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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Backaryds kyrka- Bevarande av golvbjälklag / Backaryd’s church- preservation of floor joists

Alashker, Basel, Lindström, Erik, Karimi, Aziz January 2021 (has links)
This study was carried out in Backaryd’s church following a proposal from Ankdammen konsult. Backaryd’s church was built more than 200 years ago in Ronneby municipality in Blekinge County. Due to changes in heating methods and energy requirements since the church was built, the church today does not meet the energy and comfort requirements of today’s buildings. The study of the Backaryd’s church aims to investigate the floor construction in the church and to find out what factors may be at risk of moisture damage. The study will analyse the church and mainly the condition of the crawl space. In addition, some improvement measures will be proposed to get a comfortable heating inside the church with an appropriate energy use. Both law and society place high requirements on the preservation of valuable and cultural-historical buildings for future generations. In addition, any changes to churches that have been built before 1939 must be approved by the county administrative board.Results from the study show that relative humidity does not reach critical levels either in the crawl space or the church room. There are also no injuries such as mold and rot attacks on the structure. The inventory is of good quality and lacks damage such as cracks and rots.The writers have come up with the following improvement measures:● An annual entertainment of water management systems in crawl space. ● Cover the stone walls with plastic wrap on the inside and make them as dense as possible. ● Place the base of the panty bottom from below up against the floor beam. ● Insulate the floor structure with mineral wool. ● Place a plastic wrap all over the ground in the crawl space. ● install a dehumidifier. / Studien har genomförts i Backaryds kyrka efter ett förslag från Ankdammen konsult. Backaryd kyrka byggdes för drygt 200 år sedan i Ronneby kommun i Blekinge län. Med anledning av att uppvärmningsmetoder och energikrav förändrats sen kyrkan byggdes uppfyller kyrkan idag inte de komfort och energikrav som ställs på dagens byggnader. För att skapa förutsättningar för att kyrkan ska kunna bevaras och brukas även i framtiden krävs underhåll och restaurering. Studien av Backaryds kyrkan syftar till att undersöka golvkonstruktionen i kyrkan och även till att ta reda på vilka faktorer som kan leda till fuktskador. I studien har analyser av kyrkans och främst krypgrundens skick genomförts. Dessutom kommer några förbättringsåtgärder att föreslås för att få en god komfort inne i kyrka med en lämplig energiförbrukning. Förbättringsåtgärderna är framtagna med hänsyn till att bevara så mycket som möjligt av den ursprungliga konstruktionen och för att kunna använda det ursprungliga trägolvet. Både lagen och samhället ställer höga krav för bevarandet av värdefulla och kulturhistoriska byggnader till kommande generationer. Kyrkan är skyddad av Kulturmiljölagen och får därför inte ändras så att det kulturhistoriska värdet minskas eller att utseendet och karaktär förvanskas (SFS 1988:950). Dessutom måste alla ändringar av kyrkor som uppförts innan 1939 godkännas av länsstyrelsen.Resultat från studien visar att den relativa fuktigheten inte når kritiska nivåer varken i krypgrunden eller kyrkorummet. Det finns heller inga skador så som mögel- och rötangrepp på konstruktionen. Inventarierna håller en god kvalitet och saknar skador så som sprickor och röta.Skribenterna har kommit fram till följande förbättringsåtgärder:● En årlig underhållning av vattenledningssystem i krypgrunden. ● Täcka stenmurar med plastfolie på insidan för att göra det så lufttät och fukttät som möjligt. ● Placera trossbotten underifrån upp mot golvbjälklaget. ● Isolera golvbjälklaget med mineralull. ● Placera en plastfolie över hela marken i krypgrunden. ● Installera avfuktare i krypgrunden.

Příprava MDF kompozitů se zvýšenou odolností proti vlhkosti / Preparation of MDF composites of increased moisture resistance

Žůrová, Marcela January 2015 (has links)
The subject of the thesis is to improve the moisture resistance of MDF (macro-defect-free) composites prepared on the basis of aluminous cement and polyvinyl alcohol. These materials are characterized by the absence of defects in the structure and high mechanical performance. These features make MDF composites a promising type of material that could be used in the future for construction purposes. The basic deficiency of MDF composites is insufficient resistance to water or moisture, accompanied by a significant decrease in strength. Therefore, this work deals with increasing of moisture resistance using organotitanate agent and modification of the polymer. Two types of polyvinyl alcohols differing in hydrolysis degree and degree of the polymerization has been modified. Based on the results of the measurement the effect of storage conditions on the properties and structure of prepared MDF composites was observed. The characterization of MDF composites were realized by measurement of flexural strength in bending, scanning electron microscopy with EDS analysis, TG-DTA-EGA, water absorption and consequently the porosity of all prepared MDF composites.

Působení vlhkosti na vlastnosti izolačních materiálů vystavených tepelnému a elektrickému namáhání / The moisture effect on properties of insulating materials exposed to thermal and electrical stress

Janošek, Michal January 2008 (has links)
The diploma thesis with experimental verification influence moisture of the dielectric properties of non-aged and thermally, electric and multistress aged slot insulation Isonom NMN. Above all both components of the complex permittivity are examined in dependence on frequency during the thermal, electric and multistress ageing. Practical part is specialized on design, realization and examination of workplace multistress ageing.

Bezdrátová síť snímačů pro měření sacího potenciálu půdy / Wireless sensors network for measurement of soil water potential

Rášo, Peter January 2011 (has links)
Cílem tohoto projektu je vytvoření bezdrátové senzorické sítě na měření sacího potenciálu půdy. Práce obsahuje výběr vhodné měřící metody obsahu vody v půdě, jejíž součástí je i tvorba kalibrač˘ní křivky. Dále se zabývá realizací hardwaru a firmwaru pro dva typy modulů. Stanice end station, obsahující snímač˘e, a základní stanice base station, která přijímá a přeposílá data. Celá aplikace je doplněna o uživatelský program, který umožňuje zálohování dat, zobrazování průběhů dat včetně dat předchozích, změnu nastavení systému spolu s možností žádosti o potřebné informace.

Analýza vícefaktorového namáhání na dielektrická spektra materiálů / Analysis of multistress ageing on dielectric spectras of materials

Kučera, Miroslav January 2011 (has links)
Diploma thesis treat of effect of thermal, electrical and combined (thermal electrical) stress on electrical characteristics of insulation material ISONOM NMN which is used as a slot insulation in electric motors. To monitor the stress is used the method of dielectric relaxation spectroscopy. Under examinations are the resultant dielectric spectra which constitute the frequency dependencies of components of complex permitivity. Compared are the effects of particular stresses on dielectric spectra of surveyed insulative material.

Vliv změn v pórové struktuře betonu na aktuální trvanlivost ŽB a předpjatých konstrukcí / Influence of changes in concrerte pore structure on actually durability of reinforced and pre-stressed structures.

Kovalčíková, Hana January 2012 (has links)
This master thesis deals with a durability of concrete, which has become the centre of the interests of international scientific insitutes during the last years. The resistence of reinforced concrete depends on the covercrete which the aggresive liquids and gases penetrate through from the environment to reinforcement. According to the ability of the covercrete to penetrate degradative species is possible to tell the durability of concrete constructions. In experimental part we look for the actual state of covercrete, ordinary and high strength, by combination of various experiments. We can find here the test´s results of water and gas permeability and absorbability and sorption of concrete which complete the permeability tests. In final part the impact of different concrete types on durability of reinforced concrete is discussed.

Vlhkostní bilance bytu / Moisture balance of apartment

Blasinski, Petr January 2012 (has links)
My diploma paper is concerned with the problem of humidity in residential buildings, the experimental temperature and humidity measurement in protected rooms of buildings and its follow-up evaluation according to the valuable regulations. The next part of my diploma paper is concerned with the economical evaluation of different sets of air handling units, realized on air conditioning system wellness sports center. The draft of this air conditioning system was a goal of my bachelor thesis „ Hot-air ventilation of Wellness Sports Centre ".

Výzkum příčin vzniku poruch betonových prvků typu Face Block / The research of cause of failure of concrete elements Face Block

Eger, Lukáš January 2014 (has links)
This master thesis focus on the analysis of effects that cause defects in concrete blocks. Experiences show that the defect of the blocks are often manifested in the form of cracks. Great rate of occurrence of defects is attributed to volume changes of poor quality concrete filler. The aim of this master thesis is to analyze the finding from the practical use and exploration of the requirements for the actual blocks and especially the concrete filler which is used to make monolithic structures built from these blocks. The attention will be paid to the interaction between the block and the concrete filler. Here we focus mainly on the volume changes caused by a change of moisture level and especially the cyclic moisture.

Použití programu Rosetta k odhadu retenčních čar půdní vlhkosti z experimentální plochy Bohaté Málkovice / Using program Rosetta to estimate of soil moisture retention curves from experimental size Bohaté Málkovice

Čermák, Petr January 2015 (has links)
Hydraulic characteristics are the most important properties of soil, i.e. retention curve of soil moisture and hydraulic conductivity. Hydraulic conductivity of soil characterizes the ability of the soil to conduct water. Retention curve expresses the relationship between moisture and moisture potential of soil. The running of retention curve is influenced by many factors, eg. grain size and mineralogical composition, content of humus, reduce bulk density and structure of soil. Measurement of retention curves takes a lot of time and money in laboratory conditions therefore pedotransfer functions seem to be an alternative solution. The thesis aims to estimate moisture retention curves of soil in a selected area of interest in South Moravia using program Rosetta (Schaap, 2003). Data of granularity (% content of clay, sand and dust), bulk density of soil and hydrolimits field water capacity and wilting point were used as predictors in individual models of program Rosetta. Data of grain were matched by FAO / USDA system. Retention curves of soil moisture were measured on a sand tank and overpressure devices. The measured retention curves were parameterized by RETC program. Estimated retention curves were graphically compared with measured to determine the quality of the estimate. The accuracy of the estimate was assessed by correlation coefficient R of determination coefficient R2 and standard error SMRE. Usability own derivatives pedotransfer functions is hard to say due to the size of the input data file. I would recommend further verification of data at the other localities in south Moravia.

Vliv vlhkosti paliva na parametry regulace kotle / Impact of Fuel Moisture on Parameters of Boiler Regulation

Kiša, Michal January 2014 (has links)
The work deals with the verification of functionality of moisture content sensors MCT460-WP from the company Process sensors to measure fuel and products from biomass. The sensor is located on one of the Vyncke company boilers. In the first part of thesis are introduced basic issues of biomass. Thesis also generally describes the control and dynamics behaviour of biomass boilers and the effect of input parameters on the output parameters. The last part deals with comparing and analysing measured values with the calculated values and effects of moisture content changes on the output parameters of the boiler. As the last issue is loaded conceptual design based on on-line moisture sensing and inclusion of auxiliary fuel control into the existing system in order to stabilize the processes in the combustion chamber and output parameters. This should result in lower financial demands during boiler operation.

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