif principal de cette thèse est de mieux appréhender l’effet de ces incertitudes sur le comportement d’un rideau de palplanches. Pour cela le présent mémoire s’articule autour de quatre points principaux : Le premier point est relatif d’une part à l’analyse des hypothèses utilisées pour la modélisation géomécanique d’un rideau de palplanches et d’autre part à l’extension de la méthode des coefficients de réaction d’un système unidimensionnel basé sur une poutre et des appuis élastoplastiques à un système bidimensionnel de plaque orthotrope sur le même type d’appuis (MISS-CR-PLQ). Le deuxième point concerne la modélisation de la variabilité spatiale du sol. Après une comparaison entre deux méthodes de génération de champs aléatoires nous avons retenu la méthode Circulant Embedding pour son efficience. Plusieurs études paramétriques ont été menées pour analyser les effets des hypothèses prises lors de la génération des champs aléatoires. Le troisième point concerne la mise en place d’une démarche mécano-fiabiliste permettant d’intégrer la variabilité spatiale du sol pour le cas des rideaux de palplanches. Le quatrième point est consacré à l’application de la démarche développée pour un cas d’étude à travers des analyses probabilistes et fiabilistes. L’influence des paramètres statistiques (e.g. les longueurs de corrélations, la corrélation croisée, …), mécanique et géométrique a été étudiée. / The geomechanical behaviour of geotechnical structures such as sheet pile walls is subjected to epistemic uncertainties due to geomechanical models’ assumptions and also the aleatory uncertainties which could be related to the soil spatial variability. The main objective of this thesis is to gain more insight into the effect of these uncertainties on the sheet pile behaviour. To this end, this thesis focuses on four main issues: The first one is related on the one hand to the analysis of the used geomechanical hypotheses for modelling of retaining walls. On the other hand, to extend the one-dimensional subgrade reaction method which is based on a beam relying on elastoplastic supports to a two-dimensional system that call to an orthotropic plate relying on the same supports (MISS-CR-PLQ). The second issue concerns the soil spatial variability modelling. After a key comparison between two random field generation methods, we selected the Circulating Embedding method for its efficiency. Several parametric studies have been conducted to analyse the effects of different assumptions of random field generation. The third issue is related to the implementation of the proposed mechanical-reliability approach taking into account the soil spatial variability. The last issue is devoted to the application of the developed approach to a case study through probabilistic and reliability analyses. The influence of statistical parameters (e.g. correlation lengths, cross-correlation,...), mechanical and geometrical has been examined.
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D??tection des b??timents ?? partir des images multispectrales ?? tr??s haute r??solution spatiale par la transformation Hit-or-MissStankov, Katia January 2014 (has links)
R??sum?? : La d??tection des b??timents dans les images ?? tr??s haute r??solution spatiale (THRS) a plusieurs applications pratiques et repr??sente un domaine de recherche scientifique intensive ces derni??res ann??es. Elle fait face ?? la complexit?? du milieu urbain et aux sp??cificit??s des images provenant des diff??rents capteurs. La performance des m??thodes existantes pour l???extraction des b??timents n???est pas encore suffisante pour qu???elles soient g??n??ralis??es ?? grande ??chelle (diff??rents types de tissus urbains et capteurs).
Les op??rateurs morphologiques se sont montr??s efficaces pour la d??tection des b??timents dans les images panchromatiques (images en niveaux de gris) ?? tr??s haute r??solution spectrale (THRS). L???information spectrale issue des images multispectrales est jug??e n??cessaire pour l???am??lioration de leur performance. L???extension des op??rateurs morphologiques pour les images multispectrales exige l???adoption d???une strat??gie qui permet le traitement des pixels sous forme de vecteurs, dont les composantes sont les valeurs dans les diff??rentes bandes spectrales.
Ce travail de recherche vise l???application de la transformation morphologique dite Hit-or-Miss (HMT) ?? des images multispectrales ?? THRS, afin de d??tecter des b??timents. Pour r??pondre ?? la probl??matique de l???extension des op??rateurs morphologiques pour les images multispectrales, nous proposons deux solutions. Comme une premi??re solution nous avons g??n??r?? des images en niveaux de gris ?? partir les bandes multispectrales. Dans ces nouvelles images les b??timents potentiels sont rehauss??s par rapport ?? l???arri??re-plan. La HMT en niveaux de gris est alors appliqu??e ?? ces images afin de d??tecter les b??timents. Pour rehausser les b??timents nous avons propos?? un nouvel indice, que nous avons appel?? Spectral Similarity Ratio (SSR). Pour ??viter de d??finir des configurations, des ensembles d?????l??ments structurants (ES), n??cessaires pour l???application de la HMT, au pr??alable, nous avons utilis?? l?????rosion et la dilatation floues et poursuivi la r??ponse des pixels aux diff??rentes valeurs des ES. La m??thode est test??e sur des extraits d???images repr??sentant des quartiers de type r??sidentiel. Le taux moyen de reconnaissance obtenu pour les deux capteurs Ikonos et GeoEye est de 85 % et de 80 %, respectivement. Le taux moyen de bonne identification, quant ?? lui, est de 85 % et 84 % pour les images Ikonos et GeoEye, respectivement. Apr??s certaines am??liorations, la m??thode a ??t?? appliqu??e sur des larges sc??nes Ikonos et WorldView-2, couvrant diff??rents tissus urbains. Le taux moyen des b??timents reconnus est de 82 %. Pour sa part, le taux de bonne identification est de 81 %.
Dans la deuxi??me solution, nous adoptons une strat??gie vectorielle pour appliquer la HMT directement sur les images multispectrales. La taille des ES de cette transformation morphologique est d??finie en utilisant la transformation dite chapeau haut-de-forme par reconstruction. Une ??tape de post-traitement inclut le filtrage de la v??g??tation par l???indice de la v??g??tation NDVI et la validation de la localisation des b??timents par l???information d???ombre. La m??thode est appliqu??e sur un espace urbain de type r??sidentiel. Des extraits d???images provenant des capteurs satellitaires Ikonos, GeoEye et WorldView 2 ont ??t?? trait??s. Le taux des b??timents reconnus est relativement ??lev?? pour tous les extraits - entre 85 % et 97 %. Le taux de bonne identification d??montre des r??sultats entre 74 % et 88 %.
Les r??sultats obtenus nous permettent de conclure que les objectifs de ce travail de recherche, ?? savoir, la proposition d???une technique pour l???estimation de la similarit?? spectrale entre les pixels formant le toit d???un b??timent, l???int??gration de l???information multispectrale dans la HMT dans le but de d??tecter les b??timents, et la proposition d???une technique qui permet la d??finition semi-automatique des configurations b??timent/voisinage dans les images multispectrales, ont ??t?? atteints. // Abstract :
Detection of buildings in very high spatial resolution images (THRS) has various practical
applications and is recently a subject of intensive scientific research. It faces the complexity of the urban environment and the variety of image characteristics depending on the type of the sensor. The performance of existing building extraction methods is not yet sufficient to be generalized to a large scale (different urban patterns and sensors).
Morphological operators have been proven effective for the detection of buildings in panchromatic (greyscale) very high spectral resolution (VHSR) images. The spectral information of multispectral images is jugged efficient to improve the results of the detection. The extension of morphological operators to multispectral images is not straightforward. As pixels of multispectral images are pixels vectors the components of which are the intensity values in the different bands, a strategy to order vectors must be adopted.
This research thesis focuses on the application of the morphological transformation called Hit-or-Miss (HMT) on multispectral VHSR images in order to detect buildings. To address the issue of the extension of morphological operators to multispectral images we have proposed two solutions. The first one employs generation of greyscale images from multispectral bands, where potential buildings are enhanced. The grayscale HMT is then applied to these images in order to detect buildings. To enhance potential building locations we have proposed the use of Spectral Similarity Ratio (SSR). To avoid the need to set multiple configurations of structuring elements (SE) necessary for the implementation of the HMT, we have used fuzzy erosion and fuzzy dilation and examined the pixel response to different values of SE. The method has been tested on image subsets taken over residential areas. The average rate of recognition for the two sensors, Ikonos and GeoEye, is 85% and 80%, respectively. The average rate of correct identification is 85% and 84%, for Ikonos and GeoEye subsets, respectively. Having made some improvements, we then applied the method to large scenes from Ikonos and WorldView-2 images covering different urban patterns. The average rate of recognized buildings is 82%. The rate of correct identification is 81%.
As a second solution, we have proposed a new vector based strategy which allows the multispectral information to be integrated into the percent occupancy HMT (POHMT). Thus, the POHMT has been directly applied on multispectral images. The parameters for the POHMT have been defined using the morphological transformation dubbed top hat by reconstruction. A post-processing step included filtering the vegetation and validating building locations by proximity to shadow. The method has been applied to urban residential areas. Image subsets from Ikonos, GeoEye and WorldView2 have
been processed. The rate of recognized buildings is relatively high for all subsets - between 85% and 97%. The rate of correct identification is between 74 % and 88 %.
The results allow us to conclude that the objectives of this research, namely, suggesting a technique for estimating the spectral similarity between the pixels forming the roof of a building, the integration of multispectral information in the HMT in order to detect buildings and the proposition of a semiautomatic technique for the definition of the configurations building/neighbourhood in multispectral images, have been achieved.
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Morbidade materna grave e near miss materno no Brasil: revisão sistemáticaSilva, Josy Maria de Pinho da January 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Ana Lúcia Torres (bfmhuap@gmail.com) on 2017-11-13T14:19:06Z
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Dissertacao Josy Pinho.pdf: 1226133 bytes, checksum: eb4114659ac7eea459d334e4f15bb04f (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Lúcia Torres (bfmhuap@gmail.com) on 2017-11-13T14:19:16Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2
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Dissertacao Josy Pinho.pdf: 1226133 bytes, checksum: eb4114659ac7eea459d334e4f15bb04f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-11-13T14:19:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2
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Dissertacao Josy Pinho.pdf: 1226133 bytes, checksum: eb4114659ac7eea459d334e4f15bb04f (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2017 / Viva Rio / Objetivo: Análise da morbidade materna grave (near miss materno), por meio de revisão sistemática de estudos no Brasil. Métodos: Foram examinados estudos que relataram dados quantitativos, causas e fatores associados à morbidade materna grave (near miss materno). A busca foi feita pelos sites MEDLINE e LILACS, sendo as palavras-chave: maternal near miss or severe maternal morbidity and Brazil. Foram extraídos dados utilizando-se um protocolo pré-definido (autor, ano, desenho do estudo, população estudada, cenário e contexto, análise estatística, critérios de near miss e resultados). A razão de near miss e os indicadores derivados foram descritos ou estimados, quando não relatados. Resultados: Identificamos 55 estudos, a maioria de desenho transversal (32). Predominaram estudos (40) de base hospitalar (local ou nacional); outros usaram sistemas de informação de saúde ou pesquisas nacionais de saúde. Diferentes definições e terminologias para “near miss” foram adotadas. A Razão de near miss materno variou de 2,4/ 1000 NV a 188,4/ 1000 NV, dependendo dos critérios e do cenário epidemiológico. O índice de mortalidade near miss materno variou entre 3,3% e 32,2%. Doenças hipertensivas e hemorrágicas foram as morbidades mais comuns. As causas indiretas vêm aumentando nos últimos anos. A ausência de cuidados pré-natais e outras demoras nos cuidados de saúde foram associados ao near miss, como também fatores sociodemográficos (cor da pele não branca, adolescência/ idade≥35 anos, baixo nível de escolaridade). Conclusão: O near miss materno no Brasil está associado a iniquidades e demoras na assistência à saúde. Existem grandes diferenças entre as regiões e de acordo com a classificação/ definição usada nos estudos. Os casos de near miss devem ser monitorados rotineiramente em unidades de saúde. Pesquisas futuras sobre casos de near miss materno devem usar os critérios da OMS e expandir o conceito de morbidade materna / Objective: Analysis of severe maternal morbidity (maternal near miss), through systematic review of studies in Brazil. Methods: We examined studies that reported quantitative data, causes, and associated factors on severe maternal morbidity (maternal near miss). The search was through MEDLINE and LILACS, and keywords were: maternal near miss or severe maternal morbidity and Brazil. We extracted data, using a pre-defined protocol (author, year, study design, population studied, setting and context, statistical analysis, criteria of near miss, and results). Near miss ratios, and near miss indicators were described or estimated, when not reported. Results: We identified 55 studies, mainly cross-sectional (32). Most of them (35) were health facility-based (local or national); others used health information systems or national health surveys. Different definitions and terminologies for maternal near miss were adopted. Near miss ratio ranged from 2,4/1000 LB to 188,4/1000 LB, depending on criteria and epidemiological scenario. Mortality index for maternal near miss ranged from 3.3%-32.2%. Hypertensive diseases and hemorrhage were the commonest morbidities. Indirect causes have been increasing in last years. Absence of prenatal care and other delays in health care were associated with near miss, as sociodemographic factors (skin color, adolescence and age > 35 years, low educational level). Conclusion: Maternal near miss in Brazil is associated with health iniquities and delays in health care. Large differences exist between regions and depending on the classification/setting of the studies. Near miss cases should be surveyed routinely in health facilities. Future research on maternal near misses should use WHO criteria and expand the concept of maternal morbidity
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Sedimentary Factories and Ecosystem Change in the Triassic-Jurassic Boundary Interval : Insights from the Skåne Area (Southern Sweden) / Mikrobiella sedimentbildningar och ekosystemsförändring vid Trias-Juragränsen : Insikter från SkåneNesset Mattsson, Gustav January 2021 (has links)
The End-Triassic Extinction (ETE) has long remained one of the lesser known among the so-called “Big Five”. There exist several hypotheses regarding the probable cause of this extinction, which can mainly be divided into events of a decline in the rate of diversification in the late Triassic contra a sudden and significant extinction event. Primary amongst the sudden events is the one of outgassing and climate/environmental change induced by Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP) volcanism. This study aims to describe the ETE using fluvial, lacustrine, deltaic and marginal-marine microbial sedimentary structures (MS), carbonatized microbial mats (CMM) as well as wrinkle structures, microbially induced sedimentary structures (MISS) from the latest Triassic- earliest Jurassic (TJB: Triassic-Jurassic boundary interval, Rhaetian to Hettangian) of Skåne, Southern Sweden. The MISS in these sites show a high diversity of structures, indicating microbial communities with high diversity in an environment usually dominated by bioturbating invertebrates. We observed structures that include top-surface (“Elephant skin”) and subsurface (“Kinneyia”) structures, carbon-rich fossilized microbial mats, microbial sideritic concretions, sideritized microbial mats, stromatolite-like layers and oncoids. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) sampling also revealed structures related to the presence of both coccoidal and filamentous cyanobacteria. Overall, the diversity in observed structures indicate a thriving microbial community, with diversified and abundant ichnofossils or body fossils of possible bioturbators only observed in the early Rhaetian and younger Mid-Late Hettangian samples of deltaic or marginal-marine affinities. The lack of metazoan communities to such an extent indicates that the local environment could have reversed to a pre-Substrate Revolution state. The occurrence of abundant and diversified microbial structures in the studied TJB section, representing a relatively short time interval, reflects anachronistic facies and development of abnormal biota. This supports the occurrence of several environmental distresses (abnormal hydrochemical and physical conditions) on the Triassic-Jurassic boundary interval, in turn lending credence to the hypothesis of an abrupt climactic event such as possibly that of CAMP volcanism. / <p>Presentation was carried out online over zoom due to the at the time ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.</p> / Resurrecting a lost world in Skåne: new light on the end-Triassic mass extinction and the origin of the dinosaur dominated ecosystem / Dinosaur grave from Skåne: microbiology, taphonomy and paleomolecules of exceptionally preserved theropod remains
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